00-127Presented By Referred To subs�:-��� �. TY _ �la�oo SLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, upon the petition of the City of Saint Pau1, as documented in Finance Department 2 File Number 26-1999 and in accordance with the provisions of a lease between the Science 3 Museum of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul dated May 1, 1997 (as amended) the following 4 public properties, more commonly known as the Science Museum West Building (West 5 Building), are to be vacated and discontinued as public property: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 7 RESOLVED, that, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued 8 as public property and subject to the exceptions and reservations stated herein, easements within 9 those public properties aze hereby released. � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 The property to be vacated is described as follows: All that certain parcel or parcels of land in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, more particulazly described as follows: Tract 1: (Abstract) All of the property lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, City of Saint Paul Datum (elevation Q.0 City of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally described as follows: The Northeasterly one hundred five and eight hundredths (105.08) feet of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Block five (5), Bazii and Guerin's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State, except therefrom the following described Registered Property: Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328. Tract 2_ (Torrens) All af the properiy lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, City of Saint Paul Datum (elevation OA City of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally described as follows: Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328. Together with and subject to the rights and obligations of support and access conveyed by that certain easement agreement dated as of July 1, 1978 between the City oP Saint Paul and The Science Museum of Minnesota. co,��a File # � Green Sheet # 0 d .l ' This vacation is subject to the terms and conditions of I,egisiative Code Chapter 13Q as 2 amended, and to the following additional conditions: 3 o �,_ia-7 4 1. A permanent easement shall be provided for the benefit of the City for purposes of 5 accessing the mechanical room and other areas of the West Building to the extent 6 necessary to pernut the inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, reconstruction or 7 improvement of cooling pipes, emergency generator wiring, and associated equipment 8 that may be used to service the adjacent Arts and Science Center Building, also known as 9 the Science Museum of Minnesota Building East. The Science Museum of Minnesota or 10 its assigns and the City shall enter into an easement agre�ment which will provide for: (a) 11 the use of the cooling pipes and emergency power from the generator located in the West 12 Building; (b) the right to access the West Building for the inspection, maintenance, repair, 13 replacement, reconstruction or improvement of the said piping, wiring and associated 14 equipment; and (c) the operation, use and maintenance of the emergency generator. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2. That the petitioner, its successors and asslgns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condiuons of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. "G� � That the Council hereby authorizes the proper City officials to convey the West Building, by Quit Claim Deed to The Science Museum of Minnesota their successors and assigns, subject to the easement agreement described above. That a permanent easement for skyway purposes shall be retained within the West Building, including ingress and egress access. BE IT FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a copy of this resolution in the office of the Registrar of Deeds and the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County. Requested by Department of: SY: Fosm Approved by City Attorney By: AdopCion Certified by Council Secretary By' � v � y �� n Approved by May� DaCe / � BY: /Ye'/�.I/�/I � �� v�-riw-r. C_'�•s�/-....T Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date __��'�q0 oo.��'i .M.S.JREAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�= January 27,1A00 reen heet Number: 100889 ontact Persoa and Phone N�ber: / 1 EPARTMENT � Z� CI7Y COI7NCII, N "° Peter White t 2(�-�SQ '�p10 ATTORNEY CLERg � UDGETDII2ECTOR FFICEOFFPIANC7ALSVCS. Mastbe on Comdl Ageaxla bp: FC�lrll'dT� Jy LOOO 2 YOR (OR ASSISlANl) 3�ai x�a��n for Public Aearin on February 9, 200p. OTAL # OF SIGNATiTRE PAGES 1(CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) cnox�uESrm: Please sign the attached substitute Council Resolution and I can route it to the next stop. cOMI�tvnA7zoNS: npeROVe (n) oR �CT pc) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTBaCTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the peisotd6rm ever worked uuder a contractFor this depasWent? YF,S NO eiaemisic co�vn[sscox A sxnax _! . Has this perso�8tm ever been a City employee? YES NO CNII. SEH V IC6 COMbIi.SS1UN . Doestitisperso�firmpossessaskillnotnorn�aDypossessedbyany YES NO cffi coMbnlTEL aQrent Clty emp7oyee? ain all PES ansrven on a se arate sheet and atfach. PORTS WHICH COUNCIL BJECTIVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) 2 DISTRICT PLANriING COUNCIL 1� TING PROSLEM, ISSIJE, OPPORTONITY (Whq Whay When, Whem, Why?): A Council Resolution was routed for the vacation of the City's interest in the Science Museum West Building, so title of the property could be transferred to the Science Museum, with plans for the building to be leased as a school. It was necessary to add an additional condition to that resolution (shown as #4 on the second page of the attached resolution), maldng it necessary to circnlate this sabstitute resolution for si atnres. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 1Ytle to the property can be transferred as planned. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None at this time. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Alternate plans would have to be made for the nse of the property. OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTiON: $0 COST/RlVENUC BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) YFS NO ING SoURCE: ACTIViTY N[7MBER: ANCiAL INFORMATION: (EXYLAIN) �.��`..�"a,'-�'fi €��:.,y ° .A� ✓e Because the C5ty is the petitioner, the usuat vacation fees are waived. dk wrv, '� �, e 9@393 ;� ✓ 00 -��-�i fnterdepartmental Memorandum C1TY OF SAINT PAUL � To: Nancy Anderson Council Research Room 310 City Hall From: Louise A. Langberg Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: 7anuary 20, 2000 _._... _. _.. .. .._. _ . _ _.. ... . �ti�j�+e�� ��ca�i� �'�ie:#€2619�9 = ��a�in�e M�se�tti V��st.Bu�d�ng : I am requesting a date of February 9, 2000 for a Public Hearing to approve the vacation of the City's interest from a parcel of property farmerly used by the Science Museum of Minnesota, as shown on the attached map. The purpose of the vacarion is to allow the City to transfer ownership of the property, which will eventually be used as a school. The Council Resolution for this vacation is currently in the City Attorney's Office. I can drop off a copy of it for you when Peter Warner has finished with it. I have attached a copy of the Green Sheet and a map of the area to be vacated. Please let me know if there is anything else you might need for this. Thank you! 6avi;l6�� �?.�s`���.3.`�`i vt!R¢, '� �` � � 2�3�fl drdi (26-1999na) � '� � R.�.S. 44Z � / .:. % '�p:l��`� File No. 26-1999 Science Museum Vacation .�. � \ \ � AREA TO BE -� VACATED � �'x� < `� �. _: ., 1 . � i . 's�. � ,.\,- `.\ ,�`a'�: � ' �X �� r / :<� `Y. . ' ' / �� � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL a o _u.�{ PUBLIC HEARING {VOTICE ..,, STREET/ALLEY VACATION City Council Ward # 2 COUNCILMEMBER CHRIS COLEMAN Planning District # 17 ROOM 310-B CITY HALL SAINT PAUL MN 55102 PURPOSE PETITIONER HEARING QUESTIONS MAP (attached) File No. 26-1999 To discuss whether or not to vacate the City's interest in that property I�town as the Minnesota Science Museum West Building, at the northwest corner of Wabasha and Exchange The Council w�71 conduct a public hearing on this vacation on Wednesday, Februa� 9. 2000 in the Council Chambers on , the third floor of City Hall. Public Aearings begin at 5:30 P.M. � Call 266-8850 and refer to the file number above. City staff will be available until 4:30 in Room 140 City Hall to answer I � any last-minute question on this project. Notices sent January 20, 2000 by: The Real Estate Division Dept, of Technology and Management Services Room 140 City Hatf - Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1613 �d�a�;�:g �a�^c�;�^'� �„_°4f¢e �� �:'.,; G � � 2��� ORIGiNAL Presented By Referred To GreenSheet# �00�'��( Committee: : WI�EREAS, upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul, as docume ed in Finance Department File Number 26-1999 and in accordance with the provisions of a le e between the Science Museum of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul dated May 1, 19 7(as amended) the following public properties, more commonly known as the Science Muse West Building (West Building), aze to be vacated and discontinued as public prope : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, public properties hereinafter de as public property and subject to the exceptions and those public properties are hereby released. The property to be vacated is described as follows: hereby vacated and discontinued s stated herein, easements within All that certain parcel or parcels of land ' the Ciry of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, Staxe of Minnesota, more particularly scribed as follows: Tract 1: (Abstract) A11 of the properiy lying above plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, City of 5aint Paul Datum (elevation OA Ci of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Levei D tum of 1929) legally described as follows: The Northeasterly one h dred five and eight hundredths (105.08) feet of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), ten 0), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Block five (5), Bazil and Guerin's Addition to aint Paul, according to the plat thereof on fi1e and of record in the office of the Regist r of Deeds in and for said Couniy and State, except therefrom the following describ d Registered Property: Tracts "A" Tract 2 CouncSlF7e# DO" ��� CITY OF , Registered Land Survey No. 328. (Tonens) All a�the property lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, Ciry of Saint Pau1 Datum (elevation 0.0 City of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally described as follows: I ORf GINAL 2 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328. oo.�n Together with and subject to the rights and obligations of support and access conveyed by that certain easement agreement dated as of July l, 1978 between the City of Saint Paul , and The Science Museum of Miunesota. This vacation is subject to the terms and conditions of Legislative Code Chapter 130, as amended, and to the following additional condifions: / A permanent easement shall be retained for accessing the mechanical room and other areas of the West Building containing equipment, piping and wiring p inent to the operation of the air conditioning chiller and emergency generator e'pment which operate such systems in the adjacent Arts and Science Center Bui ' g, also known as the Science Museum of Minnesota Building East. The Science Mu eum of Minnesota shall enter into a easement which will provide for the right to acces the West Building for the inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, equipment and systems improvement of the said 2. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns sha11, wi ' 60 days of the effective date of tlus resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance n writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s} specified ' the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these term and condifions. 3, That the Council hereby authorizes the prope ity officials to convey the West Building, by Quit Claim Deed reserving by easement e City's right to access the West Building, to The Science Museum of Minnesota th r successors and assigns. 4. That a permanent easement far Building, including ingress and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, authorized and directed to record a and the office of the County Recor; Adopted by Council: Adoption Cextifie ay: Appzoved by Mayor: By: Council SeCretary Date purposes shall be retained within in the West access. pon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby of this resolution in the office of the Registrar of Deeds Ramsey County. Requested by Department oE: iM �, By: � Form Appr e by City Attorney � By: � r" ,�,/�� Appro Mayor for S m�ssion [o Council By: Presented By Referred To subs�:-��� �. TY _ �la�oo SLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, upon the petition of the City of Saint Pau1, as documented in Finance Department 2 File Number 26-1999 and in accordance with the provisions of a lease between the Science 3 Museum of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul dated May 1, 1997 (as amended) the following 4 public properties, more commonly known as the Science Museum West Building (West 5 Building), are to be vacated and discontinued as public property: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 7 RESOLVED, that, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued 8 as public property and subject to the exceptions and reservations stated herein, easements within 9 those public properties aze hereby released. � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 The property to be vacated is described as follows: All that certain parcel or parcels of land in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, more particulazly described as follows: Tract 1: (Abstract) All of the property lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, City of Saint Paul Datum (elevation Q.0 City of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally described as follows: The Northeasterly one hundred five and eight hundredths (105.08) feet of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Block five (5), Bazii and Guerin's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State, except therefrom the following described Registered Property: Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328. Tract 2_ (Torrens) All af the properiy lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, City of Saint Paul Datum (elevation OA City of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally described as follows: Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328. Together with and subject to the rights and obligations of support and access conveyed by that certain easement agreement dated as of July 1, 1978 between the City oP Saint Paul and The Science Museum of Minnesota. co,��a File # � Green Sheet # 0 d .l ' This vacation is subject to the terms and conditions of I,egisiative Code Chapter 13Q as 2 amended, and to the following additional conditions: 3 o �,_ia-7 4 1. A permanent easement shall be provided for the benefit of the City for purposes of 5 accessing the mechanical room and other areas of the West Building to the extent 6 necessary to pernut the inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, reconstruction or 7 improvement of cooling pipes, emergency generator wiring, and associated equipment 8 that may be used to service the adjacent Arts and Science Center Building, also known as 9 the Science Museum of Minnesota Building East. The Science Museum of Minnesota or 10 its assigns and the City shall enter into an easement agre�ment which will provide for: (a) 11 the use of the cooling pipes and emergency power from the generator located in the West 12 Building; (b) the right to access the West Building for the inspection, maintenance, repair, 13 replacement, reconstruction or improvement of the said piping, wiring and associated 14 equipment; and (c) the operation, use and maintenance of the emergency generator. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2. That the petitioner, its successors and asslgns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condiuons of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. "G� � That the Council hereby authorizes the proper City officials to convey the West Building, by Quit Claim Deed to The Science Museum of Minnesota their successors and assigns, subject to the easement agreement described above. That a permanent easement for skyway purposes shall be retained within the West Building, including ingress and egress access. BE IT FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a copy of this resolution in the office of the Registrar of Deeds and the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County. Requested by Department of: SY: Fosm Approved by City Attorney By: AdopCion Certified by Council Secretary By' � v � y �� n Approved by May� DaCe / � BY: /Ye'/�.I/�/I � �� v�-riw-r. C_'�•s�/-....T Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date __��'�q0 oo.��'i .M.S.JREAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�= January 27,1A00 reen heet Number: 100889 ontact Persoa and Phone N�ber: / 1 EPARTMENT � Z� CI7Y COI7NCII, N "° Peter White t 2(�-�SQ '�p10 ATTORNEY CLERg � UDGETDII2ECTOR FFICEOFFPIANC7ALSVCS. Mastbe on Comdl Ageaxla bp: FC�lrll'dT� Jy LOOO 2 YOR (OR ASSISlANl) 3�ai x�a��n for Public Aearin on February 9, 200p. OTAL # OF SIGNATiTRE PAGES 1(CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) cnox�uESrm: Please sign the attached substitute Council Resolution and I can route it to the next stop. cOMI�tvnA7zoNS: npeROVe (n) oR �CT pc) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTBaCTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the peisotd6rm ever worked uuder a contractFor this depasWent? YF,S NO eiaemisic co�vn[sscox A sxnax _! . Has this perso�8tm ever been a City employee? YES NO CNII. SEH V IC6 COMbIi.SS1UN . Doestitisperso�firmpossessaskillnotnorn�aDypossessedbyany YES NO cffi coMbnlTEL aQrent Clty emp7oyee? ain all PES ansrven on a se arate sheet and atfach. PORTS WHICH COUNCIL BJECTIVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) 2 DISTRICT PLANriING COUNCIL 1� TING PROSLEM, ISSIJE, OPPORTONITY (Whq Whay When, Whem, Why?): A Council Resolution was routed for the vacation of the City's interest in the Science Museum West Building, so title of the property could be transferred to the Science Museum, with plans for the building to be leased as a school. It was necessary to add an additional condition to that resolution (shown as #4 on the second page of the attached resolution), maldng it necessary to circnlate this sabstitute resolution for si atnres. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 1Ytle to the property can be transferred as planned. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None at this time. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Alternate plans would have to be made for the nse of the property. OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTiON: $0 COST/RlVENUC BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) YFS NO ING SoURCE: ACTIViTY N[7MBER: ANCiAL INFORMATION: (EXYLAIN) �.��`..�"a,'-�'fi €��:.,y ° .A� ✓e Because the C5ty is the petitioner, the usuat vacation fees are waived. dk wrv, '� �, e 9@393 ;� ✓ 00 -��-�i fnterdepartmental Memorandum C1TY OF SAINT PAUL � To: Nancy Anderson Council Research Room 310 City Hall From: Louise A. Langberg Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: 7anuary 20, 2000 _._... _. _.. .. .._. _ . _ _.. ... . �ti�j�+e�� ��ca�i� �'�ie:#€2619�9 = ��a�in�e M�se�tti V��st.Bu�d�ng : I am requesting a date of February 9, 2000 for a Public Hearing to approve the vacation of the City's interest from a parcel of property farmerly used by the Science Museum of Minnesota, as shown on the attached map. The purpose of the vacarion is to allow the City to transfer ownership of the property, which will eventually be used as a school. The Council Resolution for this vacation is currently in the City Attorney's Office. I can drop off a copy of it for you when Peter Warner has finished with it. I have attached a copy of the Green Sheet and a map of the area to be vacated. Please let me know if there is anything else you might need for this. Thank you! 6avi;l6�� �?.�s`���.3.`�`i vt!R¢, '� �` � � 2�3�fl drdi (26-1999na) � '� � R.�.S. 44Z � / .:. % '�p:l��`� File No. 26-1999 Science Museum Vacation .�. � \ \ � AREA TO BE -� VACATED � �'x� < `� �. _: ., 1 . � i . 's�. � ,.\,- `.\ ,�`a'�: � ' �X �� r / :<� `Y. . ' ' / �� � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL a o _u.�{ PUBLIC HEARING {VOTICE ..,, STREET/ALLEY VACATION City Council Ward # 2 COUNCILMEMBER CHRIS COLEMAN Planning District # 17 ROOM 310-B CITY HALL SAINT PAUL MN 55102 PURPOSE PETITIONER HEARING QUESTIONS MAP (attached) File No. 26-1999 To discuss whether or not to vacate the City's interest in that property I�town as the Minnesota Science Museum West Building, at the northwest corner of Wabasha and Exchange The Council w�71 conduct a public hearing on this vacation on Wednesday, Februa� 9. 2000 in the Council Chambers on , the third floor of City Hall. Public Aearings begin at 5:30 P.M. � Call 266-8850 and refer to the file number above. City staff will be available until 4:30 in Room 140 City Hall to answer I � any last-minute question on this project. Notices sent January 20, 2000 by: The Real Estate Division Dept, of Technology and Management Services Room 140 City Hatf - Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1613 �d�a�;�:g �a�^c�;�^'� �„_°4f¢e �� �:'.,; G � � 2��� ORIGiNAL Presented By Referred To GreenSheet# �00�'��( Committee: : WI�EREAS, upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul, as docume ed in Finance Department File Number 26-1999 and in accordance with the provisions of a le e between the Science Museum of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul dated May 1, 19 7(as amended) the following public properties, more commonly known as the Science Muse West Building (West Building), aze to be vacated and discontinued as public prope : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, public properties hereinafter de as public property and subject to the exceptions and those public properties are hereby released. The property to be vacated is described as follows: hereby vacated and discontinued s stated herein, easements within All that certain parcel or parcels of land ' the Ciry of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, Staxe of Minnesota, more particularly scribed as follows: Tract 1: (Abstract) A11 of the properiy lying above plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, City of 5aint Paul Datum (elevation OA Ci of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Levei D tum of 1929) legally described as follows: The Northeasterly one h dred five and eight hundredths (105.08) feet of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), ten 0), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Block five (5), Bazil and Guerin's Addition to aint Paul, according to the plat thereof on fi1e and of record in the office of the Regist r of Deeds in and for said Couniy and State, except therefrom the following describ d Registered Property: Tracts "A" Tract 2 CouncSlF7e# DO" ��� CITY OF , Registered Land Survey No. 328. (Tonens) All a�the property lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, Ciry of Saint Pau1 Datum (elevation 0.0 City of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally described as follows: I ORf GINAL 2 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328. oo.�n Together with and subject to the rights and obligations of support and access conveyed by that certain easement agreement dated as of July l, 1978 between the City of Saint Paul , and The Science Museum of Miunesota. This vacation is subject to the terms and conditions of Legislative Code Chapter 130, as amended, and to the following additional condifions: / A permanent easement shall be retained for accessing the mechanical room and other areas of the West Building containing equipment, piping and wiring p inent to the operation of the air conditioning chiller and emergency generator e'pment which operate such systems in the adjacent Arts and Science Center Bui ' g, also known as the Science Museum of Minnesota Building East. The Science Mu eum of Minnesota shall enter into a easement which will provide for the right to acces the West Building for the inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, equipment and systems improvement of the said 2. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns sha11, wi ' 60 days of the effective date of tlus resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance n writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s} specified ' the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these term and condifions. 3, That the Council hereby authorizes the prope ity officials to convey the West Building, by Quit Claim Deed reserving by easement e City's right to access the West Building, to The Science Museum of Minnesota th r successors and assigns. 4. That a permanent easement far Building, including ingress and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, authorized and directed to record a and the office of the County Recor; Adopted by Council: Adoption Cextifie ay: Appzoved by Mayor: By: Council SeCretary Date purposes shall be retained within in the West access. pon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby of this resolution in the office of the Registrar of Deeds Ramsey County. Requested by Department oE: iM �, By: � Form Appr e by City Attorney � By: � r" ,�,/�� Appro Mayor for S m�ssion [o Council By: Presented By Referred To subs�:-��� �. TY _ �la�oo SLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, upon the petition of the City of Saint Pau1, as documented in Finance Department 2 File Number 26-1999 and in accordance with the provisions of a lease between the Science 3 Museum of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul dated May 1, 1997 (as amended) the following 4 public properties, more commonly known as the Science Museum West Building (West 5 Building), are to be vacated and discontinued as public property: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 7 RESOLVED, that, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued 8 as public property and subject to the exceptions and reservations stated herein, easements within 9 those public properties aze hereby released. � 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 The property to be vacated is described as follows: All that certain parcel or parcels of land in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, more particulazly described as follows: Tract 1: (Abstract) All of the property lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, City of Saint Paul Datum (elevation Q.0 City of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally described as follows: The Northeasterly one hundred five and eight hundredths (105.08) feet of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Block five (5), Bazii and Guerin's Addition to Saint Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State, except therefrom the following described Registered Property: Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328. Tract 2_ (Torrens) All af the properiy lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, City of Saint Paul Datum (elevation OA City of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally described as follows: Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328. Together with and subject to the rights and obligations of support and access conveyed by that certain easement agreement dated as of July 1, 1978 between the City oP Saint Paul and The Science Museum of Minnesota. co,��a File # � Green Sheet # 0 d .l ' This vacation is subject to the terms and conditions of I,egisiative Code Chapter 13Q as 2 amended, and to the following additional conditions: 3 o �,_ia-7 4 1. A permanent easement shall be provided for the benefit of the City for purposes of 5 accessing the mechanical room and other areas of the West Building to the extent 6 necessary to pernut the inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, reconstruction or 7 improvement of cooling pipes, emergency generator wiring, and associated equipment 8 that may be used to service the adjacent Arts and Science Center Building, also known as 9 the Science Museum of Minnesota Building East. The Science Museum of Minnesota or 10 its assigns and the City shall enter into an easement agre�ment which will provide for: (a) 11 the use of the cooling pipes and emergency power from the generator located in the West 12 Building; (b) the right to access the West Building for the inspection, maintenance, repair, 13 replacement, reconstruction or improvement of the said piping, wiring and associated 14 equipment; and (c) the operation, use and maintenance of the emergency generator. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2. That the petitioner, its successors and asslgns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condiuons of this resolution and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. "G� � That the Council hereby authorizes the proper City officials to convey the West Building, by Quit Claim Deed to The Science Museum of Minnesota their successors and assigns, subject to the easement agreement described above. That a permanent easement for skyway purposes shall be retained within the West Building, including ingress and egress access. BE IT FIIRTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record a copy of this resolution in the office of the Registrar of Deeds and the office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County. Requested by Department of: SY: Fosm Approved by City Attorney By: AdopCion Certified by Council Secretary By' � v � y �� n Approved by May� DaCe / � BY: /Ye'/�.I/�/I � �� v�-riw-r. C_'�•s�/-....T Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date __��'�q0 oo.��'i .M.S.JREAL ESTATE DIVISION Da�= January 27,1A00 reen heet Number: 100889 ontact Persoa and Phone N�ber: / 1 EPARTMENT � Z� CI7Y COI7NCII, N "° Peter White t 2(�-�SQ '�p10 ATTORNEY CLERg � UDGETDII2ECTOR FFICEOFFPIANC7ALSVCS. Mastbe on Comdl Ageaxla bp: FC�lrll'dT� Jy LOOO 2 YOR (OR ASSISlANl) 3�ai x�a��n for Public Aearin on February 9, 200p. OTAL # OF SIGNATiTRE PAGES 1(CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE) cnox�uESrm: Please sign the attached substitute Council Resolution and I can route it to the next stop. cOMI�tvnA7zoNS: npeROVe (n) oR �CT pc) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTBaCTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the peisotd6rm ever worked uuder a contractFor this depasWent? YF,S NO eiaemisic co�vn[sscox A sxnax _! . Has this perso�8tm ever been a City employee? YES NO CNII. SEH V IC6 COMbIi.SS1UN . Doestitisperso�firmpossessaskillnotnorn�aDypossessedbyany YES NO cffi coMbnlTEL aQrent Clty emp7oyee? ain all PES ansrven on a se arate sheet and atfach. PORTS WHICH COUNCIL BJECTIVE? OUNCIL WARD(S) 2 DISTRICT PLANriING COUNCIL 1� TING PROSLEM, ISSIJE, OPPORTONITY (Whq Whay When, Whem, Why?): A Council Resolution was routed for the vacation of the City's interest in the Science Museum West Building, so title of the property could be transferred to the Science Museum, with plans for the building to be leased as a school. It was necessary to add an additional condition to that resolution (shown as #4 on the second page of the attached resolution), maldng it necessary to circnlate this sabstitute resolution for si atnres. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: 1Ytle to the property can be transferred as planned. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None at this time. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Alternate plans would have to be made for the nse of the property. OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTiON: $0 COST/RlVENUC BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) YFS NO ING SoURCE: ACTIViTY N[7MBER: ANCiAL INFORMATION: (EXYLAIN) �.��`..�"a,'-�'fi €��:.,y ° .A� ✓e Because the C5ty is the petitioner, the usuat vacation fees are waived. dk wrv, '� �, e 9@393 ;� ✓ 00 -��-�i fnterdepartmental Memorandum C1TY OF SAINT PAUL � To: Nancy Anderson Council Research Room 310 City Hall From: Louise A. Langberg Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: 7anuary 20, 2000 _._... _. _.. .. .._. _ . _ _.. ... . �ti�j�+e�� ��ca�i� �'�ie:#€2619�9 = ��a�in�e M�se�tti V��st.Bu�d�ng : I am requesting a date of February 9, 2000 for a Public Hearing to approve the vacation of the City's interest from a parcel of property farmerly used by the Science Museum of Minnesota, as shown on the attached map. The purpose of the vacarion is to allow the City to transfer ownership of the property, which will eventually be used as a school. The Council Resolution for this vacation is currently in the City Attorney's Office. I can drop off a copy of it for you when Peter Warner has finished with it. I have attached a copy of the Green Sheet and a map of the area to be vacated. Please let me know if there is anything else you might need for this. Thank you! 6avi;l6�� �?.�s`���.3.`�`i vt!R¢, '� �` � � 2�3�fl drdi (26-1999na) � '� � R.�.S. 44Z � / .:. % '�p:l��`� File No. 26-1999 Science Museum Vacation .�. � \ \ � AREA TO BE -� VACATED � �'x� < `� �. _: ., 1 . � i . 's�. � ,.\,- `.\ ,�`a'�: � ' �X �� r / :<� `Y. . ' ' / �� � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL a o _u.�{ PUBLIC HEARING {VOTICE ..,, STREET/ALLEY VACATION City Council Ward # 2 COUNCILMEMBER CHRIS COLEMAN Planning District # 17 ROOM 310-B CITY HALL SAINT PAUL MN 55102 PURPOSE PETITIONER HEARING QUESTIONS MAP (attached) File No. 26-1999 To discuss whether or not to vacate the City's interest in that property I�town as the Minnesota Science Museum West Building, at the northwest corner of Wabasha and Exchange The Council w�71 conduct a public hearing on this vacation on Wednesday, Februa� 9. 2000 in the Council Chambers on , the third floor of City Hall. Public Aearings begin at 5:30 P.M. � Call 266-8850 and refer to the file number above. City staff will be available until 4:30 in Room 140 City Hall to answer I � any last-minute question on this project. Notices sent January 20, 2000 by: The Real Estate Division Dept, of Technology and Management Services Room 140 City Hatf - Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1613 �d�a�;�:g �a�^c�;�^'� �„_°4f¢e �� �:'.,; G � � 2��� ORIGiNAL Presented By Referred To GreenSheet# �00�'��( Committee: : WI�EREAS, upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul, as docume ed in Finance Department File Number 26-1999 and in accordance with the provisions of a le e between the Science Museum of Minnesota and the City of Saint Paul dated May 1, 19 7(as amended) the following public properties, more commonly known as the Science Muse West Building (West Building), aze to be vacated and discontinued as public prope : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, public properties hereinafter de as public property and subject to the exceptions and those public properties are hereby released. The property to be vacated is described as follows: hereby vacated and discontinued s stated herein, easements within All that certain parcel or parcels of land ' the Ciry of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, Staxe of Minnesota, more particularly scribed as follows: Tract 1: (Abstract) A11 of the properiy lying above plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, City of 5aint Paul Datum (elevation OA Ci of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Levei D tum of 1929) legally described as follows: The Northeasterly one h dred five and eight hundredths (105.08) feet of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), ten 0), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Block five (5), Bazil and Guerin's Addition to aint Paul, according to the plat thereof on fi1e and of record in the office of the Regist r of Deeds in and for said Couniy and State, except therefrom the following describ d Registered Property: Tracts "A" Tract 2 CouncSlF7e# DO" ��� CITY OF , Registered Land Survey No. 328. (Tonens) All a�the property lying above a plane surface at an elevation 103.5 feet, Ciry of Saint Pau1 Datum (elevation 0.0 City of Saint Paul Datum equals 694.10 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929) legally described as follows: I ORf GINAL 2 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Tracts "A" and "G", Registered Land Survey No. 328. oo.�n Together with and subject to the rights and obligations of support and access conveyed by that certain easement agreement dated as of July l, 1978 between the City of Saint Paul , and The Science Museum of Miunesota. This vacation is subject to the terms and conditions of Legislative Code Chapter 130, as amended, and to the following additional condifions: / A permanent easement shall be retained for accessing the mechanical room and other areas of the West Building containing equipment, piping and wiring p inent to the operation of the air conditioning chiller and emergency generator e'pment which operate such systems in the adjacent Arts and Science Center Bui ' g, also known as the Science Museum of Minnesota Building East. The Science Mu eum of Minnesota shall enter into a easement which will provide for the right to acces the West Building for the inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, equipment and systems improvement of the said 2. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns sha11, wi ' 60 days of the effective date of tlus resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance n writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall, within the period(s} specified ' the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these term and condifions. 3, That the Council hereby authorizes the prope ity officials to convey the West Building, by Quit Claim Deed reserving by easement e City's right to access the West Building, to The Science Museum of Minnesota th r successors and assigns. 4. That a permanent easement far Building, including ingress and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, authorized and directed to record a and the office of the County Recor; Adopted by Council: Adoption Cextifie ay: Appzoved by Mayor: By: Council SeCretary Date purposes shall be retained within in the West access. pon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby of this resolution in the office of the Registrar of Deeds Ramsey County. Requested by Department oE: iM �, By: � Form Appr e by City Attorney � By: � r" ,�,/�� Appro Mayor for S m�ssion [o Council By: