PINK - FINANCE '(j I Z*y OF SA I NT PAU L Council ///��� /l
� 218 °�ouncil Resol ion
e �
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WI�REAS, �e Council of the City of Saint Paul by Council Resolution,
C.F. 271422, adopted July 11, 1978, did vacate certain public streets and
retained certain easements in said streets; said vacated land was
subsequently acquired by the Housing ar�d Redevelopment Authority. The legal
description of said vacated land is as follaws:
All that part of Ellis Street as platted
in St. Anthony Park, Minn. and St. Anthony
Park South Ramsey Co., Minn. an�d as opened
in "Hewitts Out IAts First Division" lying
between the Northerly extension of the
West line of Lot 1, Block 2, St. Anthony
Park South Ramsey Co., Minn. and the
Northerly extension of the East line of
Lot 7, "Hewitts Out IAts First Division";
All that part of Hampden Avenue as platted
in St. Anthaiy Park, Minn. lying Southeast-
erly of the Southwoesterly extension of the
Northw�esterly line of Lot 13, Block 73,
St. Anthony Park, Minn. and the Northerly
extension of the East line of Lot 7,
"Hewitts Out Ipts First Division";
All that part of Long Avenue lying South-
easterly of the Southw�esterly extension of
the Northvaesterly line of Lot 21, Block 83,
St. Anthony Park, Minn. and all that part of
Long Avenue lying Southvaesterly of the South-
easterly extension of the Northeasterly line
of Lot 7, Block 82, said St. Anthony Park,
COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Fletcher Nays
Financ Manageme t Servicea
°`ew In Favor
Masanz � Dir�c o
Scheibel __ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ,
� � �- I 1 �`1
Approved by lNavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
�M 218 ounci Reso tion
� .
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
All that part of the alley in Block 83, St.
Anthony Park, Minn. lying Southeasterly of
the Northeasterly extension of the North-
westerly line of Lot 21, Block 83, St. Anthony
Park, Mit1t1.;
Tt�e alley in Blvck 2, St. Anthony Park South
Ramsey Go., Minn.;
WHEREAS, In order to clear title to a portion of said vacated land the
Housing arid Redevelopment Authority requested waiver of certain retained
easements on behalf of the Water Utility of the City of Saint Paul, Northern
States Power Company and Department of Public Works of the City of Saint
Paul respectively, in a portion of the vacated land described as follaws:
Easement to be waived by Water Utility:
That portion of the North 1/2 of vacated Ellis
Street aryd the Northeast 1/2 of vacated Long
Avenue, lying East of a line 15 feet East of, and
parallel to, the East line of Block 1, St. Anthony
Green �s 2nd P�ddition, and West of a line
75 feet East of, and parallel to, the East line of
Block l, St. Anthony Green Tawnhanes 2nd Addition.
Said property being a part of Lot 3, Block 2,
Elizabeth Clark Subdivision; and
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas p�etcher Nays Finance and Management Services
°re1ni [n Favor
N�cosia Director
scne�bei __ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date B C�\� ! �\C �f � �'I'' p 1
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary Y --� l� �''�
t#pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BLUE • - MAVOR File NO. �+ �/O��
� 21$ ounci Resol ion
. �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Eas�nt to be waived by Northern States Power Go�any:
That portion of Ellis Street, vacated, lying
between the extensions across it of the West
right�f-way line of Hampden Avenue and Seal
Street; and also
Easement to be waived by Department of Public Works:
That portion of Ellis Street, vacated, lying
between the extensions across it of the West
line of Lot 4, Block 2, Elizabeth Clark
Subdivision and the West right-of-way line of
Hampden Avenue, extended Northerly.
WI�RF.AS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution, Council
File 84-598, adopted May 10, 1984, did waive said easements but failed to
include a legal description of the land to which they applied and was
therefore unreoordable;
NOW Tf�REFORE BE IT RF50LVED, That Council Resolution, Council File 84-
598 is hereby resciryded in its entirety; and
BE IT FU17Ii�R RFSOLVID, That pursuant to Section 130.06 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul and those
persons for whom the City has reserved easements, the Council of the City of
Saint Paul does hereby waive and release certain easements retained on
behalf of the Water Utility of the City of Saint Paul, Northern States Fower
Company, and the Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul, in a
portion of the vacated land as specified in the Certificates of Intended
Non Use attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. The respective
easements being released over said vacated land are described as follaws:
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Depactment of:
Yeas Fletcher Nays giaance and Management Services
°reN' [n Favor
Nicos�a Director
scneibel __ Against BY
Form Ap oved by City Attorney_
Adopted by Council: Date /���
� ' � i, l��r
Certified Yassed by Council Searetary BY �
Approved by 1Aavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
BLUE �- MAVOR File NO. ��_/�
� �
ROO�t 218
� �
Presented By �'
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Easement waived by the Water Utility:
That portion of the North 1/2 of vacated Ellis
Street and the Northeast 1/2 of vacated Long
Avenue, lying East of a line 15 feet East of,
and parallel to, the East line of Block 1, St.
Anthony Green Zbwnho�nes 2r�d Ac�3ition, and West
of a line 75 feet East of, and parallel to, the
East line of Block 1, St. Anthony Green Tawnhanes
2n�d Pyddition. Said property being a part of
Lot 3, Block 2, Elizabeth Clark Subdivision;
Easement waived by Northern States Po�wer Co�rpany;
That porti� of Ellis Street, vacated, lying
between the extensions across it of the West
right-of way line of Hai�den Avenue and Seal
Street; and also
Easement waived by Department of Public Works:
That portion of Ellis Street, vacated, lying
between the extensions across it of the West
line of Lot 4, Block 2, Elizabeth Clark
Subdivision and the West right-of-way line
of Han�pden Avenue, extended Northerly.
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Fletcher Nays
Finance and Maaage�ent Sernices
Drew In Favor
Nicosia Director
scnetbei _ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date Q� � �C /�'1�� ��', ���
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY V � "''GZ'��
t�pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BLUE �- MAVOR File NO• �� /�v
� 218 �'ouncil esolu ion
, �
Presented By "
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
HE IT FU1�I�R RESOLVID, That in all other respects Council Resolution
C.F. 271422 shall remain ar�c3 continue in full force aryd affect; and
BE IT EURTF�R RF50LVED, That upon passage of this resolution, the City
Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this
resolution for recording to the office of the Register of Deeds, Ramsey
CAUnty, Minnesota.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �� Nays � Finan nd Management Servicea
°rB1"' In Favor
Nicosia ecCor
scnetbe� �' _ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date
AUG — 2 �p� Form Approved by City Attor y
c ` � c�.
Certified Y s• Council , ret BY
tapp by 'Navor. Date � n�� ! � 19� Approved by Mayor f mission to Council
BY — •—
. . �..�--
l�iewnas � :1IEt 8�s�►ia4� eEPARTi��IT
Diak I�Ca� �rnrr�
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0�►t"t�ett Di t"'�t' :
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Fin�e �ad M�tq�t S�nrials Dir�lC'..or ._ RF(;FI`�FD �-
,..�... ��f'� ��* 1
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Rel�aa a#` �sa�a�ta by liosth�rn Stat�a Poi+ar Cospsay, Water Otiltty a�d Drpsste�at
of Yablic �la�ks owr land showu�on attachrd mapt.
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l. &�solution 4. Copy of Aeaolation 84-598
2, Csrtificst+ea of Initended Non-Ose 5. l�aps of Nsi� Eass�nC wr�as '
3. Copy of �eso�ution`27142Z 6. Copy af H8A �rr �at o� iisi��cs
- ���!'T�'�' ��kl �'�"�t �'1"C�!l �EE1fLQ�t
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C E R T I F I C A T E C F I N T E N D E D N 0 N — U S E
The undersigned hereby certifies that it does not intend to
exercise its utility easement rights in the following described realty:
That portion of the North 1/2 of vacated Ellis
Street and the Northeast 1/2 of vacated Long
Avenue, lying East of a line 15 feet East of, and
parallel to, the East line of Lot 1 , St. Anthony -
Green Townhome� 2nd Addition, and West of a line
75 feet East of, and parallel to, the East line of
Lot 1 , St. Anthony Green Townhomes 2nd Addition.
Said property being a part of Lot 3 , Block 2 ,
Elizabeth C1ark Subdivision.
B y , ���i//�� �L/
Thomas D. Mogren, Ge eral rianager
D a t e d i?�G� �.3 , 19 g�
� s � j
y� C E R T I F I C A. T E " O F I N T E N D E D N O N - U S E
. .
� �y- �o.s�
The undersigned hereby certifies that it does not intend to exercise
its utility easement rights in the following described realty:
That portion of Ellis Street, vacated, lying between the extensions
across it of the West right-of-way line of Hampden Avenue and Seal
by � ���
General Manac�er, Saint Paul Division
'i _ ,� "�.Jr l�Td`�J� a
" '� ' C E R T I F I C A T E O F I N T E N D E D N O N - U S E
. �
� � ��//05"y
The undersigned hereby certifies that it does not intend to exercise
its utility easement rights in the following described realty:
That portion of Ellis Street, vacated, lying between the extensions
across it of the West line of Lot 4, Block 2, Elizabeth Clark Subdivision
and the West right-of-way line of Hampden Avenue, extended Northerly.
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, tions named on the list attached to this diversion of their total water consump- Lot
}� resolution be and the same are hereby tion from the City of Saint Paul's Div
t �; granted, and the City Clerk is in- Sanitary Sewer System, the below list-
structed to issue such licenses upon ed firms have �ustiHable reason for All
the payment into the City treasury of application of an adjustment to their as
the required fees. sewer service charges as levied; and Mir
Adopted by the Council July 11, 1978. be it Sou
Approved July 12,1978. Further Resolved, That a full or par- N��
(July 22, 1978) tial refund of paid sewer service 73�
charges, based upon these adjustments, the
shall be refunded from the "Sewer line
Service Fund"; and shall be in the fol- Fir�
Council File No.271418—By Leonard W. lowing amounts: All
Levine— Olympia Brewing Company Sot
Whereas, The City of Saint Paul ac- 722 Payne Avenue 55188 ext
quired the o1d Minneapolis and Saint May, 1978 ..................$104,982.16 �g
Paul suburban railroad right-af-way Hoerner Waldorf • 1'aI
,4 for street purposes in 1955; and 2251 Wabasha 55102 I'�I
;��y Whereas, The Department of Com- April, 1978 ................. 16,250.30 of
;- : munity Services plans to develop the Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. the
' strip as Furness Parkway to include 882 W.Seventh Street 55102 Bl°
` S! waiking and Mcycle paths and the May, 1978 .................. 2,842.46 Mi�
" Mayor has requested that the Council Gillette Company � All
i transfer jurisdiction of tMs right-of- Fifth at Broadway 55101 ' 83,
way to the Department of Community
{� Services; now, therefore, be it January-March, 1978 ....... 2,689.18 s �:,; Soi
Resolved, That the Council of the National Can s .� ext
,, City of Saint Paul does hereby transfer 139 Eva Street Y� � r' 1in�
April, 1978 ................. 1,631.79 � Pa�
jurisdiction of the following public plastics, Inc. � �'' Th
� right-of-way from the Department of 224 Ryan Avenue 55102 �<: Pa:
Public Works to the Department of October, 1977-May, 1978 .. 364.15
Community Services to be used and First National Bank subj�
t designated as Furness Parkway, the W_1752 ]st National � i ditioi
property being described as a strip of
�� land 100 feet in width running between Bank Bldg.55101 5, 1.
� Maryland Avenue and Larpenteur Tune. 1978 ................. 290.44 � r'°
Avenue, connecting at the intersection Land O'Lakes,Inc. -;,
415 Grove Street 55101 3
of Hazel Street and Maryland Avenue May, 1978 197.16 '� 2.
�, and running in a northeasterly direc- •••• •••••••••••• �;
tion to the intersection of Larpenteur Richard Willlams � �
i 552 E.Wheelock 55101 w
i; Avenue and Winthrop, the strip being 1972-1978 ................... 119.19 +�
' a part of the east one-half of the south- T
j i west quarter of Section 23 and the Adopted by the Council July 11, 1978. � r;��'
southeast quarter of the northwest Approved July 12, 1978. �;`=
� quarter of Section 23 and the north-' (July 22, 1978) S -
r�� east quarter of Section 23, Township � ; :
29, Range 22, except for all existing y;'.;
streets either crossing said strip or Council File No. 271421—By Rosalie L.
running parallel to said strip. fi � �
Adopted by the Council July 31, 1978. Butler— x � g,
Approved July 12,1978. Whereas, Charles R. Berryman, 287 '�,
�l (July 22, 1978) Birmingham St., Apt. .�#1, was assessed
$12.10 for a delinquenC refuse collec- ?'�•`,
tion charge on property at 967 Burns
' Avenue; and '4?
' Council File No. 271419—By Rosalie L. Whereas, This owner did not request
1r Butler— or have knowledge of this service. g% 4.
Whereas, Frank A. DeMike, 1808 Now,Therefore, Be It Resolved,That
Mechanic Street, was assessed $48.80 Charles R. Berryman be refunded
for a delinquent refuse collection $12.10 from the Solid Waste Collection
charge on property at 1808 Mechanic Fund. !;
Street; and Adopted by the Council July 11, 19T8. `
Whereas, This owner did not request Approved Tuly 12.19T8. ::�'
or have knowledge of this service. (Tuly 22, 1978)
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved,That
Frank A. DeMike be refunded $48.60 5.
from the Solid Waste Collection Fund. Council File No. 271422—By Rosalie L.
$ Adopted by the Council July 11, 1978. gutler—
Approved July 12,1978. Resolved, That u on the *
(July 22, 1978) the Housing and Redevelopment Auf �Y,
thority, those sections of public streets
' and public alleys hereinafter described, 6
Council File No. 271420—By Rosalie L. be and the same hereby are vacated
Butler— and discontinued as public streets and
Resolved, That pursuant to Section public alleys:
231.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative All that part of Ellis Street as plat-
Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. ted in St. Anthony Park, Minn,and
14662, approved December 1, 1970) per- St. Anthony Park South Ramsey
taining to regulations for the adjusting Co., Minn. and as opened in ;
of sewer service charges, and upon "Hewitts Out Lots First Division"
the recommendation of the Department lying between the Northerly ex- '�`
of Public Works and approval of the tension of the West line of Lot i;�;; q,
Board of Water Commissioners, the 1, Block 2, St. Anthony Park South +?
Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ramsey Co.. Minn. and the North-
hereby certify that because of partial erly extension of the East line of
�, ;
�;, > ��;..�' _.
�_ �'y�a.��/
• OF THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, 1978 307 `
r consump- Lot 7, "Hewitts Out Lots First 8. That the Water Utility easements '
aint Paul's Division"; be retained in portions of Long i
below list- All that part of Hampden Avenue Avenue and Ellis Street legally �
reason for as platted in St. Anthony Park, described as follows: ;
nt to their Minn: lying Squtheasterly of the The North 1'z of Ellis Street � �
,evied; and Southwesterly extension of the lying between the Northerly
Northwesterly line of Lot 13, Block extenston of the East line of ;�.
full or par- �3, St. Anthony Park, Minn. and Lot 12 "Fiewitts Out Lots First
er service the Northerly extension of the East Division" and the Northerly
djustments. ]ine of Lot 7. "Hewitts Out Lots extension of the West line of '��
he Sewer First Division'; Lot 1, Block 2, St. Anthony �M1
in the fol- Park South Ramsey Co.,
All that part of Long Avenue lying Minn.; �
Southeasterly of the Southwesterly
extension of the Northwesterly line The Northeasterly !2 of Long � ..
. 104,982.16 of Lot 21, Block 83, St. Anthony Avenue between the North
• � Park, Minn. and all that part of line of Ellis Street and the
Long Avenue lying Southwesterly southerly extenslon of the ; '_
.. 16,250.30 of the Southeasterly extension of Southeasterly line of Lot 22.
the Northeasterly line of Lot 7, Block 83, St. Anthony Park, �� f
2 � Block 82, said St. Anthony Park, Minn.; =(
„ 2,842.46 Minn.; Said easements to be subject to '
All that part of the alley in Block the following restrictions: a
83, St. Anthony Park, Minn. lying a) That no buildings, structures ;��
.. 2,689.18 Southeasterly of the Northeasterly or trees are permitted within
extension of the Northwesterly the easement area, or any
line of Lot 21,Block 83,St.AnthonY temporary structure, Sxture �
,. 1,631.79 Park, Minn.; or other ob3ects that will
The alley in Block 2. St. Anthony prohibit normal access to
Park South Ramsey Co., Minn.; water facilities for mainte-
.. 364.15 subject expressly to the following con- nance purposes. y
ditions and reservations: b) That no change from the ex- s� �
isting grade is permitted
1. That the vacation be subject to within the easement area.
,. 290.44 all the terms and conditions of c) That no change in surFacing ,
Chapter 228 of the St. Paul Legis- within the easement area is
lative Code, as amended. permitted without written - `�
.. 197.16 2. That the petitioner be responsi- permission from the Water � .
ble for all costs and expenses in Utility. 1
the replatting of the abutting d) That the petitioner, its suc- ' {
118.19 property along with the dedication cessors and assigns shall ; �
ul 11, 1978. o£ the necessary new streets, al- fully indemnify, defend and �
Y leys, and easements as determined save harmless the Board of
by the Department of Public Water Commisisoners, its of- ��+ 4
Works, and as per prescribed pro- rcers, agents, employees and ; �
cedures of the Acting County servants from all suits, ac- F
— Surveyor of Ramsey County fot' tions or claims which shall ,; 4
� Rosalie L. P1a�• arise from any injuries or
3. That the petitioner be responsi- damages received or susta�ned ;,�
n.Yman� 2g7 ble for all costs and expenses in by any break or leak in any :;i 1
Nas assessed the reconstruction of the new service pipe, water main or ?6
fuse collec- streets and alleys as per City connection in said dedicated ;3�
t 967 Burns � specifications and standards in the e�ements. -y;
contract under Projects No. P- g, That the petitioner be responsible •
not request � 0627 and S-0460G3B. for providing emergency access
service. 4. That the petitioner bulkhead the acceptable to the Fire Department #.,��,
solved,That , 9-inch VCP sanitary sewer in for any development within the
e refunded f Hampden Avenue, and also prop- limits of the ptat required in Con-
e Collection erly abandon all catch basins and dition No.2 above. ;f�?
ftheir drains in the streets herein 10. That specific easements be re- .�'i
fuly 11, 1978. vacated under the direction and �ined to protect the interests of ��.
to the satisfaction of the Depart- the Northern States Power Com- {
ment of Public Works Sewer En- pany. ,�`
gineer. 11. That speciRc easements be re-
— 5. That the petitioner be responsi- tained �n Hampden Avenue to {
Rosalie L. ble for the proper barricading and ��
Y obliterating of the streets and protect the interests of the North- #
alleys to be vacated, under the western Bell Telephone Company. +��
� petition of direction and to the satisfaction 12. That the petitioner, being the ,,
opment Au- of the Department of Public Housing and Redevelopment Au- ��,
ublie streets Works. thority, not be required to paY "i,
er described, B. That the petitioner be responsi- compensation for the vacation. ,
are vacated ble for all costs and expenses in pursuant to the provisions of the ��
: streets and the construction of all new catch Redevelopment Plan for the West
basins, drains and sewers neces- Midway-St. Anthony Park Dis-
�et as plat- sary for the proper drainage of trict 12 (Minn. A-1-2), approved
Minn.and the �new streets and alleys to be June 12, 1�J75, per Council File
,h Ramsey dedicated in the replattfng of this 265595.
�pened in property, under the direction and 13. That in lieu of a bond,the City be
; Division" to the satisfaction of the Depart- provided with a written covenant
Lherly ex- ment of Public Works. conditioned to indemnify and
ne of Lot 7. That the petitioner be responsi- hold the City harmless from any
?ark South ble for all costs and expenses for and all damages, clalms for dam-
the North- adiustments to Water Utility fa- ages,costs,charges,�udgments and ;,
ast line of cilities. expenses of every kmd and na- `
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ture arising or growing out of the Council File No.271438-By Leonard W. RESOLU7
streets and alleys herein de- Levine- MENT
` scribed to be vacated, TIM�E�
'� Be It Resolved, That the Council of
g Adopted by the Council July il, 1978. the City of Saint Paul hereby ratiHes AWAg,I
k ;; Approved July 12,1998. and approves the action of the City of
' (July 22, 1978) Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Re-
view pertaining to the following listed �ouncil P
� property, as shown by the Excerpted Butler-
Council File No. 2'J1936 - By Ruby 11Rinutes of said Board of Appeals and
Hunt- Fteview dated June 13, 1978, attached In the ma
hereto as EXHIBIT A, and by refer- ;
An administrative Resolution approv- ence made a part hereof: pE
ing the terms and conditions of the DATE OF BOARD MINUTES: 6/13/78
1978-1979 Agreements between the City CASE NO.: 18-78-Ii 1, �y p
y of St. Paul, Independent School Dis- °�
trict No. 625, and the GlassiHed Con- PROPERTY: 24 South St. Albans stru�
Street (seven units) lic
� fidential Employees Association. APPELLANT: Ronald D. Soderberg thro�
Whereas, The Councll pursuant to gOARD ACTION: Pursuant to Section of g,
the provisions of Section 12.09 of the 55.02 (b) of the St. Paul Legisiative
� Employees Labor Relations Acteof 1971C Code, granted variance of Section aes��
as amended, recognizes the ClassiAed g4.13 (g) to permit occupancy with Be
Conftdential Employees Association as the exlstfng window� of one dwelling N�
exclusive representative for the classes unit partially below grade wherein Ca
of positions within the City of St. Paul the sill height of such windows is
51 incyhes above the floor. Sa
certiAed by the Bureau o! Mediation pAddltionDescription• Summit Park v'
Services under Case Nos. 76-PR-658-A '
4 and 77-PR-685-A, for the purpose of S 110 Ft. of Lots 12 and 13,Block 1 of
meeting and negotiating the terms and and, be it T�
conditions of employment for per-
' W
� sonnel in the classes of positions as Further Resoived. That the City of
set forth in the Agreements between Clerk is hereby authorized and directed N�
� the City of St. Paul, Independent to transmit a copy of this resolution ex
School District No. 626, and the exclu- for recording to the Ramsey County fe
sive representative hereinabove refer- Recorder. ea
enced; and
' Whereas, The City and Independent Adopted by the Council July 13, 1978. N�
�i pproved July 14, 1978, a
School District No. 625, through desig-
nated representatives, and the exclu- (July 22, 1978) er
sive representatives have met in good N'
faith and have negotiated the terms fr'
and conditions of employment for the th
period Jan. i, 1978 through Dec. 31, Council File No.271439-By Leonard W. N�
1979, for such Levine- to
forth in the Agpeementsl between the Resolved, That the Council of the - 2. A �
City of St. Paul, Independent School City of Saint Paui does hereby approve stru
and accept grant agreement from the
District No. 625, and the exclusive rep- State of Minnesota, State Plannin lic
resentative; now, therefore, be it g thrc
Resolved, That the Agreements cited Agency, for the development of tennis 13,
above, dated as of the effective date courts at the Orchard Recreation Cen- bou
of this Resolution, between the City ter site, the grant agreement provIding folli
of St. Paul, Independent School Dis- the City with the sum of $7,500.00 and
requiring that the Cit rovide a B
trlct No. 625, and the ClassiBed Con- � p
fldential Employees Association, on file matching sum of $7,5 00 and the tY
in the offtce of the City Clerk, are groper Clty officers are hereby author- � e1
hereby approved, and the authorized zed and directed to execute the grant B
administrative offfcials of fhe City are agreement on behalf of the City of
hereby authorized and directed to ex- Saint Paul. fe
+ ecute said Agreements on behalf of Adopted by the Council July 13, 1978. � N'
! the City. Approved July 14, 1978. C
Adopted by the Council July 13, 1976. (July 22, 1978) • �
Approved July 14, 1978. S�
(July 22, 1978) n
Council File No.271440-By Leonard W. S
Levine- ' n
Council File No. 271937 - By Ruby Resolved, The Council of the City of �' a
y Hunt- Saint Paul does hereby apQrove Lease �
S Agreement between the City and the b
; Resolved, That Paragraph 5 of Sec- First Christian Church whereby the t�
�� tion 10 (D) of the Civil Service Rules City will lease rooms 112 through 115 � a�
, is hereby amended as follows: and reception hall at 317 Marshall �
Every new employee appointed after Avenue for a fteld o(iice for the City's COD
January 1, 1977 and holding a posi- Model Cities Health Project for a term �
tion in the Classifted Service of the of one year for the monthly rent of Temp�
City, shall be required to reside in $240.00, the term commencing July 1, structio�
the City of St. Paul within 6 months 1978, and the lease containing an ap- the lanc
of the completion of the probation tion to extend the term for an addt- ; Public '
period for his/her original entrance tional term of one year, and the proper ing No.
position, and thereafter will be re- City officers be and are hereby auth- � Departn
�: quired to remain within the City orized and directed to execute the lease Said
limits as long as he/she is employed agreement on behalf of the City of � ments t
<4 by the City of St.Paul. Saint Paul. City Pr
Adopted by the Council July 13, 1978. Adopted by the Council July 13, 1978. T���
Approved July 14, 1978. Approved July 14, 1978. Street,
(Tuly 22, 1978) (July 22, 19T8) occurs f
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CITY OF SAI.NT P/1UL C� �;�''�`�;a: ` �j '
INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM '��• ,�;.,,'��°y? ,� e�c/
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DATE . March 2 9, 1983 'l e"'f 5;�,�-'�
TO . Dave Nelson, Valuations Dept.
FROM . Barbara Houghtelin `�e�-----
SUBJECT: Certificates of Intended Non-Use
On July 22', 1978, by Council File No. 271422, the Council of the City
of Saint Paul vacated, among other streets, a portion of Ellis Avenue,
�rom Hampden to Seal Street. Included within the reso7.ution were retained
easement rights for utility and public instrumentalities.
Attached are Certificates of Intended Non-Use from;
Department of public Works
Department of Water Utility and
Northern States Power Company.
Please have a City Council Resolution prepared and filed waiving the
said retained easements . If you need further information, please call me
at Ext. 7494 (230) .
,,.:..�.._,_�.. . ---.._ ,
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,...,��",�,,,,o � CITY OF SAINT PAUL
_==:°'t' °-:;
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%: ri'ii"i ''
�"��a,�1T�...c�,.='- 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
August 15, 1984
County Recorder's Office
Room 155, City Hall
Dear Sir:
• � I am transmitting a certified copy of C.F. 84-1053, C.F. 84-1054 and
C.F. 84-1055 for f iling in your office. These reso utions were adopted
by the City Council on August 2, 1984.
e truly yours,
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk
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