84-1658 P�NKE - FINA CE RK COUflCll // �/y GANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L f / BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO.��[r� � � u .ncil Resolution Presented By �Referred To �� NYg"l�(.0 Committee: Date � ( '���� �— Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does reco�nend the followi.ng transfers for the 1984 General Fund Budqet: TRAISSFER FROM: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve Specified 09061-537 Operating Transfer Out -20,000 Current Amended Budget Changes Budget TRANSFER T0: City Attorney 00200 City Attorney-General Operations 00200-114 Full�ime Appointed 753,998 +20,000 773,998 00200- All Other Spencling 344,748 0 344,748 1,098,746 +20,000 1,118,746 NET C�IANGE 0 NOW, �'ORE, BE IT R�SOLVID, That the City Council adopts these changes to the 1984 Budget. Approved as to Funding: Approval Recconanended: /��`L�/! �. Director of Finance t(�� ,,.( Budget ir tor � i��3Q'��� COU[VCILMEN Requested by epartment of: Yeas �� �oN�6� City orne Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia sshswot __ A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson DEC 1 3 1984 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date Certified a. •e ouncil r BY /lpprov by �Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _ BY Pt1BLISHED !;�= r � k% 19�� Cit Attorn ,,._.�EPARTtaEf�T U—�`l�`�� � � . ' Joanne Rettner CONTACT � Ext. 5121 PHONE � � � October 26, 1984 DATE r v v � . . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for h1ayoral Signature): Department Di rector " `�'`��r°�-,�. u City Attorney ;'��i ;- ,. � 2 Director of Management/Mayor � � � Finance and Management Services Director � City C1erk 3 Budget Di rector � �Jhat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Money will be provided to meet payrolls through the end of 1984 Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: No new F.T.E.s affected - additional funds required to meet payrolls � due to hiring of temporary employees to replace attorneys on maternity leave Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: General Government Accounts - Contingent Reserve Specified 09061-537 Operating Transfer Out Attachments {List and Number all Attacl�ments) : 1. Council Resolution approving fund transfer • 2 . Memo to Budget Director explaining need for transfer DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? X Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? N/A Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? ' . Revision of October, 1982 . . (�PP RAVP1"CP SidP for �Instructions) � , C��1���`�' ' ���= o. y � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �~� ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �° �u. `` ��1e�������+ br EDWARD P. STARR, CITI ATTORNEY .� nll Iliu �? • ':• �� �"�«.�aQ��'4 647 Ciry Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER - - MAYOR Oc�cober 16 , 19.84 t M E M O R A N D U M ' TO: Gregory Blees ' Budget Director FROM: Joanne Rettner ��� City Attorney' s fflce RE : Requested Salary Transfer Pursuant to your request, I provide the following information in support of our request for the transfer of $20,000 from Contingent Reserve or the Fund Balance to Account 00200-114-000; City Attorney General Operations/Salary Account. We presently have three attorneys on maternity leave. Two of these attorneys are on six month leaveti and the other will be returning in November from a three month leave. During their absence temporary employees have been hired to fill their positions . However, due to City policy which allows sick leave and vacation benefits to be paid for maternity leave, we have actually been paying two employees for each of these positions for periods of approximately two months each. These temporary employees were also on the payroll at the same time as the permanent employees for seve'ral weeks while being trained in the duties of their positions. In addition, temporary employees earn vacation at the same rate as regular employees and are entitled to receive payment for any unused vacation on the books at the time they leave. Two of our employees will have returned before the end of this year and, therefore, vacation pay will also have to be taken from this account for the temporary employees who will be leaving at that time. I have reviewed the latest PROBE for Activi�ty 00200 and do not find any accounts from which money can be transferred within this activity to offset this shortage in the salar�r account, and therefore, request that the above transfer be made in order for us to meet our payrolls through the end of this year. If you require any additional information on this matter, please call me. Thank you for your assistance. cc : Edward P. Starr v, l � ` � � Zl f'_��' t;,?�"::'.;�Y.\ .�� U '.l�'ICI�. OI+' �L`IZI�. Cl'1`32" C:OL71ClL . . /�iC ���(GLj :l� t��;':�; ••i �:;�, . ��, ��.";.�._ =` �i�� /:� . - � D a t e : Aecember 6, 1984 ��'°�_�.,,;, ����/ . , . --....... �- C� � i� I t i� E � E PO � �' . i O = �C���� PGt3I Cii'yi CoL}�t��� _ � - _- �P 0 !4� � �i��1��!i�� o� FINANCE; MANAGEt�NT F, PERSONNEL - � _. ' - ' C�A 1 R James Scheibel • � � - 1. Approval.of minutes from meeting held November 29, 1984 - 2. Resolution amending the I984' budget by adding �I,170,000 to the Financing Plan and Spending PIan for the Finance Dept. to allow transfer of assess� collected to the permanent improvement revolving activity. (Finance Dept.)���� 3. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by adding �8,000 to the Financing F� Speading Plan for the Zoo Animal Fund. (Community Services 4. Resolution anthorizing a ref�d of $238,00 to I�ietropolitan biechanical Contractors for unused permit payment at 358 E. Fillmore Ave. (Community Sertrices)� � - • � G� Resolution amending the 1984 budget by transferring $20,000 from Contingent Resenre to City Attorney - General Operations. (City Atfiorney) 6. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by transferring �I23,558 from Contingent Reserve to Police Dept. - Patrol Division for�Team Police expenses F� building remodeling. � , �� '�. 7. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by adding $83,000 to the Financing and S ending Plan for the Police Dept.-Public Safety bldg. remodeling. _, (Police) " 8. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by adding �y5,000 to t�ie Financin PIan and Spending Plan for PED Qperations Fund for Consultant Services. (PED) ,�,. . 9. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules by inserting nezv s '�ations for the titles of Water Laborer and Unskilled Laborer. (Personnel) 10. Resolution amending the I984 Capital Improvement Budget by transferring $94,000 ta the Fillmore St. Repair project fxom the Grand Ave. Bridge Over Short Line Pro'ect. ($78�000) � {Vestern Avenue-Como to Front Project. ($16,000) . (Putilic iVorks. ' '� ::iTY H:�LL � SEVENTH FLOOI: SAINT PAUL.� ril�h'ESOTA SS103 '�+�u .