84-1600 N/H17E - GTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT XnL/f/ [J/� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. (� / �/ �` � �ouncil Resolution Presented By ✓Referred To �/ h�/�ll�C.� Committee: Date � ����� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10. 07 . 1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1984 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1984 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget 728 Housemovers Deposit Trust Fund 53001-Housemoving Deposit 53001-6910 Deposits 1,800 26,393 28 ,193 NET CHANGE 1,800 26,393 28 ,193 SPENDING PLAN 728 Housemovers Deposit Trust Fund 53001 Housemovers Deposit 53001-299-000 Misc. Services 1,800 - 1,800 53001-521-000 Refunds - 26 ,393 26,393 NET CHANGE 1,800 26,393 28 ,153 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1984 budget. Approved as for funding: APPROVED: i'inance Director � ,,p� I�-( B get i ctor ��4�"l l° � COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �ef ��t/Nt-i(� � COMMUNITY SERVICES Drew In Favor Masanz NiCOSia � s..� sc�- � __ Against BY Tedesco wu..... Adopted by Council: Date NOV 2 7 1984 Form Approved y City Attor ey Certified Pa:•e ouncil Se ar BY sy � Approved by lNa Da �'`—�'r� �p�� A p ove by or Eor ' s�'on to Council � �70 By Pt16L1StfED D�� 1 1984 ; . (,� �/�°� " '' Comrilunity Services + ` � �EPARI`t1ENT� � Bob Horrisberger rON7ACT 298-4431 PHONE � �� October 19 , 1984 pqTE ree � . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (C1ip Al1 Locatior�s for Mayoral Signature): � Department Director �"��'��!/�=� City Attorney � Di rector_ of Management/Mayor r C T `� I:,.;� �,�inance and Management Services Director ����$� RE��iV�-°�- - . r��;, � -�- ;� 5 City Clerk � ��Q��[ `L 4;�1��7�,. .;� � , _:.,rr�� _, _ , „� Bud�t Director �AY�R�S OFFICE �ihat Wi]1 be Achieved by Taking Action on thE Attached Materials? (Rurpose/Rationale): This will enable department to refund to the contractor the deposit of $26,393 which he made to city in lieu of furnishing a bond. Will be . refunded upon satisfactory completion of demolition contract. financia] , Budgetary and Personne] Irr�acts Anticipated:_ None Funding Sour�e and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credit�d: 53001-6910 Housemovers deposit-check already received from contractor. Attachments (List and N�er all Attachments). Council Resolution t�EPARTMENT REYIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEIrI X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance �Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insuranc� Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (��P RPVPI"SP Si cip for �Instructi ons) ` ) �•�,;i� U��` � � � ' .-1. '� <�;;'':_��=i �:;�� � �-' xCI�. 07+' �.l'X[3�: Ci7'7�'" G'UI7i\C�1. ' �� �T �� �-:�, '=-Y-.= �. . -.. . . � �� . . � + �Q �� : November 1, 1984 ;�. .�., /r,, -.; .:-_. -.-::: - ..��. :`: ; ... . . . ;.�%- �✓ V [� lYt � � �� � � � PO � �' i 4 = �c�s�►� P�2� t Cir� Go����ii t F; � �,� = C f�j��311��Q O I? g j pANCE � IN�W - _ , A G E ME N T F, P E R S O N N E L� '_ CN A t R James Scheibel . • . � I. Appzovaz of miautes from mee�ing held October 25 � � . . , I984_ . 2- Ordinance ameading Sections 34.� � 34.L. �in the �— the classzfi�at�ort of Associa�e Directox of pex��I Sextrzce Ru1es b , es�-� Serv.�ce.-- (Personnel)� : . °��el in the UZC�assz zed`bxzshing - . ` � . - � - . 3. P.esolutian amending the SaZ � - insexting the ti-�le Assflciate UpxectorRof Pexsonn�in S=O72 ResolLiioit by . unde� the heading t�pzofesszonal-AclmirtiStxa�IVe Gro eC`zOn V, SL�sectiorz D, . � uP- (Personnel : ° � � ,�,. 4• P.esolution amending the Civzl Sez-vzce Rules b Custodiaz S e y znsertina "" � up zv�isox - Civi,c Center and inse ° �h� tztle °r �'ioht title- . CPersortrtel) ;_�. rtiag the speci;icatiozs for thz 5. Resolution amending the Salax • - the compensatzon for Nigh� Custodza.�Sd Rates of Corr,pensation resolu�ion by x�sA�z; . - upervisor - Czvic Center. o � 6- P.esolution �ending the I984 Budget by�adclin� ��erso:�,.l � .��r� Spendzng pIan fo� Shade Tree Disease Contzo�a �Z22,OQp t° -the Fi;tan 'r_a p CContt1uriity Services) I�? a,�d 7- P,esolution arnenazng the I9g4 budoet by adcting �g5 00 Spending pZan for sewer desz� ro'ects. ' , Q to t " ° p J (Public Z;orl:s .�Ttancino PIa� and �. Qrdinance amendin� , � p.. sonne �a�ters 3, 9 and 12 of the City Ch`xt�� e�t� °T I xefox�. ��, p �..inino to- . . . -`�-=----.�._ 9. Discussioa of "nau�ing difficulties involyed �n (Health Dept.) � � _._ .�.�,,�_� , the Refu ee . ���, g Health Progran_ I0. Adr�inistz�t�ive resolution amend' ��u�"�������`� %�� on�� cc��. �ng certain sections o£ ��� concerning proVZSZOnaI, tenporar3', and emergency em Io the Civil Service Ru�,es I�- Discussion o£ - p Yment_ ' (Personnel) �'-�y,� per diem pay�ents to city committee and - NOT 0�;_P�pqRED_AGEND • Resolution authorizing funds to a commissiort nenbers_ -nou N�t•7Fd p y for outside co�sel fee�-.,,T.t1 in the Nor-iVest vs City cable la►vsuit. � � .� :Y F�:,LL • �t{� ' SEVENTFi FL007; ����� SAINT I'AUL, I+:I\•\.�SpT�� SSI02 �''���� \ ':'_. , -�� w v_ti• N.L.�.I..J�.• .i A ..�J�lJ SJ � . ' y/� `:�f ''; ��-?'t. -�;�; `,;} oz�z,x�r o��� '.L'�T, cz���' CO17�CjCX_, �i�C �/(��d y�^=`; �'�``�►;°�-=� �;t� �.�� •- -_ _�':� tj� , . " ;:_,�.� "� � �; D o t e : November 15, 2984 .;,:,�'y�:,�� �Y.�. �:.i:" • ' 1' t�:��� - �'l��• Ca (l� � iE�" � � RE PO � �' 'I't� = �pt�1� Pr��.3I �gi� Got���ii . �� � �� ' C Q Y'�?Ilf7��1�� (}� FINANCE; MANAGEMENT �, PERSONNEL � � ' C E-d A 1 R James Scheibel. • . _. Approval of mi.nutes from meeting held November 8, ],984. �V� - ?. Resolution consenting to �the issuance of Poxt Authoxity Revenue Bonds in the a.mount o� 5�,750,000 to finance the constxuction of ap�xox. 30,000 sq. £t. of net reni.able space - in the Health Club by Health Club Partners, �I49 Corp. General Pare.ners. in Energy Par::. (Pori. Authority) ���� � :>. Resolution consenting to the .issuance o� Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amoun.t of $I3,000,000 to finance the partica.pation equivalent to fihe amount original.l scheduled ' to be put into the �9orl.d Trade Center proj ect by UDAG. (Pox� �Aufihority) �P�O�r? '. Resolution consentzng to the issuance. of Pox-t Authority Revenue Bonds in the a�ount of- $98�,000 to finance the constxuctzon of a 450 stall parking ramp zramediately n4rth af the Childrens Museum in St. Paul Energy Park by AHtV Coxp. (Port Authority) A,�O1�-t'� �. Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amou�-�t of $5,�00,000 to finance the construction of up to a 100 room Suns,�ood Inn at the south half of Bandana j9est in St. Paul Energy Paxk by �V Corp. and i.he Brutoer Companies. (Pcrt Authority} , ��� ... P.esolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in �he amount of $4,500,000 to finance•the conversion of the Cruciform Buildin� into a 51,000 sc�uare foot office building in Enexg Pazk by Atxium Office Partnexs, At-It�i Corp_ General Partners. (Port Authority). ���U� - . . Reso�ution amending the SaZary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolutzon regarding � accounting for the earning of floating holidays. (Personnel� {�P�f2t��L.) ' S. Resolution anending the 1984 budoet by adding �93�QOPO�t��t,h�e £xnanCZna plan and Spereding Plan for Town Square Fark. (Community Services) ;��[ Resolu�ion amending the I984 budget by adding �26,393 to the Fin�ncin� PI�n and S�ending /�Plan for the Housemovers Deposit Trust Fund. (Co:n;�unity Services� AP�C� � _C. Discussien of a resolution �xom the Human Rights Commission xec�uesting tTia.t the City Cou�ci] reconsider action on the Human Rights Dept. budge� and ather rel�a� s.� (Human Righ�;� � � . �.�+ti a����cx,)KS. 11. ResoluLion granting preliminaxy approval £or issuance of �eneral Obiigation Bands and T�x �lntzcipation Certificates i.n 1985 £or the puzpose o:F furtding the Capitzl. Irpr��re_ m�nt Budget fo�c 1985, of funding the j�later Pollu�tion Abatement Progra,n, of fundzng :redevelopment project activitzes, and of ineeting genexal fund cash flo�,r reqe�irements. . � *1�P�tov�. %�i i Y HALL , S�VFNTH fiLOOR SAINT PAUL. Afirl`'E�C>TA SS103 •�,.�� _ ._.. ..,----- -.._. --- . _ . ....... _ _.. . _ - - : _. _ . __.. ._ _ . . __.. ._._._... ___.� __ _- r-,-_ WHITE - CITV CLERK PiNK - �w*IN,rytE COIIIICII �C,ANA-RV� DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ��—���� BLUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS Coun 'l Resol tion DIVISION ROOM 218 I ' ` —� Presented By 0 O� 'r� Referred To �"�u�- W Q�S Committee: Date � -� � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) Lower Beltline Interceptor Project No. 77-05 plans, specifications and alignment have been presented tA the City of Saint Paul proposing the oonstruction of said Interceptor, and WI�RF�AS, said plans, specifications and alignment have been reviewed by the Staff and City Council of the City of Saint Paul. NOW. THEREE+ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY � CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAiJL: 1. Said plans, specifications arxl aligrnnent for the Lowoer Beltline Interceptor, Ndnll'3C Project No. 77-05 are heret� approved subject to the follawing: a) That the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (NdnTOC) , its successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, agents, employees and servants fram all suits, actions or claims which shall arise fran any injuries or damages received or sustained in connection with the MnTOC Iawer Beltline Interceptor Project No. 77-05. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays Finance and nt Services ceu� In Favor Masanz Nicosia Dire tOr scnetnei _ Against Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By tapproved by �Navor. Date Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By