84-1313 WHITE - SITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CAN.ARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� � ��4 /3 BLISE - MAVOR � Cou il Res lution � , Presente By Referred To V �'V5 �--I C. W o �k.-S Committee: Date �� �3 J�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, It has been deemed advisable and desirable for the City of Saint Paul to repair the Retaining Walls adjacent to SOUTH ROBERT between Concord Street and King Street; to reconstruct the railings on top of said wal.ls; to remove the existing deteriorated pedestrian bridge at Stevens; and to carry out other necessary repairs on the adjacent frontage road (City Project B-1076); and WHEREAS, Said project is on a Trunk Highway (T.H. 52) and is eligible for financing using Municipal State Aid Funds (M.S.A. Project 164-010-3l7.; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we do hereby appropriate funds not to exceed the sum of $350,000.00 from our Municipal State Aid Funds to apply toward the financing of said construction and request the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota to approve this authorization. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� Flynn Public Works °`ew [n Favor Masanz - Nicosia — sche�be� � __ Against Y Tedesco � Donald Nygaard, Director (REG) yrylMrr �� • Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 7 1984 Form Appro e by C y Att ey Certified Pa s Cou cil y BY By � 61pp by A�lavor. Date D T - � �� Ap M or f i sion to ouncil By �t:�!isH�v OCT fi 1984 � !: . . �d,�— �y�.�i-� . . . a Public Works �DEPARTt•tENT R F r,-i o.�o,- �ONTACT . ' ��, _��,q PHONE reen ee . August 6, 1984 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Ass i gn Number for Routi ng Order (Cl i p A1� Locati ons for Mayoral Si gnature): RECEIVED °" ��'� AUG 71984 City Attorney �� �" Di rector of Management/Mayor R����it��,� CITY ATTORNEY r ��b y ����� ` � City Clerk �'�f'���%�;;; r��-� � Budget Di rector `�r�{'�� � nanarfimPnt nf P»hl i C Wnrlrg What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materia�s? (Purpose/Rationale): The Resolution will direct the Department of Public Works to request the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota for approval to use Munieipal State Aid Funds for repairs of the retaining walls on S0. ROBERT ST. from Concord to King St. which is on the Trunk Highway System. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: N/A Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Nurt�er all Attachments) : 1. Proposed Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes Na Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes _�___ No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions) � �� �i.�i 3 �,,�'�.�4•�h,,,, = _ ' � . ,.¢;. '�'���` Y��µ ?� CITY OF �AINT I�AUL 4. 4 `A _ . 63 �� ° <;� OZ�`FIC� OF '1`ITI: CITY COUNCIL ( � Y GL Iei6QbOp j 5Y 6�fcUe4bbh � "', 'y��b'�-�&� '�:�� D a t e ; September 19 , 1984 �` �'� � , .�.�:M..r COMM1TT � c {� � S� ORT 1" 0 � Sa � n� P� u 1 Ci�;� Co � nci ! FRO �r3 � �; �-, �:� �� i�:� ��� �: � on 1�U�1� �c tivoRxs C I� A I R, CIIRIS NICOSIA "� ,. � TY�e Publ i c Wur�;�� Curnf7�i t.L,ee at i ts meet i n� of September 1 9, 1��84 took t.he following ac�?o���: Hearinq Qatr 1 . 9/25/84 RAT?FICATION OF AS5ESSMLNTS: For operation of the above Star�dard 5treet Ligi�t.ing SystEm for the Lowertown Area for the rnonths of January thru December, 1984, the following streets: East F i fth ar�d East S i xth Str�F,ets frorn Wa 1 1 Street to Jacksor� Street �nd '�ibley and 'vJacouta Streets from Fourth Street to Seveni,h S�r?e��. Recommer�ded apprav.�1 . 2. 9/25/B4 RA1-I F I CA1 !ON 0� A�5ES5t9EN i S: �or oE�erat i ar� of the above ��anr+arc! S�ree't L i ght i riq ''�ystFrn for tf�c Se1 by-Wesi�err� Area far� `hE� moncf��. of June thru December, i9��, the following streets: Se l by Avenur frorn Arundr i S�.r-r-��t t.o V i rg i r�i a Street; Ar��nd�! Street frum Selby Avenue to 172., feet s�uth and Wes�tern Avenue from 120 feet. sc�uth oF Selby Avenu� to Daytan Avenue. Recommencied aF�pr��ve 1 . s. � 0/2/84 F I NAL ��f;DER: To dec i cie on ��rad i ng and �?av i ng the a 1 1 ey i n �ou�i-� 1!2 of Q I ock �, �rn i th's Suhd i v i s i on between �Cent and �tackub i n `�L�-�eets. A 1 =,o con�truct a sewer i n �Fhe above sa i d a I 1 ey `�_�1� s torm water r�ur�-�o��F�s. A 1 so s 1 ope construct i on i n 1='-,e gr ,�d�ng �jnd pav i n�7 of� abovc sa i d a 1 !ey (baunded by B 1 a i r, I{cnt, 1'ar� !���'�r n and N�ackubi r�; . '�' ^�_� n . � anr; n�:�;_.. i..ii!'I?Ci_C1 _�_,_i'r�vd . , .. f7—�3—f'i� � �_;.��!�;ij��l: ��?C�Ur� �11'iC) ��C��.ir(?Vai �O U5r �i�iA ?'U(1(�S f0T 1'"��cjll� G1' r��_��i�-,;.r,�, ,��ai { s on S0. kOB�(:'�r ti1". f� om Cor�i:or�� to King S�:rea�t. Recommended approval . �T�`V T-fiAT T SRVFNTH FT.f)nP. SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102