D001021CITY OF SAINT PAITL. OFFICE OF THE MAXOR No.: JlA9�lJ�� - - -- -- - -- - -- ---- �¢�8 ADMINISTRATIVE Date: • ORDER � w: 31986 BUDGET REVISION ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authori granted to the Mayor in Sectlon 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on tne request of the Director oi the Department of �ublic Works to amend the 19 g( of ine funct, the Direchor of the Deoariment of flnanca and Management Services is au or¢ed to am n said budget in the ioilowing manner. Gurzent �� FINANCING PLAN CSS-2T518 PIA Longside Subsidy 1995 PIA • SPENDING PtAN C95-2T518 PIA Longside Subsidy Construction FINANCING PLAN C94-2T436 1994 A11ey Projects Street Repair Fund 1994 PIA i995 P{A Assessment c� ��� Buc'get 48,796.95 -2,675.96 46,120.99 48,796.95 -2,675.96 46,120.99 48,796.95 -2,675.96 46,120.99 48,796.95 -2,675.96 46,120.99 966.23 966.23 1,862.76 1,862.76 2,675.96 2,675.96 18,842.56 18,842.56 21,671.55 2,675.96 24,347.51 . CIT'Y OF �'JAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ATJMINISTRATIVE ORUER BUDGEf REVISION No.: � U���� Date: ` � GS #: 31986 ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER, Gonsistert! with the authority Qranted ta the Mayor in Sedion 50.07.4 oi the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Departmerrc of Pubifo Works to amend the 19 �y_budgei of the fund, ffie Director af the Departrnent of Finance arui Manageme�rt Services is auihonzed to aznen said budget in the following manner: SPENDING PIAN C94-2T436 i994 Aliey Projacts Construction ' ; �aza�r _.--�-, mDirector • 21,671.55 2,675.98 24,347.51 21,671.55 2,675.96 24,347.51 ��� �r �� Mp Maror �- � ( - `�� � 8Ii9196 Michaei J. Eggum 266-6143 OF SIGNATURE PAGES �,^� V V r, ( P,A. ASSIGN GREEN SHEET� 1NR AtE IMf, EPARTMENTDIpECTOR � C(IYCAUHCIL _ mnTror+n�r � c�nc�uc UOGETOFFN:E_'UY��� � FINANCE-ACCDUNTING AYOR(ORASSIST � W�eE�m�� tcur nu. �xnnoxs �oa s�cNatu� �z Agproval of attached Adminisuarive Order aansferring 1995 Public Improvement Aid funding from PIA Longside Subsidy project. flEfAMMENDA7tON5Ap�xwe tN a Reja�Y (fi) _ Pl.ql7NING COMMISSION _CIVN- SER4ICE COMMISSION C10 C061MITTEE A STAFG _ DISTRIC7C�UNCiI _ _. SUPPORTS WFi�CH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI PROBLEAf. ISSUE. OPPOflTUNfTY (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, PEHSONAL SERYICE CONTRACT5 MUS7 ANSWER THE fOLtAWiNG QUE5i10NS: t, Has this persoNfirm ever weACed urMer a wntract fir fiis department? YES NO 2. Has tliis person+firm ever been a dry employee? YES NQ 3. Does rt�is persorufirtn possess a slall rrot rwrmalry poesessed by arry wrrent city employee? YES NO Explain aU yr a�swers on saparata sheat and attach W grean sheet WHY7: Public Improvement Aid (PIA) is necessary for expenses no[ recoverabie thmugh assessment An alley in Noah's Addifion was cancelled afrer the contract was started incurring expenses split between sueet maintenance funds and PIA. Engineering costs incurred on this alley design shouid be recovered from Capital Projects, ingineering services will be recovereti on cancelled aIley. ' VANiAGES iF APPROVEQ: RECEIVE� SEP I 31996 CltY CLERi� AGES fF NOT APFRQVED: ing Fund will incur a lass on the design services performed on the alley that was cancelled. OF TRANSACTION S Q2 675 96 OOSTtREYENUE BUDGETEO {CIRCLE ONE) ;E 1995 PIA AcnviTY NuMeER C95-2T518 & C9 A7fON:{E%P�AIN) ±7536 0 �