84-1605 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I COUflCll CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BI.UE - MAVOR File �0. ���/��� � C.o ncil Resolution '� Presented By I Referred To Committee: � Date Out of Committee By � Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereb�r consents and approves of the reappointment, by the Mayor, of William J.IAngell , Judy McLaughlin, and Eileen Michels to serve as members of the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Comr�ission, such three-year terms to expire on December 31 , 1987. Thomas Ryan will serve as the Ramsey County Historical Society's designee. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dr"�� S[1w/Ne� Masanz In Favor Nicosia y_�I saqeibeb OJ __ A ga i n s t BY Tedesco 1AFFlaeR� NOV 2 7 �ggt, Form ve y Cit rne .� Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Ya•s d b ouncil cr BY By � A►pproved b iVlavor• Dat 1 —�—�'—� 27 19 Appro by Mayor for Sub i sio to Council B "' � By PUBUSHEp ��` r 1 FJO� � . . / ,_ r� -.,- r> , � ��� �? ?��r r�� �;� r (�'��Il/dJ ' �� � �` '� �r_:1 l�?y. �_.�� _� .f�1..r 2� � � i- S � �s,. � '��:< O�'�Tt L (�F T 1"'L, .�i:�YGi: C �, ��_ � �, �- lc',7 C:T'I' . ;E[.�\LT. � _ ' � � � n$ � -_ °' �AI:ti'�� P�1IJL, ZiIr`�I,SC)TA 551G?. � � ,,��� � , G1O � ��i, ,.\a:Ii>ii;f� (S12) 2i:> �.��3 � . ;p�� n`.t�9, ,.v.t� ,,\- �;..�L<rz. ���,(� �t � \ . . �. "ryi�.,";� "��� 1 - Np � ' V � 198 ::� � 1 , --�--;, �O��VCr� , 4�' � ^ �'�CTri� ��.�IAn, - % i� '� �. j,!'r�f�,�,, ,j ; � ' � 70: Cour�cil President Victor Tedesco � , � ��-,� ar� �'z�r�bers of th� Sai nt Paul Ci ty Counci 1 `' FROM: �1ayor George t.at�i mLr�'� � , DATF: Nove�l;ber 9, 1954 ��� SUBJ : P,eappoi ntn�ents to the Heri taq� Preservation Cornmi ssi on _ �m asking rc�r your consideracion ard approv�l of the a�=�� -�d cou�ci 1 resol uti on reappoi nti rg t�Ji 1 i i arn �,nge i 1 9 J��c',� ?,'___-�...:,�n1 �in5 ancl Ei1e��n Mic{;els tc� serve thr�e:�-ye�tr -.�. _� -.�� �he Heri±ac�e Preser�vat-ion Con�rnission , such terr:�s �� e�:;��r? or Gecemb���� 31 , �987. Tom Ryan Yai 11 serve as -�-�e du>i c�ne° rrom tf�p Rai�isey County Hi stori cal Soci:ty. TPianl: you. GL/lm attachrr�ent