84-1502 WHITE - UTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council .�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � Council es i Presented By LICENSE Referred To o ittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: Richard L. Timm, owner of Cab license No. 90, doing business as Yellow Cab Company, has requested the permission of the City of Saint Paul to change the name of his licensed cab company; now therefore be it RESOLVED: That upon the recommendation of the License Inspector, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby consent to the change of the name of business of Richard L. Timm, Cab license No. 90, to the name of DISCOUNT TAXI , provided however that this consent is make expressly contingent upon the licensee painting his cab a color distinctly different from that of the cabs of any other licensed owner or operation. COUNCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � qseeh.'��y/�A Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosla schetbe� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date NOV � �� 198� Form A r ved by City A ney Certified P�s d y ouncil Sec t BY sy /�ppr Mavor: Date � N��� �j ° ���� Appro y Mayor for Submission to Council BY — BY puB�isHEO NOV 101984 ��_ ��-�a� � . _ � � ► �. �fFIfP Df �trinP�Df�t � o _ , o- �� s �. , OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE �' � -'�y- �y � ^�' �• ���+� �+"`i+ t80 STATE OFFICE BUILDING i JOAN ANDERSON GROWE Corpaation Oiwlsim:872/296-2803 Secrotary o!Stere September 27, 1984 Elsction Oi�'Bf2/286-2805 CAROLYN PEABODY Oltice o/the Secietary:B12/296-3266 Otlice o/Dsputy Secy.:812%2D8-230D 09puty Secretary o/Sfete i, Richard L. Timm 3743 N. McKnight Road ' White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Dear Mr. Timm, Thank you for your Ietter of September 24, 1984. W��ile our office cannot give you a definitive answer with respect to whether Yellow Cab has the exclusive right to use yellow paint on cabs in Minnesota, because that judgment can only be made by a court, I can tell you that we do not consider colors registrable for trademark or service mark status, except as part of a logo or design. That is to say, one could not register "the yellow paint used on a taxi" with our office as a trade ar service�rrark. If you have any further questions, please contact me. Sincerely, Bert Black Director, Corporation Division State of Minne'sota BB/nk ` "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNiTY EMPLOYER" '�� - �'�"��(- /SZ'� ; . August 31, 1984 Persuant to Mi.nneaota State Statute 471.707, Section 1, License Fee Notice, I am hereby notifying you that on October 10, 1984 a public hearing will be held before the Saint Paul City Council regarding the proposed increase in the Mechanical Amusement Devices/Operators fees for 1985. This hearing will be held in the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, 3rd floor of the City and County Courthouse at 10:00 a.m. At this hearing, in accordance with Saint Paul Legislative Code 310.16, License fees, � annual increase (see attached) , the License Inspector will make a recommendation that the following fees be raised S� for 1985. Mechanical Amusement Device Operator Mechanical Amusement Device 1984 Fee ProP�sed 1985 Fee 1984 Fee Proposed 1985 Fee $546.50 $888.75 $56.25 �59.00 Mechanical Amusement Device/Kid Rides Mechanical Amusement Device/TV Units 1984 Fee Proposed 1985 Fee 1984 Fee Proposed 1985 Fee $197.50 $207.25 $18.00 $�.9.00 � • Sincerely, , Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lp