D001022_..�, x OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No.: �"�'�ULL - - --- --- - - -- - i���� ADMINFSTRATIVE Date: '" . ORDER GS #: 3148 7 BUDGET REVISION ADN�rS1'Rt1.TIVE ORDER Consisient with the authariry granted to tha Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and 6ased on the requast ofi the Director of the Department of Pnhl i o Wnrk a toamendthel9 SQ_6udcjetaf�he Canital Pro�ects fund,theDirectorofiheDepartmerrt of Fnance and Management Services is a orized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current &xJget � FINANCING PLAN C90-2AQ05 TH 6'i(CARVER SIGNALS 1987 PIA 1989 PIA 1990 PIA '1992 PIA 1995 PIA 1996 PIA CA 1989 CA 1990 CA 1991 SPENDING PLAN C90-2A005 TH 61/CARVER SIGNALS Constr�ction NANCING PLAN �4-2T050 'IA Contingency 1992 P(A Am�.'rxled Change �� 2, 992.52 2, 992.52 8, 847.60 8, 847.60 5,665.00 5, 665.00 3,000.9� 3,OQ0.91 1,033.57 1,Q33.57 2,669.34 2,669.34 19,9&4.07 19,984.07 26,400.00 26,400.OQ 15,000.00 15 000.00 �$,889.19 6,703.$2 85,593.Q1 7$,889.79 6,703.&2 85,593.01 78,888.19 6,703.52 85,593.Q1 3,OQ0.91 -3,D00.91 0.00 3,000.91 -3,000.91 O.QO 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL QFFICE OF THE MAYOR i � ADMINISTRATIVE OADEA BITDGET REVISION No.: 10 Z2 DaTe_ - �' "` � �� � cs �: 31987 t�Dl1�N1$TRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authori��arted �o th�Mayor in Section 70.07.4 of the City Chartar and based on the request of the Director of the Departmant of lc or s to anur�d the 19 �budget of ihe tund, the Director of tfie Departmerrt of Fnance and Mansgemerrt Services is a horized to amend said budgeY in the foliowing man�er. Curzent B+rkJet SPENDING PLAN C94-2T050 PIA Contingency Construction FINANCING PLAN C95-2T051 PIA Contingency , 1995 PIA SPENDING PLAN C95-2T05� PIA Gontingency ConstrucYion FfNANCING PIAN C96-2T480 Couniy Aid Participation 1996 PIA Arnerrk.�d ��� 8utlge[ 3,000.91 -3,000.91 0.00 3,060.91 -3,000.91 O.QO 1,033.57 -1,Q33.57 ' 0.00 1,033.57 -1,033.57 0.00 '1,033.57 -1,033.57 0.00 1,033.57 -1,033.57 0.00 33,322.97 -2,669.34 3d,653.63 33,322.97 -2,669.34 30,653.63 2 CirY oF Sazrrr PauL, � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGETREVISION No.: O O � Date: � � GS #: 31987 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Gansiste� with the authority grarr[ed to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director of the DepartmeM of Pu61ir. Wnrks roartiendthel9 9Q_budgetofthe Capital Pro�ects fund,theDirectoroftheDepartmerrt oi Fnance and ManagemeM Services is authorized to amend said budget in tfie foliowirn,� manner: Curtern &x�et SPENDING PLAN C96-2T480 County Aid Participation Construction \I � ,�-'P'.+�`.�`r apared by: AcWq M > ��2� �7�-�-._ equostadby ObaWr . . .r'� e� 33,322.97 -2,669.34 30,653.63 33,322.97 -2,669.34 30,653.63 � lL_ ���� aa,�o�w er: r.�ro� ° � �/����� uuuc Wotks Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 # OP SIGNATURE PAGES )ATE INITIATED � � � �� 8J23/96 �GREEN SHEET No.31987 ASS�GN �q QEPARTMENTOIRECTOR NUMBERF�R ❑CINATfORNEY_ ROViiNG ( 5 � BUD6ET OFFICE CRYC/JUNGIL _ CITY CLEFK FINANGE-ACCqUN71NG - -- � MAVOR{OR ASSISTNtt) ' MkeEggum �CLIP ALL tACAT10N5 FOR SIGNATUR� Q�F P�nj �����.�. Approval of administrative order amending ffie 1990 Capital Improvement Pro�am by transferring PIA funding from PIA Contingency and County Aid Participation to TH 611Carvei Signal project. RECOMMErvDATIONS;Approve {A) ar Rejecc {k7 pERSONAL SERVICE CONBACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOY�II7G6�Eu�BNS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL 5EflVICE COMMISSION �, Has this persoNfirm everworked untler a coni2ct forthis departmern? GB COMMITTEE YES NO ct� y n STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? n� C� `� ��3�� — — YES NO _ DISTAICTCOUNCIL _ _ SUPPORTS WF71CH COl1NGL OBJECTIVE'+ 3. Does this personlfirrn possess a skill not normaily possessetl �i 1 p [ �r�y a y q�e? YE�J �� .R}4�'e4��j � Y i �dM Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY). The Department of Public Works had entered into an agreement with ihe PvIinnesota Dept of Transportauon to shaze in the cost of signals at TH 6I and Cazver Rd. Tota1 final cost of city's shaza is $85,593.01, the 6udget for this project is curren8y $78,889.19 necessitadng a transfer of funding in the amount of $6,703.82= There is sufficient PIA funding in the 1494 & 1995 PIA Conringency projects and the 1996 Counry Aid Participation pxoject to cover this additional amount ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � Deparanent of Pubiic Works will be able to make the final payment on this agreement to MnDOT. \DVANTAGES IF APPROVED� ne. REC�IVEG SEP 171996 GITY CLERK RECE � 96 �ITY CLFRK iNTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �ayment to MnDOT on ihis agreement will not occur. 1NTOFiAANSACiION$ 67038? COSTIREVENUEBUDGEiED(CIRCLEON� YES � �URCE p� ac'nVm NUMBER C90-2A00$, C94-2T050, C95-2T051 C9 -2T480 ORMATION� (EXPWN) $6,703.82 & ��