280115 ��.7���� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL F E NO. FINAL ORDER ' � B" l' /�� �.�r y. . 4Gr J File No. �'�dg ; :'lltil7 In the Matter of ispr+ari,� i� 1YRl� isw �arl �t�rs�t ts Jab�sar� �irrkvay b�► s+�pcarin�g aad �owl�ruaati� i-i24 CurD a� �act�r xi� t�ii depcl� �sphalt �ar+�tet, ca�a�tru�eti�� +�w ora+�wental saliv� �rapor strNt l#.�tlo� tysta, Rsd �neoastr�tiag �o�aa�+et� wib �,�d asins �dren il�R�iia!'y. �. .. under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order r/` 7� /�� approved � / v �� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. APR 5 1983 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays �'��G���.. Certi�ed P sed by Council S cretary In Favor Masanz �/ � � � "' Against ' 7j/9� (�,iGO_:ld ayor S;;r,eibF�i Tf ^`esco PUBLISHED APR 1 C 1983 W„�9on .. , �.��G1G w ' , • CORRECTED COPY ° • ' ' �����.�.3 A DVISABILITY AND DESIRABILITY TO�COUNCIL: March 8, 1983 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING March 23, 1983 Date of Hearing Description Cost 4/S/83 In the matter of improving BURNS AVENUE from Earl Street to Johnson Parkway by regrading and constructing B-624 curb and gutter with full depth asphalt pavement, constructing an ornamental sodium vapor street lighting system, and reconstructing concrete walks and drives where necessary. ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Roadway Improvements 6 Sidewalks $304,000.00 Street Lighting System 90,000.00 Traffic 1 ,000.00 Engineering � Inspection 59,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $454,000.00 ESTIMATED FINANCING: 1983 Public Improvement Aid $"'Q0,000.�00 1983 Muncipal State Aid Funds 342,000.00 1983 Capital Improvement Budget 90,000.00 DirecC Assessments 2,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCTNG $454,000.00 . � �� �� ST; PAUL CITY COUNCIL J �����5 PU�3LIC HFARING N�TICE PUBLIC Ir1PR0�lE]'�M CO►VSTRUCTION ITY �AUN IL DISTR,j CT �� C l,OUNC I L �-4 Dear Property Owner: File No. 18305 S-11017 To decide on whether to proceed with improving BURNS AVENUE ��SE from Earl Street to Johnson Parkway by regarding and construc- tion of B-624 Curb and Gutter with full depth asphalt pavement, � constructing ornamental sodium vapor lighting system and reconstruct concrete walks and drives where necessary. LOCATION Tuesday, April S, 1983, 10:00 A.M. HEARING City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House FINAfVCING If the Council approves this project, the estimated construction costs and financing for this project are as follows: INFO(��ATION TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS $454,000 ESTIMATED FINANCING: Direct Assessment $ 2,000 1983 Public Improvement Aid Funding 20,000 1983 Municipal State Aid 342,000 1983 Capital Improvement Budget 90,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING $454,000 Construction and reconstruction of sidewalks will be assessed. See attached. �IIESTI(�IS Construction: 292-6277 : Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. . � �� ' � �����lJ SIDEWALK INFORMATION If the Council approves the orders (or any part thereof), a portion of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefitted properties. The ESTIMATED ASSESSMENTS for this project are as follows: RESIDENTIAL rates (SINGLE FAMILY TO THREE FAMILY) New construction (where no walk existed) $12.00* per front ft. Replacement of old walk--$6.00* per front foot • *Please note that Residential rates are based on the construc- tion of a 5-foot wide sidewalk; all extra width sidewalks will � be prorated accordingly. COMMERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) 100% of actual cost estimated to be approximately $3.00 per square foot of walk constructed with integral curb. Without integral curb the cost is estimated to be $2.20 per square foot of walk constructed. QUESTIONS Construction: 298-4255 Assessments: 292-7029 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute questions on this project in the City Council Chambers from 9: 30 to 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent March 18, 1983, by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 Citv Hall - Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 :J u��u u-- �,_.� .� rsaP �:�s.��� ��o; `��� R� :Ht.fCM.. ��c�o . . � �o���� � � AREA OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Q�a��,�� ��` �� /\�ouc� �'E � - 4 /��� AKEHE � �/ � f�s . .�nme�. . . ✓ ��:��� C S`. . . ��a;,. - ..�.._-,..: ' C �� Y � �� C '�� °` ��� �D� .wnos rk. AVl7 t � s.c.uma �..""' ��r�� ��N . UN� a 0 y�.�. d � \, ! 7c SuN.rl�r , r•' N ✓ "�'` �^�._� i•9T •� � •UgM1 - �''w �7 �\ , ` • ^ F " � �1. .."�y). 1�, � , `�O +�•• 'A £ I+� � � �i���:' 4 ri�J�� i `, � �V���_��� ,�"� �� � C�T`Y OF �AINT PAUL ,►�'` .�:� ��` _ ��,�` OI`FICE OF Z`F��: CI1'Y GOII�CIL '�.IJ��iV T � �; p a �e,^; �=�:rch 23, 1983 � �.: �a3i 31.:S - . r ' a�1 �. � �.r+ � �Y�J' . ..� COMM (TTEE RE PQ'_� T���� � - o :�� -::; , , .. . .,. _.� . , . _ TO = Saint Pau l City Councit � � r:� r �.r FROM � CotYtmitt'ee on PuBLZC WORKS CNAIR , CHRIS �ICOSIA �`Z ' The Public Works Cor�mittee at its meeting of March 23 , i983, took the following action : � ITEMS #2 , 3, 4 , 5, 7, 8 and 9 recommended approval . ITEM #6 - laid over for one month. � ITEM #10 - lai�d over until all sidewalk orders are processed for the 1983 construction season. � Hearing Date 2. 3 29 83 FINAL ORDER: To 'decide on improving the following streets under the Residential Street Paving Program (RSPP) by re- grading , surfacing , constructing concrete curb � gutters , constructing an ornamental street lighting system and re- constructing concrete walks. � drives where necessary.: ANN STREET from St. Clair Ave. to Superior S't. ; DOUSMAN ST. from West Seventh Street south to cul-de-sae ; GOODHUE ST. from West Seventh Street to .Dousman St. ; BANFIL ST. from West Seventh Street to Smith Avenue and GOODRICH ST. from West Seventh St. to Smith Avenue. 3. 3/29/83 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving DALE STREET from Hatch Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. with an overlay, curbing where necessary and all other work needed to complete said im- provement. Also reconstruction of sidewalks in DALE ST. from Hatch to Larpenteur which will be assessed. 4. 4/5/83 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving 69INIFRED STREET from Bidwell St. to Humboldt Avenue with an overlay and curbing. Also reconstruction of sidewalks where necessary which wi.11 be assessed. 5. 4/5/83 BINAL ORDER: To decide on improving FRONT AVENUE from Dale St. to Western Avenue with an overlay and curbs where necessary. 6. 4/S/83 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving SUE STREET from Norfolk Ave. to Munster Ave. by grading , paving and constructing concrete curbs $ gutters. 7. 4/5/83 FINAL ORDER: To decide on improving BURNS AVENUE from Earl St. to Johnson �'arkway by regrading , constructing curb �, gutters , a street lighting system, driveways where necessary and reconstructing sidewalks which will be assessed. 8. 3/29/83 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS for grading , paving, con- structing curb and gutter �, storm seiaer in I�IADISON STREET between W. Seventh Street and Youngman Avenue. 9. 4/5/83 VACATION: Petition of City of St. Paul for the vacation of Lots 3, 4 , F� 5, Dayton Place Addition, including part of vacated alley (Old Traffic Bureau Shop) for the purpose of selling the land for development. 10. LAID OVER from public hearing on D4arch 10 , 1983 by City. Council - 4 sidewalk orders. \\ _ � * . . . ' ;������.�.5 _ �,�� �� ����� In.:'tYe� � ,� AYENUE from Earl ` Parkw3iT b1�a8radin`a��" �.�kl 6+it�p' wit�1'`t��ptlt a!�halt WYemrtnt ceostructie` �q n�amental= �t��:v"°"pr°�ih� atld � '�_�p�efe;i ���li!es. w��,, ., •�r, : r, �, � of the�it�o[ ,p��y�' • '�O R����"�fl4� �s�¢{ ;.,,��,�.': � '����� �lli�li!_tIN��. ��. � ���tt��: ��:° ��a6ra�pai sc.ee �ia , �aais�� �.�a`*,.. . - , � �' �.a aa,,w � , _ : lY�o+o�cl.dc ', ��, tAe City - City o(�.(� .��.,. _ S.`TM�t,aql : i I�`.�b�e 1wi'��e ; I�hN M ' ���', a� � ��a �No.iaao��siiait � -- _ ����a���e.u�. M��iii�h it p�!`u�> _�:� ,., AiarchlY,t9t� �_