84-1293 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (fj Cf\NqRV --+DEPARTMENT GITY OF� SAINT PALTL F le ci1NO. U�_//� / � BLUE -MAVOR • Or indnce Ordi nce N 0. f'j��7' . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 85, as amended, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the regulation of rates in the City of Saint Paul . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Section 85.02 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the existing payment schedule and inserting in lieu thereof the f ollowing: RETAIL RATES DEMAND CHARGE: Inside City Outside City 3/4" Meter & Smaller . . . . . $ 3.20 per quarter $ 3.84 per quarter 1" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 6.05 per quarter 7.26 per quarter l�" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 per month 4.20 per month 1�" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 5.40 per month 6.48 per month 2" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 10.10 per month 12.12 per month 3" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 27.50 per month 33.00 per month 4" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 46.50 per month 55.80 per month 6" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 94.70 p�r month 113.64 per month 8" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 172.40 per month 206.88 per month 10" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 275.00 per month 330.00 per month 12" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 379.50 per month 455.40 per month Section 2. That Section 85.03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code hereby is amended by deleting the existing consumption rate schedule therein contained and inserting in lieu thereof the following: - 1 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew In Favor Masanz �n���� Against BY TedesCo Wllson Form Approved C'ty At orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �y G Approved by Mayor: Date Appr y Mayor for Sub ss' Council By WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CANARV -+DEPARTMENT . GITY OF SAINT PAUL COl1I1C1 - / /ry y BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ��7 /^� /� Ordi �nce Ordinance N 0. �7ll�� , F Presented By -' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RETAIL RATES CONSUMPTION CHARGE: " Inside City Outside City For first 50,000 cu. ft. per month 78¢ per 100 cu.ft:� 94� per 100 cu.ft. Next 450,000 cu. ft. per month 76� per 100 cu.ft. 91¢ per 100 cu.ft. All over 500,000 cu. ft. per month 74¢ per 100 cu.ft. 89� per 100 cu.ft. Section 3. That Section 85.05 is revised as f ollows: Section 85.05 Outside Master Meter Rates The outside the City rates charged to the City of Roseville under the provisions of a master meter contract with the Board shall be as follows: Step A First 1 ,000,000 cu. ft. per month 100% of 78¢ (lst Step Rate Inside City) = 78� per 100 cu. ft. Step B Next 3,500,000 cu. ft. per month 90� of 78¢ (Step A above) = 70.2¢ per 100 cu. ft. - 2 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Drew �Il Favor Masanz Nicosia A gai n s t BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1RC11 /�� ` CfRNARV -�DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL yf,fi� C 9LUE -MAVOR File NO. // i /�/� O�GGin Ce Ordinance N 0. f��� 7 Presented By , A Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Step C Next 5,500,000 cu. ft. per month 75% of 78� (Step A above) = 58.5� per 100 cu. ft. Step D All over 10,000,000 cu. ft. per month 57.2� of 78� (Step A above) = 44.6¢ per 100 cu. ft. The outside the City rates charged to the City of Little Canada under the provisions of a master meter contract with the Board shall be as f ollows: Step A First 2,000,000 cu. ft. per month 110% of 78¢ (lst Step Rate Inside City) = 85.8¢ per 100 cu. ft. Step B Next 4,500,000 cu. ft. per month ' 85% of 85.8� (Step A above) = 72.9¢ per 100 cu. ft. Step C Next 5,500,000 cu. ft. per month 69� of 85.8¢ (Step A above) = 59.2� per 100 cu. ft. - 3 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher o��,,, [n Favor Masanz NiCOSia B scnetbe� A gai n s t Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK � � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council /� r�/� �j CANAR�V -�DEPARTMENT File NO. "�-/^ /v BLUE - MAVOR • O� in�cnce Ordinance N�. _���� � r , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Step D Al1 over 12,000,000 cu. ft. per month 52% of 85.8� (Step A above) = 44.6Q per 100 cu. ft. Section 4. This ordinance sMall take effect and be in force from and after January 1 , 1985, and all billings rendered on and after January 1 , 1985 shall be com- puted on the basis of the above rates. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays _FNw+er FLy�vnl Water U i 1 i t p�e,,,, In Favor Masanz '�` Nicosia scnetbei --�-- Against BY '� '��� ��. General Manager - wilson Adopted by Council: Date a CT 1 1 198� Form Approved( C' Att ney � Certified Pas e b ncil Sec BY By Approved by or: ate �� ^�'{—�' CT 1 1984 Approved Mayor for Subm ouncil By �a-�-�.-- By Pu$uS�tED OCT 2 0 1984 Water Uti 1 i ty ' D�pRRTt•t�NT ��d y�� Thomas D. Moqren CONTACT�� ����� 298-4100 � PHONE Se tember 10, 1984 DATE � V�� � � . Routing and Explanation Sheet} Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locati�ns for hlayoral Signature): ✓ Department Director !, / � , City Attorney �/Director of Management/Mayor � �°- , � j .�,( $`� _ - � Finance and Management Services Director �,�\o, ���`�"��g � �-y 6 Ci ty C1 erk � ���' - �; ;v J_± Budget Director ' _ � � r�:i��� �. �,- � _. �. 1 Board of Water Commissioners � ; ' - . - �Ihat Will be Achieved by 'faking Act�i ,on_on the A�tached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale : After due consideration and study of the financ�al condition of the Saint Paul Water Utility and projection of expenses in the futur , the Board of Water Commissioners has determined that the present rate structure �s inadequate to continue operations without a rate adjustment. � - The attached ordinance will provide for a new si�hedule of water rates for the Water Utility. ' Financial , Bud etar and Personnel I acts Anti �i ated: . The rate adjustment proposed will esult in an verall ' crease of a roximatel six and one-half r 985. � ; Water Utility operations will be fhnanced by albalanced budget. I Funding Source and Fund Activity N�mber Charged�or Credited:_ 28000-5313 , ' � Attachments (List and Number a�l A�tachments� :_ : ; Board of Water Commissioners' Resolution #3504 ' Proposed Ordinance ' . � . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE�I Ordinance Ordinance X Yes No Counci 1 R��l�J1X�6Ya Requi red? �(dCCli�O(i�dH( Requi r.ed? X Yes No � . Yes � No Insurance Required? ! Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Attached? � ' � � � Revision of October, 1982 . � ' '� (Cpp RPVPI^CP Side for 'Instructions} � I � ( i � , �F���/�9� � � • CITY OF ST. PAUL No�3504 P,r "'�"� � OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS /~���% RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS ONER,���� DATF �� ��� 1'� WHEREAS, After due consideration ar�d study vf tha flnancial cor�ditivn cf the W�ter Utility and the pro�ectio� of the expens�s in the future, th� goard has deter�ined that the present rate structure is in�dequa�� to cantina� operation� wi�Ghou� an ad�uSt�n�; now, theref�re, be it RESOLVED. That the BQ�rd of Weter Ca�aiasioners has hereby deter�ained thnt the rate structure shouid be ad3uatad and that a11 bi111ngs rand�red on and afts� Janua►ry 1, 1�85 shali be in �ccord�ne� with �he fvlla�ring schedul�: RETAIL RATES CQNSUMPTIUht GNAR�E: Inside Cit�r Outaide City For first �0,00� cu, ft. per rnc►nth 78� per 1a0 cu.ft. 94d per 100 cu.ft. Next 450,aU0 cu. ft. per �ontin 76d per 1UU cu.ft. 9l$ per 100 cu.ft. All over 500,00� cu. ft. per �or�th 7� per 1Q0 cu.ft. 89« p�r 100 cu.ft. UE�ND CHARG�: ins�de Cit�r autsiae C�ty 3/�" i�ter i S�alier . . . . . � 3.20 per quart�r � �.8� per qu�rter 1� t�ter , . . , . . . . . . 6.05 per quarter 7.2b p�r quarter 1}" �t�r . . . . . . , . . . 3.50 per month 9.20 per �onth l�" Me�er . . . . . , . . . . 5.�0 par �onth 6.48 per �onth Z" Meter . . . . . . . , . . 10.1� per �onth 12.1� per manth 3" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 27.�U per month 33.a0 per �4nth 4" I�ter . . . . . . . , . . 46.50 per �onth 55.8t? per �onth 6" t�ter . . . , . . . . . , �4.7Q per �onth 113.6# per �onth 8" Meter . . . . . . . . . . 172.4Q per a�onth 20b.88 per month tU" b�eter . , . . . . . . . . Z75.�4 per a�onth 330.Qp per �onth 12" i�ter . . . . . . . . . � 3�9.50 p�r �onth 455.�0 per month Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays 19_ In favor Opposed _. aecr. . . , . C�� �l r�9� � • CITY OF ST. PAUL �o� 35t�4 OFFICE OF THE BOARQ OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �7��0 7 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMI55 ONER DATE ROS�VII.LE MIASTER NETER RATE Ste� A First 1.0OO,OUO cu. ft. ptr �aonth 1QOx o� 78� �l�t Step ttate Instde Gity) = 7�� psr i0U cu, ft. Step B Next 3,50�,{?OtJ eu. ft. per �4qth 5�0� o� ?8¢ (St+�p A above) = 7t�.2� per 100 eu, ft. 5tep C t�ext 5,54U.44E� cu. ft, p�r month 75� af 78� (Step A abvve) � 58.5� per lU0 cu. ft. 5tep D All �ver 1Q,U00,000 cu. ft. per �ao»th 57,2X ef 78¢ (5t�p A a�bave) = 44.6� per 100 cu. ft. LITTLE CA�IADA MASTER METER RATE Ste.� �irst �,�UU.pOQ cu. ft, per month 110% of 7�#� (lat Step Rate Inside City) = 85.8� per 100 cu. �t, STEP B �ext 4,500,UOp cu.ft. p�r month 85X of 85.� (Step A abave) = 72.9¢ per 140 cu, ft, S7EP G Next 5.500.t�00 cu. ft. p�r �o�th Water Commissi���` 85.8� (�tep A �bove) = 59.2¢ per l0a �u. ft. Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays — 19_ In favor Oppos� � BECV. . . � � � CITY OF ST. PAUL �o� �5[�4 � OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ��� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS ONER DATE LIT'TLE CAhiADA I�AST�R t�ETER RATE tContinc�ed) Step D All aver 12,aUU.OqU cu. ft. per �onth 52x of 85.#i� (Step A abov�� = 44.bQ per 100 cu. ft. now, tta�r+�f ore, be 1 t RE�OLY�D, That the Ci�y Coun�il is ra�uested tQ hereby concur and adopt an Ordinanc� putting inta e�fect thes� ad�usted rate sch�dul�s. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays �� �� A�# l� 19� � 1ri� �rafiid�Dt �a�ah — In favor—� Opposed�_ BECV. _.__ , � . , I. _ ..�..�..... , lst � �<'��5 ',�� 2nd /�l - .� _ ,f'`L/ � 3rd /C' — ��.��/ Adopted /C - //"��7 Yeas Nays : DREW � O �� /� � ' FLETCHER C'� ,.;�t, ,� . r�saNz NICOSIA � � SCHEIBEL � - WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TEDESCO