84-1557 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE C I TY OF SA I NT PAUL Council (//�' /J CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. V � /��/ BLUE - MAVOR � Cou�cil Resolution Presented By Referred To �� ��'/�C..0 Committee: Date �`��3��`� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1984 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted Oetober 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1984 Budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Chan es Amended Budget Parks and Recreation 385 Forestry 43100-4301 Fund Balance -0- 4,120 4,120 SPENDING PLAN Parks and Recreation 385 Forestry 43100-536-000 Transfer to General Fund -0- 4,120 4,120 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above addition to the 1984 Budget. ..���(/� Director, Finan e and Mgmt. Services �,���(� D � Yeas C�F��!n��In�� ME rra s Requested by Dep rtment of: � �1a4�51i�eT� Y Drew � (n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel � __ Against ' Tedesco "VVileap NOV 15 1984 Form Approved b City Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified s• Counc' , cr BY By Approved b 14avor. Da �'`— , S —� OV � 5 � 8�Approve by for ubm' sion to Council — � �� ' �� _ ���Ld��1�— Pt�B11SHED 9�a��� �; -'� 19$� �'�/5,3"� ► —���?�N.TSY...SFR3l r r��'_���R'�'�I�T� • � •Karen Casb_v C£�I7ACT , � �...+. 7433 p�u� _.....�.�.,� ' ���� ` . �� 1U1�/84 ' OATE . , �._._._,_�r._ (Routing and.Expiat�a�xiti� St�et) Assi Nwnber for Rtw�i� Order Cl i A'I1 Locations for r►�tti Si a ure : Depawt�aen� Oi raect�r : . . Ci'ty. Attorn�y �i rector of l�agement�Ma,��r Fi nance and 1�lattageqtet�t Servi ces Di r$ctor : Ci#tiy Cier�it : ��f rectc�r -�--- ._._ ,.,.� . : . : ��- .�.� ,,,�,�� :-i�h�t Mill be A�h3�vsd b Takir� �►ctic�n on t,h� �kttached �la#�eriais? Pu se tiunale` : � This Council Resolu�ion will give Parks and Recreation the authority to move the, Fund Balance to the General Fund and c�ose out this old ' Fund which no longer is needed. Fi ancial��tar�r and Pers�mnel I�acts I�ntiCi�ated: ' . _ .--.-..,_ �� , _. .�..._ . None. Fu��i Se�r� �aat� F�d �ctf�r�t i�+i�e�* Cha d ar Credi ted: . 43100 Atfiact�r�ts (List and N�er a]1 Attact�ents): . - � ...�........_._. Council Resolution DEQA1t�ME1�tT RfYI#�I CITY ATTt)RNEY RfVI�rl ; _, X _.Yes No Councii Resod�utir�n Required? f�esolutian R�quired? ^,,,_ Yes No Yes X Nc Insur�tnce Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes Nc� Y�es � �io Insurance Atta�hed7 R�vision flf October, 1982 (�ee Reverse Side for �Instr�tions) �':�� f`:: '::;` }���� U-F-''�'�x�T.+'� dY3� '.1`IX:I�: C1'.1��'' �[:Ol'I\C;[7'. ' . rI '�=t S%:.�;;;':'s�:; fe'�J� • � �'�/.`>.JT 1 �;��"•:" -� %� ' , D Q t� ; November 8, 1984 .`�r�.;:;:!';'/ . ' :._�..:;-�'� C Q 1 Yf 1 Yi [�� � G � EPO � �' TU = �asn� P�t� j Ci;�� Go����it - �� � � '. C O��1 I T r�4 Q i3 FINANCE; MANAGEMENT $ PERSONNEL � _ � •. C N A t R James Scheibel • . `..S . • � ' •• ' • � � : CO�L�fITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE-IdEETINC ' . - • '.. • - Ordinan e ,Chapters 3, 9, and 12 of the City Charter vertaining to personnel ' • ' .' reform. , ' • . . s • s •y s : . - . _ .i • � _ : : � l. Approval of minutes from meeting held Kovember 1, I984_ -, • � ' • 2. Resolution app;oving labor cont=acts bet►+een�ISD �625 an� 7t+in City Carpenters . District Council; Electricians Local fi110, Bricklayers LocaL � - ,�s_ � ' - - . . � i __ Local Nn. 96, and Sheet Dfetal Workers Loeal �20, (Personnal) � � . - - � - - . • 3. -•Resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with ISD =6?5 hnereby ihe • � • . � � District will contribute in part and receive the benefits or t�e City's rnntract ' . - ; _ with Hallcrest-Craver Associates; I c. ranc�rning the cl�ssi�icat�o�e 2.nd : • ":� � compensation study. (Personnel) ��!�, . - _ �? ' 4. Resoluiion authorizing execution of an agreement with ISD r525 irh�reby the City � � - ' w�21 provide police services in assisting the District in its ele:�eatary school � , police patrol program. (?olice Dept.) _,�#��'�7'„{^°'p_"� ' ' ..�... . " S. Resolution authorizing execution of a blutual Aid Agreemart wi:h tne !!�tropolitan � Airports Commission for the.sharing of police forces dering e�erg�acies. (Police Dep� : X6. Resoluti0n amending the j984 budget by adding $4,120 to L�e -znancing ?lan a�j Spending Plan �or Parks f� Recreation - Forestry. (Comreur.i=y� S�rvices) �(�!;i�� 7. Resolution a�ending the 1984 budget by adding �29,183 to the Financir.� Plars and Spending Plan for Parks $ Recreation - Comm. Services x!aintenance. (Co��n. Sen ices ,� 8. Resoluiion authorizing the execution of the annual Oper*_ir.o �greenent Nith ISD i �625 whereby the City furnishes various services to said 9istr?c*_. (FinaJtce Dept. • • _ 4 . " 9. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by adding �2,880 to t?�e Fir.ancing Plzs,�n�,,� _ � Spending Plan for Public Wozks - Oifice Equipment. (Pub?ic �ror.L-s.� �P�-f _ 10. Resolution araendino the 1984 budget by adding $7,500 to th� Financing ?lan ar.d • Spending Plan for PED Operatio Economics of Amenity-Fee io ?ar:n°rs for - Livable Places. (PED) ��o,1fr� � - - - _ 11_ Resolution authorizing the transFer of $45,000 to assist the Fefv�e �t,h.,R,���'��`�,� � � Program With its financial difficulties. (Health Dept.) ,x.. c!�� _ _ ' _ p � - � 12. Resolution establishing advertising space on parking e�eten. ('lYeasury 9ivision) _ . . � NOT� ON PREPARED AGENDA: Re.solution increasing the NPP loan and accepting grant funds to create 30 cooperative artis� - studio-living units in Lo►�ertown. � CITY HALL - S�VENTFI FLOOR SAINT P�lUL, Dllti1'ESOTA 55203 �,.u _ _- --------- ---^�-----• ----- _----•----_—_ .__�_..._-�.._. __ _--� ._--_.�.�__ _....,..__._�� . - . _ .. - - -- -