84-1564 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council �s�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 � BLUE - MAVOR FIlE NO. � � Cou i,� R ol ti n Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, af the following named persons to serve as members of the newly establisned ad hoc Self-Sufficiency Task Force: Will�am J. Benzick Winifred Brown Gene Moore Mary Crossen Richard E. 6ana Gary Lohn George Meirick Sharon Meyer Mary Pickard Beverly Propes Billie Riser James Smith John D. Taylor Isabel Torez Joe Wheeler Leonard H. Wilkening Lowell Yost William Wilson and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that Chris Creamer, Housing Information Office, will staff the Self-Sufficiency Task Force. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ������N�s � °`ew [n Favor Masanz Nicosla scnetbe� __ Against BY Tedesco VVit801f^ Adopted by Council: Date �O� 1 5 198'� Form A proved b C' t �ney Certified Pa.s uncil , et BY gy. t�pproved by Mavor: te `,±�S�� ��4� J 5 1 �App v by Mayor for Sub si ouncil By �taB���t� s� � i984 IV'.,� '�' N � ..� . � (0� �'y- %�y - a'"���Y �a�, G3��i�Y OF SAIi4TT l�AUL ;���. r�'�.P 'C. �.� r� �' '• OFFICE OF TfIE MAYOR . o] ,c,/'�. ! a.a - . � ��a{��j. tt�ry;� . . � . C���i;.,.t.. �-I�J � . . `•. ��J .,;'�; 347 CI� Y HALL ,'�,`L4�����.v�:� � . . . • SAINT PAUL, MIN;VESOTA 55102 GF.ORGE LATIbSER ' {612) 298-4323 _ . �TA YG ri T0: Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Mayor George Latimer DATE: November 5, 1984 SUBJ: APPOINTMENTS T0 THE SELF-SUFFICIE^!CY TASK FORCE I am asking for your consideration and approval of the attached council resolution appointina 16 members to serve on the Self-Sufficiency Task Force (in accordance with CF �4-1n�2.) Thank you. � �".�..�'�w ce G��y��s� �% .A ~ ,�c�+�� �y��^° ���� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: City Clerk A1 Olson FROM: Ora Lee Patterson Administrative Aide DATE: November 14, 1984 RE: CHANGE IN SELF-SUFFICIENCY TASK FORCE Please delete the name of Chris Creamer from the resolution appointing members to the Self-Sufficiency Task Force. Chris has been assigned as staff for the comm�ttee and should not have been included in membership. The Mayor has selected Gene Moore, Hisr�anos en Minnesota, for the Committee. Ple�se add his name to the membershie. OLP/lm r°. �_� -��� ��<���'�:�-_ CI-fY OF SAIN-� Pf�UL � �" ' OFFICF OF THE MAYQi� > ' �'1'�:;i�i'� � HQUSING INFORMATI(JN OFFI�E ��`'"�«��������� � )ANICE RE7TMAN, DIRECTOK GFOKGE LA7IMER 2l W. F�urth Str��et MAYC�R Saint Paul, Minnesqta 55102 �`j��� G12-2985 591 „ � E ";'y 's`,J , �l, ��; z�.,f Memor�ndum ~� � - ,.. TO: Honorable City Ccuncil' Members FROM_ Chris Cr�m�e�z'-Lukesh, Housing Counselor DATE: November 14, 1984 RE_ St. Paul B.O.S.S. : Better Opportunities Through Se�.f-Sufficiency As y�u already know, the City of St. Paul through yours and Mayor George Latim�r's efforts has received 93 Section 8 certificates to be used for the St. Paul B.G.S.S. Program (council file 84-1442) . Wna� you may not know is that `the Department of Planninq a��id Economic Develop- ment and Mayor George Latimer have requested that the Housing Information Orr_�� staff and implement the St. Paul B.O.S.S. With eage.rness yet realistic ho�:=-:, we accept 'this challenge and are cur.rentlp negotiating the fir:� lines ta i t'^. :. .�.ll. 44'.?«t -• '_11 bc co�;;_ng in front of you thi s Thursday is a very significarit part oi t':<: �- . Paul B.O.S.S. , because thi::> Tasic For.ce has the charge and responsibility fe•� =_--i.ng up a £air and equitable se'�ction process and an aggressive social seY-.-i�_%;�>bs componE:mt commensuratc �vitn tlie goals and objer,tives of this prog�-�,:�. Not ��_�_:g kno,,.n as a strictly bureaucratic entity, I am hopeful that your expec?:.�ious approval of the task for.ce rn�mbers will allow us to move swiftly in *h� a�eas of structure, thoughtfully in the areas of s2nsitive clientel.e selection, but aggressively in counseling and assisting thc�se participants to achi.eve true self-s�.zfticiency. I have not had the pleasure of ineeting you each individually; but, I hope to wittiin ttie next week. Nly corr�mitm?nt, as the designated staff person, is to kee� you info_�m.ed as to our progress, frustr�xtions, aild most of all our successes. `I'Y?ank you very much fo.r your support. CC:KP cc: Mayor. G�orge Lat?mer Janice Refitrnan Ken Johnson/Jim Bellus Ora Lee Patterson Al Olson ,�� " ;,�` - F� �.� ,cE_ . CounciI /. ;: , � .. - oFP��,-ME�- � � I '1'Y (.) I�' ..�'sA I :�a T � �� L L C J �!_� .- � T �'F' . M4,.�•� File N0. _� . ������'��� ��.3 ' 1�,������� , ��—/57�c( . . � /' /' ' � r !'rt�sented I3y ------ �''r-1-'`.*,�!�r' r �. 1!-� !�C`� �r---=-• �_�,----_—__--------- —-1�— �------ -�-- - — — �;, � ; �- �-"'�� Referred 'I'o ___-- __ ----� --- Corr�mittee: Date - 0 u t.o f C.om m i t t e� �3 - ---------.._---- D a t e --- ---=— — - Y--- ----------- --- WHEREAS , Families hear�d by female single parents are three times more likely to have income at or below ttle poverty lev�l than Saint Paul families generally; and ��2HEREAS, the U. S . Depart:men� af housing and Urban Developmen� has a�nounced an award o{ Sec�-.ion B Ren�al Assistance Certificates to heip 100 of these Saint Paul. families into self sufficiency; and ;ti'riEREAS, This assistance shall be p.rovided through the Saint Pa�:1 Better Opportunit`ies througi� Selt Sutficiency program, also know� as the B.U.S .S . ; and tivHERE1IS , This progra�n is designed :to provicle job t.raining and place�ent, day care assistance , transpor_ta'�ion assistance, career e�:ploration, and family counselli�g designed to assist individuals to b�conle self sufficient; and ;vHE�'•E<:,S , It is ner.ess�ry to establish a task force to implemenr ancl c-.�rsee the ter_ms and conditions of �.his program, said tas'.�c force cors_s�?ng oi r_e�resent<;.ti.ves of both �U1�1_1C: and pi:ivat_e organizations ; no;��, =��_erefore , b� it - ='_SOLVED, Ti:a� the Council of tl�e City of Saint Paul hereby es:.�';�-�shes a task force on Saint Faul ' s Projec� Sel.f Suf�iciency Lc� c_.r.�ist or �8 members from bo-L-h private �nd F�.blic organizal-.ions , such �s area ioundations , local corp�rations , chu-rch�s , community ser�:�c� agenc�es , arzd state , city and county agencies; and, be it ruRTHER RESnLVED, That it sha11 be the responsibility o:f the task force to d��ermi_ne the criteria for recruiting �nd selecting program pa_rticipants; and, be it FURTHER RF:SOLVED, That such task force shall remain in exist- ence un-ti 1 -the cornp_letion of the Saint Paul B.O.S .S. program; ancl, COUil:�IL;�lEI�I Rec;uested by Department of: Yeas Nays F134cher °r�=" [n Favor J hlasanz �dic�sia Scnei��3 __ A �in5t BY -- — — ___— g�- Tedssco 1�/iison Form , �rovtTr by City Attorney Adupted.by Councii: Date — ,� � � / Certified Yati�ed by Cuuncil Secretary BS -�--�--"�'°' M ��: � . l F3, --- — — ----�-- A,ppro,Med by blayor for SubrTy'f.ssto to Council ,1��pruved hy 1�lavor: Date ---- ----- - . , � � �� ^�°�" � , - � �, -- �--�r -�-,,� '�- .�,-�`,-�-_._. ►s v ---- ------- — —--_ ------ , r� -=-�., .r--; ____ — � �� - � r � _ p F_c'4 R Tr.1 E ti T � 1 •1 � l_/1' til 1�'1 1'Y � l..�L� 11T L �,. ' / /-li/./�J �,A��a F;it N0. :Y� —� -i � /"' �Q��'1��� ��'���',������ �� �� ���`t .�C E'�c'(1 t t'(� C� �l� 1•.°.��' !.!.��i/� ----- ---- ------ -- }. ------ — .yi ✓ Referred To __-____-__ _ — Comrnittee: Date — 0ut of Committee F3y_____-_--_____-___-- __ Date ----- -�-,------ be ?t FITIALLY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolutian to the appropriate federal and HUD personnel. -2- COUNC�ILIIEI�1 Reqnested by Department of: "i e<;s Nay s' � -�l'3#w`+er I=�y,u iV Drew __J __._ [Il F��3V0[ Masanz j tlicosi:� Schaibet _r' __ Against By --- -- --- Tedesco Wllson �6.,� � 3 ��p�} Form Approved by City Attorney `,:i��pted hv Council: Date ------ h ':t�:?iEied Ya�.�ec�, b����� '�ouncil��..crt a � �-- � gY — -- � — F3;� }—-- � ���, .��., _ i — ( � :`,T `2,•�_ ^ t �}���-y �-}-� � , �� � � � � � Ap�ov� by hiayor for Subm ssion t�q Council ��i,�pr�1�t� M} �lavor: atY,� -/.�f 3 ��L ' I�t}`? / � . � ' � I { �—i �--�--'Li'� r ��j—� 1 � �� �j• 1� ...�„_# ` � � �S '. ':��j�'��' --------_—. B ~� l`' --- . �-- - 7� �� �i��l""'l— V .t / ��i"�, . "��---��l�,� � ��1 /�I'� ��.:�,��; � �.N--7-�>; . ` , �- „ � ����C., � � �� p±'��l_,c��ED F'qk1�� ";� i�f.i� � � _ ; - , , . w�t:TEE - C�T� CLErtk � � � . . . � . . ���Nn _ F��A��E � (J I TY O'��' .�1� I N� ��1.IT L Council (//��_/5"'�'�/ � CANAflV — DE�'aRTMENT �F11� � NO. // T -/' , l.UE — MA;�Ft . � . ��R'� • � • � . . . �o�,y���Z���� �������� s i'resented L3y — -- -- �r�.�F' :.,��'¢�!r `°°�.� � ��`�`�`�—.__ — _�� �,.,;� . �, Rf:ferred To . ��I -- -- ---- --�.— Committee: Date Out of Committee T3y.___ ------------- D<ite — --._ — RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves of the appointr��ents , made by the Mayor, of the follawing named persons to serve as mem�ers of the nF�wly established ad hoc Self-Sufficiency Task Force: 4ti'i 11 �am J. Senzi ck Wi ni fred Bro�vn r y�� ..�'w,.,�.�,�� T�9ary Crossen Richard E. �ana � Gary Lohn George M2irick Sharon P�leyer t�1ary Pi ckard Beverly Propes Eillie Riser Jar�es Smi th John D. 7aylor Isabel 7orez Jee ,�r'h�el er Leonard H. l-Ji�!keni ng Lrn•,�ell Yost ard be it i�.;:tTHER R�SOLUED, thut Chri s Creail}er, Housi ng Informati on Offi ce, avi 11 s�aff the Sel i�-Suffi eiercy Tas!: Force. — -- ----- --- ------ ------ _—_—_ ---- _ _ - _---� ---------- _—___---- ---- C�OU'�1C II_,1�F�I`� Reques;ed by Depar!ment of: �as Nays Fletchar Dre:w �� F8�'Of —_---------- - - --- --- hiasonz — — Nico�ia Scheibel --------- f���ililSt I f3y� ------------- ----- - Tedesco 4Yilsor, � Form A proved b C y t ney 1r':opted b} Co��ncil: Date - ----_— � � � /�:' � / '?rliEicd Yas�ed b�� Council Secretary � B3' �—`'— � � _ _ �'" � ;}'. -- ----------- - -------------- � � � r I ^+ �'�d,b.. `,�a,;or fo; �ub iSSi ouncil vrovecl by '�la�or: Date -- -------..-- ---- • PP ��_ > ,[� . ------- � �_\�v �. ���c J ' E�, __�_. I .,� ------- --_--------------_------� i i ��--- --J-- - - - ,