84-1720 M�HITE - GTV CLERK
BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ` r / �� �
Council Resolution
Presente By
Referred To 1������L� Committee: Date � Z����
Out of Committee By Date
, e ayor, pursuan o ea on . . o e ar er o e
City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation
total rgvenues in excess of those estimated in the 198� budget; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor reoommends that the folloWing changes be made
to the 1984 budget:
Current Amended
FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget
001 General Fund
�1070-000 Paramedics Fee 500 ,000 14,�400 514,400
All Other Fittaneing 98 , 149 , 064 -0- 98, 149 ,064
---------- --------- ---------
98,649 ,06� 14 ,400 98, 663 ,464
001 General Fund
Department of Finanee and
Management Services
Division of Aecounting and Auditing
01150-856-000 Software -0- 4 ,400 �F,400
01150-857-000 Hardware 11 , 300 10 ,000 21 ,300
All Other General Fund Spending 98,637 ,764 -0- 98, 637 ,76�4
---------- --------- ---------
g8 ,649 ,064 14,400 98,663 ,�64
NET CHANGE + 14 ,400
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Couneil adopts these
ehanges to the 1984 Budget. -
App d s to unding: Ap roval Reoommended:
nanee Director Budg , irector
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas �� Nays Fina e and Management Services
Drew In Favor
scnetbe� __ Against BY
cS'.�r»e h { � 7 1�4
L�EC Form Approve y City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pass b uncil Secr r BY
A►pp d by Mavor: � DEC 2 p �gv Approved or or Su 'on to Council
gy B
PUBLIS#iE�D ��N 5 1985
� ���i7aU
�, , . .
Finance & Mgmnt Serv DEPARTI�tENT
,Tim Snyder �ONTACT
298-4118 PHONE � �� .
��,�,84 oATE ree
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Nurr�er for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature):
� Department oi rector RECE�VE�
�_ Ci ty Attorney h��� 1 g �984
Director of Management/Mayor �.-r -
Fi nance and Mana9ement servi ces �i rector � CITY ATTORNEY
4 City Clerk `'� -�
3 Budget Director � � -_.�oR
� �� ��V�I O"r`� F�iVANCE
� AfvD ir�,-;,�AuEh�ENT SERVICES
��hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
This makes use of an increase in Paramedic billing receipts, to accc�mplish automation of
the Paramedic billing system.
NOV 2 81984
Fi nanci al , �udgetary and Personnel Impacts Anti ci pated: MAYOR'S OFFICE
We anticipate a saving in time as well as the ability to issue billings more promptly,
thus recovering payments more promptly.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited:
Funding Source: 001 General Fund (05120-4070)
Activity Credited: Oml General Fund (01150-856 and 857)
Attachments (List and Number all Attachmentsl :
Council Resolution
X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? x Yes No
Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes � No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for �Instructions)
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COMAiITTEE-OF-THE-IVHOLE: Resolutior�transferr.ing funds for Recycling Unlimite
� 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held December 6, 1984. ' •
2. Resolution amending the 1984 budget addin� �5, 000 to the financing and spending
plan for PED Printing $ Graphics, (PED) . R ,
3. Resolution amending the Civil� 5ervice Rules �concerning leaves of absence: (?�'i�cosi , �
�. Resolution requesting the Mayor� to include leave of absence lan�uage in contract ��
negotiations o�ccurring after the passage of this resolution. (Nicosia�� ��- �
5. HRA resolution relative .tq a �roposal �for a comme cial facilities development
- " " �proj ect. (Unit�ed Hospital proj ect. ) (I�ED) ° - ��°L�
r - - ----
6�. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by ac�c�ing �48,60D---to-the financing—.and- spend:r.n .
plan -for Special Projects-General Govi�. ��orl'St.� ?'au1 Eonvention Bureaii-Promote
St. Paul. (Exec. Administration) .� ���:i:• �
, �.°t..�_ _ ^I' _ .
7. Ordinance pertaining to signing bonds and other obligations, (Finance ���-? c�;r-
r:�.:w _
Resolution amending the 198� budget by add��ig $14,400 to the �=inancing •and spending
� lan for General Fund-Dep . of F�nar�ce ; '�l�;mt. Serv�ces; ^ivis�on of ;:cco��nting _
nd Auditing. (Finance) rt,.�r,: �
9. Resolution approving �800, 000 Federal !-lome Loan Ban_ks securities as collateral
to prote-t deposits of public func!s of rhe City of St. Pa��l wi±h She'ard Nationll
IIank of St. Paul. (Pinance) ;��:-:�
10. Resolution approving $100, 000• U.S. Treasury Notes secuxi*_�es as collateral to
protect deposits of pub�ic funds 0. y�)1C Ci*yo uf St. Paul w_th ',Vestern State 3a�k
' of St. Paul. (Finance) �,�,;.�n vy'°`-
11. Resolution approving $500, 000 U.S . Treasury ?�'otes at I2 .275� and �250,000 U.S.
Treasury, Notes at 11. 58o securities �s col'_ateral to pro*_ect c:eposits of .pu �ic ft�nc�
of the City of St. Paul with Com�nerc:i�'_ State 13ank of St. P�ul. (1=inan �� ,. �.,.--�,
12. Resolution approving securities as '_is*_ed as collatera'_ to protect deposits of �
public funds of the City of St. P�u? w:*_]1 Capita� Banlc of St. P�ul. (Finance) �e
• � _
13. P.esolution amending the 19S4 budeet by tr�n�s��errine� $95, ^�0 from rmployee Insurance
to Exempt Assessments. (Finance)� _ _ _ j� _
. �
14. Resolution amending the 1984 budget >>y add�ng �SQ,600 to ±he financing and. spend�:nry
plan for System and Building Construrtion !r�irc' access control. ; (Finance :�
C1TY }-L1LL S�VrN'r�r T:►_00`: � , �. �r�,
Sn.I�T 1'�UL, hili�l..��T�� 55;C,?
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