281098 �MHITE — C�TV CLERK ['1j1�/��`1 PINK — FINANCE ���� ■ � �� CANARV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII 'YJ ��� BLUE — MAVOR , File N 0. Council esolution Presented By �eferred To �` � Committee: Date ��'r��'�8� Out of Committee By Date AMENDING THE 1980 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGETS TO 1'ROVIDE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BOND FUNDS FOR A CERTAIN STREET PROJECT BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1980 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: Current Amended Year Log No. Project Appropriation Change A�propriation 1980 5-0031 St. Anthony Hill Sewer $100, 000 -$80,500 $19,500 Rehabilitation I=92080-012 (St. Albans Tunnel) 1980 -- Minnehaha Avenue Curbing -�0- + 80,500 80,500 (White Bear to McKnight) APPROVED AS TO FUNDIDIG: APPROVED: �, Peter Hames, Director ..,, �„ � Gregor B es Finance and P�lanagement S��vice� ` � � _ Budget Director � � .. _ `� " _ f' ....'.�./ -�.,�.._�� � ....� 1n�6`!:-' �S , �S __���� ��� _ . ,_ .,,,t...:.,...� ��__ - . �, _ �_ _ . ��, .;:..:;�,, COUNCILMEN f,�, �� �""'�-="' Yeas Nays "� ----�,,,�. Request by Department of: Fletcher � Pub1iC WOrks (DJD) 1 ceu� In F avor Masanz "y Nicosia , scne�bei � __ Against BY � Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date OCT 2 7 1983 Form Approved by it tt rne Certified a-s y Council ret BY By . t�pp y :Navor: Date 0£T 2 � 1��� Ap ov y Ma r f S is ion o Council By By RUBLISHED NOV � 19a3 y, ,. � , . . ������ , $ublic Works DEPARTF1cN f ._ Daaiel Dunford ' �ONTACT 292-675n pHONE � Aug�t 3�, �983 oATE reen ee (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assi n Number for Routin Order Cli All Locations for Pta oral Si natur • — RFCEIVEp CEIVED r � ey SEP 2 � i983 S�P 1 E�� 19N3 � or OFFiCE OF tHE D�H � � �____ __ _ . . . � . EcroR CITY ATTORNEY DEPqRTMENT OF FRVqNCE � �, ��ID MANqGEMENT SERVICFS City Clerk �� Budget Di rector ".. ' � ' ' .�� �r�._�-.,6 VF i.:..._. r SEf' 2 6 '1983 � ...r� � �E°rY�'G f d.l K...� t,.l�e� �L'._ . What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials� — (Purpose/Rationale) Financing will be made available for the constructing of new curbing on MINNEHAHA Avenue fron White Bear Avenue to McKnight Road. Mn/DOT will finance about SOX of the cost because it is a trunk highway. The curbing will complement the new overlay work recently done by Mn/DOT. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts �Anticipated None. �e CC�I/ ED SfP ? � ,y� Fundin� Source and Fund Activity Number Charqed or Credited• G+� 1980 Capital Improvement Bonds �AT rORN � Attachrrents (List and Number all Attachments) • Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attache'd? Revision of October, 1982 ��PP RPVPrca �i�ia f�r instructions) � � �" -. ..'��, CIT`Y OF SAIN7_` PAUL ����Qv .���- j �•••� OIi`FICE OF T.HP: CITY COIINCIL � ,:.�.. T ��+lan•iiuec�� y� , �..�.,=,r�<<_,=:1 D d t e • _ � • October 20, 1983 ,,� ,r � � ����� COMM (TT � E RE PORT , , . , -��:;, .-, . �3_�.; ;T, = SQint Paul City Council .'�;� , ��� . ...� , ,,,,� , _ ''}� •�, � M � C o m m i t t e e O h Finance, Management � Personne 1 ., ;�;� �`�`>>�, �� ---- C N A I R Councilman Scheibel -,�.�._ - � _ _ . _� __ . ----- –- --— _ _ . _ ___.__ .. _ ,. ._.._- � 1. Resolution recommending additions to 1983 budget,��rary Grants T`rust Fund, in th� amount of $S0,000. (Co�luiity Services) , �,��i � 2. Resolution recommending additions to 1983 budget, Library Special Revenue Fund, in the amount of $16,227. (Cormnunity Services) � �' 3. Resolution recommending additions to 1983 budget, Interlibrary Loan Fund, in the amount of $24,000. (Community Services) �. �4. Resolution amending 1980 Capital Improvement Budget for St. Anthony Hill Sewer Rehabilitation and Minnehaha Avenue Curbing. (Public l�orks) � , � -- -- . `�" S. Resolution recommending additions to 1983 budget, Rietzke htemorial TYust rund, 779.00. (Community Services) . � 6. Resolution transferring $124,645 from Contingent Reserve Specified into the Building Trades Fringe Benefits. (Finance �, A9anagement) � � 7. Resolutipn transferring $328.31 from 1980 CIB Fund. Will enable City to close out Energy Audit Grant. (Community Services) � 8. Resolution authorizing the filing of an application for an Urban Development Action Grant. (PED) � 9. Resolution transferring $35,000 in the 1983 General Fund Budget to Pub.lic Utilities Investigation Fund, Cable TV - Legislative. (Council Research) s-.Yw . . . _ � . 10. Ordinance amending Section 33.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. (Comin. Services) '°'� - -. . __ _ _ .. _._ . . 11. Ordinance allowing the Division of Valuations and Assessments to charge a fee for providi_no pending and current assessment searches, (Finance � Tlanagement) �� . . 12. Resolution for issuance of revenue bonds in the amount of �5,100,000 to finance the acquisition of the h1cCo11 building and construction of office space at. Galtier Plaza. (Port Authority) � . 13. Discussion regarding civil service reclassification of Roseanne D'Agostino. _,� _......- -��-�--�-:-.,��r�� �a�.d �£;�`Dt�.:� CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �,.,. �