84-1649 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council G,/_J�, i� GANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR Q T 7 , File N 0. Council l ti Presented By . Referred To C m ittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be a�oved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-511-000, to: l . The Griffin Co . ' s Inc . the sum of $412 .50 in full settlement of its claim .of damages sustained on or about January 2, 1984 , as more particularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerk ' s office on July 17, 1984 . 2 . Paul S. Gerr the sum of $47.90 in full settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or about October l , 1984 , as more particularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerk ' s office on October 22 , 1984 . 3 . Rick Norlund the sum of $39 . 60 in full settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or� about August 8 , 1984 , as more particularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerks office on �September 5 , 1984 . 4 . Beatrice Coleman the sum of $104 .16 in full settlement of her claim of damages sustained on or about April 19 , 1984 , as more particularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerk' s office on May 16 , 1984 . COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays� `f+e�sh•SQN'iV'�rc/ Drew �_ In Favor Mesanz NiCOSIa sche�bei __ Against BY 7edesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date DEC 1 1 1984 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P� •- ouacil et BY By E1pp by 14avor. ♦ �EC, � � ���'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY �uBUS��� �r� C 2 �J 1984 � _ . �����`�� +`�tTr o�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � • OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ; ��, �� ��������� �Q� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY o, `�o,�.� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR 28 November 1984 M E M O R A N D U M CLAIMS AGAINST CITY OF SAILVT PAUL BY THE GRIFFIN CO. ' S, INC. , PAUL S. GERR, RICK NORLUND, and BEATRICE COLEMAN On January 2 , 1984 , a City of Saint Paul , Department of PUblic Works , crew was removing snow from the alley behind 1348 Ames Avenue. During the removal , damage to a garage owned by claimant , The Griffin Co . ' s , Inc. , occurred in the amount of $825 . 00 . A compromise settlement was reached for $412 . 50 . This office approves the settlement of its claim in the amount of $825 .00. Claimant, Paul S. Gerr, requests reimbursement for towing and storage fees he incurred when his car was towed from the scene of an accident on October 1 , 1984 near 1398 Eleanor . The car was drivable and the claimant ' s mother asked to drive the car home which was only three houses away. The police officer would not allow her to do that . This office approves the settlement of Mr. Gerr ' s claim in the amount of $47. 90. On August 9 , 1984 , a vehicle driven and owned by claimant , Rick Norlund, hit a depression on the Concordia-Snelling Freeway entrance and damaged his vehicle in the amount of $39 .60. This depression was caused by a Public Works ' repair crew and it was left unfilled when Mr . Norlund drove over it . This office approves the settlement of Mr. Norlund' s claim in the amount of $39 .60 . On April 19, 1984, a City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works, vehicle driven by Jerome Hughes crossed over into another lane and struck a vehicle driven and owned by claimant , Beatrice Coleman. Mrs . Coleman ' s car was damaged in the amount of $208 . 31 A compromise settlement of $104 .16 was made with Mrs . Coleman. This office approves the settlement of Mrs . Coleman ' s claim in the amount of $104 .16 .