00-1213Councii File # O� � � �dl'3 GreenSheet# fOyA45 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By. Referred To: W HEREAS, l'he 2000 ButlgeLS are projected to be out of balance; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, accortling to City Gharter, Sec.10.07.3, must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance; and W HEREAS, the Office of Financial Service5 p�epared and submitted the "year end" resolu[ion for the 2000 butlget as a separete document For review and consitleration by the Ciry Cauncii, antl WHEREAS, the °year end° resolution for the 2000 budget inclutled adjustments to fringe 6enefit butlgets for some tlepartments, but not police; and WHEREAS, like other tlepartments, the Police Department has aiso presentetl a need tor an atljustment to their fringe benetits budget; antl t z 3 < 5 6 � a 9 10 tt ix 13 ia ts 16 n te 19 20 21 u 23 26 u 26 2] 28 29 sa 31 32 WHEREAS, [he Mayor, in accortlance with Section 10.07.1 of Ihe City Charter, certifies that there are a�ailable for appropriation 5215,000 in monies in ezcess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2000 butlget: GENERALFUND CURRENT AMENDED Fund Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BU�GET FINANCING Use of General Fund resources and fund balance to finance various spentling items 001 - 00000 - 9830 Use of Fund Balance tor yearend resolufion ..._ GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE Committee Date: o z�s,000 zis,000 215,000 Pol"ce Deoartment Patroi Division 001 • 04100 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 6,503,976 215,000 6,718,976 Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the CiTy Councii approves the amended budgets as intlicated above, antl adopts the revisions to the 2000 budget. Requestetl by Department of: Executive Administretion - Financiai Services Sy: Atloption Certifietl by Council Secretary: BY: ^ ��.._ , _ I "�' 4e 1"� '/ Approvetl by Mayor: Date � / L�(Y f By. _� re Approval ecom e ed by Dire to af Financiai Services: g �� Porm prove byCityAttomey: �� By: Appro by yorfor By: Councii: p�epvN M� alc� M NuMY SsNCr Adoptetl by Council: Date � Ma, a7�Z�0O DEPAR7I�IENT/OFFIC&COUNCII. DATEINITTATED aO �I�� ExecutiveAdministration �z�2�/oo GREEN SHEET NO. ]04295 CANTACl'PIItSON&PHONE � DEPARTMENI'DIRECI'OR �4 CI'1'YCOUNCII. PeterHames 266-8800 � ❑z crrrnTTOltt�r � crrrnFarc ��� MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGINDA BY (DA1� � ❑1 BUDGECDIl2EC1'OR � flN. & MGT. SERVICES DIlL_ �`2J`Z7/� ❑3 MAYOR(ORA551STANT) � ❑5 O}�-Arrn�ntin¢Ser�inn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CZIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CLiON REQUESTED Approval of the attached 2000 year-end budget adjustment resolution for the police department. rzECO�Nnwnorvs:µy.o.«w>ex�m�p PERSONALSII2VICECONI'RACfSMUSPANSV7ERTHEFOLLOWINGQTIESCIONS: (Eaplain aLL yu aatwecs on 5eparate sheet and attacb to geen shcet) � wun¢vccosuwsswa Gvasmv�CeCOnsnss�orv 1.Hasthisperson/Hrmeverwwkedunderaconvx[fortitisdepaztment? � _cmcoau.urr� _ YES NO J scnt'n' � 2. Has this persodfum ever been a city employee? —D�srwcrcouar _ YES NO sueeoars w[ncx couNCaoerecros� 3. Dces this penon/fum possess a skilt no[ ummally possessed by wy cusen[ city employee? YES NO INPLfATNE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNPfY (Who. Whar, Wheq Where, Why): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. The fringe benefit adjustment for the Police Department was not included in the regular year end budget resolution. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � The 2000 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. DISADVANTAGES ff APPROVED: None ffiSADVAN'CAGES IFNOT APPROVID: The 2000 budget will not balance. TOTALAMOUN'fOFTRANSACTION COSTfREVFe�'OEBUDGETED(CQtCLEONE) YFS �O� � General Fund $215,000 Special Funds ACI7VITYNUMBER Various Capital Projects Funds TOTAL $215,000 Fotvnuacsomtcs Various PreparetlbyMeOfficeWFinendalServicea (G:ISHAitE0�8U0GETIYSYHP000`DOYREN�.WKi) Office of the Mayor Office of Financial Services Peter Hames. Director City of Saint Paul Norn� Coleman, Mayor December 27, 2000 Council President Dan Bostrom 3'� Floor City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 IS West Ke[Wgg Boulevard Room 160 Gry• Hnll Safm Paul, Minnesota 55102 Subject: Resolution for suspension at the December 27, 2000 City Councii meeting Dear Council President Bostrom: 00 -tat3 Tefephane= 612-26G�88x7 Facsimile: 612-26G8840 I appreciate your willingness to consider this resolution under suspension at today's City Council meeting. This resolution is a budget amendment. According to the City Charter, budget amendments must be adopted within the fiscal yeaz. Since today is the last meeting of the City Council for the yeu 2000, this amendment must be adopted today to be effective for the 2000 budget. This resolution consists of only one item, an adjustment to the police department's fringe benefits budget. The "normai" yeaz end resolution is to be considered at today's City Council meeting. This police item shoutd have been included on that document, the normal year end resolution. We had included adjustments to fringe benefit budgets for other departments on the year end resolution. But, I missed the need in Police. Adoption of this resolution will give the Police Department the same consideration given to all other departments. I intend to be present at today's council meeting, and will be available to provide an explanation of this resolution, if needed. If you have questions on this matter, please contact me at 266-8548. Again, I am very gratefui for your attention and help. S�erely, . Ron Kline, FSO Staff cc; Peter Hames Councii File # O� � � �dl'3 GreenSheet# fOyA45 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By. Referred To: W HEREAS, l'he 2000 ButlgeLS are projected to be out of balance; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, accortling to City Gharter, Sec.10.07.3, must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance; and W HEREAS, the Office of Financial Service5 p�epared and submitted the "year end" resolu[ion for the 2000 butlget as a separete document For review and consitleration by the Ciry Cauncii, antl WHEREAS, the °year end° resolution for the 2000 budget inclutled adjustments to fringe 6enefit butlgets for some tlepartments, but not police; and WHEREAS, like other tlepartments, the Police Department has aiso presentetl a need tor an atljustment to their fringe benetits budget; antl t z 3 < 5 6 � a 9 10 tt ix 13 ia ts 16 n te 19 20 21 u 23 26 u 26 2] 28 29 sa 31 32 WHEREAS, [he Mayor, in accortlance with Section 10.07.1 of Ihe City Charter, certifies that there are a�ailable for appropriation 5215,000 in monies in ezcess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2000 butlget: GENERALFUND CURRENT AMENDED Fund Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BU�GET FINANCING Use of General Fund resources and fund balance to finance various spentling items 001 - 00000 - 9830 Use of Fund Balance tor yearend resolufion ..._ GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE Committee Date: o z�s,000 zis,000 215,000 Pol"ce Deoartment Patroi Division 001 • 04100 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 6,503,976 215,000 6,718,976 Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the CiTy Councii approves the amended budgets as intlicated above, antl adopts the revisions to the 2000 budget. Requestetl by Department of: Executive Administretion - Financiai Services Sy: Atloption Certifietl by Council Secretary: BY: ^ ��.._ , _ I "�' 4e 1"� '/ Approvetl by Mayor: Date � / L�(Y f By. _� re Approval ecom e ed by Dire to af Financiai Services: g �� Porm prove byCityAttomey: �� By: Appro by yorfor By: Councii: p�epvN M� alc� M NuMY SsNCr Adoptetl by Council: Date � Ma, a7�Z�0O DEPAR7I�IENT/OFFIC&COUNCII. DATEINITTATED aO �I�� ExecutiveAdministration �z�2�/oo GREEN SHEET NO. ]04295 CANTACl'PIItSON&PHONE � DEPARTMENI'DIRECI'OR �4 CI'1'YCOUNCII. PeterHames 266-8800 � ❑z crrrnTTOltt�r � crrrnFarc ��� MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGINDA BY (DA1� � ❑1 BUDGECDIl2EC1'OR � flN. & MGT. SERVICES DIlL_ �`2J`Z7/� ❑3 MAYOR(ORA551STANT) � ❑5 O}�-Arrn�ntin¢Ser�inn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CZIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CLiON REQUESTED Approval of the attached 2000 year-end budget adjustment resolution for the police department. rzECO�Nnwnorvs:µy.o.«w>ex�m�p PERSONALSII2VICECONI'RACfSMUSPANSV7ERTHEFOLLOWINGQTIESCIONS: (Eaplain aLL yu aatwecs on 5eparate sheet and attacb to geen shcet) � wun¢vccosuwsswa Gvasmv�CeCOnsnss�orv 1.Hasthisperson/Hrmeverwwkedunderaconvx[fortitisdepaztment? � _cmcoau.urr� _ YES NO J scnt'n' � 2. Has this persodfum ever been a city employee? —D�srwcrcouar _ YES NO sueeoars w[ncx couNCaoerecros� 3. Dces this penon/fum possess a skilt no[ ummally possessed by wy cusen[ city employee? YES NO INPLfATNE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNPfY (Who. Whar, Wheq Where, Why): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. The fringe benefit adjustment for the Police Department was not included in the regular year end budget resolution. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � The 2000 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. DISADVANTAGES ff APPROVED: None ffiSADVAN'CAGES IFNOT APPROVID: The 2000 budget will not balance. TOTALAMOUN'fOFTRANSACTION COSTfREVFe�'OEBUDGETED(CQtCLEONE) YFS �O� � General Fund $215,000 Special Funds ACI7VITYNUMBER Various Capital Projects Funds TOTAL $215,000 Fotvnuacsomtcs Various PreparetlbyMeOfficeWFinendalServicea (G:ISHAitE0�8U0GETIYSYHP000`DOYREN�.WKi) Office of the Mayor Office of Financial Services Peter Hames. Director City of Saint Paul Norn� Coleman, Mayor December 27, 2000 Council President Dan Bostrom 3'� Floor City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 IS West Ke[Wgg Boulevard Room 160 Gry• Hnll Safm Paul, Minnesota 55102 Subject: Resolution for suspension at the December 27, 2000 City Councii meeting Dear Council President Bostrom: 00 -tat3 Tefephane= 612-26G�88x7 Facsimile: 612-26G8840 I appreciate your willingness to consider this resolution under suspension at today's City Council meeting. This resolution is a budget amendment. According to the City Charter, budget amendments must be adopted within the fiscal yeaz. Since today is the last meeting of the City Council for the yeu 2000, this amendment must be adopted today to be effective for the 2000 budget. This resolution consists of only one item, an adjustment to the police department's fringe benefits budget. The "normai" yeaz end resolution is to be considered at today's City Council meeting. This police item shoutd have been included on that document, the normal year end resolution. We had included adjustments to fringe benefit budgets for other departments on the year end resolution. But, I missed the need in Police. Adoption of this resolution will give the Police Department the same consideration given to all other departments. I intend to be present at today's council meeting, and will be available to provide an explanation of this resolution, if needed. If you have questions on this matter, please contact me at 266-8548. Again, I am very gratefui for your attention and help. S�erely, . Ron Kline, FSO Staff cc; Peter Hames Councii File # O� � � �dl'3 GreenSheet# fOyA45 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By. Referred To: W HEREAS, l'he 2000 ButlgeLS are projected to be out of balance; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, accortling to City Gharter, Sec.10.07.3, must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance; and W HEREAS, the Office of Financial Service5 p�epared and submitted the "year end" resolu[ion for the 2000 butlget as a separete document For review and consitleration by the Ciry Cauncii, antl WHEREAS, the °year end° resolution for the 2000 budget inclutled adjustments to fringe 6enefit butlgets for some tlepartments, but not police; and WHEREAS, like other tlepartments, the Police Department has aiso presentetl a need tor an atljustment to their fringe benetits budget; antl t z 3 < 5 6 � a 9 10 tt ix 13 ia ts 16 n te 19 20 21 u 23 26 u 26 2] 28 29 sa 31 32 WHEREAS, [he Mayor, in accortlance with Section 10.07.1 of Ihe City Charter, certifies that there are a�ailable for appropriation 5215,000 in monies in ezcess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2000 butlget: GENERALFUND CURRENT AMENDED Fund Activity Object Description BUDGET CHANGES BU�GET FINANCING Use of General Fund resources and fund balance to finance various spentling items 001 - 00000 - 9830 Use of Fund Balance tor yearend resolufion ..._ GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE Committee Date: o z�s,000 zis,000 215,000 Pol"ce Deoartment Patroi Division 001 • 04100 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 6,503,976 215,000 6,718,976 Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the CiTy Councii approves the amended budgets as intlicated above, antl adopts the revisions to the 2000 budget. Requestetl by Department of: Executive Administretion - Financiai Services Sy: Atloption Certifietl by Council Secretary: BY: ^ ��.._ , _ I "�' 4e 1"� '/ Approvetl by Mayor: Date � / L�(Y f By. _� re Approval ecom e ed by Dire to af Financiai Services: g �� Porm prove byCityAttomey: �� By: Appro by yorfor By: Councii: p�epvN M� alc� M NuMY SsNCr Adoptetl by Council: Date � Ma, a7�Z�0O DEPAR7I�IENT/OFFIC&COUNCII. DATEINITTATED aO �I�� ExecutiveAdministration �z�2�/oo GREEN SHEET NO. ]04295 CANTACl'PIItSON&PHONE � DEPARTMENI'DIRECI'OR �4 CI'1'YCOUNCII. PeterHames 266-8800 � ❑z crrrnTTOltt�r � crrrnFarc ��� MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGINDA BY (DA1� � ❑1 BUDGECDIl2EC1'OR � flN. & MGT. SERVICES DIlL_ �`2J`Z7/� ❑3 MAYOR(ORA551STANT) � ❑5 O}�-Arrn�ntin¢Ser�inn TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CZIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CLiON REQUESTED Approval of the attached 2000 year-end budget adjustment resolution for the police department. rzECO�Nnwnorvs:µy.o.«w>ex�m�p PERSONALSII2VICECONI'RACfSMUSPANSV7ERTHEFOLLOWINGQTIESCIONS: (Eaplain aLL yu aatwecs on 5eparate sheet and attacb to geen shcet) � wun¢vccosuwsswa Gvasmv�CeCOnsnss�orv 1.Hasthisperson/Hrmeverwwkedunderaconvx[fortitisdepaztment? � _cmcoau.urr� _ YES NO J scnt'n' � 2. Has this persodfum ever been a city employee? —D�srwcrcouar _ YES NO sueeoars w[ncx couNCaoerecros� 3. Dces this penon/fum possess a skilt no[ ummally possessed by wy cusen[ city employee? YES NO INPLfATNE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNPfY (Who. Whar, Wheq Where, Why): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. The fringe benefit adjustment for the Police Department was not included in the regular year end budget resolution. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � The 2000 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. DISADVANTAGES ff APPROVED: None ffiSADVAN'CAGES IFNOT APPROVID: The 2000 budget will not balance. TOTALAMOUN'fOFTRANSACTION COSTfREVFe�'OEBUDGETED(CQtCLEONE) YFS �O� � General Fund $215,000 Special Funds ACI7VITYNUMBER Various Capital Projects Funds TOTAL $215,000 Fotvnuacsomtcs Various PreparetlbyMeOfficeWFinendalServicea (G:ISHAitE0�8U0GETIYSYHP000`DOYREN�.WKi) Office of the Mayor Office of Financial Services Peter Hames. Director City of Saint Paul Norn� Coleman, Mayor December 27, 2000 Council President Dan Bostrom 3'� Floor City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 IS West Ke[Wgg Boulevard Room 160 Gry• Hnll Safm Paul, Minnesota 55102 Subject: Resolution for suspension at the December 27, 2000 City Councii meeting Dear Council President Bostrom: 00 -tat3 Tefephane= 612-26G�88x7 Facsimile: 612-26G8840 I appreciate your willingness to consider this resolution under suspension at today's City Council meeting. This resolution is a budget amendment. According to the City Charter, budget amendments must be adopted within the fiscal yeaz. Since today is the last meeting of the City Council for the yeu 2000, this amendment must be adopted today to be effective for the 2000 budget. This resolution consists of only one item, an adjustment to the police department's fringe benefits budget. The "normai" yeaz end resolution is to be considered at today's City Council meeting. This police item shoutd have been included on that document, the normal year end resolution. We had included adjustments to fringe benefit budgets for other departments on the year end resolution. But, I missed the need in Police. Adoption of this resolution will give the Police Department the same consideration given to all other departments. I intend to be present at today's council meeting, and will be available to provide an explanation of this resolution, if needed. If you have questions on this matter, please contact me at 266-8548. Again, I am very gratefui for your attention and help. S�erely, . Ron Kline, FSO Staff cc; Peter Hames