84-1070 WHITE - CITV CLERK t
PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 �f'/ /�/.��
BLUE -MAVOR File NO. u • /
O� in�nce Ordinance N 0. ����,.�
Presented By
Refe To Committee: Date
Out . Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code per-
taining to zoning for the City of
Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a survey of a portion
of the City of Saint Paul consisting of more than 40 acres for the
purpose of considering amendments to the zoning ordinances and the
Planning Commission has determined that the number of real estate
descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would be im-
practical to obtain; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission following public hearings
held for that purpose has recommended that the zoning code be
amended and the City Council having considered the report and
recommendations of the Planning Commission, and having conducted
a public hearing on the proposed zoning amendments on July 19, 1984,
does hereby amend the zoning code pursuant to the authority granted
by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota
Statutes, � 462.357:
Section 1.
That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend
the zoning ordinances by amending the zoning classifications for
tl�e following properties of the zoning maps of the City of Saint
Paul, Sheet Nos. 33 and 41, as incorporated by reference in Section
60 .301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code:
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
��ew In Favor
Scheibel A gai n s t Y
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve by City Attorn
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by yor for Submission to Council
By By
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I. Rezone from R-2 to R-1
That portion of Lot 7, Sec. 17, T. 28, N, R 23 W, lying
SE 'ly of a �.ine bearing south 69° 43 ' west through the
intersection of the westerly boundary line of the Ford
Motor Co, property and a line parallel to and 763. 4 ft.
south of the center line of said Sec. 17, containing
13.12 Acres MOL
Ex part in Lot 4, Auditors Sub No. 87; Govt. Lot 7, in
Sec. 17, T. 28, R. 23. E� part in lots 2 , 3 and 4 and
bet lots 2 and 4, Auditors Sub. 87; Govt. Lot 3, W'ly of
the centerline of �Iiss. River Blvd. in Sec. 17, T. 28,
R. 23.
Minnehaha Island, Sec. 17, T. 28, R. 23
Part of S 211. 6 ft. of Govt. Lot 4, W'ly of Miss. River
Blvd. in Sec. 17, T. 28 . R. 23
Fart of Govt. Lot 1, W' ly of Miss. River Blvd. in Sec. 20,
T. 28, R. 23
Part of Govt. Lot 1, S 'ly of the centerline of Miss. River
Blvd. in Sec. 21, T. 28, R. 23
Blocks 4, 5, 6 and 7 and Block A, Hiawatha Park Add. #2
Lot 31 and 32, Fzanklin Steel 's Sub.
II. Rezone from B-3 to R-1
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Fort SneTling View
III. Rezone from RM-3 to R--1
Govt. Lot 4, S 'ly of the centerline of Shepard Road, in
SE 1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 28, R. 23
0 rdindnce Ordinance N 0. ���J�'J�
Presented By
erred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days
from and after its passage, approval and publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�islehsr F<YNN
��eW In Favor
Masanz �
Scheibei A gai n s t BY
Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 8 1984 Form Appr d by City Attor y
Certified a sed Counc' cr BY
Approved b Mayo • D e � �-� - G 2 8 198 Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council
E�y�� � - �'��� BY
PUBLtSNED ��P � - 19�4
CANARY -DEPARTMENT �O11I1C11�o• �� �D ��
Ord�n�znce o��nen�e N o. ����s
Presented By
Referr�d To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code per-
taining to zoning for the City of
Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a survey of a portion
of the City of Saint Paul consisting of more than 40 acres for the
purpose of considering amendments to the zoning ordinances and the
Planning Commission has determined that the number of real estate
descriptions being affected by the proposed changes would be im-
practical to obtain; and �
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission following public hearings
� held for that purpose has recommended that the zoning code be
amended and the City Council having considered the report and
recommendations of the Planning Commission, and having conducted
a public hearing on the proposed zoning amenclments on 3uly 19, 1984,
does hereh�.. amend the zoning code pursuant to the authority granted
by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota
Statutes, � 462.357:
Section 1.
That the Council of �the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend
the zoning ordinances by amending the zoning classifications for
the following px�operties of the zoning maps of the City of Saint
Paul, Sheet Nos. 33 and 41, as �incorporated by reference in Section
60 .301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code:
: >.
�� COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
u,.,�, [n Favor
scnei��ei Against BY � .
Wilson '
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
. . . � � ��y-�o�d
: � /��.5�
I. Rezone from R-2 to R-1
That portion of Lot 7, Sec. 17, T. 28, N, R 23 W, lying
SE 'ly of a line bearing south 69° 43 ' west through the
, intersection of the westerly boundary line of the Ford
Motor Co, property and a line parallel to and 763. 4 ft.
south of the center line of said Sec. 17, containing
13. 12 Acres MOL �
� Ex part in Lot 4 , Auditors Sub No. 87; Govt. Lot 7, in
Sec. 17, T. 28 , R. 23. Ex part in lots 2 , 3 and 4 and
bet lots 2 and 4, Auditors Sub. 87; Govt. Lot 3, W'ly of
the centerline of Miss. River Blvd. in Sec. 17, T. 28,
R. 23.
Minnehaha Island, Sec. 17 , T. 28 , R. 23
Part of S 211. 6 ft. of Govt. Lot 4, W' ly of Miss. River
Blvd. in Sec. 17, T. 28. R. 23
Part of Govt. Lot l, W' ly of Miss. River Blvd. in Ssc. 20,
T. 2�8�,"R. 23 " �
Part o� Govt. Lot 1, S ' ly of the centerline of Miss . River
Blvd. in Sec. 21, T. 28, R. 23 •
Blocks 4 , 5, 6 and 7 and Block A, Hiawatha Park Add. #2
Lot 31 and 32, Franklin Steel 's Sub.
II. Rezone from B-3 to R-1
� Lots 1, 2 and 3, Fort Snelling View
III. Rezone from RM-3 to R-1 •
Govt. Lot 4, S ' ly of the centerline of Shepard Road, in
,SE 1/4 of Sec. 21, T. 28, R. 23
n a •
V rGLZIZLLIZCP. Ordinance N O. l��-�
Presented By
� Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Section 2 .
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days
from and after its passage, approval and publication.
COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of:
Yeas� Nays
p,ew In Favor
scne ibei Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney �
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary • BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Bv ' Bv —
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°�°'""'"'°t� CITY OF SAINT PAUL
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,���°' '••' � 386 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
"'imm��.m�°�``` ��r-.Y'v�.
GEORGE LATIMER �,������,i k�;: ` 612-298-4231
��Y - 9 �a4
C�UNCILMA�1 kU�totl r�.rii%HLK
May 8, 1984
Councilman Robert Fletcher
Chairman, City Development & Transportation Committee
7th Floor, City Hall
Dear Councilman Fletcher:
The City Council referred to the City Development & Transportation
Committee for consideration and recommendation a letter of the
Mayor transmitting the Planning Commission 40-acre Study for re-
zoning of property in the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm Park Area.
Very truly yours,
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
cc: Planning Staff, Zoning Section
, ���48
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(���� Apri 1 13, 1984
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, on November 18, 1983, adopted a resolution initiating
a 40-acre study for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission rev�ea�ed the suggested americt-
ments and recommended a public hearing; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462.357(5) , the Planning Commission held a
public hearing on the proposed amendment at its ' April 13, 1984, tr:�eting; and �
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined:
.l. That t��e number of real estate descriptions affected by the ar��ndments renciers
�the obtaining of written consent impractical ;
2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been mac�e;
3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to the �oning Code proposed
are related to the overall needs of the community, ta existing land use, and to
plans for future land use; and
4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper� notice of the hearing �as given in the
Pioneer Press and Dispatch on March 23, March 30, and Apr11 b� 1984. _
N041, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission reco „ ends approval o�F
the Zoning Code amendments attached hereto as proposed in the 40-a�re study pertain�ng
to zoni ng changes i n �h� H i ddzn Fal l s-CrusDy Far�r� Fark area and �-i�a�ects th� P�d1111711�j
Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayo r and City Council
for their review and actian.
�'j'����� ��/__Mr. Panqal -
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���� �����' 84-04 _
� ���� _Apr�� 1984 _ -
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, on November 18, 1983, adopted a resolution initiating
a 40-acre study for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission rev�ea�ed the suggested amerid-
ments and recommended a public hearing; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462.357(5) , the Planning Commission held a
public hearing on the proposed amendment at its ' April 13, I�84, tr:�eting; and �
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined:
1. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the a��ndments renciers
the obtaining of written consent impractical ;
2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been ma�e;
3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to the �oning Code proposed
are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and to
plans for future land use; and
4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper. notice of the hearing �.�aas given in the
Pioneer Press and Dispatch on March 23, March 30, and April b, 1984. _
N041, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED, that the P1 anni ng Commi ssion recorr►;nends approval o-F
the Zoning Code amendments attached hereto as proposed in th� 40-a�re study pertaining
tu zoni ng changes i n �h� H i dd�n Fal 1 s-Crosl�y Farir� Fark area and �-i�i�ects tha P1 anni ny
Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council
for their review and actian.
�(j��� ��/`-Mr. Panqal -
v��>��� �� Mr. 1,3nPgr�n
. l� �����' 14 �
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File #9506
3. LOCATION: Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm Park
When the Planning Corrmission recommended against building housing at � ��e
Watergate Marina site in the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm regional park, it also
recommended that the site should be rezoned to reflect the City's land use plans.
In November, 1983, the Planning Commission initiated a 40-acre zoning study of
the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm park. The Planning Division has consid�red the
zoning of the park in relationsh.ip to existing use and to the City's iand use
plans. Staff findings and recomnendations are outlined in this document.
Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357, Subd. 5 permits St. Paul to amend its Zoning
Code without obtaining consent petitions when all of the following conditions are
1 . The whole area of the city or an area of not less than 40 acres has been
2. The number of real estate descriptions affected by zoning changes and
alterations renders the obtaining of written consent impractical .
3. The Planning Comnission reports in writing as to the proposals' relationship
to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use or to a plan
for future land use.
4. A public hearing on the proposed ordinance, changes, or alterations is
conducted, with notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing
published at least once a week for three successive weeks prior to the public
A. The area surveyed for this study — Hidden Falls Park, Crosby Farm Park, and
Pike Island -- is 1 ,200 acres.
B. The number of real estate descriptions affected by this change is 74, making
it impractical to obtain written consent.
C. Land Use Policy
The City's land use plan states that the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm park is a
regional park and that the primary use of the Watergate Marina site should be
as a marina and boat launching facility. Water-oriented commercial uses, such
as marina products sales, rentals, concessions, boat repair and storage, and a
restaurant, are also allowed as secondary uses.
D. Existing Zoninc�
The �tidden Falls-Crosby Farms park is zoned as snown on P1ap I. The park is
zoned according to tne oV;nership an�! t!�e existir,g and intended uses of 1975,
the year the Zoning Code was adopted.
. . ��� �o�o
WATERGATE 40-ACRE STUOY (#9506) Page 2
D. Existing Zoning Cont'd.
The B-3 parcel , now part of the park, was owned by the Svoboda Boat �,�orks , and
used for a marina and boat sales and repair business. The Watergate Marina
parcel was zoned RM-3 because the private owner had secured building permits
to construct a high rise apartment building.
Zoning policy of 1975 was to place parkland in the same zoning district as the
lowest density adjoining residential district. Hidden Falls was zoned R-2,
which was the zoning district of the residential area adjoining the park on
the east. Crosby Farm park was adjoined by industrial and medium and high
density apartment zones. Rather than zone the park in an apartment district,
it was zoned the lowest density one-family district, R-1.
E. Recommended Zoning Changes
The existing zoning of the two parks reflects the use and ownership pattern of
1975. In order to keep pace with changes since then, including changes in
City land use policy, the parks should be zoned as recommended below.
1 . Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm Open Space
Hidden Falls Park and Crosby Farm Park, which were once separated by
privately owned parcels, are now one continuous park and should be in the
same zoning district. Hidden Falls Park should be rezoned from R-2 to R- 1
2. Old Svoboda Boat Works
This parcel is now open space and should be zoned R-1.
3. Watergate Marina Site
When the staff recommended that the Planning Comnission initiate a 40-acre
study to rezone the site, the staff suggested the following four
a. Do nothing now; wait for a new proposal f or development.
b. Rezone R-1 and determine that commercial uses within City parks are
secondary uses which are already adequately controlled by the Parks
and Recreation Division, the Mayor and the City Council .
c. Rezone part of the site B-2 or B-3 for the boatworks and anticipated
commercial development.
d. Amend the zoning text to make comnercial operations in parks special
condition uses. Rezone the Watergate site R-1 and have any additional
corrmercial development apply for a special condition use permit.
The Planning Division staff recommends alternative "b". Alternative "b"
is the most consistent with land use plans and the Zoning Code. Zoning
the site R-1 will make the existing marina, boat sales, boat repair, and
boat storage uses conf orming uses. Future secondary uses, such as a
restaurant, can be adequately controlled by the Zoning Code, the Parks and
Recreation Division, Mayor, and City Council .
The existing primary use and the City's land use plans for the site are
for a marina and boat launching f acility a.s part of a regional park. The
existing RM-3 zoning of the site permits multiple-f amily housing, day
care, and foster homes, but not marinas and parks. The existing use is
nonconforming. In R-1 through R-4, one-family districts, the code permits
"publicly owned and operated libraries, parks and recreation facilities."
The marina is owned by the City, operated by City through lease conditions
and is a water recreation facility. Zoning the site R-1 will make the
marina and park conforming uses. The Watergate Marina will be in the same
situation as the marina at Harriet Island which is operated through a
lease from the City and is locate� �n a R-4 district.
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WAiERGATE 40-ACRE STUDY (#9506) Page 3
3. Watergate Marina Site Cont'd.
When Watergate is zoned R-1, the existing marina products sales, boat
repair and storage uses established at the site will be permitted
accessory uses of the marina.
The Zoning Code defines accessory use as: "A use which is clearly
incidental to, customarily found in connection with, and. . . located on the
same zoning lot as, the use to which it is related". The Watergate sales,
repair, and storage uses are clearly incidental to, custamarily found
with, and on the same zoning lot as the marina. Additional planned
secondary uses, such as a restaurant, could be established at Watergate
provided they are accessory uses to the marina. The uses would have to b�
. incidental to the primary recreation nature of the marina.
� .
Watergate is leased to a tenant who operates the marina. In order to •
establish additional accessory uses at the site, a new or amended lease
would have to be agreed to. The Parks and Recreation Division, Mayor and
City Council would have to approve the lease. The lease authorization
process provides ample control of accessory uses.
The other alternatives are not as desirable as alternative "b" for the
following reasons:
Alternative a: The existing RM-3 zoning does not reflect City land use
policy and leaves the marina and park nonconforming.
. Alternative c: B-2 or B-3 zoning would suggest that the site is privately
owned and is primarily commercial in nature, rather than a publicly owned
recreation f acility. Since the land is publicly owned and the Mayor and �
City Council must approve leases for use of the property by private
parties, the public has a high degree of control over the property. To
add commercial zoning restrictions, intended to protect public interest in
the use of private property, would be redundant. It would also
unnecessarily raise zoring questions for concessionary operations in parks
� throughout the City.
Alternative d: Permitting commercial special condition uses in parks
could allow corr�nercial uses to dominate parks. Requiring commercial uses
to be accessory uses, as in alternative b, helps ensure commercial use
will support recreation use of parks. As with alternative c, special
condition use permits would be an inefficient duplication of the public
� control already existing because of public ownership.
4. Summar
The R-2, RM-3, and B-3 zoned land in the Hidden-Falls-Crosby Farm park
should be rezoned to R-1. Map 2 shows the proposed zoning. Secondary
uses of parks are adequately controlled by the Zoning Code, Parks and
Recreation Division, Mayor, and City Council .
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TO � � a �nt PQU ! City CoWncil
C H AIR Councilman Bob Fletcher
Letter of tlle Mayor transmitting the Planning Cor►unission 40-acre Study
� for rezoning of property in the Hidden Palls-Crosby Farm Park Area,
together with resolution adopting the Planning Commission's recorrm►endations.
. At its meeting of June 13, 1984, the City Development Corrunittee
approved a motion recorrQnending approval of the Planning Corrnnission's
recorrmiendations on the above matter. '
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^'� � �� 34? CITY HALL /��!
"''�"�� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �� "
GEORGE LATIMER (612) 29&-4323
April 24, 1984
Council President Victor J. Tedesco and
Members of the City Council '
When the P1 anni nq Commi ssi on recommended aqai n st bui 1 di nq housi na at the
Watergate Marina site in the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm Reoional Park, it also
recommended that the site should be rezoned to reflect the Cit,y's land use
plans. On November 18, 1983, the Planninq Commission initiated a 40-acre
zoninq stUdy of the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm park. On April 13, 1984, the
Plannin4 Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning of the park
and recommended approval of the rezoning. The Planning Commission's resolution
is attached.
The park is now zoned R-1 and R-2 for park use, RM-3 for hiqhrise apartment
buildinqs, and B-3 for aeneral business. These zoning districts reflect the
existing use, proposed use, and private and public ownership pattern of the
park in 1975, the year the zoning code was adopted. The study recommends that
the R-2, RM-2, and B-3 zoned land should be zoned R-1. The R-1 district re-
flects the City's land usN r?�n for the park of public recreation use, including
a marina and water-oriented commercial uses for the ��latergate site.
The Commission aiso considered controlling cammercial , accessory uses in parks
by making them special condition uses, or by zoning them to a business district,
but found that the existinq zonin.ct regulations and lease authorization process
provides ample control of such uses.
I am pleased to transmit this rezoning amendment to you for review and action.
sincerely, p
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��i� �'d���� 84-04 -
�,`���� Apri 1 13, 1984
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, on November 18, 1983, adopted a resolution Znitiating
a 40-acre study for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission revie4led the suggestecE amend-� �
ments and recommended a public hearing; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462.357(5) , the Planning Comnission held a
public hearing on the proposed amendment at its' April I3, 1984, �:�eting; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined:
1. That the n+amber of r?al estate descri�t�ons affer.ted by the am�ndments renders
the obtaining of written consent impractical ;
2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has 6een ma�e;
3. That a determination has been r�ade that the amendments to tf�e �oning Code proposed
are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, ar�d ta
plans for future land use; and _
4. That pursuant to State Statutes proper notice of the hearing �as given in �he
Pioneer Press and Dispatch on March 23, March 30, and April 6„ 1984.
NObJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recam�n�nds approva7 of
the Zoning Code amendments attached hereto as proposed in the 40-a�re study per�aining
tu zoning change� ir� tP�e Hidden Falls-Cf�usby Farm Purk area ar�d di�•e��s thz P1an»ir�g
Administrator to forward the study and this resolution to the t�Iayo� and City Council �
for their review and action.
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File #9506
3. LOCATION: Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm Park
When the Planning Corrmission recommended against building housing at the
Watergate Marina site in the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm regional park, it also
recorrmended that the site should be rezoned to reflect the City's land use plans.
In November, 1983, the Planning Commission initiated a 40-acre zoning study of
the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm park. The Planning Division has considered the
zoning of the park in relationsh.ip to existing use and to the City's land use
plans. Staff findings and recommendations are outlined in this document.
Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357, Subd. 5 permits St. Paul to amend its Zoning
Code without obtaining consent petitions when all of the following conditions are
1 . The whole area of the city or an area of not less than 40 acres has been
2. The number of real estate descriptions affected by zoning changes and
alterations renders the obtaining of written consent impractical .
3. The Planning Corrmission reports in writing as to the proposals' relationship
to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use or to a plan
for future land use.
4. A public hearing on the proposed ordinance, changes, or alterations is
conducted, with notice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing
published at least once a week for three successive weeks prior to the public
A. The area surveyed f or this study — Hidden Falls Park, Crosby Farm Park, and
Pike Island — is 1 ,200 acres.
B. The number of real estate descriptions affected by this change is 74, making
it impractical to obtain written consent.
C. Land Use Policy
The City's land use plan states that the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm park is a
regional park and that the primary use of the Watergate Marina site should be
as a marina and boat launching f acility. Water-oriented commercial uses, such
as marina products sales, rentals, concessions, boat repair and storage, and a
restaurant, are also allowed as secondary uses.
D. Existing Zoning
The Hidden Falls-Crosby Farms park is zoned as shown on Map 1. The park is
zoned according to the ownership and the existing and intended uses of 1975,
the year the Zoning Code was adopted.
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WATERGATE 40-ACRE STUDY (#9506) Page 2
D. Existing Zoning Cont'd.
The 6-3 parcel , now part of the park, was owned by the Svoboda Boat Works, an�
used for a marina and boat sales and repair business. The Watergate Marina
parcel was zoned RM-3 because the private owner had secured building permits
to construct a high rise apartment building.
Zoning policy of 1975 was to place parkland in the same zoning district as the
lowest density adjoining residential district. Hidden Falls was zoned R-2,
which was the zoning district of the residential area adjoining the park on
the east. Crosby Farm park was adjoined by industrial and medium and high
density apartment zones. Rather than zone the park in an apartment district,
it was zoned the lowest density one-family district, R-1.
E. Recommended Zoning Changes
The existing zoning of the two parks reflects the use and ownership pattern of
1975. In order to keep pace with changes since then, including changes in
City land use policy, the parks should be zoned as recommended below.
1 . Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm Open Space
Hidden Falls Park and Crosby Farm Park, which were once separated by
privately owned parcels, are now one continuous park and should be in the
same zoning district. Hidden Falls Park should be rezoned from R-2 to R-1
2. Old Svoboda Boat Works
This parcel is now open space and should be zoned R-1.
3. Watergate Marina Site
When the staff recorrmended that the Planning Commission initiate a 40-acre
study to rezone the site, the staff suggested the following four
a. Do nothing now; wait for a new proposal for development.
b. Rezone R-1 and determine that commercial uses within City parks are
secondary uses which are already adequately controlled by the Parks
and Recreation Division, the Mayor and the City Council .
c. Rezone part of the site B-2 or B-3 for the boatworks and anticipated
commercial development.
d. Amend the zoning text to make commercial operations in parks special
condition uses. Rezone the Watergate site R-1 and have any additional
comnercial development apply f or a special condition use permit.
The Planning Division staff recommends alternative "b". Alternative "b"
is the most consistent with land use plans and the Zoning Code. Zoning
the site R-1 will make the existing marina, boat sales, boat repair, and
boat storage uses conf orming uses. Future secondary uses, such as a
restaurant, can be adequately cortrclle�+ by the Zoning Cede, the Parks and
Recreation Division, Mayor, and City Council .
The existing primary use and the City's land use plans for the site are
for a marina and boat launching f.acility as part of a regional park. The
existing RM-3 zoning of the site permits multiple-f amily housing, day
care, and foster homes, but not marinas and parks. The existing use is
nonconforming. In R-1 through R-4, one-family districts, the code permits
"publicly owned and operated libraries, parks and recreation f acilities."
The marina is owned by the City, operated by City through lease conditions
and is a water recreation facility. Zoning the site R-1 will make the
marina and park conforming uses. The Watergate Marina will be in the same
situation as the marina at Harriet Island which is operated through a
� lease from the City and is located in a R-4 district.
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WATERGATE 40-ACRE STUDY (#9506) Page 3
3. Watergate Marina Site Cont'd.
• When Watergate is zoned R-1, the existing marina products sales, boat
repair and storage uses established at the site will be permitted
accessory uses of the marina.
The Zoning Code defines accessory use as: "A use which is clearly
incidental to, customarily found in connection with, and. . . located on the
same zoning lot as, the use to which it is related". The Watergate sales,
repair, and storage uses are clearly incidental to, customarily found
with, and on the same zoning lot as the marina. Additional planned
secondary uses, such as a restaurant, could be established at Watergate
provided they are accessory uses to the marina. The uses would have to be
. incidental to the primary.recreation nature of the marina.
Watergate is leased to a tenant who operates the marina. In order to �
establish additional accessory uses at the site, a new or amended lease
would have to be agreed to. The Parks and Recreation Division, Mayor and
City Council would have to approve the lease. The lease authorization
process provides ample control of accessory uses.
� The other alternatives are not as desirable as alternative "b" for the
following reasons:
Alternative a: The existing RM-3 zoning does not reflect City land use
policy and leaves the marina and park nonconforming.
. Alternative c: B-2 or B-3 zoning would suggest that the site is privately
owned and is primarily commercial in nature, rather than a publicly owned
recreation f acility. Since the land is publicly owned and the Mayor and �
City Council must approve leases for use of the property by private
parties, the public has a high degree of control over the property. To
add cornrnercial zoning restrictions, intended to protect public interest in
the use of private property, would be redundant. It would also
unnecessarily raise zoning questions for concessionary operations in parks
� throughout the City.
Alternative d: Permitting commercial special condition uses in parks
could allow corr�nercial uses to dominate parks. Requiring corrr�nnercial uses
to be accessory uses, as in alternative b, helps ensure commercial use
will support recreation use of parks. As with alternative c, special
condition use permits would be an inefficient duplication of the public
� control already existing because of public ownership.
4. Summary
The R-2, RM-3, and 6-3 zoned land in the Hidden-Falls-Crosby Farm park
should be rezoned to R-l. Map 2 shows the proposed zoning. Secondary
uses of parks are adequately controlled by the Zoning Code, Parks and
Recreation Division, Mayor, and City Council .
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Legislative Aide
June 18, 1984
M�IO T0: Al Olson, City Clerk
FROM: Councilman Bob Fletcher�.v � �
SUBJECT: Matters Referred to Cc�rmnittee List
On November 10, 1983, the City Council referred to the City Development
Coriunittee a letter from the Mayor transmitting the Planning Co�runission's
recommendation that housing not be built at the Watergate Marina site (copy
enclosed) . On November 18, 1983, the Planning Co�rnnission initiated a 40-Acre
zoning study of the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm Park area, which includes the
Watergate Marina site.
On Nlay 8, 1984, the City Council referred to the City Development
Committee a letter fram the Mayor transmitting the Planning Commission's
40-Acre Study for rezoning of property in the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm Fark
area (copy enclosed) . At its June 13 meeting, the City Development Co�unittee
recommended approval of the Planning Corrnnission's recormnendations, along with
a Council Resolution adopting these reconnnendations (copy of resolution enclosed) .
As I believe the resolution and 40-Acre Study settles the matter concerning
the building of housing at the Watergate Marina site referred to in the
November 10, 1983 letter, I am requesting that the November 10 letter concerning
the Watergate site be removed from the Matters Referred to Corrmmittee List.
If you have any questions concerning this, please call me. Thanks.
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o � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � �!�/07�
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GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323
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October 31 , �Y9�33 �
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Council President Tedesco and `�,�����FF, �
Members of the Ci ty Counci 1 �-y '�'F
719 City Hall
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear President Tedesco and Members of the City Council :
The City Council requested the advice of the Planning Commission on the applica-
tion of the Comprehensive Plan, zoning code, and other regulations on a possible
mixed housing and commercial development at the Watergate Marina site. The site
is within the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm regional park.
The Planning Commission considered the views of neighborhood groups and interest
groups as well as proponents of housing for the site. On October 21 , the Plan- '
ning Commission adopted a resolution that recommends that housing not be built
at the Watergare site and reaffirms the City's existing plans for a marina and
boat launch as the primary use and water-oriented commercial as the secondary use
for the Watergate site. I concur .with the P1ann;ing Cormission's r.ecomnendation.
I believe that the review process for this proposal is an example of both the
value to our corr�nunity of the Planning Commission and the wisdom of decision-making
which involves neighborhood participation. That process works -- affording all in-
terested parties the opportunity to express their viewpoints within the framework
of overall development objectives of our city.
The concept of housing around a river harbor is very attractive. I hope that the
. City will be able to realize this kind of deVelopment closer to the downtown area.
I am pleased to transmit the Comnission's advice to you for your consideration.
Seincerely �
� org Latimer
, Mayor
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ciiy af saint paul = ����s
p!anning commission resolution
�ife number 83-38
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I�:HEREAS, the City Council of Saint Paul has requested the advice of tr�e Plannirg
Commission on the application of the Comprehensive Plan, zoning code, and other
regulations on a possible mixed housing and commercial development at the 4Jater-
gate Marina site; and ,
I�;HEREAS, the Planning Commission has studied the matter and deterrr�ined that the
Comprehensive Plan designates the l�Jatergate site as an activity center for water-
related recreation within the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm regional park; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan advocates limited comrrercial development that would be
supportive of river� marina, and park usage, including boat repair and storage�
marina supplies, rentals, concessions; and a restaurant; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that the existing plans are still sound
guidelines for public policy today, that is, plans for public recreation and,
to the extent possible, water-related commercial development as a supporting,
secondary use; and
I�HEREAS, the Planning Commission finds no policy basis for housing development
in public parks and thinks housing would change the character of the Hidden
Falls-Crosby Farm regional park and could reduce public access;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED, that the Planning Cammission makes the folloaring
recommendations to the City Council :
1 . Housing should not be built within the regional park system at the
l+latergate site.
2. The Comprehensive Plan should remain unchanged with marina and boat
launching facilities as the primary use of the si�e and water-oriented
commercial as a secondary use.
3. The Parks and Recreation staff and others have raised the question of
private use of public parks. This issue deserves a wider rev�e��: and
shou�d be considered during the Co���mission ' s end Ci�y Councii ' s upaate of
the Parks and Recreation Plan.
�E IT FURTHER RESOLUED, that the Planning Commission' s rindings ar�d reco�-.T,enaations,
as sno�.�n in the memorandum dated October 21 , 1983, with i±s at�ac��er��s, ':�e irans-
mitted to the ��^ayor and the Ci�y Council ror their consideration,
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�sb• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul, Minnesota,55102
T0 . President Victor Tedesco and
Members of the City Council .
FROM: David Lanegran, Chairman������ �
St. Paul Planning Commissi n
SUSJ: Change of Comprehensive Plan
For Housing at Watergate
DATE: October 21 , 1983
City plans propose that the Watergate Marina site within the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm
� regional park should be used as a full service marina . Gary Svoboda, who operates the
marina on a lease from the City, has investigated the possibility of enlarging the
marina and adding water-oriented commercial , including a restaurant, but has found it
infeasible. He is requesting that City plans be changed so that housing may also be
built at the site. Nousing could provide traffic year around to the commercial uses
and an opportunity for boaters and recreation users to live near the river and within
the park. The Planning Commission has considered Mr. Svoboda 's request to change the
plan. Its conclusions- and recommendations are contained in this memorandum.
Authority to Review
City Council Resolution 280765 requested "the advice of the Planning Commission of
the City of Saint Paul as to the application of the City's comprehensive plan, zoning
code, river corridor plan and other regulatory ordinances to a possible mixed residential
and commercial development on a portion of the property known as the Watergate Marina
site on �he Mississippi River. "
The work done by the Planning Commission is documented by several attachments :
A. Location Map 5
B. Watergate Marina Chronology of Plans , Regulations , G
Development Proposals
C. Comprehensive Plan Citations 8
D. Controls and Change Procedures 10
E. Pros and Cons on Housing Development at Watergate 12
F. Proposed Site Plan With Housing 14
G. Gary Svoboda 's Correspondence of September 26 and 15
October 6
� H. Position of Division of Parks and Recreation on �g
Proposal for Housing at Watergate Marina
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A. Scope of Issue
The Planning Commission considered whether a mixed housing and commercial devel-
opment should be built within the park at the Watergate site but not whether a
specific development proposal would be appropriate. Mr. Svoboda has had a plan
drawn up that illustrates how a mixed housing-commercial development could be
built at the site an d how such development might relate to the rest of the park.
A rough sketch of this plan is shown in Attachment F. The plan helped Commission
discussion, but the Commission makes its conclusions and recommen dations on the
general land use level�, not on Mr. Svoboda as the developer or his present devel-
opment plan.
B , Planning Commission Review Process
1 . The planning staff presented the request to the Planning Commission at its
September 23 meeting. The Commission referred the request to the Compre-
hensive Planning Committee.
2. At a September 30 Comprehensive Planning Committee meeting, staff presented
a chronology of plans , regulations , and development proposlas for the site.
Mr. Svoboda presented his development concept, including an illustrative
• development plan. Interested individuals spoke to the Committee and raised
issues. Some Committee mem6ers toured the site. (See Attachment B. }
3. At an October 7 Committee meeting, the Committee reviewed legal restrictions
on housing development at tiie site, discussed the Parks and Recreation
Division 's opposition to housing, recommended agairist residential devel-
opment and reaffirmed existing plans= and asked staff to prepare this report.
4. At an October 14 meeting, the Committee approved this repo rt.
5. At an October 21 meeting, the Planning Commission adopted this report.
The staff cal]ed and solicited participation from the Minnesota Historical Society and
the Southwest Area District Council . Many other individuals , elected officials , and
groups expressed interest in tlie Planning Commission's review process . The mailing
list grew to 32, and between 15 and 25 members of the public attended each of the
Committee meetings . There was a significant amount of public participation even though
the Planning Commission did not hold a public hearing on the matter.
C. Plans and Regulations
Three chapters of the Comprehensive Plan designate the Watergate site as parkland.
The Land Use Plan and the Park and Recreation Plan show the site as part of the
Hi dden Falls-Crosby Farm '�egional park. The Parks and Reereation Plan proposes
a full service marina and boat launching facility at the site. The River Corridor
Plan says the site should be an activity center within the regional park. The
site should have a ma rina and public boat launching facility. The plan supports
additional commercial , including sale of marine gea r, rentals , concessions , and a
restaurant. The Plan recommen ds marina expansion to upst ream basin . The Plan
proposals are cited in Attachment C.
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The site is zoned RM-3, high-rise, high-density residential . Townhouse$ and
apartment buildings are permitted. The River Corridor overlay zoning classifies
the site as RC-Z, River Corridor Fload Fringe District. Residential and
commercial uses are permitted if built above the flood protection elevation.
Both the regular zoning district and the overlay zoning conditions are applicab1e
at the site.
Legal Controls and Procedures For Changing Them
The Watergate site is controlled by a series of legal restrictions . Before a mixed
commercial-residential development could be built, the following bodies would have
to give approvals : �
1 . Planning Commission
2. City Council (two-thirds vote on rezoning)
3. Metropolitan Council
4. State Environmental Quality Board (.EQB)
5. Department Head - State Department of Energy and Economic Development
6. State Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
7. Army Corps of Engineers
Specific reviews are shown on Attachment B.
Pros and Cons of Mixed Housing and Commercial
The Planning Commission considered a variety of points of view on building housing at
the site as a means of making expanded marina �nd commercial use feasible. Attachment E
shows the main pros and cons regarding housing.
� A. Interpretation of the Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan says the Watergate property should be used fo r public rec-
reation as part of the Hidden Falls-Crosby Farm regional park. A full-service
marina should operate as an activity center in the park. Some commercial devel-
opment is allowa6le in suppo rt of river, marina, and pa rk usage. This commercial
development should be secondary in impo rtance to the overall recreation use.
Commercial development could include marina product sales , rentals , concessions ,
boat repair and storage, and a restaurant. The Comprehensive Plan does not support
the deveTopment of housing within the regional park system at the Watergate Marina
B. Arguments Against Housing Are Stronger
The arguments against housing carry more weight than those in favor of housing.
Building housing to induce commercial would be letting the tail wag the dog. The
planned use of the site is primarily recreation, with water-oriented commercial and
a restaurant secondary. Buil ding housing to get commercial woul d cause a
significant change in the character of the regional park and could lead to restrictions
on public access to the park advocated by the new residents.
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Building housing in this park would set a precedent, and more proposals to build
housing within the City's parks could be expected. -
The City condemned the site for recreation space. An intergovernmental effort was
made to buy the site with City, Metropolitan, and State money. Most people expect
recreation use to continue in accordance with the condemnation and allocation of
publ i c fun ds . .
C. Zonin9
At some point in the future the site should be rezoned to reflect the marina use.
The site is zoned RM-3 because in 1975, when the Zoning Code was adopted, the
private owner intended to build and had secured building permits for a high-rise
apartment buil ding.
The Planning Commission recommends to the City Council :
1 . Housing should not be built within the regional park system at the Watergate site.
2. The Comprehensive Plan should remain unchanged with marina and boat launching
facilities as the primary use of the site and water-oriented commercial as a
secondary use.
3. The Parks and Recreatian staff and others have raised the question of private use
of public parks . This issue deserves a w.ider review and should be considered durir.g
the Commission's and City Council 's update of the Parks and Recreation Plan.
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Watergate Marina
Chronology of Plans, Regulations,
Development Proposals
1. In 1922 zoning code, site was "unassigned", with no zoning regulations .
2. The 1963 Comprehensive Plan showed the site as passive recreation.
3. In 1970, Mississippi River, known as the Eckbo Plan, proposed that housing
be built below the bluffs at the site.
4. In June 1972, the City Council granted a parking lot permit for a 26 story,
242 unit apartment tower and an amenity building. A second tower was
also planned, but permits were not sought. In December 1972, a building
permit for the tower and amenity building was issued.
5. In 1973, preliminary construction was begun with grading and construction
of 778 pilings for the buildings.
6. . In February 1975, City Council passed a resolution expressing support
for purchase of site for park land. In March, C�ty Attorney indicated
that building permit had lapsed because one year had passed without work
on project. Court found that permit was still valid.
7. In August 1975, City Council adopted revised zoning �code which zoned the
site RM-3, high density, highrise, residential district.
8. In May 1976, City began formal condemnation proceedings for tne site.
9. In October 1976, Governor declared the Mississippi River corridor in the
metro area a critical area. The declaration set forth standards and
guidelines to be followed by the City in preparing and developing a
river corridor plan and regulations, Interim development reguTations
desi�nated the site in an urban open space district which permitted
residential use but in building no more than 35 feet in height.
10. In December, 1976, court appointed commissioners, awarded developer
$1.4 million, finding that developer could build only one tower and
amenity building.
11. In 1977 and 1978, courts found developer had right to build one tower and
amenity building under critical area and zoning regulations . Jury awarded
developer $2.25 million.
12. In June 1978, City leased site to Svoboda Boat Works. Tenant can use
site for marina, boat repair and storage, boat selling, incidental and
related uses. Tenant agreed to construct 250 boat slips, 50 slips each
year for first 5 years of lease, and other improvements such as utilities,
v�alkways, roadways, parking areas, and public access to harbor.
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13. In December 1978, City Council adopted the River Corridor ?lan. Tre site
i s to be an acti vi ty center Hri thi n the Hi dden Fal i s-Cr��sb,� �arm open
space system. The site will have a full services marina ar,d public
launching facility, and will include sale of marina gear, rentals,
concessions, and restaurant. The site will be publiciy owned and developed
for recreation water use services . The marina use w-ill be expanded to
the upstream basin. In August 1981, the City Council revised part of
the plan having to do with barge fleeting at Pig's Eye.
14. In September 1979, City Council adopted Park and Recreation Plan .
The site proposed as a full service marina and boat launching facility.
It is shown as a regional park facility.
15. In August l�'80, the state supreme court upheld lower courts jury award.
16. In November 1980, City Council adopted Land Use Plan. Site shown as
part of major open space on Linear Park system.
17. In August 1981, to complete the $0.5 million grant given to the City
by the Metropolitan Council to buy part of the site, the City agreed
to a restrictive covenant. The covenant requires the I✓�etropolitan
Council 's consent for a use of the site other than regional recreational
space. �
18. In January 1982, City Council adopted River Corridor Development Ordinance.
The site is in the RC-2, River Corridor Flood Fringe District. Residential
and commerical uses are permitted but must be built above the flood
protection limit of 716 feet.
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Comprehensive Plan Citations
Th ree chapters of the Comprehensive Plan cite the Watergate Marina -
The Mississippi River Corridor Plan, the Parks and Recreation Plan,
and the Land Use Plan. Citations a re shown below.
R. Mississippi River Corridor Plan
The Watergate site is called Holiday Harbor in this plan.
1 . Land Use/Ci rculation Recommendations :
"Activity centers within the open space system include:
3.Holiday Harbor Marina" . Page 21 .
2. Veh i cul a r Ci rcul ati on Recommen dati on ;
"Existing traffic patterns, functions , carrying capacities
and safety standards will be maintained. Access to the
River for boat launching will be provided at Hidden Falls ,
Holiday Harbor, Lilydale and Harriet Island." Page 25
3. Valley, Open Space Recommendation:
"b.Holiday Harbor, to include a full service marina and
a pub ic aunc ing facility." Page 36 �
4. Valley, Cammercial Recommen dation: -
"a.Commercial activity will occur at the Holiday Harbor
site. These activities will support river usage and
include sale of marine gear, supplies , rentals , concessions ,
and restaurant." Page 38
5. Valley, Public Facilities Recommendations :
"a.Holdiay Harbor will be a publicly owned and developed
facifiity provid�ng recreational water use services . " Page 38
6. Valley, Circulation Recommendation :
"b.Holdiay Harbor entry road will provide public river access . "
Page 3
7. Water Use Recommendation :
"5. Corps ' dredging assistance will be encouraged at the Upper ��
Bas i n at Hol i day Ha rbor, an d th e Upper Channel at Pi ke's Is 1 an d.
Page 66
8. Recreational Water Recommendation :
"3. River access fo r boat launching will be provided at four
locations : Hidden Falls , Holiday Harbor, Lilydale and Harriet
Is?and. " Page 66
. ATTACHMENT C, continued
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"S.Holiday Harbor will be expanded to include the existing �7l,S'�
upstream basin. It will be a full service marina including -
maintenance and winter storage. " Page 68
B. Parks and Recreation Plan
1 . Regional Park Proposals
A full service marina and boat launching facility should be
developed." Page 11
2. Summary of Recommendations
[!evelop a full-service marina and boat launching facility. "
Page 22
C. Land Use Plan
Composite Land Use Map, Map 1 , designates the Watergate site as "Major
Public and Semi Public Open Space. " Between 4 and 5.
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?ELEPHOwE (6i2)695-0738
September 26, 1983
As you know from your staff report, water-orient.ed commercial is currently
permitted at the Watergate site by the river corridor plan as ►veil as the
City's comprehensive plan. However, the current zoning of the site is Rhi-3 and
if commercial only were to be permitt.ed, a zoning change �vould be needed.
After years of investigating the possibility of rvhat type of water-oriented
commercial would be appropriate and by talking with many developers familiar
with such types of improvements, it is clear that in order to meet the City's
� � obJectives and my obJectives for appropriate, environmentally compatible
commercial at the site, some housing would be needed to make the proJect
economically feasible. The reason that the housing would be needed would be to
develop and maintain traffic during the winter months, when the marina would
have virtually no water-oriented activity, and to provide an opportunity for
boaters and other recreational users to live near their activities.
The housing would be built in such a way as to be inter�voven with the
�ommercial. The develo�ment would use land currently not used for park
purposes. Both the housing and the commercial would enhance the site, not in
any way interfering with the corridor between Hidden Falls and Crosby. In
fact, it is anticipated that the improvements to the site would improve both
the access and the useage of the two parks without detracting from either.
In previous conversations with the City, it has been proposed that there could
be a trade of services between. the operation of the marina and the operation of
the parks, thereby reducing the Cit.y's cost of maintaining the park.
Additionally, revenue derived from the taxes and the lease payments at the
marina could be used to operate and maintain not only Crosby-Hidden Falls but
also other elements of the park system, if the City so desired.
' -15-
O,i!bo'r..�. Oirtdr:e .hesei• H�C�aulic Gas F�bttrc;la55 Wood P',asb,. Steel L1�e�. , _,. oq•, g��� _- .
ci,..-�,..=i Tra:iannn SfuUU'f;Q �;.�:ny, RC•in.,����.�.'.;.., .
' � ATTACHP�'Et•JT G, conti nued
. . • - ' � '��'��+�`��' ' /
It is anticipated that the commerical developed at the site would be somewhere
around 25,000 square feet, and that there would be approximately 200 units of
housing that the site could accommodate. However both of these numbers are
estimates, and would be subJect to refinement as design and economic
feasibility studies progress. Important in this process is t.o remember that
the City o►vns the land and is currently leasing it to Svoboda Boat Works, Iric. ,
and that the City would always be able to control the development at the site.
The development would be a public%private partnership in the truest sense, with
each entity doing what is appropriate for that sector.
I know that questions have been raised about the "private development on park
land". However, two things should be remembered. Number one, the land that
this development is being proposed on is originally land that was filled and
was not part of the park system. Ironically some of the fill came from public
property such as the old St. Paul Ramsey Anchor Hospital. Secondly, the reason
that the site was acquired from Rein Development was not so much the fact that
housing was going to be built at that site but the fact that the housing would
have been a high-rise type of development that would have penetrated the bluff
line and affected site lines up and down the river, particularly from Fort
Snelling State Park. It is anticipated that this development, being
earth-sheltered, landscaped and low-rise, would not penetrate the bluff line
nor be an intrusion to site lines or the park system. In fact, much of the
development would be screened by existing trees and new planting.
I rvould appreciate it if the committee could recommend to the full commission
that the necessary and appropriate changes to the comprehensive plan and the
river corridor plan be made in order to permit housing to go along with the
If you have any questions regarding this matter I'd be happy to try to answer
them. Additionally if any of you would like to visit the site, I w�ould be more
than happy to accommodate such a visit. Please do not hesitate to call me at
Thank you for your consideration.
cc: Soderholm
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