84-1593 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council '/! /�' CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �/ •"� �� BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By .eu�Y� l/Referred To �/ Af�}7� LL� Committee: Date LI���Q Out of Committee By '��. Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan & Ra.tes of Compensation Resolution regarding accounting for the earning of floating holidays. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan & Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section I (one} SALARIES PAYABLE, Subsection I, HOLIDAYS, Item 2, to read as follows: "For those regular or provisional employees who work at least 320 hours but less than 1040 hours in the ea�er�de� fiscal year (IRS payroll reporting year) , they shall be granted one-half of the total number of floating holidays applicable. For those regular or provisional employees who work at least 1040 hours in the ea�er�ela� fiscal year (IRS payroll reporting year) , they shall be granted the total number of floating holdiays applicable." COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays� �e��v�u6V PERSONNEL OFFICE Drew In Favor ' Masanz � ddie�eis� �\ �s�he�bsi `� __ A gai n s t BY � Tedesco �� NOV 2 7 1984 For pproved by ' y tto Adopted by Council: Date , � Certified Pass ouncil Se tar BY w B5� �#pproved by Ylav • D L a� —��nv � 7 96�PP o by Mayor for Sub i si n to Council _ By ��i:r��_;'j'��`�1 �, �, j i984 A Personnel Office DEPA�tTt�1ENT' ' ' ` (./— 4 ��� . Jeanette .5nhaniA CONTACT . 298 4221 pH�NE e� october 18, 1984 DATE 1 � �r � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature)• �/ Department Director `�I �� Ci ty Attorney � ��� ._ I �,�,�-� Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director F'����4 4�^[� ���� City C1erk �� ��� Budget Di rector .'G T �� - — �� + ;., > � � �� _. , � ' � { � Ee � � �� -� .:,�;, What Will be Achieved by Takin Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale)• This Resolution amends the Salary Plan & Rates of Compensation Resolution to allow for a different accounting year for floating holidays. � 5� � � ���� �-�--. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None �;:.Li.lV�U OC�C '� 6'i��4 Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charqed or Credited: MAYOR'S O�riCE Attachments (List and N�m�ber all Attachments): l. Resolution 2. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REYIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution uired? J Yes �- No � Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �//9 Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 ��PP RPVPI"CP SiciP for 'Instructions) �'� . . . • �y��� . � � . N�HITE - GTV CL MtK � PINK - FINANCE C I 1.y 9F SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTM�NT' 9LUE - MAVOR File NO. � CITY CLERK Council Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan & Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding accounting for the earning of floating holidays. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan & Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended • in Section I (oneT SALARIES PAYABLE, Subsection I, HOLIDAYS, Item 2, to read as follows: "For those regular or provisional employees who work at least 320 hours but less than 1040 hours in the ea�ender fiscal year (IRS payroll reporting year) , they shall be granted one-half of the total number of floating holidays applicable. For those regular or provisional employees who work at least 1040 hours in the ee�enae� fiscal year (IRS payroll reporting year) , they shall be granted the total number of floating holdiays applicable." � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Flstcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE °re1N [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibsl A gai n s t BY Tsdesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,�:yy �,( `��.,� • � . �'•��� r�i F����,1�r�� � O�~�L�2L'i.Ti',_ OIf► r.l'ZI7: CI7.'X C017\C�T. � ��(��.�� `11 {:: �ii r��t.�-;! /e�~t � ` . `1�'��'�\ 4 �y�j ` � �d �� • November 15, I984 �,'� ++"�/ . . � -a:?-:j� r , -:�.,:.:.:� � C4 (V1 � f E�'� E C� E PO � �' , . T'0 = �c�r�� Pa� l Ci�y Cat,���ii � �R O M = C O�'f?jil?���Q� Q j1 FINANCE; MANAGEI�NT � PERSONNEL " • � ' C H A 1 R James Scheibel • � � _. Approval of minutes from neeting held Novembex 8, 1984 '. Resolution consenting to �the issuance of Port Aui.hority Revenue Bonds in the amount o� $I,750,000 to finance the constxuction of approx. 30,000 sq, f-�. of net rentable space � in th� Health Club b Health Club Par�ners, �9 Corp. General Partners. in Energy Par�_ (Port Authority) � ' .�. Resolution consenting to the .issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amount of $13,000,000 to finance the participation equivalent to the amount origin Ied � to be put into the j9orld Trade Center project by UDAG. (Por� �Authority) .. Resolu�ion consenting to the issuance. of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the a�ount af. $985,000 to finance the construction of a 450 stall parking ramp imm�diatel „�o,f the Childrens Museum in St. Paul Energy Park by �ILV Corp. (Port Authority) , �. Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amowzt of $S,S00,000 to finance the construction of up to a I00 room Sum,�ood Inn at the south half of Bandana ]9est in St, Paul Energy Park by AHtV Corp. and the Brutoer Companies. (Pcrt Authority) . �.�.�_...�.V�-: � . ... P.esolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authoxity Revenue Bonds in the amount of $4,500,000 to finance•the conversion of the Cruciforr� Buildin� into a 5I,000 square foot office bui.lding in Enexg Park by Atri.um Office Partners, AHi+I Corp_ General Partners. (Port Authority). �� ��,� _ - . Reso�ution amend.ing the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding xaccounting for the earning of floating holidays. (Personnel) _ ' �. Resolution anending the 1984 budget by adding $93 000 to the Financino Plan and Spendinb Plan for Town Squaxe Park_ (ComR:unity Services) ��a ?. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by adding �26,393 to the Finaiici. �* ,],a7i ancl Spending Pla..re £or the Housemovers Deposi� Trust Fund. (Co;n„�unity Serv3ces) �P�� � :C. Discussien of a resolution £rom the �Iuman Rights Commission xeRuesting tllzt the City Coi�,c: reco;�sider action on the Numan Rights Dept. budge� and ather �1;at� �--�ss y jm�.r� Righ�; �u`,�� '�-,��-� 11. Fesolution granting preliminary approval £or issuance o£ �eneral Obligation Sonds and Tax Anticipation Certificates in 1�85 £or the purpose of funding the Capital Irpr�v� m�nt Budget fox 1985, of fundino the j'Jater Pollution �lbatement Program, of funding :redevelopment proj ect activities, and of ineeting �eneral fund cash flo�a requirements_ . �� %ITy H�LL , S�V£I�TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, Af1i�I`'ES�T�t SSl�3 ���� _ ._.. __.--- .__._ __._ . . . - - _._. - - - --. .._:..._�__._'�.._ _-�_._._._._.,_.,