84-1317 M/HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��i � �/� BLUE - MAVOR 1 , Council Resolution Presented By ��6%��'��2�✓/ ✓Referred To �l n��cY L� Commi ttee: Date �'��� Out of Committee By Date WHE'REAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are avaialable for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in tYie 1984 budget; and WHEREAS, The N�ayor recommends the following changes to the 1984 budget: Current Ameru7ed Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN 735 Fire Fighting Equipment Fund -4301 Nornial Activity Services 85,755 85,755 -7299 Transfer f roqn General Fund . 0 +41,000 41,000 All Other Financing 64,245 64,245 150,000 41,000 191,000 SPII�DING PLAN 735 Fire Fighting F)quipment Fund 55001 Fire Fighting E�quipment 55001-822 Trucks and Vans 150,000 +41,000 191,000 55001- All Other Spending 0 0 150,000 41,000 191,000 � � +41,000 RE90LVID, That the City Council adopts these changes to the 1984 budget; and be it FURTHER RFSOLV�, Th�at any insurance proceeds collectecl for the demolished a�nbulance be deposited in this fund. Approval Recomonended: '�.����--�--� COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays --� �y�/�!/ � Fire and Safety Services Drew In Favor ' Masanz � B � n ��� � NiCOSia S���� scheibe� _ __ Against Y Tedesco IAFNs�n Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 7 t984 Form Approved b ity torne Certified ss by Counc' Sec a BY By ` OCT 1�t A r d by �lavor: Date �_ — � r�� Approved by yo or Submission to Council By PUBLIS�fED OCT 61984 r � ^ Fire r safetv services D�PART�,IENT � ���y'� �� Ed Heinen �ONTACT 222-4663 PHONE � �� , Au ust 2� 1984 DATE �v� � . — , �� � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) , Assign Number for Routing Order (Clhp All Locations for Mayoral Signature): -- %� Department Di rector RE�E�VE� �"_ rrr�"r"1�►r{� ... � City Attorney ` AUG 2,91984 � Director of Management/Mayor �� , � Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector o�;,,.� �.,,. ��,, � ,� CITY ATTORNEY 6 City Clerk pr ,-,,r„ .,-��, �- ;_ �, � � � Budget Di rector AND fv�A;vA���v+���r s���v��;�s � 7- , -- � ;f;- ...:.., �,(J�' �; ,; , , �-' �� �:;o=l � � u � _'tti, � �� � � - What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale)"`'` Funds will be made available to purchase a replacement ambulance for the one that was demolished in an accident. Forty-one thousand dollars will be transferred from the Contingent Reserve Specified to th;e Fire Fighting and Paramedic budget activity. The $41,000 will then be transferred o^ver to the Fire Fighting Equipment budget activity, a Special Funds activity. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: No personnel positions will be affeeted. Su£ficient funds are available in the Contingent Reserve 5pecified to cover this transfer. The Fire Department and the City Attorney's Office will be initiating legal action to recover the costs. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nun�er Charged or Credited: Source: Contingent Reserve Speciffed (09061) Credit: Fire Fighting and Paramedics (05120) (The second Council Resolution amends the Fire Fighting Equipment Fund to accept the transfer At�achmentsl�(�is�g an��um$er ai�"A`���c�imen�s�X and authorize the purchase of the ambulance.) Council Resolution transferring funds fram the Contingent Reserve Specified� Council Resolution amending the Fire Fighting Equipment Fund. August 14, 1984 memoran�tdum from Chief Conroy to Mayor Latimer_ August 15, 1984 memorandum from Ed Heinen to Greg Blees DEPARTMENT REVIEW ��I CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Require�d? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attacheid? - Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions) .' �` �y /�/� _�ib�'T'°�`��•� � ' ` � • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ , ,,,, :,::.. �?`_,.z!� ;; ' DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES ,,��������� , : ��.,���. .: .. . ^:. = STEVE CONROY, DIRECTOR ` '" 101 E. Tenth St., Saint Paul, MN 55101 :EORGf_� LATLt1ER ��1AYOR 10: George Latimer, riayor �OyI: Steve Conroy, Fire Chief �� � DyTE: August i4, I984 SUBJECT: Ambulance On August 1Q, 1984 Medic i=22 was involved in an accident. The result of the accident was declaring P�edic 22 a total loss. �r'e �iscussed i.tte ne2d of a reglaceraent vehicle with Greg Blees, �Ldget Director an3 the need of an emergency appro�r�ation. Greg Blees authorized our pursuit of ambulance purchase and the iinan�ino. j•�e, the=�=ore, are requesting a budget ammendment of $50,000 `or purc��siT? a replacement unit. �:e ___r�at your consideration of our request. lmr � . NO T E: We are iriitiating" legal action .through the .City Attorney ror recovery of funds for vehicle cost. / �jL Aps�r�u2d„_,._�^'_`..�'� " '" B!'(t•get�'r=-`O� �1��� _ � l / n � �)' - _ "" • ) � �'��4,;�1� ��z��X ► �� � �,,,X p � . �Y�" �� U + �� � -�- c��� � � � ^ p� `�- c�� � � � a � i�'''��''';' • ,. � . • , � . k� J �,3� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM "4T T0: Greg Blees � FROM: E. Heinen '1 Assistant Fire ief DATE: August 15, 19�i4 SUBJECT: A�bulance Attached is a requisition for an ambulance. I discussed this w-�tn Bill Peter. He stated he would implement the order as soon as he receiued authorization from you. The fund hasn't been filled in. Zf the money was authorized for the Fire Department it could be either 55001-822 or 05120-822, J�� � r�,I� .�/ .��� npP - � � b �r�,,k,�. �. ��� Py_„_ -- � � QD � � � � M,,..,�� , a y � � ��-i,��7 �%° ,,,.. �'� CITY OF ►�'AI N�.L` Y-�.E1UL � ,�, ��` r`'���''��t O7+I?`ICF, OF '1'F7I7 CITY COUNCIT. . ,:. �:r.��,;, �� :��I.Lr: l'�:: ?,�:'. / n "r�.,R.., Date: September 14, 1984 MQv1BERS �/1EETIN� N���CE JA,�IES SCHLIQ[L, CHAIR F�NANC� MANAG�M�NT & CHRIS NICOSIA PER�QN�I�L Ct?iVi�/iITTE� l'1ILLIMi {YILSOV J�!L�l DRE1V (ALT.) , � o r�+ . =i -o � N� � MEETING DATE: September 20, 1984 -+c� _ _°m "'� TIME . 1: 30 p.m. �� N � �N � C PLACE . Room 707, City Hall z° � z-t, � c� c� rn L A G E N D A 1. Approval of minutes from meetings held September 5, 6, 10, 12, 11, 1984. 2. Ordinance amending Chapter 101 of the St. Paul Administrative Code pertaining to cor�pensation paid to members of the Civil Service Commission. ��`� 3. Ordinance amending Chapter 33 and Chapter 370 of the Legislative Code requiring a permit for certain in-plant maintenance and repair work and establishing a certifi- cate of competency for the In-Plant Master Maintenance Tlechanic. (Com. Serv.) —� 4. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by adding �5,126 to the Financing Plan and Spending Plan for the Resource Expansion Grant Special Revenue Fund. (Com. Serv.) X 5. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by adding $41,000 to the Financing Plan and Spending Plan for Fire Fighting Equipment Fund. (Fire �, Safety Services) 6. Resolution amending the 1984 budget by transferring $41,000 from Contingent Reserve to Fire F, Safety Services, Fire Qperations Division. (Fire �, Safety Services) 7. Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue bonds in the amount of $1,140,000 to finan ce the purch ase of an office and truck terminal in Rivervie�a Industrial Park and the construction of a building addition for M.G. Astleford Co. 8. Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue bonds in the amount of $1, 750,000 to finance the construction of a 25,000 office, training, assembly and distribution facility in Energy Park for Purup North America. (Continued on Back) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SA1NT PAUL, R4[�il�'ESOTA 55102 ' �a