84-1735 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• � � r • �� BLUE - MAVOR � Co ncil Resolution Presented By ' / Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreement which amends the 1984-1985 Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri-Council Bargaininq Unit representing Laborers, Local 132, Truck Drivers Local 120, and Operating Engineers Local 49. Approved: Civil Serv' e Commission, Chair COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays � Masanz In Favor PE L Nicosla Scheibel � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson ��''G� DEC 2 � 198�r Y Form A rove it A Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas e b uncil Sec BY sy � A ved by lVlavor. Date � ���� Ap by Mayor for Subm' io t uncil i:�:9T;(Z T1 W� ; .,..:��4- 1 ��� Jsti..a �.. � I i Iv',JJ � ��-i� Personnel Office DEPARTItENT , Tpanet Sc�hA++i a �ONTACT 298�4221 pHONE -= reen ee December 6, 1984 DATE . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): ,i1�Department Di rectar ��� City Attorney 3 Director of Management/Ma�yor �`�c�� Ma y . � � ' � � Finance and Management Services Dir�ctor � Ci ty Cl erk �-�— Budget Di rector iihat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This resolution amends the 1984-1985 A reement Tri-Co c' s �,.�, . regular employees who are They now will receive the regular rate of pay and earn fringe benefits for the hours they work. Currently they receive a higher rate of pay but earn no fringe benefits. Fi_nancial , Budgetary and Personnel In�pacts Anticipated: Wages: None , Insurance: 1985 - $117,289. However, this additional cost will be charged back to the Unit in May, 1985 and the May, 1985 wage rate adjustment will be reduced by this amount. Funding Source and Fund ActivitY Nun�ber Charc�eed or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachments}: 1. Resolution 2. Agreement 3. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes N � Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes � Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No w� Yes - No Insurance Attached? /V� Revision of October, 1982 (�Pa RPVPI"CP Sici� for 'Instructions) . , , �� �r7�� , . 1984 - 1985 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri-Council Bargaining Unit represented by Local 49, Local 120, and Local 132. In full settlement of the 1984-1985 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Except as herein modified, the signed 1984-1985 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the parties shall be the basis of the forthcoming labor agreement. 2. Article 9 - Article 9.1 thru 9.9 shall be replaced with Articles 9.1 thru 9.9 which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Appendix B - Page B3 of Appendix B of said Agreement shall be replaced with Page B3 which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is understood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City Negotiator, but is sub�ect to approval of the Civil Service Commission, Mayor and City Council. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this 4th day of December, 1984. CITY OF SAINT PAUL T -COUN�.�L � La r Rela ns Directo ri-Couacil Preside and Business Representative, Local 120 � �� ������ Civil Service Commission Business Representative, Local 132 `�-� : '�_ u�B si esa Representative, Loca� 9 � ` � � � � �.F�y- ���s ARTICLE IX - INSURANCE 9.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of this Agreement to provide for EMPLOYEES such health and life insurance benefits as are provided by EMPLOYER at the time of execution of this Agreement. 9.2 The II�LOYER will for the period of this Agreement provide for EMPLOYEES who retire after the time of execution of this Agreement and until such EMPLOYEES reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits and life insurance benefits as are provided by the F.MPLOYER for such EMPLOYEES. 9.3 Effective January 1, 1985, for each employee who retires during the term of this AGREEMENT and is eligible for early retiree benefits under the terms set forth in this article and who selects employee insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $118.62 per month, whichever is less. In addition for each eligible early retiree who selects dependent's insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER will contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $198.10 per month, whichever is less. Effec�ive January, 1986, the dollar caps specified in this Article 9.3 shall be ad�usted to equal the January, 1986 premium cost for the health insurance plan offered to the City by Blue Cross-Blue Shield for early retirees. In order to be eligible for City benefits under the early retiree pro- vision, the Employee must: 9.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act. 9.32 Have severed his/her relationship with the City of St. Paul under one of the early retiree plans. 9.33 Inform the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul in writing within 60 days of employee's early retirement date that he or she wishes to be eligible for early retiree insurance benefits. ; , , . `. � � ��-��3� 9.4 Effective June 1, 1984, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of Hospitalization and Medical Coverage or $60.85 per month, whichever amount is less, for each employee who is eligible for such coverage. In addition, for each eligible employee who selects Dependent's Coverage, the EMPLOYER will contribute one-half ('�) of the cost of such Dependent's Coverage or $50.58 per month, whichever amount is less. These contributions shall be paid to the EMPLOYER'S Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increases in these costs shall be paid by the EMPLOYEE. 9.5 Effective January 1, 1985, for each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT selecting a health insurance program supplied to the City, the City shall pay the entire cost of such coverage, or $70.00 per month whichever is less. For each employee selecting family coverage, the City shall pay the entire cost of such family coverage or $180.00 per month, whichever is less. 9.6 The Employer will attempt to prevent any changes in the benefits offered by the Health Maintenance Organizations plans. However, employees selecting one of the plans offered by one of the Health Maintenance Organizations agree to accept any changes in benefits which the specific Health Maintenance Organization implements. The Fee-for-Service health plan is understood to be the plan designated as Alternate 5 bid by Blue Cross-Blue Shield for January 1, 1985. 9.7 The EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life Insurance Coverage for each EMPLOYEE who is eligible for such coverage or $2.07 per month, whichever amount is less. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increase in this cost shall be paid by the II�LOYEE. , . . . . . ������3s 9.8 Any employee having ten or more years of service with the EMPLOYER who becomes ill or in�ured so as to be unable to continue working and has exhausted all his sick leave and vacation shall be eligible for City paid health and welfare benefits for a maximum of three years. 9.9 Notwithstanding the benefits granted in this article, the cost to the EMPLOYER for the insurance coverages in Articles 9.1 thru 9.8 shall be included in the computation of fringe benefit cost deductions indicated in Appendix A. r . . . � ����/��.� APPENDIX B (continued) The hourly wage rates for temporary and emergency employees working in the classes listed below are as shown: Effective Effective 5-26-84 6-08-85 Driver-Operator 15.15 $15.45 Driver-Operator assigned to drive a tandem truck shall receive 20� per hour above the base rate for Driver-Operator for each hour worked in such assignment. Regular employees who are laid off and then called back in to work on a temporary or emergency basis shall receive the regular rate of pay as shown in Appendix A for such titles worked and shall continue to earn and accrue City benefits for such hours worked. The hourly wage rates for temporary and emergency employees working in classes listed below shall be the same as the wage rates applicable to provisional, regular and probationary employees working in said classes as shown in Appendix A. Garden Laborer Gardener Groundsworker Playground Custodian Resident Groundsman School Grounds Maintenance Foreman Water Shed Laborer Water Service Worker-Control Desk For temporary and emergency employees working in the above titles the following fringe benefit contributions shall be made to the Minnesota Laborers' Fringe Benefit Fund. Effective Effective 5-26-84 6-08-85 Health and Welfare 1.10 1.35 Pension 1.35 1.35 Vacation .40* .40* *This 40� contribution is taxable. - B3 - . ��-��.3--r N'HITE - G1TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTI, Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE -MAVOR � � CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorand�sn of Agreement �ahich amends the 1984-1985 Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri-Council Bargaining Unit representing Laborers, Loca1 132, Truck Drivers Local 120, and Operating Engineers Local 49. Approved: Civil Service Commission, Chair COUNCILMEN � Yeas Na s Requested by Depariment of: Fl�tch�r y �rB1N tn Favor PERSONNEL OFFICE Massnz Nicosia Schelbst A gainst BY Tedesco Wilaon Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY g�, Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY t , � . . � ��y-��.��.� 1984 - 1985 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri-Council Bargaining Unit represented by Local 49, Local 120, and Local 132. In full settlement of the 1984-1985 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Except as herein modified, the signed 1984-1985 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the parties shall be the basis of the forthcoming labor agreement. 2. Article 9 - Article 9.1 thru 9.9 shall be replaced with Articles 9.1 thru 9.9 which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Appendi�c B - Page B3 of Appendix B of said Agreement shall be replaced with Page B3 which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is understood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City Negotiator, but is sub�ect to approval of the Civil Service Commission, Mayor and City Council. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this 4th day of December, 1984. CITY OF SAINT PAUL -COUN��L � La r Rela ns Directo Tri-Council Preside and Business Representative, Local 120 �,Q��✓ ` ' C��1��2�%t/� Civil Service Commission Busiaess Representative, Local 132 ,�ess� epresentative, Loca�- 9 . . . . - . ���-��35 ARTICLE IX - INSURANCE 9.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of this Agreement to provide for EMPLOYEES such health and life insurance benefits as are provided by EMPLOYER at the time of execution of this Agreement. 9.2 The II�LOYER will for the period of this Agreement provide for EMPLOYEES who retire after the time of execution of this Agreement and until such EMPLOYEES reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits and life insurance benefits as are provided by the F,MPLOYER for such EMPLOYEES. 9.3 Effective January 1, 1985, for each employee who retires during the term of this AGREEMENT and is eligible for early retiree benefits under the terms set forth in this article and who selects employee insurance coverage, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $118.62 per month, whichever is less. In addition for each eligible early retiree who selects dependent's insurance coverage, the II�I?PLOYER will contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $198.10 per month, whichever is less. Effective January, 1986, the dollar caps specified in this Article 9.3 shall be ad3usted to equal the January, 1986 premium cost for the health insurance plan offered to the City by Blue Cross-Blue Shield for early retirees. In order to be eligible for City benefits under the early retiree pro- vision, the Employee must: 9.31 Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act. 9.32 Have severed his/her relationship with the City of St. Paul under one of the early retiree plans. 9.33 Inform the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul in writing within 60 days of employee's early retirement date that he or she wishes to be eligible for early retiree insurance benefits. ` �, , . ' . . � �� l�3�� 9.4 Effective June 1, 1984, the EMPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost of Hospitalization and Medical Coverage or $60.85 per month, whichever amount is less, for each employee who is eligible for such coverage. In addition, for each eligible employee who selects Dependent's Coverage, the EMPLOYER will contribute one-half ('�) of the cost of such Dependent's Coverage or $50.58 per month, whichever amount is less. These contributions shall be paid to the EMPLOYER'S Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increases in these costs shall be paid by the EMPLOYEE. 9.5 Effective January 1, 1985, for each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT selecting a health insurance program supplied to the City, the City shall pay the entire cost of such coverage, or $70.00 per month whichever is less. For each employee selecting family coverage, the City shall pay the entire cost of such family coverage or $180.00 per month� whichever is less. 9.6 The Employer will attempt to prevent any changes in the benefits offered by the Health Maintenance Organizatioas plans. However, employees selecting one of the plans offered by one of the Health Maintenance Organizations agree to accept any changes in benefits which the specific Health Maintenance Organization implements. The Fee-for-Service health plan is understood to be the plan designated as Alternate 5 bid by Blue Cross-Blue Shield for January 1, 1985. 9.7 The EriPLOYER agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life Insurance Coverage for each EMPLOYEE who is eligible for such coverage or $2.07 per month, whichever amount is less. This contribution shall be paid to the City's Group Health and Welfare Plan. Any increase in this cost shall be paid by the II�LOYEE. � - - - . ���-���.� 9.8 Any employee having ten or more years of service with the EMPLOYER who becomes ill or in�ured so as to be unable to continue working and has exhausted all his sick leave and vacation shall be eligible for City paid health and welfare benefits for a maximum of three years. 9.9 Notwithstanding the benefits granted in this article, the cost to the EMPLOYER for the inaurance coverages in Articles 9.1 thru 9.8 shall be included in the computation of fringe benefit cost deductions indicated in Appendix A. . � ` � / . • ` �'��'y�z3� APPENDIX B (continued) The hourly wage rates for temporary and emergency employees working in the classes listed below are as shown: Effective Effective 5-26-84 6-08-85 Driver-Operator 15.15 15.45 Driver-Operator assigned to drive a tandem truck shall receive 20� per hour above the base rate for Driver-Operator for each hour worked in such assignment. Regular employees who are laid off and then called back in to work on a temporary or emergency basis shall receive the regular rate of pay as shown in Appendix A for such titles worked and shall continue to earn and accrue City benefits for such hours worked. The hourly wage rates for temporary and emergency employees working in classes listed below shall be the same as the wage rates applicable to provisional, regular and probationary employees working in said classes as shown in Appendix A. Garden Laborer Gardener Groundsworker Playground Custodian Resident Groundsman School Grounds Maintenance Foreman Water Shed Laborer Water Service Worker-Control Desk For temporary and emergency employees working in the above titles the following fringe benefit contributions shall be made to the Minnesota Laborers' Fringe Benefit Fund. Effective Effective 5-26-84 6-08-85 Health and Welfare 1.10 1.35 Pension 1.35 1.35 Vacation .40* .40* *This 40� contribution is taxable. - B3 - iz ��--�- � � ----__ ___. -.--�'�-r.��� 15. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by ac�cl:ing�$15, OOQ to the� fina cing and' spendin� � plan for Government Responsiveness Pro�r�un. (Pinance} � . � • �� ?6. Resolution authorizing an agreement with the State Dept. of �ducation for the establ:LSh- ment of a lending library relationship with the City's Dzvision of Libraries. r': .` 17.. Resolution amending the 1984 budbet by �addin = �5 S25 to the financing: and spenain� . plan for Fire Fighting Equipment. (Police) _ , - ].8. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by *ransferring �32, 000 from General Govt. Accounts - Contingent Reserve Speciii � to i'ublic bVor'.<s - Traffic Qperations and hiaintenance. (Public lVorks) The following agenda items are end of tl�e year budget amendments requiring action at tn=s time. They are scheduled for the City Council asenda of December 18, 1934. 19. Resolution approving 1984-85 Maintenance Labor Agreements between I D #625 a the Plasterers Local �i20 and the Cement Masons Local 4i560. (?ersonne� 20. Resolution approving the 1985-1986 Agreement be � ' y of St. Paul and the St. Paul Supervisors Organization. (Personnel - � . 21. Resolution approving the 1985-1986 Collective Bargaining Agreement betw the Ci, y and the St. Paul Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Assn. (Personne� -� 22, Resolution approving the 1985-1986 Collect�ive Bargainin� eme t between the City and the St. Paul Police Federation. (Personnel) � � 23. Resolution approving Memorandum of Agreement amending the ?9S4-1985 Agreement X between the city and the Txi-Council J3arelining .Unit renresenting Labore. s Local �i' 32, Truck Drivers Local 120, and Operatine T�Igineers Local 49. (Personnel) �.�_, 24. Resolution approving 1985-1986 Memor.andum of Understand� _�- rtain�r�g.-=1:.q�,the Confidential Supervisory Employees. (Personnel)�, ?,��``�-`�--•—�° -,:::- 25. Resolution amending the 1984 Uudget by adding $107,574 to the Financing and Sper.d na Plan for Lxecutive Administration Dent. - "ersonnel 0�=fice. ;?ersonne'��'���,��� ..� 2G. Resolution amending the 1984 budget Uy adc'.wng ,�2, 950 to the financina and sper_din� � °; pla.n for Specia Projects-General Covt. - !:oy �dilkins Auditorium r.iemoria' gr.zn*_. (Public Works) `„� ' The following item was acted upon as a non-agenda item: � ��- Resolution creating a 1984 operating budget for expenses incured since July for _�/ Honeywell building management system serving CH/CH, ADC, Annex and Main Librar �•"�= �