84-1448 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L J� CANARV - DEPARTMENT /J BLUE - MAVOR File NO• •� �_/ -zoni ng ouncil Resolution Presented By ' C� , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Wallace and Gladys Masloski have submitted the attached proposed lot split for City Council approval ; and WHEREAS, the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and Public Works have reviewed the attached lot split at 1457 Pacific Avenue, described as: Parcel A (vacant) : "The east 80.00 feet of Lot 4, Block 24, Auditor's Subdivision No. 62;" and Parcel B (1457 Pacific) : "That part of Lot 4, Block 24, Auditor' s Subdivision No. 62 lying west of the east 80.00 feet and lying east of the west 50.00 feet thereof;" and WHEREAS, the proposed lot split meets the requirements of Sections 67.304 and 67.406 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this lot split. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� F��Na,ys �� PLA ING AND ECONOMIC EV LOPMENT Drew [n Favor Masanz � Y V �� � � � Nicosia �' �r Scheibel __ Against Tedesco Wilson OCT 2 5 198� Form Approved y it tto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y•s•e Council cr BY gy. tapproved b Mavor: Da ��'�-� —� 16 k� Approved b ayor Su ' n to Council By � —• _ PUBLISHED NOV 3 1984 � �y �ys��' pFn �EPARTt•1ENT / Linda-�ickhut �rONTACT 7494, ext. 294 PNONE October 12, 1984 pqTE ���� v � ' (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): Departnient Di rector . . � City Attorney - Segal `_-':-_ -. .. , � ,. � :;.., ., .. ;�„ . � � � Di rector of Management/Ma�yor Q�-� 1 � , ��� � e � `J Iy � 2N "''"" Finance and Management Services Director � � �� � �N�4!`��f�'r (�';riCk ' � City Clerk Citv �ouncil Hearinq October 25, 1�8� �udget Director . �,_ _� ut tlirprtnr,} Planning - Reichert�� What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Implementation of subdivision regulations regarding lot splits. Safeguard against creation of substandard/unbuildable lots. City Council hearing required. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Fee of $20.00 to cover administrative costs. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nu�er Charged or Credited: General Fund Attachments (List and Number all AttacMments�: 1 . City-Council Resolution 2. Copy of lot split at 1457 Pacific 3. Copy of legal no�ice published October 13, 1984 �{. Co� -s� /�'r��-�'`" DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 ��PP RPVPI"CP S1(�P for �Instructions) HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: � l. To assist in routin docum�ents and in securinq require ssqnatures 2. To brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. To help ensure that necessary suot�ortina materials are prepared and, if required, attached. ROUTING � �st GREEV SHEET actions must '�e rev_e�ae�? 5y a Je�ar_�ent �irec�or, �:�e City ?,t�orzey, the �ir�ctor oT i�lanages,eat, the Director of Finance and Manage�ent Services. Other possible reviewers/siqnatures are listed. BRIEFING , Most of the GREEN SAEET headings are desiqned to assist in developinq a precis of the decision which the attachments represent. The headinqs are offered to remind users of some of the m4re critical elements of this brief. . The Financial Bud etar and Personnel In�acts headinq pravides a space to expla n the cost benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budqet (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial itapacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. SJPPORTING MATERIALS . In the Attachments section, list all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET is well�cone, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless siqning such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include: a. Contractual relationship with another qovernment unit. b. Collective bargaininq. c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land. d. Issuance of bonds by City. e. Eminent domain. - f. Assumption of liability by City, or qrantinq by City of indemnification. g. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. Note also: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one n� �y1i��� LOT SPLIT STAFF REPORT FILE # SBD 122 1. APPLICANT: WALLACE & GLADYS MASLOSKI DATE OF HEARING: 10/25/84 2. LOCATION: 1457 Pacific (North side between Barclay and Birmingham) 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 24, Auditor's Subdivision No. 62, except the West 50' thereof. 4. PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.304 & 67.406 5. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE: 10/18/84 BY: Patricia N. James A. PURPOSE: To consider a lot split to allow single family or duplex construction. B. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: The site is currently occupied by an existing single ami y structure. Proposed parcel "A" slopes to the southwest. The surrounding land uses are residential multiple family to the south, single family and duplex to the east with I-94 to the north and Highway 61 to the west. C. MINIMUM LOT REQUIREMENTS: Single family - 40 feet; 5,000 square feet. Duplex - 50 feet; 6,000 square feet. D. CURRENT WIDTH & AREA: One lot. 182.49 ft. frontage on Pacific ; 25,446.41 sq. ft. area. E. PROPOSED WIDTH & AREA: Two lots. Parcel A: 80 feet; 11 ,153.60 square feet. Parcel B: 102.49 feet; 14,289.16 square feet. F. FINDINGS: 1 . The proposal meets all requirements of Sections 67.304 and 67.406 of the Zoning Code. 2. The division will not be detrimental to the present or potential development on the site nor to the neighboring property. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends the lot split be approved. _-- �� ������ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The St. Paul City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of Wallace and Gladys Masloski for a lot split at 1457 Pacific Street on October 25, 1984 at 10:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, City Hall . Albert B. Olson City Clerk c � (October 13, 1984) _ .,_ C_C%� C�.�1��� ��= d-�l-i��'� LOT SPLIT STAFF REPORT FILE # SBD 122 1. APPLICANT: WALLACE & GLADYS MASLOS KI DATE OF HEARIN : 10/25/84 2. LOCATION: 1457 Pacific (North side between Barclay and Birmingham) 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 24, Auditor' s Subdivision No. 62, except the West 50' thereof. 4. PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.304 & 67.406 5. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE: 10/18/84 BY: Patricia N. James A. PURPOSE: To consider a lot split to allow single family or duplex construction. � B. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: The site is currently occupied by an existing single fami y structure. Proposed parcel "A" slopes to the southwest. The surrounding land uses are residential multiple family to the south, single family and duplex to the east with I-94 to the north and Highway 61 to the west. C. MINI�dUM LOT REQUIREMENTS: Singie family - 40 feet; 5,000 square feet. Duplex - 50 feet; 6,000 square feet. D. CURRENT WIDTH & AREA: One lot. 182.49 ft. frontage on Pacific ; 25,446.41 sq. ft. area. E. PROPOSED WIDTH & AREA: Two lots. Parcel A: 80 feet; 11 ,153.60 square feet. Parcel B: 102.49 feet; 14,289.16 square feet. F. FINDINGS: 1 . The proposal meets all requirements of Sections 67.304 and 67.406 of the Zoning Code. 2. The division will not be detrimental to the present or potential development on the site nor to the neighboring property. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends the lot split be approved. . o._.»�,......,.�:.::.�.�,.......�.�..._..,._........ � m��A���V� �� G I TY O� sA I NT �A U L Council :�N4RY - OEPARTMENT File NO. 91UE -MAYOR �- �. =.�oni ng � COUncil Resolution -- �- ���'y � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Wallace and Gladys Masloski have submitted the attached proposed lot split for City Council approval ; and WHEREAS, the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and Public. Works have reviewed the attached lot split at 1457 Pacific Avenue, described as: Parcel A (vacant) : "The east 80.00 feet of Lot 4, Block 24, Auditor's Subdivision No. 62;" and � Parcel B (1457 Pacific) : "That part of Lot 4, Block 24, Auditor's Subdivision No. 62 lying west of the east 80.00 feet and lying east of the west 50.00 feet thereof;" and • WHEREAS, the proposed lot split meets the requirements of Sections 67.304 and 67.406 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this lot split. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eteher Nays pr� PLANNING AND ECONOMIC �IEVELOPMENT Masanz [n Favor NiCOSia scnetbei A gai nst BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B; �pproved by �lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ey By m BlRMINGHAM STREET m -+ ... � O ', ._ , VACATED � -i ' . . tn -o , �sa.4s r" � — �— ——. ____— � ,_,� � wesT�w�o��oT s � C i - I � ' � � � Ip �'c p C!� � ! o � o a ,o�, o . o ��ti � G ; I - I D , _ _ 139.44 � n � m � I � � � � I ��'s. C � �^ ; � � � � VJ i j - ,_ _ � _-� m r..�. � , O � i � �^ A W v, ;� q�� o � : � � ' -- - � �- � o I N e�i I W � A N v �p `° �NC. CA �P ro� i C p �+i�p c W ' o o CDn h%�`, ��,�Q �� C � O ! '�O p9 g ; � � , � 9,9p � O o °n m i cq,_ �/ � � Z o �' l� -.�, � v i / � �N n i . , �L.!_L_G./_t..., �A 77 ,, . j S � � `�- 139.42 " � o I ��'IRON FOUND � 0.�6 E. • 0.10 N. Z ^„a' �J � O •►O �1 � ~ tr • � � D o» m � .� . n o�, m i � n °� —1 � � GqR m A � m wW I �QF m ��C N N ' � �M M ,(� e�1� Q �'\ 0 `! �' � � `i • 0 7 � � . . � �0 ��� � . O A j O � O ;"� I i � I I � � O EAST LINE _� n ni D , 4�- l O T 4 � � ; 1 �� . �0 7c \ � Cf = � o•m t � f a S 4o CONC. BLOCK 139.a 1 - ;! p ^C � � I` � � IRON FOUND � � < .-ar � . � '•' D' 0.10 E. • 0.40 N. � � � o z � � , � �a �� O O .� � � ~ ° � � �f� 'si � � '" O'o A 4 n � O � ; -� ln��A � Z � r«.r Q.w ' •c v,am I �y p { w m .~.�m m m : p ^ o � 0 � tnme � r ooKti � y�i, r T P Z � . . p .� � _» . � I y � ^ . . . Q�M•rP � M D .� i �' � O O O 7 O H q � ' 7 S ^ +s`h � C • � I '-r. Z . . . A �C � �O n n o r ao p� , ,, n ... � ..... V• µ N V •« 6 -ti . RI . � •►O P ...p Q i � �� °' - � S] N A u 0 . . < � i • n a - �..,. y , < �` ti r o � , „n �► rK W � p .• < ' -1 o �t 's•�-+ -q �'f1 ~ -�+►- � v z ' '►` , • � � n or � ' :;� � � � � . ' ,�. (A mo N u � i. �,a r , a r. . . . . �r . �-�{. o a m o -ti c ►-• fn -ti o- o M Y- ,.S.+ � D Sn o � A � N �O . A � �w . . � � � � . . , • � � L" fi � d ;..Z�; . � �,� ������� � NQ1'ICE OF tVf1I1E!IEfiA�'. 1Le St. Paul City CounMl will rnnduct a publ� hearin6 W cansT�er the .. uest of Waltace dud Glsdys EdasI�ki'ioa A`�+at 1457 PaeKie StreM on�tlwber�S;�t�@Up , A.l[.in tde Citr'f:0�hiha c:�aRl.iRoor, Citf Fial! _ , - .. ALBERT B.OLSON c�tr cie�x (October.15.39841 ,+� :c; . . _ , ; L�T SPL11 ��. �t, . AS NOW DESC Lot 4, Black Pla , b2 , exc�p � 50.00 -- � � i t'"' W W ' � �1 � � p ' o ��C? w � � � � �'- ° V � � W � Q � _ ;� � � _ � ,� � � � �.. Q i � W � 3 , C i L i Q 2 C� i Z � _ � � ; � m � I I ; 50.00 SCALE 1 INCH= 20 FEET � I I r ,� ��1 ��y� . ASLaSKI � T(? BE DESCRIBED AFTER SPLIT IS APPROVED rision �t t ereof , pArr,`L A The East 80 . Q0 feet of �ot 4, Eiiack 24 , Auditor ' s Svb<�ivision tJo , 62 , PARCEL. � That port of Lot 4 , Bl �ck 24, Auditor ' s Sut-�di�-ision No , 62 ly :� ��c, '�Jest of the East £30 . OQ feet and lying Eask of tl7e b5�est �1� . 00 feet tH,ereof . #94 CNO ACGESS) MiNN. D.O.T, � 103.27 80.00 c.�."". ' ,. � _-- ------- — BLOCK 24. ►RS SUBDIVISION 62 _ � . � � � � o� � r- - ---�� �, . � i . •` � ��C, �i � � �/ ��� Q,P �'� • P � � � , , , �° , GP �� �v U V ; � �_�_\_`._��__L� Q.� m �S���G Q� P �� �\�G Q � vi o �� � I o�G � I G I � U \ i � i I ' , I � � _ � . I� �5'��� � _ � p ��'+ ��.�� �c+' �v� TO BE REMOVED --, w ? � v � �� G� c o � z � O � .a -' ° u. W Io _ � p z o � , � � �� a � o � z m � w � o o � C� � � �Q � J �Q' ��-- - 1 jl 88 3�� � ��` � ,i 102.49 � 80.00 � LAY:E & LAND SURVEYING, INC. 1296 Nudson Road 776-62 St , Paul , MN 55106 I hereEy cf�rt � fy that this surve (C STREET was prepare� !�y me or under my d �nd ,k���t � am �a duly Regis ered uncier the Ia:�s oF the Sta of M �� �� � J .P,r� � , G���� l.w �linn . n the /� %' T�'` day of ��