84-1607 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council '` CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �` /Y�,� BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERF�S, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does reco�rm�end the follawi.ng transfers for the 1984 General Fund Budget: TRANSF'ER FR()M: General Goverrunent Accounts Contingent R+eserve Specified 09061-537 Operating Transfer Out -45,000 Current Ame.ndec7 Budqet Changes Budget TRP�iSF'ER T0: Co�tnunity Services Division of Public Health 03200 Public Health Administration 03200-537 Operati.ng Transfer Out 0 +45,000 45,000 03200- All Other Spending 387,354 0 387,354 387,354 +45,000 432,354 � � 0 NOW, THEREE'ORE, BE IT RESOLVID, 2'hat the City Council adopts these changes to the 1984 Budget. P,pproved as to Funcling: Approval Reccomnerided: �����` Director of Finance ��`�.� Budget Di ec r (�.�(. COUfVCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas �F�N�y� � Drew Community S rvices Masanz In Favor r Nicosla ` sen�tbs�- � _ Against BY Tedesco VLi1ow� NOV 2 7 �9a�y Form A roved b City ey Adopted by Counci!: Date c Certified P�:s d y oun il et BY sy t#pproved by 'Navor. ate 1��'�—"� � 7 �q8 Approv�d by Mayor f bmission to Council �� ��`� � ���`�� �c By � �H;d �-+�_ ��� Pu�i(S�iEU D E C 1 19$4 t . � �y/�4 7 CITY COUNCIL ADOPTID 1984 BLIDGET SP°r�CIFIID CONTINGENT RFSERVE (09061-537) as of November 20, 1984 Council Changes/Transfers Adopted --- --- 1984 Council Item Budget File Date Amount Available Salary Reserve (contracts and year-end accruals) 3,508,487 84-1049 08/02 (3,507,811) Public Works Signing Nlaterials pending (676) 0 �]]nployees' Health Insurance Pr�nium Reserve 0 0 0 Retiree Insurance Reserve 0 0 0 Workers' Compensation: A) Dependency Benefits 240,000 Dispute Resolution Center 84-534 04/26 (17,500) Mears Park brick work 84-1047 08/02 (10,700) Wood Recyclinq Center 84-1216 0�/06 (22,100) United Way Ehiergency Care Fund 84-3J�� 07/26 (40,000) Upgrade PRIME Computer 84-1236 09/13 (113,700) City Attorney Office Salaries pendir:g (20,000) Public Works Signing Materials pending (16,000) 0 B) Disability Reserve 250,000 Filmore Settleqnent 84-1372 10/04 (99,000) Upgrade PRIN� Computer 84-1236 09/13 (143,300) Replaceqnent Ambulance 84-1316 09/27 (7,700J 0 Early R�etireqnent Incentive Program 0 0 0 Telephone Rate Increase 15$ Reserve 78,040 Replacenent Ambulance 84-1316 09/27 (33,300) Public Technology, Inc. 84-1454 10/25 (17,980) 1984 Election Printing Expenses 84-1455 10/25 (6,000) CI�/Q3 Additional Maintenance Crew w/cirawn 0 CIB Crn�snittee Per Diem 84-1450 10/25 (2,000) Recycling Unlimited Legal Fees 84-1498. 11/O1 (5,000) Public Works Signing A�9aterials pending (13,760) 0 Electricity for Restoration of Some Street Lighting 20,000 Basketweave stop signs 84-937 07/17 (15,000) Public Works Signing Materials pending (1,564) Refugee H�t���ram penaing (3,436) 0 i �_�-/�a� � CITY COUNCIL ADOPTID 1984 BUDGET SPECIFIID CQNTINGENT RESER�JE (09061-537) as of Novezr,ber 20, 1984 (Continued) Council Changes/Transfers Adopted 1984 Council It� Budget File Date Amount Available Bus Stop Snow Removal (contingent upon union acceptance of composite position) 75,000 Refugee Health Program pending (41,564) Staff for Public Financing Study pending (20,000) 13,436 Training and F�nployee Relations (transfer to be considered after the reco�nend- ations of the Personnel Issues Task Force are identified) 50,000 84-712 05/31 (50,000) 0 Team Police--Four Sectors 123,558 pending (123,558) Q Personnel Assistant III—Recruiting 24,629 Tuiti�n Reimbursement 84-1130 08/23 (].3,UU0) 11,629 Zbtal Adopted 1984 Budget 4,369,714 (4,344,649) 25,065 Recycling Unlimited Operating Reserve (fram 09060; CF84-325) 46,500 , 0 46,500 Adjusted Zbtal 4,416,214 (4,344,649) 71,56� penciing - Pencling action by the Finance Comanittee or identified but not yet submitted by the the ciepartment. recam�n. - Recoacmendecl by the Finance ComQni:ttee for approval. O1�S/tedesco 510/RF5ERV84 11/15/84 • i . , ��.-�--��04r Community Services DEPARTIIENT Bill Timm -�ONTACT 298-7713 PHONE 11/15/84 DATE ���� �� . . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Nun�er for Routing Order (Clip All Locatfions for Mayoral Signature): r�-' � Department Di rector � Ci ty Attor�n�y �Director of hfanagement/Ma�yor R�,,�.l�,,�� � Finance and Management Services Director � � City Clerk ��`''''� ' 19�3�� 3 Budget Director oF:;�r- n,� _�,,,_ ;,_,:, � � �'=F';',r� � ir_�NI t � F ,'C`_ AND tv1A��F,���i1 u 1.1- �,` ,,�,.,-.-. :��:._._.� �lhat Will be Achieved by Taking :Action on the Attached Ma�erials? (Purpose�Rationaie): General Fund contribution to cover Deficit in Refugee Health Care Special Fund Activity ��.�•�V-�;�=�j� Iti'�V _ , ��v�? Financial , Budgetary a�d Personnel Ia�acts Anticipated: ri'�'�`�'rj��7 ��`��iC� $45,000 contribution to Special Fund Activity 33244 Refugee Health Care Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: General Fund Contingency Fund Attachmet�ts (List and Nw�er all Attachments): Council Resolution ' �EPARtMENT REVifW CITY ATTORIVEY REYIE�1 X Yes No Councii Resolutton Required? Resolution Require.d? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �� Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (S� RPVPrce Side f�r Tnstructions) N_s��4�:j��� -3 5 �� �C/ ��P 4`� -j�'��`�"—'r��, VI.l � ���� ►�AINT �.t�.�lJ�� �v , ^ fi' \`J��. :I�` `t� t�:! � � ��',. ��-,-, ,„�;; `t�r} orz,�:�r o�+, •.���rr c.x��� ca��-cz�. _..�'fi,�' 1 ) t i;i�. �'�'?'i3!'s�i:_1��, ,i3�"/ � 'r . `\ ' _._ � .�. � . :; �.�^ -}�� �d fi� : November 20, 1984 j�"."�:�:�:..~,;- � . CO �V1MfT�" � E REPO � �' TO � SQtt�� Puu 1 Ci�� Co�r� �i! �R 0 I�I � C O J'�R���'�'�►� Q n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL - � C H A!R James Scheibel � 1. Ap.proval .of minutes from meeting held November 15, 1984. q�PPRo��.D 2. Resolution approving the Memorandum of Agreement whi ch amends the 1984-1985 Collective Bargainin Agreement between the City and the Painters Union Local #61. �P�V�.O 3. Resolution authorizing the transfex of $45,000 to assist the Re�ugee Health Program with its financial difficulties. �PROV�A � _ � _ � � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, r1INNESOTA 55102 '�a'�.•�: