84-1335 �, WH17E - CITV CLERK � PINK � ^��INANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CA�Aqr1 -.'DEPARTMENT File NO. �� /��� BL'aE .-�MAYOR� � . . ' �� ,K�Z/`�/LCG Ordinance N O. ��f�� e Presented By Re To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes � 462 .357 and � 64.210 of the Legislative Code, Stephen Mowry and John Rohwedder duly petitioned to rezone Lots 14, 15, and 16 , Daily & Berrisford's Subd. , located at 590 Mendota, from RT-1 to RM-2 to permit con- version of a church to six residential units, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on August 13, 1984 as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The current Zoning Committee on August 16, 1984 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107 .03 of the Admini- strative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Com- mission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 24, 1984 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on September 1, 1984 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew [n Favor Masanz �h�i�i Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr v d y C ty o ney I Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � i By , Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Ma or for Submission to Council By By WMITE - CITV CLERK CA�iiPINK INANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council J V�EPARTMENT File NO. �� /�`�-/ �BL 4 MAVOR� • � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. /`J17�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been conducted on September 13, 1984 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recom- mendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 14, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 590 Mendota, being more particuiarly described as Lots T4, 15, and 16, Daily & Berrisford's Subd. , be and is hereby re- zoned from RT-1 to RM-2 . Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. -2- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays flsteher F/Ly�� p�eW In Favor Masanz N�cosia � Against BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson aCT 18 �gg� Form Approv b ty ttor e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Fas ouncil Se a BY ; B �� ^ A roved b a� or'for/Submission to C uncil Approv d y Mayor: e �CT PP Y Y � By BY PUBLISHED NOV 3 1984 --—- --, � (RETi3RN '�O �EROME S�GAL �F�'ER ADOPTION� WMITE - UTV CLERK . • . PINK � FINANCE GITY OF � SAINT PAUL Council CANARy -DEPARTMENT � {�.�/ /�/{�.�( 01.VE - MAYOR Flle NO.-- �/ /. lL✓J� Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. /7/7� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes � 462.357 and § 64.210 of the Legislative Code, Stephen Mowry and John Rohwedder duly petitioned .to rezone Lots 14, 15, and 16, Daily & Berrisford's Subd. , located at 590 Mendota, from RT-1 to RM-2 to permit can- version of a church to six residential units, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on August 13, 1984 as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same. owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREA'S, The current Zoning Committee on" August 16, 1984 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107.03 of the Admini- strative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Com- mission that the petition be granted; and WfIEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 24, 1984 and recommended � that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on September 1, 1984 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and � COUNCILMFN Reqnested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fl�tcha o►�,,, In Favor M�sanz �n��� Against By T�desco Witson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ey Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Eouncil 00 By By -------- . - - . — - _ � - - - - - - -- WMITE - CITV GIERK � 1 P�NK � FINANCE ' COIlflCll ,/ CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. - �/ /����� BLUE - MAVOR _ Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. �7��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been conducted on September 13, 1984 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recom- mendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 14, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located at 590 Mendota, being more . particularly described as Lots 14, 15, and 16, Daily & Berrisford's Subd. , be and is hereby re- zoned from RT-1 to RM-2. �-��� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. -2- COUNCI[.MFN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays FletchK �,w„ [n Favor Masanz . �hN�� Against BY Tsdssco Wflson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ay Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bv By � ' . . ', .s � �'�/-/.���f-5/. ¢�GiTY OF ' �//�v� CITY OF SAINT PAUL o � � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � i i�i ii ii C A DIVISION OF PLANNING m 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 786� 612-292-1577 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR September 6, 1984 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #9614 - Mowry and Rohwedder City Council Hearing: September 13, 1984 PURPOSE: Rezone property at 590 Mendota from RT-1 to RM-2 to convert church building to 6 residential units. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: Approve (unanimous voice vote) ZONING COMMITTEE DECISION: Approve (5-0) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve SUPPORT• None OPPOSITION: None Dear Sir: On August 16, 1984, the Zoning Correnittee of the Planning Comnission held a public hearing on this reioning. The petitioners were present and explained their plans. At the close of the public hearing, the Committee voted 5-0 to approve the rezoning. On August 24, 1984, the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Comnittee's recommendation on a unanimous voice vote. This rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on September 13, 1984. Please notify me by September 12, 1984, if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, `����f.�,�-�'.l-GC.� � �� Patricia N. James City Planner PNJ:Im Attachments • ' .S ��. • ,st�.s.r` r' Q�,� . �.. . ��f-i.��s . . � • ✓ . . . <�'U#�� ,�.,��-� � /7�71� PETITION TO�AMEND ZONING CODE �� � `3� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY File �� --���__�— —g/� Application Fee $ .3o2_J ���— Tentative Hearing Date �u�/����� � Number of Lots or Size of Parcel: . `3 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE JAnuary 12____—_19 � ___ c/o Zoning Office, 1100 City Hal� Annex St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357 (5) of the Stepher� Ma�r sn�d Jolud Rc�}awedder hlinn�sota Statutes, ______� �_ ____ __`_� __,__ , the owner of all of the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following descr,ibed property: Street Address: 590 Mer�dota Legal Description:___ I'°ts 14,_l5_arxi 16,. daily and Berrisford's Sub Ditrisioa . � " ef Blocac 95 of L�naa� Dayton's pddition to St. Paul from a RT-1 District �'2 " __ 'District toa -- ------------ -------------------------------------------------- � for the.purpose of 'C���'� usa of the churcl� buildimg fro� its_present_use_as a ch�rch___ �p to six middle incsoae dwellirag t�it�s caristructed inside of the existi bnil . to � �mi - -/��---�-�-��- ----�--------�--f-------=--- plso to proride :!i► off etreet parking places for eaeh ur�it. includi� 2.600 sqw�re � feet oF i�aide pu�kir�g u�uier the structt�.re of tlne chure]t. Subscribed and swo n to gY: Stephen Mowr� & Jola�a Rohwedder before is _� � day ----------.----------------------- °f - ----19°-�- Tttle:_oxr�ers -----=-------------------- — � ,� .��._������ Pet' oner ' '�r•��::���.��.<•��' � • � � Notary Pu - -- ��`� �� I���.�. p� 7� PaKe 1 of ■/��M1,M�MMMM ■ �r�:d��r�. �� ( L.^'1+;Yt4 c t ? t�• ' ROSE�� �Y FREDETTE �^�r,�� � � `-� NOTARV,''�ri3LIC—MINNESOTA �"�'°'�.,° �,�.,i ��� ����`f °�'';£.�. 4080 ]!�� ;E:,;�rs�rcaurrTV ✓ 1/1/S2 � �...: My Cemm.Expwas April 23,3�7 Y r . . �. � �-����� . � /�,7�� STATE OF MINNFSOTA) . ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � ��` �, �����o wi� , being f irst duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person w o circu ate t iT e witTiin p�ition and consent, consisting of pages; that aff iant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned ! �� retitic�n�.r cr sc�lc Cy petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property rom petitioner contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that tt�is consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. �� 3 �- ���� ��s �� " ' d ress s��-fO,�,t `. 5,�'/D� ROSEMA�YFREDETTE � �� NOTARY PU6LJC—RAINNESOTA "� c, �,: RAMSEY COUNTY Z 2 7�' / � ✓ �/ My Comm.Expires April 23, bB87 �' ' e u be r .__- Subscribed and sworn t before �i �-'��`1 - me this /,��`6ay of , 19 d� � .�� ot ry ub ic ,t a R,.`� �������,�.� �� il �;; 1GQc'� �tis..�i��. `..in ���w�'���_i .... . .� �i � 1'����E�f�7�?���� l�}, r.r r�:'�F°i." G�4� y ;.3� � :'lpproved as to form - Feb. 80 Ylanning Uepartment , P,age�of � _ .,. � � � w � � .��� � � t�� �� �..� . . . �. � (�=����3� . � �7� �o CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of Stephen Mowry and John Rohwedder 2. A copy of Sections 60.450 __ through 60�� __ `, inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and FiM-2 acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of Stephen L. Mowry s�nd John Rohwedder Ri�i-2 __ __ to a District. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION /J�] / � 'y �'d�I�G�1U � � ��� �Q � � � r � / � � �� � do-� - - - , .,n,`---.....: n:�,s" .v._ �iJ �.,�ti«,�.�.�i �I� +� i '' i���..�. ,v c^ r� ��Y:, � .:i° 1 t .�.+` �` . �' �S.�c31 �s.f�P:w� i,��.�`Y�...sl�'� _�....... Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. _ _. � �C)�I�NG ��LE �,..t� Page 2 of . .. � �4 ' �.� !�` ��i � .j�,�•��� I ` � I G ,:a � irSHry� t5� lPi.j.' ���.� - p 3 Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. ZQNING FILE �-�-- Pa e 2 of g — _ �_ _ ... __ _ ,. _ .��.�,W�,..-m..�:�.-�.�.,::s..�,. _ _ _. _._ :._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + ..: . �,��/.��.�" , . � _ _ . ,.. : . : '. ' � : � /7/7d - CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the unde�signed, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous des�riptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, a�knowledge that we have neen furnished with the following: Stephan MoWry ar�d dohn RohWedder I. � A copy of the Petition of 2. . A copy of Sections ��4� through 60.45+i� , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance� and acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a �`-z District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Stephen L. Mowry ar� John RohWedder I�-2 Petition of to a District. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION , /. ., .' �-' _ _ . . � 1 �► �.c a d�ti.� �� . . �i�rfN � �/Z/ C f.l� . }C� ��(�� � ' � r�,.r ' �► -� �� •��� �. ' � _..r, c___ I � � J � � � . . - a , _,� . . . �a X -r� c�u���. � fh� ��.fo - : _ . � �a�t �� ,,�„ �,, :....w..r �.� ,..._�.a°+.:,d..��E Y.m..� A�,� .� �q�,;� �� � �� ' Y, ��' �t=!�idti?S`��,' i:�; Petitions shall not be considered as officially ' � t�� „t�e� �p�p,#,���,,avorking days after a petition is received in the Zonin Office. An si nator o� c?��itit���y wifhc7�aw his name therefrom b S Y 8 � Y written request within that time. Page 2 of _ __ .. _ , ___. . , . _�_�_. .. _�....�.�, ,...,. __ v._...W.. �.�.,�.--w. . _...�..... ' _ . - � �1=��/�3.5 _ � � . . _ , . : - , � � �7f��D : CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the unde�signed, owners of p�operty within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: Stephen Mowry arr3 John Rohwedder !.;� A copy of the Petition af - 2. 1 A copy of Sections ��4� � through 60.4y4 , �nclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a �`-2 District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Stephen L. Moi,rry and John Roh�redder RM-2 Petition of to a District. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION , /. ., __ r � l �, �.o n d e►��. a. ,�.�•r 7' s� �: . , �iPrtN - �/Z/ [. K� ��.c�L � � ' � �- . . , �,.r � . :, �; .±. S, �. � , J , .. . , - o �.. � . , ��f ' - La r� � �G C�KVG�1. � "I��t G. (/� _.�o L C'a�/�"' ��w.l �" L �i 1L W;� C Y c!�fw OC e/ Nraf.w���'i �►`� t�h� HT T/H'��j.�<�. � I�ade��f-.L�wcs - r � � � .�r �4.� .,.w � ^ � 1:4f�`* ,i;! `� .. � i p'�-': {�� �, �,'t: ..., e .. , iy";� "' i:`.'op�..:k' ..:�e�. ,. .. _.� .,, Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. Page 2 of ._ ._. �.__, _,. _ .,.._. . . :..: _ _ _ .. . _--- i _ _ � ° � . :.. � �/` �� ��:� . . , __ : ,.: . . �; ��/��' CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: Stephen Mowry ani John Rohwedder !. � A copy of the Petition af 2. A copy of Sections ���'� through 60.454 , inclusive`, of the St. Paul Ordinance� and acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a �-2 District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Stephen L. Mowry and John RohWedder RM-2 Petition of to a District. RECORD OWhER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION � /` � ,� � _ � l ,�, �,on ac�� a ,�i�%.0 T S7`' d-� . � �iei�N �/Z1 L £! }C� x��L � _ ' � � �- . 2 . iisri' ' �� "/ �� � •&.��/.J . ..-s. c____ �S , J , „ . � , � — o .. _ � A . ' . .., . .. • � . . i ��� 7kc Cd��.cvL� � -t�k c �f�i.s'�c - �v �a�t �'�--n�� S �-�- � y� st'"s�� . / � '�!'/ G'°�.G��-�= /�G���� _ ,. ,,,, . »- -y ,nn, .� �.. r . ..l'. . . :.�: .,. : .. ��• . . �. ,y� g�zer. � - , , . ia�..�.;,y�4'�F�'j i:�:� —- ``�' Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. Page 2 of . - . ,. . �d T��✓�� . �r��� . CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: Stephen Mowry and John Rohwedder 1. A copy of the Petition of ' 2. A copy of Sections ��45� throu h 60.454 _ g , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and ---- acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a �-2 District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Stephen L. Mowry and John RohWedder �-2 Petition of __ _ to a District. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION , � /�.. . , r � 1 �, ,�on a��..t a- ,E .!� 7` S7` . � �i�/� �/�/ L K� �� � - , _ � r <'^ ' i f-� w � r �. . ,� • � 0 �� , n '/ L��d n ; � � � � � i � 6 � l L� - ' �,. . � � � . , a � � � ,�.-� �;,� .1 .. . . ' . . ���E�:" r.� � . . � .. . . . . �� �T E+�:.�. � �?J It ,.._.�,._ r ^--- _ � .:,. �. ,� �- � y :- - • s+ac -,�-.,. .. . . �....4, .�..w-�r � ��'s � � i ./1� ,�.!-4,. k� ..., .. . Pet�tions ha � ��`�' • r- �e�-:•... �r�r_G��..�.�ri+O�ilSkde.[�d�.fl�,Af�1C.�311���{�������A_. 4 . �I�t��R�_ , 4 �, '' , received in the Zoning Office. Any signator of any petitiort�may wit rav�.hts<name,�thexefrom by Y� =� written req�est within that time. - - t � ` .. . �-----------�...._ - - " .. . . . . . . +„rMF� t.F`- ,f. F �' .�zsst. �,7y.. ,� ,:;,.: :.,, _: 'o< e�:r,�. , .. • . ._ _ _ � �±r,+" .a,,,��- ..�.`.+a��a �kx,r�+�r. _ � _-. �-�-�► ��������� - . - .���-�.�.- � ^ r , . �=�/-i.�.�5 �----� � - . . �7��d I�TINUTES OF T;-iE ZOIIING COI�iP�lITTEE I?� CITY COUIdCIL CHAT�IBERS, ST. Fr1UL, I�ZINNESOTA OPd nUGUST i6, 1984 ?RESLtdT: T�lrnes. I'�orton, Sumners and Zie:�an; PZessrs. Lanegran and Pangal of the 'Loning Com�ittee; PZr. Segal, Assistan� Ci�y Attorney; ' Ms. Lane of tYie Division os" Housing and Euilding Code � Enforcement; I°1s, riurphy, T�Zs. James and Mr, i7cGuire of the Plannin� Division Staff. - ABSEPdT: I•i�e. Tracy; l�iessrs. Galles and Levy The meeting vras chaired by Joseph Pan�al, Chairrnan. STEPHE;� I�1QL-,�Y & JOHld ROHj�lEDDER (�`>01�t): Rezone property at 590 T�Iendotia from RT-1 to R:�7-2 to permit conversion of a church to 6 residentia.l units. The applicants i�rere present. lhere �ras no opposition present at tne nearing. "�Is. 3ames showed slides of the site an� reviev;ed the staff report wi�h a recon�mendation for approval. There ;aas no correspondence received. 2•is. Zier�an askecl if ti;�ere t•ras any District Cot;ncil i.nput. I�s. J�mes stated that the applicants had been �;orking �•ritn the T�strict Council, but no iorrr�al letter ��as received. i�ir. Panbal s�c�ted he �•�4s concerned about the parking, there were � compuct and �. reoular size parking s�aces in the basement, and it is possible that there ma� �ore than � regular size cars, He ��as also cor_cerr.ed that the tc,o cars parlced in the drivevray c•;ill be blockin� the exit for the cars parked in the back. IZs. 3a�es stated ;.hai the cars can back onto 5 th S�reet or the alley fro�n the oack. Jahn RohYredder, 813 lltn Ave. S.k,. , I�iinneapolis, s�ated �f;nat he and Stepheri Tlowry ar� the owners of the property at 590 i°iendota. He statec� that there is alley access for the cars parked in the back, and tY:at .� cars can exit v�a the alley and 1 car can go onto 5 th S1;ree�. I�1r. Pzngal asked if the fence j•rould tihen have to be r_emoved. I��r. Rohl�;edc�er sta�ed �nat the i'er.ce can �tay. T�Ir. Pangal then stated he j-:as concerned atoa�� obstrucied vision of vehicles trying to back o0 to 70 feet out ef the �-iey and turning arcund. '_�ir. Rah�-redder st��:,�,:�7 �hat they are go_r,; �c � �� -,� " �h� land � - ' -= _1 no� e ar.d e���o��e �,-ush so that v�: _o: �.�' b r'' '1.;'i:r' �_ jj4Z'< r'd?'l��t�. l''..'":�`i1 �if'�>�C };iTl 1f 1' <.�.� _, � i, Wc �e G�-::ibl@ t0 � ?^•' -. _. 1.:-=,;�: ri� .°,�c`�,�C@� _... �;i�n Q.� . ,�;�j c:�ll`� �p��' - G``:1:1 �O l.i'_3� l,i-.. .__ . ._ ; _`1 ec'_"?+E'"' c3TlG'� @Ji?_i, CU`=v., �T?7. i'i1'. �C1i�.° �,�._, , ..�ti�;�i �}"'i;i: �:G.;� _ .. _ � - _ y _ia �;:.r±r_cY' E?T% �CC{ �ii�i, �=c: CGUI.C� C,;� :. � _C�1.T,10i_31. �ar ^n�- 1��., �_, � . : �_:.� Jc::GtC u::CZ .`..it�.�__ ! J_Fc,. . _..; CI1"'i'cEYT2.`J .._. � �_ ._. .;c . ,,, S 'IOj5 Char�_ess st`:.t:^ inet tney 1� . _ , �: � �;�i�h t?_�e Dayta::' . B?,:,.. _ - - ,-_- .,� Council, ana �i;=�� _;�s� ?"onday, �h. .: .__ic� Council �ct:,�� ur _-.;�� _; -co support t!'ic rcY.at;iii�ation of t�,:: c�-� �,._, .-ie furthei s�_.,�c .,, ;.rc.�r do ene h;�;�;i:;-; _.�=re;_op;�ent pro�cc ' ;e:- S�ear, doing th;e,. � .. _� and uerscr��,�I� _ , ._ , _sir_� the �:o�-- ,� ,_ ' '- '- ��aicd �h�:� Fir';'i � _ ._ . ,��L1�� iS i3T' c?' Ol;��'-' :' ' G'"l�;T �2@ 1s111 i..,'Jc, _�.G i,:f.' pr_'o�eCi; LI?"'_i;�i. ��. _ .. �;C:%L`�_i:�i.@ C�. ����!��5 �� �7r� :ir. Pangal asked if the� had ever done a church before. TSr. ?cll�redccr stated that they l.aven' �, �ut that they intend -i=o build a building withiri the buildin,n,. I�ii. Rohrredder tizen distributed to tre Com_nit�ee mer�bers pietures of a projec�; t}-,ey had done rccently. i�earing no further �estirnor�y, i•ir. Pangal closed the public hearing . portion of the :nee�ing. I1s. Zieman made a r�otion f.or approval based on iindings 1 tnroagh 6 �nd the staff analys�s �o rezone tihe property to RI�i-2. I��s. Sw-:i:�ers seconded �trie r�otion which p�.s�.ed on a roll call vott ci 5-0. Sub�itted by: �_ Approved by: �} �" � /1�.�,���t�.�,� ,� ..✓" , L/' i . ��~��K� � l����_R'� � I Patricia N. James �;Jos��h Par.gal, ChaYrman / '� i� ` ����/�3� ' � l7/�d � �0[�ING COM(�i1T.TEE STr1FF REPGRT FILE #9614 1 . APPLICANT: Stephen Mowry & �ohn Rohwedder DATE OF HEARING: 8/16/84 2. CLASSIFICATION: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 590 Mendota (Southeast corner 5th and Mendota) 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 14, 15, and 16, Daily & 6errisford's Subd. 5. PRESENT ZONINu: RT-1 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 50.450 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 8/8/84 BY Ratricia N. James A. PURPOSE: Rezone property fram RT-1 to RM-2 to permit conversior af a church to six residential units. B. SUFFICIENCY: Petition f ound sufficient by Planning Divisian on August 13, 93�84. Parcels eligible: 18; parcels needed: 12; parcels signed: 12. C. PARCEL SIZE: 125' (Mendota) x 100' (Fifth) = 12,500 sq. ft. Including 1/2 the alley 10' for density purposes = 13,500 sq. ft. D. EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant church and rectory. t�iendota slopes steeply to south, necessitating a retaining wall along that frontage. The site has alley access. E. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: low to medium density residential (RT-1) East: low density residential (RT-1) South: lov� density residential (RT-1 ) West: low density resident�al ; Sacred Heart Church & School (RT-1 ) F. ZONING HISTORY: The site was zoned "C" Residence prior to 1975, when it was rec ass�fiecTRT-1 . G. FINDINGS: 1 . Petitioners propose rehabilitating the church into six residential units and the rectoNy into a single f amily home. They are applying for federal rehab assistance and will be renting the units to moderate income households. Rer��s ��til be from approximately $375 to over �500. 2. Feiit�oners state that tl�e hcuse wi11 h�ve thrc:e :�edroorrs and uri�s i�� �ne cF�urch �,�i11 consist of tti,�ee 2-bedroom units u:�d tiiree 3-5edroori uni1.� �er a �,:.ta1 c� 25 rooms . �?a,�,�s en a base lot area ;r lr,;;00 sq. ft. a�-,d z.�? ur:r"^gr�urid parking bcn�!s o-� ; ,8G0 sq. ft. , a toLai ot 25 rocros is pF�rmitted at R��1-2 dens�ty. . 3. RE^u�ire� parking for seve��� u� +ts of new construc�ion is 10 off-street �;�aces. Fetitioner wil? he providing 13 spacFS; �ive surf ace and 8 �r�ac�� in i:r�e �asemen�. 4. The �o:�sir,g �oliry Plan �u�ro�t; alternatives ta ��ir;gle family detac"e�i ho�sina ard thc expansion c� rental opportuni�cies . 5. �fl`'_ ri';I�?s.prE:r{s�iVE n�Fzn CilCiiul'�:P; c:iler�y/ Eti 1C;�l�-ii�.: '7v:1s1i1CJ. PE'�Cif<C , � ,;i i� be i„��.la�:irg eacl�i uniti for ���h r,nise ai�ci energ" �i�ricie�cy. 6. Ti�e �in�c:,t of the RM-2 di�:: °;c;; is to provid� fn,. -,�,.� ext°n51Ve a��; c� �;,��-r-f,,�,n�. i���e mul t�p1 e f�;;:;: i��� �:���n�;n;��nF�n� rel�2',:e� �n c<<<;,;ot���i,orou�;'-fi�r .�_ ?C?u ��t^al�i;if> �E�1ti0r�Ei' "��=�'�.S t!1E: T�1f1lI�1U[fl )Ji � r�i �C�r rtic ��l-2 .�1 �., iCi ; �I l.�iCi! , 1;�`r'- prop'JSi3 : 1� r;�3t � :.i t Cf c111 E.'Xj:F?Cl�^Vi' i?-;;f!�'i1'd.ITi� �,}/ �Csl'�it��i;:i•�"li,� � iti.°_ ti�...! ����.. '_�'I.L� i�l7l.fl.f;� i� i) ,"i l� �L7�tEt� l.li}..�ru� �� 't)�.I�C ti'G �li� ��'GS�,. . . . , � , �=�/-/.��3-�" . . �7/�o H. STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposal would rehabilitate the er,isi:ing church structure. The proposal provides adequate off-street paricing, and appears to meet the criteria for conversion of non-residential structures in the proposed Text Amendments Five. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 8ased on findings I through 6 and the staff analysis, staff recomnends approval of the rezoning to RM-2. � . �. . 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Notice stnt g�31/84 _ � - � . �' _ ���!—/33.5 , ' ST. � P�►UL CITY COUI��lL ����c PUB�IC HEARING SEN`��'`W � � c!�� c�.��x�s � � ZO�'�� �' �F'U4, t�;�ihd. To: Property owners within 350' ; Representatives of Planning District 4 FIL E N 0. 9614 PAGE P U R P 0 S E Rezone property from RT-1 (Two Family Residential) to RM-2 (Multi-family Residential ) to convert church building to six residential units. LOCATION 590 Mendota (Southeast corner 5th and Mendota) P E T i T 10 N E R STEPHEN MOWRY & JOHN ROHWEDDER H E A R I N.G Thu=sday, Septem6er �3, 1984 lo:oo A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (Patricia James) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Cega1 Descripti0n: Lots 14, 15, & 16, Daily & Berrisford 's Subd. Notice sent g�31/84 f • ' � ���//��y� � ' '• . y • / T/7(,J ♦ 7O�• �,��� - ''�� � q�y CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � DATE: August 27, 1984 T0: Trudy - City Clerk's Office FROM: Linda - Zoning Office RE: City Council Public Hearings Please prepare notice for Legal Ledger publication on Saturday, � September 1 , 1984 for the following: BIRMINGHAPI PLACE ADDITTON - Preliminary Plat STEPHEN P�OWRY & JOHN ROHWEDDER- (zoning file 9614) - 590 Mendota LD:sb � 4,cd �t��L�i,� �Y � .� �a� �� �� �� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I� . . . . , . . Albert. B:. O1son. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have �: compared the attached copy of Council File No. .84�1335. . . . . . . . . . . .. � as adopted by the City Council. . . ,October.l8: . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.84. . . � and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . . . ,October.26: .. . . . . . . . . . . 19,84. . . �rs with the original thereof on file in my office. e..� � 0 Z": . I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . . . . , ?lst. . . , day of . , , ,November. . . , , ,A.D. 19.84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�`.� . . . . . . . . . . �. �;� City Clerk. ' , -- r rt , a ,," r c'� , * � i �a� ,'r�r� �� , S l F 3'. �: � '. � 1t:l.t w 't Yr�r'���Y4' h � •f ar ' - � 9877 $(10.� � � �} � • � ��f.-�p�1t�f p� �i+► 1 ...�.'� F:�..-.. MS��i(u riN1T� CIiV CLERK - . • CA ARV -�EPARTMENT • COUI1C11 e�,�E� � MAVVR� CITY OF SAINT YAUL << � � File N0. ����S > ' � ,din�nce Ordinance N.�. ��/'/�� � / r Presented By Re To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date oAn Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the � Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to �. zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the � zoning maps thereof. � WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 462 . 357 and � 64.210 of the Legislative Code, Stephen Mowry and John Rohwedder duly petitioned to rezone Lots 14 , 15, and 16, Daily & Berrisford's Subd. , located at 590 Mendota, from RT-1 to RM-2 to permit con- version of a church to six residential units, the petition having been certified by the Planning Division on August 13, 1984 as having been consented to by at least 67$ of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by. the same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The current Zoning Committee on August 16 , 1984 conducted a public hearing� for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107. 03 of the Admini- strative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Com- mission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on August 24 , 1984 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on September 1, 1984' and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher o►eW In Favor — - Masanz Schelbel A ga i n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr v d y C ty o ney I Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ; By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Ma or for Submission to Council BY $y � w���TF -�ciTV CLERK � , � PI�:K �INANCE t � C��+•rtY�JEPARTMENT • COU�IC11 '/� BLRid tMAV01i' � GITY OF �AINT YAUL ' ��"�� �S - , File N 0. =' ,. � ' . � � OI�GbZIZ�IZCPi . . -`.".' Ordinance N O. /`�/%L� Presented By � Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � � WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been �. conducted on September 13, 1984 where all interested persons were � heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recom- c� mendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint �Paul, Sheet No. 14, as incorporated by reference in Section 60. 301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows : That property located at 590 Mendota, being more particularly described as Lots 14, 15, and 16, Daily & Berrisford's Subd. , be and is hereby re- zoned from RT-1 to RM-2 . , Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage; approval and publication. -2- COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ftetchsr F�-��'/�� � — Drew [n Favor Masanz Nicosia B scnetbe� A gai ns t y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date DCT 18 �ggt, Form Approv b ty ttor e / Certified Pas ouncil Se a � By � � I DCT � Approved by ayor`for Submission to Council Approv d y Mayor: D e , _ By By Pd16LfSHED f�OV 3 1984 � � � J : ., ... ` j � � � � � � � � --1 � .r � in f; D �� p � � c� � � S � m Cj�i� � � a� m � o � � zZ � �° � � —� � �` � �° z �� ^G� po .� a. � � N � G't � �� QA _' � � � O � �� -. � o a ls.� n � o � �� � � o � . ow �� =' T ° � � � O 'n � ic '' ....... � �� � . Z ^, ?, -' '" (!f " ��I - �' } o �; � -� :�! ;., .'' � �i =. � ' �`,.,...,_.,._...� e .,� _ t.. � y T ,� � � �.' \ . . ,. . I' d• tj � � �k � � , .' 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