84-1647 WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE � CANARY - DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAITL� Council �/ �BtUE -MAVOR File NO. �• /��� dind CG Ordinance N 0. � �� ��� . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN QRDINANCE GR�iNTiNG CROM�ELL A�SOCIATES, 662 GRGM�IELL AVENUE, SAINT P�4LIL, MINNESOT�, PERMISSION TO CONSTRUGT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A TELEPHQNE CABLE OVER AND AGRaSS 1�AB�SH A�JENUE, TO E�€TENd FROM A BLIILDING ON THE NORTH SIDE CtF �lA�ASH A�IENUE, AT APPRO}{IMATELY i iS FEET EA�T QF THE EAST RICHT OF �tAY LINE OF CRaMt+�ELL AVENUE, TO A POLE ON THE SQUTH �IDE QF +�IABASH A�IENUE AT A P�DINT APPRQ?{l�IATELY 145 FEET EAST QF THE E�iST RIGHT OF 1�+AY LINE OF �RQM�lELL A�IENUE. The CounGil of the City of Saint Paul doefi ordain: Section 1 Thet perrriissian Snd authority are hereby granted tc� Cromwell AssaGi�tes, �62 Crom�etl Avenue, Saint P�ul, Minnesota to confitruct, aper$te end maintain � telephone Gable over and �cross �'aba�h Avenue, ta ext�nd frc�m a building on the north side af �abash Avenue, at approximately 1 15 feet eest of the east right of way iine of Crom�+ell Avenue, to � pate on tM� sauth side �f �+ab�sh Avenue, $t s� point approxim�tely 14� feet east af the e�st right of v�ay line of Crom�ell ��renue. Section 2 Thst the Directar of the Dep$rtment of Public �arks is her�by authorized to issue � permit to Gromwell AssoGi�tes for the construction, aper�tion �nd m$intenance of said tetephon� c�bte upan said permittee's compliance �rith the follo�ring �onditians: COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: publ ic Works Yeas Nays �kk�� p�e,,,, In Favor Masanz Nicosia g . Scheibel A gai n s t Y 7edesco a 1 d E. Nyg d 1 1/14/84 Wilson S'v� » e n For Appr v by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �Y �. Approved by Mayor: Date Approve Mayor r Sub ssio t Council By , , � �, � (��- �y���� ��Q� � �. Th�t sai d ���rrr�i tt�� �ndr'r_�r i ts ��►.�ccessc�rt i n i ntereti t �h�l l f�.al l y i nderr�ni f y, hai d h�rmi F4�: and rJ�f end the Gi ty �f S�i rrt P�ul, i tti: �gEnt�, nf f i r_:er� �t�d err�pl��y�e� f rorri �n� ar�d �11 darnage�, cl�i rr7ti, lr���es, jtadqrr�er�ts, ��_ait�, nr F��ens�s �t�d C�t� �G�C�unt �f �1] c:l�im� �t 5�rhate�er r��tiarF for inj�.iry t� p�r�anti:s� and�or prc�F►erty ar-i�,ing ��ut c�f c�r- c.c�nr��cfied ���;tr� tr,E �onytr-�ac:ti�r7; rr��ir�ten�r�r_.F, op�r�tic�n �r�dlr�r r'et-r���',��1 t�f �,�id telFphGne �.�h1E �nd r_.�t�di_ait �rtd �y #.t'�� ��rtY'it'��i�in �nr� a��th�arity grant�d hpr�ir�; ar�d tt7�t ti.�.��plerr��nt�l tu �11 �ther r_�t�lig�ti�ns c�n tf7eir p�rt jointly 9nd�`or- ti;��er�lly, h�rE�ar7der, s�id G��rmittee �r-�r�i�r its ��ar_:c:��s�r� in ir�ter�st st7�11 f��rni�h ar�d rrrair�t�ir� �r,�� p�y 5i1 prFrr�ium�; �nd ather ��,p�r�s�, thFr-efc�r� c�•�uaity i nti ur-�nc:e c.a���r�g� t�ri tri � dul y 1 i cenL�d L:5��a91 t y i n���r�nc� cor�iF��nu, n�rf�inr� th� ��errr�ittee �nd th� City of ���ir�t F���ai as jaintly in=,�.ared t�� ti�,a �;�t�r�t r_�f fi�re� h�ar�drFd tht��.av�r��1 doll�rs ti.$5�J�'�,C,�.:�ri.�a4'�j fnr injury t� 5n�a p�rsc�n an�i`nr per�or��� ir� �n►a ,in�ale incid�r�t �nd tn the �xtent �f t��u h�an+�r�dth��a�:�nd �1a11arJ �4���1;�:�,�,��,7.�,aC�j fc�r darriage to ��ro�erty in �ny single �cc.ider�t, 11'IcUrltl� tflE'• C.ltl.� �1fi �aint P��al 9q�inst li�t�ility �n �r_.�:��i.�r'i#. �f �ll cl�irttTti nf tr�irr� p�rs�r►�: fnr inj�ar�a tc� p�r���t���) �r�dr'��r G�ra��rt�a ari•yir�g frr_�m r_�r c:c�nr�ected ��ritt� tr�? c.c�n1tr�actinn, rn�inten�r��c?, c���er�tic�r� �ndf�}r rernn�.;�l of �:aid tele��hi�r�e �:�Lle h�re�.and�r, �t �11 tirrie�. Thp pFrrr�ittee �t7�ll ftarr�ifih a certifi�_:at� ��f tt7i�, in�i�r5nr:e p�iicu tc� th� Cie�artm�r7t ��f F�at�lic '�+nrk�. The C}Fp�rtrr�ent �7f F�.ablir_: 'S��orkr �t�all s�.at�rnit ��id certifir_.ate tu thY C:it�� �lttarr-�ey f�r rE+riE� �nd if the in�c�r-5nr_:e i:� �c:c���t�t�lE ��id c:ertifi►_�te Lt��a11 t�� fite�� �itr� tt�e De��rtmFr��t r�f F?n�nr�e �nd t°15r��gerr7�nt Servic:�ti. r_�f the C:it� c�f ��int F'�u1; b. Tt-�at said G�rmittee �ha11 cc�nstr�.�ct said telephnne c.�t�le entirel�� at its ���rn �t�p�r�se; r. Th�t said p�rmittae ;h�11 ���� th� c��t c�i ��ut�lii:9tic�n ��f this ��r��in�ncF �nrJ �11 r�tit�luti�,ns i�r- ��r-din�nc.e� �afic�d ir� rElation tt� �5id r�rc�insnce; ��. That s5i� p�rrnitte� r,h�l1 p�y the c�+�tti c�f �dmir�i;tratiar�, Engir�pering �nd in�pe�_tic�n inc:i�rr�d by th? D�p�rtmer�t of Fut�lic: '�c�rk1 d��� tc� tt��is ur��ert�kir�g. Said crs:_tL. are ?{.tirri�ted tt� t�� a 1��rr� ��f one r��.indrerl dc�ll�rs �,.$1�,��.►�,�'�,�; e. That �aid permittee �xpre,�ly �gr-pe�, tr_� corrrply v�ith Ch�pt�r 1�5 oi tfie Saint P��.il Ler�islati�e Code, s�s �mer�ded, �er-tainin� t� ��treet r_�L,�tructinn in th� pr�L�cutic�r� c�f �r�y apprati�n� inv�lving thE c�nstr�.actior�, rr��intenar,r_.e. end��r r-�m�v�l of L,r�ir1 telpph�anF �.�t�le; f. Tt'�at s�id �ermittee �n�/r_�r itc t.uc�cp�:snr� irt inter��:t �hall m�int�in thE t?lephc�ne _r.�hle in :�uch a mar,npr th�t th� r��ir�r{t of the t�l�pt��onp WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council (�jt CANA{�V - DEPARTMENT File NO. V y /�►"�� ►BLUE - MAVOR 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N�._,��/ � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PB�B 3 c�ble �bove t�ab�sh �lvenue �h$11 be a minimum af sevent�en feet six i n�hes; g. That ssid telephc�ne c�b1e shali �e remaved by and at th� sole cost and expense of said permittee sndlor its successors in interest upon their failure to comply v�ith the conditions $s set farth in this ordin�nce or �rhenever the Council of th� Gity of Saint P�ul sha11 by resolution determine such removel necessary in the public interest and eccordingly order the removal af s�id telephone cable from the public street right-of-�r�y; h. Th�t said permittee shall caardinate �11 �rork in+rolving e:�isting or proposed utility installations, public or private, with the �ffected uti 1 i ty company or agency; i. That s�id permittee sh$11, within thirty {30) d�ys fram end �ft�r the publication of this ordinance, file �tritten acceptance thereaf, specific�lly agreeing to all the provi�ians, terms and conditions herein, with the City Glerk. 5ectian 3 Thet this ordinance sh�ll take effect �nd �e in force thirty {30� d�ys from and efter its passage, �pprov�l �nd public�tian. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Pubi ic Works Yeas Nays i�lelE�1lr Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosla scneibei Against BY Tedesco ' na 1 d E. Nyc�aa g 11/14/84 Wilson Sd��'='n DEC l 7 1984 rm Approve b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e nc'1 S c t BY By c Ap ov by Mayor: Date QEC 2 8 !t App ov by or for Submi ' n t cil By B PUBLISHE�D �a� 5 �g$� � r n � �V,—.���/���, � �� Publ ic Works DEPART(,1ENT Bob Horrisberqer, Jr,�'ONTACT 292-6131 PHONE �� Novembe r 15, 1984 DATE re en (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature.l��EiVED �t Di rector � City Attorney I �� �`��� 19 �9$� Di rector of Management/Mayor \��� =-`��`�� CITY ATTORNEY Finance and Managerr�nt Services Director 4 City Clerk n,, � � '� '' Crr,r- �.. , , `'2 Budget Di rector - r�- Af��.; :.,,, .r�;;. .,: : ._ __ � What Will be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Ordinance would grant Cromwell Associates (Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory, Inc.) permission to install a telephone cable across Wabash Avenue, easterly of Cromwell Avenue, to connect 2 of their buildings. This will be a private, internal telephone system. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: � None RE�EIVED Fundi ng Source and Fund Acti vi ty Nur�er Charged or Credited: N��2 9 � None �AY�R�S�FF��f Attachments (List and N wnber all Attachments): Ordinance DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes x No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No x Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached? Will be submitted when ordinance is adopted. Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions) RAH:cg , .. .s lst /v2- //- �� 2nd /�- /�''�L/ `_' : v ' �•�:�; ' ` 3rd /a-o?D -�'� Adopted /vt- �?7- �� t'}i�� � r t� ?,�p7�p � �t(iy y�'. ... Yeas Nays t;�,,�7� . DREW //� �jc,/-�l^Y,.I .,y_r�� (� Q ':i;�+'! �F��2i�'LR +r'`�t r / . / _��s �� _����� MASANZ � NICOSIA ��� �� _ � / 7/ SCHEIBEL � WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO . -._. .. _�.____.,. .... ..__ . ,._._. ...,,,,.�.,mT��...:..__ ..... ., � _._ ._ .. .. , _ _ _ � �-�-�-- ��,� � � :,�,: � _ . ���?� �= �.�� � � �;�= ::.