84-1678 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council o,/ ��7�'/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. `� Y BLUE - MAVOR � �, Go ncil Resolution Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHFRFA�, the INeyar, pursuent ta Sectian t0.07.1 af ths City Ct�ter. doss csrtify that thsrs ars avaii�te for appropMation reve►N�es in excess of those estimated in the 1984 Du�et; and WHEFttAS, the Mayor recorrxr►ends Ne following changes to the 1984 budget: Current Amended �� � � FtNANCING A!AN U5U Special Rro�ects-Generai Goverrxr�ent �5905('ontri!►ukions m��1 CMn��!�s- 9.3� 2.9�0� 12,2Sq Outside P�ties 0 230 �ifi071nkeresk nn Im�slments 230 All(�,t�er Fin�cing 185_959 ___� ]� t O5,4R9 ?,RSti I�lR,4:i9 `�NtNUtNG PLAN 05� �nP��ar cn-�;P��� -�,���r.���R►er�t 301U9 Koy Wilk�ns Aud.Memoriai 6rsnt 3!)1tT9-�i4 nther Prof�ciMr►s�i Faw; �.5p0 7,Qpq �,.`?UU 3U 1(i�1-111 Postege 100 40U S�U 301(XJ-241 Printing-Outsi�le SSO 5Sn 1,140 3U10�3-'Z511�ansportatia� 500 U St3U 3t1T0�3-7U�)l�har MiSrvilfK►nor�s Si��vicec ?3(1 (I !:�() 301 U9-tf 1 ti l�er Funtture 6.65U U 6,65U Ap Other Ar_fivitis5 t8S_�54 �__ J�4 U 195,489 'l,�U i yti.43y NET Cf�AN�:F T.�ISQ A.ES�V�T,fha�1 ►he C�t.y('o�nrncil adopts these changes to the t984 budget. ",�merir�tdsticmAl RAnk ��()0.04 tslestminist�r Cnr� (Archciiacese) 250.40 West�ern Benk 5�.00 �ctln►rty, Rumble R R�rt.ler 1,000.� � !!, � Norvrest B�c 1.�0.00 Approval Retortar�ended: Budgat ' . COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Na s -F1�"r�N,�� Executive Administration Drew � In Favor Masanz Nic�ia scnetbei __ Against BY � redesco J nn A. En 1 und JAE:c 11/30/�4 Wilson g DEC 18 198� Fo�m APP�o�ea ity t rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a s Counc' Se t BY • t�pprov d y Mavor: Dat n �9g4 Approv by M fo ubmis 'on to Council - r � `. ���----L�-�� h��� :-- � ,_,��� _ � By � P����s��� ��,�= C N � 1984 �""" �- ��.-,�7 Publ ic Works DEPARTh1ENT Joanne Englund �ONTACT - 2g2-7264 PHONE December 3 1984 D T �v�� �� , AE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assiqn Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): RECEIVED Department Di rector ()�C � �S� � City Attorney 3 Di rector of Management/Mayor RECENED C11Y ATTORNEY 4 Fi nance and Management Servi ces D�^eECEjvED UEC 5 �84 5 Ci ty C1 erk MAYOR'S OFFICE � Budget Di rector UtL b. �84 MAVnn�o �FFICE What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on tbe Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale�): Additional funds for the Roy Wilkins Auditoriom have been received from foudations and other contributions. This ordinance adds those funds to the budget. , Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Partially completes the required budget. (Other contributions are forthcoming and will be processed later) . Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited: 30109 Attachments (List and Number all Attachments� : Previous budget. City Council Reso�ution requesting budget change. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Ynsurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �InstructionS) . i�-��"-�"`t . . . ._. _. _ �.---_�.,-_�-----_ . _ __.__ .__ __-----_ -- ----__-----.___.------ 15. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by add:ing $15,000 to the� �inarycing and' spendin� ' plan for Government Responsiveness Progrvn. (T'inance) � .� ((� _��p7� ent with the State Dent. of Education for the es*_a'�'�s'�- ?6. Resolution authorizing an agreem � - ment of a lending library relationsh�ip with the City's Divisipn of Libraries �T ' " '�.. • r � 1�.. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by �acldin� 5 825 to rthe financing: and speni'_in,�T plan for Fire Fi�hting Equipment. (!'olice) , - ].8. Resolution amending the 1984 buc'.get by tra�lsferr�ng �32, 000 from General Govt. nccounts - Contingent Reserve Specii��. � �to l�ublic Works - Traffic Operations and hiaintenance. (Public ►Vorks) The following agenda items are end of t'.ie year budget amendments requiring action at *:!_s time. They are scheduled for the City Counci�l z�er_da of �ecember �8, 19S4. 19. Resolution approving 1984-85 Maintenance Labor Agreements between I D #625 a t�:e Plasterers Local f120 and the Cement b'asons Local ��560. (Personne� ?0. Resolution approving the 1985-1986 Agreement bet - :�y of St. Paul and the St. Paul Supervisors Organization. (Personnel ' `� , � , . 21. Resolution approving the 1985-1986 Collective Bargaining Agreement betw he City and the St. Paul Manual and Nlaintenance Supervisors Assn. (nersonne -� ' 22 . Resolution approving the 1985-1986 Collect�ive Bargaini e� ,�me t between the ��City and the St. Paul Police l=ederation. (Personnel) �` ' > . , 23. Resolution approving Memorandum of Agreement amending the ?984-1985 Agreement between the city and the Tr.i-Council Bareaining .L`nit renresenting Labore. s Local i!'•?2, Truck Drivers Local 120, and Operatine rnp,ineers Loca� 49. (Personnel) � _, 24. Resolution anproving 1985-1986 Memor.andu�n of Unc'_erst�ndi�� rtain.��g-1:.q the -� � "'., ,-�- Con£idential Supervisory Employees. (Personnei)-�'�,�i���� • � _ - — .. V- �� 25. Resolution amending the 1954 budget by adding $'07,57� to the Fin�ncing and Sper.�_^a Plan for Cxecutive Administration Dent. - :'ersonnel O�fice. fPersonne' �y}/ -1 _ = - ;��.; i; 2G. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by acic'.ing �2, 950 to the financing and sper_din� `'�L ~ � plan for Specia Proj ects-General Covt. - !:oy �'�i'kins Auditorium memorial granr, (Public Works) , ��`� ��� The following item was acted upon as a non-agenda item: � '�'" � Resolution creating a 1984 operating budget for exnenses incured since .7uly for � � �; Honeywell building management system ser.ving CH/CH, ADC, Annex and yain Librar �'�: ' � ._� _ _ _ .. � .:. ';.� _ . , _ . - _ Y �...,�,.,_ . . �. _ , T _� _ ... . > ` -;. r- � .,., .,�, v :4�' :. ,s's'"'r . :t• . , , _ � . : _ . - + , ��., ,_ . , , ` • � Wh11TE -.CIT'^/_CLER7C° � � . . . •��. . � , � � . PINK - F�NANCE r � � � COUIICII • CAMARV - DEPAqT�AENT ��t G�.ITY O F SA I NT PAU L `' � %BLUE �- MkYOR . � .FIIe 1\O. � � ���`'��" � ^ � ` � Co ` ncil Resolution " �� �`����7�` � _ , . Presented By � --i ` _.� � � :,.:.. � - Referred.To Committee: � Date . - .. . , ,. �w;�. ` Out of Committee By � :,. ._--..�:.;:: .. -_:- - :Date �;��:�; pur�snt bc� 3ec�ton 10.t17.I a� the C3ty �, c�es cc�rrtify that there . are ava�,�.e far a�pco�xiatiae revecn�es i.� e�caes� o� tbc�e estim�tt�ed in t3�e 198A txx3gett and WHE�AS,��k�ie �yor re� t3�e fo�k�wing �s ta the 1984 txu3get: . txureat A�nded �� � �t �;t�taC��Gx:� _ : 0� Specfal �iroj�s - c�eneral. Go�aerit -69tf5 t�xttrfbt�t�cxss ar�d i�ati.c�s - 0 +g,3ix? 9,30Q O�tsic3e Rartf.es {Sairit R�]. �xfativn� -5602 7.nterest on inve�ent� 0 +230 230 �].1 OtYeer Finaecing 23•4,50€) 0 334,500 - I34,5Q0 +9,53C1 144,034 ��3DI2��'P�fi� - . 4S0 S�cial Ptojec�e -- General C�ove�� : 30309 � Willcins Aw3. I�t�rial Gr�t 30I09-2I9 O�her Pto�'ess.i.as�a3. Fees 4 +1,5� 1,SiI4 30i09-221 Pastag�e 0 +1�0 lt� _ 3tI109-241 Pri�nting - E�sic'ie 0 +550 550 :: 301Q9--25i Tic�rtaticn 0 +� 5� � 3fl109-299 C�her i�isvel2anepus Secvices Q t230 23� 341t�-�18 t�her Ftsrriiture 0 +6,65fl 6,b50 . All �r Actfvities 134,SOE3 0 134F50U ,____�_ -.T._--.- _ : i34.� +9,530 244,Q34 ' 1�EP g3AN�E +9,53E1 F�r �'�i3t �lE �.� �C� 8�0'�'S � C�3c'lT2�.°! �A �3@ l.� �t. - . ' . ., . � A�. .Vii71 ���w J� i I • f��KYVJ � � �� . L BtY�2t Df rBCtCxt . COUNCILMEN "°Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � ��t3V@ Ad�.3liStt8ti.0II , °reN1 In Favor I Masanz Nicosia ��� scnetbe� � _ Against BY ` G ,;Tedesco � Wilson FEB 1 4 1984 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' r'�rtified P•s ed b Council Se tar BY r _.By, _ t�pproved by i4lavor. Date rEB I 5 190�+ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � BY