84-1604 WHITE +- CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council n�/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. r' • /�D� BLUE - MAVOR � Coun il o ti n Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul Council does hereby approve of the appointments, made by the Mayor, af Bruce Beneke, Donald Gugisberg, and Elizabeth Hughes, and the reappointment of James Shelton to serve three-year terms as members of the Saint Paul Numan Rights Commission, such terms to expire on October 9, 1987. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � -F�w�satir�tEti/ Drew [n Favor Masanz NiCOSia sehet6T" � __ A gai n s t BY Tedesco aAlilaa�.., Nov z 7 ' Adopted by Council: Date 19�� Form rove y Ci o�ey Certified Pa_ d ouncil Se ta BY ' i By � � t#pproved 1Navor: D �'` —�"'1 ��NOV 2 � �g � AP v by Mayor for Subm' io to�Council B _ �' "`"� PUBLISHED r�E c 1 1984 c� � � � ' � � , �4�� l b � � . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss ) CITY OF ST. PAUL ) I� Elizabeth Hughes do solemnly swear tor affirm) to support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as Member of the Saint Paul Human Rights Commission of the City of Saint Paul 'to the best of my judginent and -- ability. �• L � Sworn to and subscribed to before me this �� ' day of 39�► City Clerk ' . , ___ ,. _ _ __ _._.w.-. _�..<„".,...�..,,...�.,,,�,..., � �. 1 � ,t: �' �„ n� +� + ,i�y ,yt�� .' � - x � •• d i < k't� a �'v � � E ��_^ �,e. k � r 1 CV . y . . '. r } �,�. �y�F �� t �� � t � . ' 'x 4� �r9 � � � .Y � 4 5 FX� �� ���a� , }. � . � 1YS. ' # _ � �" x2 k�� *�:�^ �.�1� . '� � te ar �,- ��� �t '�.s3�7 � � V�. �� � y- �� v � �tr � a-�. I ' �'< < } "�e� ���i C � d � r � � � � 9 u�. g 6 � ! �-� e � � r � 'f� T � � ��� � �� � � 4.. � �'� �� �y H��' t� � � ��� ��� '�� � � =5 t � ,; ��" r,�� '�'����"4;� .:{ .l� r 4.< f F 1f i i'+ 3 i� �'•� k�q���. Y � � au.;�� � # �.! _ . � . ) ! L . 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Sworn to and subscribed to before me this 7th day of January 19 85 City Clerk " �_ '"�r , o- ._ f :. �c :� - ,. r �:'r'� 4 ��'�S ev t� F F r �r , .' � r -F ,J .:'t�a ,K' •` - F y�s.e�{'' -'�,�a,„��c�i,� k a t° # k` � 'w . -t � _. � �' �` '� k � y r :� i' �`$c.�C��a $, T ", �.K`E �"� `�`� �{,� � � � ��[� . '_ �t > ^ �,a , � �,� :�d t :.� '�.,- � 7 i k... ,�� �'� f � tt ,�S�.,i��,x.�: T 7 u, � � S r ��.,, �,d r�' r r.� , � � i�. - ' �' � -�ir�",t y �� .. �` b �..� , s ?� s' - �� ,iY j �,��:. i F�'Y E' ,.F �,4g�+�� �� �� ... ��. . , ,��. . � :: �, y4 4 1 i: hw �. '�{A,! : M��: � ' ,�y' � p 'If �� € � j �� ..- Y 1 - .� 9 �F '.. � e,�.�� � �/ l j'.• � F � �. ,�r ,{,,�i E��p,� ' � �} 1 'x ' � ,:�' � �''= } l'' ' 1 ,C r # t ; i K � ?�*���� i' � � •h `` S �'4� �9 � i, � > �', � � � � � � +��3= er tt4�S''n � � � � p: � �-jv, tt r,� �' ey,.p.r�'s, � ( "l �:� b � ` � ; n 41 Y ., i �'R . 1 � r������e � `^r � t�, �.1 � \ , 't S t '�'"�y� $ i~ y p �„/ � ,: j t ' uY �'� ? �r rros,.�a� ,�" ! 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Otncr ��rtin�nt info;rmation: ,^ „___ , _ _ — Ple�,s:� 1.ist 3 rei-e:rencesc .Z) Roy_Garza ---T -- -__._--_ `�) --T���—llie Mae �^Ii 7_son ___ . _. — ------,-- - — :,� T}�1.�3res O.r��y ' � . - . �-����y O£'F'1Ci; OF 1'ii�; �'i�7YOR 347 C'ITY H��LI, SAI:JT Pt7IJL, I�ll:lii';SCiTii 55102 29F3-�..',?.3 ------ - — - — -- --- - J r��!���.1�` ��,�_._...-- �!p�l_ic�.:�i��n for ��� �' U 1(%�!� flember.sc..i_n for Ci t y _ Board�, Com.rz:isszo�<� and Cor,r�if:t���s *,1•�n�'� il;.Cl�c ►��`r�i�t� J . / � .� Nam.: %i%/�1-�� ��� !-- "�i�/ ,—/S/�/.�t� - _�.- ------_._L.____�___.___- ./ � AddZ'2ss < < j �/ � �� a:-;�-- .tv-_. t %_ �=— -i':=--�—��?---- . `=-- -s7,Y.4 J_ v�,_`'j/Z_—______._��� S�reet City "Lip Dis�r_ict_ P�zor_e t-�ome: L�� � � '/ :�v �-'��� G�Iork: F— !1__ _ R- � �/�F_=7 Cvru-n:t�ee(s) , Baard(s) , or Cor�i.ssioz�(s) in wPiicii you �re intex�ested: ' /�U%tir,"=--���-5— G-r_�Li'l�f/.>5 i t'�%�� �� % /_�.�_�i✓S G-��/L//;!/5.:,/0�,�—. _ _ . . -, - _ i . , _�1r Ci'�1:--- /r 'i �;-- i�j_Y�.<=r-L/ � r///%�— f} 'r�_rf-G.__S _�_:__'___ _ L___��_�-__._,_�� ) ; . l �rf- __l�f�/:=i+._5 _. 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Ct�YL �L..._ J:,.Z�IlTI o__ ar otr�_ co_c:r._ Lt 1.i- so, ,�_ r-i1 co:.�..�c�e� s C�'���5�_..��'��1�.J0�2"'��.�� . 1��/'7 - ------.—__------�--_------------- .,'-!2^1C 1'1".OL'�) �i=0 �3?SC?CG' �c�.LX' �??G E.'�U.3i 2'c:,4+i::'��?P_�:c��lJ..� : ��L./ C_�� j7�� G�f1�.T' J�,Ct2 P_:':1 L ?72_r0_''Ii!c:L�0;'?. ����/' _,- __�J�'b��_:,i�. ��� � -_�:%e��, � � T"". /' �'' � ' J�7_ _ _ /'_i�y !/ ` �`-.i : %':y'.ii f. � _'1,� ^'�'��c:�--��C'�-�->i'z;�- ,�_� _ � .��-/ .t�,_ /C�;;.—�%"L`� %� ,% i --•------ t/ �-- �r- ----- �� . - -- -- —�r- - �> .: r , / � �.�� �,---- r._,�, �I-,���> L��'_ _- ''� _%`-��____�' `�J �i� '? ._... : --- =: . ------ -- ��— --- - _ __ _�._ - - � � -- - ------- /'� :,�r` - '_� y-— -- � . 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P�u1 ' S5_l�2 S�rc�et .—___ ..�------- C.ity --zip D.zst�z'ict i Phone Ho.�e: 297--814U �Tork: 348-�174 _ ._ — -- - _� _, >, •s-. r •� -.- - Ca:r�:���ee(.�) � Board(s) , or Cor:ur��sion{s) in ��hich �ou axe Iznterested. Hurtan Rights Commission i , . �:- L'OIt?i''�::�:_:; S-G'.�T.ZCr.?/.<'iC't..4 Y?Z`1�S t,�':.iSt c?J"1C? i7�.°Sc^a'2i_� : I . ::c"_.Ii � S T,a�•7 L'c.l1ClI i � �,71�_ 1_lc�i'i? 1;1'LC[1G'tl COI]_(?Cj�l Of T�c7T�? StP.E'Y"l,��C7�.��11�.Ti11'`l.i=<'c -__. . - .__-.- �----------- --_.�_L.�- I , � �ernate, Fotlr-th Dis�r:i_ct Cent_ral Cornmittee _— � I _ I Pro�essional Activiiies: N�.tiona.l La���ver.� Gua.ld; M�nneso'=� C'rim�n�I u�._t��c�Ad.v4.�s:r:".r�2-nmitte° ----— -- -- ---- - `�- -- (P�ICJAC) ; Internatior.al Lawyer.s Comm�_t-teC� for �H�_zm��n Rig'n�s ; I ---- — --- _T,E-.> > _,-- � (over} I . . Cwv�?c/I'ror��sN.iona.Z Or�an_ization L'ernbC�r_.I1.zps: Minriesota �ti�cm2n L�,�tyers ��Tomen' s COTISOI"t1.L1?Tl� Dh.l.�qate , �Z:,�son_� for �our interest in ;�:is parLicc�.'_ar ca:r,m<i��-ce� _ �,�� have J_egal t�aini.ng a,nd ex>perienG° in the huma:r� r�c;n�.s arE�a. Tdhi_�e -i_n law school 7 co?npleted a c1�nic at the At�torney Genera7_ ` s c���ic_,__ a�r the Deparrm:-�r.t of Human Riqhts . (Rick Varco 29'v-9?12 } - ���n cu.rx�r-.t_lv �•�o:rking Lo.r_ a jt�dq� �n IIen:�^�i.n Countv wher_c� I hav� :O Cl�'c.�z: ?'J_l_�..17 tllc,ciC ]_S�L'n$ . Z�'O '' 1 i� t'�_.O U�}Z , —-�--— --------_—_ _..�_-- �^_._.__ _ r - , ti_ _ ' ��i��y .��,.-.-�\ ;, �J�r.i,�tT �� ii� �''J1�_�l�i ��1 _�� �;. lJ 1J i Ao _ r���i ; O��r1C.�}', l)T' ��'�-TE', iYlAY�2 a .�, t� y:; � _"—_,___ h°' � -� a rf . ' . ,.. . . . . ! ;)� �._� "� � � �=:7 cr�'Y���ni.L � � �� � � Sf�iN1' PttIJL, .'.Ii`1":}:SU"f:� 5�1i)2 �i kr ' ,, +r k�y,� (. .OI\Cl�. I iII:�:[}'.i� (612) 2yb t).n.i , ���"�•f 7`i/ �1\ iY�A`�L)it � �' y',�-� ' , . 0�1 .� ��.. � ---1 4 g -� �;�°�,;�, � 84�, i �s `'T�,? ����In j � r£D�cs�,n �'J � � 1 R \ \� :.�.� N T0: Ci�y Council Przsident Uictor Tedesco I �nd i'einbers of thr� Sai nt Paul Ci t_y Counci 1 FROT1: Mayour GEOrge Latimer.�� ��,,.- � <� DATF• �dover��ber 13, 1°�4 '��` � SUBJ : �,qpoi r�tmen ts to the Huma1� Ri q'r�ts Co�T�rT�i ssi d�n � ` ar asking for your co��sideration and arproval of �:�� ��tached council resolution appo�inting Bruce 6enehej Dona; � ��qisbet�r za�id Flizaheth Hucih�s , and r�eapp�u-�ntin,� �� ,�= ..-:��; tcn to scr�ve as me�.�t;ers of the Human Riig��t; .._ � ��ion. The three�year terms ex�ir•e on 10/�l/�7,. �api�� of Benek� `s i+ugisberg' s and Nuc,�hes ' applications , are attached. Than: you. � i GL/lm � � � attachm�r�ts I j i i I � I