D001017S4hite = City Cierk Pink — Finance Dept. Canazy — Dept. Aecounting Blue — Engineer -- H. L. HolzsChuh Gceen — Contractoc 300 Lowry Pro£. B1dg, • No. o Q� I 0 I 1 Date q � i- qb CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions wluch proved to be necessary to the Improvement deseribed a$ _ applying fireproofing material to the Burn Training Building, 1689 Energy Park Drive, Saint Paul, MN. known as Contract�L,-1 5_ Ol 5, City Project No. 9517.00 , Nfizlcahy, Inc. , Contractor, is composed of the following: Quoted imit price per square foot was changed from $9.82/sf to $6.28/sf; therefore, total additional area o� $;SOl square feet at $6,28/sf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,386.00 � U ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the swn of $ 53,386,00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the co¢hact, known as cont[act i�- 7 S01 S , aad vehich amount is to be financed fcom: 001-OSOSl-0898-50535 c94-5T006-0898-00000 CPL/C95—ST007-0898-00000 / Swmnary Contract Amount . . . . . . $ $,150.00 This Change Order . . . . . $53,386,00 TOTAL $61,536.00 ��/� 19 � �c�Y, Inc. Contractor �19 (� BY `�'��/�'�' `�`` � /(n ������/�`�� �ead n o - f Departme o�f F�inance Q�/d(/p� ZZ19� Yv�� �{7iL�eL�1X / Administcative�Assistant to the TAayoc ,; .. LIEP / Design Services H_ L. Holzschuh 266-9091 ��d�1 3/96 GREEN SHEE ;. �° 3 517 2 INITIAVDA ,.. _ . INRIALIDATE DEPAflTMENiDIRECTOR aCRYCOUNdL � marror�Ner �c �aK p � p � BUDGEf �IRECTOR IN. & MGT. SERVICES DI G � � OnuroR�onnssisraHr� � H. L. Holzsct&Lth '" TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) 3OO IAWT'y Required signatures `or �hange Order t'.o. 1 ior a�alying �irenroofing material at the Burn Training 3uilaing, 15°4 �;nergy °ark. ^rive, Sain± ?aul. __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SFAVICE fAMMISSION _ ae ca.�e+rtr� _ _ S7AFF _ __ DISTAICT COURT _ SUPPOqTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SEHYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOW��E�?1S: 1. Has Ihis person/firm ever wwked under a mmract for this tlepartrneM? - YES "NO � t`G n e ��p� 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? V G p 3 YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skll noi normalty possessed bY s �gy,�ywMciM€p� D�e? YES NO IYtii? V�� V Explaln alf yes answers on separate sheet antl eHach to green aheet NTat,When,Where,Why): T3ids were taken to repair damaged precast ceiling plank. Department funds available at bi�ding time allowed only certain areas to be repaired. The department now hxs acquired additional funding to repair the other areas. The precast concrete plank for ceiling an�? walls wi11 be completely repaired and the entire building will be used for training. None. RECEIVED SEP 1 Q 1996 GfTY CLERk� The areas where fires can be set would be limited. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S FUNDING SOUHCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) S3 386. 00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 001-OSOSl-0898-50535 ACTIVI7YNUMBER C94-ST006-0898-00000 e 9s s reo� - o s2a- o eeoc � • . .� RUG-13-1996 13�18 May I3,1996 ST PA�L CITY PURCHRSING ���� � °� D 5y3E N. GLENBEIO�ONE 7703Z5G DAIE� MN 55t28 Design Section • Lowry Professionai Buildung 350 St. Pecar S�eet St Paul. MN 551 d2 A.ttxi: 1T�b Holzschuh Re: Additionai Pirepmofing (';a Bwat Tzainir�g $uildixag Dear Herb: 612 266 8919 P.�2iO3 �o�a�� 'VSe have xeviewed youi sunaxinazy a£ a�iditionat wall and ceiling axeas (attaci�ed), aacl confum the quazUity ca be T451.2 sqw�re fe�. It is our tmderstanding that 1050 squar� feet of new masonry • � gartitions will also require fueproteQtion bringing the total additional azea to 8502 squaze feet. Ai aur quuted price of 56.28/squaze feet the cost of this additional work will be $53,3&6.00. ff there aze qtaestions, ptease call. Sincerely, — , ��,� Toxn Johrison Projeat Manager ,�� . � , �� . • OFFICE OF LICBI3SE, INSPECTION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RobertXessler, Direc[or �rtn I h � —q � ��.0 U I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narin Co[eman, Mayor FACIL77Y PLANMNG & DESIGN SERVICES 350 Saint Peter Street, Suite 300 Tel. (612) 26(r9090 Sain1 Paul, Mirsnesota 55102 Fax. (612) 266-9099 RECEIVEG August 15, 1996 SEP 10 1996 �ITY CLERK • TO: Del Swanson Fire & Safety Services FROM: Barbara Morin LIEP - Design RE: Project Update and Status i wanted to update you on the Fire Stat+on Projects I'm currently working on. They are as follows: BURN TRAINING FIREPROOFING: 9517 As I understand from Sue, she has talked to Mulcahy about starting the work and I have begun processing the Change Order tor the additional work. STATION 17 DRIVEWAY: 9618 Yve contacted Arrigoni and, as I totd you earfier this week, they are looking to start the today or tomorrow or earlier next week - Dennis will contact you a couple days in advance to confirm a day and time. STATIONS 4. 5. & 8 PARKING LOTS: 9617 I received a calf from Bituminous Roadways and Brian is going to schedule work for next week. He will call me early next week to confirm a date & time and what stations they's be working at. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Thank you. C 1 J