WHEREAS, on September 28, 1999, the District 2 Community Council duly filed an
appeal from the Zoning Administrator's site plan approval pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative
Code § 64300(j); and
Presented By
Refened To
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the Zoning
Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission [Commission] conducted a public hearing
concerning the District 2 Community Council's appeal on October 28, 1999, after having
provided notice to affected property owners and at the conclusion of the public hearing moved to
recommend to the full Commission that the appeal of Aistrict 2 be gzanted; and
2 WFIEREAS, on September 1, 1999, pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning
3 Code, David Schwarz, d/b/a Schwazz Construction, made application to the Saint Paul Zoning
4 Administrator for approval of a site plan for a proposed addition to the Lincoln Pawn Shop
5 located at 1675 White Beaz Avenue, legally described as follows: Kerwin's Outlots to the City
6 of St. Paul, Minn. Subj to Rd in Doc No. 2708457; the Fol N 133 ft of E 125 ft of Lot 1; and
8 WHEREAS, by letter dated September 28, 1999, the proposed site plan was approved as
9 contained in Zoning File 99-242; and
WHEREAS, on November 5, 1999, the Commission, approved the recommendation of
the Zoning Committee and granted the District 2 appeal based upon the following reasons set
forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 99-74:
On September 28, 1999, the Office of License, Inspecrions and
Council File # 00 � � y �
Green Sheet # � � �3� �
Committee: Date
Environmental Protection (LIEP) by letter issued approval of a site plan
far a proposed addifion to Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Bear Avenue,
subject to conditions including closing the existing Larpenteur driveway
closest to White Beaz Avenue, re-striping the parking lot and new
landscaping. The letter approving the site plan noted that the proposed
addition was in conformance with City ordinances.
2. On September 28, 1999, District 2 Community Council filed an appeal of
LIEP's decision, ciaiming LIEP erred in its interpretation of Sections
62.102 and 64300 of the zoning code and the requirements of the new
pawn shop ordinance. Section 62.102 of the zoning code addresses
nonconfornung lots, uses of land, structures, and uses of land and
structures. Section 62.102(e) provides that a nonconfornung structure may
. z -
be enlazged or altered so long as such enlargement or alterarion does not 00 —l�k�
increase its nonconformity. Section 64300 provides for plamuug
coxnxnission and planning or zoning adtninistrator approvals. The
applicable provisions of the new pawn shop ordinance is described in the
History/Discussion (F) of the zoning staff report dated October 21, 1999.
3. LIEP erred in the interpretation of Section 62.102(e) that the expansion
did not increase the nonconformity of the nonconfonning structure. The
nonconformity of the structure was increased either by increasing the
amount and azea of residentially zoned properry within one hundred fifty
(150) feet impacted or affected by the increase in the size of the
nonconforming structure or by increasing the nonconforming square
footage from 1339 square feet to1997 squaze feet and therefare is not
allowed without a variance.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206, on
December 8, 1999, Lincoln Pawn duly filed an appeal from the determination made by the
Commission and requested a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council for the purposes
of considering the action taken by the Commission; and
22 WHEREAS, acting pursuant to § 64.206 -§ 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties,
23 a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council [Council] on January 5,
24 2000, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the
application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and
of the Planning Commission, does hereby;
RESOLVE, that the Council affirms the decision of the Commission in this matter based
and adopts as its own the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Plamzing
Commission as contained in Planning Commision Resolution No. 99-74. The Council finds that
the proposed expansion further encroaches into an azea intended to separate a commercial use
from residential uses and that such an expansion violates the legislatiave intent behind seperation
requirements, a problem not solved by application of linear distance measurements; and be it
1. .
00 �t�4\
3 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Lincoln Pawn be and is hereby denied; and
4 be it
6 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Mr.
7 Chuck Wedemeyer (Lincoln Pawn), the Zoning Admiiustrator, the Plamziug Commission and the
8 District 2 Community Council.
Aequested by Department of:
Form Appro}� d by City Attorney
By: �l.�i�� ��"'WVL`ct— 't.� �VO
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY � �c'-'� �'\��, �o By:
Approved by Mayor� Date c�Z/�€fC��
B �.�✓.s� G�G�i'�
Adopted by Council: Date ,�j .��p_� D�C
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
***�**�**�**+ -COMM.JOURNRL- *�*�**�x���orox�*w�* DRTE FEB-11-2909 �** TIME 10=46 �� P.01
FILE NO.= 167
STRRT=FEB-11 10�42 ENI�FEB-11 10�46
001 OK . 69099 �2i002
-City oi Saint Pau1 -
�� {ity Councii - � - 651 266 8574- ��
7 .
be enlazged or altered so long as such enlargement or a]teration dces not O o-l4�
inciease its nonconfoimity. Section 64300 provides for planning
commission and planning or zoning administrator approvals. The
applicable pro�isioas of ihe new pawn shop oxdinance is described in the
History/Discussion (F) of the zoning staff report dated October 21,1999.
3. LIEP eaed in the inteipretation of Section 62.102(e) that the expansion
did not increase the nonconfomuty of the nonconforming shucture. The
nonconformity of the strucnue was increased either by increasing the
amount and azea of tesidentially wned propexty within one hundred fifty
(150) feet impacted or affected by the increase in the size of thc
nonconfozming structure or by increasing the nonconforming squaze
footage from 1339 squsre feet to1997 square feet and thereforc is not
allowed without a vaziance.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Yaul Legislative Code § 64206, on
December 8, 1999, Lincoln Pawn duly filed an appeal from the determination made by the
Commission and xequested a public heazing before the Saint Paul City Council for the pu�poses
of considering the action taken by the Commission; aad
WT�EEREAS, acting pursuant to § 64.206 -§ 64Z08, aad upon notice to affected parties,
a public heazing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council (Council] on January 5,
2000, where all imerested pazties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREA3, the Council, having heazd the statements made, and having considered the
application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the 7.oning Committee and
of the PU nnino Commissioq docs hereby;
I2ESOLVE, that the Council a�rms the decision of the Commission in this matter based
and adopu as its own the fmdings, coaelusions and recommmdations of the Planning
Commission as comained in Pl annin Commision Resolution No. 99J4. The Council finds that
the proposed expansion fiuther eneroaches inW an area intended to separate a commercial use
fmm residential uses and fliat such an expansion violates The legislariave intent behind seperation
requirements, a pmblem not sotved by application of lineaz distance me-asurements; and be it
Ob..� �{�
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No �����
Peter Warner
❑ rnrwTroucr ❑ arcaituc
❑n�14xu�LtElku�cESOR ❑RIIWew.aFR1nACCro
Memorializing the decision of the City Council on January 5, 2000, denying the appeal of
I.incoln Pawn to a decision of the Planning Commission granting the appeal of the Distric[ 2
Community Council of the Zoning Administrator`s approval of a site plan for expansion of a
pawn shop at 1675 White Bear Avenue.
ties this ae�� everwuked uMer a mMract ra mie departmem?
Hae this P�mt fl�er been a aty empbyee9
Does tMS P�� P� a sldll nd iwnna�yP�d bY anY wrreM city emPbYee?
IS Nit peraoNfirm a tergetetl vendoYt
etlach to arem sheH
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Nasm Coleman, Mayor
February 7, 2000
Nancy Anderson
Council Secretary
310 City Ha11
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: Appeal by Lincoln Pawn Shop
Zoning Resolufion 99-242
City Council Motion of Intent: January 5, 2000
Dear Nancy:
Clayton M Robinsan, Jr., City Attorney
40D City Ha1[ TeZephone: 651 266-8710
ISWestKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651298-5619
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Attached please find a signed Resolution memorializing the City Council's Motion of Intent to
deny the appeal by Lincoln Pawn of a planning commission decision to deny Lincoln Pawn's site
plan application for properiy located at 1675 White Beaz Avenue. Please place this matter on the
Council Consent Agenda at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Peter W.�a e��
Assistant City Attomey
t� +• ^�k����p^�'��"°�
;i':�: , �, s,.
Enclosure � �' �
3( _
Norm Colem¢n, Mayo>
December 14, 1999
Division of Plarming
25 West Fourth Street
SamtPaul, MN55701
Telephone: 612-266-6565
Facsimi7e 612-228-3314
Ms. Nancy Anderson ���� �"���'"=`' �'°'�
CiTy Council Reseazch Office
xoom s io c�ri xan �EC �, �#�99
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson: �o��
I would like to c nfirm that a public heazing before the CiTy Council is scheduled for Wednesday,
January 5, for the following appeal of a Planning Commission decision granting an appeal of the
Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan. -..
File Number: #99-178-640
Purpose: Appeal a Planning Commission decision granting the appeal of District 2 Community
Council of the Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan for the expansion of a
pawn shop.
Address: 1675 White Beaz Avenue; (west side between Larpenteur and Califomia)
Legal Description of Property: Kerwin's Outlots to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Subj to Rd in Doc
No. 2708457; the Fol N 133 ft of E 125 ft of Lot 1
Previous Actian
Planning Commission Recommendation: approvat of appeal; vote: 14-2, November 5, 1999
Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval of appeal ; vote: 3-2, October 28, 1999
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the December 22,
1999 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the heazing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger.
Please call me at 266-6554 if you have any questions.
Nancy Frick
City Planner
cc: File #99-178-640
Paul Dubruiel
Carol Martineau
Wendy Lane, LIEP
The Saint Paul City Counclj wAt condnct
apublic hearing on Wednesday, January�5.
2000, at 5:30 p.m.3n the City Council
Ch�mbers, Thiid Floor, City Ha11-
Courthouse,to consider the appeaI of
Llncoln Pawn to a decision of the Planning
Commission granting the appeal of the
District 2 Community Council of the
Zo nina Admuustrator's approval of a site
plan for the eicpansion of a pawn shop at
1675 White BeazAvenue.
Dated: December 14, 1999
Assist'ant Ciiy Cuundt Seczetary
_ . . . (Dec..16) . � -
=�ST, �PAiU.7 E(iAL I.�G88 �-=_
Briarz Sweeney, Director
crrY oF sa�rr pauL,
Norm Co[eman, Mayar
December 29. 1999
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the City Council
Room 310 Ciry Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Pau[. M,ti 5� 102
RE: Zoning File #99-178-64Q: LINCOLN PAWN (Chuck Wedemeyer)
City Council Hearing: January 5, 2000, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers
p0-1�S �
Telephone: 6�1-266-66?6
Facsim ile: 65l-228-339 /
PURPOSE: Appeal a planning commission decision granting the appeal of the District 2 Community
Council of a Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan for the expansion of a pawn shop at 1675
White Bear Avenue.
� SUPPORT: Two (2) persons spoke. One letter. The District 2 Community Council was the appellant
to the site plan approval. ,
OPPOSITION: Two (2) persons spoke.
Dear Ms. Anderson:
LINCOLN PAWN has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission to grant the appeal
by the District 2 Community Council of the Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan for the
expansion of a pawn shop at 1675 White Bear Avenue. Tlle Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul
Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on October 28, 1999. The appellanYs
representatives addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 3-2 to
recommend granting of the appeal. The Planning Commission upheld the Zonin� Committee's
recommendation to grant the appeal on a 14-2 vote on November 5, 1999.
This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 5, 2000. Please notify me if any
member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. The appeal
packet is attached.
`� ��
Nancy Frick
Ciry Planner
CiTy Council Members
Chuck Wedemeyer, LincoVn
Tom Fabel, Lindquist and
Peter Warner
Wendy Lane
District 2 Community
File #99-178-640
city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
file number 99-74
date November 5, 1999
WT�EREAS, DISTI2ICT 2 COMMLTNITY COLTNCIL, file #� 99-275, has, under the provisions
of Section 64300(j) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, appealed the approval of a site plan by
the Zoning Administrator for the expansion of a pawn shop on properry at 1675 White Bear
Avenue, legally described as follows: Kerwin's Outlots to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Subj to Rd
in Doc No. 2708457; the Fol N 133 ft of E 125 ft of Lot 1; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, held a public hearing on
10/28/1999 at which all persons present were given an opporhinity to be heazd pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
On September 28, 1999, Tom Beach, Zoning Specialist with the Office of License,
Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) by letter issued approval of a site plan
for a proposed addition to Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Beaz Avenue, subject to a set of
conditions including closing the existing Larpenteur driveway closest to White Beaz
Avenue, restriping the pazking lot and new landscaping. In the letter approving the site
plan, Mr. Beach noted that the proposal was in conformance with City ordinances. This
letter is attached to the zoning staff report, dated October 21, 1999.
2. On September 28, 1999, the District 2 Community Council filed an appeal of this
decision, stating as grounds for their appeal an error by staff in its interpretation of
Sections 62.102 and 64300 of the zoning code and in requirements of the new pawn shop
ordinance. 5ection 62.102 of the zoning code provides for nonconforming lots,
nonconforming uses of land, nonconforming structures, and nonconforming uses of
moved by Gervais
seconded by
in favor 14 (Nowlin Abstained)
against 2 (Duarte, Faricy)
• Z.F.#99-275
Page 2 of Resotution
structures and land. Section 64.300 provides for planning commission and
planning or zoning administrator approvals. The applicable provisions of the ne��
pawn shop ordinance is described in the History/Discussion (F) of the zoning staff
report dated October 21, 1999.
3. The Zoning Administrator erred in the interpretation of Section 62.102(e) that the
expansion did not increase the nonconformity of the nonconforming structure at
1675 White Beaz Avenue. By increasing the azea of the structure within the
nonconforming setback from the neazest residentially-zoned property line, the
nonconformity of the structure is increased and therefore is not allowed without a
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under
the authority of the City's Legislative Cade, the appeal by the District 2 Community Council is
hereby granted.
Saint PauI Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, November 5, 1999, at
830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Duarte, Engh, Faricy, Geisser, McCall, Morton and Nordin
Present: and Messrs. Corbey, Dandrea, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon; Johnson, Kramer, Nowlin
and Shakir.
Commissioners Mmes. M and Messrs. *Field, *Kong, *Mardell and *Margulies
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Donna Drummond, Amy Filice,
Nancy Frick, Tom Harren, Nancy Homans, Allen Lovejoy, Larry Soderholm, Joel
Spoonheim, Brian Sweeney, Lucy Thompson, Altan Torstenson, James Zdon,
Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Wendy Lane, Office
of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection.
• I. Approval of Minutes of October 22, 1999
MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved approval oJthe minutes of October 22, I999;
Commissioner Faricy seconded the motion which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
II. Chair's Announcements
Mc Ford announced that just before the Planning Commission's last meeting, the City Council
adopted two additionat special sign districts which they have referred to the Planning
Commission: 1) Hamline Midway; and 2) Merriam Park. Also, the City had just lost one case
concerning billboards to Scenic Minnesota. The couR decided that billboards on Grand Avenue
and Highland Village that the City had said cou(d be replaced because of storm damage to the
sign surface themselves, shoutd not have been allowed.
This week the City Council adopted the 1994 Large STAR Loans and Grants. There were a few
modifications, but Mr. Ford �vas not sure of what they were. They will be reported later.
_ Last week Mr. Ford gave a report to the Csty Council, following on cases involving trucking
facilities and zonina for trucking facilities, and also following discussion at the City Council on
the Comprehensive Plan related to the use of industrial land for trucking faci{ities. The City
Council had requested that PED prepare a report on possible amendments to the Zoning Code
that woutd do a better job of protecting residential neighborhoods from the adverse impact of
• trucking facilities on adjacent properiy, and that subsequent to that report they would ask the
Planning Commission to complete the study and recommend amendments to them. This last
� week, the City Council started the process of instituting a moratorium on additional permitting
for trucking faci(ities unti( that study is done.
III. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Chair Morton had no announcements.
IV. Recognition of Ken Ford's Retirement
Mr. Tom Harren announced that Mr. Ken Ford's official last day in the office will be Thursday,
November 18, 1999. Consequently, this is the last Planning Commission meeting where Ken
wi{i be serving as the Planning Administrator. Tom shared with the Commission some thoughts
and reflections on Ken's work in PED, and indicate some of the appreciation the PED staff has
for the great work that he has done.
In the past three years that Tom has worked very closely with Ken. In addition to it being a
very enjoyable experience, it has also been very much a learning experience for Tom. Ken has
made Tom aware of some things in planning and development that have been very valuable.
Ken has become a very important part of PED, and his leaving will be a great loss. PED has
benefitted from Ken in many ways. First, he brings a tremendous amount of knowledge to the
job. He has been able to provide some insight into things simply because he is very
knowledgeable. This has come about because Ken has taken continued extra steps to keep
. himself educated. Secondly, his experience in workin� in planning and development issues has
set the foundation for planning for many of the last years. Finally, and probably the most
important thing and the most significant contribution that Ken has made to PED is how he has
shared his knowledge and his experience �vith the other staff: AII of the planners and other PED
staff have come to depend on Ken for the knowledge and experience that he has. Ken has
always been witling to share that knowtedge and experience with the other staf£ He has served
as a mentor and advisor to many of the planners, and he has served as a mentor and advisor to
Tom over the tast three years, and Tom is very appreciative.
While Ken's leaving will be a tremendous Ioss to both PED and the Planning Commission, Tom
is sure that Yhe Commission shares with his wishing Ken the very best as he takes an
opportunity to start a new venture in his Iife. Other events that will take place within the next
couple of weeks to continue to show Ken PED's and the Ciry's appreciation for the work he has
done include: 1) a presentation at 3:3� p.m. at the City Counci! on November 17; 2) a party on
November 19 at the Town and Country Club beginning at 530 p.m; and 3) a reception to be
held Wednesday, November 17, from 9:30 - 11 a.m. at the Saint Paul City Ha(1 Conference
Center, Room 40B.
Tom extended his appreciation, personally, to Ken for the help he has given him in the last three
" years, and on behalf of PED, for the work that he has given over the many years that he has
been with PED and with the Planning Commission.
Chair Morton read the Planning Commission resolution honoring Mr. Ford, and she added her
own personal thanks to someone has been a pleasure to worS: with, has ahvays been helpful, has
�o -t�l
a(�vays been cheerful, and ahvays been there to help.
Mr. Ford noted that he has attended 425+ Planning Commission meetings. The Commission
has worked through policy issues: 1) trudged through them with community groups; and 2)
trudged throu�h them in committees. There's been Land Use, two major Comprehensive Plan
Chapters, and many more studies of special issues, five major studies in housing, plus low
income housing strate�ies, the various evolutions of neighborhood improvement pro�rams, at
least three studies in transportation, library services, fire and emergency services, parks and
recreation major studies, community service centers, swimming pools, child care, etc. The
Commission has provided the forum and done the work to think through policy that ought to
guide development of this city. Week and week and month afrer month, the Planning
Commission has provided the forum where the ofren competing interests in the city come
together over the issues that have to be resolved if those policies and directions that have been
set are goin� to be realized in �vhat happens on the ground in our neighborhoods. Over and over
again, people have found here a fornm where they are listened to that is fair and open and where
there is a possibility of resolving issues based on some carefully thought out policy. Metal
shredders, shops for guns or pawning, or sex, roads here and roads there, parking lots, building
setbacks, more or ]ess historic structures and districts worthy of preservation, and the garage
next door. Over and over a�ain, it's very difficult for this city and even for members ofthe
Commission to realize the significance of the forum provided by the Planning Commission.
Has it made a difference? Ken noted that last year he had an opportunity to take a group of
Japanese city officials on a tour. As they were driving down Grand Avenue, a Japanese woman
who's very familiar with cities in the United States because she lives in San Francisco (their
tour guide), commented on how extraordinary lovely Grand Avenue was. She mentioned the
apartment buildings, the consistent setbacks, the mixture of residential and commercial uses,
etc. Ken couldn't help think, looking down Grand Avenue, that virtually every block has been
touched by decisions of the Planning Commission. From Grand Avenue to Concord to Barge
Channel Road to the riverfront, downtown, Payne Avenue, Phalen Village, South St. Anthony
Park, University and Raymond, Raymond and Energy Park Drive, West Seventh Street, etc.
You'd be hard put to find a corner in this city where the decisions the Planning Commission has
worked through with citizens have not made a difference for the better in the quality of the
fabric that were have in our community. Ken expressed that iYs 6een a tcemendous privilege to
be a part of that for all this time. It has been an extraordinary privilege beyond what anyone has
a right to expect for his career to have worked all this time with the colleagues he has had all
this time in PED. It has been a great privilege to work with the leadership this city has had. It
has been a very special privilege to work with generous citizens who have put so much effort
and so much of their time and thought into the work of this Commission.
Ken mentioned one commissioner, Anne Geisser, whose imprint is so many things he has
mentioned, and who has been with the Commission so long, and has given extraordinary
dedication and talent to many things. He congratulated her in advance on her departure from
the Commission, since he �vil! not be here at that time.
Mr. Ford stated that it has been a tremendous privilege to �vork with the leadership of the
Planning Commission. iVo one has brought moze wilGn�ness to keep in touch on a week]y basis
to keep the business of the Commission moving, more political savvy that s useful for this
work, and a better combination of firmness and fairness in conductin� meetings than Gladys
• Morton.
Ken thanked the Commission for al1 the time they have had together, for a(t their hazd work and
for being fun people to work with.
MOTION: Con:nzissionzer Geisser moved approvat of the resolution l:onoring Mr. %n
Ford; tJ:e resl of the P[anning Commission seconded t{ze motion which carried unanimously
on a voice vate.
V. Zoning Committee
#99-236 US West Wireless - Special condition use permit to allow a cellular telephone antenna
to be installed in the Oxford Street right-of-way, west side between Concordia and Carroll
(Allan Torstenson, 266-6579).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was laid ovec to November 9, 1999.
#99-247 Nationwide Groun-Acorn Mini Stora�e - Site plan revieiv for a proposed mini-
storage facility located east of Case between A�ate and 35E (Tom Beach, 266-3086).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was Iaid over to November 4, 1999.
#99-268 Pong Yun Kim - Special condition use permit with a modification of the required
• setback from residential uses and a variance of required parking to allow a billiard hall at 681
Snelling Avenue North beriveen Van Buren and Blair (7ames Zdon, 266-6559).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was also laid over.
#99-270 Esperanza Duarte - Rezoning from RM-2 to OS-1 to aliow a mixed use, residential
and office services (one residentia] and two office units) at 550 Concord Street between Pa�e
Street East and Curtice (dames Zdon, 266-6559).
MOTION: Commissiofter Gervais moved to recommend approval of ihe rezoning from RM-
2 to O&I to nllow a mixed use, residential and office services (one residential ttnd two ojfice
undts) at S50 Concord Street between Page Street Bast and Curtice wltich carried on a voice
vote (Duarte abstnined).
#99-272 Metro Airoort Commission - Special condition use permit to construct a dike to
maintain access to businesses located off of Eaton Street during high water events at the south
side of Eaton Street west of Highway 52 (Nancy Homans, 266-6557).
Commissioner Gervais repoRed that Ulis case was laid over for six months.
#99-273 Sonathan L. Faraci - Special condition use permit for the erection of a 90-foot
telecommunications tower at 1296 Hudson Road (Nancy Frick, 266-6554).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was ]aid over to November 9 for more
. 4
oa � � �E 1
� information.
#99-275 District 2 Communitv Council Aoneal of an administrative decision approving
Lincoln Pawn Site Plan at 1675 �Vhite Bear Avenue -(Nancy Frick, 266-6554).
MOTION: Commissioner Gervais moverl to grant tl:e appeal of t1:e Aistrict 2 Community
Council of trr: adn:inisirative decisiort approving Lincoltz Pawi: $'ite Plan at 167.i White Bear
Commissioner Faricy reported that she and Commissioner Field �vere the only two Zoning
Committee members who disagreed with the findin�. Their first preference for this case was to
lay it over for two weeks in order to give Mc Warner an opportunity to review it.
Commissioner Faricy's ob}ection to the Committee decision was: Lincoln Pa�vn existed
la�vfully prior to the effective date of the Pawn Shop Ordinance which went into effect on April
27, 1999. The code does not apply to this site plan. Staff found earlier that Lincoln Pawn does
not fit the zoning definition of nonconforming use. A lawful use existing on the effective date
of adoption or amendment of this code, but that is not now permitted in the district in which it is
located. Pawn shops are permitted subject to special conditions in the B-3 zoning district. The
spacing requirement which was added to the code in 1999 results in the structure being
nonconforming, not the use. Therefore, staff found that the zoning code requirements for
enlarging of a nonconforming use do not appfy to Lincoln Pawn. A(so, as long as the expansion
is less than 50°/n, the code requires site plan approval, not a special condition use permit. In
your packets this morning there's a letter from Mr. Fabel from Lindquist and Vennum in which
� he specifies that the owner of the pawn shop is willing to make a commitment to the City that he
wilt never allow the sale of firearms to occur at his business.
Commissioner Gervais announced that in front of all commissioners today there is a substitute
resolution different from the one in the packet that �vas mailed.
Commissioner Kramer explained that the substitute reso{ution has the same conclusion, but was
actually written by City Attorney, Peter Wamer. He added that the argument has been brought
forward that if this pawn shop were to expand 1 inch to the west, it would not be allowed, but if
it wants to expand 60 feet to the south, it's O.K. That does not seem to be consistent with the
Planning Commission or the City Council when the 150 foot separation �vas instituted. The
other thing that disturbs Commissioner Kramer is that in addition to increasing not only the
amount of volame of the building within the 150 foot setback, that we have also, if we allow
that expansion to occur, increased the number of properties that are no longer protected by the
' 1 SO foot buffer. Because the expansion travels further south, additional property is impacted.
Another thing is that not only is the addition within the I50 foot area, but it is parallei to the
existing residential property, so you've actually added volume of pawn shop directly parallel to
the residential property. Previously, there was 40 or 50 feet of pawn shop that was parallel
�vithin the 150 foot area. The addition, interestingly enough is 49.—% of the size of the property
' tl�at is immediately parallet. While he appreciates the applicanYs offer to not sell guns, he noted
that this property has never sold guns. They only pa�vn guns; they sell them elsewhere. The
Planning Commission cannot put conditions on building permits. If the o�vner of the property
wants to do that, it's great, and Commissioner Kramer applauds him. Withottt a specia!
condition use permit to amend, the Planning Commission cannot make that requirement. The
�� _+� �
• City Attorney has also informed us that if we do put such a requirement on a permit, it is,
unfortunately, only voluntary. State law prec{udes the Plannina Commission's ability to
regulate gun sales above and beyond what state iaw altows the Planning Commission to do.
Commissioner Gordon stated that he will be the firsf to acknowled�e that there are arguments
on both sides, and that both sides have been well represented. He voted in favor of the appeal at
Zoning Commirtee. It came down to the interpretation of the words, "increase its
nonconforming," because Section 62.102(e) provides that a nonconformin� structure may be
- enlarged or altered so long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
nonconformity. Is there an increase in the nonconformity as a result of the enlargement or
• alteration? Commissioner Gordon asked commissioners to consider, hypothetically, a city
street. On one side of the city street is a pawn sl�op; on the other side of the city street, say fifty
feet away, you have a residential zoned area and residences. Norv, you expand the pawn shop
one more block to the south. The residential area originally impacted by the pawn shop has now
been expanded by one block. As originally built, iYs affecting the residents on the other side of
the street. Once iYs expanded to take another city block to the south, you have impacted an
additional residential area and if there are residences on that block, you have impacted
additional residences. That's what happening here. IYs not going a block, but it is extending,
and to the extent that it extends, it does impact on an additional area of residentially zoned
property, and it does impact on additional residences all of which are within 150 feet. To
Commissioner Gordon, that's one increase in the nonconformity. Also, they want to expand the
size, square footage, from 1,339 sq. fr. to 1,997 sq. ft; that again, is an increase in the
nonconformity. Because of these two nonconformities, there is a conflict with the provisions of
• Section 62,1Q2(e). That is why Commissioner Gordon thinks the Zoning Committee's action
was proper and he will vote for the motion to grant the appeal.
Commissioner Nawlin noted that he is abstaining from the discussion and will not be voring on
this matter.
Chair Morton c]arified the motion by saying it is to support the Zoning Committee's decision to
granT the appeal of District 2.
Ms. Prick explained that she would not �vant to characterize that what Mr. Warner did was look
at the lega( ramifications of this case, rather he tried to put the rationale of the Zoning
Committee, as he understaod it, into better words in the resolution than staff had done,
The motion on tke floor ta grant t/ie appeal of the District 2 Commurury Council of an
administrative decision approving Lincoln Pawn site plan a11675 White Bear Avenue carried
on a roll call vote nf I4 - 2(Duarfe, Faricy} wiil: I absiention (Nowlin).
Reaort on Tobacco 5hons Zoning Studv -(Larry Soderholm, 266-6575).
� Commissioner Gervais reported that this report was also laid over to November 9, 1999.
Commissioner Gervais read the agenda for the next Zonin� Committee meeting to be held
Tuesday, November 9, 1999: 1) U.S. Wireless, special condition use permit; 2) Nationwide
Group-Acom Mini Stora�e, site plan review; 3) Pong Yun Kim, specia] condition use permit; 4)
• Jonathan L. Faraci, special condition use permit; 4) Herberger's, sign variance; 5) AT&T,
special condition use permit; 6) AI-Arabi Hisham, nonconforming use permit; 7) Macalester
College; and 8) the Tobacco Shops Zoning Study.
VI. Comprehensir�e Pianning Committee
Liaht Rail Transit in the Central Corridor - Study Findings and Recommendations, Adopt
Resolution - (Ken Ford, Soel Spoonheim)
MOTION: Co»:missioner Geisser movedfor approvnl ifte Liol:t Rail Transit Commit2ee's
recomrrrendatio�: on Light Rail Trar:sit.
Mr. Ford gave on short presentation on the committee recommendations. The committee has
been on a very short time schedule and has done an efficient study. Mr. Ford walked through
the conclusions and recommendations, beginning on page I 1 of the report.
1. A rivo-track light rail system connecting downtown Saint Paul and downtown Minneapolis
can be accommodated well within the existing University Avenue right-of-way.
2. Properly designed and supported by related actions, a light rail transit line would likely
make a very positive contribution to improvement and development goals for University
Avenue and its adjacent communities, a contribution strongly supportive of key
Comprehensive Plan policies.
3. �Vith careful planning and management, disruption of business on the Avenue can be kept to
� a tolerable minimum during the period of construction.
4. It does not appear that light rail would likely make the same strong positive contributions to
overall development on an Interstate-94 alignment that it can make on University Avenue.
5. If we proceed with steps toward the construction of light rail on University Avenue, or on
other ali�nments, the City should play an active role and should ensure the following:
a. The City should paRicipate sufficiently to complete work necessary for positioning
Saint Paul high among the competitors for TEA-21 federal funding in 2003. This wouid
include timely approval of an Environmental Impact Statement.
b. Planning for station areas should begin as early as possible once the alignment question
is answered. This is a strong recommendation from those in Minneapolis who are
wrestling �vith the difficulty of simultaneous final engineering and station area plannin�.
c. Cood design and quality for station areas and throughout the system is of the utmost
importance. Comfort and pleasure for riders and ped�strians is one of the important
attractions of liglit rail and readily perceived quality and comfort are important for the
' strongest contribution to transit and to the Avenue.
d. Early and extensive communication with communities, properiy owners a�d interest
groups along the route will be important for al1 design phases and broad participation
will be needed in station area planning.
e. In all decision and planning stages, attention should be given to the redevelopment
' resources, plans and tools that will provide for the greatest positive reinvestment impact
at station areas.
£ Lioht raii can contribute a great deal toward many city and neighborhood objectives, but
to do that successfully it must be carefully designed wiih those objectives in mind.
Alignment and station ]ocation choices are criticaL Throughout the planning process,
• the focus should be on what we want to accompiish with light rail and how it can be
designed to achieve that.
Commissioner Geisser thanked the Light Rail Transit Committee for their di(igence in getting
this done; they met every week. She shated her appreciation with the members of the Planning
Commission who participated on the study. Commissioner Geisser tha�ked PED staff who
worked double time to get this material to the Committee: I) Joel Spoonheim; 2) Allen Lovejoy;
3) Tom Harren; and 4) Ken Ford. She also thanked Commission members �vho attended one or
both of the community meetings. The results are terrific; all are to be applauded. The Planning
Commission has taken the initiative and has given the City's elected officials a document that
they can go with. The Commission has given the opinion that this is where the it believes light
rail should be and we better get on the train before it pulls out of station and we're not on it.
Commissioner Geisser stated that the Planning Commission has done as instructed by the City
Council; the Commission has examined what they asked and did all the reviews. Therefore, she
resolved that the Saint Paul Pianning Commission adopts the report entitled Light Rail Transit
on Universiry Avenue: A Review of the Potential dated November, 1999, and commends the
information and conclusions and recommendations of this report to the Mayor and City Council.
CommissionerNowlin added that in the end, the committee unanimous]y supported the
document and recommendations that were produced. The repoct de(iberately does not get into
the debate about University Avenue versus West 7`" Street The charge was to look at the
Central Conidor. The report reaffirms what was done in the 80s about the planning for light rail
• transit.
The motion on tlzefloor approving U:e Comr�zittee's recommendations on LiglztRail Transit
carried unanimously on a voice vote.
VII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee
Commissioner Faricy reported that the l�ieighborhood and Current Planning Committee met on
November 2, 1999. Eight commissioners were present.
The Great Northern Corridor: A Communi Vision - Set public hearing (Dec. 3, 1999)
MOTION. Commissioner Faricy moved to set a public hearing date ofDecember 3, I999, to
review tlze public input regar�ting The Great Northern Corridor: A Community Vision, and
refer the document and iestimony to the Neig/�borl:ood an�t Current Plannirxg Commdttee
carried unanimously on a voice vofe.
Chioolte Mexican Grill• Commerciai Development District -(James Zdon, 266-6559)
�� Commissioner Faricy explained that the Grill has a beer and wine license at this time, but they
want a liquor license in order to be able to serve margarita with their Mexican food. There's a
cap on the number of Iiquor Iicenses that are awarded to each Ward in Saint Paul. The cap in
Ward 3 where this restaurant is located is six. As a result, we are going to move this into a
commercial development district. The City Charter provides for commercial development
• districts which are excepted from the cap on intoxicated liquor {icenses in each Ward. The Saint
Paul Legislative Code provides an additional requirement that when the Ciry Council considers
creating or expanding a district, the Planning Commission sha116e consulted for advice
concernina the proposal_for consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Ordinances. The proposed commercial development district is consistent with the recently
adopted Land Use Plan, which states that fhe purpose of the plan is to promote a balance of land
uses in the city to streno hen the city's tax base. The property is zoned B-2 where a restaurant
and liquor license establishments are permitted. The Chipolte Mexican Grille is in the Highland
Crossing building. The district counci! did approve and recommend this ]icense for the
restaurant. They put one stipulation on it-that the license would be granted to the restaurant and
not to the Highland Crossing company that owns the building. The chief manager of Highland
Crossing LLC, Jim Stolpestad, has accepted that proposal.
MOTION: Commissioner Faricy n:oved tkat the Planning Co»:mission report to the City
Council tl:ai the proposed Commercinl Developn:ent Disirict is cot:sisient with tlte
Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code, and thaf the Planning Commission supports
creation of the proposed dis[rict.
Commissioner Kramer explained that he missed the meeting on this because he was in helping
in the Ciry of Maplewood where they don't have a commercial development district, and they
actually had to go before the voters to get permission to renew liquor licenses in the City of
Maplewood. They had turned away three restaurants because they had run out of licenses.
Commissioner Kramer noted that this is a very positive provision that Saint Paul has that allows
• the City to do the right thing when it makes sense. He asked Commissioner Faricy if this
proposed commercial development district is for the premises (physical area) of the restaurant
orjust that particular restaurant.
Commissioner Gordon asked if this commercial deveiopment district is just for the site iY is
located at. Commissioner Faricy replied that it was. Commissioner Gordon asked if the Grille
intends to serve other hard liquors in addition to margarita. Chair Morton responded that it
would be lawful for them to serve any other liquors. Mr. Zdon added that it is his understanding
that the only liquor they wi(l 6e serving wilt be pre-mixed margarita. Commissioner Gordon
wondered whether there was another way to accomp]ish this without creating a special district.
Mr. Ford replied that it would be extraordinary, at least, to put a special condition on requiring
your favorite drink. He thinks that it's clear that the permission goes �vith the facility. If
Chipolte moved out, someone else could come in and take advantage of it. Chair Morton asked
Mr. Zdon to clarify that since this is a liquor license they could serve any liquor they wanted to
serve. Mr. Zdon concurred.
Commissioner Kramer asked if the commercial development district applied just to the premises
of the restaurani or to the entire Highland Crossin�, Mc Zdon answered that it applies only to
the premises of the restaurant. Commissioner Kramer asked if �vhoever leases the premises of
' the restaurant can apply for a separate liquor license. Mr. Zdon responded that was correct.
Commissioner Nordin asked how it was possible to make part of a huilding a district.
Commissioner Geisser replied that the Commission has done it before. At Sibley Ptaza, when
Champs wanted to open a new Mexican Restaurant, the City gave that site permission to open
00 -���
. Tlze n:otion on t/te floor carried unntzimous[y on a voice vote.
West Side Flats Development Stratew - Presentation -(Lucy Thompson, 266-6578)
Commissioner Faricy introduced Ms. Thompson, who introduced Brian Sweeney, Director of
PED, �vho made the presentation. He stated that one of PEDs char�es over the past nine months
has been to change the culture for development in the"City of Saint Paul. Mr. Sweeney feels
that today we can celebrate a tremendous victory for the City of Saint Paul around the
development strategy for the West Side Flats. This strategy is a result of a 12-month process in
which PED worked with the community on the West Side as welf as the development partners
within the city, most specifically, the Saint Paul RiverFront Corporation, who took the 3ead on
this. Late spring, early summer there was an engaged conversation with the West Side
community, specifically, with WSCO. It was our mutual goal that all parties involved in this
process �vould be able to sign on to the West Side Flats Development Strategy, which has been
developed with the help of Ellerbe Becket and later, with the help of Dahlgren, Shardlow and
Uban. The consufting firm worked cooperatively with all parties to put together this final
document. This strategy is not prescriptive, per se, for every block and for every use. It allows
flexibility and a true mixed-use, urban village concept to be developed. Developers around the
country are looking at this site as one of the most exciting developments in the Upper Midwest.
Jerry Trooien has also been very much a part of this discussion. Mr. Sweeney introduced
Patrick Seeb.
Mr. Seeb, Executive Director of the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, addressed the
� Commission. Dave Engfer, chair of the West Side Citizens Organization joined him. Mr.
Engfer and Mr. Seeb both expressed the difigent work of many people to help to bring this
together. For the first time in many decades, there's a plan on the table that everyone seems to
support. It is an excellent first step. Mr. Engfer hopes to be visiting the Pianning Commission
many more times in the future proposing additional steps to this development process. Mr. Seeb
introduced Kim Way, an urban planner from Ellerbe Becket.
Mr. Way feels that the interactive process so far has come up with a framework that can guide
this very important part of the city for the future. Mc Way showed s(ides of a variety of mixed-
use development guides for this site that can be done over the short-term and lona term. One of
the things that was learned in the process �vas the importance of connections, so a lot of
attention was paid to how this area is the joining element between downtown, the river and the
West Side community, and how we can strengthen and reinforce connections. There was a lot
of discussion about what types of uses should be in this area. Everything from an office park to
- an urban mixed use residentiai village. Many different types of uses were overlayed on this azea
to sugaest how those uses might happen. The second part of the process �vas a technical
charette to which engineers, architects and planners were invited to look at some of the detailed
aspects of the Flats area and to define what things need to be paid attention to. The railroad and
the utiliTy lines need to be considered. What could �ve do if these remained? What might be the
� possibilities if these were moved? All the thin�s that came out of the public process drove the
The first phase of the strategy is devoted to development along the riverfront. The second phase
is suggesting that there is active discussion with ]andowners along �Vabasha about expansion or
• 10
�o -ti��
• redevelopment. There should be development along both Robert and �Vabasha Streets that
encourages pedestrian activity. The third phase in the process wouid be extending the idea of ihe
urban grid throughout the forty-five acres, and creating a truly mixed-use development.
Logically, this area would develop as a three-four story development area so that the views are
not blocked from the bluff or the downtown.
Commissioner Gordon asked if the report describes or defines what types of uses would come
under the heading "entertainment?" Mr. Way responded that the JLT Group has some very
distinct ideas of what they'd Iike to see in this area. They have ta]ked about an urban mixed-use
business oriented theme park. The report talks about specific entertainment uses.
Commissioner Gordon asked how the land was currentVy zoned. Mr•. Way replied that it is
currently zoned Industrial.
Commissioner Engh asked if the DNR was present during the discussion about the flood wall
and the levee. Mr. Way responded that the DNR did participate with tlie Army Corps of
Engineers to talk through some these opportunities.
Commissioner Nowlin asked how �ve get good commercial te�ants into the development. Mr.
Way replied that part of the purpose for the strategy is to give pmspective developers an idea of
the City's broader vision for the area. Up until now, there hasn't been one. This strategy
provides a framework with which the City can have constructive discussions with developers.
Mr. Seeb added that there were approximateiy six developers that were involved in all the
various sta�es of creating this strategy.
• Commissioner Nordin asked if this area, since it is zoned industrial, is contaminated. Mr. Way
replied that there are stifl some contamination issues. Some ofthe soils may need to be
removed, which provides the opportunity for the possibility of putting parking underneath each
Commissionec Nowlin informed Commissioners that most of acea is very old landfilL The
biggest cost factor there has been piling. Because it's riverene soil, the rock is 90 feet down.
IYs going to be expensive to deveio�, and apparently this plan has taken that into consideration
with its density. Mr. Way responded that when a developer comes in with a proposal, he's
going to have to take those costs into consideration, which wi11 drive his plan. Here, we have a
strategy that deals with these issues.
Commissioner Dandrea asked if there is a city across the country that has had a comparable
� opportunity that Saint Paul could look at; a city that has done a project of this scope
successfully. Mr. Way replied that he can't imagine any city in the United States that doesn't
have this opportunity. He said that he has worked on approsimately sixty different riverfront
communities across the United States. Most of them were industrial; a lot of them have rail
Sines. Chattanooga's a good exampie. Patrick Seeb, Ken Greenberg and others have visited
� some of these cities, and tl7ere has been discussions on models.
Commissioner Corbey asked ho�v the determination was made to put housing in this area versus
industrial when there's a rail line running right throu�h the center of it. Mr. Way nofed that this
strategy is not requiring any specific use. It's sayin� that there should be a mix of uses.
. 11
. Industrial is probably one of the (east favorable uses because it doesn't support the urban village
concept. The housing may not come along until later in the process, but there are a number of
housing developers who are not afraid of the railroad being there. Rail lines run through cities
evetywhere, and people tive right next to them. Developers don't really see the rail line as a
challen�e. There are things they can do, architecturally, with buildings (sound proofing and
vibration proofina, etc.) to soften the effect of the rai] line. At some point, the rail line might
actually relocate, and if and when they do relocate, it wouid be a spectacular place for housing.
Ms. Thompson clarified what tlie Planning Commission is asked to do. The Planning
Commission is asked to hold a public hearing in two weeks on November 19, 1999. At that
point, it would be referred to committee. The idea is to get the Planning Commission, the City
Council and HRA to endorse this document as the vision of what, generally, ought to happen in
this portion of the West Side Flats. After that, the existing redevelopment p(an would be
amended to include the relevant portions of this document incorporated into it.
MOTION: Commissioner Fi�ricy moved that a public hearing date be set for November I9,
]999, to review the West Sirle F[ats Development Strategy, and that staffset up n time
schedule for t/ie public hearings.
Commissioner Geisser recommended that the Shepard Davern public hearing be first on the
agenda for November 19, 1999, before the West Side Flats Development Strategy, as it could be
a long public hearing.
• TI:e nzotion on tlte floor carrietl unanimously on a voice vote.
VIII. Communications Committee
No report.
TX. Task Force Reports
Commissioner Kramer reported that the White Bear Avenue SmalV Area Plan Task Force met on
Wednesday, November 3, at the Cedar Machine Shop at the corner of White Bear and
Maryland, to talk about intersection improvements at White Bear and Maryland. Commissioner
Dandrea was also present. The next meetiag of the task force will be held Wednesday,
December 1, 1999, to discuss the intersection of White Bear Avenue and East Seventh Street.
The meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held at Big Mike's Pizza on Seventh Street. He
invited all commissioners to attend.
Mr. Soderholm announced that the next Advertising Sign Committee meeting will be held at
2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 23, 1999, before the Zoning Committee meeting. Both
meetin�s will be held in Room 30 (old County Board room) right next to the City Council
� � Chambers.
X. Old Business
Do -��i l
XI. New Business
Mr. Ford said that in his earlier comments he overlooked two or three things he had intended to
say. The presentation today on the West Side Flats reminded him of one of those comments. Tt
was very inspiring to him and he thinks that the Commission has a number of opportunities in
this city �vhen he sees the trend of things underway. There are some exciting years ahead for
the Planning Commission. Mr. Ford is extremely pleased tivith the personnel decisions that have
been made since he announced his retirement. There is no planner for whose professional skill
and commitment and insight into what makes neighborhoods and cities work that he has higher
regard for than Larry Soderholm who has been a good friend and colleague of his since he came
to city planning in Saint Paul. Mr. Ford is very happy to leave the planning administrator seat
for Larry.
XII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 a.m.
Recorded and prepared by
• Jean Birkholz, Planning Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Deparhnent,
City of Saint Pau]
Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth Fard
Planning Administrator
Approved /����P� / � �/ ��
7 if r Engh
Secretary of the Planning Commission
• \planninglminutes.frm 13
7hursday, October 28, 1999- 3:30 p.m.
` J
City Council Chambers, 3` Fioor
City Hall and Court House
15 West Keilogg Boulevard
Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton
Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Nancy Frick of PED
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field.
�� — ��1�
District 2 Community Council Appeal (99-275) Appeaf of an administrative decision approving
Lincoln Pawn site plan.
Nancy Frick showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Frick stated the District Two
Community Council (the appellant) submitted an appeal based upon its position that the Zoning
Staff erred in interpreting the code when the site pfan was approved on September 28, 1999. Staff
recommends denial of the appeal.
� At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Frick stated the new construction of the Lincoln
Pawn site is approximately 50 feet from the closest residential�y zoned lot line. The
nonconformance of the structure has to do with the distance between the �ot line and the structure.
The appeal poses the question in regards to the need for a Special Condition Use Permit to enlarge
the structure regardless of its distance from the fot line.
Chuck Repke, Community Organizer for District Two, appeared and read a statement and
expiained the handouts which were entered into the record. He made three points 1) Section
62,102(e) of the zoning code provides that a nonconforming structure may be eniarged or aitered
so long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its nonconformity. The buiiding
existed fawfully prior to the efFective date of the pawn shop ordinance, April 27, 1999, but it does
not now comp(y with the spacing requirement which went into efFect on that date. 2) The proposed
enlargement of 1675 White Bear increases the nonconformity associated with the structure. The
enlargement of the structure at 1675 White Bear builds additionaf building wal{s that would be well
within the (150) feet of the residentiafiy zoned property. 3) She zoning code requires that pawn
shops be separated from residentially zoned property either by a pubfic street or a distance oP one
hundred fifty (150) feet measured from the building wall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot Iine of
the residentially zoned property. The structure at 1675 White Bear is 57 feet from one residentiaily
zo�ed property at 1760 l.arpenteur.
The District 2 Community Council is concerned with fhe issue of the use of the proposed expansion
at 1675 White Bear. It is the District 2 Community Council's position that the structure can not
expand within the one hundred fifty (150) foot distance as long as any part ofi the use is for a pawn
shop. The use of the expansion is not at issue, only that the structure is nonconforming and it is
being proposed to be more nonconforming.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Repke stated the District Councii's position that they
couid not expand the buiiding even if they wanted to put in a video rental operation. Had Pawn
�o -t�t\
Zoning Committee Minutes
� Page:2
America existed on the Whiie Bear Avenue site, thaf blank space behind the proposed Pawn
American Store is still part of the buiiding that houses a pawn shop. The b�ilding is nonconforming
because it houses a pawn shop.
Mr. Tom Fable, attorney representing the Capital City Investmenis (owner of the buiiding),
appeared and stated the building and the pawn shop business were established at that location
long before the City chose to regulate that particular form of business. The ordinances have to do
with business uses that have been grandfathered-in because of changes in the ordinances at a
later point of time. Ordinance 62.102 states that a nonconforming structure may be enlarged or
altered as long as such an enlargement or alteration does not increase its nonconformity. The
nonconformity has nothing to do with the volume of the structure. The nonconformity is the
violation of a new building of the 150 foot barrier.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Fa61e stated Section 64.300 addresses the
expansion of the size of a business. If a business expands by more than 50 percent they must
return to the Pla�ning Gommission for a new conditional use permit. A purpose of a setback
provision is to have a specified distance between the beginning of the usage and whatever it is
they're trying to set back. The nonconformity is the 150 feet distance, not the volume of the
Ms. Wendy Lane, Offce of License and Inspection, stated they made the original decision to
• approve the site plan and building permit. There are a number of nonconforming properties in the
City that don't meet the required setback for the zoning district in which they are located, including
a number of singie family homes. They are a conforming use but they have a nonconforming
setback from the side property line. If they have a 100 square feet, four feet away from the side
property line and the code requires a six foot setback, they could put an addition on the back of the
house another 400 square feet at the four foot setback line. They don't have to go to six feet, as
long as they don't go any closer to the existing building. They can continue to expand along that
line. LIEP has used that provision more than any other use for single family homes.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Lane stated the application of this principle to the
pawn shop business is consistent with the ordinance. The set back is being considered, not the
At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Ms. Lane stated there has never been a case that is a
continuation along an existing nonconforming set back line that LIEP has required an applicant to
apply for a variance or a modification for a speciai condition use permit.
Mr. Repke appeared and stated the key focus of this application is that the structure is
nonconforming. Increasing the structure in the nonconforming area is what they are raising issue
The public hearing was closed.
• After further discussion Commissioner Morton moved to approve the appeal based on the fact that
enlarging the structure does increase the nonconformity.
Commissioner Kramer seconded it.
• Zoning Committee Minutes
Commissioner Kramer stated he had a problem with the defermination that this case is not a
nonconforming use because it used the term "not now permitfed". The staff has interpreted that
to mean "not now prohibited". This is not a permitted use because the lot is not 150 feet and so
there are instances where it is not permitted in this zoning district. Also there is the issue fhat it is
a special condition use permit and the zoning code makes a differentiation between "permitted
uses" and "uses permitted subject to special conditions". The definition of nonconforming use does
not use that term "sub}ect to special conditons" it only uses "permitted".
Commissioner Gordon voted for the motion because it comes down fo the definition of increasing
its nonconformity. The nonconformity was 1,339 square feet within 150 feet and now there is 1,997
square feet within 15� feet and that is an increase in the nonconformity.
Afterfurtherdiscussion, the motion to approve the appeal of an administrative decision was passed
by a 4 to 2 vote.
Adopted Yeas - 4
Drafted by:
(�� n,a� �"12.�n,���.v
Caro{ Martineau
Recording Secretary
Nays - 2 (Field, Gervais)
Submitted by:
� �
Nancy Fric
Zoning Section
Litton Field
Chair /
Department of P[anning and Economic Dwelopment
Zoning Section
II00 City Hal! Annex
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
APPELLANT I Name Chuck Wedemeyer -
n��t�A�� Lincoln Pawn, 7675 White Bear Avenue
Gity St. Paul St. MN Zip 55106
Zoning File
TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the:
C+ Board of Zon+ng Rppea4s � City Council
Daytime phone
under the provisions of Chapter 6�, Section , Paragraph of tfie Zoning Code, fo
appeal a decision made by the St Paul Plannin4 Commission
on November_5, 1999
(date ofi decision)
}g . Fi1e number: P.C. File No. 99-74
Zoninq Fi1e No. 99-242
GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error i� any requirement,
permit, decision or refusai made by an adm+nistrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or
inding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.
The Plannin Commission erred in interpretation of Section 62.102(e)(2) of the
Saint Paul City Code. The Planning Commission decision is contrary to the
intended and logical interpretation of this zoning ordinance, and it also is
contrary to long-standing City practice. If affirmed, the Planning Commission
decision will be harmful to residential and business property owners throughout
the City, and will result in a substantial increase in variance applications
to the City Council. Please see attached letter from leqal counsel.
• I Attach additional sheet if necessary)
�� � t-��"w'
(2 /a City agent_�ac�.�_ � `
` `Fsif
lhomas L Fabel
444 CmM STREEr
December 8, 1999
Ms. Nancy Frick
City Planner
City of St. Paul
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paui, Minnesota 55102
amo ios caraz
Te�Eatior+e: 6tt371-3217
Re: Appea/ of Planning Commission Resolution 99-74, Denying Proposed
En/argement ofLincoln Pawn Shop, 1675 White BearAvenue
Dear Ms. Frick:
Enclosed pfease find an Application for Appeal in the above matter, a filing fee of
$300.00, and a fetter of support for the appeal from this office. Please distribute the
letter with the Appeal to Counci{ Members prior to the date of consideration.
Thank you very much for your advice and assistance.
cc: Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer
Very truly yours,
� nau iisoaizu
bo -1��
ArrawErs Ar Uw
Thomas L Fabel
TFiEVHOt+e 651312-1300
eo SanH E� SrR�r
December 8, 1999
City Council President Dan Bostrom
and Council Members
City Hall
15 West Keilogg
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution 99-74, Denying Proposed
Enlargement of Lincoln Pawn Shop, 1675 White BearAvenue
Dear President Bostrom and Council Members:
This firm represents Drs. Sohn and Frank Gaertner, property owners of the premises at
1675 White Bear Avenue which are leased and operated as the Lincoln Pawn Shop,
along with Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer, the lessee of the property and the awner of Lincoln.
This letter is written in support of Mr. Wedemeyer's appeal from a Planning
Commission decision, dated November 5, 1999, which upheid an appeal on a proposed
expansion of Lincoln Pawn. The efFect of the decision was to reverse an earlier site
pian approval by the Department of Licensing, inspections and Environmental
Protection (LIEPj for the expansion. Both LIEP and PED believe that the expansion is
permissible under the City Zoning Code, which means that both also believe the
Planning Commission decision to be erroneous.
As legal counsei for the property and business owners, we join in the view that the
Planning Commission decision is both an incorrect interpretation of the relevant
ordinance and inconsistent with longstanding City practice. Hence, we urge the City
Council to reverse the Planning Commission and to reaffirm the prior position asserted
by two departments of City government, LIEP and PED, both supporting the issuance of
a building permit.
• Doc# 1171568\1
aa - i�\
• Letter to Pianning Commission
December 8, 1999
Page 2
The issue in this appeaf arises from the fiact that this buiiding housing Lincoln Pawn is
located wifhin 150 feet of residentiaily zoned property, which is the setback
requirement for new pawnshops adopted in April, 1999. The pawnshop ordinance,
Section 60.544(3), provides that pawnshops are permissibie in Zone B-3, provided that
the business is "conducted within completeiy enclosed buifdings and is separated from
residentially zoned property either by a public street or by a distance of one hundred
fifty (150) feet measured from the buifdina waff of the oawnshop to the nearest lot {ine
of their residentially zoned property." However, Lincoln Pawn has been in existence
since 1994, at which time neither the setback requirement nor the special conditiona{
use permit requirement now applied to pawn shops were in existence. Hence, Lincoln
Pawn now exists as a legal use in a non-conforming structure.
Section 62.102(e)(2) of the St. Paul City Code psovides in celevant part as follows:
A non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered so
long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
• !n the case of a setback requirement, this Code provision always has been interp�eted
by the City as meaning that a nonconforming structure may be enlarged so long as the
new construction comes no closer to the relevant line of ineasurement. This
interpretation is entirely consistent with the pawnshop set-back ordinance, which
defines the condition of conformity as a distance "measured from the building wall."
The Planning Commission rejected this longstanding interpretation of Section
62.102(c)(2), which for years has enabled building owners (mainly homeowners) to
expand their usage without going through the costly, time-consuming and often
tortuous process of obtaining a variance. Under the Planning Commission's new
interpretation of this zoning ordinance, an "increase in nonconformity" would include
any expanded volume of usage within the area defined by the setback requirement.
Hence, since the proposed expansion of Lincoln Pawn would place more pawn shop
area within 150 feet of a residentialiy zoned property (although no closer than before),
the Commission concluded that expansion was not authorized by Section 62.102(e)(2).
That the Pianning Commission's interpretation is, shall we say, strained goes without
saying. So aiso is the fact that this interpretation contradicts past City practice in
analogous situations, as is evidenced by the zoning staff positions asserted by both
City departments responsibie for such interpretations, LIEP and PED. What may be
less self evident is the mischief that this interpretation will cause if consistentiy applied
• Docd 1171568\1
• Letter to Planning Commission
December 8, 1999
Page 3
to analogous zoning questions. For example, homes which do not comply with curcent
setback requirements would be incapable of straight-line expansion without complying
with the costly variance requirements. Similariy, no home on a lot smailer than a
current minimum lot size could be expanded without a variance. The oider
neighborhoods of St. Paul have many homes in both of these circumstances, and for
many years homeowners have been ailowed to obtain building permits for expansions
without the necessity of a variance, through the City's application of Section
Quite obviously, the only reason for both District Council opposition to the proposed
expansion and for the Planning Commission's decision is the nature of the business
conducted at Lincoln Pawn. While it is true that some pawn shops have become
neighborhood concerns and a source of increasing regulation in recent years, it is not
true that ali pawn shops are bad neighbors. Indeed, the proposed construction at issue
in this appeaf would be a significant improvement to the appearance of this property,
which should be regarded as a benefit to the neighborhood. Moreover, the owner of
• Lincoln Pawn, Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer, has made a commitment to the City that he will
never allow the sale of firearms to occur at his business. While such sales may be
perfectfy Iegal, Mr. Wedemeyer has made this commitment to demonstrate his desire to
be a good neighbor and to avoid a major complaint which often is voiced over this line
of business. Thus, Council reversal of the Planning Commission decision with the
condition that no firearms sales ever occur at Lincoln Pawn is a very acceptabie
resofution to both the business and the property owners.
It is a weil known adage among lawyers and judges that "hard cases make bad faw."
This means that difficuit facts sometimes cause decision makers to bend the law in a
way which ultimaiely leads io bad results in other circumstances. The Planning
Commission's decision illustrates this adage. Moreover, the Commission's decision to
deny site approval in this case is a direct violation of the constitutional requirement that
similarly situated land use appiicants must be treated the same. Northwestern Colleae
v. Citv of Arden Hills, 281 N.W.2d 865 (Minn. 1979); Hav v. Township of Grow, 206
N.W.2d (Minn. 1973). For both of these reasons, the Planning Commission's decision
should be reversed. Any effort to change the regulatory standards for the operation ofi
pawn shops should be accomplished through legislation, not through a novel
interpretation of the zoning ordinance. Especially is this true where the consequences
of the novel interpretation will be adverse and unfair to many property owners in many
circumstances totally unrelated to pawn shops.
• Doc# 117156%\I
da -�`�\
• Letter to Planning Commission
December 8, 1999
Page 4
Thank you for your consideration.
cc: Phillip Byrne, Esq.
Peter Warner, Esq.
Dr. John R. Gaertner
` Dr. Frank M. Gaertner, Jr.
Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer
Mr. David Schwartz
Very truly yours,
/�.� �2it / C��C�'`'�
Thomas L. Fabel
• Doc# 1i715b8�1
ZiiO4i1999 16:22 651 223 5332 � 2283341
A� roRxers As tww
lTmu�s L pah.i
4G Cmi.R STqEEf
SuRE 1�
Sr, p�u4 MM+£�A�197
FNC 86Y?216332
Plovember 4, 1999
St. Paui Pianning Commissior�
1100 Ciry Hali Annex
25 F❑urth Street Wesi
St. Paui, Minnesota 55102
� � —��`
��00 �S CE1+tER
ea sovn, ec�m� s��r
AtK+EM']Lt9. F!N ME90T4 �i02-2205
Tom+or�e 812�715211
Re: Proposed £ntargement ofl.�ncaln Pawn Shop, l876 {M�ite Besr
Dear Cammissioners:
This firm represents Drs. John and Frank Gaertner, property o�rrners of #he premises at
1675 White Bear Avenue which is leased and operated as the Lincoln Pawn 5hop.
The owner of Lincoin is Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer.
On the Commission's agenda for Friday, November 5 is an appeal from a site plan
approval for an expansion to Lincoln Pawn. By a vote four to two, the Zoning
Committee sustained the appea! on Octobe� 28, We respectfully suggest to the
Commission fhat #his action was both an incorrect intefpretation of the relevant
ordinance and inconsistent with iongstanding Gity ptactice, which means that 1he
decision cannot withstand judicial review. Accordingly, we urge the Commission tc
rsject tha Committee action and to sustain the prior position asserted by two
depaRments of City government, LIEP and PED, both supporting the issuance of e
buikding pefmit.
The issus arisas from the fact that this building is iocated within 150 feet of residentially
zoned property, which is the setback requirement for new pawn shops adopted in April,
1999. Howaver, this shop has 6een in existence since 1994, at which time neithef the
setback requirement nor the special conditionai use permit requirement now appiied to
pawn shops were in existence. Hence, Lincoln Pawn now exists as a legal use in a
non-conforming structure.
t)oc�f 117079TI
ili�4i1999 16�22 651 223 5332 � 2283341
Letter to Planning Commission
November 4, 1999
PBge Z
NO. 63'I
Section 62.102{s)(2) of the St. Paul Gity Code provides in relevant paR as foilows:
A non-corNorming structure may be enlarged or alterad so
long as such enlargament or alterati�n does not increase its
In the case of a setback requirement, this Code provisfon always has been interpreted
by ihe City as meaning that a noncarrforming strucWre mey be eniarged so long as the
naw construction comes no closer to the relevant line of ineasurement.
The Zoning Committee accapted as an altemative interprefation for this provision that
an "increase in nonconformit�' incfudes any expanded vofuma of usaga within the area
defined by the setback requirement. Hence, since the proposed expansion would place
mora pawn shop area within 15Q faet of a residentiai{y zoned pro¢srty {altfiough no
closer than before), the Committse conciuded that expansion wae not authorizad by
Sactfon 62.102{e)(2).
That the Zoning Committee's interpretation is, shall we say, strained goes without
saying. So aiso is ihe fact that this interpretatfon contradicts past City prectice in
analogous situations, es is evidenced by the zoning staff positions asserted by baih
City departments responsible for such interpretations, LIEP and PED. What may be
less seff evidant is the mischief that this interpretation will cause if consistent(y appiied
to analogous zoning questions. For example, homes which do not comply with cuRent
setback requirements wauld be incapab�e of straight-line expansion without complying
with the costiy variance requirements. Similariy, no home on a lot smailer then a
current minimum lot size cauld be expended without a variaRCe. Tha older
neighborhoods of St. Raul have many homes in both of thase circumstances, and for
many years homeowners have been allowed to obtain building permits for expansions
wiihaut the necesaity of a variance, through the City�s appfication af 5ection
Quite obviously, the only reason for both the appeai and the Zoning Committee's
decision in ihis case is the nature of the business conducted at Lincofn Pawn. Whife it
is true that some pawn shops have become neighborhood cnncerns and a source of
increasing regulation in recent years, i1 is nat true that aVl pawn shops are bad
neighbors. Indeed, the proposed construction at issue in this appeai would be a
significant imp�ovement to the appearance of this property, which should be regarded
as a benefit to the neighborhood. Moreover, the owner of Lincoln Pawn, Mr. Chuck
DocB 11 J079T1
_ lli�4i1999 16�22 651 223 533Z � 2283341
Letterto Planning Commission
Novam6er 4, 1999
Page 3
Wademeyer, is vary willing to maka a cammitment to the City that he wiA never aliow
the sele of firearms to occur at his business. While such sales may be parfectly legal,
Mr. Wedemeyer is willing to make this commitment to demonstrate his desire to be a
good neighbor and tQ avoid a major compiaint which often is v�iced conceming lhis line
of trusiness. l"o repeat, appraval of this buiiding permft with the condition that no
firearms sales ever occur at Linco�n Pawn is a very acceptable resolution to both the
business and the property owner.
It is a well known adage among lawyers and judges that "harq cases make bad law.°
This means thei di�cult facts sometimes causa dacision makers to bend the {aw in a
way which uitimateiy cannot be sustained. The Zoning Committee dacision iilustrates
this adaga. A decision to deny a building permit in this case wouid bs a d'srect vio4atian
of the constitutional requirement that similariy situated land use applicants must be
treatsd the same. NoLj{�,westem Col�eqe v. Citv of Arden Hiils, 2&1 N.W.2d 865 {Minn.
1979}; }�av v. Township of Grow, 206 N.W.2d (Minn. 1973). The longstanding practice
of City offciais in providing a straightforward interpretation of Section 62.1 b2(e}(2)
requires lhat the permit for Lincoln Pawn be granted. Any desire for a change in the
regulatory standards for ihe operation of pawn shaps should ba accomplished through
legislation, not through a creative application of the zoning ordinance.
Thank you for yaur consideration.
Very truly yours,
Thomas L. Fabel
Peter Warner, �sq.
Dr. John R. Gaertner
pr. Frank M. Gaertner, .fr.
Mtr. Chuck Wedemeyef
Mr. David Schvrattz
Tuck 1)7079TI
�.r— K� —a �s
`�?1I� 1TRIcCT � ��011�.�1�'1�T1�1I � �' (��17i��IL �o-a�—�5
P7iALEN VILLAGE • Ltisco�t� P.��uc
Appeal of an administrative decision to approve a site plan for the expansion of a
pawnshop at 167� White Beaz Avenue.
The District 2 Community Council urges the zonin� committee to grant our appeal of the
administrative decision to approve the site plan for the expansion of a Nonconformin�
Structure at 1675 White Bear Avenue. Further, we would recommend that the zoning
committee pass a recommendation that would adapt the staff report by deleting Findings
3 and 4 and inserting as follows:
3. The zonin� committee disagrees with the interpretation made by the Zoning
Administrator, with regard to the site plan for 1675 White Bear Avenue, for the followin�
a. Section 62. 102 (e) of the zoning code provides that a nonconforming strncture
may be eniarged or altered so long as such enlazgement or alteration does not
. increase its nonconformitv.
The building at 1675 White Beaz, that houses Lincoln Pawn, is a nonconfomung
structure in accordance with the zonins code definition of a nonconforming
buildin�: "A lawful building existin� on the effective date of the adoption
(October 24, 1975) or amendment of this code but that does not now comply with
the area, width height, yard, percent of lot coverage, or other re�ulations concem
bulk or location on the lot, or spacing requirement from another use, off-street
parking or loading requirements, or other regulations of the district in which it is
located." The building existed lawfully prior to the effective date of the pawn
shop ordinance, April 27, 1999, but it does not now comply with the spacing
requirement which went into effect on that date.
The oroposed enlarQement of 167� White Bear increases the nonconformitv
associated with the structure The zoning code requires that a pawn shop "is
separated from residentialty zoned property either by a pub?ic street or by a.
distance of one hundred ffty (1 SO) feet meast�red from.lhe building wall qf the
pawn shop to the nearest lot line of the residentially zoned property; ' All four
walls of 1675 White Bear are within one hundred fifty feet of the nearest lot line
of the residentially zoned property at 1760 Larpenteur. The proposed
enlargement of the structure at 1675 White Beaz builds additional building walls
that would be well within the one hundred fifty (150) feet of the residentially
. zoned property.
1961 SHER�ti oo� AvE`�� • S,a[�r P�cL • MN • 55 1 1 9-3230 • PxovE: (651) 7?-'-2220 • F.ax: (651) 774-21: �
oe -���
� Section 60.534.6 attempts to create a buffer of one hundred fifty (150) feet from
buildin�s that house pawn shops and residentially zoned property. To build
anywhere within the one hundred fifty (150) feet is increasing the nonconformity
of the structure.
The proposed expansion of the structure to the south incrzases the number of
properties that are within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the structure that houses
a pawn shop and thereby increases the nonconformity of the structure.
The zoning code requires that pawn shops be separated from residentially zoned
property either by a public street or a distance of one hundred fifty (I50) feet
measured from the building �vall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot line of the
residentiallv zoned propertv. The structure at 1675 WYute Bear is 57 feet from
one residentiallv zoned progerty at 1760 Larpenteur. If the proposed expansion is
approved the structure will be one hundred forty-eight (148) feet from the
residentiallv zoned �ropertv at 1749 Califomia that, currently, is one hundred
fifty-two and a one half (152.5) feet from the neazest buiidin� wail. The building
at 1675 White Beaz is nonconforming because of its set back from residentially
zoned property. To increase the number of properties that the nonconformin�
structure is nonconformin� to is increasing its nonconformity and clearly not
within the spirit of Section 62.102 (a).
The District 2 Community Council is concemed that staff has raised the issue of what
would be the use of the proposed eYpansion at 1675 White Bear. Tt is the District 2
Community Council's position that the shveture can not expand at all �vithin the one
hundred fifty (150) feet distance as long as any part of the use is for a pawn shop. The
use of the expansion is not at issue, only that the structure is nanconforming and it is
being proposed to be more nonconforming.
Staff also states that there aze other situations where the code was interpreted in the
manor they have proposed, but no evidence was offered. Disfict 2 would contend that
anytime a buildina was nonconformin� do to a set back of a set distance ?hat any le_gal,
espansion of the nonconforming structure should occur outside of the set back area. Few
nonconforming structures in the City of Saint Paul azeIocated on 125 by 130 foot lots.
We would contend that most set back issues would be in situations where one wall
violated a distance requirement not an entire structure, or where the use has become
nonconformin� not the structuze.
Again, the District 2 Community Council believes that the proposed expans±on of the
building at 167� White Bear violates the spirit and intent of Section 62102 concemin�
nonconformin� structures by: increasing the structure's nonconformity by buildin� within
thz 150 foot set back required from the residential properiy at 1760 Larpenteur. Further
• it's nonconformity is increased by increasin� the number of properties within 150 feet of
the structure (1749 California).
� i J
aa -1�t�
Proposed Expansion 1675 White Beaz
Distances from residentially zoned property
at 1760 Larpenteur
Proposed Existing Building
1675 White Bear
White Bear Avenue
i 25
i 50
�-�Q 6,�.0,�.� a - i
,, -, � � �
� �-i �i�
.,��Q b�, Q.�-�,� a- - a
/o -�P-9S
• (cP�th Rogers
1739 E Ca(ifornia
cr.pw�,��, Sn�! F�'�ng_13n3
T0: St.Pa�il Pi�lrtnjn� C:nlprplSS!O!l Znnin� Cnmmittee,
1(�0 [tOt f921 1f12 I188� fQ @XPdlld thB LI!!COlft P2Wll 3!tA. ThB C! �� nf �t Pa� il hadQ
enough pawn shops therefore fhis expansion wouid be unnecessary. I wouid prefer if
the city had less pawr shops ov2rall so this expansian is �,2edless in my m�nd.
Thank you, -
� ! �
�-� �r5
Keith p Rogers
FILE # 99-275
2. CLASSIFICATION: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's Decision
3. LOCATION: 1675 h'AITE HEAR AVENUE (between Larpenteur and California)
See file
6. PRESENT 20NING: B-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.214, 60.544(3),
62.102, 64.300
A. PIIRPOSE: Appeal of an administrative decision to approve a site plan
for the expansion of a pawn shop located at 1675 White Bear Avenue.
B. PARCEL SIZE: 16,575 SquaTE feet.
North: Restaurant. (COmmercial zoning; Maplewood.) -
East: Commercial. (B-2)
South: Restaurant. (B-3)
West: Single family residential (R-3)
Sec. 64.300(j) provides that "the grant or denial of approval by the
planning or zoning administrator is subject to appeal to the planning
commission by any person, firm or corporation, or by any office,
department, board or bureau affected by a decision of the planning or
zoning administrator with thirty (30) days ... Sec. 60.214 provides
definitions o£ nonconfoxming building and nonconforming use. Sec.
60.544(3) identifies pawn shops as principal uses permitted subject to
special conditions in the B-3 Zoning DistYict. Sec. 62.102(e) states
provisions for nonconforming structures with conforming uses.
F. HZSTORY/DISCIISSION. Lincoln Pawn had a building permit application
pending at the time that the City Council established a moratorium on
pawn shop permits and licenses pending a zoning study and possible
amendment of the zoning ordinance (NOVember 9, 1998). On January 22,
Z.F. �99-275
Page 2
1999, th= Saint Paul PZanning Commission recommended a zoning code •
amendment which provided that pawn shops continue to require a special
condition use permit in B-2, B-2C, and B-3 zoning districts with a new
condition that pawn shons must be separated from residential zoning
dzstricts by either a public street or a distance of ZSO feet, measured
from the building wall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot line of
residentially zoned property. The recommended pawn shops amendments
were adopted by the City Council on March 10, 1999 and went into effect
on April 27, 1999.
A March 2, 1999 memo to City Councilmembers and various staff inembers
prepared by Larry Soderholm discussed how pawn shops existing and
proposed at that time compared to the separation requirement being
proposed by the Planning Commission, The memo included a statement that
"the new standard would not apply directly to existing businesses that
don't meet it; such businesses would become legally nonconforming with
regard to the separation from residential. Legal nonconforming pawn
shops would not be allowed to expand, however, without a public hearing
and a Planning Commission permit." This statement did not draw a
distinction between nonconforming uses and nonconformir.g structures,
which the code tteats differently, however, and as such was in error.
See Findings 3 and 4 below.
G. DSSTRICT COIINCIL RECO2IlKENDATION: The District 2 Community Council is
the appellant.
1. On September 26, 1999, Tom Beach, Zoning Specialist with the
Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LSEP)
by letter issued approval of a site plan for a proposed addition
' to Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Bear Avenue, subject to a set of
conditions including closing the existing Larpenteur driveway
closest to White Bear Avenue, restriping the parking lot and new
landscaping. In the letter approving the site plan, Mr, Beach
noted that the proposal was in conformance with City ordinances.
This letter is attached to this staf£ report.
2. On September 28, 1999, the District 2 Community Council filed an
appeal of this decision, stating as grounds for their appeal an
error by sta£f in its interpretation of Sections 62.102 and 64.300
of the zoning code and in requirements of the new pawn shop
ordinance. Section 62.102 of the zoning code provides for
nonconforming lots, nonconforming uses of land, nonconforming
structures, and nonconforming uses of structures and Iand.
Section 64.300 provides for planning commission and planning or
zoning administrator approvals. The applicable provision of the
new pawn shop ordinance is described in the History/Discussion (F)
3. Staff concurs with the code intexpretation made by the Zoning
Administrator, with regard to the site plan for 1675 White Bear
Avenue, for the following reasons. •
Z.F. #99-275
Page 3
c`3� —\ti\
• a. Section 62.102(e) of the zoning code orovides that a
nonconformina structure may be enlarcod or altered so long
as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
nonconformity. iZt should be noted that "noaconforming
building" is the term used in the definition section of the
zoniag code, but that "nonconforming structure" is tne term
used elsewhere in the code; terms are intercnangeable.)
Staff concurs that it is this section of the code which
applies to the Lincoln Pawn site plan. Staff finds that
Lincoln Pawn is a nonconforming structure in accordance with
the zoning code definition of noncon:orming building: "A
lawful building existing on the effective date of adoption
(OcCOber 24, 1975) or amendment of this code but that does
not now comply with the area, width, height, yard, percent
of lot coverage, or other regulations concern bulk or
location on the lot, or spacing requirement from another
use, off-street parking and loading requirements, or other
regulations of the district in which it is located."
Lincoln Pawn existed lawfully prior to the effective date of
the pawn shop ordinance, April 27, 1599, but it does not now
comply with the spacing requirement which went into effect
on that date.
Sta£f also concurs that the enlargement of Lincoln Pawn does
not increase the nonconformity associated with the
• structure. The zoning code directs that distance between
pawn shop and residential property be measured from the
building wall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot line of
the residentially zoned property. The building wall of the
existing Lincoln Pawn building is approximately 50 feet from
the nearest lot line of residentially zoned property,
directly to the west, 1760 Larpenteur. The proposed
enlargement of Lincoln Pawn extends directly to the south;
the building wall of the extension would not be any closer
to the nearest residentially-zoned property line.
b. Section 62.102(f) provides that a noncon£orminq use shall
not be enlarged unless the planning commission approves a
permit for an enlargement as set forth in a subsequent
clause of the code.
Staff finds that this section of the code does not apply to
this site plan. Staff finds that Lincoln Pawn does not £it
the zoning code definition of noncon£ormina use: "A lawful
use existing on the effective date of adoption (October 24,
1975) or amendment of this code but that is not now
permitted in the district in which it is located". Pawn
shops are permitted subject to special conditions in the B-
3. The spacing requirement which was added to the code in
1999 results in the structure being nonconforming, not the
� use. Therefore, staff finds that the zoaing code
requirements for enlargement of a nonconforming use do not
apply to Lincoln Pawn.
Z.P. �99-275
Page 4
c. Section 64.300(m)(2) provides that a new special condition .
use permit is needed when the floor area of a special
condition use expands by fifty (50) percent or more, and,
conversely, Section 64.300(n)(1) provides that site plan
approval but no new special condition use permit is required
when the floor area of a special condition use expands by
less than fifty (50) percent.
Staff concurs that the proposed expansion of 658 square feet
is 49.14& of the 1339 square foot floor area of the existing
pawn shop, and therefore may be expanded without obtaining a
new special condition use permit, although a site
approval is required, in accordance with Section
4. Finally, staff also finds that the interpretation made by the
Zoning Administrator in this case is consistent with how the City
has treated expansions of other SCUP uses, many of which occur
within nonconforming structures. Examples cited by LIEP staff
include college expansions within campus boundaries, recreation
centers, hospitals, gas stations, and a host of other uses
permitted subject to conditions. As noted, as long as the
expansion is less than fifty percent, the code requires site plan
approval but no new special condition permit, and that is how the
Zoning Administrator has proceeded.
Based on Findings 3 and 4, staff recommends denial of the appeal.
Department of Plannixg and Economic Development
Zoning Sectiori
1100 Cin' Hal1 Annex
25 West Fourth Srreet
Saint Paul, hf.\' S5101
PROPERTY Zoning File
File, na,
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TYPE OF APPEAL Appiication is hereby made for an appeal to the: ��i?n„��� ���-v�-�+SS r�,-c�
�� Board of Zoning Appeals ❑ City Council
under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section �� �, Paragraph � of the Zoning Code, to
�,�,ti�� 5�
appeal a decision made by the �
on �f%�T �� !�' , 195?. File number:
c�a, � �1�
' (date of decision)
GROUNDS FOFt APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has bean an error in any requirement,
permit, decision or refusai made by an administrative offcial, or an error in fact, procedure or
finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeafs or the Planning Commission.
= i.v i.✓TE�,�°�iv�g-�'im(; o-F la a. io ��✓� �`� .3o"U /�.c,/� i�c.
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SEP 2 31999
Atfach add�tiona/ sheet if
Applicant's signatu
City agent
Roben Kessler. Director
No�m Coleman, Mayor
September 30, 1999
David Schwarc
Schwarz Construction
10961 32nd Street N
LaI:e E(mq MN SSQ42
LOVYRY PROFESSIOh:lLBUfLDI.VG Te(ephone: 65l-266-90�
3505[PeterStreet,Suife300 Faarimile.•651•166-9099
SainiPaul,bT�nesota SSIO2-I510 651-266-9I2�
Re: Building permit for Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Beaz Avenue is suspended
Site plan file 99-242
Deaz Mr. Schwaa:
On September 28, 1999 I approved the site plan for an expansion of ihe Lincoln Pawn Shop and
shortly afrer that our o�ce issued a buildina permit for this work. As we had previously
discussed, Section 64300(j) of the Zoning Code states Yhat any person or organization can fcie
an appeal within 30 days filing of any decision made by staff to approve or deny a site pfan.
On September 28, 1999, the District 2 Planning Council filed an appeai of our decision to
approve the site pian. They contend that Lincoln Pawn is a nonconforming use and therefore it
cannot expand without approval from the Planning Commission.
Appeals are heard at a public hearing at the the Planning Commission. You wili be notified of
the heazing date and will be sent a copy of the staff report prior to the hearin�. Nancy Frick
(651-266-6554) is the staff person who has been assigned to the case.
The Zoning Code says that if permiis have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the
permits are suspended and construction must stop untii the Ylannin� Commission nas made a
deYerminaYion of the appeal. Therefore, the permit issued for the espansion of Lincoln Pawn
Shop is hereby suspended and construction must cease. If the Planning Commission denies
the appeal, yoar permit wouid be reactivated. If the Pianning Commission approves the appeal,
you could request a refund of your permit fee. Whatever decision the Planning Commission
makes, an appeal coutd be fiied within 15 days to the City Council.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Tom Beach
Zoning Specialist
cc: Chuck Wiedemeyer
Nancy Frick
\ I
hbrm Colemar., bfayor
September 28, 1999
David Schwarz
Schwarz Construction
10961 32n Street N
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
E�"VIROti`fE�?ALPROTECTtOV � O _ 'i, `
Roberl Kessle�. Diretlor 1 �
LOWRY PROFFSS10N.1L Telephone: 651-?65-9090
BUILDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suire 300 612-26b-91?:
3S0 St. Pete� St�eet
SaintPaul,dlinnesara 55f0?-I510
RE: Approval of site plan 99-242
Addition to Lincola Pawn Shop at 1675 White Bear Avenue
Deaz Mr. Schwarz:
City staff have reviewed the site pian for the proposed addition to Lincoln Pawn and found
it to be in conformance with City ordinances:
— When Lincoln Pawn was established on this property, pawn shops did not require Special
Condition Use Permit. The zonin� code was amended in November 1996 to require Special
Condition Use Permiu for pawn shops and amended again in Apri1 1999 to add a condition
that pawn shops must be at least 150 feet from residentially zoned property. The use of this
property as a pawn shop is conforming since pawn shops are sti11 allowed under the B-3
zoning for the property. However, the structure is nonconforming because it does not met the
recently adopted setback requirement. But accordin� to Section 62.1 Q2(e)(2) of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, nonconfomiing structures with conforming uses may be enlazged so
long as such enlargement does not increase its nonconformity. Construction of this addition
_ meets the requirement because it is not built closer to the residential properiy line than the
existing building.
— Section 64.300.m.2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code says that when a use that requires a
Special Condition Use Permit expands its floor area by 50% or more it must obtain a new
Special Condition Use Permit. "Ihe existing pawn shop building covers 1339 squaze feet.
The proposed expansion covers 658 squaze feet which is 49.14% of the floor area of the
existing building. Therefore the expansion does not require a Special Condition Use Permit_
Please note that the 50% expansion provision is cumulative. Therefore the floor area of any
future expansion proposal would be added to the 658 square feet of the current expansion and
the total of these areas �vould be compared to the 1339 square feet of the existing structure.
Therefore, site plan is approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Site impro�•emenfs Ttie proposed addition and aII other site improvements must be
installed as shown on the approved site pian. This includes closing the existing Larpenteur
driveway closest to White Beaz Avenue, restriping the parkin� lot and new landscaping.
2. Sanitary setirer The exisYing sanitary sewer will go under the new addition. It �nust
therefore conform to the standards of the Plunnbing Code. Call Tom LeClaire at 651-266-
9051 if you have questions.
3. Roof drains The roof of the addition must drain to the south side of the building.
4. Oufside storage No outside storage is permitted.
5. Permits The City permits listed below are required for the work shown on the approved
site plan.
- Building permit A permit from Building Inspections (6S 1-266-9007) is required.
- Sidewalk permit Remot•in� ttte existing drtveway in the Larpenteur pub2ic right-of-
way must be done by a licensed contractor under a pennit from Public Works Sidewalk
Section {651-266-6120).
6. Time limit and inspection �Vork covered by this site plan must be completed no later than •
9/24/00. A site inspection will be scheduled based on this date.
7. Appeals The approval of this site plan by staff is subj ect to approval to the Planning
Commission. An appeal may be filed any time within 30 days of the date of this letter. If an
appeal is filed, a public hearing wiIl be scheduled at the Planning Commission. If pemuts for
this project have been approved prior to an appeal being filed, all work on the project must
stop until the Planning Commission rules on the appea2.
If you have any questians, you can reach me at 651-266-9086 (phone), 651-266-9099 (fax) or
tom,beach@ci.stpaul.mn.us (e-mail).
Tom Beach
Zoning Specialist
cc: Sewer Division, PIanning Division, Traffic Division, District 2 Planning Councii
3.i 0 SI. Peter Street, Srrite 300
Saint Paul, tbT.�'S.i102-I.i10
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Prr�posed Expansion 1675 VVhite Bear o�-i�t \
I�istances from residentially zoned property
�Nhite Beax Avenue
-� 3 1
Proposed Expansion 1675 White Bear �'O -�``�
Distances from residentially zoned praperty at 1760 Larpenteur
Existing Building
1675 White �ear
i 25
��� �'��TI V�hite Bear Avenue
�o -1v`
Proposed expansions should not
increase the nonconformity of the
nonconforming structure
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�g�7CI���7C � �(.�I�J[��JI�T���Y (���J�T���,
Ens7 P�i� • HazeL Pnizx
FROSi LeucE • Hi[.LCxPSr
January 3, 2000
Council President Bostrom
320 C City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Re: Lincoln Pawn's appeal of the Plaxuung Commission's Resolution 99-74,
denying the proposed enlargement of the building at 1675 White Bear, which
houses Lincoln Pawn
Dear Councii President Bostrom and members of the Council,
The District 2 Community Council urges you to support the decision of the Zoning
Committee and the Planning Commission by denying the appeal of Lincoln Pawn to
expand the structure at 1675 White Beas Avenue.
In the December 8, 14491etter that accompanies the appeai, Mr. Fabel, the attorney from
Linquist and Vennum, does a very good job of confusing a relatively simple issue. The
issue in front of the Council is the interpretation of Section 62.102 (e) of the Saint Paul
Zoning Code:
Section 62.102 (e) of the zoning code provides that a nonconforming sh may be
enlarged or aitered so long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
a. The building at 1675 White Bear, that houses Lincoln Pawn, is a nonconforming
structure in accordance with the zoning code definition of a nonconforming
building: "A lawfui building existing on the effective date of the adoption
(October 24, 1975) or amendment of this code but that does not now comply with
the area, width height, yazd, percent of lot coverage, or other regulations concern
bulk or location on the lot, or spacing requirement from another use, off-street
parking ar loading requirements, or other regulations of the district in which it is
located." The building existed lawfully prior to the effective date of the pawn
shop ordinance, Apri127, 1999, but it does not now compiy with the spacing
requirement which went into effect on that date.
The nroposed enlar�ement of 1675 White Bear increases the nonconfornuty
associated with the shucture. The zoning code requires that a pawn shop "is
separated, fi�om residentially zoned property either by a public street or by a
distance of one hundred fifty (1 SO) feet measured from the building wall of the
1961 SHExwooD AVENUF • Snn.T PAUL • MN • 55119-3230 • PHONE: (651) 774-2220 • FaY: (651) 774-2135
pawn shop to the nearest lot Zine of the residentially zoned property; " All four
walls of 1675 White Bear aze within one hundred fifty feet of the neazest lot line
of the residentially zoned property at 1760 Larpenteur. The proposed
enlazgement of the structure at 1675 White Bear is entirely within the one
hundred fifty (150) feet required buffer of the residenfially zoned properiy.
Section 60.534.6 attempts to create a buffer of one hundred fifty (150) feet from
buildings that house pawn shops and residentially zoned properiy. To build
anyrvhere within the one hnndred fifty (150) feet buffer is increasing the
nonconformity of the structure and violates the intent of 62.102(e).
b. The proposed expansion of the siructure to the south increases the number of
properkies within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the struchxre that houses a pawnshop
and thereby increases the nonconformity of the structure.
The zoning code requires that pawn shops be sepazated from residentially zoned
properiy either by a public street or a distance of one hundred fifty (150) feet
measured from the building wall of the pawn shop to the neazest lot line of the
residentially zoned property. The structure at 1675 VJhite Bear is 57 feet from
one residentia� zoned pro�ertXat 1760 Larpenteur If the proposed expansion is
approved the shucture will be one hundred fo ,-eight (148�feet from the
residentially zoned properta at 1749 Califomia that, currently, is one hundred
fifty-rivo and one half (152.5) feet from the nearest building wall.
The building at 1675 White Bear is nonconforming because of its setback from
residentially zoned property. To increase the number of properties that the
nonconforming structure is nonconforming to is increasing its nonconformity
and clearly not within the spirit of Section 62.102 (a).
Lincoln Pawn's Counsel would have you believe a structure has not increased its
nonconformity unless it violates its worst encroachment to its neazest neighbor's
properiy. In his letter he proposes that "straight line expansion" should be allowed, so
that if your neighbor's attached three-season porch is within two feet of your attached
garage then your neighbor has the right to build his new recreation room within two feet
of your bedroom window.
Worse, he contends, and staffls initial approval of the site plan would indicate, that is
how staff has been interprering the code! In Lincoln Pawn's case it would appear that
this inteipretation of the code is being taken to also mean that if you violate the setback
requirements toward one neighbor, you have the right to violate the setback requirements
to all of your neighbors.
Clearly the code is there to protect the adversely affected neaghbor and the Board of
Zoning Appeals exists to mediate these situations.
�o - (�-E `
Ttiroughout this process, Counsel for Lincoln Pawn has not offered one case of precedent
where the City Council has determined that a nonconforming structure can expand in the
required set back azea without a variance from the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. He implies
that somehow some undocumented staff decision has taken away your ability to create
precedent on the interpretarion of the code. There is no precedent on this issue, or
Counsel for Lincoln Pawn would site it. Both the Zoning Committee and the Plauuing
Commission have detemiiued that anyone who wants to build in a required setback azea
should be required to seek a variance from the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. The District 2
Community Council would a�ee that is the proper interpretation of the code and where
this case belongs.
Finally, Counsel for Lincoln Pawn suggests that they aze being treated unfairly because
of the nature of their business. We grow tired of attomeys who argue that because the
business or clientele are less then popular they deserve special treatment. Or, that logic
should be thrown out the window because it is coming from mere neighbors. The use of
the expansion is not at issue, only that the structure is nonconforming and it is being
proposed to be more nonconforming.
Lincoln Pawn's proposal that they should be allowed to encroach on their neighbors'
properiy rights in exchange for an agreement that they not sell guns is among the most
insulting that we haue heard. To use the threat o£ gun sales as a way of enticing the
Council to set poor public policy is beneath contempt. We accept that Lincoln Pawn is a
lawful use and that they have for years bought weapons over the counter. We have no
desire to allow these kinds of property rights infringements to become accepted public
policy in exchange for this kind of blaclanail.
Again, the District 2 Community Council urges you to support the only clear, concise and
logical interpretation of the code by supporting the decision of the Planning Commission
and denying the appeal of Lincoln Pawn.
Sincere ,
Chuck Repke
Community Organizer
Disirict 2 Community Councii
CC Council Members
WHEREAS, on September 28, 1999, the District 2 Community Council duly filed an
appeal from the Zoning Administrator's site plan approval pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative
Code § 64300(j); and
Presented By
Refened To
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the Zoning
Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission [Commission] conducted a public hearing
concerning the District 2 Community Council's appeal on October 28, 1999, after having
provided notice to affected property owners and at the conclusion of the public hearing moved to
recommend to the full Commission that the appeal of Aistrict 2 be gzanted; and
2 WFIEREAS, on September 1, 1999, pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning
3 Code, David Schwarz, d/b/a Schwazz Construction, made application to the Saint Paul Zoning
4 Administrator for approval of a site plan for a proposed addition to the Lincoln Pawn Shop
5 located at 1675 White Beaz Avenue, legally described as follows: Kerwin's Outlots to the City
6 of St. Paul, Minn. Subj to Rd in Doc No. 2708457; the Fol N 133 ft of E 125 ft of Lot 1; and
8 WHEREAS, by letter dated September 28, 1999, the proposed site plan was approved as
9 contained in Zoning File 99-242; and
WHEREAS, on November 5, 1999, the Commission, approved the recommendation of
the Zoning Committee and granted the District 2 appeal based upon the following reasons set
forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 99-74:
On September 28, 1999, the Office of License, Inspecrions and
Council File # 00 � � y �
Green Sheet # � � �3� �
Committee: Date
Environmental Protection (LIEP) by letter issued approval of a site plan
far a proposed addifion to Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Bear Avenue,
subject to conditions including closing the existing Larpenteur driveway
closest to White Beaz Avenue, re-striping the parking lot and new
landscaping. The letter approving the site plan noted that the proposed
addition was in conformance with City ordinances.
2. On September 28, 1999, District 2 Community Council filed an appeal of
LIEP's decision, ciaiming LIEP erred in its interpretation of Sections
62.102 and 64300 of the zoning code and the requirements of the new
pawn shop ordinance. Section 62.102 of the zoning code addresses
nonconfornung lots, uses of land, structures, and uses of land and
structures. Section 62.102(e) provides that a nonconfornung structure may
. z -
be enlazged or altered so long as such enlargement or alterarion does not 00 —l�k�
increase its nonconformity. Section 64300 provides for plamuug
coxnxnission and planning or zoning adtninistrator approvals. The
applicable provisions of the new pawn shop ordinance is described in the
History/Discussion (F) of the zoning staff report dated October 21, 1999.
3. LIEP erred in the interpretation of Section 62.102(e) that the expansion
did not increase the nonconformity of the nonconfonning structure. The
nonconformity of the structure was increased either by increasing the
amount and azea of residentially zoned properry within one hundred fifty
(150) feet impacted or affected by the increase in the size of the
nonconforming structure or by increasing the nonconforming square
footage from 1339 square feet to1997 squaze feet and therefare is not
allowed without a variance.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206, on
December 8, 1999, Lincoln Pawn duly filed an appeal from the determination made by the
Commission and requested a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council for the purposes
of considering the action taken by the Commission; and
22 WHEREAS, acting pursuant to § 64.206 -§ 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties,
23 a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council [Council] on January 5,
24 2000, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the
application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and
of the Planning Commission, does hereby;
RESOLVE, that the Council affirms the decision of the Commission in this matter based
and adopts as its own the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Plamzing
Commission as contained in Planning Commision Resolution No. 99-74. The Council finds that
the proposed expansion further encroaches into an azea intended to separate a commercial use
from residential uses and that such an expansion violates the legislatiave intent behind seperation
requirements, a problem not solved by application of linear distance measurements; and be it
1. .
00 �t�4\
3 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Lincoln Pawn be and is hereby denied; and
4 be it
6 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Mr.
7 Chuck Wedemeyer (Lincoln Pawn), the Zoning Admiiustrator, the Plamziug Commission and the
8 District 2 Community Council.
Aequested by Department of:
Form Appro}� d by City Attorney
By: �l.�i�� ��"'WVL`ct— 't.� �VO
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY � �c'-'� �'\��, �o By:
Approved by Mayor� Date c�Z/�€fC��
B �.�✓.s� G�G�i'�
Adopted by Council: Date ,�j .��p_� D�C
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
***�**�**�**+ -COMM.JOURNRL- *�*�**�x���orox�*w�* DRTE FEB-11-2909 �** TIME 10=46 �� P.01
FILE NO.= 167
STRRT=FEB-11 10�42 ENI�FEB-11 10�46
001 OK . 69099 �2i002
-City oi Saint Pau1 -
�� {ity Councii - � - 651 266 8574- ��
7 .
be enlazged or altered so long as such enlargement or a]teration dces not O o-l4�
inciease its nonconfoimity. Section 64300 provides for planning
commission and planning or zoning administrator approvals. The
applicable pro�isioas of ihe new pawn shop oxdinance is described in the
History/Discussion (F) of the zoning staff report dated October 21,1999.
3. LIEP eaed in the inteipretation of Section 62.102(e) that the expansion
did not increase the nonconfomuty of the nonconforming shucture. The
nonconformity of the strucnue was increased either by increasing the
amount and azea of tesidentially wned propexty within one hundred fifty
(150) feet impacted or affected by the increase in the size of thc
nonconfozming structure or by increasing the nonconforming squaze
footage from 1339 squsre feet to1997 square feet and thereforc is not
allowed without a vaziance.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Yaul Legislative Code § 64206, on
December 8, 1999, Lincoln Pawn duly filed an appeal from the determination made by the
Commission and xequested a public heazing before the Saint Paul City Council for the pu�poses
of considering the action taken by the Commission; aad
WT�EEREAS, acting pursuant to § 64.206 -§ 64Z08, aad upon notice to affected parties,
a public heazing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council (Council] on January 5,
2000, where all imerested pazties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREA3, the Council, having heazd the statements made, and having considered the
application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the 7.oning Committee and
of the PU nnino Commissioq docs hereby;
I2ESOLVE, that the Council a�rms the decision of the Commission in this matter based
and adopu as its own the fmdings, coaelusions and recommmdations of the Planning
Commission as comained in Pl annin Commision Resolution No. 99J4. The Council finds that
the proposed expansion fiuther eneroaches inW an area intended to separate a commercial use
fmm residential uses and fliat such an expansion violates The legislariave intent behind seperation
requirements, a pmblem not sotved by application of lineaz distance me-asurements; and be it
Ob..� �{�
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Peter Warner
❑ rnrwTroucr ❑ arcaituc
❑n�14xu�LtElku�cESOR ❑RIIWew.aFR1nACCro
Memorializing the decision of the City Council on January 5, 2000, denying the appeal of
I.incoln Pawn to a decision of the Planning Commission granting the appeal of the Distric[ 2
Community Council of the Zoning Administrator`s approval of a site plan for expansion of a
pawn shop at 1675 White Bear Avenue.
ties this ae�� everwuked uMer a mMract ra mie departmem?
Hae this P�mt fl�er been a aty empbyee9
Does tMS P�� P� a sldll nd iwnna�yP�d bY anY wrreM city emPbYee?
IS Nit peraoNfirm a tergetetl vendoYt
etlach to arem sheH
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Nasm Coleman, Mayor
February 7, 2000
Nancy Anderson
Council Secretary
310 City Ha11
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: Appeal by Lincoln Pawn Shop
Zoning Resolufion 99-242
City Council Motion of Intent: January 5, 2000
Dear Nancy:
Clayton M Robinsan, Jr., City Attorney
40D City Ha1[ TeZephone: 651 266-8710
ISWestKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651298-5619
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Attached please find a signed Resolution memorializing the City Council's Motion of Intent to
deny the appeal by Lincoln Pawn of a planning commission decision to deny Lincoln Pawn's site
plan application for properiy located at 1675 White Beaz Avenue. Please place this matter on the
Council Consent Agenda at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Peter W.�a e��
Assistant City Attomey
t� +• ^�k����p^�'��"°�
;i':�: , �, s,.
Enclosure � �' �
3( _
Norm Colem¢n, Mayo>
December 14, 1999
Division of Plarming
25 West Fourth Street
SamtPaul, MN55701
Telephone: 612-266-6565
Facsimi7e 612-228-3314
Ms. Nancy Anderson ���� �"���'"=`' �'°'�
CiTy Council Reseazch Office
xoom s io c�ri xan �EC �, �#�99
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson: �o��
I would like to c nfirm that a public heazing before the CiTy Council is scheduled for Wednesday,
January 5, for the following appeal of a Planning Commission decision granting an appeal of the
Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan. -..
File Number: #99-178-640
Purpose: Appeal a Planning Commission decision granting the appeal of District 2 Community
Council of the Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan for the expansion of a
pawn shop.
Address: 1675 White Beaz Avenue; (west side between Larpenteur and Califomia)
Legal Description of Property: Kerwin's Outlots to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Subj to Rd in Doc
No. 2708457; the Fol N 133 ft of E 125 ft of Lot 1
Previous Actian
Planning Commission Recommendation: approvat of appeal; vote: 14-2, November 5, 1999
Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval of appeal ; vote: 3-2, October 28, 1999
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the December 22,
1999 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the heazing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger.
Please call me at 266-6554 if you have any questions.
Nancy Frick
City Planner
cc: File #99-178-640
Paul Dubruiel
Carol Martineau
Wendy Lane, LIEP
The Saint Paul City Counclj wAt condnct
apublic hearing on Wednesday, January�5.
2000, at 5:30 p.m.3n the City Council
Ch�mbers, Thiid Floor, City Ha11-
Courthouse,to consider the appeaI of
Llncoln Pawn to a decision of the Planning
Commission granting the appeal of the
District 2 Community Council of the
Zo nina Admuustrator's approval of a site
plan for the eicpansion of a pawn shop at
1675 White BeazAvenue.
Dated: December 14, 1999
Assist'ant Ciiy Cuundt Seczetary
_ . . . (Dec..16) . � -
=�ST, �PAiU.7 E(iAL I.�G88 �-=_
Briarz Sweeney, Director
crrY oF sa�rr pauL,
Norm Co[eman, Mayar
December 29. 1999
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the City Council
Room 310 Ciry Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Pau[. M,ti 5� 102
RE: Zoning File #99-178-64Q: LINCOLN PAWN (Chuck Wedemeyer)
City Council Hearing: January 5, 2000, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers
p0-1�S �
Telephone: 6�1-266-66?6
Facsim ile: 65l-228-339 /
PURPOSE: Appeal a planning commission decision granting the appeal of the District 2 Community
Council of a Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan for the expansion of a pawn shop at 1675
White Bear Avenue.
� SUPPORT: Two (2) persons spoke. One letter. The District 2 Community Council was the appellant
to the site plan approval. ,
OPPOSITION: Two (2) persons spoke.
Dear Ms. Anderson:
LINCOLN PAWN has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission to grant the appeal
by the District 2 Community Council of the Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan for the
expansion of a pawn shop at 1675 White Bear Avenue. Tlle Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul
Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on October 28, 1999. The appellanYs
representatives addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 3-2 to
recommend granting of the appeal. The Planning Commission upheld the Zonin� Committee's
recommendation to grant the appeal on a 14-2 vote on November 5, 1999.
This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 5, 2000. Please notify me if any
member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. The appeal
packet is attached.
`� ��
Nancy Frick
Ciry Planner
CiTy Council Members
Chuck Wedemeyer, LincoVn
Tom Fabel, Lindquist and
Peter Warner
Wendy Lane
District 2 Community
File #99-178-640
city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
file number 99-74
date November 5, 1999
WT�EREAS, DISTI2ICT 2 COMMLTNITY COLTNCIL, file #� 99-275, has, under the provisions
of Section 64300(j) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, appealed the approval of a site plan by
the Zoning Administrator for the expansion of a pawn shop on properry at 1675 White Bear
Avenue, legally described as follows: Kerwin's Outlots to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Subj to Rd
in Doc No. 2708457; the Fol N 133 ft of E 125 ft of Lot 1; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, held a public hearing on
10/28/1999 at which all persons present were given an opporhinity to be heazd pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
On September 28, 1999, Tom Beach, Zoning Specialist with the Office of License,
Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) by letter issued approval of a site plan
for a proposed addition to Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Beaz Avenue, subject to a set of
conditions including closing the existing Larpenteur driveway closest to White Beaz
Avenue, restriping the pazking lot and new landscaping. In the letter approving the site
plan, Mr. Beach noted that the proposal was in conformance with City ordinances. This
letter is attached to the zoning staff report, dated October 21, 1999.
2. On September 28, 1999, the District 2 Community Council filed an appeal of this
decision, stating as grounds for their appeal an error by staff in its interpretation of
Sections 62.102 and 64300 of the zoning code and in requirements of the new pawn shop
ordinance. 5ection 62.102 of the zoning code provides for nonconforming lots,
nonconforming uses of land, nonconforming structures, and nonconforming uses of
moved by Gervais
seconded by
in favor 14 (Nowlin Abstained)
against 2 (Duarte, Faricy)
• Z.F.#99-275
Page 2 of Resotution
structures and land. Section 64.300 provides for planning commission and
planning or zoning administrator approvals. The applicable provisions of the ne��
pawn shop ordinance is described in the History/Discussion (F) of the zoning staff
report dated October 21, 1999.
3. The Zoning Administrator erred in the interpretation of Section 62.102(e) that the
expansion did not increase the nonconformity of the nonconforming structure at
1675 White Beaz Avenue. By increasing the azea of the structure within the
nonconforming setback from the neazest residentially-zoned property line, the
nonconformity of the structure is increased and therefore is not allowed without a
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under
the authority of the City's Legislative Cade, the appeal by the District 2 Community Council is
hereby granted.
Saint PauI Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, November 5, 1999, at
830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Duarte, Engh, Faricy, Geisser, McCall, Morton and Nordin
Present: and Messrs. Corbey, Dandrea, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon; Johnson, Kramer, Nowlin
and Shakir.
Commissioners Mmes. M and Messrs. *Field, *Kong, *Mardell and *Margulies
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Donna Drummond, Amy Filice,
Nancy Frick, Tom Harren, Nancy Homans, Allen Lovejoy, Larry Soderholm, Joel
Spoonheim, Brian Sweeney, Lucy Thompson, Altan Torstenson, James Zdon,
Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Wendy Lane, Office
of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection.
• I. Approval of Minutes of October 22, 1999
MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved approval oJthe minutes of October 22, I999;
Commissioner Faricy seconded the motion which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
II. Chair's Announcements
Mc Ford announced that just before the Planning Commission's last meeting, the City Council
adopted two additionat special sign districts which they have referred to the Planning
Commission: 1) Hamline Midway; and 2) Merriam Park. Also, the City had just lost one case
concerning billboards to Scenic Minnesota. The couR decided that billboards on Grand Avenue
and Highland Village that the City had said cou(d be replaced because of storm damage to the
sign surface themselves, shoutd not have been allowed.
This week the City Council adopted the 1994 Large STAR Loans and Grants. There were a few
modifications, but Mr. Ford �vas not sure of what they were. They will be reported later.
_ Last week Mr. Ford gave a report to the Csty Council, following on cases involving trucking
facilities and zonina for trucking facilities, and also following discussion at the City Council on
the Comprehensive Plan related to the use of industrial land for trucking faci{ities. The City
Council had requested that PED prepare a report on possible amendments to the Zoning Code
that woutd do a better job of protecting residential neighborhoods from the adverse impact of
• trucking facilities on adjacent properiy, and that subsequent to that report they would ask the
Planning Commission to complete the study and recommend amendments to them. This last
� week, the City Council started the process of instituting a moratorium on additional permitting
for trucking faci(ities unti( that study is done.
III. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Chair Morton had no announcements.
IV. Recognition of Ken Ford's Retirement
Mr. Tom Harren announced that Mr. Ken Ford's official last day in the office will be Thursday,
November 18, 1999. Consequently, this is the last Planning Commission meeting where Ken
wi{i be serving as the Planning Administrator. Tom shared with the Commission some thoughts
and reflections on Ken's work in PED, and indicate some of the appreciation the PED staff has
for the great work that he has done.
In the past three years that Tom has worked very closely with Ken. In addition to it being a
very enjoyable experience, it has also been very much a learning experience for Tom. Ken has
made Tom aware of some things in planning and development that have been very valuable.
Ken has become a very important part of PED, and his leaving will be a great loss. PED has
benefitted from Ken in many ways. First, he brings a tremendous amount of knowledge to the
job. He has been able to provide some insight into things simply because he is very
knowledgeable. This has come about because Ken has taken continued extra steps to keep
. himself educated. Secondly, his experience in workin� in planning and development issues has
set the foundation for planning for many of the last years. Finally, and probably the most
important thing and the most significant contribution that Ken has made to PED is how he has
shared his knowledge and his experience �vith the other staff: AII of the planners and other PED
staff have come to depend on Ken for the knowledge and experience that he has. Ken has
always been witling to share that knowtedge and experience with the other staf£ He has served
as a mentor and advisor to many of the planners, and he has served as a mentor and advisor to
Tom over the tast three years, and Tom is very appreciative.
While Ken's leaving will be a tremendous Ioss to both PED and the Planning Commission, Tom
is sure that Yhe Commission shares with his wishing Ken the very best as he takes an
opportunity to start a new venture in his Iife. Other events that will take place within the next
couple of weeks to continue to show Ken PED's and the Ciry's appreciation for the work he has
done include: 1) a presentation at 3:3� p.m. at the City Counci! on November 17; 2) a party on
November 19 at the Town and Country Club beginning at 530 p.m; and 3) a reception to be
held Wednesday, November 17, from 9:30 - 11 a.m. at the Saint Paul City Ha(1 Conference
Center, Room 40B.
Tom extended his appreciation, personally, to Ken for the help he has given him in the last three
" years, and on behalf of PED, for the work that he has given over the many years that he has
been with PED and with the Planning Commission.
Chair Morton read the Planning Commission resolution honoring Mr. Ford, and she added her
own personal thanks to someone has been a pleasure to worS: with, has ahvays been helpful, has
�o -t�l
a(�vays been cheerful, and ahvays been there to help.
Mr. Ford noted that he has attended 425+ Planning Commission meetings. The Commission
has worked through policy issues: 1) trudged through them with community groups; and 2)
trudged throu�h them in committees. There's been Land Use, two major Comprehensive Plan
Chapters, and many more studies of special issues, five major studies in housing, plus low
income housing strate�ies, the various evolutions of neighborhood improvement pro�rams, at
least three studies in transportation, library services, fire and emergency services, parks and
recreation major studies, community service centers, swimming pools, child care, etc. The
Commission has provided the forum and done the work to think through policy that ought to
guide development of this city. Week and week and month afrer month, the Planning
Commission has provided the forum where the ofren competing interests in the city come
together over the issues that have to be resolved if those policies and directions that have been
set are goin� to be realized in �vhat happens on the ground in our neighborhoods. Over and over
again, people have found here a fornm where they are listened to that is fair and open and where
there is a possibility of resolving issues based on some carefully thought out policy. Metal
shredders, shops for guns or pawning, or sex, roads here and roads there, parking lots, building
setbacks, more or ]ess historic structures and districts worthy of preservation, and the garage
next door. Over and over a�ain, it's very difficult for this city and even for members ofthe
Commission to realize the significance of the forum provided by the Planning Commission.
Has it made a difference? Ken noted that last year he had an opportunity to take a group of
Japanese city officials on a tour. As they were driving down Grand Avenue, a Japanese woman
who's very familiar with cities in the United States because she lives in San Francisco (their
tour guide), commented on how extraordinary lovely Grand Avenue was. She mentioned the
apartment buildings, the consistent setbacks, the mixture of residential and commercial uses,
etc. Ken couldn't help think, looking down Grand Avenue, that virtually every block has been
touched by decisions of the Planning Commission. From Grand Avenue to Concord to Barge
Channel Road to the riverfront, downtown, Payne Avenue, Phalen Village, South St. Anthony
Park, University and Raymond, Raymond and Energy Park Drive, West Seventh Street, etc.
You'd be hard put to find a corner in this city where the decisions the Planning Commission has
worked through with citizens have not made a difference for the better in the quality of the
fabric that were have in our community. Ken expressed that iYs 6een a tcemendous privilege to
be a part of that for all this time. It has been an extraordinary privilege beyond what anyone has
a right to expect for his career to have worked all this time with the colleagues he has had all
this time in PED. It has been a great privilege to work with the leadership this city has had. It
has been a very special privilege to work with generous citizens who have put so much effort
and so much of their time and thought into the work of this Commission.
Ken mentioned one commissioner, Anne Geisser, whose imprint is so many things he has
mentioned, and who has been with the Commission so long, and has given extraordinary
dedication and talent to many things. He congratulated her in advance on her departure from
the Commission, since he �vil! not be here at that time.
Mr. Ford stated that it has been a tremendous privilege to �vork with the leadership of the
Planning Commission. iVo one has brought moze wilGn�ness to keep in touch on a week]y basis
to keep the business of the Commission moving, more political savvy that s useful for this
work, and a better combination of firmness and fairness in conductin� meetings than Gladys
• Morton.
Ken thanked the Commission for al1 the time they have had together, for a(t their hazd work and
for being fun people to work with.
MOTION: Con:nzissionzer Geisser moved approvat of the resolution l:onoring Mr. %n
Ford; tJ:e resl of the P[anning Commission seconded t{ze motion which carried unanimously
on a voice vate.
V. Zoning Committee
#99-236 US West Wireless - Special condition use permit to allow a cellular telephone antenna
to be installed in the Oxford Street right-of-way, west side between Concordia and Carroll
(Allan Torstenson, 266-6579).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was laid ovec to November 9, 1999.
#99-247 Nationwide Groun-Acorn Mini Stora�e - Site plan revieiv for a proposed mini-
storage facility located east of Case between A�ate and 35E (Tom Beach, 266-3086).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was Iaid over to November 4, 1999.
#99-268 Pong Yun Kim - Special condition use permit with a modification of the required
• setback from residential uses and a variance of required parking to allow a billiard hall at 681
Snelling Avenue North beriveen Van Buren and Blair (7ames Zdon, 266-6559).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was also laid over.
#99-270 Esperanza Duarte - Rezoning from RM-2 to OS-1 to aliow a mixed use, residential
and office services (one residentia] and two office units) at 550 Concord Street between Pa�e
Street East and Curtice (dames Zdon, 266-6559).
MOTION: Commissiofter Gervais moved to recommend approval of ihe rezoning from RM-
2 to O&I to nllow a mixed use, residential and office services (one residential ttnd two ojfice
undts) at S50 Concord Street between Page Street Bast and Curtice wltich carried on a voice
vote (Duarte abstnined).
#99-272 Metro Airoort Commission - Special condition use permit to construct a dike to
maintain access to businesses located off of Eaton Street during high water events at the south
side of Eaton Street west of Highway 52 (Nancy Homans, 266-6557).
Commissioner Gervais repoRed that Ulis case was laid over for six months.
#99-273 Sonathan L. Faraci - Special condition use permit for the erection of a 90-foot
telecommunications tower at 1296 Hudson Road (Nancy Frick, 266-6554).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was ]aid over to November 9 for more
. 4
oa � � �E 1
� information.
#99-275 District 2 Communitv Council Aoneal of an administrative decision approving
Lincoln Pawn Site Plan at 1675 �Vhite Bear Avenue -(Nancy Frick, 266-6554).
MOTION: Commissioner Gervais moverl to grant tl:e appeal of t1:e Aistrict 2 Community
Council of trr: adn:inisirative decisiort approving Lincoltz Pawi: $'ite Plan at 167.i White Bear
Commissioner Faricy reported that she and Commissioner Field �vere the only two Zoning
Committee members who disagreed with the findin�. Their first preference for this case was to
lay it over for two weeks in order to give Mc Warner an opportunity to review it.
Commissioner Faricy's ob}ection to the Committee decision was: Lincoln Pa�vn existed
la�vfully prior to the effective date of the Pawn Shop Ordinance which went into effect on April
27, 1999. The code does not apply to this site plan. Staff found earlier that Lincoln Pawn does
not fit the zoning definition of nonconforming use. A lawful use existing on the effective date
of adoption or amendment of this code, but that is not now permitted in the district in which it is
located. Pawn shops are permitted subject to special conditions in the B-3 zoning district. The
spacing requirement which was added to the code in 1999 results in the structure being
nonconforming, not the use. Therefore, staff found that the zoning code requirements for
enlarging of a nonconforming use do not appfy to Lincoln Pawn. A(so, as long as the expansion
is less than 50°/n, the code requires site plan approval, not a special condition use permit. In
your packets this morning there's a letter from Mr. Fabel from Lindquist and Vennum in which
� he specifies that the owner of the pawn shop is willing to make a commitment to the City that he
wilt never allow the sale of firearms to occur at his business.
Commissioner Gervais announced that in front of all commissioners today there is a substitute
resolution different from the one in the packet that �vas mailed.
Commissioner Kramer explained that the substitute reso{ution has the same conclusion, but was
actually written by City Attorney, Peter Wamer. He added that the argument has been brought
forward that if this pawn shop were to expand 1 inch to the west, it would not be allowed, but if
it wants to expand 60 feet to the south, it's O.K. That does not seem to be consistent with the
Planning Commission or the City Council when the 150 foot separation �vas instituted. The
other thing that disturbs Commissioner Kramer is that in addition to increasing not only the
amount of volame of the building within the 150 foot setback, that we have also, if we allow
that expansion to occur, increased the number of properties that are no longer protected by the
' 1 SO foot buffer. Because the expansion travels further south, additional property is impacted.
Another thing is that not only is the addition within the I50 foot area, but it is parallei to the
existing residential property, so you've actually added volume of pawn shop directly parallel to
the residential property. Previously, there was 40 or 50 feet of pawn shop that was parallel
�vithin the 150 foot area. The addition, interestingly enough is 49.—% of the size of the property
' tl�at is immediately parallet. While he appreciates the applicanYs offer to not sell guns, he noted
that this property has never sold guns. They only pa�vn guns; they sell them elsewhere. The
Planning Commission cannot put conditions on building permits. If the o�vner of the property
wants to do that, it's great, and Commissioner Kramer applauds him. Withottt a specia!
condition use permit to amend, the Planning Commission cannot make that requirement. The
�� _+� �
• City Attorney has also informed us that if we do put such a requirement on a permit, it is,
unfortunately, only voluntary. State law prec{udes the Plannina Commission's ability to
regulate gun sales above and beyond what state iaw altows the Planning Commission to do.
Commissioner Gordon stated that he will be the firsf to acknowled�e that there are arguments
on both sides, and that both sides have been well represented. He voted in favor of the appeal at
Zoning Commirtee. It came down to the interpretation of the words, "increase its
nonconforming," because Section 62.102(e) provides that a nonconformin� structure may be
- enlarged or altered so long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
nonconformity. Is there an increase in the nonconformity as a result of the enlargement or
• alteration? Commissioner Gordon asked commissioners to consider, hypothetically, a city
street. On one side of the city street is a pawn sl�op; on the other side of the city street, say fifty
feet away, you have a residential zoned area and residences. Norv, you expand the pawn shop
one more block to the south. The residential area originally impacted by the pawn shop has now
been expanded by one block. As originally built, iYs affecting the residents on the other side of
the street. Once iYs expanded to take another city block to the south, you have impacted an
additional residential area and if there are residences on that block, you have impacted
additional residences. That's what happening here. IYs not going a block, but it is extending,
and to the extent that it extends, it does impact on an additional area of residentially zoned
property, and it does impact on additional residences all of which are within 150 feet. To
Commissioner Gordon, that's one increase in the nonconformity. Also, they want to expand the
size, square footage, from 1,339 sq. fr. to 1,997 sq. ft; that again, is an increase in the
nonconformity. Because of these two nonconformities, there is a conflict with the provisions of
• Section 62,1Q2(e). That is why Commissioner Gordon thinks the Zoning Committee's action
was proper and he will vote for the motion to grant the appeal.
Commissioner Nawlin noted that he is abstaining from the discussion and will not be voring on
this matter.
Chair Morton c]arified the motion by saying it is to support the Zoning Committee's decision to
granT the appeal of District 2.
Ms. Prick explained that she would not �vant to characterize that what Mr. Warner did was look
at the lega( ramifications of this case, rather he tried to put the rationale of the Zoning
Committee, as he understaod it, into better words in the resolution than staff had done,
The motion on tke floor ta grant t/ie appeal of the District 2 Commurury Council of an
administrative decision approving Lincoln Pawn site plan a11675 White Bear Avenue carried
on a roll call vote nf I4 - 2(Duarfe, Faricy} wiil: I absiention (Nowlin).
Reaort on Tobacco 5hons Zoning Studv -(Larry Soderholm, 266-6575).
� Commissioner Gervais reported that this report was also laid over to November 9, 1999.
Commissioner Gervais read the agenda for the next Zonin� Committee meeting to be held
Tuesday, November 9, 1999: 1) U.S. Wireless, special condition use permit; 2) Nationwide
Group-Acom Mini Stora�e, site plan review; 3) Pong Yun Kim, specia] condition use permit; 4)
• Jonathan L. Faraci, special condition use permit; 4) Herberger's, sign variance; 5) AT&T,
special condition use permit; 6) AI-Arabi Hisham, nonconforming use permit; 7) Macalester
College; and 8) the Tobacco Shops Zoning Study.
VI. Comprehensir�e Pianning Committee
Liaht Rail Transit in the Central Corridor - Study Findings and Recommendations, Adopt
Resolution - (Ken Ford, Soel Spoonheim)
MOTION: Co»:missioner Geisser movedfor approvnl ifte Liol:t Rail Transit Commit2ee's
recomrrrendatio�: on Light Rail Trar:sit.
Mr. Ford gave on short presentation on the committee recommendations. The committee has
been on a very short time schedule and has done an efficient study. Mr. Ford walked through
the conclusions and recommendations, beginning on page I 1 of the report.
1. A rivo-track light rail system connecting downtown Saint Paul and downtown Minneapolis
can be accommodated well within the existing University Avenue right-of-way.
2. Properly designed and supported by related actions, a light rail transit line would likely
make a very positive contribution to improvement and development goals for University
Avenue and its adjacent communities, a contribution strongly supportive of key
Comprehensive Plan policies.
3. �Vith careful planning and management, disruption of business on the Avenue can be kept to
� a tolerable minimum during the period of construction.
4. It does not appear that light rail would likely make the same strong positive contributions to
overall development on an Interstate-94 alignment that it can make on University Avenue.
5. If we proceed with steps toward the construction of light rail on University Avenue, or on
other ali�nments, the City should play an active role and should ensure the following:
a. The City should paRicipate sufficiently to complete work necessary for positioning
Saint Paul high among the competitors for TEA-21 federal funding in 2003. This wouid
include timely approval of an Environmental Impact Statement.
b. Planning for station areas should begin as early as possible once the alignment question
is answered. This is a strong recommendation from those in Minneapolis who are
wrestling �vith the difficulty of simultaneous final engineering and station area plannin�.
c. Cood design and quality for station areas and throughout the system is of the utmost
importance. Comfort and pleasure for riders and ped�strians is one of the important
attractions of liglit rail and readily perceived quality and comfort are important for the
' strongest contribution to transit and to the Avenue.
d. Early and extensive communication with communities, properiy owners a�d interest
groups along the route will be important for al1 design phases and broad participation
will be needed in station area planning.
e. In all decision and planning stages, attention should be given to the redevelopment
' resources, plans and tools that will provide for the greatest positive reinvestment impact
at station areas.
£ Lioht raii can contribute a great deal toward many city and neighborhood objectives, but
to do that successfully it must be carefully designed wiih those objectives in mind.
Alignment and station ]ocation choices are criticaL Throughout the planning process,
• the focus should be on what we want to accompiish with light rail and how it can be
designed to achieve that.
Commissioner Geisser thanked the Light Rail Transit Committee for their di(igence in getting
this done; they met every week. She shated her appreciation with the members of the Planning
Commission who participated on the study. Commissioner Geisser tha�ked PED staff who
worked double time to get this material to the Committee: I) Joel Spoonheim; 2) Allen Lovejoy;
3) Tom Harren; and 4) Ken Ford. She also thanked Commission members �vho attended one or
both of the community meetings. The results are terrific; all are to be applauded. The Planning
Commission has taken the initiative and has given the City's elected officials a document that
they can go with. The Commission has given the opinion that this is where the it believes light
rail should be and we better get on the train before it pulls out of station and we're not on it.
Commissioner Geisser stated that the Planning Commission has done as instructed by the City
Council; the Commission has examined what they asked and did all the reviews. Therefore, she
resolved that the Saint Paul Pianning Commission adopts the report entitled Light Rail Transit
on Universiry Avenue: A Review of the Potential dated November, 1999, and commends the
information and conclusions and recommendations of this report to the Mayor and City Council.
CommissionerNowlin added that in the end, the committee unanimous]y supported the
document and recommendations that were produced. The repoct de(iberately does not get into
the debate about University Avenue versus West 7`" Street The charge was to look at the
Central Conidor. The report reaffirms what was done in the 80s about the planning for light rail
• transit.
The motion on tlzefloor approving U:e Comr�zittee's recommendations on LiglztRail Transit
carried unanimously on a voice vote.
VII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee
Commissioner Faricy reported that the l�ieighborhood and Current Planning Committee met on
November 2, 1999. Eight commissioners were present.
The Great Northern Corridor: A Communi Vision - Set public hearing (Dec. 3, 1999)
MOTION. Commissioner Faricy moved to set a public hearing date ofDecember 3, I999, to
review tlze public input regar�ting The Great Northern Corridor: A Community Vision, and
refer the document and iestimony to the Neig/�borl:ood an�t Current Plannirxg Commdttee
carried unanimously on a voice vofe.
Chioolte Mexican Grill• Commerciai Development District -(James Zdon, 266-6559)
�� Commissioner Faricy explained that the Grill has a beer and wine license at this time, but they
want a liquor license in order to be able to serve margarita with their Mexican food. There's a
cap on the number of Iiquor Iicenses that are awarded to each Ward in Saint Paul. The cap in
Ward 3 where this restaurant is located is six. As a result, we are going to move this into a
commercial development district. The City Charter provides for commercial development
• districts which are excepted from the cap on intoxicated liquor {icenses in each Ward. The Saint
Paul Legislative Code provides an additional requirement that when the Ciry Council considers
creating or expanding a district, the Planning Commission sha116e consulted for advice
concernina the proposal_for consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Ordinances. The proposed commercial development district is consistent with the recently
adopted Land Use Plan, which states that fhe purpose of the plan is to promote a balance of land
uses in the city to streno hen the city's tax base. The property is zoned B-2 where a restaurant
and liquor license establishments are permitted. The Chipolte Mexican Grille is in the Highland
Crossing building. The district counci! did approve and recommend this ]icense for the
restaurant. They put one stipulation on it-that the license would be granted to the restaurant and
not to the Highland Crossing company that owns the building. The chief manager of Highland
Crossing LLC, Jim Stolpestad, has accepted that proposal.
MOTION: Commissioner Faricy n:oved tkat the Planning Co»:mission report to the City
Council tl:ai the proposed Commercinl Developn:ent Disirict is cot:sisient with tlte
Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code, and thaf the Planning Commission supports
creation of the proposed dis[rict.
Commissioner Kramer explained that he missed the meeting on this because he was in helping
in the Ciry of Maplewood where they don't have a commercial development district, and they
actually had to go before the voters to get permission to renew liquor licenses in the City of
Maplewood. They had turned away three restaurants because they had run out of licenses.
Commissioner Kramer noted that this is a very positive provision that Saint Paul has that allows
• the City to do the right thing when it makes sense. He asked Commissioner Faricy if this
proposed commercial development district is for the premises (physical area) of the restaurant
orjust that particular restaurant.
Commissioner Gordon asked if this commercial deveiopment district is just for the site iY is
located at. Commissioner Faricy replied that it was. Commissioner Gordon asked if the Grille
intends to serve other hard liquors in addition to margarita. Chair Morton responded that it
would be lawful for them to serve any other liquors. Mr. Zdon added that it is his understanding
that the only liquor they wi(l 6e serving wilt be pre-mixed margarita. Commissioner Gordon
wondered whether there was another way to accomp]ish this without creating a special district.
Mr. Ford replied that it would be extraordinary, at least, to put a special condition on requiring
your favorite drink. He thinks that it's clear that the permission goes �vith the facility. If
Chipolte moved out, someone else could come in and take advantage of it. Chair Morton asked
Mr. Zdon to clarify that since this is a liquor license they could serve any liquor they wanted to
serve. Mr. Zdon concurred.
Commissioner Kramer asked if the commercial development district applied just to the premises
of the restaurani or to the entire Highland Crossin�, Mc Zdon answered that it applies only to
the premises of the restaurant. Commissioner Kramer asked if �vhoever leases the premises of
' the restaurant can apply for a separate liquor license. Mr. Zdon responded that was correct.
Commissioner Nordin asked how it was possible to make part of a huilding a district.
Commissioner Geisser replied that the Commission has done it before. At Sibley Ptaza, when
Champs wanted to open a new Mexican Restaurant, the City gave that site permission to open
00 -���
. Tlze n:otion on t/te floor carried unntzimous[y on a voice vote.
West Side Flats Development Stratew - Presentation -(Lucy Thompson, 266-6578)
Commissioner Faricy introduced Ms. Thompson, who introduced Brian Sweeney, Director of
PED, �vho made the presentation. He stated that one of PEDs char�es over the past nine months
has been to change the culture for development in the"City of Saint Paul. Mr. Sweeney feels
that today we can celebrate a tremendous victory for the City of Saint Paul around the
development strategy for the West Side Flats. This strategy is a result of a 12-month process in
which PED worked with the community on the West Side as welf as the development partners
within the city, most specifically, the Saint Paul RiverFront Corporation, who took the 3ead on
this. Late spring, early summer there was an engaged conversation with the West Side
community, specifically, with WSCO. It was our mutual goal that all parties involved in this
process �vould be able to sign on to the West Side Flats Development Strategy, which has been
developed with the help of Ellerbe Becket and later, with the help of Dahlgren, Shardlow and
Uban. The consufting firm worked cooperatively with all parties to put together this final
document. This strategy is not prescriptive, per se, for every block and for every use. It allows
flexibility and a true mixed-use, urban village concept to be developed. Developers around the
country are looking at this site as one of the most exciting developments in the Upper Midwest.
Jerry Trooien has also been very much a part of this discussion. Mr. Sweeney introduced
Patrick Seeb.
Mr. Seeb, Executive Director of the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, addressed the
� Commission. Dave Engfer, chair of the West Side Citizens Organization joined him. Mr.
Engfer and Mr. Seeb both expressed the difigent work of many people to help to bring this
together. For the first time in many decades, there's a plan on the table that everyone seems to
support. It is an excellent first step. Mr. Engfer hopes to be visiting the Pianning Commission
many more times in the future proposing additional steps to this development process. Mr. Seeb
introduced Kim Way, an urban planner from Ellerbe Becket.
Mr. Way feels that the interactive process so far has come up with a framework that can guide
this very important part of the city for the future. Mc Way showed s(ides of a variety of mixed-
use development guides for this site that can be done over the short-term and lona term. One of
the things that was learned in the process �vas the importance of connections, so a lot of
attention was paid to how this area is the joining element between downtown, the river and the
West Side community, and how we can strengthen and reinforce connections. There was a lot
of discussion about what types of uses should be in this area. Everything from an office park to
- an urban mixed use residentiai village. Many different types of uses were overlayed on this azea
to sugaest how those uses might happen. The second part of the process �vas a technical
charette to which engineers, architects and planners were invited to look at some of the detailed
aspects of the Flats area and to define what things need to be paid attention to. The railroad and
the utiliTy lines need to be considered. What could �ve do if these remained? What might be the
� possibilities if these were moved? All the thin�s that came out of the public process drove the
The first phase of the strategy is devoted to development along the riverfront. The second phase
is suggesting that there is active discussion with ]andowners along �Vabasha about expansion or
• 10
�o -ti��
• redevelopment. There should be development along both Robert and �Vabasha Streets that
encourages pedestrian activity. The third phase in the process wouid be extending the idea of ihe
urban grid throughout the forty-five acres, and creating a truly mixed-use development.
Logically, this area would develop as a three-four story development area so that the views are
not blocked from the bluff or the downtown.
Commissioner Gordon asked if the report describes or defines what types of uses would come
under the heading "entertainment?" Mr. Way responded that the JLT Group has some very
distinct ideas of what they'd Iike to see in this area. They have ta]ked about an urban mixed-use
business oriented theme park. The report talks about specific entertainment uses.
Commissioner Gordon asked how the land was currentVy zoned. Mr•. Way replied that it is
currently zoned Industrial.
Commissioner Engh asked if the DNR was present during the discussion about the flood wall
and the levee. Mr. Way responded that the DNR did participate with tlie Army Corps of
Engineers to talk through some these opportunities.
Commissioner Nowlin asked how �ve get good commercial te�ants into the development. Mr.
Way replied that part of the purpose for the strategy is to give pmspective developers an idea of
the City's broader vision for the area. Up until now, there hasn't been one. This strategy
provides a framework with which the City can have constructive discussions with developers.
Mr. Seeb added that there were approximateiy six developers that were involved in all the
various sta�es of creating this strategy.
• Commissioner Nordin asked if this area, since it is zoned industrial, is contaminated. Mr. Way
replied that there are stifl some contamination issues. Some ofthe soils may need to be
removed, which provides the opportunity for the possibility of putting parking underneath each
Commissionec Nowlin informed Commissioners that most of acea is very old landfilL The
biggest cost factor there has been piling. Because it's riverene soil, the rock is 90 feet down.
IYs going to be expensive to deveio�, and apparently this plan has taken that into consideration
with its density. Mr. Way responded that when a developer comes in with a proposal, he's
going to have to take those costs into consideration, which wi11 drive his plan. Here, we have a
strategy that deals with these issues.
Commissioner Dandrea asked if there is a city across the country that has had a comparable
� opportunity that Saint Paul could look at; a city that has done a project of this scope
successfully. Mr. Way replied that he can't imagine any city in the United States that doesn't
have this opportunity. He said that he has worked on approsimately sixty different riverfront
communities across the United States. Most of them were industrial; a lot of them have rail
Sines. Chattanooga's a good exampie. Patrick Seeb, Ken Greenberg and others have visited
� some of these cities, and tl7ere has been discussions on models.
Commissioner Corbey asked ho�v the determination was made to put housing in this area versus
industrial when there's a rail line running right throu�h the center of it. Mr. Way nofed that this
strategy is not requiring any specific use. It's sayin� that there should be a mix of uses.
. 11
. Industrial is probably one of the (east favorable uses because it doesn't support the urban village
concept. The housing may not come along until later in the process, but there are a number of
housing developers who are not afraid of the railroad being there. Rail lines run through cities
evetywhere, and people tive right next to them. Developers don't really see the rail line as a
challen�e. There are things they can do, architecturally, with buildings (sound proofing and
vibration proofina, etc.) to soften the effect of the rai] line. At some point, the rail line might
actually relocate, and if and when they do relocate, it wouid be a spectacular place for housing.
Ms. Thompson clarified what tlie Planning Commission is asked to do. The Planning
Commission is asked to hold a public hearing in two weeks on November 19, 1999. At that
point, it would be referred to committee. The idea is to get the Planning Commission, the City
Council and HRA to endorse this document as the vision of what, generally, ought to happen in
this portion of the West Side Flats. After that, the existing redevelopment p(an would be
amended to include the relevant portions of this document incorporated into it.
MOTION: Commissioner Fi�ricy moved that a public hearing date be set for November I9,
]999, to review the West Sirle F[ats Development Strategy, and that staffset up n time
schedule for t/ie public hearings.
Commissioner Geisser recommended that the Shepard Davern public hearing be first on the
agenda for November 19, 1999, before the West Side Flats Development Strategy, as it could be
a long public hearing.
• TI:e nzotion on tlte floor carrietl unanimously on a voice vote.
VIII. Communications Committee
No report.
TX. Task Force Reports
Commissioner Kramer reported that the White Bear Avenue SmalV Area Plan Task Force met on
Wednesday, November 3, at the Cedar Machine Shop at the corner of White Bear and
Maryland, to talk about intersection improvements at White Bear and Maryland. Commissioner
Dandrea was also present. The next meetiag of the task force will be held Wednesday,
December 1, 1999, to discuss the intersection of White Bear Avenue and East Seventh Street.
The meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held at Big Mike's Pizza on Seventh Street. He
invited all commissioners to attend.
Mr. Soderholm announced that the next Advertising Sign Committee meeting will be held at
2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 23, 1999, before the Zoning Committee meeting. Both
meetin�s will be held in Room 30 (old County Board room) right next to the City Council
� � Chambers.
X. Old Business
Do -��i l
XI. New Business
Mr. Ford said that in his earlier comments he overlooked two or three things he had intended to
say. The presentation today on the West Side Flats reminded him of one of those comments. Tt
was very inspiring to him and he thinks that the Commission has a number of opportunities in
this city �vhen he sees the trend of things underway. There are some exciting years ahead for
the Planning Commission. Mr. Ford is extremely pleased tivith the personnel decisions that have
been made since he announced his retirement. There is no planner for whose professional skill
and commitment and insight into what makes neighborhoods and cities work that he has higher
regard for than Larry Soderholm who has been a good friend and colleague of his since he came
to city planning in Saint Paul. Mr. Ford is very happy to leave the planning administrator seat
for Larry.
XII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 a.m.
Recorded and prepared by
• Jean Birkholz, Planning Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Deparhnent,
City of Saint Pau]
Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth Fard
Planning Administrator
Approved /����P� / � �/ ��
7 if r Engh
Secretary of the Planning Commission
• \planninglminutes.frm 13
7hursday, October 28, 1999- 3:30 p.m.
` J
City Council Chambers, 3` Fioor
City Hall and Court House
15 West Keilogg Boulevard
Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton
Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Nancy Frick of PED
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field.
�� — ��1�
District 2 Community Council Appeal (99-275) Appeaf of an administrative decision approving
Lincoln Pawn site plan.
Nancy Frick showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Frick stated the District Two
Community Council (the appellant) submitted an appeal based upon its position that the Zoning
Staff erred in interpreting the code when the site pfan was approved on September 28, 1999. Staff
recommends denial of the appeal.
� At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Frick stated the new construction of the Lincoln
Pawn site is approximately 50 feet from the closest residential�y zoned lot line. The
nonconformance of the structure has to do with the distance between the �ot line and the structure.
The appeal poses the question in regards to the need for a Special Condition Use Permit to enlarge
the structure regardless of its distance from the fot line.
Chuck Repke, Community Organizer for District Two, appeared and read a statement and
expiained the handouts which were entered into the record. He made three points 1) Section
62,102(e) of the zoning code provides that a nonconforming structure may be eniarged or aitered
so long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its nonconformity. The buiiding
existed fawfully prior to the efFective date of the pawn shop ordinance, April 27, 1999, but it does
not now comp(y with the spacing requirement which went into efFect on that date. 2) The proposed
enlargement of 1675 White Bear increases the nonconformity associated with the structure. The
enlargement of the structure at 1675 White Bear builds additionaf building wal{s that would be well
within the (150) feet of the residentiafiy zoned property. 3) She zoning code requires that pawn
shops be separated from residentially zoned property either by a pubfic street or a distance oP one
hundred fifty (150) feet measured from the building wall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot Iine of
the residentially zoned property. The structure at 1675 White Bear is 57 feet from one residentiaily
zo�ed property at 1760 l.arpenteur.
The District 2 Community Council is concerned with fhe issue of the use of the proposed expansion
at 1675 White Bear. It is the District 2 Community Council's position that the structure can not
expand within the one hundred fifty (150) foot distance as long as any part ofi the use is for a pawn
shop. The use of the expansion is not at issue, only that the structure is nonconforming and it is
being proposed to be more nonconforming.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Repke stated the District Councii's position that they
couid not expand the buiiding even if they wanted to put in a video rental operation. Had Pawn
�o -t�t\
Zoning Committee Minutes
� Page:2
America existed on the Whiie Bear Avenue site, thaf blank space behind the proposed Pawn
American Store is still part of the buiiding that houses a pawn shop. The b�ilding is nonconforming
because it houses a pawn shop.
Mr. Tom Fable, attorney representing the Capital City Investmenis (owner of the buiiding),
appeared and stated the building and the pawn shop business were established at that location
long before the City chose to regulate that particular form of business. The ordinances have to do
with business uses that have been grandfathered-in because of changes in the ordinances at a
later point of time. Ordinance 62.102 states that a nonconforming structure may be enlarged or
altered as long as such an enlargement or alteration does not increase its nonconformity. The
nonconformity has nothing to do with the volume of the structure. The nonconformity is the
violation of a new building of the 150 foot barrier.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Fa61e stated Section 64.300 addresses the
expansion of the size of a business. If a business expands by more than 50 percent they must
return to the Pla�ning Gommission for a new conditional use permit. A purpose of a setback
provision is to have a specified distance between the beginning of the usage and whatever it is
they're trying to set back. The nonconformity is the 150 feet distance, not the volume of the
Ms. Wendy Lane, Offce of License and Inspection, stated they made the original decision to
• approve the site plan and building permit. There are a number of nonconforming properties in the
City that don't meet the required setback for the zoning district in which they are located, including
a number of singie family homes. They are a conforming use but they have a nonconforming
setback from the side property line. If they have a 100 square feet, four feet away from the side
property line and the code requires a six foot setback, they could put an addition on the back of the
house another 400 square feet at the four foot setback line. They don't have to go to six feet, as
long as they don't go any closer to the existing building. They can continue to expand along that
line. LIEP has used that provision more than any other use for single family homes.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Lane stated the application of this principle to the
pawn shop business is consistent with the ordinance. The set back is being considered, not the
At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Ms. Lane stated there has never been a case that is a
continuation along an existing nonconforming set back line that LIEP has required an applicant to
apply for a variance or a modification for a speciai condition use permit.
Mr. Repke appeared and stated the key focus of this application is that the structure is
nonconforming. Increasing the structure in the nonconforming area is what they are raising issue
The public hearing was closed.
• After further discussion Commissioner Morton moved to approve the appeal based on the fact that
enlarging the structure does increase the nonconformity.
Commissioner Kramer seconded it.
• Zoning Committee Minutes
Commissioner Kramer stated he had a problem with the defermination that this case is not a
nonconforming use because it used the term "not now permitfed". The staff has interpreted that
to mean "not now prohibited". This is not a permitted use because the lot is not 150 feet and so
there are instances where it is not permitted in this zoning district. Also there is the issue fhat it is
a special condition use permit and the zoning code makes a differentiation between "permitted
uses" and "uses permitted subject to special conditions". The definition of nonconforming use does
not use that term "sub}ect to special conditons" it only uses "permitted".
Commissioner Gordon voted for the motion because it comes down fo the definition of increasing
its nonconformity. The nonconformity was 1,339 square feet within 150 feet and now there is 1,997
square feet within 15� feet and that is an increase in the nonconformity.
Afterfurtherdiscussion, the motion to approve the appeal of an administrative decision was passed
by a 4 to 2 vote.
Adopted Yeas - 4
Drafted by:
(�� n,a� �"12.�n,���.v
Caro{ Martineau
Recording Secretary
Nays - 2 (Field, Gervais)
Submitted by:
� �
Nancy Fric
Zoning Section
Litton Field
Chair /
Department of P[anning and Economic Dwelopment
Zoning Section
II00 City Hal! Annex
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
APPELLANT I Name Chuck Wedemeyer -
n��t�A�� Lincoln Pawn, 7675 White Bear Avenue
Gity St. Paul St. MN Zip 55106
Zoning File
TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the:
C+ Board of Zon+ng Rppea4s � City Council
Daytime phone
under the provisions of Chapter 6�, Section , Paragraph of tfie Zoning Code, fo
appeal a decision made by the St Paul Plannin4 Commission
on November_5, 1999
(date ofi decision)
}g . Fi1e number: P.C. File No. 99-74
Zoninq Fi1e No. 99-242
GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error i� any requirement,
permit, decision or refusai made by an adm+nistrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or
inding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.
The Plannin Commission erred in interpretation of Section 62.102(e)(2) of the
Saint Paul City Code. The Planning Commission decision is contrary to the
intended and logical interpretation of this zoning ordinance, and it also is
contrary to long-standing City practice. If affirmed, the Planning Commission
decision will be harmful to residential and business property owners throughout
the City, and will result in a substantial increase in variance applications
to the City Council. Please see attached letter from leqal counsel.
• I Attach additional sheet if necessary)
�� � t-��"w'
(2 /a City agent_�ac�.�_ � `
` `Fsif
lhomas L Fabel
444 CmM STREEr
December 8, 1999
Ms. Nancy Frick
City Planner
City of St. Paul
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paui, Minnesota 55102
amo ios caraz
Te�Eatior+e: 6tt371-3217
Re: Appea/ of Planning Commission Resolution 99-74, Denying Proposed
En/argement ofLincoln Pawn Shop, 1675 White BearAvenue
Dear Ms. Frick:
Enclosed pfease find an Application for Appeal in the above matter, a filing fee of
$300.00, and a fetter of support for the appeal from this office. Please distribute the
letter with the Appeal to Counci{ Members prior to the date of consideration.
Thank you very much for your advice and assistance.
cc: Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer
Very truly yours,
� nau iisoaizu
bo -1��
ArrawErs Ar Uw
Thomas L Fabel
TFiEVHOt+e 651312-1300
eo SanH E� SrR�r
December 8, 1999
City Council President Dan Bostrom
and Council Members
City Hall
15 West Keilogg
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution 99-74, Denying Proposed
Enlargement of Lincoln Pawn Shop, 1675 White BearAvenue
Dear President Bostrom and Council Members:
This firm represents Drs. Sohn and Frank Gaertner, property owners of the premises at
1675 White Bear Avenue which are leased and operated as the Lincoln Pawn Shop,
along with Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer, the lessee of the property and the awner of Lincoln.
This letter is written in support of Mr. Wedemeyer's appeal from a Planning
Commission decision, dated November 5, 1999, which upheid an appeal on a proposed
expansion of Lincoln Pawn. The efFect of the decision was to reverse an earlier site
pian approval by the Department of Licensing, inspections and Environmental
Protection (LIEPj for the expansion. Both LIEP and PED believe that the expansion is
permissible under the City Zoning Code, which means that both also believe the
Planning Commission decision to be erroneous.
As legal counsei for the property and business owners, we join in the view that the
Planning Commission decision is both an incorrect interpretation of the relevant
ordinance and inconsistent with longstanding City practice. Hence, we urge the City
Council to reverse the Planning Commission and to reaffirm the prior position asserted
by two departments of City government, LIEP and PED, both supporting the issuance of
a building permit.
• Doc# 1171568\1
aa - i�\
• Letter to Pianning Commission
December 8, 1999
Page 2
The issue in this appeaf arises from the fiact that this buiiding housing Lincoln Pawn is
located wifhin 150 feet of residentiaily zoned property, which is the setback
requirement for new pawnshops adopted in April, 1999. The pawnshop ordinance,
Section 60.544(3), provides that pawnshops are permissibie in Zone B-3, provided that
the business is "conducted within completeiy enclosed buifdings and is separated from
residentially zoned property either by a public street or by a distance of one hundred
fifty (150) feet measured from the buifdina waff of the oawnshop to the nearest lot {ine
of their residentially zoned property." However, Lincoln Pawn has been in existence
since 1994, at which time neither the setback requirement nor the special conditiona{
use permit requirement now applied to pawn shops were in existence. Hence, Lincoln
Pawn now exists as a legal use in a non-conforming structure.
Section 62.102(e)(2) of the St. Paul City Code psovides in celevant part as follows:
A non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered so
long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
• !n the case of a setback requirement, this Code provision always has been interp�eted
by the City as meaning that a nonconforming structure may be enlarged so long as the
new construction comes no closer to the relevant line of ineasurement. This
interpretation is entirely consistent with the pawnshop set-back ordinance, which
defines the condition of conformity as a distance "measured from the building wall."
The Planning Commission rejected this longstanding interpretation of Section
62.102(c)(2), which for years has enabled building owners (mainly homeowners) to
expand their usage without going through the costly, time-consuming and often
tortuous process of obtaining a variance. Under the Planning Commission's new
interpretation of this zoning ordinance, an "increase in nonconformity" would include
any expanded volume of usage within the area defined by the setback requirement.
Hence, since the proposed expansion of Lincoln Pawn would place more pawn shop
area within 150 feet of a residentialiy zoned property (although no closer than before),
the Commission concluded that expansion was not authorized by Section 62.102(e)(2).
That the Pianning Commission's interpretation is, shall we say, strained goes without
saying. So aiso is the fact that this interpretation contradicts past City practice in
analogous situations, as is evidenced by the zoning staff positions asserted by both
City departments responsibie for such interpretations, LIEP and PED. What may be
less self evident is the mischief that this interpretation will cause if consistentiy applied
• Docd 1171568\1
• Letter to Planning Commission
December 8, 1999
Page 3
to analogous zoning questions. For example, homes which do not comply with curcent
setback requirements would be incapable of straight-line expansion without complying
with the costly variance requirements. Similariy, no home on a lot smailer than a
current minimum lot size could be expanded without a variance. The oider
neighborhoods of St. Paul have many homes in both of these circumstances, and for
many years homeowners have been ailowed to obtain building permits for expansions
without the necessity of a variance, through the City's application of Section
Quite obviously, the only reason for both District Council opposition to the proposed
expansion and for the Planning Commission's decision is the nature of the business
conducted at Lincoln Pawn. While it is true that some pawn shops have become
neighborhood concerns and a source of increasing regulation in recent years, it is not
true that ali pawn shops are bad neighbors. Indeed, the proposed construction at issue
in this appeaf would be a significant improvement to the appearance of this property,
which should be regarded as a benefit to the neighborhood. Moreover, the owner of
• Lincoln Pawn, Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer, has made a commitment to the City that he will
never allow the sale of firearms to occur at his business. While such sales may be
perfectfy Iegal, Mr. Wedemeyer has made this commitment to demonstrate his desire to
be a good neighbor and to avoid a major complaint which often is voiced over this line
of business. Thus, Council reversal of the Planning Commission decision with the
condition that no firearms sales ever occur at Lincoln Pawn is a very acceptabie
resofution to both the business and the property owners.
It is a weil known adage among lawyers and judges that "hard cases make bad faw."
This means that difficuit facts sometimes cause decision makers to bend the law in a
way which ultimaiely leads io bad results in other circumstances. The Planning
Commission's decision illustrates this adage. Moreover, the Commission's decision to
deny site approval in this case is a direct violation of the constitutional requirement that
similarly situated land use appiicants must be treated the same. Northwestern Colleae
v. Citv of Arden Hills, 281 N.W.2d 865 (Minn. 1979); Hav v. Township of Grow, 206
N.W.2d (Minn. 1973). For both of these reasons, the Planning Commission's decision
should be reversed. Any effort to change the regulatory standards for the operation ofi
pawn shops should be accomplished through legislation, not through a novel
interpretation of the zoning ordinance. Especially is this true where the consequences
of the novel interpretation will be adverse and unfair to many property owners in many
circumstances totally unrelated to pawn shops.
• Doc# 117156%\I
da -�`�\
• Letter to Planning Commission
December 8, 1999
Page 4
Thank you for your consideration.
cc: Phillip Byrne, Esq.
Peter Warner, Esq.
Dr. John R. Gaertner
` Dr. Frank M. Gaertner, Jr.
Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer
Mr. David Schwartz
Very truly yours,
/�.� �2it / C��C�'`'�
Thomas L. Fabel
• Doc# 1i715b8�1
ZiiO4i1999 16:22 651 223 5332 � 2283341
A� roRxers As tww
lTmu�s L pah.i
4G Cmi.R STqEEf
SuRE 1�
Sr, p�u4 MM+£�A�197
FNC 86Y?216332
Plovember 4, 1999
St. Paui Pianning Commissior�
1100 Ciry Hali Annex
25 F❑urth Street Wesi
St. Paui, Minnesota 55102
� � —��`
��00 �S CE1+tER
ea sovn, ec�m� s��r
AtK+EM']Lt9. F!N ME90T4 �i02-2205
Tom+or�e 812�715211
Re: Proposed £ntargement ofl.�ncaln Pawn Shop, l876 {M�ite Besr
Dear Cammissioners:
This firm represents Drs. John and Frank Gaertner, property o�rrners of #he premises at
1675 White Bear Avenue which is leased and operated as the Lincoln Pawn 5hop.
The owner of Lincoin is Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer.
On the Commission's agenda for Friday, November 5 is an appeal from a site plan
approval for an expansion to Lincoln Pawn. By a vote four to two, the Zoning
Committee sustained the appea! on Octobe� 28, We respectfully suggest to the
Commission fhat #his action was both an incorrect intefpretation of the relevant
ordinance and inconsistent with iongstanding Gity ptactice, which means that 1he
decision cannot withstand judicial review. Accordingly, we urge the Commission tc
rsject tha Committee action and to sustain the prior position asserted by two
depaRments of City government, LIEP and PED, both supporting the issuance of e
buikding pefmit.
The issus arisas from the fact that this building is iocated within 150 feet of residentially
zoned property, which is the setback requirement for new pawn shops adopted in April,
1999. Howaver, this shop has 6een in existence since 1994, at which time neithef the
setback requirement nor the special conditionai use permit requirement now appiied to
pawn shops were in existence. Hence, Lincoln Pawn now exists as a legal use in a
non-conforming structure.
t)oc�f 117079TI
ili�4i1999 16�22 651 223 5332 � 2283341
Letter to Planning Commission
November 4, 1999
PBge Z
NO. 63'I
Section 62.102{s)(2) of the St. Paul Gity Code provides in relevant paR as foilows:
A non-corNorming structure may be enlarged or alterad so
long as such enlargament or alterati�n does not increase its
In the case of a setback requirement, this Code provisfon always has been interpreted
by ihe City as meaning that a noncarrforming strucWre mey be eniarged so long as the
naw construction comes no closer to the relevant line of ineasurement.
The Zoning Committee accapted as an altemative interprefation for this provision that
an "increase in nonconformit�' incfudes any expanded vofuma of usaga within the area
defined by the setback requirement. Hence, since the proposed expansion would place
mora pawn shop area within 15Q faet of a residentiai{y zoned pro¢srty {altfiough no
closer than before), the Committse conciuded that expansion wae not authorizad by
Sactfon 62.102{e)(2).
That the Zoning Committee's interpretation is, shall we say, strained goes without
saying. So aiso is ihe fact that this interpretatfon contradicts past City prectice in
analogous situations, es is evidenced by the zoning staff positions asserted by baih
City departments responsible for such interpretations, LIEP and PED. What may be
less seff evidant is the mischief that this interpretation will cause if consistent(y appiied
to analogous zoning questions. For example, homes which do not comply with cuRent
setback requirements wauld be incapab�e of straight-line expansion without complying
with the costiy variance requirements. Similariy, no home on a lot smailer then a
current minimum lot size cauld be expended without a variaRCe. Tha older
neighborhoods of St. Raul have many homes in both of thase circumstances, and for
many years homeowners have been allowed to obtain building permits for expansions
wiihaut the necesaity of a variance, through the City�s appfication af 5ection
Quite obviously, the only reason for both the appeai and the Zoning Committee's
decision in ihis case is the nature of the business conducted at Lincofn Pawn. Whife it
is true that some pawn shops have become neighborhood cnncerns and a source of
increasing regulation in recent years, i1 is nat true that aVl pawn shops are bad
neighbors. Indeed, the proposed construction at issue in this appeai would be a
significant imp�ovement to the appearance of this property, which should be regarded
as a benefit to the neighborhood. Moreover, the owner of Lincoln Pawn, Mr. Chuck
DocB 11 J079T1
_ lli�4i1999 16�22 651 223 533Z � 2283341
Letterto Planning Commission
Novam6er 4, 1999
Page 3
Wademeyer, is vary willing to maka a cammitment to the City that he wiA never aliow
the sele of firearms to occur at his business. While such sales may be parfectly legal,
Mr. Wedemeyer is willing to make this commitment to demonstrate his desire to be a
good neighbor and tQ avoid a major compiaint which often is v�iced conceming lhis line
of trusiness. l"o repeat, appraval of this buiiding permft with the condition that no
firearms sales ever occur at Linco�n Pawn is a very acceptable resolution to both the
business and the property owner.
It is a well known adage among lawyers and judges that "harq cases make bad law.°
This means thei di�cult facts sometimes causa dacision makers to bend the {aw in a
way which uitimateiy cannot be sustained. The Zoning Committee dacision iilustrates
this adaga. A decision to deny a building permit in this case wouid bs a d'srect vio4atian
of the constitutional requirement that similariy situated land use applicants must be
treatsd the same. NoLj{�,westem Col�eqe v. Citv of Arden Hiils, 2&1 N.W.2d 865 {Minn.
1979}; }�av v. Township of Grow, 206 N.W.2d (Minn. 1973). The longstanding practice
of City offciais in providing a straightforward interpretation of Section 62.1 b2(e}(2)
requires lhat the permit for Lincoln Pawn be granted. Any desire for a change in the
regulatory standards for ihe operation of pawn shaps should ba accomplished through
legislation, not through a creative application of the zoning ordinance.
Thank you for yaur consideration.
Very truly yours,
Thomas L. Fabel
Peter Warner, �sq.
Dr. John R. Gaertner
pr. Frank M. Gaertner, .fr.
Mtr. Chuck Wedemeyef
Mr. David Schvrattz
Tuck 1)7079TI
�.r— K� —a �s
`�?1I� 1TRIcCT � ��011�.�1�'1�T1�1I � �' (��17i��IL �o-a�—�5
P7iALEN VILLAGE • Ltisco�t� P.��uc
Appeal of an administrative decision to approve a site plan for the expansion of a
pawnshop at 167� White Beaz Avenue.
The District 2 Community Council urges the zonin� committee to grant our appeal of the
administrative decision to approve the site plan for the expansion of a Nonconformin�
Structure at 1675 White Bear Avenue. Further, we would recommend that the zoning
committee pass a recommendation that would adapt the staff report by deleting Findings
3 and 4 and inserting as follows:
3. The zonin� committee disagrees with the interpretation made by the Zoning
Administrator, with regard to the site plan for 1675 White Bear Avenue, for the followin�
a. Section 62. 102 (e) of the zoning code provides that a nonconforming strncture
may be eniarged or altered so long as such enlazgement or alteration does not
. increase its nonconformitv.
The building at 1675 White Beaz, that houses Lincoln Pawn, is a nonconfomung
structure in accordance with the zonins code definition of a nonconforming
buildin�: "A lawful building existin� on the effective date of the adoption
(October 24, 1975) or amendment of this code but that does not now comply with
the area, width height, yard, percent of lot coverage, or other re�ulations concem
bulk or location on the lot, or spacing requirement from another use, off-street
parking or loading requirements, or other regulations of the district in which it is
located." The building existed lawfully prior to the effective date of the pawn
shop ordinance, April 27, 1999, but it does not now comply with the spacing
requirement which went into effect on that date.
The oroposed enlarQement of 167� White Bear increases the nonconformitv
associated with the structure The zoning code requires that a pawn shop "is
separated from residentialty zoned property either by a pub?ic street or by a.
distance of one hundred ffty (1 SO) feet meast�red from.lhe building wall qf the
pawn shop to the nearest lot line of the residentially zoned property; ' All four
walls of 1675 White Bear are within one hundred fifty feet of the nearest lot line
of the residentially zoned property at 1760 Larpenteur. The proposed
enlargement of the structure at 1675 White Beaz builds additional building walls
that would be well within the one hundred fifty (150) feet of the residentially
. zoned property.
1961 SHER�ti oo� AvE`�� • S,a[�r P�cL • MN • 55 1 1 9-3230 • PxovE: (651) 7?-'-2220 • F.ax: (651) 774-21: �
oe -���
� Section 60.534.6 attempts to create a buffer of one hundred fifty (150) feet from
buildin�s that house pawn shops and residentially zoned property. To build
anywhere within the one hundred fifty (150) feet is increasing the nonconformity
of the structure.
The proposed expansion of the structure to the south incrzases the number of
properties that are within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the structure that houses
a pawn shop and thereby increases the nonconformity of the structure.
The zoning code requires that pawn shops be separated from residentially zoned
property either by a public street or a distance of one hundred fifty (I50) feet
measured from the building �vall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot line of the
residentiallv zoned propertv. The structure at 1675 WYute Bear is 57 feet from
one residentiallv zoned progerty at 1760 Larpenteur. If the proposed expansion is
approved the structure will be one hundred forty-eight (148) feet from the
residentiallv zoned �ropertv at 1749 Califomia that, currently, is one hundred
fifty-two and a one half (152.5) feet from the neazest buiidin� wail. The building
at 1675 White Beaz is nonconforming because of its set back from residentially
zoned property. To increase the number of properties that the nonconformin�
structure is nonconformin� to is increasing its nonconformity and clearly not
within the spirit of Section 62.102 (a).
The District 2 Community Council is concemed that staff has raised the issue of what
would be the use of the proposed eYpansion at 1675 White Bear. Tt is the District 2
Community Council's position that the shveture can not expand at all �vithin the one
hundred fifty (150) feet distance as long as any part of the use is for a pawn shop. The
use of the expansion is not at issue, only that the structure is nanconforming and it is
being proposed to be more nonconforming.
Staff also states that there aze other situations where the code was interpreted in the
manor they have proposed, but no evidence was offered. Disfict 2 would contend that
anytime a buildina was nonconformin� do to a set back of a set distance ?hat any le_gal,
espansion of the nonconforming structure should occur outside of the set back area. Few
nonconforming structures in the City of Saint Paul azeIocated on 125 by 130 foot lots.
We would contend that most set back issues would be in situations where one wall
violated a distance requirement not an entire structure, or where the use has become
nonconformin� not the structuze.
Again, the District 2 Community Council believes that the proposed expans±on of the
building at 167� White Bear violates the spirit and intent of Section 62102 concemin�
nonconformin� structures by: increasing the structure's nonconformity by buildin� within
thz 150 foot set back required from the residential properiy at 1760 Larpenteur. Further
• it's nonconformity is increased by increasin� the number of properties within 150 feet of
the structure (1749 California).
� i J
aa -1�t�
Proposed Expansion 1675 White Beaz
Distances from residentially zoned property
at 1760 Larpenteur
Proposed Existing Building
1675 White Bear
White Bear Avenue
i 25
i 50
�-�Q 6,�.0,�.� a - i
,, -, � � �
� �-i �i�
.,��Q b�, Q.�-�,� a- - a
/o -�P-9S
• (cP�th Rogers
1739 E Ca(ifornia
cr.pw�,��, Sn�! F�'�ng_13n3
T0: St.Pa�il Pi�lrtnjn� C:nlprplSS!O!l Znnin� Cnmmittee,
1(�0 [tOt f921 1f12 I188� fQ @XPdlld thB LI!!COlft P2Wll 3!tA. ThB C! �� nf �t Pa� il hadQ
enough pawn shops therefore fhis expansion wouid be unnecessary. I wouid prefer if
the city had less pawr shops ov2rall so this expansian is �,2edless in my m�nd.
Thank you, -
� ! �
�-� �r5
Keith p Rogers
FILE # 99-275
2. CLASSIFICATION: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's Decision
3. LOCATION: 1675 h'AITE HEAR AVENUE (between Larpenteur and California)
See file
6. PRESENT 20NING: B-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.214, 60.544(3),
62.102, 64.300
A. PIIRPOSE: Appeal of an administrative decision to approve a site plan
for the expansion of a pawn shop located at 1675 White Bear Avenue.
B. PARCEL SIZE: 16,575 SquaTE feet.
North: Restaurant. (COmmercial zoning; Maplewood.) -
East: Commercial. (B-2)
South: Restaurant. (B-3)
West: Single family residential (R-3)
Sec. 64.300(j) provides that "the grant or denial of approval by the
planning or zoning administrator is subject to appeal to the planning
commission by any person, firm or corporation, or by any office,
department, board or bureau affected by a decision of the planning or
zoning administrator with thirty (30) days ... Sec. 60.214 provides
definitions o£ nonconfoxming building and nonconforming use. Sec.
60.544(3) identifies pawn shops as principal uses permitted subject to
special conditions in the B-3 Zoning DistYict. Sec. 62.102(e) states
provisions for nonconforming structures with conforming uses.
F. HZSTORY/DISCIISSION. Lincoln Pawn had a building permit application
pending at the time that the City Council established a moratorium on
pawn shop permits and licenses pending a zoning study and possible
amendment of the zoning ordinance (NOVember 9, 1998). On January 22,
Z.F. �99-275
Page 2
1999, th= Saint Paul PZanning Commission recommended a zoning code •
amendment which provided that pawn shops continue to require a special
condition use permit in B-2, B-2C, and B-3 zoning districts with a new
condition that pawn shons must be separated from residential zoning
dzstricts by either a public street or a distance of ZSO feet, measured
from the building wall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot line of
residentially zoned property. The recommended pawn shops amendments
were adopted by the City Council on March 10, 1999 and went into effect
on April 27, 1999.
A March 2, 1999 memo to City Councilmembers and various staff inembers
prepared by Larry Soderholm discussed how pawn shops existing and
proposed at that time compared to the separation requirement being
proposed by the Planning Commission, The memo included a statement that
"the new standard would not apply directly to existing businesses that
don't meet it; such businesses would become legally nonconforming with
regard to the separation from residential. Legal nonconforming pawn
shops would not be allowed to expand, however, without a public hearing
and a Planning Commission permit." This statement did not draw a
distinction between nonconforming uses and nonconformir.g structures,
which the code tteats differently, however, and as such was in error.
See Findings 3 and 4 below.
G. DSSTRICT COIINCIL RECO2IlKENDATION: The District 2 Community Council is
the appellant.
1. On September 26, 1999, Tom Beach, Zoning Specialist with the
Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LSEP)
by letter issued approval of a site plan for a proposed addition
' to Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Bear Avenue, subject to a set of
conditions including closing the existing Larpenteur driveway
closest to White Bear Avenue, restriping the parking lot and new
landscaping. In the letter approving the site plan, Mr, Beach
noted that the proposal was in conformance with City ordinances.
This letter is attached to this staf£ report.
2. On September 28, 1999, the District 2 Community Council filed an
appeal of this decision, stating as grounds for their appeal an
error by sta£f in its interpretation of Sections 62.102 and 64.300
of the zoning code and in requirements of the new pawn shop
ordinance. Section 62.102 of the zoning code provides for
nonconforming lots, nonconforming uses of land, nonconforming
structures, and nonconforming uses of structures and Iand.
Section 64.300 provides for planning commission and planning or
zoning administrator approvals. The applicable provision of the
new pawn shop ordinance is described in the History/Discussion (F)
3. Staff concurs with the code intexpretation made by the Zoning
Administrator, with regard to the site plan for 1675 White Bear
Avenue, for the following reasons. •
Z.F. #99-275
Page 3
c`3� —\ti\
• a. Section 62.102(e) of the zoning code orovides that a
nonconformina structure may be enlarcod or altered so long
as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
nonconformity. iZt should be noted that "noaconforming
building" is the term used in the definition section of the
zoniag code, but that "nonconforming structure" is tne term
used elsewhere in the code; terms are intercnangeable.)
Staff concurs that it is this section of the code which
applies to the Lincoln Pawn site plan. Staff finds that
Lincoln Pawn is a nonconforming structure in accordance with
the zoning code definition of noncon:orming building: "A
lawful building existing on the effective date of adoption
(OcCOber 24, 1975) or amendment of this code but that does
not now comply with the area, width, height, yard, percent
of lot coverage, or other regulations concern bulk or
location on the lot, or spacing requirement from another
use, off-street parking and loading requirements, or other
regulations of the district in which it is located."
Lincoln Pawn existed lawfully prior to the effective date of
the pawn shop ordinance, April 27, 1599, but it does not now
comply with the spacing requirement which went into effect
on that date.
Sta£f also concurs that the enlargement of Lincoln Pawn does
not increase the nonconformity associated with the
• structure. The zoning code directs that distance between
pawn shop and residential property be measured from the
building wall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot line of
the residentially zoned property. The building wall of the
existing Lincoln Pawn building is approximately 50 feet from
the nearest lot line of residentially zoned property,
directly to the west, 1760 Larpenteur. The proposed
enlargement of Lincoln Pawn extends directly to the south;
the building wall of the extension would not be any closer
to the nearest residentially-zoned property line.
b. Section 62.102(f) provides that a noncon£orminq use shall
not be enlarged unless the planning commission approves a
permit for an enlargement as set forth in a subsequent
clause of the code.
Staff finds that this section of the code does not apply to
this site plan. Staff finds that Lincoln Pawn does not £it
the zoning code definition of noncon£ormina use: "A lawful
use existing on the effective date of adoption (October 24,
1975) or amendment of this code but that is not now
permitted in the district in which it is located". Pawn
shops are permitted subject to special conditions in the B-
3. The spacing requirement which was added to the code in
1999 results in the structure being nonconforming, not the
� use. Therefore, staff finds that the zoaing code
requirements for enlargement of a nonconforming use do not
apply to Lincoln Pawn.
Z.P. �99-275
Page 4
c. Section 64.300(m)(2) provides that a new special condition .
use permit is needed when the floor area of a special
condition use expands by fifty (50) percent or more, and,
conversely, Section 64.300(n)(1) provides that site plan
approval but no new special condition use permit is required
when the floor area of a special condition use expands by
less than fifty (50) percent.
Staff concurs that the proposed expansion of 658 square feet
is 49.14& of the 1339 square foot floor area of the existing
pawn shop, and therefore may be expanded without obtaining a
new special condition use permit, although a site
approval is required, in accordance with Section
4. Finally, staff also finds that the interpretation made by the
Zoning Administrator in this case is consistent with how the City
has treated expansions of other SCUP uses, many of which occur
within nonconforming structures. Examples cited by LIEP staff
include college expansions within campus boundaries, recreation
centers, hospitals, gas stations, and a host of other uses
permitted subject to conditions. As noted, as long as the
expansion is less than fifty percent, the code requires site plan
approval but no new special condition permit, and that is how the
Zoning Administrator has proceeded.
Based on Findings 3 and 4, staff recommends denial of the appeal.
Department of Plannixg and Economic Development
Zoning Sectiori
1100 Cin' Hal1 Annex
25 West Fourth Srreet
Saint Paul, hf.\' S5101
PROPERTY Zoning File
File, na,
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fiea�in `date�`;>
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oh � e �774��ZZZA
TYPE OF APPEAL Appiication is hereby made for an appeal to the: ��i?n„��� ���-v�-�+SS r�,-c�
�� Board of Zoning Appeals ❑ City Council
under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section �� �, Paragraph � of the Zoning Code, to
�,�,ti�� 5�
appeal a decision made by the �
on �f%�T �� !�' , 195?. File number:
c�a, � �1�
' (date of decision)
GROUNDS FOFt APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has bean an error in any requirement,
permit, decision or refusai made by an administrative offcial, or an error in fact, procedure or
finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeafs or the Planning Commission.
= i.v i.✓TE�,�°�iv�g-�'im(; o-F la a. io ��✓� �`� .3o"U /�.c,/� i�c.
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SEP 2 31999
Atfach add�tiona/ sheet if
Applicant's signatu
City agent
Roben Kessler. Director
No�m Coleman, Mayor
September 30, 1999
David Schwarc
Schwarz Construction
10961 32nd Street N
LaI:e E(mq MN SSQ42
LOVYRY PROFESSIOh:lLBUfLDI.VG Te(ephone: 65l-266-90�
3505[PeterStreet,Suife300 Faarimile.•651•166-9099
SainiPaul,bT�nesota SSIO2-I510 651-266-9I2�
Re: Building permit for Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Beaz Avenue is suspended
Site plan file 99-242
Deaz Mr. Schwaa:
On September 28, 1999 I approved the site plan for an expansion of ihe Lincoln Pawn Shop and
shortly afrer that our o�ce issued a buildina permit for this work. As we had previously
discussed, Section 64300(j) of the Zoning Code states Yhat any person or organization can fcie
an appeal within 30 days filing of any decision made by staff to approve or deny a site pfan.
On September 28, 1999, the District 2 Planning Council filed an appeai of our decision to
approve the site pian. They contend that Lincoln Pawn is a nonconforming use and therefore it
cannot expand without approval from the Planning Commission.
Appeals are heard at a public hearing at the the Planning Commission. You wili be notified of
the heazing date and will be sent a copy of the staff report prior to the hearin�. Nancy Frick
(651-266-6554) is the staff person who has been assigned to the case.
The Zoning Code says that if permiis have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the
permits are suspended and construction must stop untii the Ylannin� Commission nas made a
deYerminaYion of the appeal. Therefore, the permit issued for the espansion of Lincoln Pawn
Shop is hereby suspended and construction must cease. If the Planning Commission denies
the appeal, yoar permit wouid be reactivated. If the Pianning Commission approves the appeal,
you could request a refund of your permit fee. Whatever decision the Planning Commission
makes, an appeal coutd be fiied within 15 days to the City Council.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Tom Beach
Zoning Specialist
cc: Chuck Wiedemeyer
Nancy Frick
\ I
hbrm Colemar., bfayor
September 28, 1999
David Schwarz
Schwarz Construction
10961 32n Street N
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
E�"VIROti`fE�?ALPROTECTtOV � O _ 'i, `
Roberl Kessle�. Diretlor 1 �
LOWRY PROFFSS10N.1L Telephone: 651-?65-9090
BUILDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suire 300 612-26b-91?:
3S0 St. Pete� St�eet
SaintPaul,dlinnesara 55f0?-I510
RE: Approval of site plan 99-242
Addition to Lincola Pawn Shop at 1675 White Bear Avenue
Deaz Mr. Schwarz:
City staff have reviewed the site pian for the proposed addition to Lincoln Pawn and found
it to be in conformance with City ordinances:
— When Lincoln Pawn was established on this property, pawn shops did not require Special
Condition Use Permit. The zonin� code was amended in November 1996 to require Special
Condition Use Permiu for pawn shops and amended again in Apri1 1999 to add a condition
that pawn shops must be at least 150 feet from residentially zoned property. The use of this
property as a pawn shop is conforming since pawn shops are sti11 allowed under the B-3
zoning for the property. However, the structure is nonconforming because it does not met the
recently adopted setback requirement. But accordin� to Section 62.1 Q2(e)(2) of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, nonconfomiing structures with conforming uses may be enlazged so
long as such enlargement does not increase its nonconformity. Construction of this addition
_ meets the requirement because it is not built closer to the residential properiy line than the
existing building.
— Section 64.300.m.2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code says that when a use that requires a
Special Condition Use Permit expands its floor area by 50% or more it must obtain a new
Special Condition Use Permit. "Ihe existing pawn shop building covers 1339 squaze feet.
The proposed expansion covers 658 squaze feet which is 49.14% of the floor area of the
existing building. Therefore the expansion does not require a Special Condition Use Permit_
Please note that the 50% expansion provision is cumulative. Therefore the floor area of any
future expansion proposal would be added to the 658 square feet of the current expansion and
the total of these areas �vould be compared to the 1339 square feet of the existing structure.
Therefore, site plan is approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Site impro�•emenfs Ttie proposed addition and aII other site improvements must be
installed as shown on the approved site pian. This includes closing the existing Larpenteur
driveway closest to White Beaz Avenue, restriping the parkin� lot and new landscaping.
2. Sanitary setirer The exisYing sanitary sewer will go under the new addition. It �nust
therefore conform to the standards of the Plunnbing Code. Call Tom LeClaire at 651-266-
9051 if you have questions.
3. Roof drains The roof of the addition must drain to the south side of the building.
4. Oufside storage No outside storage is permitted.
5. Permits The City permits listed below are required for the work shown on the approved
site plan.
- Building permit A permit from Building Inspections (6S 1-266-9007) is required.
- Sidewalk permit Remot•in� ttte existing drtveway in the Larpenteur pub2ic right-of-
way must be done by a licensed contractor under a pennit from Public Works Sidewalk
Section {651-266-6120).
6. Time limit and inspection �Vork covered by this site plan must be completed no later than •
9/24/00. A site inspection will be scheduled based on this date.
7. Appeals The approval of this site plan by staff is subj ect to approval to the Planning
Commission. An appeal may be filed any time within 30 days of the date of this letter. If an
appeal is filed, a public hearing wiIl be scheduled at the Planning Commission. If pemuts for
this project have been approved prior to an appeal being filed, all work on the project must
stop until the Planning Commission rules on the appea2.
If you have any questians, you can reach me at 651-266-9086 (phone), 651-266-9099 (fax) or
tom,beach@ci.stpaul.mn.us (e-mail).
Tom Beach
Zoning Specialist
cc: Sewer Division, PIanning Division, Traffic Division, District 2 Planning Councii
3.i 0 SI. Peter Street, Srrite 300
Saint Paul, tbT.�'S.i102-I.i10
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Prr�posed Expansion 1675 VVhite Bear o�-i�t \
I�istances from residentially zoned property
�Nhite Beax Avenue
-� 3 1
Proposed Expansion 1675 White Bear �'O -�``�
Distances from residentially zoned praperty at 1760 Larpenteur
Existing Building
1675 White �ear
i 25
��� �'��TI V�hite Bear Avenue
�o -1v`
Proposed expansions should not
increase the nonconformity of the
nonconforming structure
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�g�7CI���7C � �(.�I�J[��JI�T���Y (���J�T���,
Ens7 P�i� • HazeL Pnizx
FROSi LeucE • Hi[.LCxPSr
January 3, 2000
Council President Bostrom
320 C City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Re: Lincoln Pawn's appeal of the Plaxuung Commission's Resolution 99-74,
denying the proposed enlargement of the building at 1675 White Bear, which
houses Lincoln Pawn
Dear Councii President Bostrom and members of the Council,
The District 2 Community Council urges you to support the decision of the Zoning
Committee and the Planning Commission by denying the appeal of Lincoln Pawn to
expand the structure at 1675 White Beas Avenue.
In the December 8, 14491etter that accompanies the appeai, Mr. Fabel, the attorney from
Linquist and Vennum, does a very good job of confusing a relatively simple issue. The
issue in front of the Council is the interpretation of Section 62.102 (e) of the Saint Paul
Zoning Code:
Section 62.102 (e) of the zoning code provides that a nonconforming sh may be
enlarged or aitered so long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
a. The building at 1675 White Bear, that houses Lincoln Pawn, is a nonconforming
structure in accordance with the zoning code definition of a nonconforming
building: "A lawfui building existing on the effective date of the adoption
(October 24, 1975) or amendment of this code but that does not now comply with
the area, width height, yazd, percent of lot coverage, or other regulations concern
bulk or location on the lot, or spacing requirement from another use, off-street
parking ar loading requirements, or other regulations of the district in which it is
located." The building existed lawfully prior to the effective date of the pawn
shop ordinance, Apri127, 1999, but it does not now compiy with the spacing
requirement which went into effect on that date.
The nroposed enlar�ement of 1675 White Bear increases the nonconfornuty
associated with the shucture. The zoning code requires that a pawn shop "is
separated, fi�om residentially zoned property either by a public street or by a
distance of one hundred fifty (1 SO) feet measured from the building wall of the
1961 SHExwooD AVENUF • Snn.T PAUL • MN • 55119-3230 • PHONE: (651) 774-2220 • FaY: (651) 774-2135
pawn shop to the nearest lot Zine of the residentially zoned property; " All four
walls of 1675 White Bear aze within one hundred fifty feet of the neazest lot line
of the residentially zoned property at 1760 Larpenteur. The proposed
enlazgement of the structure at 1675 White Bear is entirely within the one
hundred fifty (150) feet required buffer of the residenfially zoned properiy.
Section 60.534.6 attempts to create a buffer of one hundred fifty (150) feet from
buildings that house pawn shops and residentially zoned properiy. To build
anyrvhere within the one hnndred fifty (150) feet buffer is increasing the
nonconformity of the structure and violates the intent of 62.102(e).
b. The proposed expansion of the siructure to the south increases the number of
properkies within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the struchxre that houses a pawnshop
and thereby increases the nonconformity of the structure.
The zoning code requires that pawn shops be sepazated from residentially zoned
properiy either by a public street or a distance of one hundred fifty (150) feet
measured from the building wall of the pawn shop to the neazest lot line of the
residentially zoned property. The structure at 1675 VJhite Bear is 57 feet from
one residentia� zoned pro�ertXat 1760 Larpenteur If the proposed expansion is
approved the shucture will be one hundred fo ,-eight (148�feet from the
residentially zoned properta at 1749 Califomia that, currently, is one hundred
fifty-rivo and one half (152.5) feet from the nearest building wall.
The building at 1675 White Bear is nonconforming because of its setback from
residentially zoned property. To increase the number of properties that the
nonconforming structure is nonconforming to is increasing its nonconformity
and clearly not within the spirit of Section 62.102 (a).
Lincoln Pawn's Counsel would have you believe a structure has not increased its
nonconformity unless it violates its worst encroachment to its neazest neighbor's
properiy. In his letter he proposes that "straight line expansion" should be allowed, so
that if your neighbor's attached three-season porch is within two feet of your attached
garage then your neighbor has the right to build his new recreation room within two feet
of your bedroom window.
Worse, he contends, and staffls initial approval of the site plan would indicate, that is
how staff has been interprering the code! In Lincoln Pawn's case it would appear that
this inteipretation of the code is being taken to also mean that if you violate the setback
requirements toward one neighbor, you have the right to violate the setback requirements
to all of your neighbors.
Clearly the code is there to protect the adversely affected neaghbor and the Board of
Zoning Appeals exists to mediate these situations.
�o - (�-E `
Ttiroughout this process, Counsel for Lincoln Pawn has not offered one case of precedent
where the City Council has determined that a nonconforming structure can expand in the
required set back azea without a variance from the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. He implies
that somehow some undocumented staff decision has taken away your ability to create
precedent on the interpretarion of the code. There is no precedent on this issue, or
Counsel for Lincoln Pawn would site it. Both the Zoning Committee and the Plauuing
Commission have detemiiued that anyone who wants to build in a required setback azea
should be required to seek a variance from the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. The District 2
Community Council would a�ee that is the proper interpretation of the code and where
this case belongs.
Finally, Counsel for Lincoln Pawn suggests that they aze being treated unfairly because
of the nature of their business. We grow tired of attomeys who argue that because the
business or clientele are less then popular they deserve special treatment. Or, that logic
should be thrown out the window because it is coming from mere neighbors. The use of
the expansion is not at issue, only that the structure is nonconforming and it is being
proposed to be more nonconforming.
Lincoln Pawn's proposal that they should be allowed to encroach on their neighbors'
properiy rights in exchange for an agreement that they not sell guns is among the most
insulting that we haue heard. To use the threat o£ gun sales as a way of enticing the
Council to set poor public policy is beneath contempt. We accept that Lincoln Pawn is a
lawful use and that they have for years bought weapons over the counter. We have no
desire to allow these kinds of property rights infringements to become accepted public
policy in exchange for this kind of blaclanail.
Again, the District 2 Community Council urges you to support the only clear, concise and
logical interpretation of the code by supporting the decision of the Planning Commission
and denying the appeal of Lincoln Pawn.
Sincere ,
Chuck Repke
Community Organizer
Disirict 2 Community Councii
CC Council Members
WHEREAS, on September 28, 1999, the District 2 Community Council duly filed an
appeal from the Zoning Administrator's site plan approval pursuant to Saint Paul Legislative
Code § 64300(j); and
Presented By
Refened To
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the Zoning
Committee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission [Commission] conducted a public hearing
concerning the District 2 Community Council's appeal on October 28, 1999, after having
provided notice to affected property owners and at the conclusion of the public hearing moved to
recommend to the full Commission that the appeal of Aistrict 2 be gzanted; and
2 WFIEREAS, on September 1, 1999, pursuant to the provisions of the Saint Paul Zoning
3 Code, David Schwarz, d/b/a Schwazz Construction, made application to the Saint Paul Zoning
4 Administrator for approval of a site plan for a proposed addition to the Lincoln Pawn Shop
5 located at 1675 White Beaz Avenue, legally described as follows: Kerwin's Outlots to the City
6 of St. Paul, Minn. Subj to Rd in Doc No. 2708457; the Fol N 133 ft of E 125 ft of Lot 1; and
8 WHEREAS, by letter dated September 28, 1999, the proposed site plan was approved as
9 contained in Zoning File 99-242; and
WHEREAS, on November 5, 1999, the Commission, approved the recommendation of
the Zoning Committee and granted the District 2 appeal based upon the following reasons set
forth in Planning Commission Resolution No. 99-74:
On September 28, 1999, the Office of License, Inspecrions and
Council File # 00 � � y �
Green Sheet # � � �3� �
Committee: Date
Environmental Protection (LIEP) by letter issued approval of a site plan
far a proposed addifion to Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Bear Avenue,
subject to conditions including closing the existing Larpenteur driveway
closest to White Beaz Avenue, re-striping the parking lot and new
landscaping. The letter approving the site plan noted that the proposed
addition was in conformance with City ordinances.
2. On September 28, 1999, District 2 Community Council filed an appeal of
LIEP's decision, ciaiming LIEP erred in its interpretation of Sections
62.102 and 64300 of the zoning code and the requirements of the new
pawn shop ordinance. Section 62.102 of the zoning code addresses
nonconfornung lots, uses of land, structures, and uses of land and
structures. Section 62.102(e) provides that a nonconfornung structure may
. z -
be enlazged or altered so long as such enlargement or alterarion does not 00 —l�k�
increase its nonconformity. Section 64300 provides for plamuug
coxnxnission and planning or zoning adtninistrator approvals. The
applicable provisions of the new pawn shop ordinance is described in the
History/Discussion (F) of the zoning staff report dated October 21, 1999.
3. LIEP erred in the interpretation of Section 62.102(e) that the expansion
did not increase the nonconformity of the nonconfonning structure. The
nonconformity of the structure was increased either by increasing the
amount and azea of residentially zoned properry within one hundred fifty
(150) feet impacted or affected by the increase in the size of the
nonconforming structure or by increasing the nonconforming square
footage from 1339 square feet to1997 squaze feet and therefare is not
allowed without a variance.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206, on
December 8, 1999, Lincoln Pawn duly filed an appeal from the determination made by the
Commission and requested a public hearing before the Saint Paul City Council for the purposes
of considering the action taken by the Commission; and
22 WHEREAS, acting pursuant to § 64.206 -§ 64.208, and upon notice to affected parties,
23 a public hearing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council [Council] on January 5,
24 2000, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the
application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and
of the Planning Commission, does hereby;
RESOLVE, that the Council affirms the decision of the Commission in this matter based
and adopts as its own the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Plamzing
Commission as contained in Planning Commision Resolution No. 99-74. The Council finds that
the proposed expansion further encroaches into an azea intended to separate a commercial use
from residential uses and that such an expansion violates the legislatiave intent behind seperation
requirements, a problem not solved by application of linear distance measurements; and be it
1. .
00 �t�4\
3 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of Lincoln Pawn be and is hereby denied; and
4 be it
6 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Mr.
7 Chuck Wedemeyer (Lincoln Pawn), the Zoning Admiiustrator, the Plamziug Commission and the
8 District 2 Community Council.
Aequested by Department of:
Form Appro}� d by City Attorney
By: �l.�i�� ��"'WVL`ct— 't.� �VO
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY � �c'-'� �'\��, �o By:
Approved by Mayor� Date c�Z/�€fC��
B �.�✓.s� G�G�i'�
Adopted by Council: Date ,�j .��p_� D�C
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
***�**�**�**+ -COMM.JOURNRL- *�*�**�x���orox�*w�* DRTE FEB-11-2909 �** TIME 10=46 �� P.01
FILE NO.= 167
STRRT=FEB-11 10�42 ENI�FEB-11 10�46
001 OK . 69099 �2i002
-City oi Saint Pau1 -
�� {ity Councii - � - 651 266 8574- ��
7 .
be enlazged or altered so long as such enlargement or a]teration dces not O o-l4�
inciease its nonconfoimity. Section 64300 provides for planning
commission and planning or zoning administrator approvals. The
applicable pro�isioas of ihe new pawn shop oxdinance is described in the
History/Discussion (F) of the zoning staff report dated October 21,1999.
3. LIEP eaed in the inteipretation of Section 62.102(e) that the expansion
did not increase the nonconfomuty of the nonconforming shucture. The
nonconformity of the strucnue was increased either by increasing the
amount and azea of tesidentially wned propexty within one hundred fifty
(150) feet impacted or affected by the increase in the size of thc
nonconfozming structure or by increasing the nonconforming squaze
footage from 1339 squsre feet to1997 square feet and thereforc is not
allowed without a vaziance.
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Yaul Legislative Code § 64206, on
December 8, 1999, Lincoln Pawn duly filed an appeal from the determination made by the
Commission and xequested a public heazing before the Saint Paul City Council for the pu�poses
of considering the action taken by the Commission; aad
WT�EEREAS, acting pursuant to § 64.206 -§ 64Z08, aad upon notice to affected parties,
a public heazing was duly conducted by the Saint Paul City Council (Council] on January 5,
2000, where all imerested pazties were given an opportunity to be heard; and
WHEREA3, the Council, having heazd the statements made, and having considered the
application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the 7.oning Committee and
of the PU nnino Commissioq docs hereby;
I2ESOLVE, that the Council a�rms the decision of the Commission in this matter based
and adopu as its own the fmdings, coaelusions and recommmdations of the Planning
Commission as comained in Pl annin Commision Resolution No. 99J4. The Council finds that
the proposed expansion fiuther eneroaches inW an area intended to separate a commercial use
fmm residential uses and fliat such an expansion violates The legislariave intent behind seperation
requirements, a pmblem not sotved by application of lineaz distance me-asurements; and be it
Ob..� �{�
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Peter Warner
❑ rnrwTroucr ❑ arcaituc
❑n�14xu�LtElku�cESOR ❑RIIWew.aFR1nACCro
Memorializing the decision of the City Council on January 5, 2000, denying the appeal of
I.incoln Pawn to a decision of the Planning Commission granting the appeal of the Distric[ 2
Community Council of the Zoning Administrator`s approval of a site plan for expansion of a
pawn shop at 1675 White Bear Avenue.
ties this ae�� everwuked uMer a mMract ra mie departmem?
Hae this P�mt fl�er been a aty empbyee9
Does tMS P�� P� a sldll nd iwnna�yP�d bY anY wrreM city emPbYee?
IS Nit peraoNfirm a tergetetl vendoYt
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Nasm Coleman, Mayor
February 7, 2000
Nancy Anderson
Council Secretary
310 City Ha11
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: Appeal by Lincoln Pawn Shop
Zoning Resolufion 99-242
City Council Motion of Intent: January 5, 2000
Dear Nancy:
Clayton M Robinsan, Jr., City Attorney
40D City Ha1[ TeZephone: 651 266-8710
ISWestKelloggBlvd Facsimile:651298-5619
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Attached please find a signed Resolution memorializing the City Council's Motion of Intent to
deny the appeal by Lincoln Pawn of a planning commission decision to deny Lincoln Pawn's site
plan application for properiy located at 1675 White Beaz Avenue. Please place this matter on the
Council Consent Agenda at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Peter W.�a e��
Assistant City Attomey
t� +• ^�k����p^�'��"°�
;i':�: , �, s,.
Enclosure � �' �
3( _
Norm Colem¢n, Mayo>
December 14, 1999
Division of Plarming
25 West Fourth Street
SamtPaul, MN55701
Telephone: 612-266-6565
Facsimi7e 612-228-3314
Ms. Nancy Anderson ���� �"���'"=`' �'°'�
CiTy Council Reseazch Office
xoom s io c�ri xan �EC �, �#�99
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson: �o��
I would like to c nfirm that a public heazing before the CiTy Council is scheduled for Wednesday,
January 5, for the following appeal of a Planning Commission decision granting an appeal of the
Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan. -..
File Number: #99-178-640
Purpose: Appeal a Planning Commission decision granting the appeal of District 2 Community
Council of the Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan for the expansion of a
pawn shop.
Address: 1675 White Beaz Avenue; (west side between Larpenteur and Califomia)
Legal Description of Property: Kerwin's Outlots to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Subj to Rd in Doc
No. 2708457; the Fol N 133 ft of E 125 ft of Lot 1
Previous Actian
Planning Commission Recommendation: approvat of appeal; vote: 14-2, November 5, 1999
Zoning Committee Recommendation: approval of appeal ; vote: 3-2, October 28, 1999
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the December 22,
1999 City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the heazing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger.
Please call me at 266-6554 if you have any questions.
Nancy Frick
City Planner
cc: File #99-178-640
Paul Dubruiel
Carol Martineau
Wendy Lane, LIEP
The Saint Paul City Counclj wAt condnct
apublic hearing on Wednesday, January�5.
2000, at 5:30 p.m.3n the City Council
Ch�mbers, Thiid Floor, City Ha11-
Courthouse,to consider the appeaI of
Llncoln Pawn to a decision of the Planning
Commission granting the appeal of the
District 2 Community Council of the
Zo nina Admuustrator's approval of a site
plan for the eicpansion of a pawn shop at
1675 White BeazAvenue.
Dated: December 14, 1999
Assist'ant Ciiy Cuundt Seczetary
_ . . . (Dec..16) . � -
=�ST, �PAiU.7 E(iAL I.�G88 �-=_
Briarz Sweeney, Director
crrY oF sa�rr pauL,
Norm Co[eman, Mayar
December 29. 1999
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the City Council
Room 310 Ciry Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Pau[. M,ti 5� 102
RE: Zoning File #99-178-64Q: LINCOLN PAWN (Chuck Wedemeyer)
City Council Hearing: January 5, 2000, 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers
p0-1�S �
Telephone: 6�1-266-66?6
Facsim ile: 65l-228-339 /
PURPOSE: Appeal a planning commission decision granting the appeal of the District 2 Community
Council of a Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan for the expansion of a pawn shop at 1675
White Bear Avenue.
� SUPPORT: Two (2) persons spoke. One letter. The District 2 Community Council was the appellant
to the site plan approval. ,
OPPOSITION: Two (2) persons spoke.
Dear Ms. Anderson:
LINCOLN PAWN has appealed the decision of the Saint Paul Planning Commission to grant the appeal
by the District 2 Community Council of the Zoning Administrator's approval of a site plan for the
expansion of a pawn shop at 1675 White Bear Avenue. Tlle Zoning Committee of the Saint Paul
Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on October 28, 1999. The appellanYs
representatives addressed the committee. At the close of the public hearing the committee voted 3-2 to
recommend granting of the appeal. The Planning Commission upheld the Zonin� Committee's
recommendation to grant the appeal on a 14-2 vote on November 5, 1999.
This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 5, 2000. Please notify me if any
member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. The appeal
packet is attached.
`� ��
Nancy Frick
Ciry Planner
CiTy Council Members
Chuck Wedemeyer, LincoVn
Tom Fabel, Lindquist and
Peter Warner
Wendy Lane
District 2 Community
File #99-178-640
city of saint paul
planning commission resolution
file number 99-74
date November 5, 1999
WT�EREAS, DISTI2ICT 2 COMMLTNITY COLTNCIL, file #� 99-275, has, under the provisions
of Section 64300(j) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, appealed the approval of a site plan by
the Zoning Administrator for the expansion of a pawn shop on properry at 1675 White Bear
Avenue, legally described as follows: Kerwin's Outlots to the City of St. Paul, Minn. Subj to Rd
in Doc No. 2708457; the Fol N 133 ft of E 125 ft of Lot 1; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, held a public hearing on
10/28/1999 at which all persons present were given an opporhinity to be heazd pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
On September 28, 1999, Tom Beach, Zoning Specialist with the Office of License,
Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) by letter issued approval of a site plan
for a proposed addition to Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Beaz Avenue, subject to a set of
conditions including closing the existing Larpenteur driveway closest to White Beaz
Avenue, restriping the pazking lot and new landscaping. In the letter approving the site
plan, Mr. Beach noted that the proposal was in conformance with City ordinances. This
letter is attached to the zoning staff report, dated October 21, 1999.
2. On September 28, 1999, the District 2 Community Council filed an appeal of this
decision, stating as grounds for their appeal an error by staff in its interpretation of
Sections 62.102 and 64300 of the zoning code and in requirements of the new pawn shop
ordinance. 5ection 62.102 of the zoning code provides for nonconforming lots,
nonconforming uses of land, nonconforming structures, and nonconforming uses of
moved by Gervais
seconded by
in favor 14 (Nowlin Abstained)
against 2 (Duarte, Faricy)
• Z.F.#99-275
Page 2 of Resotution
structures and land. Section 64.300 provides for planning commission and
planning or zoning administrator approvals. The applicable provisions of the ne��
pawn shop ordinance is described in the History/Discussion (F) of the zoning staff
report dated October 21, 1999.
3. The Zoning Administrator erred in the interpretation of Section 62.102(e) that the
expansion did not increase the nonconformity of the nonconforming structure at
1675 White Beaz Avenue. By increasing the azea of the structure within the
nonconforming setback from the neazest residentially-zoned property line, the
nonconformity of the structure is increased and therefore is not allowed without a
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under
the authority of the City's Legislative Cade, the appeal by the District 2 Community Council is
hereby granted.
Saint PauI Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, November 5, 1999, at
830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Donnelly-Cohen, Duarte, Engh, Faricy, Geisser, McCall, Morton and Nordin
Present: and Messrs. Corbey, Dandrea, Fotsch, Gervais, Gordon; Johnson, Kramer, Nowlin
and Shakir.
Commissioners Mmes. M and Messrs. *Field, *Kong, *Mardell and *Margulies
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Donna Drummond, Amy Filice,
Nancy Frick, Tom Harren, Nancy Homans, Allen Lovejoy, Larry Soderholm, Joel
Spoonheim, Brian Sweeney, Lucy Thompson, Altan Torstenson, James Zdon,
Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Wendy Lane, Office
of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection.
• I. Approval of Minutes of October 22, 1999
MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved approval oJthe minutes of October 22, I999;
Commissioner Faricy seconded the motion which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
II. Chair's Announcements
Mc Ford announced that just before the Planning Commission's last meeting, the City Council
adopted two additionat special sign districts which they have referred to the Planning
Commission: 1) Hamline Midway; and 2) Merriam Park. Also, the City had just lost one case
concerning billboards to Scenic Minnesota. The couR decided that billboards on Grand Avenue
and Highland Village that the City had said cou(d be replaced because of storm damage to the
sign surface themselves, shoutd not have been allowed.
This week the City Council adopted the 1994 Large STAR Loans and Grants. There were a few
modifications, but Mr. Ford �vas not sure of what they were. They will be reported later.
_ Last week Mr. Ford gave a report to the Csty Council, following on cases involving trucking
facilities and zonina for trucking facilities, and also following discussion at the City Council on
the Comprehensive Plan related to the use of industrial land for trucking faci{ities. The City
Council had requested that PED prepare a report on possible amendments to the Zoning Code
that woutd do a better job of protecting residential neighborhoods from the adverse impact of
• trucking facilities on adjacent properiy, and that subsequent to that report they would ask the
Planning Commission to complete the study and recommend amendments to them. This last
� week, the City Council started the process of instituting a moratorium on additional permitting
for trucking faci(ities unti( that study is done.
III. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Chair Morton had no announcements.
IV. Recognition of Ken Ford's Retirement
Mr. Tom Harren announced that Mr. Ken Ford's official last day in the office will be Thursday,
November 18, 1999. Consequently, this is the last Planning Commission meeting where Ken
wi{i be serving as the Planning Administrator. Tom shared with the Commission some thoughts
and reflections on Ken's work in PED, and indicate some of the appreciation the PED staff has
for the great work that he has done.
In the past three years that Tom has worked very closely with Ken. In addition to it being a
very enjoyable experience, it has also been very much a learning experience for Tom. Ken has
made Tom aware of some things in planning and development that have been very valuable.
Ken has become a very important part of PED, and his leaving will be a great loss. PED has
benefitted from Ken in many ways. First, he brings a tremendous amount of knowledge to the
job. He has been able to provide some insight into things simply because he is very
knowledgeable. This has come about because Ken has taken continued extra steps to keep
. himself educated. Secondly, his experience in workin� in planning and development issues has
set the foundation for planning for many of the last years. Finally, and probably the most
important thing and the most significant contribution that Ken has made to PED is how he has
shared his knowledge and his experience �vith the other staff: AII of the planners and other PED
staff have come to depend on Ken for the knowledge and experience that he has. Ken has
always been witling to share that knowtedge and experience with the other staf£ He has served
as a mentor and advisor to many of the planners, and he has served as a mentor and advisor to
Tom over the tast three years, and Tom is very appreciative.
While Ken's leaving will be a tremendous Ioss to both PED and the Planning Commission, Tom
is sure that Yhe Commission shares with his wishing Ken the very best as he takes an
opportunity to start a new venture in his Iife. Other events that will take place within the next
couple of weeks to continue to show Ken PED's and the Ciry's appreciation for the work he has
done include: 1) a presentation at 3:3� p.m. at the City Counci! on November 17; 2) a party on
November 19 at the Town and Country Club beginning at 530 p.m; and 3) a reception to be
held Wednesday, November 17, from 9:30 - 11 a.m. at the Saint Paul City Ha(1 Conference
Center, Room 40B.
Tom extended his appreciation, personally, to Ken for the help he has given him in the last three
" years, and on behalf of PED, for the work that he has given over the many years that he has
been with PED and with the Planning Commission.
Chair Morton read the Planning Commission resolution honoring Mr. Ford, and she added her
own personal thanks to someone has been a pleasure to worS: with, has ahvays been helpful, has
�o -t�l
a(�vays been cheerful, and ahvays been there to help.
Mr. Ford noted that he has attended 425+ Planning Commission meetings. The Commission
has worked through policy issues: 1) trudged through them with community groups; and 2)
trudged throu�h them in committees. There's been Land Use, two major Comprehensive Plan
Chapters, and many more studies of special issues, five major studies in housing, plus low
income housing strate�ies, the various evolutions of neighborhood improvement pro�rams, at
least three studies in transportation, library services, fire and emergency services, parks and
recreation major studies, community service centers, swimming pools, child care, etc. The
Commission has provided the forum and done the work to think through policy that ought to
guide development of this city. Week and week and month afrer month, the Planning
Commission has provided the forum where the ofren competing interests in the city come
together over the issues that have to be resolved if those policies and directions that have been
set are goin� to be realized in �vhat happens on the ground in our neighborhoods. Over and over
again, people have found here a fornm where they are listened to that is fair and open and where
there is a possibility of resolving issues based on some carefully thought out policy. Metal
shredders, shops for guns or pawning, or sex, roads here and roads there, parking lots, building
setbacks, more or ]ess historic structures and districts worthy of preservation, and the garage
next door. Over and over a�ain, it's very difficult for this city and even for members ofthe
Commission to realize the significance of the forum provided by the Planning Commission.
Has it made a difference? Ken noted that last year he had an opportunity to take a group of
Japanese city officials on a tour. As they were driving down Grand Avenue, a Japanese woman
who's very familiar with cities in the United States because she lives in San Francisco (their
tour guide), commented on how extraordinary lovely Grand Avenue was. She mentioned the
apartment buildings, the consistent setbacks, the mixture of residential and commercial uses,
etc. Ken couldn't help think, looking down Grand Avenue, that virtually every block has been
touched by decisions of the Planning Commission. From Grand Avenue to Concord to Barge
Channel Road to the riverfront, downtown, Payne Avenue, Phalen Village, South St. Anthony
Park, University and Raymond, Raymond and Energy Park Drive, West Seventh Street, etc.
You'd be hard put to find a corner in this city where the decisions the Planning Commission has
worked through with citizens have not made a difference for the better in the quality of the
fabric that were have in our community. Ken expressed that iYs 6een a tcemendous privilege to
be a part of that for all this time. It has been an extraordinary privilege beyond what anyone has
a right to expect for his career to have worked all this time with the colleagues he has had all
this time in PED. It has been a great privilege to work with the leadership this city has had. It
has been a very special privilege to work with generous citizens who have put so much effort
and so much of their time and thought into the work of this Commission.
Ken mentioned one commissioner, Anne Geisser, whose imprint is so many things he has
mentioned, and who has been with the Commission so long, and has given extraordinary
dedication and talent to many things. He congratulated her in advance on her departure from
the Commission, since he �vil! not be here at that time.
Mr. Ford stated that it has been a tremendous privilege to �vork with the leadership of the
Planning Commission. iVo one has brought moze wilGn�ness to keep in touch on a week]y basis
to keep the business of the Commission moving, more political savvy that s useful for this
work, and a better combination of firmness and fairness in conductin� meetings than Gladys
• Morton.
Ken thanked the Commission for al1 the time they have had together, for a(t their hazd work and
for being fun people to work with.
MOTION: Con:nzissionzer Geisser moved approvat of the resolution l:onoring Mr. %n
Ford; tJ:e resl of the P[anning Commission seconded t{ze motion which carried unanimously
on a voice vate.
V. Zoning Committee
#99-236 US West Wireless - Special condition use permit to allow a cellular telephone antenna
to be installed in the Oxford Street right-of-way, west side between Concordia and Carroll
(Allan Torstenson, 266-6579).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was laid ovec to November 9, 1999.
#99-247 Nationwide Groun-Acorn Mini Stora�e - Site plan revieiv for a proposed mini-
storage facility located east of Case between A�ate and 35E (Tom Beach, 266-3086).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was Iaid over to November 4, 1999.
#99-268 Pong Yun Kim - Special condition use permit with a modification of the required
• setback from residential uses and a variance of required parking to allow a billiard hall at 681
Snelling Avenue North beriveen Van Buren and Blair (7ames Zdon, 266-6559).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was also laid over.
#99-270 Esperanza Duarte - Rezoning from RM-2 to OS-1 to aliow a mixed use, residential
and office services (one residentia] and two office units) at 550 Concord Street between Pa�e
Street East and Curtice (dames Zdon, 266-6559).
MOTION: Commissiofter Gervais moved to recommend approval of ihe rezoning from RM-
2 to O&I to nllow a mixed use, residential and office services (one residential ttnd two ojfice
undts) at S50 Concord Street between Page Street Bast and Curtice wltich carried on a voice
vote (Duarte abstnined).
#99-272 Metro Airoort Commission - Special condition use permit to construct a dike to
maintain access to businesses located off of Eaton Street during high water events at the south
side of Eaton Street west of Highway 52 (Nancy Homans, 266-6557).
Commissioner Gervais repoRed that Ulis case was laid over for six months.
#99-273 Sonathan L. Faraci - Special condition use permit for the erection of a 90-foot
telecommunications tower at 1296 Hudson Road (Nancy Frick, 266-6554).
Commissioner Gervais reported that this case was ]aid over to November 9 for more
. 4
oa � � �E 1
� information.
#99-275 District 2 Communitv Council Aoneal of an administrative decision approving
Lincoln Pawn Site Plan at 1675 �Vhite Bear Avenue -(Nancy Frick, 266-6554).
MOTION: Commissioner Gervais moverl to grant tl:e appeal of t1:e Aistrict 2 Community
Council of trr: adn:inisirative decisiort approving Lincoltz Pawi: $'ite Plan at 167.i White Bear
Commissioner Faricy reported that she and Commissioner Field �vere the only two Zoning
Committee members who disagreed with the findin�. Their first preference for this case was to
lay it over for two weeks in order to give Mc Warner an opportunity to review it.
Commissioner Faricy's ob}ection to the Committee decision was: Lincoln Pa�vn existed
la�vfully prior to the effective date of the Pawn Shop Ordinance which went into effect on April
27, 1999. The code does not apply to this site plan. Staff found earlier that Lincoln Pawn does
not fit the zoning definition of nonconforming use. A lawful use existing on the effective date
of adoption or amendment of this code, but that is not now permitted in the district in which it is
located. Pawn shops are permitted subject to special conditions in the B-3 zoning district. The
spacing requirement which was added to the code in 1999 results in the structure being
nonconforming, not the use. Therefore, staff found that the zoning code requirements for
enlarging of a nonconforming use do not appfy to Lincoln Pawn. A(so, as long as the expansion
is less than 50°/n, the code requires site plan approval, not a special condition use permit. In
your packets this morning there's a letter from Mr. Fabel from Lindquist and Vennum in which
� he specifies that the owner of the pawn shop is willing to make a commitment to the City that he
wilt never allow the sale of firearms to occur at his business.
Commissioner Gervais announced that in front of all commissioners today there is a substitute
resolution different from the one in the packet that �vas mailed.
Commissioner Kramer explained that the substitute reso{ution has the same conclusion, but was
actually written by City Attorney, Peter Wamer. He added that the argument has been brought
forward that if this pawn shop were to expand 1 inch to the west, it would not be allowed, but if
it wants to expand 60 feet to the south, it's O.K. That does not seem to be consistent with the
Planning Commission or the City Council when the 150 foot separation �vas instituted. The
other thing that disturbs Commissioner Kramer is that in addition to increasing not only the
amount of volame of the building within the 150 foot setback, that we have also, if we allow
that expansion to occur, increased the number of properties that are no longer protected by the
' 1 SO foot buffer. Because the expansion travels further south, additional property is impacted.
Another thing is that not only is the addition within the I50 foot area, but it is parallei to the
existing residential property, so you've actually added volume of pawn shop directly parallel to
the residential property. Previously, there was 40 or 50 feet of pawn shop that was parallel
�vithin the 150 foot area. The addition, interestingly enough is 49.—% of the size of the property
' tl�at is immediately parallet. While he appreciates the applicanYs offer to not sell guns, he noted
that this property has never sold guns. They only pa�vn guns; they sell them elsewhere. The
Planning Commission cannot put conditions on building permits. If the o�vner of the property
wants to do that, it's great, and Commissioner Kramer applauds him. Withottt a specia!
condition use permit to amend, the Planning Commission cannot make that requirement. The
�� _+� �
• City Attorney has also informed us that if we do put such a requirement on a permit, it is,
unfortunately, only voluntary. State law prec{udes the Plannina Commission's ability to
regulate gun sales above and beyond what state iaw altows the Planning Commission to do.
Commissioner Gordon stated that he will be the firsf to acknowled�e that there are arguments
on both sides, and that both sides have been well represented. He voted in favor of the appeal at
Zoning Commirtee. It came down to the interpretation of the words, "increase its
nonconforming," because Section 62.102(e) provides that a nonconformin� structure may be
- enlarged or altered so long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
nonconformity. Is there an increase in the nonconformity as a result of the enlargement or
• alteration? Commissioner Gordon asked commissioners to consider, hypothetically, a city
street. On one side of the city street is a pawn sl�op; on the other side of the city street, say fifty
feet away, you have a residential zoned area and residences. Norv, you expand the pawn shop
one more block to the south. The residential area originally impacted by the pawn shop has now
been expanded by one block. As originally built, iYs affecting the residents on the other side of
the street. Once iYs expanded to take another city block to the south, you have impacted an
additional residential area and if there are residences on that block, you have impacted
additional residences. That's what happening here. IYs not going a block, but it is extending,
and to the extent that it extends, it does impact on an additional area of residentially zoned
property, and it does impact on additional residences all of which are within 150 feet. To
Commissioner Gordon, that's one increase in the nonconformity. Also, they want to expand the
size, square footage, from 1,339 sq. fr. to 1,997 sq. ft; that again, is an increase in the
nonconformity. Because of these two nonconformities, there is a conflict with the provisions of
• Section 62,1Q2(e). That is why Commissioner Gordon thinks the Zoning Committee's action
was proper and he will vote for the motion to grant the appeal.
Commissioner Nawlin noted that he is abstaining from the discussion and will not be voring on
this matter.
Chair Morton c]arified the motion by saying it is to support the Zoning Committee's decision to
granT the appeal of District 2.
Ms. Prick explained that she would not �vant to characterize that what Mr. Warner did was look
at the lega( ramifications of this case, rather he tried to put the rationale of the Zoning
Committee, as he understaod it, into better words in the resolution than staff had done,
The motion on tke floor ta grant t/ie appeal of the District 2 Commurury Council of an
administrative decision approving Lincoln Pawn site plan a11675 White Bear Avenue carried
on a roll call vote nf I4 - 2(Duarfe, Faricy} wiil: I absiention (Nowlin).
Reaort on Tobacco 5hons Zoning Studv -(Larry Soderholm, 266-6575).
� Commissioner Gervais reported that this report was also laid over to November 9, 1999.
Commissioner Gervais read the agenda for the next Zonin� Committee meeting to be held
Tuesday, November 9, 1999: 1) U.S. Wireless, special condition use permit; 2) Nationwide
Group-Acom Mini Stora�e, site plan review; 3) Pong Yun Kim, specia] condition use permit; 4)
• Jonathan L. Faraci, special condition use permit; 4) Herberger's, sign variance; 5) AT&T,
special condition use permit; 6) AI-Arabi Hisham, nonconforming use permit; 7) Macalester
College; and 8) the Tobacco Shops Zoning Study.
VI. Comprehensir�e Pianning Committee
Liaht Rail Transit in the Central Corridor - Study Findings and Recommendations, Adopt
Resolution - (Ken Ford, Soel Spoonheim)
MOTION: Co»:missioner Geisser movedfor approvnl ifte Liol:t Rail Transit Commit2ee's
recomrrrendatio�: on Light Rail Trar:sit.
Mr. Ford gave on short presentation on the committee recommendations. The committee has
been on a very short time schedule and has done an efficient study. Mr. Ford walked through
the conclusions and recommendations, beginning on page I 1 of the report.
1. A rivo-track light rail system connecting downtown Saint Paul and downtown Minneapolis
can be accommodated well within the existing University Avenue right-of-way.
2. Properly designed and supported by related actions, a light rail transit line would likely
make a very positive contribution to improvement and development goals for University
Avenue and its adjacent communities, a contribution strongly supportive of key
Comprehensive Plan policies.
3. �Vith careful planning and management, disruption of business on the Avenue can be kept to
� a tolerable minimum during the period of construction.
4. It does not appear that light rail would likely make the same strong positive contributions to
overall development on an Interstate-94 alignment that it can make on University Avenue.
5. If we proceed with steps toward the construction of light rail on University Avenue, or on
other ali�nments, the City should play an active role and should ensure the following:
a. The City should paRicipate sufficiently to complete work necessary for positioning
Saint Paul high among the competitors for TEA-21 federal funding in 2003. This wouid
include timely approval of an Environmental Impact Statement.
b. Planning for station areas should begin as early as possible once the alignment question
is answered. This is a strong recommendation from those in Minneapolis who are
wrestling �vith the difficulty of simultaneous final engineering and station area plannin�.
c. Cood design and quality for station areas and throughout the system is of the utmost
importance. Comfort and pleasure for riders and ped�strians is one of the important
attractions of liglit rail and readily perceived quality and comfort are important for the
' strongest contribution to transit and to the Avenue.
d. Early and extensive communication with communities, properiy owners a�d interest
groups along the route will be important for al1 design phases and broad participation
will be needed in station area planning.
e. In all decision and planning stages, attention should be given to the redevelopment
' resources, plans and tools that will provide for the greatest positive reinvestment impact
at station areas.
£ Lioht raii can contribute a great deal toward many city and neighborhood objectives, but
to do that successfully it must be carefully designed wiih those objectives in mind.
Alignment and station ]ocation choices are criticaL Throughout the planning process,
• the focus should be on what we want to accompiish with light rail and how it can be
designed to achieve that.
Commissioner Geisser thanked the Light Rail Transit Committee for their di(igence in getting
this done; they met every week. She shated her appreciation with the members of the Planning
Commission who participated on the study. Commissioner Geisser tha�ked PED staff who
worked double time to get this material to the Committee: I) Joel Spoonheim; 2) Allen Lovejoy;
3) Tom Harren; and 4) Ken Ford. She also thanked Commission members �vho attended one or
both of the community meetings. The results are terrific; all are to be applauded. The Planning
Commission has taken the initiative and has given the City's elected officials a document that
they can go with. The Commission has given the opinion that this is where the it believes light
rail should be and we better get on the train before it pulls out of station and we're not on it.
Commissioner Geisser stated that the Planning Commission has done as instructed by the City
Council; the Commission has examined what they asked and did all the reviews. Therefore, she
resolved that the Saint Paul Pianning Commission adopts the report entitled Light Rail Transit
on Universiry Avenue: A Review of the Potential dated November, 1999, and commends the
information and conclusions and recommendations of this report to the Mayor and City Council.
CommissionerNowlin added that in the end, the committee unanimous]y supported the
document and recommendations that were produced. The repoct de(iberately does not get into
the debate about University Avenue versus West 7`" Street The charge was to look at the
Central Conidor. The report reaffirms what was done in the 80s about the planning for light rail
• transit.
The motion on tlzefloor approving U:e Comr�zittee's recommendations on LiglztRail Transit
carried unanimously on a voice vote.
VII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee
Commissioner Faricy reported that the l�ieighborhood and Current Planning Committee met on
November 2, 1999. Eight commissioners were present.
The Great Northern Corridor: A Communi Vision - Set public hearing (Dec. 3, 1999)
MOTION. Commissioner Faricy moved to set a public hearing date ofDecember 3, I999, to
review tlze public input regar�ting The Great Northern Corridor: A Community Vision, and
refer the document and iestimony to the Neig/�borl:ood an�t Current Plannirxg Commdttee
carried unanimously on a voice vofe.
Chioolte Mexican Grill• Commerciai Development District -(James Zdon, 266-6559)
�� Commissioner Faricy explained that the Grill has a beer and wine license at this time, but they
want a liquor license in order to be able to serve margarita with their Mexican food. There's a
cap on the number of Iiquor Iicenses that are awarded to each Ward in Saint Paul. The cap in
Ward 3 where this restaurant is located is six. As a result, we are going to move this into a
commercial development district. The City Charter provides for commercial development
• districts which are excepted from the cap on intoxicated liquor {icenses in each Ward. The Saint
Paul Legislative Code provides an additional requirement that when the Ciry Council considers
creating or expanding a district, the Planning Commission sha116e consulted for advice
concernina the proposal_for consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning
Ordinances. The proposed commercial development district is consistent with the recently
adopted Land Use Plan, which states that fhe purpose of the plan is to promote a balance of land
uses in the city to streno hen the city's tax base. The property is zoned B-2 where a restaurant
and liquor license establishments are permitted. The Chipolte Mexican Grille is in the Highland
Crossing building. The district counci! did approve and recommend this ]icense for the
restaurant. They put one stipulation on it-that the license would be granted to the restaurant and
not to the Highland Crossing company that owns the building. The chief manager of Highland
Crossing LLC, Jim Stolpestad, has accepted that proposal.
MOTION: Commissioner Faricy n:oved tkat the Planning Co»:mission report to the City
Council tl:ai the proposed Commercinl Developn:ent Disirict is cot:sisient with tlte
Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Code, and thaf the Planning Commission supports
creation of the proposed dis[rict.
Commissioner Kramer explained that he missed the meeting on this because he was in helping
in the Ciry of Maplewood where they don't have a commercial development district, and they
actually had to go before the voters to get permission to renew liquor licenses in the City of
Maplewood. They had turned away three restaurants because they had run out of licenses.
Commissioner Kramer noted that this is a very positive provision that Saint Paul has that allows
• the City to do the right thing when it makes sense. He asked Commissioner Faricy if this
proposed commercial development district is for the premises (physical area) of the restaurant
orjust that particular restaurant.
Commissioner Gordon asked if this commercial deveiopment district is just for the site iY is
located at. Commissioner Faricy replied that it was. Commissioner Gordon asked if the Grille
intends to serve other hard liquors in addition to margarita. Chair Morton responded that it
would be lawful for them to serve any other liquors. Mr. Zdon added that it is his understanding
that the only liquor they wi(l 6e serving wilt be pre-mixed margarita. Commissioner Gordon
wondered whether there was another way to accomp]ish this without creating a special district.
Mr. Ford replied that it would be extraordinary, at least, to put a special condition on requiring
your favorite drink. He thinks that it's clear that the permission goes �vith the facility. If
Chipolte moved out, someone else could come in and take advantage of it. Chair Morton asked
Mr. Zdon to clarify that since this is a liquor license they could serve any liquor they wanted to
serve. Mr. Zdon concurred.
Commissioner Kramer asked if the commercial development district applied just to the premises
of the restaurani or to the entire Highland Crossin�, Mc Zdon answered that it applies only to
the premises of the restaurant. Commissioner Kramer asked if �vhoever leases the premises of
' the restaurant can apply for a separate liquor license. Mr. Zdon responded that was correct.
Commissioner Nordin asked how it was possible to make part of a huilding a district.
Commissioner Geisser replied that the Commission has done it before. At Sibley Ptaza, when
Champs wanted to open a new Mexican Restaurant, the City gave that site permission to open
00 -���
. Tlze n:otion on t/te floor carried unntzimous[y on a voice vote.
West Side Flats Development Stratew - Presentation -(Lucy Thompson, 266-6578)
Commissioner Faricy introduced Ms. Thompson, who introduced Brian Sweeney, Director of
PED, �vho made the presentation. He stated that one of PEDs char�es over the past nine months
has been to change the culture for development in the"City of Saint Paul. Mr. Sweeney feels
that today we can celebrate a tremendous victory for the City of Saint Paul around the
development strategy for the West Side Flats. This strategy is a result of a 12-month process in
which PED worked with the community on the West Side as welf as the development partners
within the city, most specifically, the Saint Paul RiverFront Corporation, who took the 3ead on
this. Late spring, early summer there was an engaged conversation with the West Side
community, specifically, with WSCO. It was our mutual goal that all parties involved in this
process �vould be able to sign on to the West Side Flats Development Strategy, which has been
developed with the help of Ellerbe Becket and later, with the help of Dahlgren, Shardlow and
Uban. The consufting firm worked cooperatively with all parties to put together this final
document. This strategy is not prescriptive, per se, for every block and for every use. It allows
flexibility and a true mixed-use, urban village concept to be developed. Developers around the
country are looking at this site as one of the most exciting developments in the Upper Midwest.
Jerry Trooien has also been very much a part of this discussion. Mr. Sweeney introduced
Patrick Seeb.
Mr. Seeb, Executive Director of the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, addressed the
� Commission. Dave Engfer, chair of the West Side Citizens Organization joined him. Mr.
Engfer and Mr. Seeb both expressed the difigent work of many people to help to bring this
together. For the first time in many decades, there's a plan on the table that everyone seems to
support. It is an excellent first step. Mr. Engfer hopes to be visiting the Pianning Commission
many more times in the future proposing additional steps to this development process. Mr. Seeb
introduced Kim Way, an urban planner from Ellerbe Becket.
Mr. Way feels that the interactive process so far has come up with a framework that can guide
this very important part of the city for the future. Mc Way showed s(ides of a variety of mixed-
use development guides for this site that can be done over the short-term and lona term. One of
the things that was learned in the process �vas the importance of connections, so a lot of
attention was paid to how this area is the joining element between downtown, the river and the
West Side community, and how we can strengthen and reinforce connections. There was a lot
of discussion about what types of uses should be in this area. Everything from an office park to
- an urban mixed use residentiai village. Many different types of uses were overlayed on this azea
to sugaest how those uses might happen. The second part of the process �vas a technical
charette to which engineers, architects and planners were invited to look at some of the detailed
aspects of the Flats area and to define what things need to be paid attention to. The railroad and
the utiliTy lines need to be considered. What could �ve do if these remained? What might be the
� possibilities if these were moved? All the thin�s that came out of the public process drove the
The first phase of the strategy is devoted to development along the riverfront. The second phase
is suggesting that there is active discussion with ]andowners along �Vabasha about expansion or
• 10
�o -ti��
• redevelopment. There should be development along both Robert and �Vabasha Streets that
encourages pedestrian activity. The third phase in the process wouid be extending the idea of ihe
urban grid throughout the forty-five acres, and creating a truly mixed-use development.
Logically, this area would develop as a three-four story development area so that the views are
not blocked from the bluff or the downtown.
Commissioner Gordon asked if the report describes or defines what types of uses would come
under the heading "entertainment?" Mr. Way responded that the JLT Group has some very
distinct ideas of what they'd Iike to see in this area. They have ta]ked about an urban mixed-use
business oriented theme park. The report talks about specific entertainment uses.
Commissioner Gordon asked how the land was currentVy zoned. Mr•. Way replied that it is
currently zoned Industrial.
Commissioner Engh asked if the DNR was present during the discussion about the flood wall
and the levee. Mr. Way responded that the DNR did participate with tlie Army Corps of
Engineers to talk through some these opportunities.
Commissioner Nowlin asked how �ve get good commercial te�ants into the development. Mr.
Way replied that part of the purpose for the strategy is to give pmspective developers an idea of
the City's broader vision for the area. Up until now, there hasn't been one. This strategy
provides a framework with which the City can have constructive discussions with developers.
Mr. Seeb added that there were approximateiy six developers that were involved in all the
various sta�es of creating this strategy.
• Commissioner Nordin asked if this area, since it is zoned industrial, is contaminated. Mr. Way
replied that there are stifl some contamination issues. Some ofthe soils may need to be
removed, which provides the opportunity for the possibility of putting parking underneath each
Commissionec Nowlin informed Commissioners that most of acea is very old landfilL The
biggest cost factor there has been piling. Because it's riverene soil, the rock is 90 feet down.
IYs going to be expensive to deveio�, and apparently this plan has taken that into consideration
with its density. Mr. Way responded that when a developer comes in with a proposal, he's
going to have to take those costs into consideration, which wi11 drive his plan. Here, we have a
strategy that deals with these issues.
Commissioner Dandrea asked if there is a city across the country that has had a comparable
� opportunity that Saint Paul could look at; a city that has done a project of this scope
successfully. Mr. Way replied that he can't imagine any city in the United States that doesn't
have this opportunity. He said that he has worked on approsimately sixty different riverfront
communities across the United States. Most of them were industrial; a lot of them have rail
Sines. Chattanooga's a good exampie. Patrick Seeb, Ken Greenberg and others have visited
� some of these cities, and tl7ere has been discussions on models.
Commissioner Corbey asked ho�v the determination was made to put housing in this area versus
industrial when there's a rail line running right throu�h the center of it. Mr. Way nofed that this
strategy is not requiring any specific use. It's sayin� that there should be a mix of uses.
. 11
. Industrial is probably one of the (east favorable uses because it doesn't support the urban village
concept. The housing may not come along until later in the process, but there are a number of
housing developers who are not afraid of the railroad being there. Rail lines run through cities
evetywhere, and people tive right next to them. Developers don't really see the rail line as a
challen�e. There are things they can do, architecturally, with buildings (sound proofing and
vibration proofina, etc.) to soften the effect of the rai] line. At some point, the rail line might
actually relocate, and if and when they do relocate, it wouid be a spectacular place for housing.
Ms. Thompson clarified what tlie Planning Commission is asked to do. The Planning
Commission is asked to hold a public hearing in two weeks on November 19, 1999. At that
point, it would be referred to committee. The idea is to get the Planning Commission, the City
Council and HRA to endorse this document as the vision of what, generally, ought to happen in
this portion of the West Side Flats. After that, the existing redevelopment p(an would be
amended to include the relevant portions of this document incorporated into it.
MOTION: Commissioner Fi�ricy moved that a public hearing date be set for November I9,
]999, to review the West Sirle F[ats Development Strategy, and that staffset up n time
schedule for t/ie public hearings.
Commissioner Geisser recommended that the Shepard Davern public hearing be first on the
agenda for November 19, 1999, before the West Side Flats Development Strategy, as it could be
a long public hearing.
• TI:e nzotion on tlte floor carrietl unanimously on a voice vote.
VIII. Communications Committee
No report.
TX. Task Force Reports
Commissioner Kramer reported that the White Bear Avenue SmalV Area Plan Task Force met on
Wednesday, November 3, at the Cedar Machine Shop at the corner of White Bear and
Maryland, to talk about intersection improvements at White Bear and Maryland. Commissioner
Dandrea was also present. The next meetiag of the task force will be held Wednesday,
December 1, 1999, to discuss the intersection of White Bear Avenue and East Seventh Street.
The meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held at Big Mike's Pizza on Seventh Street. He
invited all commissioners to attend.
Mr. Soderholm announced that the next Advertising Sign Committee meeting will be held at
2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 23, 1999, before the Zoning Committee meeting. Both
meetin�s will be held in Room 30 (old County Board room) right next to the City Council
� � Chambers.
X. Old Business
Do -��i l
XI. New Business
Mr. Ford said that in his earlier comments he overlooked two or three things he had intended to
say. The presentation today on the West Side Flats reminded him of one of those comments. Tt
was very inspiring to him and he thinks that the Commission has a number of opportunities in
this city �vhen he sees the trend of things underway. There are some exciting years ahead for
the Planning Commission. Mr. Ford is extremely pleased tivith the personnel decisions that have
been made since he announced his retirement. There is no planner for whose professional skill
and commitment and insight into what makes neighborhoods and cities work that he has higher
regard for than Larry Soderholm who has been a good friend and colleague of his since he came
to city planning in Saint Paul. Mr. Ford is very happy to leave the planning administrator seat
for Larry.
XII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 a.m.
Recorded and prepared by
• Jean Birkholz, Planning Commission Secretary
Planning and Economic Development Deparhnent,
City of Saint Pau]
Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth Fard
Planning Administrator
Approved /����P� / � �/ ��
7 if r Engh
Secretary of the Planning Commission
• \planninglminutes.frm 13
7hursday, October 28, 1999- 3:30 p.m.
` J
City Council Chambers, 3` Fioor
City Hall and Court House
15 West Keilogg Boulevard
Faricy, Field, Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, and Morton
Carol Martineau, Allan Torstenson, and Nancy Frick of PED
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Field.
�� — ��1�
District 2 Community Council Appeal (99-275) Appeaf of an administrative decision approving
Lincoln Pawn site plan.
Nancy Frick showed slides and presented the staff report. Ms. Frick stated the District Two
Community Council (the appellant) submitted an appeal based upon its position that the Zoning
Staff erred in interpreting the code when the site pfan was approved on September 28, 1999. Staff
recommends denial of the appeal.
� At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Frick stated the new construction of the Lincoln
Pawn site is approximately 50 feet from the closest residential�y zoned lot line. The
nonconformance of the structure has to do with the distance between the �ot line and the structure.
The appeal poses the question in regards to the need for a Special Condition Use Permit to enlarge
the structure regardless of its distance from the fot line.
Chuck Repke, Community Organizer for District Two, appeared and read a statement and
expiained the handouts which were entered into the record. He made three points 1) Section
62,102(e) of the zoning code provides that a nonconforming structure may be eniarged or aitered
so long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its nonconformity. The buiiding
existed fawfully prior to the efFective date of the pawn shop ordinance, April 27, 1999, but it does
not now comp(y with the spacing requirement which went into efFect on that date. 2) The proposed
enlargement of 1675 White Bear increases the nonconformity associated with the structure. The
enlargement of the structure at 1675 White Bear builds additionaf building wal{s that would be well
within the (150) feet of the residentiafiy zoned property. 3) She zoning code requires that pawn
shops be separated from residentially zoned property either by a pubfic street or a distance oP one
hundred fifty (150) feet measured from the building wall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot Iine of
the residentially zoned property. The structure at 1675 White Bear is 57 feet from one residentiaily
zo�ed property at 1760 l.arpenteur.
The District 2 Community Council is concerned with fhe issue of the use of the proposed expansion
at 1675 White Bear. It is the District 2 Community Council's position that the structure can not
expand within the one hundred fifty (150) foot distance as long as any part ofi the use is for a pawn
shop. The use of the expansion is not at issue, only that the structure is nonconforming and it is
being proposed to be more nonconforming.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Repke stated the District Councii's position that they
couid not expand the buiiding even if they wanted to put in a video rental operation. Had Pawn
�o -t�t\
Zoning Committee Minutes
� Page:2
America existed on the Whiie Bear Avenue site, thaf blank space behind the proposed Pawn
American Store is still part of the buiiding that houses a pawn shop. The b�ilding is nonconforming
because it houses a pawn shop.
Mr. Tom Fable, attorney representing the Capital City Investmenis (owner of the buiiding),
appeared and stated the building and the pawn shop business were established at that location
long before the City chose to regulate that particular form of business. The ordinances have to do
with business uses that have been grandfathered-in because of changes in the ordinances at a
later point of time. Ordinance 62.102 states that a nonconforming structure may be enlarged or
altered as long as such an enlargement or alteration does not increase its nonconformity. The
nonconformity has nothing to do with the volume of the structure. The nonconformity is the
violation of a new building of the 150 foot barrier.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Fa61e stated Section 64.300 addresses the
expansion of the size of a business. If a business expands by more than 50 percent they must
return to the Pla�ning Gommission for a new conditional use permit. A purpose of a setback
provision is to have a specified distance between the beginning of the usage and whatever it is
they're trying to set back. The nonconformity is the 150 feet distance, not the volume of the
Ms. Wendy Lane, Offce of License and Inspection, stated they made the original decision to
• approve the site plan and building permit. There are a number of nonconforming properties in the
City that don't meet the required setback for the zoning district in which they are located, including
a number of singie family homes. They are a conforming use but they have a nonconforming
setback from the side property line. If they have a 100 square feet, four feet away from the side
property line and the code requires a six foot setback, they could put an addition on the back of the
house another 400 square feet at the four foot setback line. They don't have to go to six feet, as
long as they don't go any closer to the existing building. They can continue to expand along that
line. LIEP has used that provision more than any other use for single family homes.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Ms. Lane stated the application of this principle to the
pawn shop business is consistent with the ordinance. The set back is being considered, not the
At the question of Commissioner Kramer, Ms. Lane stated there has never been a case that is a
continuation along an existing nonconforming set back line that LIEP has required an applicant to
apply for a variance or a modification for a speciai condition use permit.
Mr. Repke appeared and stated the key focus of this application is that the structure is
nonconforming. Increasing the structure in the nonconforming area is what they are raising issue
The public hearing was closed.
• After further discussion Commissioner Morton moved to approve the appeal based on the fact that
enlarging the structure does increase the nonconformity.
Commissioner Kramer seconded it.
• Zoning Committee Minutes
Commissioner Kramer stated he had a problem with the defermination that this case is not a
nonconforming use because it used the term "not now permitfed". The staff has interpreted that
to mean "not now prohibited". This is not a permitted use because the lot is not 150 feet and so
there are instances where it is not permitted in this zoning district. Also there is the issue fhat it is
a special condition use permit and the zoning code makes a differentiation between "permitted
uses" and "uses permitted subject to special conditions". The definition of nonconforming use does
not use that term "sub}ect to special conditons" it only uses "permitted".
Commissioner Gordon voted for the motion because it comes down fo the definition of increasing
its nonconformity. The nonconformity was 1,339 square feet within 150 feet and now there is 1,997
square feet within 15� feet and that is an increase in the nonconformity.
Afterfurtherdiscussion, the motion to approve the appeal of an administrative decision was passed
by a 4 to 2 vote.
Adopted Yeas - 4
Drafted by:
(�� n,a� �"12.�n,���.v
Caro{ Martineau
Recording Secretary
Nays - 2 (Field, Gervais)
Submitted by:
� �
Nancy Fric
Zoning Section
Litton Field
Chair /
Department of P[anning and Economic Dwelopment
Zoning Section
II00 City Hal! Annex
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
APPELLANT I Name Chuck Wedemeyer -
n��t�A�� Lincoln Pawn, 7675 White Bear Avenue
Gity St. Paul St. MN Zip 55106
Zoning File
TYPE OF APPEAL: Application is hereby made for an appeal to the:
C+ Board of Zon+ng Rppea4s � City Council
Daytime phone
under the provisions of Chapter 6�, Section , Paragraph of tfie Zoning Code, fo
appeal a decision made by the St Paul Plannin4 Commission
on November_5, 1999
(date ofi decision)
}g . Fi1e number: P.C. File No. 99-74
Zoninq Fi1e No. 99-242
GROUNDS FOR APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has been an error i� any requirement,
permit, decision or refusai made by an adm+nistrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or
inding made by the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission.
The Plannin Commission erred in interpretation of Section 62.102(e)(2) of the
Saint Paul City Code. The Planning Commission decision is contrary to the
intended and logical interpretation of this zoning ordinance, and it also is
contrary to long-standing City practice. If affirmed, the Planning Commission
decision will be harmful to residential and business property owners throughout
the City, and will result in a substantial increase in variance applications
to the City Council. Please see attached letter from leqal counsel.
• I Attach additional sheet if necessary)
�� � t-��"w'
(2 /a City agent_�ac�.�_ � `
` `Fsif
lhomas L Fabel
444 CmM STREEr
December 8, 1999
Ms. Nancy Frick
City Planner
City of St. Paul
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paui, Minnesota 55102
amo ios caraz
Te�Eatior+e: 6tt371-3217
Re: Appea/ of Planning Commission Resolution 99-74, Denying Proposed
En/argement ofLincoln Pawn Shop, 1675 White BearAvenue
Dear Ms. Frick:
Enclosed pfease find an Application for Appeal in the above matter, a filing fee of
$300.00, and a fetter of support for the appeal from this office. Please distribute the
letter with the Appeal to Counci{ Members prior to the date of consideration.
Thank you very much for your advice and assistance.
cc: Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer
Very truly yours,
� nau iisoaizu
bo -1��
ArrawErs Ar Uw
Thomas L Fabel
TFiEVHOt+e 651312-1300
eo SanH E� SrR�r
December 8, 1999
City Council President Dan Bostrom
and Council Members
City Hall
15 West Keilogg
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution 99-74, Denying Proposed
Enlargement of Lincoln Pawn Shop, 1675 White BearAvenue
Dear President Bostrom and Council Members:
This firm represents Drs. Sohn and Frank Gaertner, property owners of the premises at
1675 White Bear Avenue which are leased and operated as the Lincoln Pawn Shop,
along with Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer, the lessee of the property and the awner of Lincoln.
This letter is written in support of Mr. Wedemeyer's appeal from a Planning
Commission decision, dated November 5, 1999, which upheid an appeal on a proposed
expansion of Lincoln Pawn. The efFect of the decision was to reverse an earlier site
pian approval by the Department of Licensing, inspections and Environmental
Protection (LIEPj for the expansion. Both LIEP and PED believe that the expansion is
permissible under the City Zoning Code, which means that both also believe the
Planning Commission decision to be erroneous.
As legal counsei for the property and business owners, we join in the view that the
Planning Commission decision is both an incorrect interpretation of the relevant
ordinance and inconsistent with longstanding City practice. Hence, we urge the City
Council to reverse the Planning Commission and to reaffirm the prior position asserted
by two departments of City government, LIEP and PED, both supporting the issuance of
a building permit.
• Doc# 1171568\1
aa - i�\
• Letter to Pianning Commission
December 8, 1999
Page 2
The issue in this appeaf arises from the fiact that this buiiding housing Lincoln Pawn is
located wifhin 150 feet of residentiaily zoned property, which is the setback
requirement for new pawnshops adopted in April, 1999. The pawnshop ordinance,
Section 60.544(3), provides that pawnshops are permissibie in Zone B-3, provided that
the business is "conducted within completeiy enclosed buifdings and is separated from
residentially zoned property either by a public street or by a distance of one hundred
fifty (150) feet measured from the buifdina waff of the oawnshop to the nearest lot {ine
of their residentially zoned property." However, Lincoln Pawn has been in existence
since 1994, at which time neither the setback requirement nor the special conditiona{
use permit requirement now applied to pawn shops were in existence. Hence, Lincoln
Pawn now exists as a legal use in a non-conforming structure.
Section 62.102(e)(2) of the St. Paul City Code psovides in celevant part as follows:
A non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered so
long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
• !n the case of a setback requirement, this Code provision always has been interp�eted
by the City as meaning that a nonconforming structure may be enlarged so long as the
new construction comes no closer to the relevant line of ineasurement. This
interpretation is entirely consistent with the pawnshop set-back ordinance, which
defines the condition of conformity as a distance "measured from the building wall."
The Planning Commission rejected this longstanding interpretation of Section
62.102(c)(2), which for years has enabled building owners (mainly homeowners) to
expand their usage without going through the costly, time-consuming and often
tortuous process of obtaining a variance. Under the Planning Commission's new
interpretation of this zoning ordinance, an "increase in nonconformity" would include
any expanded volume of usage within the area defined by the setback requirement.
Hence, since the proposed expansion of Lincoln Pawn would place more pawn shop
area within 150 feet of a residentialiy zoned property (although no closer than before),
the Commission concluded that expansion was not authorized by Section 62.102(e)(2).
That the Pianning Commission's interpretation is, shall we say, strained goes without
saying. So aiso is the fact that this interpretation contradicts past City practice in
analogous situations, as is evidenced by the zoning staff positions asserted by both
City departments responsibie for such interpretations, LIEP and PED. What may be
less self evident is the mischief that this interpretation will cause if consistentiy applied
• Docd 1171568\1
• Letter to Planning Commission
December 8, 1999
Page 3
to analogous zoning questions. For example, homes which do not comply with curcent
setback requirements would be incapable of straight-line expansion without complying
with the costly variance requirements. Similariy, no home on a lot smailer than a
current minimum lot size could be expanded without a variance. The oider
neighborhoods of St. Paul have many homes in both of these circumstances, and for
many years homeowners have been ailowed to obtain building permits for expansions
without the necessity of a variance, through the City's application of Section
Quite obviously, the only reason for both District Council opposition to the proposed
expansion and for the Planning Commission's decision is the nature of the business
conducted at Lincoln Pawn. While it is true that some pawn shops have become
neighborhood concerns and a source of increasing regulation in recent years, it is not
true that ali pawn shops are bad neighbors. Indeed, the proposed construction at issue
in this appeaf would be a significant improvement to the appearance of this property,
which should be regarded as a benefit to the neighborhood. Moreover, the owner of
• Lincoln Pawn, Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer, has made a commitment to the City that he will
never allow the sale of firearms to occur at his business. While such sales may be
perfectfy Iegal, Mr. Wedemeyer has made this commitment to demonstrate his desire to
be a good neighbor and to avoid a major complaint which often is voiced over this line
of business. Thus, Council reversal of the Planning Commission decision with the
condition that no firearms sales ever occur at Lincoln Pawn is a very acceptabie
resofution to both the business and the property owners.
It is a weil known adage among lawyers and judges that "hard cases make bad faw."
This means that difficuit facts sometimes cause decision makers to bend the law in a
way which ultimaiely leads io bad results in other circumstances. The Planning
Commission's decision illustrates this adage. Moreover, the Commission's decision to
deny site approval in this case is a direct violation of the constitutional requirement that
similarly situated land use appiicants must be treated the same. Northwestern Colleae
v. Citv of Arden Hills, 281 N.W.2d 865 (Minn. 1979); Hav v. Township of Grow, 206
N.W.2d (Minn. 1973). For both of these reasons, the Planning Commission's decision
should be reversed. Any effort to change the regulatory standards for the operation ofi
pawn shops should be accomplished through legislation, not through a novel
interpretation of the zoning ordinance. Especially is this true where the consequences
of the novel interpretation will be adverse and unfair to many property owners in many
circumstances totally unrelated to pawn shops.
• Doc# 117156%\I
da -�`�\
• Letter to Planning Commission
December 8, 1999
Page 4
Thank you for your consideration.
cc: Phillip Byrne, Esq.
Peter Warner, Esq.
Dr. John R. Gaertner
` Dr. Frank M. Gaertner, Jr.
Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer
Mr. David Schwartz
Very truly yours,
/�.� �2it / C��C�'`'�
Thomas L. Fabel
• Doc# 1i715b8�1
ZiiO4i1999 16:22 651 223 5332 � 2283341
A� roRxers As tww
lTmu�s L pah.i
4G Cmi.R STqEEf
SuRE 1�
Sr, p�u4 MM+£�A�197
FNC 86Y?216332
Plovember 4, 1999
St. Paui Pianning Commissior�
1100 Ciry Hali Annex
25 F❑urth Street Wesi
St. Paui, Minnesota 55102
� � —��`
��00 �S CE1+tER
ea sovn, ec�m� s��r
AtK+EM']Lt9. F!N ME90T4 �i02-2205
Tom+or�e 812�715211
Re: Proposed £ntargement ofl.�ncaln Pawn Shop, l876 {M�ite Besr
Dear Cammissioners:
This firm represents Drs. John and Frank Gaertner, property o�rrners of #he premises at
1675 White Bear Avenue which is leased and operated as the Lincoln Pawn 5hop.
The owner of Lincoin is Mr. Chuck Wedemeyer.
On the Commission's agenda for Friday, November 5 is an appeal from a site plan
approval for an expansion to Lincoln Pawn. By a vote four to two, the Zoning
Committee sustained the appea! on Octobe� 28, We respectfully suggest to the
Commission fhat #his action was both an incorrect intefpretation of the relevant
ordinance and inconsistent with iongstanding Gity ptactice, which means that 1he
decision cannot withstand judicial review. Accordingly, we urge the Commission tc
rsject tha Committee action and to sustain the prior position asserted by two
depaRments of City government, LIEP and PED, both supporting the issuance of e
buikding pefmit.
The issus arisas from the fact that this building is iocated within 150 feet of residentially
zoned property, which is the setback requirement for new pawn shops adopted in April,
1999. Howaver, this shop has 6een in existence since 1994, at which time neithef the
setback requirement nor the special conditionai use permit requirement now appiied to
pawn shops were in existence. Hence, Lincoln Pawn now exists as a legal use in a
non-conforming structure.
t)oc�f 117079TI
ili�4i1999 16�22 651 223 5332 � 2283341
Letter to Planning Commission
November 4, 1999
PBge Z
NO. 63'I
Section 62.102{s)(2) of the St. Paul Gity Code provides in relevant paR as foilows:
A non-corNorming structure may be enlarged or alterad so
long as such enlargament or alterati�n does not increase its
In the case of a setback requirement, this Code provisfon always has been interpreted
by ihe City as meaning that a noncarrforming strucWre mey be eniarged so long as the
naw construction comes no closer to the relevant line of ineasurement.
The Zoning Committee accapted as an altemative interprefation for this provision that
an "increase in nonconformit�' incfudes any expanded vofuma of usaga within the area
defined by the setback requirement. Hence, since the proposed expansion would place
mora pawn shop area within 15Q faet of a residentiai{y zoned pro¢srty {altfiough no
closer than before), the Committse conciuded that expansion wae not authorizad by
Sactfon 62.102{e)(2).
That the Zoning Committee's interpretation is, shall we say, strained goes without
saying. So aiso is ihe fact that this interpretatfon contradicts past City prectice in
analogous situations, es is evidenced by the zoning staff positions asserted by baih
City departments responsible for such interpretations, LIEP and PED. What may be
less seff evidant is the mischief that this interpretation will cause if consistent(y appiied
to analogous zoning questions. For example, homes which do not comply with cuRent
setback requirements wauld be incapab�e of straight-line expansion without complying
with the costiy variance requirements. Similariy, no home on a lot smailer then a
current minimum lot size cauld be expended without a variaRCe. Tha older
neighborhoods of St. Raul have many homes in both of thase circumstances, and for
many years homeowners have been allowed to obtain building permits for expansions
wiihaut the necesaity of a variance, through the City�s appfication af 5ection
Quite obviously, the only reason for both the appeai and the Zoning Committee's
decision in ihis case is the nature of the business conducted at Lincofn Pawn. Whife it
is true that some pawn shops have become neighborhood cnncerns and a source of
increasing regulation in recent years, i1 is nat true that aVl pawn shops are bad
neighbors. Indeed, the proposed construction at issue in this appeai would be a
significant imp�ovement to the appearance of this property, which should be regarded
as a benefit to the neighborhood. Moreover, the owner of Lincoln Pawn, Mr. Chuck
DocB 11 J079T1
_ lli�4i1999 16�22 651 223 533Z � 2283341
Letterto Planning Commission
Novam6er 4, 1999
Page 3
Wademeyer, is vary willing to maka a cammitment to the City that he wiA never aliow
the sele of firearms to occur at his business. While such sales may be parfectly legal,
Mr. Wedemeyer is willing to make this commitment to demonstrate his desire to be a
good neighbor and tQ avoid a major compiaint which often is v�iced conceming lhis line
of trusiness. l"o repeat, appraval of this buiiding permft with the condition that no
firearms sales ever occur at Linco�n Pawn is a very acceptable resolution to both the
business and the property owner.
It is a well known adage among lawyers and judges that "harq cases make bad law.°
This means thei di�cult facts sometimes causa dacision makers to bend the {aw in a
way which uitimateiy cannot be sustained. The Zoning Committee dacision iilustrates
this adaga. A decision to deny a building permit in this case wouid bs a d'srect vio4atian
of the constitutional requirement that similariy situated land use applicants must be
treatsd the same. NoLj{�,westem Col�eqe v. Citv of Arden Hiils, 2&1 N.W.2d 865 {Minn.
1979}; }�av v. Township of Grow, 206 N.W.2d (Minn. 1973). The longstanding practice
of City offciais in providing a straightforward interpretation of Section 62.1 b2(e}(2)
requires lhat the permit for Lincoln Pawn be granted. Any desire for a change in the
regulatory standards for ihe operation of pawn shaps should ba accomplished through
legislation, not through a creative application of the zoning ordinance.
Thank you for yaur consideration.
Very truly yours,
Thomas L. Fabel
Peter Warner, �sq.
Dr. John R. Gaertner
pr. Frank M. Gaertner, .fr.
Mtr. Chuck Wedemeyef
Mr. David Schvrattz
Tuck 1)7079TI
�.r— K� —a �s
`�?1I� 1TRIcCT � ��011�.�1�'1�T1�1I � �' (��17i��IL �o-a�—�5
P7iALEN VILLAGE • Ltisco�t� P.��uc
Appeal of an administrative decision to approve a site plan for the expansion of a
pawnshop at 167� White Beaz Avenue.
The District 2 Community Council urges the zonin� committee to grant our appeal of the
administrative decision to approve the site plan for the expansion of a Nonconformin�
Structure at 1675 White Bear Avenue. Further, we would recommend that the zoning
committee pass a recommendation that would adapt the staff report by deleting Findings
3 and 4 and inserting as follows:
3. The zonin� committee disagrees with the interpretation made by the Zoning
Administrator, with regard to the site plan for 1675 White Bear Avenue, for the followin�
a. Section 62. 102 (e) of the zoning code provides that a nonconforming strncture
may be eniarged or altered so long as such enlazgement or alteration does not
. increase its nonconformitv.
The building at 1675 White Beaz, that houses Lincoln Pawn, is a nonconfomung
structure in accordance with the zonins code definition of a nonconforming
buildin�: "A lawful building existin� on the effective date of the adoption
(October 24, 1975) or amendment of this code but that does not now comply with
the area, width height, yard, percent of lot coverage, or other re�ulations concem
bulk or location on the lot, or spacing requirement from another use, off-street
parking or loading requirements, or other regulations of the district in which it is
located." The building existed lawfully prior to the effective date of the pawn
shop ordinance, April 27, 1999, but it does not now comply with the spacing
requirement which went into effect on that date.
The oroposed enlarQement of 167� White Bear increases the nonconformitv
associated with the structure The zoning code requires that a pawn shop "is
separated from residentialty zoned property either by a pub?ic street or by a.
distance of one hundred ffty (1 SO) feet meast�red from.lhe building wall qf the
pawn shop to the nearest lot line of the residentially zoned property; ' All four
walls of 1675 White Bear are within one hundred fifty feet of the nearest lot line
of the residentially zoned property at 1760 Larpenteur. The proposed
enlargement of the structure at 1675 White Beaz builds additional building walls
that would be well within the one hundred fifty (150) feet of the residentially
. zoned property.
1961 SHER�ti oo� AvE`�� • S,a[�r P�cL • MN • 55 1 1 9-3230 • PxovE: (651) 7?-'-2220 • F.ax: (651) 774-21: �
oe -���
� Section 60.534.6 attempts to create a buffer of one hundred fifty (150) feet from
buildin�s that house pawn shops and residentially zoned property. To build
anywhere within the one hundred fifty (150) feet is increasing the nonconformity
of the structure.
The proposed expansion of the structure to the south incrzases the number of
properties that are within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the structure that houses
a pawn shop and thereby increases the nonconformity of the structure.
The zoning code requires that pawn shops be separated from residentially zoned
property either by a public street or a distance of one hundred fifty (I50) feet
measured from the building �vall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot line of the
residentiallv zoned propertv. The structure at 1675 WYute Bear is 57 feet from
one residentiallv zoned progerty at 1760 Larpenteur. If the proposed expansion is
approved the structure will be one hundred forty-eight (148) feet from the
residentiallv zoned �ropertv at 1749 Califomia that, currently, is one hundred
fifty-two and a one half (152.5) feet from the neazest buiidin� wail. The building
at 1675 White Beaz is nonconforming because of its set back from residentially
zoned property. To increase the number of properties that the nonconformin�
structure is nonconformin� to is increasing its nonconformity and clearly not
within the spirit of Section 62.102 (a).
The District 2 Community Council is concemed that staff has raised the issue of what
would be the use of the proposed eYpansion at 1675 White Bear. Tt is the District 2
Community Council's position that the shveture can not expand at all �vithin the one
hundred fifty (150) feet distance as long as any part of the use is for a pawn shop. The
use of the expansion is not at issue, only that the structure is nanconforming and it is
being proposed to be more nonconforming.
Staff also states that there aze other situations where the code was interpreted in the
manor they have proposed, but no evidence was offered. Disfict 2 would contend that
anytime a buildina was nonconformin� do to a set back of a set distance ?hat any le_gal,
espansion of the nonconforming structure should occur outside of the set back area. Few
nonconforming structures in the City of Saint Paul azeIocated on 125 by 130 foot lots.
We would contend that most set back issues would be in situations where one wall
violated a distance requirement not an entire structure, or where the use has become
nonconformin� not the structuze.
Again, the District 2 Community Council believes that the proposed expans±on of the
building at 167� White Bear violates the spirit and intent of Section 62102 concemin�
nonconformin� structures by: increasing the structure's nonconformity by buildin� within
thz 150 foot set back required from the residential properiy at 1760 Larpenteur. Further
• it's nonconformity is increased by increasin� the number of properties within 150 feet of
the structure (1749 California).
� i J
aa -1�t�
Proposed Expansion 1675 White Beaz
Distances from residentially zoned property
at 1760 Larpenteur
Proposed Existing Building
1675 White Bear
White Bear Avenue
i 25
i 50
�-�Q 6,�.0,�.� a - i
,, -, � � �
� �-i �i�
.,��Q b�, Q.�-�,� a- - a
/o -�P-9S
• (cP�th Rogers
1739 E Ca(ifornia
cr.pw�,��, Sn�! F�'�ng_13n3
T0: St.Pa�il Pi�lrtnjn� C:nlprplSS!O!l Znnin� Cnmmittee,
1(�0 [tOt f921 1f12 I188� fQ @XPdlld thB LI!!COlft P2Wll 3!tA. ThB C! �� nf �t Pa� il hadQ
enough pawn shops therefore fhis expansion wouid be unnecessary. I wouid prefer if
the city had less pawr shops ov2rall so this expansian is �,2edless in my m�nd.
Thank you, -
� ! �
�-� �r5
Keith p Rogers
FILE # 99-275
2. CLASSIFICATION: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's Decision
3. LOCATION: 1675 h'AITE HEAR AVENUE (between Larpenteur and California)
See file
6. PRESENT 20NING: B-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 60.214, 60.544(3),
62.102, 64.300
A. PIIRPOSE: Appeal of an administrative decision to approve a site plan
for the expansion of a pawn shop located at 1675 White Bear Avenue.
B. PARCEL SIZE: 16,575 SquaTE feet.
North: Restaurant. (COmmercial zoning; Maplewood.) -
East: Commercial. (B-2)
South: Restaurant. (B-3)
West: Single family residential (R-3)
Sec. 64.300(j) provides that "the grant or denial of approval by the
planning or zoning administrator is subject to appeal to the planning
commission by any person, firm or corporation, or by any office,
department, board or bureau affected by a decision of the planning or
zoning administrator with thirty (30) days ... Sec. 60.214 provides
definitions o£ nonconfoxming building and nonconforming use. Sec.
60.544(3) identifies pawn shops as principal uses permitted subject to
special conditions in the B-3 Zoning DistYict. Sec. 62.102(e) states
provisions for nonconforming structures with conforming uses.
F. HZSTORY/DISCIISSION. Lincoln Pawn had a building permit application
pending at the time that the City Council established a moratorium on
pawn shop permits and licenses pending a zoning study and possible
amendment of the zoning ordinance (NOVember 9, 1998). On January 22,
Z.F. �99-275
Page 2
1999, th= Saint Paul PZanning Commission recommended a zoning code •
amendment which provided that pawn shops continue to require a special
condition use permit in B-2, B-2C, and B-3 zoning districts with a new
condition that pawn shons must be separated from residential zoning
dzstricts by either a public street or a distance of ZSO feet, measured
from the building wall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot line of
residentially zoned property. The recommended pawn shops amendments
were adopted by the City Council on March 10, 1999 and went into effect
on April 27, 1999.
A March 2, 1999 memo to City Councilmembers and various staff inembers
prepared by Larry Soderholm discussed how pawn shops existing and
proposed at that time compared to the separation requirement being
proposed by the Planning Commission, The memo included a statement that
"the new standard would not apply directly to existing businesses that
don't meet it; such businesses would become legally nonconforming with
regard to the separation from residential. Legal nonconforming pawn
shops would not be allowed to expand, however, without a public hearing
and a Planning Commission permit." This statement did not draw a
distinction between nonconforming uses and nonconformir.g structures,
which the code tteats differently, however, and as such was in error.
See Findings 3 and 4 below.
G. DSSTRICT COIINCIL RECO2IlKENDATION: The District 2 Community Council is
the appellant.
1. On September 26, 1999, Tom Beach, Zoning Specialist with the
Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LSEP)
by letter issued approval of a site plan for a proposed addition
' to Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Bear Avenue, subject to a set of
conditions including closing the existing Larpenteur driveway
closest to White Bear Avenue, restriping the parking lot and new
landscaping. In the letter approving the site plan, Mr, Beach
noted that the proposal was in conformance with City ordinances.
This letter is attached to this staf£ report.
2. On September 28, 1999, the District 2 Community Council filed an
appeal of this decision, stating as grounds for their appeal an
error by sta£f in its interpretation of Sections 62.102 and 64.300
of the zoning code and in requirements of the new pawn shop
ordinance. Section 62.102 of the zoning code provides for
nonconforming lots, nonconforming uses of land, nonconforming
structures, and nonconforming uses of structures and Iand.
Section 64.300 provides for planning commission and planning or
zoning administrator approvals. The applicable provision of the
new pawn shop ordinance is described in the History/Discussion (F)
3. Staff concurs with the code intexpretation made by the Zoning
Administrator, with regard to the site plan for 1675 White Bear
Avenue, for the following reasons. •
Z.F. #99-275
Page 3
c`3� —\ti\
• a. Section 62.102(e) of the zoning code orovides that a
nonconformina structure may be enlarcod or altered so long
as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
nonconformity. iZt should be noted that "noaconforming
building" is the term used in the definition section of the
zoniag code, but that "nonconforming structure" is tne term
used elsewhere in the code; terms are intercnangeable.)
Staff concurs that it is this section of the code which
applies to the Lincoln Pawn site plan. Staff finds that
Lincoln Pawn is a nonconforming structure in accordance with
the zoning code definition of noncon:orming building: "A
lawful building existing on the effective date of adoption
(OcCOber 24, 1975) or amendment of this code but that does
not now comply with the area, width, height, yard, percent
of lot coverage, or other regulations concern bulk or
location on the lot, or spacing requirement from another
use, off-street parking and loading requirements, or other
regulations of the district in which it is located."
Lincoln Pawn existed lawfully prior to the effective date of
the pawn shop ordinance, April 27, 1599, but it does not now
comply with the spacing requirement which went into effect
on that date.
Sta£f also concurs that the enlargement of Lincoln Pawn does
not increase the nonconformity associated with the
• structure. The zoning code directs that distance between
pawn shop and residential property be measured from the
building wall of the pawn shop to the nearest lot line of
the residentially zoned property. The building wall of the
existing Lincoln Pawn building is approximately 50 feet from
the nearest lot line of residentially zoned property,
directly to the west, 1760 Larpenteur. The proposed
enlargement of Lincoln Pawn extends directly to the south;
the building wall of the extension would not be any closer
to the nearest residentially-zoned property line.
b. Section 62.102(f) provides that a noncon£orminq use shall
not be enlarged unless the planning commission approves a
permit for an enlargement as set forth in a subsequent
clause of the code.
Staff finds that this section of the code does not apply to
this site plan. Staff finds that Lincoln Pawn does not £it
the zoning code definition of noncon£ormina use: "A lawful
use existing on the effective date of adoption (October 24,
1975) or amendment of this code but that is not now
permitted in the district in which it is located". Pawn
shops are permitted subject to special conditions in the B-
3. The spacing requirement which was added to the code in
1999 results in the structure being nonconforming, not the
� use. Therefore, staff finds that the zoaing code
requirements for enlargement of a nonconforming use do not
apply to Lincoln Pawn.
Z.P. �99-275
Page 4
c. Section 64.300(m)(2) provides that a new special condition .
use permit is needed when the floor area of a special
condition use expands by fifty (50) percent or more, and,
conversely, Section 64.300(n)(1) provides that site plan
approval but no new special condition use permit is required
when the floor area of a special condition use expands by
less than fifty (50) percent.
Staff concurs that the proposed expansion of 658 square feet
is 49.14& of the 1339 square foot floor area of the existing
pawn shop, and therefore may be expanded without obtaining a
new special condition use permit, although a site
approval is required, in accordance with Section
4. Finally, staff also finds that the interpretation made by the
Zoning Administrator in this case is consistent with how the City
has treated expansions of other SCUP uses, many of which occur
within nonconforming structures. Examples cited by LIEP staff
include college expansions within campus boundaries, recreation
centers, hospitals, gas stations, and a host of other uses
permitted subject to conditions. As noted, as long as the
expansion is less than fifty percent, the code requires site plan
approval but no new special condition permit, and that is how the
Zoning Administrator has proceeded.
Based on Findings 3 and 4, staff recommends denial of the appeal.
Department of Plannixg and Economic Development
Zoning Sectiori
1100 Cin' Hal1 Annex
25 West Fourth Srreet
Saint Paul, hf.\' S5101
PROPERTY Zoning File
File, na,
� St�ti Zip 5S!! `-'7
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Ffi e cue.anEy�;
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fiea�in `date�`;>
s��.��. : = by
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oh � e �774��ZZZA
TYPE OF APPEAL Appiication is hereby made for an appeal to the: ��i?n„��� ���-v�-�+SS r�,-c�
�� Board of Zoning Appeals ❑ City Council
under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section �� �, Paragraph � of the Zoning Code, to
�,�,ti�� 5�
appeal a decision made by the �
on �f%�T �� !�' , 195?. File number:
c�a, � �1�
' (date of decision)
GROUNDS FOFt APPEAL: Explain why you feel there has bean an error in any requirement,
permit, decision or refusai made by an administrative offcial, or an error in fact, procedure or
finding made by the Board of Zoning Appeafs or the Planning Commission.
= i.v i.✓TE�,�°�iv�g-�'im(; o-F la a. io ��✓� �`� .3o"U /�.c,/� i�c.
�c�LC.c�cO-�-c�..7.i vF /LcZcJ � ��� os2n�,cf2,�.c:e
SEP 2 31999
Atfach add�tiona/ sheet if
Applicant's signatu
City agent
Roben Kessler. Director
No�m Coleman, Mayor
September 30, 1999
David Schwarc
Schwarz Construction
10961 32nd Street N
LaI:e E(mq MN SSQ42
LOVYRY PROFESSIOh:lLBUfLDI.VG Te(ephone: 65l-266-90�
3505[PeterStreet,Suife300 Faarimile.•651•166-9099
SainiPaul,bT�nesota SSIO2-I510 651-266-9I2�
Re: Building permit for Lincoln Pawn at 1675 White Beaz Avenue is suspended
Site plan file 99-242
Deaz Mr. Schwaa:
On September 28, 1999 I approved the site plan for an expansion of ihe Lincoln Pawn Shop and
shortly afrer that our o�ce issued a buildina permit for this work. As we had previously
discussed, Section 64300(j) of the Zoning Code states Yhat any person or organization can fcie
an appeal within 30 days filing of any decision made by staff to approve or deny a site pfan.
On September 28, 1999, the District 2 Planning Council filed an appeai of our decision to
approve the site pian. They contend that Lincoln Pawn is a nonconforming use and therefore it
cannot expand without approval from the Planning Commission.
Appeals are heard at a public hearing at the the Planning Commission. You wili be notified of
the heazing date and will be sent a copy of the staff report prior to the hearin�. Nancy Frick
(651-266-6554) is the staff person who has been assigned to the case.
The Zoning Code says that if permiis have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the
permits are suspended and construction must stop untii the Ylannin� Commission nas made a
deYerminaYion of the appeal. Therefore, the permit issued for the espansion of Lincoln Pawn
Shop is hereby suspended and construction must cease. If the Planning Commission denies
the appeal, yoar permit wouid be reactivated. If the Pianning Commission approves the appeal,
you could request a refund of your permit fee. Whatever decision the Planning Commission
makes, an appeal coutd be fiied within 15 days to the City Council.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Tom Beach
Zoning Specialist
cc: Chuck Wiedemeyer
Nancy Frick
\ I
hbrm Colemar., bfayor
September 28, 1999
David Schwarz
Schwarz Construction
10961 32n Street N
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
E�"VIROti`fE�?ALPROTECTtOV � O _ 'i, `
Roberl Kessle�. Diretlor 1 �
LOWRY PROFFSS10N.1L Telephone: 651-?65-9090
BUILDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099
Suire 300 612-26b-91?:
3S0 St. Pete� St�eet
SaintPaul,dlinnesara 55f0?-I510
RE: Approval of site plan 99-242
Addition to Lincola Pawn Shop at 1675 White Bear Avenue
Deaz Mr. Schwarz:
City staff have reviewed the site pian for the proposed addition to Lincoln Pawn and found
it to be in conformance with City ordinances:
— When Lincoln Pawn was established on this property, pawn shops did not require Special
Condition Use Permit. The zonin� code was amended in November 1996 to require Special
Condition Use Permiu for pawn shops and amended again in Apri1 1999 to add a condition
that pawn shops must be at least 150 feet from residentially zoned property. The use of this
property as a pawn shop is conforming since pawn shops are sti11 allowed under the B-3
zoning for the property. However, the structure is nonconforming because it does not met the
recently adopted setback requirement. But accordin� to Section 62.1 Q2(e)(2) of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, nonconfomiing structures with conforming uses may be enlazged so
long as such enlargement does not increase its nonconformity. Construction of this addition
_ meets the requirement because it is not built closer to the residential properiy line than the
existing building.
— Section 64.300.m.2 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code says that when a use that requires a
Special Condition Use Permit expands its floor area by 50% or more it must obtain a new
Special Condition Use Permit. "Ihe existing pawn shop building covers 1339 squaze feet.
The proposed expansion covers 658 squaze feet which is 49.14% of the floor area of the
existing building. Therefore the expansion does not require a Special Condition Use Permit_
Please note that the 50% expansion provision is cumulative. Therefore the floor area of any
future expansion proposal would be added to the 658 square feet of the current expansion and
the total of these areas �vould be compared to the 1339 square feet of the existing structure.
Therefore, site plan is approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Site impro�•emenfs Ttie proposed addition and aII other site improvements must be
installed as shown on the approved site pian. This includes closing the existing Larpenteur
driveway closest to White Beaz Avenue, restriping the parkin� lot and new landscaping.
2. Sanitary setirer The exisYing sanitary sewer will go under the new addition. It �nust
therefore conform to the standards of the Plunnbing Code. Call Tom LeClaire at 651-266-
9051 if you have questions.
3. Roof drains The roof of the addition must drain to the south side of the building.
4. Oufside storage No outside storage is permitted.
5. Permits The City permits listed below are required for the work shown on the approved
site plan.
- Building permit A permit from Building Inspections (6S 1-266-9007) is required.
- Sidewalk permit Remot•in� ttte existing drtveway in the Larpenteur pub2ic right-of-
way must be done by a licensed contractor under a pennit from Public Works Sidewalk
Section {651-266-6120).
6. Time limit and inspection �Vork covered by this site plan must be completed no later than •
9/24/00. A site inspection will be scheduled based on this date.
7. Appeals The approval of this site plan by staff is subj ect to approval to the Planning
Commission. An appeal may be filed any time within 30 days of the date of this letter. If an
appeal is filed, a public hearing wiIl be scheduled at the Planning Commission. If pemuts for
this project have been approved prior to an appeal being filed, all work on the project must
stop until the Planning Commission rules on the appea2.
If you have any questians, you can reach me at 651-266-9086 (phone), 651-266-9099 (fax) or
tom,beach@ci.stpaul.mn.us (e-mail).
Tom Beach
Zoning Specialist
cc: Sewer Division, PIanning Division, Traffic Division, District 2 Planning Councii
3.i 0 SI. Peter Street, Srrite 300
Saint Paul, tbT.�'S.i102-I.i10
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Prr�posed Expansion 1675 VVhite Bear o�-i�t \
I�istances from residentially zoned property
�Nhite Beax Avenue
-� 3 1
Proposed Expansion 1675 White Bear �'O -�``�
Distances from residentially zoned praperty at 1760 Larpenteur
Existing Building
1675 White �ear
i 25
��� �'��TI V�hite Bear Avenue
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Proposed expansions should not
increase the nonconformity of the
nonconforming structure
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FROSi LeucE • Hi[.LCxPSr
January 3, 2000
Council President Bostrom
320 C City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Re: Lincoln Pawn's appeal of the Plaxuung Commission's Resolution 99-74,
denying the proposed enlargement of the building at 1675 White Bear, which
houses Lincoln Pawn
Dear Councii President Bostrom and members of the Council,
The District 2 Community Council urges you to support the decision of the Zoning
Committee and the Planning Commission by denying the appeal of Lincoln Pawn to
expand the structure at 1675 White Beas Avenue.
In the December 8, 14491etter that accompanies the appeai, Mr. Fabel, the attorney from
Linquist and Vennum, does a very good job of confusing a relatively simple issue. The
issue in front of the Council is the interpretation of Section 62.102 (e) of the Saint Paul
Zoning Code:
Section 62.102 (e) of the zoning code provides that a nonconforming sh may be
enlarged or aitered so long as such enlargement or alteration does not increase its
a. The building at 1675 White Bear, that houses Lincoln Pawn, is a nonconforming
structure in accordance with the zoning code definition of a nonconforming
building: "A lawfui building existing on the effective date of the adoption
(October 24, 1975) or amendment of this code but that does not now comply with
the area, width height, yazd, percent of lot coverage, or other regulations concern
bulk or location on the lot, or spacing requirement from another use, off-street
parking ar loading requirements, or other regulations of the district in which it is
located." The building existed lawfully prior to the effective date of the pawn
shop ordinance, Apri127, 1999, but it does not now compiy with the spacing
requirement which went into effect on that date.
The nroposed enlar�ement of 1675 White Bear increases the nonconfornuty
associated with the shucture. The zoning code requires that a pawn shop "is
separated, fi�om residentially zoned property either by a public street or by a
distance of one hundred fifty (1 SO) feet measured from the building wall of the
1961 SHExwooD AVENUF • Snn.T PAUL • MN • 55119-3230 • PHONE: (651) 774-2220 • FaY: (651) 774-2135
pawn shop to the nearest lot Zine of the residentially zoned property; " All four
walls of 1675 White Bear aze within one hundred fifty feet of the neazest lot line
of the residentially zoned property at 1760 Larpenteur. The proposed
enlazgement of the structure at 1675 White Bear is entirely within the one
hundred fifty (150) feet required buffer of the residenfially zoned properiy.
Section 60.534.6 attempts to create a buffer of one hundred fifty (150) feet from
buildings that house pawn shops and residentially zoned properiy. To build
anyrvhere within the one hnndred fifty (150) feet buffer is increasing the
nonconformity of the structure and violates the intent of 62.102(e).
b. The proposed expansion of the siructure to the south increases the number of
properkies within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the struchxre that houses a pawnshop
and thereby increases the nonconformity of the structure.
The zoning code requires that pawn shops be sepazated from residentially zoned
properiy either by a public street or a distance of one hundred fifty (150) feet
measured from the building wall of the pawn shop to the neazest lot line of the
residentially zoned property. The structure at 1675 VJhite Bear is 57 feet from
one residentia� zoned pro�ertXat 1760 Larpenteur If the proposed expansion is
approved the shucture will be one hundred fo ,-eight (148�feet from the
residentially zoned properta at 1749 Califomia that, currently, is one hundred
fifty-rivo and one half (152.5) feet from the nearest building wall.
The building at 1675 White Bear is nonconforming because of its setback from
residentially zoned property. To increase the number of properties that the
nonconforming structure is nonconforming to is increasing its nonconformity
and clearly not within the spirit of Section 62.102 (a).
Lincoln Pawn's Counsel would have you believe a structure has not increased its
nonconformity unless it violates its worst encroachment to its neazest neighbor's
properiy. In his letter he proposes that "straight line expansion" should be allowed, so
that if your neighbor's attached three-season porch is within two feet of your attached
garage then your neighbor has the right to build his new recreation room within two feet
of your bedroom window.
Worse, he contends, and staffls initial approval of the site plan would indicate, that is
how staff has been interprering the code! In Lincoln Pawn's case it would appear that
this inteipretation of the code is being taken to also mean that if you violate the setback
requirements toward one neighbor, you have the right to violate the setback requirements
to all of your neighbors.
Clearly the code is there to protect the adversely affected neaghbor and the Board of
Zoning Appeals exists to mediate these situations.
�o - (�-E `
Ttiroughout this process, Counsel for Lincoln Pawn has not offered one case of precedent
where the City Council has determined that a nonconforming structure can expand in the
required set back azea without a variance from the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. He implies
that somehow some undocumented staff decision has taken away your ability to create
precedent on the interpretarion of the code. There is no precedent on this issue, or
Counsel for Lincoln Pawn would site it. Both the Zoning Committee and the Plauuing
Commission have detemiiued that anyone who wants to build in a required setback azea
should be required to seek a variance from the Boazd of Zoning Appeals. The District 2
Community Council would a�ee that is the proper interpretation of the code and where
this case belongs.
Finally, Counsel for Lincoln Pawn suggests that they aze being treated unfairly because
of the nature of their business. We grow tired of attomeys who argue that because the
business or clientele are less then popular they deserve special treatment. Or, that logic
should be thrown out the window because it is coming from mere neighbors. The use of
the expansion is not at issue, only that the structure is nonconforming and it is being
proposed to be more nonconforming.
Lincoln Pawn's proposal that they should be allowed to encroach on their neighbors'
properiy rights in exchange for an agreement that they not sell guns is among the most
insulting that we haue heard. To use the threat o£ gun sales as a way of enticing the
Council to set poor public policy is beneath contempt. We accept that Lincoln Pawn is a
lawful use and that they have for years bought weapons over the counter. We have no
desire to allow these kinds of property rights infringements to become accepted public
policy in exchange for this kind of blaclanail.
Again, the District 2 Community Council urges you to support the only clear, concise and
logical interpretation of the code by supporting the decision of the Planning Commission
and denying the appeal of Lincoln Pawn.
Sincere ,
Chuck Repke
Community Organizer
Disirict 2 Community Councii
CC Council Members