00-137Council F�7e # O o -13`Z ORI�INAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA � �•�,� _,. r;r�r :,��i�7 Green Sheet # 10331 13 c�n� 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary 2 Plan and Rates of Compensation Vacation sedion by 3 increasing the deadline for using additional vacation 4 time carried over i�o the yeaz 2000 for designated 5 employees of the Information Services Division of the 6 Department of Technology and Managemem 5ervices 7 WFIEREAS, because of Y2K preparation priorities, certain employees of the Information 8 Services Division ofthe Department of Technology and Management Services have been unable to use many 9 hoars of accrued vacation time in 1999, and have had to carryover into the year 2000, such time in 10 earcess of the normally allowed one hundred twenty hours, aad 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, pazagraph three of Section I.H. entitled VACATION, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensadon states, "The head of the departmem may permit an employee to cazry over into the following year up to one hundred and twenty hours, or in the Fire Service the number of hours worked for three weeks. If for emergency reasons the department head determines that additional carty over is necessary for an employee, then the employee shall ask the Director Of Hwnan Resources to allow that addirional time be carried over. Such additional days must be used within the first three months of the following year."; and 22 WI�REAS, because of work priorities and scheduling problems such employees of the 23 Information Services Division of the Department of Technology and Management Services may not 24 be able to use their additional carried over vacation time witlsin the first thr� months of the year 2000; 25 now, therefore be it Or�iuI�AL Oo -�3'1 26 RESOLVED, that employees of the Information Seivices Division of the Departme� of 27 Technology and Managemeat Services, who have additional vacation time carried over irno the 28 year 2000, as a result of 1999, Y2K preparation priorities may, with the approval of the Director 29 of Human Resources, use such vacarion time within the first s'uL months of the year 2000 instead 30 of the first three months as designated by the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensafion, and be it 31 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect the first pay period following 32 its passage and approval. Requested bY Depa�tment of: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES By: � , or� V�.�., Form Apprwed by Ciry Attomey By: � ��l���o- �'� . Z,Z.' Oo Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Se�retaiy _'yC d�� �: `_6�-� a.- , i� �� �: Approved by M�yor,: Date g CE>-�Cl7/v� ���� �fG G:�BC�W PFILESIAHOCKLEY�Y2Kvac rccwpd Adopted by Council: Date '� ��-, \� , a- c'� oz� f nEenax�rrraxx�cFicomvcQ:. nwa� n�rr��n GREEN SHEET No.:10331 �� -13�1 HumanResources 01-25-00 rnr�xacrrseaoxa�raoa� nanermnu amrerme� JobnShockley,266-6482 ,��anmeir�� r�dS ,oirmoex�. eae�v� 1�� xmrNaott�r � scmra�c MIJSl � ON ODIINCQ.AGEDIDA BY (DA1� � � rw,vxaez:vme--� tauNCn+ta�ecctc aw.ma<oa�aera ^'� TOTAL#OF�Q�iATUBBPAGFS (G'73PALLLbCATLONBFOBffiGNATOBS) ' AGTIONBEQIIESI'ED: � APProvai of a resolation am�img the Salary Pla�n and Rates of Ca�satian in � to allow a thrce montL extensi� ofthe t� limited for using accrued vaca#ion � over into the faJlowing year. This resodupon would bcaefitthe Information Services Divisioa and employees wLo wese im�olved in the 1999 preQaiatim faa�Y2K. xs�marroNS:a�=(r+)axe�a�) r�uoxst.s�vicecox8sczsaivsrsxswar�aoia.ovca�cQVasr�or�s i. x.a���.�amae.rom,eraw�a�m,mer PLANNINGCOD�9SSION Yq No _CID�Tffi 2 FiamisP�evabemsc6ymopinjm4 CNII,SPRVlC6C01�49S3ION Ya No A Daa�hiaPdem?vmPamaa�llmtmmidlYPmmdtqanY�mteitSemPlcymY Ya No 0. Lt6ispeeodfamatrgekdvedof! Yo No &aphis �6Ya� rwee� ae qaeste�sheet W Wlaek b�plaYEet IIiYI7ATINGYBOBLEM.I890Nn OPYORTUNITY (WYo. WhaR � ��a �Y). Several employees ofthe Infoimatian Services Division oft1� Depattrcient of Technology a� Management Services were unable to use many hours oftheir acciue3 vacation in 1999, becavse ofpreparation for Y2K. This means thatthey will be cariying over intothis yeaz, a great deal ofvacati�time in excess of8re �»rmaliy allowed 120 houts. The Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation gives the B'sractor ofHuman ltesources ttre authority to approve such e�ccess earryover. However, employees must use the excess time withinthe first thrce months ofthis year or lose it. As these e�nployees have a large amowrt of excess vacati�time to carrSrn'eb rt aPPears unl'skely tl�at the Infom�atiaiion Services Division and U� employees wrnild be able to schedule the use of the vacationtune within the firstthree momhs ofthis year. auv.urracxs m arrxovxu:. Approval ofthis resolution will allow employces who woiked Lard to prepaze the City's informationtechnology for Y2Kto use, in the }mar 2000, the vacationthey accrued in 1999, withoutputtiag an undue sc�ling burd� onthe Division andthe employces. It may also lessen the p�'bility of 3he �nployees losaagtheir acccued vacatian. Di3ADY:ANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGE3IF NOT APPROYED: 7ftbis extension is not approved, the Division may not be able to approve vacation for the affected employces bzfore the first three months ofthis year and tbe employees may lose accrued vacation. TOTAL AMOUNi' OF TR4NSACfIONi: CO6T/REVENiTE BIIDGETC' 11c q � ��' �a�� � Ya T a.��'=�'s` FONDINCsSOURCEC AGTLVPCYNUMBEB[ l�4."•kae.�:4 ! Et`J - FtNANCIALINFORMATION:(E�LAIN) ��, � ? r�;taz [ � � �v � �: ��l�3 Cr.VSbazedIBCAWPFILF.SISHOCKLEI�Y2Kvac gn.wpd Council F�7e # O o -13`Z ORI�INAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA � �•�,� _,. r;r�r :,��i�7 Green Sheet # 10331 13 c�n� 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary 2 Plan and Rates of Compensation Vacation sedion by 3 increasing the deadline for using additional vacation 4 time carried over i�o the yeaz 2000 for designated 5 employees of the Information Services Division of the 6 Department of Technology and Managemem 5ervices 7 WFIEREAS, because of Y2K preparation priorities, certain employees of the Information 8 Services Division ofthe Department of Technology and Management Services have been unable to use many 9 hoars of accrued vacation time in 1999, and have had to carryover into the year 2000, such time in 10 earcess of the normally allowed one hundred twenty hours, aad 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, pazagraph three of Section I.H. entitled VACATION, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensadon states, "The head of the departmem may permit an employee to cazry over into the following year up to one hundred and twenty hours, or in the Fire Service the number of hours worked for three weeks. If for emergency reasons the department head determines that additional carty over is necessary for an employee, then the employee shall ask the Director Of Hwnan Resources to allow that addirional time be carried over. Such additional days must be used within the first three months of the following year."; and 22 WI�REAS, because of work priorities and scheduling problems such employees of the 23 Information Services Division of the Department of Technology and Management Services may not 24 be able to use their additional carried over vacation time witlsin the first thr� months of the year 2000; 25 now, therefore be it Or�iuI�AL Oo -�3'1 26 RESOLVED, that employees of the Information Seivices Division of the Departme� of 27 Technology and Managemeat Services, who have additional vacation time carried over irno the 28 year 2000, as a result of 1999, Y2K preparation priorities may, with the approval of the Director 29 of Human Resources, use such vacarion time within the first s'uL months of the year 2000 instead 30 of the first three months as designated by the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensafion, and be it 31 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect the first pay period following 32 its passage and approval. Requested bY Depa�tment of: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES By: � , or� V�.�., Form Apprwed by Ciry Attomey By: � ��l���o- �'� . Z,Z.' Oo Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Se�retaiy _'yC d�� �: `_6�-� a.- , i� �� �: Approved by M�yor,: Date g CE>-�Cl7/v� ���� �fG G:�BC�W PFILESIAHOCKLEY�Y2Kvac rccwpd Adopted by Council: Date '� ��-, \� , a- c'� oz� f nEenax�rrraxx�cFicomvcQ:. nwa� n�rr��n GREEN SHEET No.:10331 �� -13�1 HumanResources 01-25-00 rnr�xacrrseaoxa�raoa� nanermnu amrerme� JobnShockley,266-6482 ,��anmeir�� r�dS ,oirmoex�. eae�v� 1�� xmrNaott�r � scmra�c MIJSl � ON ODIINCQ.AGEDIDA BY (DA1� � � rw,vxaez:vme--� tauNCn+ta�ecctc aw.ma<oa�aera ^'� TOTAL#OF�Q�iATUBBPAGFS (G'73PALLLbCATLONBFOBffiGNATOBS) ' AGTIONBEQIIESI'ED: � APProvai of a resolation am�img the Salary Pla�n and Rates of Ca�satian in � to allow a thrce montL extensi� ofthe t� limited for using accrued vaca#ion � over into the faJlowing year. This resodupon would bcaefitthe Information Services Divisioa and employees wLo wese im�olved in the 1999 preQaiatim faa�Y2K. xs�marroNS:a�=(r+)axe�a�) r�uoxst.s�vicecox8sczsaivsrsxswar�aoia.ovca�cQVasr�or�s i. x.a���.�amae.rom,eraw�a�m,mer PLANNINGCOD�9SSION Yq No _CID�Tffi 2 FiamisP�evabemsc6ymopinjm4 CNII,SPRVlC6C01�49S3ION Ya No A Daa�hiaPdem?vmPamaa�llmtmmidlYPmmdtqanY�mteitSemPlcymY Ya No 0. Lt6ispeeodfamatrgekdvedof! Yo No &aphis �6Ya� rwee� ae qaeste�sheet W Wlaek b�plaYEet IIiYI7ATINGYBOBLEM.I890Nn OPYORTUNITY (WYo. WhaR � ��a �Y). Several employees ofthe Infoimatian Services Division oft1� Depattrcient of Technology a� Management Services were unable to use many hours oftheir acciue3 vacation in 1999, becavse ofpreparation for Y2K. This means thatthey will be cariying over intothis yeaz, a great deal ofvacati�time in excess of8re �»rmaliy allowed 120 houts. The Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation gives the B'sractor ofHuman ltesources ttre authority to approve such e�ccess earryover. However, employees must use the excess time withinthe first thrce months ofthis year or lose it. As these e�nployees have a large amowrt of excess vacati�time to carrSrn'eb rt aPPears unl'skely tl�at the Infom�atiaiion Services Division and U� employees wrnild be able to schedule the use of the vacationtune within the firstthree momhs ofthis year. auv.urracxs m arrxovxu:. Approval ofthis resolution will allow employces who woiked Lard to prepaze the City's informationtechnology for Y2Kto use, in the }mar 2000, the vacationthey accrued in 1999, withoutputtiag an undue sc�ling burd� onthe Division andthe employces. It may also lessen the p�'bility of 3he �nployees losaagtheir acccued vacatian. Di3ADY:ANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGE3IF NOT APPROYED: 7ftbis extension is not approved, the Division may not be able to approve vacation for the affected employces bzfore the first three months ofthis year and tbe employees may lose accrued vacation. TOTAL AMOUNi' OF TR4NSACfIONi: CO6T/REVENiTE BIIDGETC' 11c q � ��' �a�� � Ya T a.��'=�'s` FONDINCsSOURCEC AGTLVPCYNUMBEB[ l�4."•kae.�:4 ! Et`J - FtNANCIALINFORMATION:(E�LAIN) ��, � ? r�;taz [ � � �v � �: ��l�3 Cr.VSbazedIBCAWPFILF.SISHOCKLEI�Y2Kvac gn.wpd Council F�7e # O o -13`Z ORI�INAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA � �•�,� _,. r;r�r :,��i�7 Green Sheet # 10331 13 c�n� 1 An Administrative Resolution amending the Salary 2 Plan and Rates of Compensation Vacation sedion by 3 increasing the deadline for using additional vacation 4 time carried over i�o the yeaz 2000 for designated 5 employees of the Information Services Division of the 6 Department of Technology and Managemem 5ervices 7 WFIEREAS, because of Y2K preparation priorities, certain employees of the Information 8 Services Division ofthe Department of Technology and Management Services have been unable to use many 9 hoars of accrued vacation time in 1999, and have had to carryover into the year 2000, such time in 10 earcess of the normally allowed one hundred twenty hours, aad 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, pazagraph three of Section I.H. entitled VACATION, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensadon states, "The head of the departmem may permit an employee to cazry over into the following year up to one hundred and twenty hours, or in the Fire Service the number of hours worked for three weeks. If for emergency reasons the department head determines that additional carty over is necessary for an employee, then the employee shall ask the Director Of Hwnan Resources to allow that addirional time be carried over. Such additional days must be used within the first three months of the following year."; and 22 WI�REAS, because of work priorities and scheduling problems such employees of the 23 Information Services Division of the Department of Technology and Management Services may not 24 be able to use their additional carried over vacation time witlsin the first thr� months of the year 2000; 25 now, therefore be it Or�iuI�AL Oo -�3'1 26 RESOLVED, that employees of the Information Seivices Division of the Departme� of 27 Technology and Managemeat Services, who have additional vacation time carried over irno the 28 year 2000, as a result of 1999, Y2K preparation priorities may, with the approval of the Director 29 of Human Resources, use such vacarion time within the first s'uL months of the year 2000 instead 30 of the first three months as designated by the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensafion, and be it 31 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect the first pay period following 32 its passage and approval. Requested bY Depa�tment of: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES By: � , or� V�.�., Form Apprwed by Ciry Attomey By: � ��l���o- �'� . Z,Z.' Oo Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Council Se�retaiy _'yC d�� �: `_6�-� a.- , i� �� �: Approved by M�yor,: Date g CE>-�Cl7/v� ���� �fG G:�BC�W PFILESIAHOCKLEY�Y2Kvac rccwpd Adopted by Council: Date '� ��-, \� , a- c'� oz� f nEenax�rrraxx�cFicomvcQ:. nwa� n�rr��n GREEN SHEET No.:10331 �� -13�1 HumanResources 01-25-00 rnr�xacrrseaoxa�raoa� nanermnu amrerme� JobnShockley,266-6482 ,��anmeir�� r�dS ,oirmoex�. eae�v� 1�� xmrNaott�r � scmra�c MIJSl � ON ODIINCQ.AGEDIDA BY (DA1� � � rw,vxaez:vme--� tauNCn+ta�ecctc aw.ma<oa�aera ^'� TOTAL#OF�Q�iATUBBPAGFS (G'73PALLLbCATLONBFOBffiGNATOBS) ' AGTIONBEQIIESI'ED: � APProvai of a resolation am�img the Salary Pla�n and Rates of Ca�satian in � to allow a thrce montL extensi� ofthe t� limited for using accrued vaca#ion � over into the faJlowing year. This resodupon would bcaefitthe Information Services Divisioa and employees wLo wese im�olved in the 1999 preQaiatim faa�Y2K. xs�marroNS:a�=(r+)axe�a�) r�uoxst.s�vicecox8sczsaivsrsxswar�aoia.ovca�cQVasr�or�s i. x.a���.�amae.rom,eraw�a�m,mer PLANNINGCOD�9SSION Yq No _CID�Tffi 2 FiamisP�evabemsc6ymopinjm4 CNII,SPRVlC6C01�49S3ION Ya No A Daa�hiaPdem?vmPamaa�llmtmmidlYPmmdtqanY�mteitSemPlcymY Ya No 0. Lt6ispeeodfamatrgekdvedof! Yo No &aphis �6Ya� rwee� ae qaeste�sheet W Wlaek b�plaYEet IIiYI7ATINGYBOBLEM.I890Nn OPYORTUNITY (WYo. WhaR � ��a �Y). Several employees ofthe Infoimatian Services Division oft1� Depattrcient of Technology a� Management Services were unable to use many hours oftheir acciue3 vacation in 1999, becavse ofpreparation for Y2K. This means thatthey will be cariying over intothis yeaz, a great deal ofvacati�time in excess of8re �»rmaliy allowed 120 houts. The Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation gives the B'sractor ofHuman ltesources ttre authority to approve such e�ccess earryover. However, employees must use the excess time withinthe first thrce months ofthis year or lose it. As these e�nployees have a large amowrt of excess vacati�time to carrSrn'eb rt aPPears unl'skely tl�at the Infom�atiaiion Services Division and U� employees wrnild be able to schedule the use of the vacationtune within the firstthree momhs ofthis year. auv.urracxs m arrxovxu:. Approval ofthis resolution will allow employces who woiked Lard to prepaze the City's informationtechnology for Y2Kto use, in the }mar 2000, the vacationthey accrued in 1999, withoutputtiag an undue sc�ling burd� onthe Division andthe employces. It may also lessen the p�'bility of 3he �nployees losaagtheir acccued vacatian. Di3ADY:ANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGE3IF NOT APPROYED: 7ftbis extension is not approved, the Division may not be able to approve vacation for the affected employces bzfore the first three months ofthis year and tbe employees may lose accrued vacation. TOTAL AMOUNi' OF TR4NSACfIONi: CO6T/REVENiTE BIIDGETC' 11c q � ��' �a�� � Ya T a.��'=�'s` FONDINCsSOURCEC AGTLVPCYNUMBEB[ l�4."•kae.�:4 ! Et`J - FtNANCIALINFORMATION:(E�LAIN) ��, � ? r�;taz [ � � �v � �: ��l�3 Cr.VSbazedIBCAWPFILF.SISHOCKLEI�Y2Kvac gn.wpd