84-1376 WM17E - CI7v CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council C�iNARV -'DEPARTMENT /III���/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � - /� ' '`� � Co ncil, R solution Presented By '��% , �/ Referred To � N�� �-� Committee: Date 1 O � �'-�� Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10,07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1984 budget; and, WI�REAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 19$1, did establish certain Special fund policies; and, WHEREAS, The Mayor reco�nends that the following additions be made for the 1984 budgett Fund # 345 Governmental Employment aud Training Grants Financin.� Plan Current Budszet Chan�es Amended Bud�tet 33585-3109 Direct Grant State Administered 2,430,505 1,059,500 3,490,005 Spendin.g Plan 33585-111-000 Ftill Time Certified 58,500 3,000 61,500 33585-130-000 Temporary Participants 132,467 132,467 335$5-221-000 Postage 1,608 -0- 1,608 33585-222-000 Teleph�ne 580 -0= 580 33585-241-000 Printing 1,285 -0- 1,285 33585-�45-000 Advertising 325 -0- 325 33585-251-000 Transportation 645 -0- 645 33585-275-000 Equipment Maintena�nce 645 3,509 4,145 33585-286-000 Rental Duplicating Fquipment 645 3,000 3,645 (Continu�d on Page 2) COUNCILMEN Requested b Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher o�e`" In Favor Masanz NiCOSia scneibet _ Against BY Tedesco Wflson Form Ap ved b ity t rn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approved by Mavor: Date _ App d y M oc or Subm' on Couneil By _ By WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council yt?I.�fRV�R DEPARTMENT �(/,' ���Jy BLUE - MAVOR File NO. " _/`� �� � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 FinancinQ Plan Current Bud�et ChanAes Amended Budtzet 33585-364-000 Letterhead Fsnvelopes b45 -0- 645 33585-368-000 Office Supplies 645 -0- 645 33585-381-000 Books and Publications 125 -0- 125 33585-439-000 Fringe Benefits 49,818 -0- 49,818 33585-547-000 $ubcontxactors 2,181,927 l,OS0,000 3,231,927 TOTAL SPENDING PLAN 2,430,505 1,059,500 3,490,005 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1984 budget resulting from a Grant for Minnesota Emergency Employment, APPROVEDt APP D AS TO FUNDING (Bud t ector Director, Finance and Management Services l�� ���al� COUIVCILME[V Requested b Department of: Yeas ���,L�Nays �� NYV � Drew In Favor Masanz NiCOS1a Scheibel � _ Against BY , -- �looaa�. Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ��T — � �9�� Form Approve by C' y t /, Certified P s-ed Counci cr BY B hlppro d y iNavor: D OCT ; 0 198� App ove r for Submis t Council By BY puBLtsHEfl 0 C T � 3 1984 pl�in� and Econoaic Dwalopaent ' a � r . ���/37G Jcb Creation & Tsainia� pEPARTt1ENT � 1 � o �n [/ Greg J rgeas �ONTACT 292•7494 axt. 23� PHONE �� , 09/03/84 DATE �v�� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Nur�er for Routing Orck r (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): 1 Department oi rector RECE�VE� � i ty Attorney S�P 7 �g� Di rector of Management/Mayor -- ����1���� Fi nance and w�anayement servi ces �i rector ���" ��TY ATTORNEY Ci ty C1 erk S��3 � � i984 �����R �F ;t;:: ��,�- r,�� �; :-„ RECEIVED � Budget Di rector �°� ���'� ;�,r,;r,-,��r � ��-�-rpR A'� �� MANAGtiviENT SERVIC$' SEP 1 4 i� ci�r T�g� : wihat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose at The Diwision of Job CXeation aad Trainin� wi11 b� a�le Lo spend funds that Would provid� �obs .to th� r�sidaate of the City of Saiat Paul throu�h a State of Minaesota graat. The M.E.E.D, prosra:s is a work r�lief prograa fusdsd thx�ugh Decesbar 15, 1985. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Additional finaacing aaaae that the aurrent M.E.E.D. program can continue at the sane level of activity. City of St. Paul staff levels can be maiauined through Deca�ber 15, 1985. - Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credit�d: M.E.$.D, progr�a will provide funds aad Activit, �335$5 will spead th�n, RECENED Attachments (List and Number all Attachmentsl : \ SEP �1 8 �84 1�2 Council Rasolution - page 1 and 2 3 Cover lettar froa state MAYOR'S OFFICE 4�5 �gremant suppl�nent - page 1 and 2 DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? - Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached? � Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions) . � , . . . . . v , _. � , . (I���/3�� � �--�,� .;��, Minnesota Emer �nc Em ' lo ment Q S �' P y Development Program 390 North Robert Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 '�""' 612 297-4566 RECE�VED JUN 2 � 1�64 June 18, 1984 ��'�''Qi°o�£�O�ereatron ��Traimng Mr. Richard Thorpe City of St. Paul Planning b Economic Dev. Division of Job Creation and Training 25 West 4th Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Dick: Enclosed please find two executed copies of the Supplement to thE �rt�loyment Administrator Grant Agreement, for your files. The first supplement amends the original contract agreement by adding i.he Interest/Program Income section into the contract. The second supplement amends the contract by adding the 1984 Legislative revisions and appropriating additional funds to the City of St. Paul in the amount of �1,187,459. If you have any questions regarding these supplements, please call our office. Sincerely, ��---� ,� . -'``�,i-� Peggie L. Jackson MANAGEMENT ANALYST Enclosure .��.�, � ` � , � . �=���� � - � City of St. Paul STATE OF MINNESOTA MINNESOTA EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT DEYELOPMENT ACT EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATOR AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENT TO EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATOR AGREEMEt�T The Employment Adainistrator Ag�een�ent dated August 31, 1983 is amended Dy adding the follorring additio�al section: INTEREST/PROGRAM INCOM�: The Administrator shall be responsible for establish- ing and maintaining records identifying interest and/or investment income earned on advances of provr� funds. Incane as earned shall be added to the exi sti ng func�i ng of thi s Ag�ee+eent and may be used for program or ada�i ni stra- tive activities. Total expenditures for MEED (including expenditures of interest incane) a�ust be within the provisions of the Employment Adninistrator Agreement. Except as specifically amended herein, the tenas and provisions of this contract shall remain in full force and effect. . � � . . �- ��� . . . This agreement �as executed by the parties to tMs agreement on `� � ����� ADMINISTR � TE By By `�,' ,Co nator Richard J. Thor e �' ame type Em�loyment Administrator OEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ ��a� By �--,�,'�;`'� h ,o �,. ,��A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Name typed APPROVED AS TO FORM Assi t t City Attorney • OEPARTMENT OF AOMINiSTRATION By �RIG{N/1Z SIGNED BY � yor JUN 4 � 1984 Name type DOROTHY COVEJOY Di ec or, ITepa tment of- anning and Ec "c Dev pment Tit e Department o Finance and Management A ORNEY G RAL Services g ame typed ���itle . : 2�h:"4�. ,1� � . , / ! !—O /1/��V' � ` � �� CIT�" OF SAIN'T �.E1UL v. v-'4 r :� F� � � ��, � , . . , f�= T��+l� `� Ol�1�ICF, OI�' TFIIC CITX COIIl�'CZL _ � . .;�.>,,.� . [7,1�)117iY1n'Y'If �'[., '�.ilf7�a��Ciy;� ��' } . . � i D Q 1 e � � �\ ' • October 4, .1984 :�..:�-� ���..,! �r � . .. .�' CO (VIM (TT' � E RE PORT . TO = SQ�nt Pau ! Cii�y Cour�cil � � F R� M = C o m m i r t e e O h Finance, Management $ Personnel ' � - � � C N A I R James Scheibel � � " 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held September 20 and � September 27, 1984. �'�°�'�► . _ ,..,�,,..� • 2. Issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds for Contingental Safety • Building. ,(PED��i�9t1�R� � . �:.,.�=..��-�::��s:�� 3. � Discussion of a$sessed valuation of District Heating. ;�70;"�0�"N�E " . �:�-.a�..._.�- -.�___,....._:_ ._:S�""�_ �_ _ '4. __Closed session �discussion of Joe Scheunemann case against � the city. � � NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: Reso�.ut'1on am�ndi�ng the 1984 Budget by adding $1,059,500 to the - �financ.ing pl�n. and spending plan for governmental employment and training grants. �p��t���=_ � . . *__-:�..�,.�.- � Resolution transferring funds from the 1984 Contingency Reserve � Budget to General Government accounts for the Public Technology _ � - Institute, Inc. ��f-�:� '�... �3�?��-':.W tT�.}� ' P.EG��u�e�t bsr(�• r . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, r11NNESOTA 55]02 •�u