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84-1562 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � -/��� � Counc 'l Resolution Presented By j�� � � � � �eferred To / /���� Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has received a proposal from AZeterMessages, Inc. requesting that the city grant permission to the company to install commercial messages upon a portion of parking meters in Saint Paul in exehange for the city receiving the sum of $2.25 a �nonth per parking meter used or 25� of the co�npany' s gross receipts, whichever is higher; and WHEREAS, The Council is advised by the Department of Public Works that such proposed use of the parking meters will not inter- fere with the use of the meters, nor in any way obstruct the public right-of-way, and the Department of Finance and r�tanagement Services recommends that the city enter into this program on a one-year trial basis so that the City Council may eval.uate the effectiveness and benefits to be received by the public from such a program; naw, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does here- by approve and authorize agreement between the city and Meter- Messages, Inc. for a term ending January 31, 1986, permitting the use of parking meters for commercial advertising in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in said agreement, a copy of which shall be maintained in the office of Finance and Management Services, and the said Department shall submit a report with recom- mendations as to future continuance of this program to the City Council prior to the end of the contract term. COUfVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: . Yeas Nays � �/ �t iisleher�j,.Y7V/�I � Nf� �i'/ M( H/ Drew [n Favor Masanz NiCOSia B schetbei __ Against Tedesco 1AF11eei*+ Adopted by Council: Date NOV l 5 �gg� Form Approved- Cit A torn Certified as e b Council Secreta BY By � Approved by 1�lavor. ate ,�—��� uV � 5 9�PProved by ayor r S bmis 'on to Council . By BY. � PUBLESN��3 f�����!� ? �- 19$4 _ . , . ���'�-�..s�� � �� ��aa-�a�.�sr . , , : , NTAC7 . ' 70/� �iaQ�lE r ��., � �� ..�.��_..:.,.,..�..�.._. ��f� ..r':''..�.:��.�.,_._.� ,�TE �■r. _ (Rotrti ng �d �i aeiat�ex� S�st) i r � Qt�r C7 i . Ai tocati�� ior , Sf . ,,..�... Qq�raent t�i rtetor � � �r G4raGtgr of-i�ag�en't/�l�nDr Rtt�e� �rtd � t S�es�ri c�s 01�ec�or � � - � �f#,y C�l�k "" � �� dr�'' /�/°v ���� G%�" � ���� , ,,, „ � _ -� ..�._,.�.y...,..�......�..,....,.. . ,...r.�.. , i�h� Z i "1 A� ? • ,��„�� ��, � G� �.�.,� d,, �7� � �.��! ,r,r.�P s,�� �G. �' ��. ���"�r���� �.�..Q , � �����`t�,*�� � µ ���b! `'; ,� ri�e���«a. . 'z�`' � � '���� �� �� i 9861 ��- �,�'� 9�.' �.° ��c�.a: , . ,.,, �` .' 6�"' ,� � � � ��� ��t , 1 l ct . . _. _ . � � ��_ _ f1a te��o �, 7.�- C..� -w'`� � "n"`�o`v . . ,. . � ..� . � ;. �7� Gt- �t' 'k''" ' �� _ ,��.t�k��r� � 70� t� /�8 , �16�" � _ t � ao.� c . . �i��c., I�ve,�,�-t, � 1 r t • .. l� �+dl�f��r��� � . : �. (� �"f- �i h� ,�-- r���,�,�v� c�t,r a�t�rr�► �r�:� � Yes ;,,,,�,,,, �Yo _ Co�rt'�1 �escl utf on Requt red? aesal�rtton Re�ui r�ed7 ,,,�,�,,,, 1�es �, No �,,, Yes ;�,,,^„1� Insu�ce li��rtred? Insurat� ;S�rP�"t��l�►t� lt�s „�,,,_„ �to _,.r..., Yes ,.�....� No I��tGe A��+citld? � � � i�vi si� of Oct�er, t 962 (�ae Rev+�r�� S i�e f�r I t�s���f ons� �" `�:� ` \�" � __�,. `t::;;;=:� �%�l ori�x�r.o�.+� tc�xrl: cz�li�ty �o�Y�czr. � �/ ;:,; s:>.,,�::,,:_.,;� �,;��� . ' /5702 > y �.. . :_�`- �� `�;Y;_•��?� r;% � n Q�'� ; November 8, 1984 r�`':>`.:`;�` . � .... ca �� � E�� � � � � � o ��� i O = �r�s�� �'��s D Ci 'ryj Go?��a��i - ��� � `. �+��3�?�f`1�'�4 �� FINANCE; MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL _ � �. C�A t R James Scheibel • - � � • � : CObAlITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE-It1EETING ' _ . � • _. � - Ordinance a.�nending Chapters 3, 9, and 12 of the City Charter pertaining to personnel . . • reform. PrPPR1Utlf� , _ . � . . . � �* • . - -- . •� - • • . . " ' � . ' . ' ' • . - • , - : . . - 1. Appnoval of minutes £rom'meeting held November I, 2984_ kPPROU� - � � • 2. Resolution app�oving labor contracts between TSD �625 an� T.rin City Carpenters ' � . District Council; EIectricians Local �110, $ricklayers Loca� =1; Roofers � ' - . - Local Nn. 96, and Sheet Dfeta2 Workers Local #10. (Personna?) Q�PPf�[1UQ,I� � 1 -- - . . . _ - - -_ - • 3. -�Resolution authorizing execution of an agreement wzth IS�J =6?5 c�nereby the . • �. � • . _ District will contribute in part and receive the benefits or tne City's rnntract " • - ; _ with Hallcrest-Craver Associates; Inc, conCerning the c2assi�icat?o:� ..n� .� ':� � compensation study. (Personnel) PtPQROVf:O . _ -_ -? ' 4. Resolution auLhorizing execution of an agreement with ISD `525 wh�reby the City � w�Il provide police services in assisting the District in its ele:�entar�• sckoo2 . - . police patrnl program. (?olice Dept.) �PRov� - � 5. Resolution authorizing execution of a Mutual Aid Agreemer_t ui*h the !'etropolitan �pQ�p{}'� Airports Commi.ssion for tha.sharing of police forces during eneroencies. (PoZice Dapt.) 6. Reso2uti0n amending the .�984 bud�et by adding S4,1Z0 to t?�e -inancing ?2art and . 5pending Plan for Parks f� Recreation - Forestry. (Commur.i�y Ser��ices) �PRdtlFA - 7. Resolution a�ending the 1984 budget by adding $29,183 ta t;�e Financin� ?Ian and Spending Plan for Parks F Recreation - Comm. Services bfain�enance. (Cow�n. Sen ices���a� , 8. Resolution authorizing the execution of the annual Qper�*_ir.� Agreenent with 2SD �►625 t+hereby the City furnishes various services to said �istr?ct. {Finarece Dept.)�V� . • �... ' 9. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by adding $2,880 to the Fir.ancing Plzr_ and � Spending Plan for Public Works - 0_fice Equipment. (Public +tior:s.1 ApPRoVfr.p 10. Resolution araending the 1984 budget by adding $7,500 to the Fina�tcing ?lut ar.d - Spending Plan for PED Qperations - Economics of Amenity-Fee Lo ?a�n�.-s for � Livabla Places. (PED) �PP�OV�p _ . 11_ Resolution authorizing the trans�er of $45,000 to assist the Fefu�ee N�22th. . ' . : Progzam with its financial difficulties. (Health Degt.) LRtp Ovf,F� 6�� t,V�E-(CS. _ . . TLUO - 12. Resolution establishing adveztising space on parkzng meters. (Treasury 9ivision�pk'PQKdsI'�O HOT� ON PREPARED AGENDA: Resolution increasing the NPP loan and accepting grant funds to create 30 cooperative artist - studio-living units in Lowertown. �°��� CITY HALL - SEVENTH FLOOR - SAINT P�1UL, DS1ti:�ESOT�1 5520? ' '�z�� . _ .... .. _ _�__.___..,..—.-.._,-,-,...,..-„s..—..,._ .._...___ � .. .__..... - .-_. - . _ - - � - - ._ _ �---.-,.,�,�--....._.._..__,........_.,.�. ..., � , , - ' � 3 � ��1 yr/�%57r��— ��,t, a: 4• �, CITY OF SA1NT PAUL ° " OEPARTMENT Of FINANCE I1ND MANAGEMENT SERVICES : ��� o . � ,��� TREASURY DIVISION 219 C�ry Hall GEORGE UTIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota SSi02 MAYOR 612-298-4406 FILED November 13, 1984 � � , � �� � �it�fl ��i �� �,':� �;;�� � rE"�y �LF,";'S 0;riC� Albert Olson J� ` ;"' F�',''�, City Clerk 386 City Hall RE: Parking Meter Advertising Resolution Dear Mr. Olson: This matter was reviewed and approved at the City Council Finance, Personnel and Management Committee meeting on November 8, 1984 with the stipulation that it be brought before the Parking Commission for review and comments. The Parking Commission was in session also on the afternoon of November 8 and they were kind enough to spend some extra time on this subject. The following were items of concern to them: 1. There may already be too much to read downtown with all of the notices and signing in each block. 2. They hope that the size and color of the advertising will not be disrup- tive to the present attractiveness of Downtown. 3. They would not like competitors' ads ot� meters in front of their business or their tenants' business. Hopefully, good judgement will be used in locating the ads. 4. None of the commissioners present were opposed to trying the program as long as this agreement was for a period ending on January 31, 1986 and the option to cancel on 60-day notice is included. Would you please include this report with the resolution which is on the City Council Agenda of November 15, 1984. Sincerely i��/�-7� Gary R. Norstrem Treasurer GRN:tb cc: Councilman Scheibel Barry Engen, Parking Commission Staff Peter Hames