84-1537 WNITE - CITV CLERK �AN/rlrv - DEP R`MENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. �y�`��� BLUE - MAVOR . � C uncil Resolution Presented By ✓Referred To � rTY PJ�/c 1.o�1'Y)� nlT'— Committee: Date 1 � ������ Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Summit Avenue is a prominent feature of the City of Saint Paul, having both historical and visual importance; and WHEREAS , preserving the character and values now contributed by Summit Avenue is in the best interest of the community; and WHEREAS , a plan for preservation and stabilization is neer7.ed, based on a comprehensive examination of (1) forces affecting the Avenue, and (2) options available for directing those forces; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a task force shall be appointed by the Mayor to recommend to the City Council measures for stabilizing and maintain- ing Summit Avenue; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force shall consist of 13 members, including a chairperson, appointed by the Mayor and con- sented to by the City Council, which task force shall include representatives and alternates from the Planning Commission, Heritage Preservation Commission, Ramsey Hill Association, real estate interests , religious institutions, educational institutions , Planning District 8, Planning District 9, Planning District 13, Planning District 14 , and Planning District 16 ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task foree shall meet bi-weekly for up to six months and shall perform the following tasks : (1) Assess the nature and values of Summit Avenue (from Marshall Avenue on the east and Mississippi River Blvd. on the west) in relation to its immediate surroundings and to the city as a whole, including consideration of varying characteristics in different portions of the Avenue. COUfVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosla scne�be� __ A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approv y City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � sy Approved by iNavor: Date _ Approve y Mayor for ubmission to Council BY BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINI<� - FINANCE COUACII /��� � w� CA?VARV - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO• �+ / �-BLUE — MAYOR L% e � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (2) Establish parameters and define conditions necessary for maintaining those values. (3) Evaluate potential uses of Summit Avenue structures in light of the values and conditions defined. (4) Establish guidelines for assessing proposed uses. (5) Recommend to the City Council whether the zoning districts along Summit Avenue should be amended to allow additional Yand uses. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force shall consist of 13 members , including a chairperson from the St. Paul Planning Commission , appointed by the Mayor and consented to by the City Council , which task force shall be further cornprised of three representatives each from Planning Districts 8, 16, 13 and 14, and shall include among those members representatives of the following : The Heritage Preservation Commission , the Ramsey Hill Association , real estate interests , Summit Avenue religious institutions , Summit Avenue educational institutions , the Irvine Hill neighborhood and Old Town Restoration . —2— COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �ef����s Drew �_ In Favor Masanz Nicosia sche�be� � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson - Adopted by C ouncil: Date NOV 13 1984 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a Council cr BY gl. t�pp by IVlavor: at _ � NOV � 4 �'98� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By pUBUSHED r�OV 2 41984 � � ���s�� FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force shall consist of 13 members, including a chairperson from the St. Paul Planning Commission, appointed by the Mayor and consented to by the City Councii, which task force shall be further com- prised of three representatives each from Planning Districts 8, 16, 13 and 14, and shall include among those members representatives of the following: the Heritage Preservation Commission, the Ramsey Hill Association, real estate interests, Summit Avenue religious institutions, Summit Avenue educational institutions�aa� the Irvine Hill neighborhood� o.�c� ���►°p T�w� �S'Y'af�,p'i"e��' ��-is�� FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force shall consist of 13 members, including a chairperson from the St. Paul Planning Commission, appointed by the Mayor and consented to by the City Council, which task force shall be further com- prised of three representatives each from Planning Districts 8,. 16, 13 and 14, and shall include among those members representatives of the following: the Heritage Preservation Commission, the Ramsey Hill Association, real estate interests, Swnmit Avenue religious institutions, Summit Avenue educational institutions and the Irvine Hill neighborhood. / ..�-��/�...�� ��� FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force sha11 consist of 13 members, including a chairperson from the St. Paul Planning Commission, appointed by the Mayor and consented to by the City Council, which task force shall be further com- prised of three representatives each from Planning Districts 8, 16, 13 and 14, and shall include among those members representatives of the following: the Heritage Preservation Commission, the Ramsey Hill Association, real estate interests, Summit Avenue religious institutions, Summit Avenue educational institutions and the Irvine Hill neighborhood. _._T, ._,.,.,_. .. ,..,^. . _._.... ._......__ _ .�__, .. ... .._ . ..____, _.,�._. . ...._.. .... _ � _.�, � >,u.,�.e �...�.�..._..��..�..... �.,..,�mr,,.�._ (� �--/�"�� FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force shall consist of 13 members, including a chaixperson from the St. Paul Planning Commission, appointed by the Mayor and consented to by the City Council, which task force shall be further com- prised of three representatives each from Planning Districts 8, 16, 13 and 14, and shall include among those members representatives of the following: the Heritage Preservation Commission, the Ramsey Hill Association, real estate interests, Swnmit Avenue religious institutions, Summit Avenue educational institutions and the Irvine Hill neighborhood. _(RE��RN'TO JEROME SEGAL AFTER ADOPTION) wHITE - CITV CIERK � � � � PiNK - FINANCE CITY OF � SAINT PAUL � Councii CANqRV - DEP4RTMENT G /S ^ y� OLUE - MAYOR � Flle NO.-. 6� .� �'� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Summit Avenue is a prominent feature of the City of Saint Paul, having both historical and visual importance; and WHEREAS , preserving the character and values now contributed by Summit Avenue is in the best interest of the community; and WHEREAS, a plan for preservation and stabilization is needed, - based on a comprehensive examination of (1) forces affecting the Avenue, and (2) options available for directing those forces; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a task force shall be appointed by the Mayor to recommend to the City Council measures for stabiiizing and maintain- ing Summit Avenue; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force shall consist of 13 members, including a chairperson appointed by the Mayor and con- sented to by the City Council, which task force shall include representa"£"ives and alternates from the Plann�ng Commission, Ramsey Hill Association, real estate interests, religious insti- tutions, educational institutions, Planning District 8, Planning District 9, Planning District 13, Planning District 14, and Planning District 16; and, be it _ FURTHER RESOLVED, that the task force shall meet bi-weekly for up to six months and shail perform the following tasks: . • (1) Assess the nature and values of Summit Avenue (from - P��arshall Avenue on the east and Mississippi River Blvd. on the west) in relation to its immediate surroundings and to the city as a whole, including consideration of varying characteristics in different portions of the Avenue. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fietcher °reN' [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia scne�bei _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved.by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved b�• :�1avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council o� � ., o.. • � � . , . . , . . � �. . - WHITE • - UTV CLERK • � � PINK - FiNqry�E , COUI�CiI /y �4NARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL /� �/1 BLUE - MqYOR File �0. (, � � /��`/ � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (2) Establish parameters and define conditions necessary for maintaining those values. (3) Evaluate potential uses of Summit Avenue structures in light of the values and conditions defined. � (4) Establish guidelines for assessing proposed uses. (5) Recommend to the City Council whether the zoning districts along Summit Avenue should be amended to allow additional land uses. ........ � ♦ . � �. -2- COUNCILMEN Yeas Na}�s Requested by Department of: Fletcher °feN' [n Favor � Masanz Nicosia scne�be� _ Against BY Tedesco Witso� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b�• Council: Date Certified 1'assed by Council Secretary BY B� �ppruved b5 11a��or: ' Date _ Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council °° < �-������ CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF TH� CITY COIINCIL ...v.�. ..........�� �'��`�'' D a t e : Novembe r 5 , 1984 COMM (TTEE RE PORT TO = SQint Pau I City Councit FROM � Committee Oh City Development and Transportation CNAIR William L. Wilson 1 . Resolution creating a task force to be appointed by the Mayor to recommend the City Council measures for stablizing and maintaining Summit Ave. Committee recommends approval 2. Resolution directing the Mayor to request enforcement measures on Interstate 35E Parkway. Committee recommends approval 3. Motion was made that HRA agenda items will be reviewed by the City Development Committee before the HRA meeting. Motion passed. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL.,MINNESOTA 55102 ��_