00-14Council File # O O^ � Green Sheet # �� cFr�. � 0 RESOLUTION Presented By Referred To 1 WF�REAS, Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement has requested the City 2 Council to hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or 3 wrecking and removal of a two-story, wood frame dwelling at 762 Lafond Avenue located on property 4 hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property° and commonly known as 762 Lafond Avenue. This 5 property is legally described as follows, to wit: 6 7 Lot 6, Chute Brothers Division No. 12, Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minuesota 8 9 WEIEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and information 10 obtained by Division of Code Enforcement on or before August O5, 1999, the following are the now 11 known interested or responsible parties for the Subject Properry:AMRESCO Residential Mortgage, 12 16800 Aston Street, Irvine, CA 92606-4832; Bxadley Nelson, 16703 Firestone Street, Farmina on,MN 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 SSQ24-8828; Bradley Nelson, 14870 Granada Avenue, Ste. 240, Apple Valley, MN 55024 WI�REAS, Division of Code Enfarcement has served in accardance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code an order identified as an"Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated September 22, 1999; and WI3EREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the structure located on the Subject Properry is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and WI�REAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or demolish the structure located on the Subject Property by October 22, 1999; and WfIEREA5, the enforcement officer has posted a placard on the Subject Properry declaring this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Division of Code Enforcement requested that the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the Legislative Heazing Officer of the City Council and the Saint Paul City Council; and WI�REAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and purpose of the public hearings; and 00 -ty 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legisiative Hearing O�cer of the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testnnony and evidence, made the recommendarion to approve the request to order the interested or responsible parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within fifteen (15) days a8er the date of the Council Hearing; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paui City Council on Wednesday, January O5, 2000 and the testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evadence presented at the above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paui City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order conceming the Subject Property at 762 Lafond Avenue: 1. 2. Q Ca 7 :�I That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45. That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed three thousand doliars ($3,000.00). That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Properiy. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to conect the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). That the deficiencies causing this nuisance condition have not been conected. That Division of Code Enforcement has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolition. That this building has been routinely monitored by the Citizen Service Offices, Division o£Code Enforcement, Vacant(Nuisance Buildings. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in tltis resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled. ORDER The Saint Paui City Council hereby makes the following arder: The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimentai to the public peace, health, safety and weifare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure and correcting ali deficiencies as prescribed in the above referenced Qrder to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accardance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ardinances. The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date o£the Council Aearing. bo -�`� 1 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within this period of tune the Citizen Service 2 Office, Division of Code Enforcement is hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary 3 to demolish and remove this shucture, fill the site and chazge the costs incurred against the 4 Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code. 6 7 10 11 12 3. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind wiuch interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the properiy by the responsible parties by the end of this rime period. If a11 pezsonal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the Ciry of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. 4. It is fiutl�er ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Requested by Department of: sy: Form Approved by City Attorney By : � �- � � / ,�,�/, � �,--_ a- �-,�,..�__ T� ` T Approved by Mayor: Date �iYYi �T7 c-�yC/ By : �\--�-� !�� _�%!%l Citi en Service Office• Code Enforcement B : �^ Adopted by Council: Date �p Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to � GREEN SHEET Wanen R. Bostrom 266-8439 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES f:�"u_ =.�1•_:.=.7Z�`i � CIYAifOAEY � ❑..�,�,� �cuv a�.� 00 _�y No � ��'�8 L-�iT=.:r-_�� u��— ❑ ..�„�,�,�.a ❑ si�w►TUt� City Council to pass this resolution wluch will order the owner(s) to remove or repair the referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, the Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 762 Lafond Avenue. PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERV{CE CAMMISS�ON t Hesmisn&soMfine�ervarketlwderaconnaaramietl�aM�nn F YES NO 2. FlastlasP��M.xbeenedtyempbyee9 . YES NO 3. Does thi6 P�m10� a sldll rnt nonnal�YD�sed bY �Y wrtent oily emploY�7 YES N6 4. k ihis pemaJfiim a targMetl ventloY7 � , . YES NO This building(s) is a nuisance buildina(s) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant building as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties known to the Enforcement Officex were given an arder to repair or remove the building at �62 Lafond Avenue by Oetober 22, 1999, and have failed to comply with those orders. „ 3NANiAGESIFAPPROVED " - - :' :; The City will eliminate a nuisance. �'�,'� v� Y i. .' €✓7��`' . � , - ;,._ ��,�,� _ ... . ......_�.._. � IISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this building(s). These costs will be assessed to the properry, A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. oFrn�wsacnortq $6,000 - $7,000 SOURCE Nuisance Housing Abatement (�WM COST/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRaEONhj 1YEb/ NO `/ 33261 ACTNITVNUMBER — —. . _ ' C�� �$s�.?uPC� GerfeP REPORT a o - y � Date: December 21, 1999 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hali 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd LEGISLATTVE HEARING Gerry Stratlunan Legislafive Hearing Officer 1. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properry at 762 Lafond Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended giving AMRBSCO six months to complete rehabilitation on condition that the following is done by noon of January 5, 2000: post a$2,000 bond, get a code compliance inspection, and pay the vacant building fee. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properiy at 648 Western Avenue North. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. rrn NIINUTES OF TI� LEGISLATIVE HEARING � d _(� Tuesday, December 21, 1999 Room 330 City HalllCourthouse Gerry Strattunau, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Steve Magner, Code Enforcement The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the property at 762 Lafond Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Matthew R. Zahn; Leonazd, O'Brien, Wilford, Spencer, & Gale; representing AMRESCO Residential Mortgage appeared. (Photographs were given to Gerry Strathxnan.) Steve Magner reported this property was condemned in November 1998 and has been vacated since December 1998. The current property owner is AMRESCQ Residenfial Mortgage. Four summary abatement notices haue been issued to remove refuse, secure the building, and cut ta11 grass. The building was inspected 9-14-99 and a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed. The vacant building fees aze due. A citafion was issued to the owner for failure to pay these fees. Real estate tases are unpaid in the amount of $1,86834. Taxation has placed an estimated mazket value on the property of $44,600, A$2,000 bond has not been posted, and a code compliance inspection has not been done. Code Enforcement estimated the cost to repair is $30,000; estimated cost to demolish, $9,000 to $10,000. Mr. Zahn stated his client is the mortgage company which has recently foreclosed on the mortgage. The owner is in prison on a felony charge, and ail of the notices were sent to the owner. The bank just received last week the notice to abate and notice of this hearing. AMRESCO intends to rehabilitate the property. They have already begun to take action: they have boarded the building, the properiy has been cleaned up, and they have begun to get repair esrimates. Mr. Za1ui is asking for time to comply. Mr. Zahn stated an unlawful detainer action was filed, The sheriff has not removed all the properiy in the building. Mr. Zahn is hoping that will be resolved in a few days. Mr. Strathman responded that will not prevent AMRESCO from taking acrions, and then they will have six months to rehabilitate, which should be time to tesolve this issue. Gerry Strathman recommended giving ANIRESCO six months to complete rehabilitation on condition that the following is done by noon of January S, 2000: post a$2,000 bond, get a code compliance inspection, and pay the vacant building fee. LEGISLATIVE FiEARING MINUTES OF 12-21-99 Page 2 Resolution ardering the owner to remove or repair the property at 648 Western Avenue �� � y North. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Mike Ricci, Execufive Director of Charter School Properties, Inc., appeazed. (Photographs were given to Gerry Strathulan.) Steve Magner reported the building has been vacant since January 1999. The current owner is Charter School Properties, Inc., There has been one sutmnary abatement notice to cut ta11 grass. An inspection was conducted on 9-21-99, and a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed. The vacant building and real estate taxes are paid. Taxation has placed a value of $44,600 on the property. A$2,000 bond and code compliance inspection have not been applied for. The estimated cost to repair is $60,000; cost to demolish, $7,000 to $8,000. From looking at the photographs, stated Gerry Strathman, the propeny does not appear to be in such terrible condition. He asked why the $60,000 estimate. Mr. Magner responded there is quite a bit of general deterioration. Sometimes the photographs aze more flattering than the actual look of the properry. Mike Ricci stated Charter School purchased the house for a nominal sum with the intention of adding recreation space around their building. They knew it had a number of liens. The largest lien holder was the Department of Education-State of Minnesota. Mr. Ricci thought he couid do business with them and acquire this proper[7. The Deparhnent of Education has not responded to several attempts to negotiate a resolution of the lien. Charter School has spent close to $5,000 on this property when it is already exceeding its value as a vacant lot. Gerry Strathman asked what will happen if the City demolished this pmperry. Mr. Magner responded the cost of the demolition will be assessed. It will be up to the owner to continue to pay taYes and pay for the assessment. If they fail to do that, it will be a vacant lot, and the State of Minnesota will take over posession and eventually sell it at auction. Mr. Stratlunan stated it appears the Charter School has no intention of attempting to rehabilitate the building. Mr. Ritchie responded in agreement. Mr. Magner stated this has been a nuisance property for a number of yeazs. There has been a lot of redevelopment on that block, only two structures remain, and this properry is one of them. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 a.m. rrti CIITZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owwu, Ciry Cie�k �o -1`'� DMSION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCE[vIE�1T Wanex R Bartrom, Pro�am lVlanaqer �,'�`Y �I S'f��r PA�, Nuistmce Building Code Enforcement Norm Coleman, Mayo� 1 S W. Ke[fogg Blvd. Rm. T 90 Tel: 651-266-8440 SaintPaul,MN55102 Faz:651-26Cr8426 i I3ovember 19, 1999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC FIEARINGS Council President and Members of the City Council Citizen Service Office, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Enforcement Division has requested the City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of the nuisance building(s) located at: 762 Lafond Avenue The City Council has scheduled the date of these hearings as follows: Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, December 21, 1999 City Councii Hearing - Wednesday, 3anuary O5, 2000 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Known Address AMRESCO Residential Mortgage 16800 Aston Street Irvine, CA 92606-4832 Interest Fee Owner Bradley Nelson 16703 Firestone Street Parmin�on,IvIN 55024-8828 Bradley Nelson 14870 Granada Avenue, Ste. 240 Apple Valley, MN 55024 The legai description of this property is: Interested Party Interested Party Lot 6, Chute Brothers Division No. 12, Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota 762 Lafond Avenue November 19, 1999 Page 2 6 0 -1y Division of Code Enforcement has declared this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined by Legisiative Code, Chapter 45. Division of Code Enforcement has issued an order to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficiencies or by razina and xemoving this,building(s). Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community continues to suffex the blighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation o£ the Division of Code Enforcement that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize the Division of Code Enforcement to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred a�ainst the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Sincerely, � z ��"' Steve 1Vla�er Vacant Buildin�s Supervisor Division of Code Enforcement Citizen Service Office SM:mI cc: Frank Berg, Buildin� Inspection and Design Rachel Youn�, City Attomeys Office Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secietary to the Council Steve Zaccazd, Fire Marshall Paul Mordarski, PED-Housin� Division ccnph Council File # O O^ � Green Sheet # �� cFr�. � 0 RESOLUTION Presented By Referred To 1 WF�REAS, Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement has requested the City 2 Council to hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or 3 wrecking and removal of a two-story, wood frame dwelling at 762 Lafond Avenue located on property 4 hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property° and commonly known as 762 Lafond Avenue. This 5 property is legally described as follows, to wit: 6 7 Lot 6, Chute Brothers Division No. 12, Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minuesota 8 9 WEIEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and information 10 obtained by Division of Code Enforcement on or before August O5, 1999, the following are the now 11 known interested or responsible parties for the Subject Properry:AMRESCO Residential Mortgage, 12 16800 Aston Street, Irvine, CA 92606-4832; Bxadley Nelson, 16703 Firestone Street, Farmina on,MN 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 SSQ24-8828; Bradley Nelson, 14870 Granada Avenue, Ste. 240, Apple Valley, MN 55024 WI�REAS, Division of Code Enfarcement has served in accardance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code an order identified as an"Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated September 22, 1999; and WI3EREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the structure located on the Subject Properry is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and WI�REAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or demolish the structure located on the Subject Property by October 22, 1999; and WfIEREA5, the enforcement officer has posted a placard on the Subject Properry declaring this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Division of Code Enforcement requested that the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the Legislative Heazing Officer of the City Council and the Saint Paul City Council; and WI�REAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and purpose of the public hearings; and 00 -ty 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legisiative Hearing O�cer of the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testnnony and evidence, made the recommendarion to approve the request to order the interested or responsible parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within fifteen (15) days a8er the date of the Council Hearing; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paui City Council on Wednesday, January O5, 2000 and the testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evadence presented at the above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paui City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order conceming the Subject Property at 762 Lafond Avenue: 1. 2. Q Ca 7 :�I That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45. That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed three thousand doliars ($3,000.00). That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Properiy. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to conect the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). That the deficiencies causing this nuisance condition have not been conected. That Division of Code Enforcement has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolition. That this building has been routinely monitored by the Citizen Service Offices, Division o£Code Enforcement, Vacant(Nuisance Buildings. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in tltis resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled. ORDER The Saint Paui City Council hereby makes the following arder: The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimentai to the public peace, health, safety and weifare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure and correcting ali deficiencies as prescribed in the above referenced Qrder to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accardance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ardinances. The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date o£the Council Aearing. bo -�`� 1 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within this period of tune the Citizen Service 2 Office, Division of Code Enforcement is hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary 3 to demolish and remove this shucture, fill the site and chazge the costs incurred against the 4 Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code. 6 7 10 11 12 3. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind wiuch interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the properiy by the responsible parties by the end of this rime period. If a11 pezsonal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the Ciry of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. 4. It is fiutl�er ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Requested by Department of: sy: Form Approved by City Attorney By : � �- � � / ,�,�/, � �,--_ a- �-,�,..�__ T� ` T Approved by Mayor: Date �iYYi �T7 c-�yC/ By : �\--�-� !�� _�%!%l Citi en Service Office• Code Enforcement B : �^ Adopted by Council: Date �p Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to � GREEN SHEET Wanen R. Bostrom 266-8439 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES f:�"u_ =.�1•_:.=.7Z�`i � CIYAifOAEY � ❑..�,�,� �cuv a�.� 00 _�y No � ��'�8 L-�iT=.:r-_�� u��— ❑ ..�„�,�,�.a ❑ si�w►TUt� City Council to pass this resolution wluch will order the owner(s) to remove or repair the referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, the Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 762 Lafond Avenue. PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERV{CE CAMMISS�ON t Hesmisn&soMfine�ervarketlwderaconnaaramietl�aM�nn F YES NO 2. FlastlasP��M.xbeenedtyempbyee9 . YES NO 3. Does thi6 P�m10� a sldll rnt nonnal�YD�sed bY �Y wrtent oily emploY�7 YES N6 4. k ihis pemaJfiim a targMetl ventloY7 � , . YES NO This building(s) is a nuisance buildina(s) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant building as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties known to the Enforcement Officex were given an arder to repair or remove the building at �62 Lafond Avenue by Oetober 22, 1999, and have failed to comply with those orders. „ 3NANiAGESIFAPPROVED " - - :' :; The City will eliminate a nuisance. �'�,'� v� Y i. .' €✓7��`' . � , - ;,._ ��,�,� _ ... . ......_�.._. � IISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this building(s). These costs will be assessed to the properry, A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. oFrn�wsacnortq $6,000 - $7,000 SOURCE Nuisance Housing Abatement (�WM COST/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRaEONhj 1YEb/ NO `/ 33261 ACTNITVNUMBER — —. . _ ' C�� �$s�.?uPC� GerfeP REPORT a o - y � Date: December 21, 1999 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hali 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd LEGISLATTVE HEARING Gerry Stratlunan Legislafive Hearing Officer 1. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properry at 762 Lafond Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended giving AMRBSCO six months to complete rehabilitation on condition that the following is done by noon of January 5, 2000: post a$2,000 bond, get a code compliance inspection, and pay the vacant building fee. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properiy at 648 Western Avenue North. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. rrn NIINUTES OF TI� LEGISLATIVE HEARING � d _(� Tuesday, December 21, 1999 Room 330 City HalllCourthouse Gerry Strattunau, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Steve Magner, Code Enforcement The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the property at 762 Lafond Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Matthew R. Zahn; Leonazd, O'Brien, Wilford, Spencer, & Gale; representing AMRESCO Residential Mortgage appeared. (Photographs were given to Gerry Strathxnan.) Steve Magner reported this property was condemned in November 1998 and has been vacated since December 1998. The current property owner is AMRESCQ Residenfial Mortgage. Four summary abatement notices haue been issued to remove refuse, secure the building, and cut ta11 grass. The building was inspected 9-14-99 and a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed. The vacant building fees aze due. A citafion was issued to the owner for failure to pay these fees. Real estate tases are unpaid in the amount of $1,86834. Taxation has placed an estimated mazket value on the property of $44,600, A$2,000 bond has not been posted, and a code compliance inspection has not been done. Code Enforcement estimated the cost to repair is $30,000; estimated cost to demolish, $9,000 to $10,000. Mr. Zahn stated his client is the mortgage company which has recently foreclosed on the mortgage. The owner is in prison on a felony charge, and ail of the notices were sent to the owner. The bank just received last week the notice to abate and notice of this hearing. AMRESCO intends to rehabilitate the property. They have already begun to take action: they have boarded the building, the properiy has been cleaned up, and they have begun to get repair esrimates. Mr. Za1ui is asking for time to comply. Mr. Zahn stated an unlawful detainer action was filed, The sheriff has not removed all the properiy in the building. Mr. Zahn is hoping that will be resolved in a few days. Mr. Strathman responded that will not prevent AMRESCO from taking acrions, and then they will have six months to rehabilitate, which should be time to tesolve this issue. Gerry Strathman recommended giving ANIRESCO six months to complete rehabilitation on condition that the following is done by noon of January S, 2000: post a$2,000 bond, get a code compliance inspection, and pay the vacant building fee. LEGISLATIVE FiEARING MINUTES OF 12-21-99 Page 2 Resolution ardering the owner to remove or repair the property at 648 Western Avenue �� � y North. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Mike Ricci, Execufive Director of Charter School Properties, Inc., appeazed. (Photographs were given to Gerry Strathulan.) Steve Magner reported the building has been vacant since January 1999. The current owner is Charter School Properties, Inc., There has been one sutmnary abatement notice to cut ta11 grass. An inspection was conducted on 9-21-99, and a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed. The vacant building and real estate taxes are paid. Taxation has placed a value of $44,600 on the property. A$2,000 bond and code compliance inspection have not been applied for. The estimated cost to repair is $60,000; cost to demolish, $7,000 to $8,000. From looking at the photographs, stated Gerry Strathman, the propeny does not appear to be in such terrible condition. He asked why the $60,000 estimate. Mr. Magner responded there is quite a bit of general deterioration. Sometimes the photographs aze more flattering than the actual look of the properry. Mike Ricci stated Charter School purchased the house for a nominal sum with the intention of adding recreation space around their building. They knew it had a number of liens. The largest lien holder was the Department of Education-State of Minnesota. Mr. Ricci thought he couid do business with them and acquire this proper[7. The Deparhnent of Education has not responded to several attempts to negotiate a resolution of the lien. Charter School has spent close to $5,000 on this property when it is already exceeding its value as a vacant lot. Gerry Strathman asked what will happen if the City demolished this pmperry. Mr. Magner responded the cost of the demolition will be assessed. It will be up to the owner to continue to pay taYes and pay for the assessment. If they fail to do that, it will be a vacant lot, and the State of Minnesota will take over posession and eventually sell it at auction. Mr. Stratlunan stated it appears the Charter School has no intention of attempting to rehabilitate the building. Mr. Ritchie responded in agreement. Mr. Magner stated this has been a nuisance property for a number of yeazs. There has been a lot of redevelopment on that block, only two structures remain, and this properry is one of them. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 a.m. rrti CIITZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owwu, Ciry Cie�k �o -1`'� DMSION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCE[vIE�1T Wanex R Bartrom, Pro�am lVlanaqer �,'�`Y �I S'f��r PA�, Nuistmce Building Code Enforcement Norm Coleman, Mayo� 1 S W. Ke[fogg Blvd. Rm. T 90 Tel: 651-266-8440 SaintPaul,MN55102 Faz:651-26Cr8426 i I3ovember 19, 1999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC FIEARINGS Council President and Members of the City Council Citizen Service Office, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Enforcement Division has requested the City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of the nuisance building(s) located at: 762 Lafond Avenue The City Council has scheduled the date of these hearings as follows: Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, December 21, 1999 City Councii Hearing - Wednesday, 3anuary O5, 2000 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Known Address AMRESCO Residential Mortgage 16800 Aston Street Irvine, CA 92606-4832 Interest Fee Owner Bradley Nelson 16703 Firestone Street Parmin�on,IvIN 55024-8828 Bradley Nelson 14870 Granada Avenue, Ste. 240 Apple Valley, MN 55024 The legai description of this property is: Interested Party Interested Party Lot 6, Chute Brothers Division No. 12, Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota 762 Lafond Avenue November 19, 1999 Page 2 6 0 -1y Division of Code Enforcement has declared this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined by Legisiative Code, Chapter 45. Division of Code Enforcement has issued an order to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficiencies or by razina and xemoving this,building(s). Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community continues to suffex the blighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation o£ the Division of Code Enforcement that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize the Division of Code Enforcement to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred a�ainst the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Sincerely, � z ��"' Steve 1Vla�er Vacant Buildin�s Supervisor Division of Code Enforcement Citizen Service Office SM:mI cc: Frank Berg, Buildin� Inspection and Design Rachel Youn�, City Attomeys Office Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secietary to the Council Steve Zaccazd, Fire Marshall Paul Mordarski, PED-Housin� Division ccnph Council File # O O^ � Green Sheet # �� cFr�. � 0 RESOLUTION Presented By Referred To 1 WF�REAS, Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement has requested the City 2 Council to hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or 3 wrecking and removal of a two-story, wood frame dwelling at 762 Lafond Avenue located on property 4 hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property° and commonly known as 762 Lafond Avenue. This 5 property is legally described as follows, to wit: 6 7 Lot 6, Chute Brothers Division No. 12, Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minuesota 8 9 WEIEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and information 10 obtained by Division of Code Enforcement on or before August O5, 1999, the following are the now 11 known interested or responsible parties for the Subject Properry:AMRESCO Residential Mortgage, 12 16800 Aston Street, Irvine, CA 92606-4832; Bxadley Nelson, 16703 Firestone Street, Farmina on,MN 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2� 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 SSQ24-8828; Bradley Nelson, 14870 Granada Avenue, Ste. 240, Apple Valley, MN 55024 WI�REAS, Division of Code Enfarcement has served in accardance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code an order identified as an"Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated September 22, 1999; and WI3EREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the structure located on the Subject Properry is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and WI�REAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or demolish the structure located on the Subject Property by October 22, 1999; and WfIEREA5, the enforcement officer has posted a placard on the Subject Properry declaring this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Division of Code Enforcement requested that the City Clerk schedule public hearings before the Legislative Heazing Officer of the City Council and the Saint Paul City Council; and WI�REAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and purpose of the public hearings; and 00 -ty 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legisiative Hearing O�cer of the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, December 21, 1999 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testnnony and evidence, made the recommendarion to approve the request to order the interested or responsible parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the structure to be completed within fifteen (15) days a8er the date of the Council Hearing; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paui City Council on Wednesday, January O5, 2000 and the testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testimony and evadence presented at the above referenced public hearings, the Saint Paui City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order conceming the Subject Property at 762 Lafond Avenue: 1. 2. Q Ca 7 :�I That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45. That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed three thousand doliars ($3,000.00). That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Properiy. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then known responsible parties to conect the deficiencies or to demolish and remove the building(s). That the deficiencies causing this nuisance condition have not been conected. That Division of Code Enforcement has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declares it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolition. That this building has been routinely monitored by the Citizen Service Offices, Division o£Code Enforcement, Vacant(Nuisance Buildings. That the known interested parties and owners are as previously stated in tltis resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled. ORDER The Saint Paui City Council hereby makes the following arder: The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimentai to the public peace, health, safety and weifare and remove its blighting influence on the community by rehabilitating this structure and correcting ali deficiencies as prescribed in the above referenced Qrder to Abate Nuisance Building(s) in accardance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ardinances. The rehabilitation or demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date o£the Council Aearing. bo -�`� 1 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within this period of tune the Citizen Service 2 Office, Division of Code Enforcement is hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary 3 to demolish and remove this shucture, fill the site and chazge the costs incurred against the 4 Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code. 6 7 10 11 12 3. In the event the building is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind wiuch interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the properiy by the responsible parties by the end of this rime period. If a11 pezsonal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the Ciry of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. 4. It is fiutl�er ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Requested by Department of: sy: Form Approved by City Attorney By : � �- � � / ,�,�/, � �,--_ a- �-,�,..�__ T� ` T Approved by Mayor: Date �iYYi �T7 c-�yC/ By : �\--�-� !�� _�%!%l Citi en Service Office• Code Enforcement B : �^ Adopted by Council: Date �p Adoption Certified by Counc Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to � GREEN SHEET Wanen R. Bostrom 266-8439 TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES f:�"u_ =.�1•_:.=.7Z�`i � CIYAifOAEY � ❑..�,�,� �cuv a�.� 00 _�y No � ��'�8 L-�iT=.:r-_�� u��— ❑ ..�„�,�,�.a ❑ si�w►TUt� City Council to pass this resolution wluch will order the owner(s) to remove or repair the referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, the Citizen Service Office, Division of Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. The subject property is located at 762 Lafond Avenue. PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERV{CE CAMMISS�ON t Hesmisn&soMfine�ervarketlwderaconnaaramietl�aM�nn F YES NO 2. FlastlasP��M.xbeenedtyempbyee9 . YES NO 3. Does thi6 P�m10� a sldll rnt nonnal�YD�sed bY �Y wrtent oily emploY�7 YES N6 4. k ihis pemaJfiim a targMetl ventloY7 � , . YES NO This building(s) is a nuisance buildina(s) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant building as defined in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interested parties and responsible parties known to the Enforcement Officex were given an arder to repair or remove the building at �62 Lafond Avenue by Oetober 22, 1999, and have failed to comply with those orders. „ 3NANiAGESIFAPPROVED " - - :' :; The City will eliminate a nuisance. �'�,'� v� Y i. .' €✓7��`' . � , - ;,._ ��,�,� _ ... . ......_�.._. � IISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The City will spend funds to wreck and remove this building(s). These costs will be assessed to the properry, A nuisance condition will remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. oFrn�wsacnortq $6,000 - $7,000 SOURCE Nuisance Housing Abatement (�WM COST/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRaEONhj 1YEb/ NO `/ 33261 ACTNITVNUMBER — —. . _ ' C�� �$s�.?uPC� GerfeP REPORT a o - y � Date: December 21, 1999 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hali 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd LEGISLATTVE HEARING Gerry Stratlunan Legislafive Hearing Officer 1. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properry at 762 Lafond Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended giving AMRBSCO six months to complete rehabilitation on condition that the following is done by noon of January 5, 2000: post a$2,000 bond, get a code compliance inspection, and pay the vacant building fee. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the properiy at 648 Western Avenue North. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. rrn NIINUTES OF TI� LEGISLATIVE HEARING � d _(� Tuesday, December 21, 1999 Room 330 City HalllCourthouse Gerry Strattunau, Legislative Hearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Steve Magner, Code Enforcement The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the property at 762 Lafond Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Matthew R. Zahn; Leonazd, O'Brien, Wilford, Spencer, & Gale; representing AMRESCO Residential Mortgage appeared. (Photographs were given to Gerry Strathxnan.) Steve Magner reported this property was condemned in November 1998 and has been vacated since December 1998. The current property owner is AMRESCQ Residenfial Mortgage. Four summary abatement notices haue been issued to remove refuse, secure the building, and cut ta11 grass. The building was inspected 9-14-99 and a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed. The vacant building fees aze due. A citafion was issued to the owner for failure to pay these fees. Real estate tases are unpaid in the amount of $1,86834. Taxation has placed an estimated mazket value on the property of $44,600, A$2,000 bond has not been posted, and a code compliance inspection has not been done. Code Enforcement estimated the cost to repair is $30,000; estimated cost to demolish, $9,000 to $10,000. Mr. Zahn stated his client is the mortgage company which has recently foreclosed on the mortgage. The owner is in prison on a felony charge, and ail of the notices were sent to the owner. The bank just received last week the notice to abate and notice of this hearing. AMRESCO intends to rehabilitate the property. They have already begun to take action: they have boarded the building, the properiy has been cleaned up, and they have begun to get repair esrimates. Mr. Za1ui is asking for time to comply. Mr. Zahn stated an unlawful detainer action was filed, The sheriff has not removed all the properiy in the building. Mr. Zahn is hoping that will be resolved in a few days. Mr. Strathman responded that will not prevent AMRESCO from taking acrions, and then they will have six months to rehabilitate, which should be time to tesolve this issue. Gerry Strathman recommended giving ANIRESCO six months to complete rehabilitation on condition that the following is done by noon of January S, 2000: post a$2,000 bond, get a code compliance inspection, and pay the vacant building fee. LEGISLATIVE FiEARING MINUTES OF 12-21-99 Page 2 Resolution ardering the owner to remove or repair the property at 648 Western Avenue �� � y North. If the owner fails to comply with the order, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Mike Ricci, Execufive Director of Charter School Properties, Inc., appeazed. (Photographs were given to Gerry Strathulan.) Steve Magner reported the building has been vacant since January 1999. The current owner is Charter School Properties, Inc., There has been one sutmnary abatement notice to cut ta11 grass. An inspection was conducted on 9-21-99, and a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed. The vacant building and real estate taxes are paid. Taxation has placed a value of $44,600 on the property. A$2,000 bond and code compliance inspection have not been applied for. The estimated cost to repair is $60,000; cost to demolish, $7,000 to $8,000. From looking at the photographs, stated Gerry Strathman, the propeny does not appear to be in such terrible condition. He asked why the $60,000 estimate. Mr. Magner responded there is quite a bit of general deterioration. Sometimes the photographs aze more flattering than the actual look of the properry. Mike Ricci stated Charter School purchased the house for a nominal sum with the intention of adding recreation space around their building. They knew it had a number of liens. The largest lien holder was the Department of Education-State of Minnesota. Mr. Ricci thought he couid do business with them and acquire this proper[7. The Deparhnent of Education has not responded to several attempts to negotiate a resolution of the lien. Charter School has spent close to $5,000 on this property when it is already exceeding its value as a vacant lot. Gerry Strathman asked what will happen if the City demolished this pmperry. Mr. Magner responded the cost of the demolition will be assessed. It will be up to the owner to continue to pay taYes and pay for the assessment. If they fail to do that, it will be a vacant lot, and the State of Minnesota will take over posession and eventually sell it at auction. Mr. Stratlunan stated it appears the Charter School has no intention of attempting to rehabilitate the building. Mr. Ritchie responded in agreement. Mr. Magner stated this has been a nuisance property for a number of yeazs. There has been a lot of redevelopment on that block, only two structures remain, and this properry is one of them. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. The meeting was adjourned at 10:22 a.m. rrti CIITZEN SERVICE OFFICE Fred Owwu, Ciry Cie�k �o -1`'� DMSION OF PROPERTY CODE ENFORCE[vIE�1T Wanex R Bartrom, Pro�am lVlanaqer �,'�`Y �I S'f��r PA�, Nuistmce Building Code Enforcement Norm Coleman, Mayo� 1 S W. Ke[fogg Blvd. Rm. T 90 Tel: 651-266-8440 SaintPaul,MN55102 Faz:651-26Cr8426 i I3ovember 19, 1999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC FIEARINGS Council President and Members of the City Council Citizen Service Office, Vacant/Nuisance Buildings Enforcement Division has requested the City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of the nuisance building(s) located at: 762 Lafond Avenue The City Council has scheduled the date of these hearings as follows: Legislative Hearing - Tuesday, December 21, 1999 City Councii Hearing - Wednesday, 3anuary O5, 2000 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Known Address AMRESCO Residential Mortgage 16800 Aston Street Irvine, CA 92606-4832 Interest Fee Owner Bradley Nelson 16703 Firestone Street Parmin�on,IvIN 55024-8828 Bradley Nelson 14870 Granada Avenue, Ste. 240 Apple Valley, MN 55024 The legai description of this property is: Interested Party Interested Party Lot 6, Chute Brothers Division No. 12, Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota 762 Lafond Avenue November 19, 1999 Page 2 6 0 -1y Division of Code Enforcement has declared this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined by Legisiative Code, Chapter 45. Division of Code Enforcement has issued an order to the then known responsible parties to eliminate this nuisance condition by correcting the deficiencies or by razina and xemoving this,building(s). Inasmuch as this Order to Abate has not been complied with the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community continues to suffex the blighting influence of this property. It is the recommendation o£ the Division of Code Enforcement that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize the Division of Code Enforcement to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred a�ainst the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Sincerely, � z ��"' Steve 1Vla�er Vacant Buildin�s Supervisor Division of Code Enforcement Citizen Service Office SM:mI cc: Frank Berg, Buildin� Inspection and Design Rachel Youn�, City Attomeys Office Nancy Anderson, Assistant Secietary to the Council Steve Zaccazd, Fire Marshall Paul Mordarski, PED-Housin� Division ccnph