84-1497 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council p���,�(o�^J BLUERY - MAVORTMENT File NO. � / / / 1 Co n.ci Resolution Presented By �eferred To ����1��.� Committee: Date � b'^J� �° � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, autliority is hereby granted to amend the 1984 General Revenue Fund Budget in the following manner. Current Amended � Budget Change Budget Employee Insurance Health Insurance Premium 09001-431-000 3,798,783.00 (60,250.00) 3,738,533.00 09001-251-000 210.00 250.00 460.00 State Auditor Fees Accounting and Auditing 09130-216-000 113,400.00 60,000.00 173,400.00 3,912,393.00 --0- 3,912,393.00 Approved as to funding: Approved: irector, Depaxtment of Finance Budg t irector and Management Services COUIVCILMEN Req sted by Department of• Yeas Nays � * �F�y�h . o`e"' [n Favor Mesanz Nicosia scheibe� � __ Against BY 7edesco Wilson ' NQV � . ��1� Form Approved y it At rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified P : Counci ,e BY i Bs' . App by 1Aavor: Date �NOV 5 - 1984 APP by ayor for Sub is to ouncil By PUBLfSNED �,►(i'� �_ '� �9$4 . y ` • • General-Government DEPART��IENT J �'�j/� ��{97 Jim Snyder CONTACT �98-4118 PHONE � �� . 9/20/84 DATE ��✓� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Ma�yoral Signature): � Department Di rector _� Ci ty Attorney � a� RECEIV �� Di rector of Management/Ma�yor �.`��-��- � '-� _ ED Fi nance and hianagement servi ces Di rector 1 ,` SEP 2,4 �� c,� :� ,., 4 City C1erk �, ,�f ,: , , ,,,�R CITY ATTORNElr 3 Budget Di rector �' `' - ^ -����cE AfVU !`✓iAiVHutivitN! SERV�C�S What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This transfers ava.ilable funds from Employee Insurance to State A3,zditor Fees where funds are needed. /.--�--�c�o--� L Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: 2• f�►ww�J� ��c�tnr None Funding Source and Fund Activity Nur�er Charged or Credited: Funding Source: 09001 Employee Insuranee Activity Credited: 09130 State Auditor Attachments (List and Nun�ber all Attachments) : Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x ' Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution �equired? � Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes tdo Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions) . . , • . . . � ��- ���'7 . . . . , .;..... � . ��� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: James Snyder, Chief Accountant �-� - ,f FROM: Grea Blees, City Budget �irector DATE: October 4, 1984 RE: STATE AUDIT FEES: COST CONTROL NEEDED The 1984 adopted General Fund budget �has $114,300 apnropriated for state audit fees, activity 09130. 4Jhen the 1985 budget was being prepared, you requested, and City Council appropriated, $162,050 and, at that time, you identified that we would need to increase the 1984 budget by apnroximately $30,000. Now I have received your request to increase the 1984 budget by $60,000. A 52% increase raises se�ious question as to how we can better control state audit costs. Jim, I am aware that some extraordinary expenses were involved because of the single audit law implementation. Nevertheless, we must find a better way to control audit costs and reduce the General Fund budoet liability, Jim, I request that you identify, by October 30, 1984, action steps we can take to better control and recover state audit costs. In the meantime, I will request City Council action on your requested 1984 budget amendment. Thank you. GL/lm cc: John Connelly �--r.�:_l� (� ��-"�°'1�-1� ,..,.: �s �,>�';'� '.�:�`'`'`�� ,• '�r.�`�r �1E+' .ij.n,l.���' �./.�,'._13�� �%1�/- ��!'�` .=f! {�;��;'�,,:�� ,,� 02�`1.�IC`.,T+; OII' 2��Clr C'1'.1C�'' COT.T\C:�I :-- �:: :i;:��.,.:� �:;t� � • =�.��\-.� ir�. � Dof ; , �... � �/ C October 25 1984 '4.�,_ _,. . • .... C O i�l � [f�' � E 1� E P O �`�"' � . i� - �gtn.� Pa� J Ci 'ry Go����ii . �P Q P,� % C O��'rj�j j'�� �h FINANCE, .MANAGEMENT F� PERSONNEL , � C�-I A I R James Scheibel � � . 1, ppproval of minutes from meeting held October 18, 1984.� . 2. Resolution amending the 1984 Budget by reducing the health insurance fund by $60,250 and increasing the State Auditor Fees - Accounting and Auditing by $60,000. (General Govt.)��1 � 3. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by adding �148,052 to the Financing Plan�l"��� and Spending Plan for Community Health Administration/Fublic Health (Comm. Services) . • ��LVnaa .� 4. Resolution amending the 1984 Budget by transferring $3,500 fron Contingent ,:,ti::�°�fi Reserve to General Govt. Accounts - CH/CH Building I�4tce. (Exec. Administra�on� �'� S. Ordinance amending �Chap ters 3��9 and 12 of the City Charter pertaining to � personnel reform.��;`�'��=���;���.�� . • . -t-h«.4��, � a 6. Discussion of per diem payments to ci�ty committee anc3 cor.unission members. ��'` �" �f�t� , 7, Administrative resolution amending certain sections of the Cit�il Service RuleS concerning provisional, temporary, and emergency er.rployment. (Personnel) ;��v� �,,. . ,�uE�c.r NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: Resolution recommending transfer of $5,000 to RecyclingTUnlimited for use in the negotiation of their contract with Ramsey County. -�°-�'-��'�'�!a.� � � 7TY HALL , � ' �. ' S�VENTH FLOOI: . � SAINT I'AUL, A1I�'\ESOTA 55102 ' " . �. '�2 u _