84-1623 WH17E - CITV CLERK
BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ��' /
� Cou cil R lution
. r
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Wheresa. 1'he City of Saint Paul ha� applZed to t�e Commiaaioner oP
Tranapatatlon for a grant Yrom the Minnesota State Trauaport�tt� Fund Pa
t,�e reoo�tructian ot the bridge whlch curlss OOMO AVBNUE over the tru�cs
oP the Burlingtaa Nathern Railroad. to be knaWn aa Bridge No. 62S!i� �nd;
Whereaa. 1'�e applic�tloa Ior tb+a graat has been revie�ved by t�e
Metropolitaa Counal, and;
Wherea�. Tbe amount ot the �rant l�s been determined to be
i272.440.80 by re�aon a�the la�vve:t responalbie biA.
Naa,T�erefae. Se It Reaoived� tbat Punda reoelved from aaid �r�nt sh�li
be tr�erred directty to the agency ac�oount, and be It
Furt�her Reaolved, �'hat the City a[ Salat Paul does hereby tt'firm that any
c�oat ot the bridge in ezass af the gcani wlll be appropriated Prom Punds
av�llable to the City of Saint PauL
Yeas COUIVCILME Na s Requested by Department of: ^
�� Sonnen Public Works 11-28-84 REG/m !'-�
Drew In Favor
Masanz /"1C����G „ /f i/
Nicosia a B �i i �Y%
schetbe� _ Against Y "
Tedesco Donald E. Nygaard, ector
�EC .�+� �9$� Form ed by City Attomey
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified P ; Council et ry BY �
By � i
t#pproved y ;Navor a ! a_�� C� 1 � App by Mayor for ss n to ouncil
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PUBLISHED D E C 1. 5 1984
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Public works DEPART�IENT �
R. E. Grieder �ONTACT
292-b319 PHONE ���� ��
< November 28, 1984 DATE
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routin�g Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature):
2 Ci ty Attorney ^� �_.. .�.�
Director of Management/Mayor
Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector/GQ"�/��'�� r�,;_ ,
6 City Clerk o��-±C�. t : � '
� Budget Di rector pEPAR�7� "��N '' r '�F';�`"_
������q �� AND M AGEIV�.E�d-� SERV�C6��
7 Public Works \\� �`' ��
What Will be Achieved by �aking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
Minnesota Department of Transportation requires this Resolution prior to authorizing
a grant to the City for partial financing of the construction of the new COMO AVE. BR. (8-1094),
and awarding a contract for its construction. RECEIV�D
NOV � 91984
Fi nanci al , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anti ci pated: MAYOR'S OFFICE
$272,440.80 will be granted to City by State and
$1,089,763.21 wi11 be granted to City from Federal Highway Bridge Rehabilitation and
Replacement Funds.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited:
MSA, Water Utilities and private source.
Attachment� (List and Number all Attachments) :
Proposed Resolution.
x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes x No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for ��nstructions)