84-1266 WHITE � CiTV GLERK
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Development Project and Tax Increment Financing
District constitute a redevelopment district
within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes Section
273 . 73 Subdivision 10(3) and a housing district
within the meaning of Section 273 . 73 Subdivision
RESOLVED FURTHER that the enlarged redevelopment project and
tax increment district and amended Redevelopment and Tax Increment
Financing Plans for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Project and
District are hereby approved as submitted and HRA is directed to
file copies of the amended Plans and this Resolution with the
Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Development and the
Ramsey County Department of Taxation and Record Mana�ement.
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Depar ent of:
Yeas �����N�V ���
�"�'"''� .� In Favor
scnetbe� �J __ Against BY `
SEP 2 0 i984 Form A roved b City Att ne
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified P s e b Council r BY �
Approved by Mavor: Date �� a'�'— �� ���,�+ � r ed b Mayor for Su 's on to Council
By �_ / �,Q� � � BY
P�16LISHED S E P 2 g 198�
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GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323
August 17, 1984
Council President Tedesco
and Members of the City Council
719 City Hall
Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102
Dear President Tedesco and Members of the City Cauncil :
This letter transmits Planning Commission findings regarding a proposed amend-
ment to the boundary of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project
Tax Increment District. The tax increment district is comprised of eighteen
scattered difficult to develop sites. The primary o6jective of the program
is to provide the pu6lic assistance necessary to develop ho�asing on each of
these sites. The proposed amendment adds 3.57 acres to the Etna - Birmingham
site, making possible the development of 60 moderately priced ownership housing
The Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal and found it in conformance
with relevant chapters of the Comprehensive Plan, including the housing and
land use elements and the District 4 Plan. In addition, District 4 has reviewed
and supports this proposal .
Copies of this report have been forwarded directly to the Housing and Redevelop-
ment authority. Should you have any questions, please contact Deb6ie P�unkberg
of the Planning Staff at 74�4, ext. 275.
eor La i er
May r
� (��--/��
PED - Planning , p�pART�1ENT
Ilahhie Mimkhprg CONTACT
7494 - Ext. 275 PHONE � �� ��
8-15-84 DATE � '
(Rauting and Explanation Sheet)
Assi Number for Routin Order Cli All Loc,atio s for oral Si atu �CEIVED
Department Di rector�!/. i�� . , AUG �
2 4 1984
� City Attorney (Jim Hart)�Q'�
%�Di rector of Management/Ma�yor— ,�u�y�, �,,,�� �,�,�� `
Fi nance and Management Servi ces Oi rector G�+�u�, �aa��,
6 City Clerk
�dget Di rector . ��
R i hert �°,
�!Y d�,� �
� HRA-Delores Arduser
�Ih�t Will be chieve b aking Actipn on the At�ached Materfals? (Purpose/Rationale):
The boundary of the Etna-Birmingham site in the New Housing and Blighted Lands Tax
Increment District will be amended to add 3.57 �acres to the site. The amendment
will allow the development of 60 units of ownenship housing on the southern half
of the Etna-Birmingham site.
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Financ al Bud tar and Personnel I acts ti i ted:
'�f` � „
Tax increments from the site will be used to provide development assistance to
project proposals in the Etna-Birmingham site. Upon termination of the district,
all tax jurisdictions will receive taxes based on the entire assessed value of
the site.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurt�er Charged or Credit�d:
#33599 - 100� Tax Levy
Attachments (List and Number all A�tachments�:
1. Transmittal letter from Mayor to City �ouncil (to be signed)
�. P��l a�nn�i n� Comm���on Report amd Resol uti on'
�� �
� � �� �
Yes No Counci 1 Resol ut f on Re4ui red?I Resol r�tion Requi red? J�C Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? � Yes No
Yes No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
��PP RPVPI"CP SidP for �Instructions)
i >
The GREEN SHEET has several purposes:
1. To assfst in routina documents and in securinq
requir d siqnatures
� , 2 . To brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts
of approval
3. To help ensure that necessary sucportina materials
are prepared and, if required, attached.
�ost GREEV SHEET actions must �e rev_e�ae�? 5y a �e�ar_:aent
�irec:.or, �:�e City ?,t�orzey, �he Dir�ctor os t�Ianaqes,e:�t, the
Director of Finance and Manaqement Services. Other possible
reviewers/signatures are listed.
Most of the GREEN SHEET headinqs are designed to assist in
developinq a precis of the decision which the attachments
represent. The headinqs are offered to remind users of some
of the more critical elements of this brief. .
The Financial Bud etar and Personnel ImAacts headinq provides
a space to explain the cost benefit aspects of the decision.
Costs and benefits relate both to City budqet (General Fund and/or
Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users,
homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel
impact is a description of chanqe or shift of Full-Time Equivalent
(FTE) positions.
In the Attachments section, list all attachments. Zf the GREEN
SHEET is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included
(unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) .
Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include:
' a. Contractual relationship with another government unit.
b. Collective bargaininq.
c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land.
d. Issuance of bonds by City.
e. Eminent domain.
- f. Assum�tion of liability by City, or qranting
by City of indemnification.
g. Agreements with State or Federal Government
under which they are providing funding.
Note also: If an aqreement requires evidence of insurance/co-
insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one
� �� ������
�,�E`'T',°°;, ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL
., �uitt'nm ,
ao ���� ������ A� DIVISION OF PLANNING
l�s� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
DATE: August 2, 1984
T0: Planning Commission
FROt•1: Anne Kel1y
RE: Staf.f Report -� Review of the Proposal to Amend the New Housing
and B,lighted Lands Development Project Tax Increment District #I2
The St. Paul Housing and Redeve]opment Authority adopted the New Housing and
Blighted Lands Development Project in June, 1981. This project established•
a city-wide tax increment district for 18 project sites. The purpose of the
project is to develop housing on lands which, by reason of special problems _
or conditions, have not reached full development potential by the ordinary
operations of private enterprise.
The ar�endment attached proposes adding 3.57 acres of land to the tax increment
district. This addition, contiguous to the Etna-Birmingham site, will make
possible a development of 60 units of ownership housing in six separate
buildings. The staff of the Housing Division of the St. Paul Department of
Planning and Economic Development is seeking a recommendation from the Planning
Commission in support of this proposed amendment at the August 10 commission
meeting. The resolution, if adopted, will be a recommendation to the Housing
and Redevelopment Authority Board and the City Council for adoption of the
plan amendment.
According to the 1979 Minnesota Housing and Redevelopment Authority Act (Minnesota
Statutes 462.411 et. se�c . ) , amendments to a tax increment district that result
in a geographic enlargement must occur within the first five years of the
existence of the district. Geographic modifications are subject to the same
notification and public hearing requirements associated with the establishment
of the district.
The staff of the Housing Division of the St. Paul Department of Planning and
Economic Development is proposing this amendment to the New Housing and Blighted
Lands Development Project Tax Increment District #12 as adopted June, 1981 and
amended April , 1983. In the event of such a proposed amendment qualifying a
new project site; the proposal shall be submitted as a plan amendment for
consideration of the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council of
St. Paul in the manner provided by law in the Minnesota Tax Increment Financing
Act, Chapter 273.
The purpose of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project is
a) ,to increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing. . . (for) all
income groups not being adequately met by private enterprise. . .b) to develop
or redevelop sites. . .which qualify as blighted and deteriorated areas under
the Housing and Redevelopment Act,. . .c) to assist in the provision of rental
housing, and d) to undertake and finance these actions as one Housing Develop-
ment and Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Finance District.
The development proposal is consistent with the original scope and purposes �f
the project in that it will provide 60 units of housing affordable to low and
moderate-income households (ranging from $60,000 to $75,000 per unit) .
It will also develop an underu5ed site considered to be undevelopable solely
by private enterprise because of the poor soil conditions. The cost of land
acquisition, soil cor'rection, excavation, utility improvement and cost of
easements would result in a land cost that would exceed its fair market value
after completion of said improvements.
The proposed development is supportive of �he City's Comprehensive Plan, Land
Use component, which identifies the Etna-Birmingham site for medium to high-
density residential development. This project is also consistent with the
housing component of the comprehensive plan. The housing supply objectives
are to:
A) Expand both ownership and rental opportunites;
B) Increase the variety of housing opportunities within neighborhoods; and
C) Increase rental and ownership opportunities for lower income households.
The proposal is highly consistent with the plans of the District 4 Community
Council which recommends in the 1982 Survey of Vacant Lands that up to 60
townhouse units be developed on that site. It also meets the goals of the
Dayton's Bluff-District 4 plan which seeks to "maintain and enhance the quality
of housing and the variety of housing density, price and style (and) where
appropriate encourage new home construction which addresses the economic and
social needs of the community."•
District 4 has reviewed this amendment proposal and supports its development.
Staff recommends that the project amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands
Development Project be found consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
The Economic Development Committee recommends the attached resolution on a 3-0
vote (Van Hoef motioned, Brown seconded with McDonnell also voting for approval � .
" . � (I���i���
���� ot sa��t pdui _
s����ni�g co��is�on reso�u���n .
.`�;� �.u�ber
t a� 84-17
�C�$�' A��rnitt 1�_ 19R4 �
WHEREAS, the Housing Policy Plan of the St. Paul Com�rehensive P1an and
the St. Paul Housing Assistance Plan define the need for more housing
of all types, more housing for lower income people, and more rental
housing for families; and
WHEREAS, the New, Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project worlcs
toward meeting �he needs defined by the Housing Policy Plan and Housing
Assistance Plan; and
WNEREAS, th� Proposal to Amend the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development
Project tax increment district �12 would make 60 units of new housing avail-
able to low and moderate income hou�seholds; and
WHEREAS, the 3.57 acres contiguous to the Etna-Birmingham site proposed for
inclusion in the tax increment district would not be developable by solely
privat° means due to the extraordinary expense of correcting poor soil
conditions; and
WHEREAS, the District 4 Com�munity Council has revieti�ed this amerdment and
has given it the Council 's support;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the St. Paul Planning Commission supports
the Proposal to Amend the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project
Tax Ir.crement District #12 for the Etna-Birmingham site #17, proposed
June, 1984, and recommends its adoption by the St. Paul Hflusing and Redevelop-
ment Au�hority and the St. Paul City Council .
����,d �� ' VanHoef � '
5���� b�� Summers
i� �����' Unanimous Voice Vote �
_ . ��,- � � ��-��/-2��
� � RESOLU.TION I�O. 8�-8/15-3 . �
�ti'HEREAS, upon recommendation of the Hovsing and P.edevelopment Authority of
the City of Saint Paul, n7innesota (HRA), the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on
June 9, 1981, adopted Resolution CF No. 276969 approving a Redevelopment Project
and Plan, and Resolution CF No. 276970 approving a Financina Plan and creating a Tax
Increment Financing District for the New Housing and Blighted Land Development
Project and Tax Increment District, encomp�ssing the provision of new housing, including
hous�n; for low and moderate income persons and families, on eighteen sepa:ate, undeveloped
sites; and
� S4HEREAS� the designated private redeveloper of one of these sites, the southern
portion of the Etna-Birmingham Site No. 13, has convinced the staff that feasibility
of site development� �titould be enhanced by eapanding the size of this site by inclusion
of 3:5? acres of excess highway right-of-way land, and the Minnesota Department
of Transportation has indicated its willin�ess to make said land available to the
. . ' Project� which proposal has been approved by the Planning Council� Community
Development District No. 4, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, and the Saint Paul
Capitol Improvement Budoet Committee; and _ .
jti'HEREAS� amendments to the Project Redevelopment Plan �nd Ta�: Increment
Financing glan, enlarging the area of the New Housing a.nd Blighted Lands Redevelopment
: Project �'�'ci•Tax Increment Fina.ncing District by adding 3.57 acres of ?and to the Etna-
Birmingham Site have been submitted for consider�tion of this HRA Boerd, and it �
. eppears that an enlarged Etna-Birmingham Site qualifies as a redevelopmen� district
and as a housing district within the meariing and provision of 17innesota Statutes
Section 273.73� Subdivisions IO(3) and 11� constitutes a blighted or deteriorated area
. within the provision of Section 462.421, Subdivision 13(1), (2) end (3);�now.therefore,
be it . �
' RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners af the HRA as follows: . �
I) That the findings made in HRA Resolution ro. 82-fi/3-12 re��eetin; the
: Etna-Birmingham Site, New Housing snd Blighted Lands Redevelopment ProJect and
Tax Increment Financing District ar� hereby affirmed;
� 2) Tha: the enlarged Etna-Birmin;ham Site constitutes s bli�hted area under •
� � Section 462.421, Subdivision 13(1)� (2) or (3), a redevelo�ment district unde�r Section 2 i 3.i 3�
�. � SuSdivision 10(3), and a housing distriet under Section 273.73, Subdivision 11 of
. . i�Iinnesota Statutes; and � �
(3) That enlargement of the Etna-Birmingham Site ��•ill improve the financial
feasibility of its development for housing use� including provision of low and moderate
income housina, consistent v��ith the public purposes and provisions of the �Zunicipal
Iiousino and Redevelopment Act and the Neti�a Housing and Blighted Lands Project
Redevelopment Plan. .
� (O ver) �
. , . � � ' 'GJ��'-/.7l�O
RESOLVED FURTHER that amendment of the Project Redevelo��ent Projeet
and Plan and Tax Increment Financing District znd Plan to enlarge the Efna-Birmingham
Site by 3.57 acres are hereby approved as.in the public interest and �s necessary to the
nccomplishment of the purposes and objectives stated in the Redevelopment and Tax
Increment F.inancing Plans for the New Housin; �nd Blighted Lands Project.
RESOLVED FINALLY that the Executive Director is authorized to communic�te
this action and Resolution to the Saint Paul City Council and to request City Council
consideration of these amendments upon public hearino called for that purpose.
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wr�ITE �� C�TV ��EqK '
BLUE - M�vOR � FIIe NO. • �� �� /�`-'�
�ity Attny'JTH � Council Resolution �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
NO. 13
WHEREAS, by its Resolutions , CF No. 276969 and 276970 adopted
June 9 , 1981 , the Council of the City of Saint Paul approved the.
Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan and the New
Housing and Blighted Lands De�elopment �roject and Tax Increment
Financing District therein provided for encompassing the provision
of new housing, including housing for low and moderate income
persons and families , on eighteen separate, undeveloped sites
with tax increment financing assistance; and
WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this meeting a Proposal
to Amend.he New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project and
Tax Increment District, Etna-Birmingham, Site ��13, consisting of
six mimeographed pages , a location map and site plan, and an
Attachment containing the specific Plan a.mendments , which Proposal
would enlarge the geographic area by 3. 57 acres contiguous to the
Southerly part of Site ��13 to be acquired as excess highway right-
of-way from the State of Minnesota, would increase estimated
project expenditures permitting the private construction of 60
• units of low and moderate income housing on said Southerly part
. of the Etna-Birmingham Site and would increase the portion of :
captured assessed value to be retained by HRA for the Project ;
�:nd ,
COU�[�TCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas .• Flstcher Nays
Drew [R F2V0[
Mssanz •
sensibst A gai n s t BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary . BY
By .
Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �
BS - By �o�
. � � �y-/���
� .
WHEREAS , by its Resolution No . 84-17 adopted Au�ust 13 , 1984
the Saint Paul Planning Commission upon findings of need for
provision of low and moderate income housing and for enlargement
of the Etna-Birmingham Site to make feasible. its private develop-
ment , indicated its support for the Amendment and recommended its
adoption by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City
of Saint Paul , Minnesota (H?tA) and the City Council ; and
� WHEREAS , by its Resolution No. 84-8/15-3 adopted August 15 ,
� 1984, the HRA upon finding,s that the enlarged Etna-Birmingham
Site constituted a blighted area under Section 462 .421 , Subd.
13 (1) , (2) or (3) , a redevelopment district under Section 273 .73
Subdivision 10(3) , and a housing district under 273 . 73, Subd. 11 ,
of Minnesota Statutes , that enlargement of the Site would improve
the financial feasibility of its development for housing use,
and that enlargement of the Etna-Birmingham Site was in the public
interest and necessary to accomplish the purposes and objectives
of the Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plans approved .
the Amendr�.t; and ,
WHEREAS , HRA and Gaughn Land, Incorporated, a Minnesota
business corporation, have entered into a Land Sale and Develop-
ment Agreement under date of September 17 , 1984, providing for
the staged purchase and development of the Southerly part. of the
enlarged Etna-Birmingham Site by said private business corporation
with 60 units of law and moderate income housing with purchase
� mortgage money commitments from the Minneapolis , Saint Paul Phase �
; II Family Housing Fund and Joint Housing Fund Programs ; and
WHEREAS , the HRA has provided opportunity to the members of
the Ramsey County and Independent School District No. 625 Boards
o�'�tu� to meet with the :iRA Board and has presented copies
of the Amendment by cover letter dated August 6 , 1984, including
an estimate of the fiscal and economic implications of the proposed
Amendment, and the HRA has also submitted the Amendment to and
� received favorable recommendations. from the District 4 Planning
� � Council and the Capital Improvement Budget Committee; and
� ������
. -3-
WHEREAS , the City Council has received public comment from
all interested parties at a public hearing conducted on the
Amendment on Thursday, September 20, 1984 , upon notice published
in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch and the Saint Paul
Legal Ledger on August 25 , 1984, has reviewed the reasons and
data set forth in the Amendment supporting the findings and
determinations hereafter set forth, and has considered the
written findings and recommendations of the District Council ,
the Planning Commission, the CIB Committee and the HR.A and
other information available to and .within the knowledge of the
Councilmembers ; now therefore , be it
RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , in
view of the foregoing hereby approved as findings that the
following further findings are hereby made:
1 . That the enlarged Etna-Birmingham Site ��13
� � would not be made available for redevelop-
�onent , nor could the provision of new low
and moderate income housing thereon
reasonably be expected to occur solely
through action by private enterprise
within the reasonably foreseeable future
without the use of tax increment and the
other financial aid sought and to be pro-
vided under the amended Project Financing
and District Tax Increment Financing Plans ;
2. That the Amendment will afford 'maximum
opportunity, consistent with the sound
needs of the community as a whole for the
provision of new housing by redevelopment
of the Southerly part of the Etna-Birmingham
Site by private enterprise ;
� ' � 3 . That the Amendment conforms to the Saint Paul
� � Comprehensive Plan, the general plan for the
development of the community as a whole; and
4. That the enlarged Etna-Birming�ham Site ��13
singlely, and together with the other Sites
of the New Housing and Blighted Lands
nHtTE r C�Tr c�EtiK - '
c.vr: — Fi�:n!vCE � � -
CA�AA� — DEFeA-ME�T G I TY OF SA I �'T �AUL Councii .
e�,.:E — ti+a1oR . File N0. � —/o�lv�
� Council Resolution '
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee 8y Date
Development Project and Tax Increment Financing
District constitute a redevelopment district
. within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes Section
273 . 73 Subdivision 10(3) and a housing district
within the meaning of Section 273 . 73 Subdivision
11 .
RESOLVED FURTHER that the enl�rged redevelopment project and
tax increment district and amended Redevelopment and Tax Increment
Financing Plans for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Project and
. District are hereby approved as submitted and HRA is directed to
file copies of the amended Plans and this Resolution with the
Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Development and the
Ramsey Co��ty Department of Taxation and Record I�1ana�ement.
Yeas . Na}�s Requested by Department of:
°reN1 In Favor
scneibet Against BY .
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted hy Council: Date
Certified Passed b5� Council Secretary BY
Approved by� tilavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ BY ��
, The New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project was established by the
City of Saint Paul in June, 1981, for the purposes of increasing the supply of decent
' and affordable housing for all income groups, including low- and moderate-income
households; to develop or redevelop sites which qualify as blighted and deteriorated
� areas; and to provide financing for these activities under the R.edevelopment Project
District and Tax Increment Financing Plan.
' In establishin the Redevelo ment Pro'ect and Tax Increment Financing District,
g P J
� eighteen sites throughout the city were identified to be included in the overall plan.
The sites are either privately or publicly owned and include vacant land and existing,
deteriorated buildings. An analysis of all the sites indicated that some form of public „ ,
� assistance would be required if development were to occur. Several of these sites
have undergone, or are planned for, redevelopment according to the Project
� Redevelopment Plan and Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan.
' Each site, and the District as a whole, qualifies as a Housing project and a Redevelopment
project under the requirements of the T�x Increment Financing Act. The duration
' of the District may be for up to twenty-five years under that Act.
The proposal consists of the addition of a parcel of land adjacent to Site #13, the
` Etna-Birmingham corridor, to the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment District.
The amendment is proposed as a necessary modification to the District in light of
� additional information concerning the site's development potential which was not
available at the time the District was created. Thus, the actions to amend the District
' are being undertaken to ensure appropriate and timely development of the site through
the assistance available under the Tax Increment Financing Plan and existing City
' progra ms.
, � ��-�a�
, This site is located in Planning District 4 between Sixth Street, Birmingham Street,
Highway I-94 and Etna and Clarence Streets. It consists of undeveloped land which
� will require extensive soil excavation, replacement and compaction prior to development.
In addition, public improvements will be necessary to provide access to portions of
1 the site. The site consists of two separate development sites--a Southern site and
a Northern site. Portions of the site are owned by the Housing and ftedevelopment
� Authority and the State of Minnesota (as excess highway right�f-way).
� At the time the development project was created (1981), no development was planned,
nor firm commitments or contracts entered into for development of the site. However,
City plans indicated that after proper soil correction and access improvements, the
' Southern and Northern sites would be appropriate for approximately 137 units of
ownership-type housing, with approximately 68 of these units available for low- and
' moderate-income households.
� Firm plans are now available for the Southern site of the Etna-Birmingham corridor.
The Housing and Redevelopment Authority has designated a developer for the site
' who has proposed the construction of 60 units of ownership housing in six separate
buildings. The sales prices of the units will be affordable for households of low-and
moderate-income income (ranging from $60,000 to $75,000 per unit). The developer
' has received preliminary commitments for below-market mortgage financing from
the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Family Housing Fund Program (Phase II) and the Joint
� Housing Program. To complete land assembly for the project, the State of Minnesota
will be transferring title to a portion of the site to the Housing and Redevelopment
� Authority at a designated price. The complete site will then be transferred to the
private developer after completion of the standard requirements for purchase of
' Housing and R.edevelopment Authority land at a negotiated sales price.
Extraordinary costs associated with the site are being evaluated by City staff and
� the developer but will most likely include: land acquisition costs, soil correction and
excavation costs, utility improvement expenses, and the cost of easements for various
' public improvements.
, - 2 -
� ���-ia��
� At the time the Tax Increment District was created, the boundaries of the Etna-Birmingham __
site were established in the absence of anticipated developments and adequate information
� from the State regarding the availability of excess highway right-of-way. Therefore,
City staff alone determined the boundaries to the best of their ability, without benefit
� of the advice of a private developer and the State identifying specifically what lands
it could transfer, based on the most likely area to be included in a housing development
1 project. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to modify the western boundary
of the Southern site to include the entire housing project which is proposed.
� Three years of study by City staff, a neighborhood task force, and evaluation by a
private real estate development company, have determined that the most developable
� site is an area including the area now in the Development Project Plan, plus approximately
3.57 acres of land directly adjacent to the westerly boundary of the site. (See attached
, map -- shaded area is proposed addition to the site). The acreage of the Southern site,
which is now in the Development Project Plan, is approximately 3.33 acres. Addition
� of the area of the proposed amendment would result in a total site of 6.90 acres.
The State of Minnesota has now identified the exact land area which it is willing to
� make available to the City for redevelopment purposes. By combining the City-owned
portion of the development site with the excess highway right-of-way from the State,
' private development of the Etna-Birmingham, Southern Site, for housing is now possible.
The addition of land to the Redevelopment Project Plan also creates a more suitable
' development site, than previously anticipated, which is expected to reduce the total
development costs of the project by reducing costs associated with the relocation
' of certain utilities.
� Failure to add the acreage of the proposed amendment would result in half of the
planned housing units being outside the Development Project Plan and �'ax Increment
Financing District. Since many of the extraordinary costs associated with this development
, have not been finalized, the development may require assistance, in addition to below
market mortgage financing, from the Tax Incrernent Financing District. In the event
� the planned development requires little or no assistance, it would be necessary to
capture the assessed value from the entire development to provide tax increment
' revenues for assistance to the Northern site of the Etna-Birmingham corridor which
are Lkely to be very significant since no pubhc access to this site exists.
- 3 -
� ������� �
� The following is an analysis of the difference in tax increment revenue which would
result from this amendment:
Total Tax Total Tax
� Average Estimated Assessed Tax Increment Increment
Sales Price Market Value Value Per Mill Increment Units W/I After
Per Unit Per Unit Unit ftate Per Unit The District Amendment
—' uni sj'T �`6�uni s
� $65,000 $55,250 $9,898 110.00 $1,089 $32,670 $65,340
� The overlapping taxing jurisdictions whose assessed valuation this Tax Increment Plan
amendment would affect include:
! Independent School District No. 625 -- boundaries are coterminous with the
City of Saint Paul.
County of ftamsey -- to whose total assessed valuation the City of Saint Paul
� contributes about 53%.
� Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul -- which is
the requesting authority for this amendment. The HRA will be considered
1 identical with the City of Saint Paul for purposes of this analysis.
Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul -- whose power of levy and use of
� the property tax is limited to .789 mills. For this analysis, it will be treated
the same as the City of Saint Paul.
Metropolitan Authorities -- such as the Metropolitan Council, Metropolitan
I Airports Commission, Metropolitan Transit Authority, Metropolitan Waste Control
Commission, and the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District. Of these, only
the Metropolitan Council, Metropolitan Transit Authority and Metropolitan
� Mosquito Control District levy on real estate.
, Of these jurisdictions, the only two which would be affected more than nominally
by this amendment would be Independent School District No. 625 and the County
� of Ramsey.
� - 4 -
Assuming an annual captured assessed value of $296,940, which would be added to
� the Tax Increment Financing Plan from this proposed amendment and an assumed
mill rate of 110.00 mills, the amendment will generate an additional annual tax increment
� of $32,670. The percentage of this increment contributed by the various taxing jurisdictions,
if the development were to occur without public intervention, is shown below.
' Mills
(Taxes Payable Annual
� Taxin�Jurisdiction in_1984) Percentage Tax Increment
City of Saint Paul 29.432 26.2 $ 8,559.54
1 County of Ramsey 27.143 24.1 $ 7,873.47
School District No. 625 51.166 45.5 $14,864.85
Miscellaneous* 4.709 4.2 $ 1,372.74
1�1.4�0 100.00 $',� ,�6�1 .(�i0 .
*All City and Metro Authorities
The following table shows the additional dollars per $1,000 of assessed valuation that
' would have to be levied to compensate for the loss of tax dollars in estimated tax
increments for each taxing jurisdiction. The tax increments derived from projects
� in this plan would not be available to any of the taxing jurisdictions were it not for
the public intervention of the Saint Paul Housing and ftedevelopment Authority.
If it could be assumed that the captured assessed value was available for each taxing
, jurisdiction, the non-receipt of tax dollars represented as tax increments may be
determined by estimating what amount the mill rate for property outside the tax
� increment financing amendrr�ent area would have to be increased to raise the same
amount of tax dollars in each taxing jurisdiction that would be available if the
� projects occurred without the assistance of the Saint Paul HRA.
� 1983 Required Annual
Assessed $/$1,000 Assessed Tax
Taxing Jurisdiction Valuation Valuation Increment
... .�.�� �.-� .
, City of Saint Paul $1,693,681,400 .000005 $ 8,559.54
County of Ramsey $3,197,727,657 .000002 $ ?,873.47
� School District No. 625 $1,69 3,681,400 .000009 $14,864.85
- 5 -
� ��_,���
� This table is relevant only if assumed that the development would have occurred
without the existence of the Tax Increment District and the Development Program.
� If this assumption is incorrect and the HRA believes it is, then the only real impact
on the assessed values of the other taxing jurisdictions is:
� 1. Any inflationary values from the District which have been attributable
� to the tax base of these taxing jurisdictions will be lost during the duration
of the District; and
� 2. Upon termination of the District, all taxing jurisdictions will benefit
from the entire future assessed values.
- 6 -
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, The following pages indicate the actual changes to the New Housing and Blighted
Lands Development Project Plan and Tax Increment Financing District Plan, which
� would occur as a result of adoption of the proposed amendments.
New language is underlined; deletions are indicated with a line through the appropriate
� language. Only the pages affected by the proposed amendments are included in
the attachment. Copies of the complete Development Project Plan and Tax Increment
� Financing District Plan may be obtained by contacting the offices of the Saint Paul
Department of Planning and Economic Development.
, � ��y:fa��
� 9. M15SISSJPPI-TERRACE AREA (District 5)
' This undeveloped site is located on the east side of tilississippi St. North oi Case
, Avenue. The Jegal descriptions are: Subj. to esmts; and vac. al)ey adj.; Lot
S-9 and 16-21, McMenemy's Subdivision A. Also, Lots 3-9, BrookvaJe Addition.
Also, Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 & ]0, Brookvale 2nd Addition. Also, Lots 6-9 and 19-24
� Blk. I, Brookside Addition. The probJems with this area are topographical in
� �
These two undeveloped s;tes are maoe up of certain properties abutting BradJey �
Street between Case Avenue and �t'h;ta11 Street. The 1Ega1 description is: Lots �
� 4- 13, BJock 2; Lots 1S, 19 d� 20, Block 3; Lots 3-9, Block 10; and Lots 18-21,
Block 13, Ed. Rice's First Addition. The main probJem with development oi
these sites is the topography. ,
, 11. THE RAILROAD ISLAND AREA (District S) � •
, This area is bounded by Bush Avenue on the norti�, Burr Street on the east, Tedesco
Street and Lafayette Road on the south, and the railroad vacks on the west.
The area is legally described as: Blocks 11 and 12, Stinson'sAddition. Also,
� al! Stinson's Subdivision of Block !0. AJso, all L.P. Sw�anstrom Rearrangement. :
A1so, all Swanstrom's Rearrangement. Also, all J. Swainson's Division. Also,
all Van SJyke's Rearrangement. AJso, lots 1 through 6, and lots 11 through 15,
, � ' Block 3;.those parts easterJy of the Railroad right-of-u�ay of lots 4 through 13,
Block 4; those parts easter)y of the RaiJroad right-of-way of Jots 11 through
� � 14, Block 5; and alJ 6locks 7, 8, 9 and 10, V��arren and Winslow's Addition. Also,
' alJ BJock 1, Crispus Attucks Addition. This area is a combination of topogra-
phically severe vacant land and substandard housing.
12. HAZEL PARK (District 2)
� . This undevelo ed site is located on the S�C' corner of Hazel and E. 7th Sts. The
. site is vacant and privateJy owned. Site size -- t71,S99 sq. ft. The legaJ description
� is: Lots 1 thrQugh 13 and Lots 20 through 30, Blo�k 1; and Lots 1 through 11,
. Block 4, Aurora Aodition. The difficulties with this site include soil repJacement, ,
• � soil compaction, grading and site drainage. !
� This undeve)oped area is bounded (approximately) by Sixth Street on the north,
Birmingham Street on the e�st, Highv.�y 1-94 on the south, �nd Etna � Clarence
Streets on the west. The Jega! descripticn is: Lots 7-12, Block 2, Fease Bros.
, Addition; Lots 7-l?, Bloc'►: 2, S�rgEnt's .�,oeition; Lots 1-9 ano l'�-%G. Hamer's
Subdiv�sion; Lots 1-8 ;:nd 14-2G, S.enlund's �ubdivis:on; Lots 1-6 and ;�-?;, Srnith's
Subdivision oi f�lock 1�, Stinson's F�ances S;ree: ,�cdition; Lo�s 3-10 and l3-
' 24, Block 3; Bi�cr�ingh;:rr�'s .=,ddition: E�locks 3, S and l� �*.insor's rrsnces Street
r",dd;tion; Lots 1, 2, 7 L� S. BJock 5 cas:��;r�t� Addition �•o. 3; and, Lo�s 13-�G,
�lock 4, East��ie�a� .;do;;ion ;��o. ;; those portions of Lots 2 and 3, Block 3,
' and of Lots 2 .and 3, .B1ock 8, Au � or s u iv�s�on o. w ic ies
wes o oc , as v�ew i ion o. ; a so a por �on o uc �
ree ying e ween e ex ension sou er y o e wes ine o oc 3
u i or s u �v�sion o. an e wes �ne o oc as v�ew
, � ion o. ; oge er wi a por ion o o na ree o e ;
vaca e yina e ween e sou ern r�g o way �ne o onway reet
In any year in which the tax incre►nent exceeds the amount necessary to meet
the objectives of this plan, the Authority proposes to use the excess increment
, to: (a) prepay any oustanding bonds; (b) discharge ttie pledge of tax increment
thereof; (c) pay into an escrow account dedicated to the payment of such bonds;
or (d) return such excess increment to the taxing jurisdictions in which the tax
, increment financing district is located in direct proportion to their respective
mill rates.
Enclosed in Attachment A, Appendix, is a listing of the properties that, subject to
funding availability, the HRA proposes to acquire or otherwise control for the purposes
iof this Scattered Site Tax Increment Housing District. Because of the HRA's concern
of acquiring property and removing it f rom the tax roles, while attempting at the
same time to create additional tax increment to finance the cost of development
1 wherever possible, options will be obtained so that site control rather than actual��
ownership can be conveyed for approved housing developments.
The following are intended as estimates by category of costs that will be inc�rred.
� The Housing and Redevelopment Authority may amend or otherwise alter any line
item while maintaining the integrity of the total estimated expenditures.
Following is a proposed budget for the scattered site housing/redevelopment plan:
i .
Land Acquisition $ 8,085,121
�� Relocation 267,000
, 542 848
Public Improvements �
Site Preparation, Demolition, Utilities 3;}Tf;688 3 2, 00�112
Special Improvements 110,000
� Housing Assistance 3,000,000
Consultant Services 250,000
Administrative Expenses 772,332
, ' TOTAL �f6;�3�3�-1 $16,226,413*
� . _
� * $28,432 have been added for site correction costs associated with '
the Etna-Birmingham site amendment.
, - 31 -
' 1. Capital Improvement Bond Funds $1,:500,000
2. Community Development Block
, Grant Funds 1 , 500,000
3. Municipal State Aid Funds 500,000
, 4. Department of Housing and
Urban Development 500,000
, 5. Land Disposition Proceeds 1,000,000 �
� 6. County Aid Funds, Minnesota
Department of Transportation Grants,
Metro Parks Open Space Funds,
Urban Development Action Grants,
� Tax Levy Funds,
Minnesota Housing
. Finance Agency, etc. 500,000 �,500,000
1. Capitalized Interest Payments $4,500,000
2. Debt Service Reserve 1 ,500,000
, 3. Cost of lssuance 500,000 6,500,000
� ' �
i *The existing levels of funds available under the Sources of Revenue To
Finanace Public Costs and Amount of Bonded Indebtedness are sufficient
to cover increased costs associated with the E�na-Birmingham amendment.
� - 32 -
� � ������
i .
� .
Following is a breakdown of the 1980 Assessed Value for each site in the district.
These will serve as original assessed values for the district. A parcel-by-parcel
, breakdown of the original assessed value is �ontained on Attachment A, Appendix.
OriginaJ Assessed Value
� $ 155,643
1. Baker School Site . 132,625
� 2. Ellis Avenue Site . 22,613
3. St. Theresa's 31 � 557
4. The "South-0f-Front" Area (Block 355) �53, 172
' S, Brandtjen-Kluge Site . 657,425 ~
6. The SeJby Avenue Area 6,140
7. Otto-Mercer Site 26,691
8. Nevada/Arkwright Site 37,869 •
� 9. Mississippi-Terrace ,qrea ��233
10. Bradley St.-Case to Whitall 568,073
11. The Railroad Island Area 48, 156
i 12. Hazel Park 20,821 *
13. Etna/Birmingham Corridor ?,476
14. Robert/Concord Site 7,796
, 1S, Belvidere Park Site 3,p88,932
16. �Vliller Hospital Site 303,462
17 �nion Gospel �ission Sire � ' 315,419
� � . ]8. Ruth and Burns Site
Parcels within some of the sites were tax exempt as of January 2, 1950. TechnicalJy,
, at the date of certification of this district by the Auditor, no assessed vaJue attributable
' to such tax exempt property will be included in the original assessed value of the
district. However, wh� such property becomes taxable, Section ?73.76 subd.l requires
� . that the original assessed value of the d`stur oses�of the PJany the ant�c pa�ed assessed
• va7ue atvibutable to such property. Fo p p
value at the time these tax exempt parcels become taxabJe has been incl�ded in the
, o�iginaJ assessed value computation.
*The Original Assessed Value for the Etna-Birmingham Site will
� increase as a result of the proposed amendment; however, Ramsey
County has not assigned a ualue to thi.s land parcel , therefore,
it cannot be indicated at this time. An estimate of the base value
, of the land area to be added to the •�istrict is $112 ,119.00 based
on existing appraisals .
E. Garages
Add for each attached single garage $ 672
� Add for each attached double garage 1 ,120
Add for each detached single garage 538
Add for each detached double garage 896
2. Rental
A. Units �
650 Sq.Ft. $ 7,980
700 Sq.Ft. g,55p •
750 Sq.Ft. 9,120
800 Sq.Ft. 9,690
850 Sq.Ft. 10,260
900 Sq.Ft. 10,830
950 Sq.Ft. 11 ,400
1,000 Sq.Ft. 11 ,970
1,O50 $Q.Ft. j 2,540
1, 100 Sq.Ft. 13,110
B. Garages
Add for each garage stall $ �s�
� Applying these averages and the Authority's assumptions, it is estimated that the captured
assessed value of the district upon completion of all development will be approximately
$11,500,000.�`T'he Authority intends to enter into assessment agreements with developer
! and assessor as permitted and described in Section 273.76, Subd. 8.
f, "
�' *As a result of the E±n;�-9irminham amendment, approximately �1,717,200 would '
� be. added to the Captured Assessed Value of the Tax Increment District upon
completion of all development, for a total of approximately $13,277,200.00.
, - 35 -
, �. 1 '1C ��i'�_�_�l � � tic)t� C:i)t"1'i:C'ti�_?tl� S1tC irnp�-ovcrncr*s and Ut111tIC:i�� 1S ull ^SilliidtC
Oi f�'•i;;) •.�:c;i:IllS(li:i•'S l''_'C�I:ICCC� CO f�iil:�� f.�lt'Sl: parc�'IS iU d ��U11C�ahIC St3te.
(l,��i.:C :�:�;f1 Ofl-'�li�, �Itl�l?:l��S� �l�l COS�'; �1C�' :i`:SOC131CC� \1'l`l�l I.111USU3� SO1�
, t;°;' it::Cf��lil t��;!t,l�'t1Cli�';. �1f1C CStlftlLtt:::: �,.�ere �;iv��n by Cli}' Cf1�1f1CCfS :
i;. tiC.�.� U�:OtI Sl�:.'. i(1`;�)��CllOtl� ci!1C�� 1Cl �;:Ct� S�ill tCSllfl�'. �
, 3. 1�I�c ''cstin�ated reuse v�:lu� per square fc»t" i�, �ln estimate of tlie valtie ;S.
uf ii����::e p<<rcels ,.�ftcr tl�e soil rorrrc*:��;�, si.te improvemcn��� and utility ;8i
,,r�: �s cornplei�:ri. It is t;^csed �.;;�r,n consuit�:nt a�;praisal ancl City staff II.
' �:,ti+n,.'.?s and is int�: ied to show tli��t ihe condition of these pa.rcels is St
�,,ch t(�at tf�e priv�.�t �ctor would I��<:v� to e.>:pend more than tt��.: land
is �vc_r�Il lIl order to rer�der it usable for t�,e construction contemplated.
' 1'I;e inii�rrnr�.tiun surnmarizcd on Attachments f3 and C, and on Analysis I, Appendix,
. tot;ether :rith tl-ie data s�.;pperting such sun�m�iries, suj���orts the f.ollowing conclusions
re�;;�rdinb tlie district:
' l. Sites 5, 6, 16 �nci 17 ar�:� ccrnprised of la,�d predon�inantly occupied by
t�uilc'i,��s, st�-c���:s, u�ili�ies or otl�er improvements and 100a� of the buildings, S
, ne>t incl�.�c!in�; o�_itb;�;ldings, are s�ructurally substandard to a de�rce requiring •
: �;'�s'_;:r�:i.�l ren��v���:cn or clearance. These sites are 21.73 acri�s in area. ;�
"i nis i� 15% of th�_ *etal �rca of the district. These sites are comprised
' of a tctal of ��0 �:.rccls. "Chis is 15"S of the to`��l parccls in the district.
2. Si�ns l, 7_, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and !8 ure compris�:�:i of land '
not pr< '.>rnin,.ntty occupicd by Luildings, streeis, utilities or other improve- �
, mc�nt�,, uu� lU0 ���,rccni of the total acreuge of such land, on these individual '
sit �s, n_:s a :aie- rn�irket v<il��e upcn in�.lusion in the redevelopnient district
- -- wh:ch, �.vhen adc)eci tu the estim��t�e� cost of oreparing the land for use,
, incl�:•iin�; u±ilities, if a,�y, ���x�.eeds its antici��ated fair ;�,a,rket value after
c,ornNlcti� �; of s�zid prcpac-ation. "I�hesc �!?.cs 3rc �R.-7���`rc-s��n area. This
is ':2�,� of the tot��+l ar^: of the di�trict. 't't:ese sites are comprised of a
, `���ll �' 464 �,`�rcels. This is 85"0 of tl�e total parcels in the district.
�. T��ken col(ectivc,�y, sites 1 thro�gh 18 �tre comprised of 1-�:nd not prcdomi-
n�.nlly occuj>iec.i I,y I)UlIl�111b5� streets, i.�tili�ies ar cther ir� r y�ements, 97 02
;:nd `�5 �;�rccnt uf ihc rut.�l acr;:a;;c of s�ich land ($8:&�,�c�e� �# 9����/
' tot:�l uc�es of •;acant land) has a f:�ir rna.r!<et value �,pon inclusion in the
recievele�, :��cnt uisirict which, whcn �r':ded to thi: �:stimated cost of preparing
' �f�e 1�-;rJ �ur use, incl� iin„ ���ilities, i:[ �iny, exceec�> its anticipated fair
IT1�3C�:�'t value aftcr cornp!� .m of said pre�:�aration. The 1S sites are �3fl�� 124.07
��-res in ��.r:�� ��n� ccr„ist of u�3 parcels uf larid.
, I3. QU/\LII�I(;;'�"1'lOi�'S /\S �� [-iOUSING DIS"CRICT
f�::ch of tl�e 1� sites �. r��,risin; the district �t�ill �ontzin a housing developm�nt,
, �:�ti�e:r as � resu!t of r�ew constr• _'::on or ,-ch�t;ilitation. Lach housing ci�:•,�elopment,
i�� t�_irn, �vill contafn ci�:�ellin� �nits int���nd�d f�r oc-c�ipancy b}� J�ersons or families
of lo:✓ �tf1Cj �nocierate incorne, as defi;. ci in Sec�tio�� 273.73, Subdivision 11 of
' tt�e r1ct.
, - 37 -
. - ���--�a�6 °
� � i
No. 13. Etna/Birmingham Corridor
� This site is legally described as: Lots 7 through l2, Block 2, Pease Bros. Addition.y
, Also, lots 7 through 12, 61ock 2, Sargent' s Addition. Also, lots 1 through 9, and lot
14 through 20, Hamer's Subdivision. Also, lots 1 through 8, and lots 14 through 20, i
Stenlund's Subdivision. Also, lots 1 through 6, and lots 18 through 24, Smith'S i
' Subdivision of Block 14. Also, lots 3 through 10, and lots 13 through 24, Block 3,
Birmingham's Addition. Also, Blocks 3, 8 and 13, Stinson's Frances Street Addition.
Also, lots 13 through 30, Block 4,� and lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, Block 5, Eastview Addit•ion'
, No. 3; those ortions of Lots 2 anc�'-3 Block 3 and of Lots 2 and 3 Block 8 Auditor'�
Subdivision No. 62 which lies west of Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3; also that
ortion of Euclid Street lyin between t e ex ens�on sou er y o e wes �ne f
, Block 4 Eastview Addition No. 3; toget er w�t a por ion o o na ree
(to be vacated lyinq between the sout ern r�g -o -way ine o onway ree and
northern riqht-of-way line o u son �Fo� oca e in oc an oc _, �
, Auditor's Subdivision No. 62.
'02-14400-03003'' $ � 757 02-24620-30104'' S 757 02-32500-16000 S 110
02-14400-04003�� 757 02-32500-01000• 110 02-32500-17000 110 '
'02-14400-05003 - 757 02-32500-02000 110 02-32500-18000 120
02-1�400-06003 . 157 02-32500-03000 ' 120 02-32500-19000 110
02-14400-09003 2,154 02-32500-04000 110 02-32�00-20000 110
02-14400-10003 . 757 02-32500-05000 110 02-58700-07002 220
,02-14400-13003 233 02-32500-06000 110 02-58700-08002 . 220
02-14400-14003 . 233 02-32500-07000 120 02-58700-0�002 220
02-14400-20003 � 1,513 02-32500-08000 220 02-58700-10002 200
,02-14400-21003 • 220 OZ-32500-09000 � 220 02-58700-11002 220
02-14400-22003 • 233 02-32500-14000 200 02-58700-12002 220
02-14400-23002 -� 233 02-32500-15000 110 02-67200-07002 . 200
,02-14400-24003 . 233 02-61200-08002 220
OZ-67200-09002 .: 220
�2-67200-10002� 220 02-71000-02000� 110 02-71400-01003�� 815
2-67200-12002.� 200 02-71000-03000 110 02-7?400-01013. �400t
02-67200-12002 � 220 � 02-71000-04000 110 �tax parcel codes
�2-70200-01014 - 110 . 02-71000-05000. 120 will be added as
Z-70200-02014 = 110 02-71000-06000 110 assi ned b Ramse Count
02-10200-03014 - 120 02-71000-07000 220 for new area * �
�2-10200-04014 110 02-7]000-08000 � 4°6 Total $20,821
2-70200-05014 � 110 02-71000-14000 � 220
02-70200-06014 - 110 02-71000-15000 • 110 *Since the land which is
' 02-71000-16000• 110 Proposed to be added to
02-71000-17000. 120 the District is owned by
02-71000-18000� 110 the State and is not on the
�2-70200-23014 '� 931 02-71000-19000 110 Tax Roles, Parcel Code
2-70200-24014 '� 640 02-71000-20000 � 110 Numbers are not avail he e
02-71000-01000 , 120 02-��400-01003 �• 815 from Ramsey Count T y
will be added to �he Plan
� as they become available.
•;o. 14 . Robert/Concord Site
This site is legally described as: Vacated Rebie S�►'E2t accruing �nd Lot ? , t'�sek 's
, Rearranoement.
���-���0�-0?000 5 2,476
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�s�y o� sa��t pd�si -
����n�ng co���ss�on reso������n ,
�s'� n�mber 84-��
���� A��gist i�,, i q._ _
WHEREAS, the Housing Policy Plan of the St. Paul Comprehensive Plan and
the St. Paul Housing Assistance Plan define the need for more housing
of all types, more housing for lower income people, and more rental
housing for families; and
YJHEREAS, the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project works
toward meeting the needs defined by the Housing Policy Plan and Housing
Assistance Plan; and �
WHEREAS, the Proposal to Amend the New Housing and Blignted Lands Development
, Project tax increment district #12 would make 60 units of new housing avail-
able to low and moderate income households; and
WHERE�S, the 3.57 acres contiguous to the Etna-Birmingham site proposed for
inclusion in the tax increment district v�ould not b? developable by solely
privat� means due to the extraordinary expense of correcting poor soil
conditions; and
l•!HEREAS, the District 4 Community Council has reviewed this a�endment and
has given it the Council 's support;
NO�d, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the St. Paul Planning Commission supports
the Proposal to Amend the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project
Tax Ir.crement District #12 for the Etna-Qirmingham site #17, proposed
June, 1984, and recom�;ends its adoption by the St. Paul Housing and Redevelop-
ment Au�hority and the St. Paul City Council .
����d �� � VanHoef � '
s����d by � Summers
j� ���/��' Unanimous Voice Vote �
1 �` ���{/�/��°�i.
✓ �Q.�'`lTT °' ,. . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL
� tilti[Iilll ti
o ^
+.6• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
DATE: August 2, 1984
T0: P1 ann i ng Corr�ni ss i on
FROt•1: Anne Kelly
RE: Staf.f Report -` Review of the Proposal to Amend the New Housing
and B,lighted Lands Development Project Tax Increment District #12
Ti�e St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority adopted the New Housing and
Blighted Lands Development Project in June, 1981. This project established•
a city-wide tax increment district for 18 project sites. The purpose of the
project is to develop housing on lands which, by reason of special problems
or conditions, have not reached full development potential by the ordinary
operations of private enterprise.
The ar�endment attached proposes adding 3.57 acres of land to the tax increment
district. This addition, contiguous to the Etna-Birmingham site, will make
possible a development of 60 units of ownership housing in six separate �
� buildings. The staff of the Housing Division of the St. Paul Department of
Planning and Economic Development is seeking a recommendation from the Planning
Commission in support of this proposed amendnent at the August 10 corrnnission
meeting. The resolution, if adopted, will be a recommendation to the Housing
and Redevelopment Authority Board and the City Council for adoption of the
plan amendment.
According to the 1979 Minnesota Housing and Redevelopment Authority Act (Minnesota
Statutes 462.411 et. se . ) , amendments to a tax increment district that result
in a geographic enlargement must occur within the first five years of the
existence of the district. Geographic modifications are subject to the same
notification and public hearing requirements associated with the establishment
of the district.
The staff of the Housing Division of the St. Paul Department of Planning and
Economic Development is proposing this amendment to the New Housing and Blighted
Lands Development Project Tax Increment District �12 as adopted June, 1981 and
amended April , 1983. In the event of such a proposed amendment qualifying a
new project site; the proposal shall be submitted as a plan amendment for
consideration of the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council of
St. Paul in the manner provided by law in the ��linnesota Tax Increment Financing
Act, Chapter 273.
. �►. ,)
The purpose of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project is
a) ,to increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary housing. . . (for) all
income groups not being adequately met by private enterprise. . .b) to develop
or redevelop sites. . .which qualify as blighted and deteriorated areas under
the Housing and Redevelopment Act,. . .c) to assist in the provision of rental
housing, and d) to undertake and finance these actions as one Hou�ing Develop-
ment and Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Finance District.
The development proposal is consistent with the original scope and purposes �f
the project in that it will provide 60 units of housing affordable to low and
moderate-income households (ranging from $60,000 to $75,000 per unit) .
It will also develop an underused site considered to be undevelopable solely
by private enterprise because of the poor soil conditions. The cost of land
acquisition, soil correction, excavation, utility improvement and cost of
easements would result in a land cost that would exceed its fair market value
after completion of said improvements.
The proposed development is supportive of The City's Comprehensive Plan, Land
Use component, which identifies the Etna-Birmingham site for medium to high-
density residential development. This project is also consistent with the
housing component of the comprehensive plan. The housing supply objectives
are to:
A) Expand both ownership and rental opportunites;
B) Increase the variety of housing opportunities within neighborhoods ; and
C) Increase rental and ownership opportunities for lower income households.
The proposal is highly consistent with the plans of the District 4 Community
Council which recommends in the I982 Survey of Vacant Lands that up to 60
townhouse units be developed on that site. It also meets the goals of the
Dayton's Bluff-District 4 plan which seeks to "maintain and enhance the quality
of housing and the variety of housing density, price and style (and) where
appropriate encourage new home construction which addresses the economic and
social needs of the community."
Oistrict 4 has reviewed this amendment proposal and supports its development.
Staff recommends that the project amendment to the New Housing and Blighted Lands
Development Project be found consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
The Economic Development Committee recommends the attached resolution on a 3-0
vote (.Van Hoef motioned, Brown seconded with McDonnell also yoting for approval ) .
� : ��r����
� . RESOLU.TION I�O. 8�-8/15-3 , '
�ti'HEREAS, upon recommendation of the Housing and P�edevelopment Authority of
the City of Saint Paul� A�innesota (HRA), the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on
June 9, 1981� adopted Resolution CF No. 276969 approving a Redevelopment Project
and Plan, and Resolution CF No. 276970 approving a Financina Plan and creating a Tax
Increment Financing District for the New Housing and Blighted Land Development
Project and Tax Increment District, encomp�ssing the provision of new housing, including
housina for low and moderate income persons and families, on eighteen sepa:ate, undeveloped
sites; and
� Sti'HEREAS, the designated private redeveloper of one of these sites, the southern
portion of the Etna-Birmingham Site No. 13, has convinced the staff that feasibility
of site development� ���ould be enhanced by eapanding the size of this site by inclusion
of 3:57 acres of excess highway right-of-way land, and the Minnesota Department
of Transportation has indicated its willinoness to make said land available to the
. � Project, which proposal has been approved by the Planning Council� Community
Development District No. 4, the Saint Paul Planning Commission, and the Saint Paul
C�pitol Improvement Budget Committee; and . _ .
jti'�IEREAS� amendments to the Project Redevelopment Plan end Tax Increment
Financrna glan, enlarging the area of the New Housing and Blighted Lands Redevelo�ment
Projeet mTd•Taz Increment Financing District by adding 3.57 acres of�?and to the Etn�-
Birmingham Site have been submitted for consideration of this HRA Board, and it •
. eppears that an enlarged Etna-Birmingham Site qualifies as�a redevelopment distriet
and as a housing district within the meariing and provision of �Zinnesota Statutes
Section 273.73� Subdivisions 10(3) and 11� constitutes a blighted or deteriorated area
. �vithin the provision of Section 462.421, Subdivision 13(1), (2) and (3);�now.therefore,
be it -
' RESOLVED by the BoP.rd of Commissioners af the HRA as follows: . �
1) That the findings made in HRA Resolution ro. 82-6/3-12 re��ecting the
. Etna-Birmingham Site� New Housing and Blighted Lands Redevelo�ment Project and
Tax Increment Financing District ar� hereby affirrf►ed;
� 2) Tha� the enlarged Etna-Birmingham Site constitutes s bli�hted area under � .
� � Section 462.421, Subdivision 13(1), (2) or (3), a redevelopment district under Section 2 i 3.i 3,
. ' SuSdivision 10(3)� and a housing distriet under Section 273.73, Subdivision 11 of
� . i�linnesota Statutes; and ' �
(3) That enlargement of the Etna-Birminaham Site ti�•ill improve the financial
feasibility of its development for housing use� including provision of low and moderate
income housing, consistent v��ith the public purposes and provisions of the 4'Iunicipal
I3ousina and Redevelopment Act and the New Housing and Blighted Lands Project
Redevelopment Plan.
� (Over)
.: -� •�` � .
. : ���/���
RESOL��ED FURTHER that amendment of the Projeet Redevelopme;�t Project
and Plan end Tax Increment Financina District and Plan to enlarge the Etna-Birmingham
Site by 3.57 acres are hereby approved as.in the public interest and �s necessary to the
nccomplishment of the purposes and objectives stated in the Rede�►elopment and Tax
Increment Financing Plans for the New Housing �nd Blighted Lands Project.
RESOLVED FINALLY that the Executive Director is authorized to communicate
this action and Resolution to the Saint Paul City Council and to request City Council
consideration of these amendments upon public hearing called for that purpose.
. _ `
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�'+niTE - C�7v CI.EWK .
PINK - FIY4N�E . �
.:AryARV - DEPARTMEI�7 G I TY OF SA I �'T PAU L Council /�/� /
0'VE - M4yQR File �O• • // "/ —��T �
�ity Attny'JTH � Council Resolution �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
N0. 13
WHEREAS, by its Resolutions , CF No. 276969 and 276970 adopted
June 9 , 1981 , the Council of the City of Saint Paul approved the.
Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan and the New
Housing and Blighted Lands Development �roject and Tax Increment
Financing District therein provided for encompassing the provision
of new housing, including housing for low and moderate income
persons and families , on eighteen separate, undeveloped sites
with tax increment financing assistance; and
WHEREAS , there has been submitted to this meeting a Proposal
to Amend,t,,,�he New Housing And Blighted Lands Development Project and
Tax Increment District, Etna-Birmingham, Site ��13 , consisting of
six mimeographed pages , a location map and site plan, and an
Attachment containing the specific Plan amendments, which Proposal
would enlarge the geographic area by 3.57 acres contiguous to the
Southerly part of Site �k13 to be acquired as excess highway right-
of-way from the State of Minnesota, would increase estimated
project expenditures permitting the private construction of 60
• units of low and moderate income housing on said Southerly part
of the Etna-Birmingha.m Site and would increase the portion of ,
captured assessed value to be retained by HR.A for the Project ;
Yeas .• Nays
Requested by Department of:
• Fletcher
Drew Itl F8V0[
Masanz •
scnetbsi A gai n s t BY
Tsdeseo �
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
�ertified Passed by Council Secretary . BY
By� •
�►pproved by 11av,or. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Bv � . By
� .
�, � � �y-�a��
WHEREAS , by its Resolution No . 84-17 adopted Au,ust 13 , 1984
the Saint Paul Planning Conunission upon findings of need for
provision of low and moderate income housing and for enlargement
of the Etna-Birmingham Site to make feasible its private develop-
ment , indicated its support for the Amendment and recommended its
adoption by the Housing and Redeveloprnent Authority of the City
of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HitA) and the City Council ; and
WHEREAS , by its Resolution No. 84-8/15-3 adopted August 15 ,
1984 , the HRA upon findings that the enlarged Etna-Birmingham
Site constituted a blighted area under Section 462.421 , Subd.
13 (1) , (2) or (3) , a redevelopment district under Section 273 .73
Subdivision 10(3) , and a housing district under 273 . 73, Subd. 11 ,
of Minnesota Statutes , that enlargement of the Site would improve
the financial feasibility of its development for housing use,
. and that enlargement of the Etna-Birmingham Site was in the public
interest and necessary to accomplish the purposes and objectives
of the Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plans approved
the Amendr�.e�t; and �
WHEREAS , HRA and Gaughn Land, Incorporated, a Minnesota
business corporation, have entered into a Land Sale and Develop-
ment Agreement under date of September 17 , 1984, providing for
the staged purchase and development of the Southerly part of the
enlarged Etna-Birmingham Site by said private business corporation
with 60 units of lo.w and moderate income housing with purchase .
' mortgage money commitments from the Minneapolis , Saint Paul Phase
; II Family Housing Fund and Joint Housing Fund Programs ; and �
WHEREAS , the HRA has provided opportunity to the members of
the Ramsey County and Independent School District P1o . 625 Boards
a - to meet with the �iRA Board and has presented copies
of the Amendment by cover letter dated August 6 , 1984, including
an estimate of the fiscal and economic implications of the proposed
Amendment, and the HRA has also submitted the Amendment to and
- received favorable recommendations. from the District 4 Planning
Council and the Capital Improvement Budget Committee; and
� '
r � ��/ /���o
WHEP.EAS , the City Council has received public comment from
all interested parties at a public hearing conducted on the
Amendment on Thursday, September 20, 1984, upon notice published
in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch and the Saint Paul
Legal Ledger on August 25 , 1984 , has reviewed the reasons and
data set forth in the Amendment supporting the findings and
determinations hereafter set forth, and has considered the
written findings and recommendations of the District Council ,
. . the Planning Commission, the CIB Committee and the HRA and
other information available to and within the knowledge of the
Councilmembers ; now therefore , be it
RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , in
view of the foregoing hereby approved as findings that the
following further findings are hereby made :
1 . That the enlarged Etna-Birmingham Site ��13
� � would not be made available for redevelop-
-ment , nor could the provision of new low
and moderate income housing thereon
reasonably be expected to occur solely
through action by private enterprise
within the reasonably foreseeable future
without the use of tax increment and the
other financial aid sought and to be pro-
� vided under the amended Project Financing
and District Tax Increment Financing Plans ;
2. That the �Amendment will afford maximum
opportunity, consistent with the sound
needs of the community as a whole for the
provision of new housing by redevelopment
of the Southerly part of the Etna-Birmingham
Site by private enterprise ;
� ' 3 . That the Amendment conforms to the Saint Paul
� � Comprehensive Plan, the general plan for the
development of the community as a whole; and
4. That the enlarged Etna-Birming�ham Site ��13
singlely, and together with the other Sites
of the New Housing and Blighted Lands
.+�.+iTE ♦- C�TV CLE�+�c . • �
c..�� - ���:•~:E � GITY OF SAI � T �AUL Council
'� ARY — DEGqR!MEN! � �/' /
8,�,E — w�a;oF _ File N0._�/ —/���V'
� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Development Project and Tax Increment Financing
District constitute a redevelopment district
within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes Section
� 273 . 73 Subdivision 10(3) and a housing district
within the meaning of Section 273 . 73 Subdivision
11 .
RESOLVED FURTHER that the enlarged redevelopment project and
tax increment district and amended Redevelopment and Tax Increment
Financing Plans for the New Housing and Blighted Lands Project and
District are hereby approved as submitted and HRA is directed to
file copies of the amended Plans and this Resolution with the
Minneso.ta Department of Energy and Economic Development and the
Ramsey County Department of Taxation and Recqrd Mana�ement.
Requested by Department of:
Yeas Na��s
Drsw [fl FBVOf
scneibe� Against BY .
Wilson .
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY .
B� - -- -- --
Approved by \lavor: Date Apptoved by Mayor for Submission to Council
B�� _ By o�
' The New Housing and Blighted Lands Development Project was established by the
City of Saint Paul in June, 1981, for the purposes of increasing the supply of decent
I ' and affordable housing for all income groups, including low- and moderate-income
households; to develop or redevelop sites which qualify as blighted and deteriorated
� areas; and to provide financing for these activities under the ftedevelopment Project
District and Tax Increment Financing Plan.
, In establishing the Redevelopment Project and Tax Increment Financing District,
' eighteen sites throughout the city were identified to be included in the overall plan.
The sites are either privately or publicly owned and include vacant land and existing,
deteriorated buildings. An analysis of all the sites indicated that some form of public
� assistance would be required if development were to occur. Several of these sites
have undergone, or are planned for, redevelopment according to the Project
' Redevelopment Plan and Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan.
1 Each site, and the District as a whole, qualifies as a Housing project and a ftedevelopment
project under the requirements of the Tax Increment Financing Act. The duration
of the District may be for up to twenty-five years under that Act.
The proposal consists of the addition of a parcel of land adjacent to Site #13, the
' Etna-Birmingham corridor, to the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment District.
The amendment is proposed as a necessary modification to the District in light of
� additional information concerning the site's development potential which was not
available at the time the District was created. Thus, the actions to amend the District
' are being undertaken to ensure appropriate and timely development of the site through
the assistance available under the Tax Increment Financing Plan and existing City
� programs.
� This site is located in Planning District 4 between Sixth Street, Birmingham Street,
Highway I-94 and Etna and Clarence Streets. It consists of undeveloped land which
, will require extensive soil excavation, replacement and compaction prior to development.
In addition, public improvements will be necessary to provide access to portions of
� the site. The site consists of two separate development sites--a Southern site and .
a Northern site. Portions of the site are owned by the Housing and Redevelopment
, Authority and the State of Minnesota (as excess highway right-of-way).
At the time the development project was created (1981), no development was planned,
, nor firm commitments or contracts entered into for development of the site. However,
City plans indicated that after proper soil correction and access improvements, the
� Southern and Northern sites would be appropriate for approximately 137 units of
ownership-type housing, with approximately 68 of these units available for low- and
' moderate-income households.
� Firm plans are now available for the Southern site of the Etna-Birmingham corridor.
The Housing and Redevelopment Authority has designated a developer for the site
who has proposed the construction of 60 units of ownership housing in six separate
� buildings. The sales prices of the units will be affordable for households of low-and
moderate-income income (ranging from $60,000 to $75,000 per unit). The developer
� has received preliminary commitments for below-market mortgage financing from
the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Family Housing Fund Program (Phase II) and the Joint
� Housing Program. To complete land assembly for the project, the State of Minnesota
will be transferring title to a portion of the site to the Housing and Redevelopment
' Authority at a designated price. The complete site will then be transferred to the
private developer after completion of the standard requirements for purchase of
� Housing and Redevelopment Authority land at a negotiated sales price.
Extraordinary costs associated with the site are being evaluated by City staff and
' the developer but will most likely include: land acquisition costs, soil correction and
excavation costs, utility improvement expenses, and the cost of easements for various
� publie improvements.
' - 2 -
� ��.'��
, At the time the Tax Increment District was created, the boundaries of the Etna-Birmingham
site were established in the absence of anticipated developments and adequate information
� from the State regarding the availability of excess highway right-of-way. Therefore,
City staff alone determined the boundaries to the best of their ability, without benefit
' of the advice of a private developer and the State identifying specifically what lands
it could transfer, based on the most likely area to be included in a housing development
' project. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to modify the western boundary
of the Southern site to include the entire housing project which is proposed.
� Three years of study by City staff, a neighborhood task force, and evaluation by a
private real estate development company, have determined that the most developable
� site is an area including the area now in the Development Project Plan, plus approximately
3.57 acres of land directly adjacent to the westerly boundary of the site. (See attached
' map -- shaded area is proposed addition to the site). The acreage of the Southern site,
which is now in the Development Project Plan, is approximately 3.33 acres. Addition
� of the area of the proposed amendment would result in a total site of 6.90 acres.
The State of Minnesota has now identified the exact land area which it is willing to
' make available to the City for redevelopment purposes. By combining the City-owned
portion of the development site with the excess highway right-of-way from the State,
� private development of the Etna-Birmingham, Southern Site, for housing is now possible.
The addition of land to the Redevelopment Project Plan also creates a more suitable
� development site, than previously anticipated, which is expected to reduce the total
development costs of the project by reducing costs associated with the relocation
� of certain utilities.
Failure to add the acreage of the proposed amendment would result in half of the
� planned housing units being outside the Development Project Plan and Tax Increment
Financing District. Since many of the extraordinary costs associated with this development
' have not been finalized, the development may require assistance, in addition to below
market mortgage financing, from the Tax Incrernent Financing District. In the event
' the planned development requires little or no assistance, it would be necessary to
capture the assessed value from the entire development to provide tax increment
� revenues for assistance to the Northern site of the Etna-Birmingham corridor which
are likely to be very significant since no public access to this site exists.
- 3 -
� The following is an analysis of the difference in tax increment revenue which would
result from this amendment:
Total Tax Total Tax
� Average Estimated Assessed Tax Increment Increment
Sales Price Market Value Value Per Mill Increment Units W/I After
Per Unit Per Unit Unit Rate Per Unit The District Amendment
� uni s uni s
� $65,000 $55,250 $9,898 110.00 $1,089 $32,670 $65,340
� The overlapping taxing jurisdictions whose assessed valuation this Tax Increment Plan
a►nendment would affect include:
' Independent School District No. 625 -- boundaries are coterminous with the
City of Saint Paul.
County of Ramsey -- to whose total assessed valuation the City of Saint Paul
� contributes about 53%.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul -- which is
� the requesting authority for this amendment. The HRA will be considered
� identical with the City of Saint Paul for purposes of this analysis.
Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul -- whose power of levy and use of
, the property tax is limited to .789 mills. For this analysis, it will be treated
the same as the City of Saint Paul.
Metropolitan Authorities -- such as the Metropolitan Council, Metropolitan
, Airports Commission, Metropolitan Transit Authority, Metropolitan Waste Control
Commission, and the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District. Of these, only
, the Metropolitan Council, Metropolitan Transit Authority and Metropolitan
Mosquito Control District levy on real estate.
� Of these jurisdictions, the only two which would be affected more than nominally
by this amendment would be Independent School District No. 625 and the County
� of Ramsey.
� - 4
� f� � �jo
Assuming an annual captured assessed value of $296,940, which would be added to
� the Tax Increment Finaneing Plan from this proposed amendment and an assumed
mill rate of 110.00 mills, the amendment will generate an additional annual tax increment
� of $32,670. The percentage of this increment contributed by the various taxing jurisdictions,
if the development were to occur without public intervention, is shown below.
' Mills
(Taxes Payable Annual
� Taxin� Jurisdiction in_1984) Percentage Tax Increment
City of Saint Paul 29.432 26.2 $ 8,559.54
� County of Ramsey 27.143 24.1 $ 7,873.47
School District No. 625 51.166 45.5 $14,864.85
Miscellaneous* 4.709 4.2 $ 1,372.74
1��0 100.00 $',� ,�6�.�0 ,
*All City and Metro Authorities
The following table shows the additional dollars per $1,000 of assessed valuation that
� would have to be levied to compensate for the loss of tax dollars in estimated tax
increments for each taxing jurisdiction. The tax increments derived from projects
� in this plan would not be available to any of the taxing jurisdictions were it not for
the public intervention of the Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
� If it could be assumed that the captured assessed value was available for each taxing
jurisdiction, the non-receipt of tax dollars represented as tax increments may be
determined by estimating what amount the mill rate for property outside the tax
, increment financing amendment area would have to be increased to raise the same
amount of tax dollars in each taxing jurisdiction that would be available if the
� projects occurred without the assistance of the Saint Paul HRA.
� 1983 Required Annual
Assessed $/$1,000 Assessed Tax
Taxing Jurisdiction Valuation Valuation Increment
iCity of Saint Paul $1,693,681,400 .000005 $ 8,559.54
County of Ramsey $3,197,727,657 .000002 $ 7,873.47
� School District No. 625 $1,693,681,400 .000009 $14,864.85
- 5 -
� ������
� This table is relevant only if assumed that the development would have occurred
without the existence of the Tax Increment District and the Development Program.
� If this assumption is incorrect and the HRA believes it is, then the only real impact
on the assessed values of the other taxing jurisdictions is:
, 1. Any inflationary values from the District which have been attributable
, to the tax base of these taxing jurisdictions will be lost during the duration
of the District; and
� 2. Upon termination of the District, all taxing jurisdictions will benefit
from the entire future assessed values.
- 6 -
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� This undeveloped site is located on the east side of hlississippi St. North oi Case
' Avenue. The legal descriptions are: Subj. to esmts; and vac. aJley adj.; Lot
S-9 and 16-21, McMenemy's Subdivision A. AJso, Lots 3-9, BrookvaJe Addition.
Also, Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 bc l0, Brookvale 2nd Addition. Also, Lots 6-9 and 19-24
, Blk. 1, Brookside Add;tion. The problems with this area are topographical in
, ' •
These two undeveJoped sites are maae up of certain properties abutting BradJey �
Street between Case �venue and u�h;taJ) Street. The )egaJ description is: Lots ;
, 4- 13, Block 2; Lots 18, l9 � 20, BJock 3; Lots 3-9, Block 10; and Lots 18-21, ;
Block 13, Ed. Rice's First Addition. The main problem with development oi
these sites is the topography. ,
� 11. . THE RAILROAD lSLAND AREA (District 5) � •
� This area is bounded by Bush Avenue on the north, Burr Street on the east, Tedesco '
Street and Lafayette Road on the so�th, and the railroad tracks on the west.
The area is Jegally described as: BJocks 11 and 12, Stinson'sAddition. AJso,
� all Stinson's Subdivision of Block 10. AJso, all L.P. Swanstrom Rearrangement. :
Also, all Swanstrom's Rearrangement. AJso, all J. Swainson's Division. Also,
all Van SJyke's Rearrangement. AJso, lots 1 through 6, and lots I1 through 15,
� � � Block 3;.those parts easterJy of the Railroad right-of-way of Jots 4 through 13,
Block 4; those parts easterly of the RaiJroad right-of-way of Jots 11 through
� � 14, BJock S; and alJ Blocks 7, 8, 9 and 10, V�'arren and �'inslow's Addition. Also,
� alJ BJock 1, Crispus Attucks Addition. This area is a combination of topogra-
phically severe vacant land and substandard housing.
12. HAZEL PARK (District 2)
, . This undeveJo ed site is located on the S�C' corner of Hazel and E. 7th Sts. The
site is vacant and privately owned. Site size -- 171,899 sq. ft. The legal description
� is: Lots 1 thrQugh 13 and Lots 20 through 30, Block 1; and Lots 1 through 11,
, . Block 4, Aurora Addition. The difficulties with this site include soil repJacement, ,
• � soi! compaction, grading and site drainage. '
� 7his undeveloped area is bounded (approximateJ��) by Sixth Street on the north, .
Birmingham Street on the e�st, Higha��y 1-94 on the south, �nd Etna d Clarence
Streets on the west. The legaJ descripticn is: Lots 7- 12, BJock 2, Fease Bros.
� Ado,tion; Lots 7-12, Bloc►: 2, S�rgEnt's .�oeitio�; Lots 1-9 ano 14-2G. Hamer's
Subdivision; Lots 1-8 end I4-2G, S;enlund's �ubdivis:on; Lots I-6 �nd ;S-?�, S��itl�'s
Subdivision of f�lock 1�, Stinson's F�ances Stree� ,�cdition; Lots 3-10 �nd 13-
� 24, BJock 3; Bi�cr,ingf�::rn's .=,ddition: 1�locics 3, S and l� J*.insor�'s rrnnces Street
Addition; Lo►s 1, 2, 7 d S, BJock 5 cas:��ie»� Addiiion ;��o. 3; and, Lo�s 13-�G,
81ock 4, East��ie��.� .;dd:,;on �o. 3; those portions of Lots 2 and 3, Block 3,
and of Lots 2 .and 3, .B1ock 8, Au � or s u �v�s�on o. w ic ies
� wes o oc , as view i ion o. ; a so a por �on o uc i
ree ying e ween e ex ens�on sou er y o e wes ine o oc 3
u i or s u �vis�on o. an e wes ine o oc as view
, > >on o. ; oge er wi a por ion o o na ree o e '
vaca e yina e ween e sou ern rig -o -way �ne o onway reet !
- ,
In any year in which the tax incrernent exceeds the amount necessa�y to meet
the objectives of this plan, the Authority proposes to use the excess increment
, to: (a) prepay any oustanding bonds; (b) discharge tlie pledge of tax increment
thereof; (c) pay into an escrow account dedicated to the payment of such bonds;
or (d) return such excess increment to the taxing jurisdictions in which the tax
' increment financing district is located in direct proportion to their respective
mill rates.
Enclosed in Attachment A, Appendix, is a listing of the properties that, subject to
funding availability, the HRA proposes to acquire or otherwise control for the purposes
, of this Scattered Site Tax Increment Housing District. Because of the HRA's concern
of acquiring property and removing it f rom the tax roles, while attempting at the
same time to create additional tax increment to finance the cost of development
, wherever possible, options will be obtained so that site control rather than actual��
ownership can be conveyed for approved housing developments.
The following are intended as estimates by category of costs that will be incurred.
� The Housing and Redevelopment Authority may amend or otherwise alter any line
item while maintaining the integrity of the total estimated expenditures.
Following is a proposed budget for the scattered site housing/redevelopment plan:
, .
Land Acquisition $ 8,085,121
�' Relocation 267,000
, Public Improvements 542,848
Site Preparation, Demolition, Utilities 3;}T};6$8 3 2, 00�112
Special Improvements 110,000
, Housing Assistance 3,000,000
Consultant Services 250,000
Administrative Expenses 771,332
, � TOTAL $f6;��3�3�?�81 $16,226,413*
■ ' -
� * $28,432 have been added for site correction costs associated with '
the Etna-Birmingham site amendment.
, - 31 -
, 1. Capital Improvement Bond Funds $1,:500,000
2. Community Development Block
, Grant Funds 1 ,500,000
3. Municipal State Aid Funds 500,000
' 4. Department of Housing and
Urban Development 500,000
, 5. Land Disposition Proceeds 1,000,000 �
6. County Aid Funds, Minnesota
, Department of Transportation Grants,
Metro Parks Open Space Funds,
Urban Development Action Grants,
' Tax Levy Funds,
Minnesota Housing
. Finance Agency, etc. 500,000 �,500,000
1. Capitalized Interest Payments $4,500,000
2. Debt Service Reserve 1 ,500,000
, 3. Cost of Issuance 500,000 6,S00,000
� . �
� *The existing levels of funds available under the Sources of Revenue To
Finanace Public Costs and Amount of Bonded Indebtedness are sufficient
to cover increased costs associated with the Etna-Birmingham amendment.
, - 32 -
• � �����//�
, .
' •
Following is a b�eakdown of the 1980 Assessed Value for each site in the district.
These wil! serve as original assessed values for the district. A parcel-by-parcel
, breakdown of the original ass�ssed value is contained on Attachment A, Appendix.
OriQinal Assessed Value
,. $ 155,643
1, Baker School Site . 132,625
� 2. Ellis Avenue Site . 22,613
3. St. Theresa's 31 � 557
4. The "South-0f-Front" Area (Block 355) 153, 172
5, Brandtjen-Kluge Site . 687,425
� 6. The Selby Avenue Area 6,140
7. Otto-Mercer Site 26,691
8. Nevada/Arkwright Site 37,869 •
� 9. Nlississippi-Terrace Area ��233
10. BradJey St.-Case to Whitall 568,073
11. The Rail road IsJand Area �g� 156 �
i 12. Hazel Park 20,821 *
13. Etna/Birmingham Corridor 2,476
14. Robert/Concord Site 7 ,796
, 1S, Belvidere Park Site 3,p88,932
16. NlilJer Hospital Site 303,4h2
17 �nion �ospel Mission Sit�e � ' 315,419
, � . 18. Ruth and Burns Site
Parcels within some of the sites were tax exempt as of January 2, 1950. Technically,
, at the date of certification of this district by the Auditor, no assessed vaJue attributable
' to such tax exempt prqperty will be included in the original assessed value of the
district. However, when such property becomes taxable, Section 273.76 subd.l requires
� . that the original assessed value of the district be increased by the amount oi assessed
• value atvibutable to such property. For p�� �ome taxableahas been i clu ded nsthe ed
value at the time these tax exempt parce s
, origir�aJ assessed value computation.
i �
*The Original Assessed Value for the Etna-Birmingham Site will
1 increase as a result of the proposed amendment; however, Ramsey
County has not assigned a �alue to thi.s land parcel , therefore,
it cannot be indicated at this time. An estimate of the base value
, of the land area to be added to the .District is $112 ,119.00 based
on existing appraisals .
� __
E. Garages
Add for each attached single garage $ 672
� Add for each attached double garage 1 , 120
Add for each detached single garage 538
Add for each detached double garage 896
2. Rental
A. Units �
650 Sq.Ft. $ 7,980
700 Sq.Ft. g�550 •
750 Sq.Ft. 9,120
800 Sq.Ft. 9,690
850 Sq.Ft. 10,260
900 Sq.Ft. 10,830
950 Sq.Ft. 11 ,400
1,000 Sq.Ft. 11 ,970
1,050 Sq.Ft. 12, 540
1, 100 Sq.Ft. 13,110
B. Garages
Add for each garage stall $ 730
� Applying these averages and the Authority's assumptions, it is estimated that the captured
assessed value of the district upon completion of all development will be approximately
$11,500,000.*7'he Authority intends to enter into assessment agreements with developer
and assessor as permitted and described in Section 273.76, Subd. 8.
f *As a result of the E*n;�-airminham amendment, approximately �1,717,200 would '
', be. added to the Captured Assessed Value of the Tax Increment District upon
completion of all development, for a total of approximately $13,277,200.00.
� _ 35 _
' �. I 'lt' "C�"�1 � � SL)l� COI"fCC11�;?tl� S1tC t�ll���"OVCIiICI�I±s and utilitics" IS ull CSilliidtC
!�i f�•i;;� ,_`:�:t'llt_{ili:l''_� r�_c{�:ircd to brii:, t.�li'Sl: parcF'�S i0 3 �U11(j�hlC state.
(���+�.t' :�:�.fl Ofl-'>lii: U11�1?:lcS� �t�l COSi'; .1C�' :iSSGC131eC� 1�'li�l I.1f111SU31 SO11
' �_ ;� ��.�rr�in �l�;�ri��nc_i�,s. "1'he estim�.�tc::; °..�ere �:;ivern by City en�;ineers ;
i; ';C:�_� 11�:0(1 Sl�:. Ifl`:�)��C110I1� ci!1C�� 1Cl ��iCl� 5��lI tC5llfl�. >
, 3. 1�I�c "cstin�atcd reuse vt�lu� per square foot" i�., �ln cstimate of the valtie js
uf ii����:;� p�ircels ,._ftcr tl�e soil cu;rec±:,��, si.te iml�rove�ri�n�s and utility
,,r'� is cornple��::�i. It is �;-,sed �.:;�r.n consuit��:��t appraisal ancl City staff II.
' �:.,tiii�„'��s and is int�. icd to show tl��it ihe condition of these pa.rcels is 9t
r_:�:cf� that tf�e priv<.�t.- �_ctor would i���:v� to e>;pend more tt,a.n tt�<: land
is wor�h in order to render it usable for the construction contemplated.
iT'he iniorr7���.tion summarized on Attachrnents �3 and C, and on Analysis I, Appendix,
. to};ether ::ith tl��e data si.;pperting SUCFI SUR1f71aries, suj���orts the f.ollowing conclusions
rcf;.�rdinb tlle district:
� l. Sites 5, 6, 16 anci 17 are ccrnprised of la,�d predon�inantly oc.cupied by
biiilc'i,��s, strce�.s, u�ilities or otl�cr impr�overnents and 100a� of the buildings, S
, not incl�.�c!in�; outb;rildings, are s�ructurally substandard to a de�;ree requiring �
: �;bsJ_::n:ial ren�?va�:cn or clearance. These sites are 21J3 acres in area. ;�
"�nis :s 15% of the *etal area of the district. These sites are comprised
' of a tctal of �0 �:.;�c_els. "Chis is 15�5 of the to`.�1 parccls in the distri�t.
2. Si��s 1, 2, 3, �l, 7, �, 9, l�, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 18 ure compris�:.i of land '
not pr< '.:nin_�nt1y occupicd by b��ildings, strc:ets, uti!ities or other improve- �
, men?�,, ���it IUO ��:,rccnt of the total acreuge of such lar.d, on these individual '
si-c.�s, i�.:s a ;air rnarket v�ilue upcn in�.lusion in the redcvelop,��ent district
- - wh;c�h, •,vhcn adcle<i tu ihe estim��tc.d cosi of �reparing the llnd for use,
, incl�:�iing u±ilitics, if a;�y, ���x�.eec+s its anticiE�ated fair ;�,a,rket value after
c,��rnpleti� ;; of s��id pre�aration. "I'hese s!?.c:s �3re �S-�W��`rc:s��n area. This
i� "'?_°o �f the tot�l ar^a of the district. 1't:ese sites are comprised of a
, tu�al �' 464 E�`�rcefs. Tl�is is 85"0 of tl�e total p:rcels in the district.
3. T��k�_,i collec_tivc.!y, sites 1 thro�gh 18 �tre cornprised of l :nd not predomi-
n<?ntly occu,�ied f_:}� buildin�s, streets, i.itilities or cther ir� rgy�ements, 97 OZ
, ;:;�d `35 p�'r`ccnt of thc io^�.�1 acr::�;;c ef such land ($8:8�,���5 of ���?�/
t�>t?1 acrc�, of �;a�ant land) has a f.�ir rria;l;et value ��pon inclusion in the
r�cie•,lele�, :���nt uistrict which, when ��c'cied to thc �.siimated cost of preparing
, �he l� ,��! `ur� use, incl� :iin,.; �.��iii�ies, i< <iny, excee.c;> its anticipated fair
mar'<et value aftcr coinpl� :�n of said preparation. The 1S sites are f�fl:�t 124.07
���res ;n ��.��:��� ��n� ccr,sist of u�-3 parcels of larici.
, 544
I3. i2UnLI[�I(;,'�"l�lOi�'S f\S �, (-{OU�ING DIS"CRICT
E:;ch of tf�e 1� >ites �_ �fI��C151f1; the district �ti�ill contain a housing developm�nt,
� f �ti�er �.s � c-c_su!t of ncw constr� �.t:on or ;�_h<,.bilitation. Cach housing ci�_velopment,
in ti.irn, �vill contain cf�vel!in� units int�:��nded f�r occ�.ipancy by persons or families
of lo;r and rnoderate II1C011'1"� as dc:fi;. d in Section ?73.73, Subdivision 11 of
� tf��° r�ct.
� - 37 -
� . � �-�.-%�� °
No. 13. Etna/Birmingham Corridor �
• This site is legally described as: Lots 1 through 12, Block 2, Pease Sros. Addition.y
, Also, lots 7 through 12, Block 2, Sargent' s Addition. Also, lots 1 through 9, and loX
14 through 20, Hamer's Subdivision. Also, lots 1 through 8, and lots 14 through 20, �
StenlunG's Subdivision. Also, lots 1 through 6, and lots 18 through 24 , Smith s �
' Subdivision of Block 14. Also, lots 3 through 10, and lots 13 through 24, Block 3,
Birmingham's Addition. Also, Blocks 3, 8 and 13, Stinson's Frances Street Addition.
Also, lots 13 throu h 30, Block 4,� and lots 1, 2, 1 and 8, Block 5, Eastview Addit•ion'
' No. 3; those ortions of Lots 2 anci�3 Block 3 and of Lots 2 and 3 Block 8 Auditor'�
Subdivision No. 62 which lies west of Block 4, Eastview Addition No. 3; also that
portion of Euclid Street lying between t e ex ens�on sou er y o e wes �ne f
' Block 4 Eastview Addition No. 3; to et er wit a por �on o o na ree�—
to be vacated 1 in between the sout ern r�g -o -way ine o onway ree and
northern riqht-of-way ine o 0 u son oa oca e in oc an oc _, .
� Auditor's Subdivision No. 62.
,02-14400-03003'` $ � 757 02-24620-30104'' S 751 02-32500-16000 S 110
02-14400-04003�� 757 02-32500-01000• 110 02-32500-17000 110 '
02-14400-05003 - 757 02-32500-02000 110 02-32500-18000 124
,02-14400-06003 - 757 02-32500-03000 ' 120 02-32500-19000 110
Q2-?4400-09003 2,154 OZ-32500-04000 110 02-32500-20000 110
02-14400-10003 . 757 02-32500-05000 110 02-58700-01002 220
,02-14400-13003 233 02-32500-06000 110 02-58700-08002 220
02-14400-14003 . 233 02-32500-07000 120 02-SE700-09002 220
02-14400-20003 � 1 ,513 02-32500-08000 220 02-58700-10002 200
,02-14400-21003 • 220 02-32500-09000 � 220 02-58700-11002 220
02-14400-22003 • 233 02-32500-14000 200 02-58700-12002 220
02-14400-23002 •� 233 02-32500-15000 110 02-67200-07002 - 200
�2-14400-24003 � 233 02-67200-08002 220
OZ-67200-09002 .• 220
�2-67200-10002� 220 02-71000-02000� 110 02-71400-01008°� 815
2-67200-11002.� 200 02-71000-03000 110 �taX�4ar�cel �codes - 400
02-67200-12002 : 220 02-71000-04000 110 wil 'be added as
�2-70200-01014 - 110 . 02-71000-05000 120 assi ned b Ramse Count
2-70200-D2014 = 110 02-71000-06000� 110 for new area * �
02-)0200-03014 � 120 02-71000-07000 220 .
�2-10200-04014 110 02-71000-08000 � a°6 Total $20,821
2-10200-05014 � 110 02-71000-14000 • 220
02-70200-06014. � 110 02-71000-15000 • 110 *Since the land which is
02-71000-16000� 110 proposed to be added to
' 02-71000-17000. 120 the District is owned by
02-71000-18000• 110 the State and is not on the
2-70200-23014 '� 931 02-71000-19000� 110 Tax Roles, Parcel Code
2-70200-240I4 '� 640 02-71000-20000 ` 110 Numbers are not available
Z-71000-01000 . 120 OZ-��400-01003 �• 815 from Ramsey Count They
will be added to �he Plan
as they become available.
;o. 14 . Robert/Concord Site
This site is legally described as: Uacated Rebie Street accruing �nd Lot ? , t'�sek 's
' Rearranoement.
���-���Ou-01000 5 2,476
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