281107 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 2�311.0'7 PIN�Y,� - FINANCE COUIICll GANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. � City Attny/PBB • ,[,� � e Ordinance N 0. ��� 7` Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A legislative ordinance authorizing the dispensing of intoxicating liquor at the Phalen Park Club House THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Section 409 . 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows : "409 .18 Town Square Park; Phalen Park Club House. The department of communi y services may autFiorize any holder of an "on sale" liquor license issued by the city to dispense intoxicating liquor at any event of definite duration on the public premises known as Town Square Park and Phalen Park Club House. The event may not be pro it ma ing ex- cept as a und raising event for a nonprofit organ- ization or a political committee a5� defined in P�Iinnesota Statutes , section 210A. 01, subdivision 8 . The licensee must be engaged to dispense intoxica- ting liquor at the event held by a person or organ- ization permitted to use the premises and may dis- pense intoxicating liquor only to persons attending the event . A licensee' s authority shall expire upon termination of the contracted event. The authority to dispense intoxicating liquor shall be granted in accordance with the statutes applicable to the issuance of "on sale" licenses in cities of the COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher ceu� In Favor - Masanz Nicosia A gai n s t Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approy bx City or Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ' �� ' � By � Approved by Mayor: Date Appr v y Mayor for Su is 'on to Council By By � . . �_ . . _. y � . � . . . � .a Gornmunity services. t�PARTf$F.t�17 �r��3�� vic �Titt ens�eir� �cr �D 7. �-�-, p��1E { � 1�/�:7/B3 _� , :t?A�'E . ���� .`:. 4. tRowting a�t�t:�rp'�atratioa Sfieet� s3=` N�nber for �i�t ` Qrder G1i �11 Lc�axic�ns �r � S# # ; ,_,,..., t Di r�ectcsr • : , ____-,: Cit�r Attflrney: �2 -- _...._.. 1�r : ,,,�; Finance �d Manag�nt Serv �� pi�ctar ��.�C.I��L) ...� c��y c��-� ocT a 9 ��sa3 8ud�t oi r�c�r ' � : . [Vi�Y'UR� 0�'F�IC� --•- �....� .._.._._.,�.,. — .._..��_ ....,..,._ _ 'i�►a�t: i��i1l be Achiev�ed � ` Takin �ct�on oA the .A�ttacl�f i!lntaM�a)s� �i+oina�e : Liquor may be sold at Pl�].en Par'k Club Hause tQr non-profit organixations^eScb.ept that political cotnmittees may use .it for fund rais'ing. - `Fir�anc�a�, $u�,c�tarv' and Persunne,�a+cts Ant„ icipa�:ad: - : . , � : . . �. Fees will bQ cha�t►ged�for this use. - - . - ; . :��rndi�a Sa�ur�e �tl ��d �ct�xity Mt�r C��ed or C�di� _ ....._�._.....,,.._.._�,. . ,-...._..�..,. ._._. To be 'determ�ned . _ Attachm�nts �li�t and iV�ber a1� Atta_c�anents�: Ordinance _ UEPARTI+�T.R�1fIEW CITY ATTORl�EY REVI�td " Yes X No �o�nci 1 `Resa]uti on Requi red? Resol t�tio�r "Req�i red? � Yes No . �,,,�, Yes � �c Insurance Requir�d? insarance Suff�icient? Yes � 1+10 Xe� Alr� insur�nnc� Attech�d? Revis#on of �ctaber, T982 ��ee Reverse Sfde f�r �Instr�ctions) �NHITE - C�TV GLERK 1 �[l�� i���,� PIN1� - FINANCE COUIICIl v U CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File �NO. BIUE -MAVOR ♦ • `` O r in�nce Ordinance N�. l���T Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- first class consistent with Laws of Minnesota for 1981, Chapter 335 and Laws 1983 , Chapter 259 . The dispensing of intoxica ing iquor s a e ubject to all laws and ordinances governing the dispensing of intoxicating liquor as are not inconsistent with Laws 1981 , Chapter 335 and Laws 1983 , Cha ter 259 . All dispensing of intoxicating liquor s a e in ' accordance with terms and conditions prescribed by the department of community services and those terms and conditions may limit the dispensing of intoxica- ting liquor to designated areas of the facility. The department of conYmunity services may fix and assess a fee to be paid to the general fund in the case of Town S uare Park, and to such special fund as may be designated by the irector o sai epart- ment in t e case o a en ar u , on-sa e icensee or eac even e licensee is engaged to dispense intoxicating liquor. Section 2 This ordinance shall be in force and take effect thirty (30) days following its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher cau� In Favor Masanz Nicosia A ainst Scheibel g Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date NOV � 7 1983 Form Appr ved by City Att ney Certified P s d b C ' S ta BY 1 '� � By App yor: Dat OV � $ 1g83 A ro by Mayor for is on to Council By sy PUBI.ISHED NOV 2 G 1983 �..... �� s � � `' , 7`. lst ��'��O 3 2nd ��— 8'G � i 3rd //— /Q � �3 Adopted /�/��/ 3 + ; Yeas Nays f FLETCHER GALLES �J��.v� MASANZ % � � ,� �J . NICOSIA SCHEIBEL WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO