84-1606 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DErARTMENT BLUE` - MAVOR File NO. �/��� 1 Council eso i Presented By Referred To Com i tee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That Chapter Ae2 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code (Council File No. 270847, a resolution adopted April 11, 1978 , as amended) �rovidin� for the establishment and conduct of Council Subcomt�iittees, is hereby amended to provide for appointment of temporary alternate members by the cha.ir in case of temporary absences of regular members and alternates , by amending Section 2 to read as follows : 2. /FlEMBERSHIP.7 Each council subcommittee shall be composed o� at least three members of the council, which members , including the chair, shall be named by the president of the council with the advice and consent of the council. The president of the council may also name, with the advice and consent of the council, alternate members to any subcommittee, who may serve in the absence of regular members of such subcommittee�. The members and alternates of the council subcommittee, includ- ing the chair, shall serve on such committee at the pleasure of the president of the council. Alternate members , when serving in the absence of a regular subcommittee member, have all the powers, functions and duties of the regular subcommittee members , including constituting a quorum, voting, and participation in the sub- committee affairs in all respects. Whenever there are not sufficient members or a erna es o cons i u e a uorum a an re - arlr�sc e u e su committee meeting an t e c�.air deems it necessary to do so the cha.ir of a commi ee ma a oin ano er mem er o� t e council w� e present to serve COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays � Drew [n Favor Masanz NiCOSfa Zsh�slbeh � __ A ga i n s t BY Tedesco YYilborr Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa•s y ouncil Se t By ��� �' C' t������ gy, Flpproved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ��//Q/w CANARV - DF=�ARTMENT BLUE� - MAVOR File NO. SP )" � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. �t�e�m�ora�r�il�as_��an alternate member of the su—Gcommi�ee.—�o ic eTc�Fiowever -�-ia.�'onl one suc a� ointment ma.�r be made at any one meeting o the subcommittee. and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution is submitted in accordance with Section 6 of Chapter A-2, requiring that all amendments to Cha.pter A-2 shall be served on each member of the council seven (7) days prior to the submission of any resolution containing such amendments , and that such notice has occurred in compliance with the requirement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is effective upon its passage by the City Council. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � "��°�°F' SdVNE�(I °feN1 In Favor Masanz Nicosia -s� V __ Against BY Tedesco -lALil�-- N�V 2 7 �98� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �, Certified I?assed by Council Secretary BY ��. �` D'y��/Ct�� 1����� C� sy �lpproved Mavo • Date —7'-�— 2 7 '� �Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ' BY PUBLISHED D E C 1 1984 3`} D,�c�'y-/�o� CZTY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL ��ensa r nur�ssee r'����e D a t e ; November 13, 1984 COMMITTEE �� PO RT '��� �r�� �:o� l:� � �e� f ,, T O � 5 a i nt P Q u I C i t y V��+���`�iI���:; r�"�i:lr�� _ I. FROM : Con�mittee �r1 RULES AND POLICY November 9, 1984 C H A I R: victor Tedesco DISCUSSION OF RULES FOR CONDUCTING CITY COUNCIL SUMBCOMMITTEE MEETINGS IF A QUORUM IS NOT PRESENT, BUT COUNCILPERSONS NOT MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ARE PRESENT, INSOFAR AS VOTING IS CONCERNED: The Committee recommended the City Attorney draw up a Resolution stating the guidelines which will be followed to insure a quorum at every subcommittee meeting. CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � ��.