84-1730 WM17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �y� _ � D CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � 1 �o ncil Resolution Presented By �eferred To �� L1�/�1��-� Committee: Date ���-3� Out of Committee By Date � , . City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in exeess of those estimated in the 1984 budget; and WHEREAS, Couneil File 277510 , Adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish eertain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor reeommends that the following additions be made to the 198�1 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget ------- ------- ------- 050 Government Responsiveness Program Contributions and Donations - Outside Parties 30101 - 6905 -0- 15 ,000.00 15 , 000.00 30101 - Other 30 ,000. 00 -0- 30, 000 . 00 --------- --------- --------- 30 , 000 . 00 15 , 000. 00 45, 000.00 SPENDING PLAN ========= ==_=====_ =_===_=__ 050 Government Responsiveness Program Fees - Other Professional Services 30101-219-000 10 ,000.00 15 ,000 . 00 25 , 000.00 30101 - Other Expenditures 20 , 000. 00 -0- 20 , 000.00 --------- --------- --------- 30, 000. 00 15 , 000.00 �F5 , 000 .00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Couneil adopts these changes to the 1984 Budget. Approved as to funding: Approval Reaommended: � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� Drew In Favor Masanz NiCOSia scheibe� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson S'o rI h C � Adopted by Council: Date DEC 2 7 1984 orm Approved City Attor Certified Pass d b� ncil Sec BY By t�pp d by �Vlavor: Date �CC � � 1g8� App v by ayor for Sub 'on to�Council gy _ B PllBLISHED �Ia� 7 1�$5 . � ' Q � s • ��� U � AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT, dated this 5th day of November, 1984 , by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, hereinafter referred to as "City" , and ALBERT B. "ANDY" DRISCOLL, JR. , 752 Ashland, Saint Paul , Minnesota 55104 , hereinafter referred to as "Author" . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The City has received a $Z5, 000 grant from the Amherst Wilder Foundation to complete basic research on a book covering the history of the City of Saint Paul for the last decade; and WHEREAS, The Author has the necessary skills and talent to conduct such research; now, therefore, IT IS°"'MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the" City and Author as follows : (1) That for the consideration hereinafter stated Author agrees to write a history of the City of Saint Paul covering the � dast decade with particular emphasis on the development of specific City government initiatives including, but not limited to, energy programs; community programs; capital improvements; parks and re- forestation developments; community education and recreation de- velopme.nts; the Neighborhood Partnership Program; the Homegrown Economy Project; creation of jobs; restructuring of municipal financing; management improvements ; and g.eneral public and private community development. (2) That the 'basic research for the written history referred � ov . . �, /�`3v y ` � �- to above will be completed in four months ' time commencing the date first above written, and for the Author ' s faithful perforr.�ance he shall be paid the total sum of $15 , 000 ; $? , 500 of said sum to be paid upon signing of this agreement; $2 , 500 of said sum to be paid on January l , 1985; $2 , 500 cf said sum to be paid on February 1 , 1985 and the remaining $2 , 500 of said sum to be paid on March 5 , 1985 , the date of the termination of this agreement. (3) That on or before January 15 , 1985 the Author will submit for the City ' s review a draft of a proposed fi�rst chapter of the �ritten history and an outline of the remaining text. The first chapter shall cover in broad introdu.ctory form all of the topics reflected in paragrapr. one above. The City shall have the right for the period of 10 days after the Author' s submission of the first chapter and outline, to review and comment on the materials as submitted and if the materials are in the sole opinion of the City unsatisfactory in content, the City may require the Author to adopt various changes or terminate this agreement. In the event � the City elects to terininate the agreement, the City' s obligation for the February and March 1985 payments totaling $5 ,000 reflected above shal? be null and void. � Additionally, all materials as submitted by the Author shall become the sole property of the City. •� . (4) That at all times hereunder the Author is an independent • contractor and not an employee of the City and accordingly, is not entitled _to any of the rights , benefits and privileges granted regular City employees . (5) That no representation for the Author to provide . 2 . . . , r � „ ��, J�✓U . additional. ser�ices beyond those stated in this agreement shall be cf any effect unless reduced to a subsequent written agreement executed by the part�es . IN WITNESS HEREOF, the parties have set their. hands the date first above written., A�proved as to Form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� /-,j - � , � � �� ,.i :..�ti. Assistant C ty Atto� ey Mayor �� � ector, Fina ce and Management Services �. _, ......... , . � . ALBER B "ANDY URISC LL, JR. � , � 3 . - . � ov , �.�— /73� _ , A Mayor's Administration DEPARTI•tENT LeeAnn Turchin �ONTACT 4323 PHONE �� �� November 21, 1984 DATE �v (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): � � -tor RECEIVED � Ci ty Attorney �'ECE�V h►.OV 3 � 1��4 � Director of Mana�ment/Mayor � E� ' ---� -�er-yi�c�-�irector Ec 3 �84 CITY ATTORN�Y 6 Ci ty C1 erk . �� MAYp��s�FF�Cf ,�.��1 � What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): �' The City has received a $15,000 grant from the Amherst Wilder Foundation to complete basic research on a book covering the History of the City of Saint Paul for the last decade. This wi11 set up a budget to finance this research. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: The budget will be increased to provide funds for this agreement. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Grant from Amherst Wilder Foundation 30101 Attachments (List and Number all Attachments): i Council Resolution 2. Copy of Agreement DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for ��nstructions) . �z-��"•�'`t . . . , _---_.___ .___--��_:��3 � --_. __ _ �_ __: ___.---- .. ... _ . ._ -- --- . ____._ 1 Resolution amending the 1984 budget by add:ing �15,00Q to the fina cing and� spendina ' plan for Government Responsiveness Progrvn. (I=inance)� . �:. ; • � 1 . Resolution authorizing an agreement with the State Dept. of Education for the establ:�sh- ment of a lending library relationship with the City's Division of Librari�es � � 17.. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by �addin� 5 82S to the financing` and spenainR . � plan for Fire Fighting Equipment. (!'olice) � , • � ].8. Resolution amending the 1954 budget by transferring �32, 000 from General Gov±. Accounts - Contingent Reserve Speci�=� to 1'ublic Wor;cs - Traffic Operations and hiaintenance. (Public 19orks) � , The following agenda items are end of tlle year budget amendments requiring action at th�s time. They are scheduled for the City Cozincil agenda of December 18, 1984. 19. Resolution approving 1984-85 Maintenance Labor Agreements between I D #625 a the Plasterers Local It20 and the Cement Masons Local ��560. (Personnei 20. Resolution approving the 1985-1956 Agreement bet ' y of St. Paul and the St. Paul Supervisors Organization. (Personnel����� , � 21. Resolution approving the 1985-1986 Collective Bargaining Agreement betk� Ithe Ci y and the St. Paul Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Assn. (Personne � ! I 22 , Resolution approving the 1985-1986 Collective Bargaini � me t between the City and the St. Paul Police Federation. (Personnel) ' .� . , 23. Resolution approving Memorandum of Agreement amending the 19S4-1985 Agreement between the city and the Txi-Council I3arg�ining ,Unit renresenting Labore. s Loc11 ��'•32, Truck Drivers Local 120, and Operatine rngineers Local 49. (Personnel) a r .. __:_ 24. Resolution approving 1985-1986 hlemor.andum of Understandi � rtain��g-L.q�the Confidential Supervisory Employees. (Personnel)�, ' ��_v -- — �., 25. Resolution amending the 1954 budget by adc?ing $107,574 to the Financing a*�d S er.d,ra Plan for LYecutive Administration Dept. - ?�ersonnel Off=ce. (�ersonne' , �' ����._.,� �-` i� 2G. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by adc'.�ng �2,950 to the financin� and spendina � �.�� ' plan for Specia Projects-General Covt. - !:oy �dilkins l�uclitoriu� memorial grant. (Public Works) ' The following item was acted upon as a non-agenda item: � �'- Resolution creating a 1984 operating budget for expenses incured since ,7uly for . Honeywell building management system serving CH/CH, ADC, rinnex and Main Librar :,�