00-1208Return Copy To: Pulice Dept. Accounting Presented By: Referred To: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 R I�' I�1 A L RESOLUTION _ CIT�' OR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # p Green Sheet # ee � Committee:Date: VVHEREAS, Minnesota Join Together, a coalition of over 300 mdividuals and organi2ations involved in reducing underage drinking, has funding avaitable to provide grants to organizations for iniriatives to reduce underage drinlring; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Join Together has awarded a$5,000 mini-grant to the Saint Paul Police Department for police overtime tazgeting underage drinldng violations from October 1, 2000 throngh March 1, 2001; and WHEREA5, TLe Mayor pursuant to Sectlon 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify that there are available for appmpriarion funds of $8,000 in eacess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and � VJHEREAS, The Mayor recommends tLat the Sollowing addition be made to the 2000 bndget: CURRENT AMENDED �INANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BITDGET 001-General Fund 04000-Chiet's Office 3442-Liquor Compliance Grant-Minnesota Join Together 9,333 8,000 17,333 e 24 SPENDING PLAN: 25 001-GeneralFund 26 04000-ChiePs Office 27 0141-Overtime 28 0439-Fringe Benefits 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 34 40 41 42 43 134,305 7,000 141,305 1,390,067 1,000 1,391,067 1,524,372 8,00 1,5 2,372 THEItEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant, authori�xs Chief William FSnney to enter into an agreement with Minnesota Join Together, and aceepts the changes to the 2000 budget. Adoption Cerlified by CouncilSec'r aTyS�' aoD o B y ° '�� . � i'a'°'�'�.'��. Approve y ayor: a e: _ MinMainTogeShediquorCompliance3rddGmn . 0. Requested by o� By: Approval Rec Byo Form Ap� B Approved by of: Dimctor: by City Attorney: Council: � L DEPARTMENTIOFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INiT1ATED PoliceDepartmem �or�uoo GREEN SHEET No. 1Q7081 CON ACT PERSON 8 P ON INRV+IJDAiE INfMVDATE ClliefFinney 292-3588 1 oernx,rFxrcinECron 5 mu,m 0 0�1�+0$' MU BE ON COUNGL AG DA Y(UAT� Please process ASAP ❑3 «rvn,row�r ❑anaEwc wg �rHnxcui.sExuicFS� �rNpxrx�smwnttrc �YGR(OR0.4ffif4N[�� �Potlli3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a grant &om Minuesota Join Together, authorizing Cluef William Finney to enter into an agreement with Minnesota Join Together, and establistring a 2000 financing and spending plan for the grant. RECOMMENDATION Appfove (AJ of Reject �R) PE25ot�u SvMCE CoN7knci5 MUSi nNSwER niE FoLLOWING nUesnoNS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coritrad for this departmerri? PLANNING COMMISSION YE5 NO Ci8 COMMiTTEE 2. Has Ihis perso�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES No 3. Dces this person/finn possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any current city employee7 YES NO 4. Is this pereo�rm a fargeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperete sheet and attach to green sheet IN4TIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, W4iEN, WHERE, WHY} Minnesota Join Togefher, a coaliUon of over 300 individuals and organizations involved in reducing underage drinking, has awarded a mini-grant to the Saint Paul Police Departtnent for police wertime targeting underage drinldng for the period October 1, 2000 through March 1, 2001. (Attached is a copy of the award letter.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � r�B�r Ability to use grant funds awazded to reduce underage drinkin . ��� �� 2 � Q � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. ! 6 � � � � ��� �. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT ApPROVED T o� 1 �. � �t�F,�`�.�� Loss of grant funds. gr T �e' 1 Y ATTO��E� TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSAC71pN $ 8,000 Cp57/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE MIIIIIESOf2 JOITI TOgeTI1Ci gt3tlt ACTIVITY NUMBER 04000 RNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPUUf� MNIoinTogethaLiquoeCompliance3rdGrantgs.00 oo-�LoB' 2829 Vemdale Avenue Anoka, MI`I 55303-1593 763-427-5310 MN 800-247-1303 FAX 763-427-7841 www.miph.org/mjt Sepiember 22, 2000 Eu�ene Po3yak St Paul Police Depaztment 100 East I I`" Street St. Paul, MN 55101 We aze happy to be able aw�ard you 58,000 to fund your colleae underz�e drinking projec[. Since the funds for your project ori�inate from ihe i3S Department of 3ustice there are certain conditions and restriction on the use of chese funds. Minnesota Soin Together also hu a few expectations of its �rantees. We hope these aze mana�eable. We look forwazd to wor}:ing with you on your project. EXPECTATIONS OF MIlV1VESOTA .lO7N TOGETHER GRANTEES PURPOSE. The grant shall be used exciusively for the purposes specified in [he grantee's n_:ini-g:2n! propocal. 77�e [imeline for ihic project is Clctober 1. 2000 - Nfarch ., 2000. USE OF FUNDS. No patt of the b ant shall be used to carry on propa�anda or othernise attempt to influence legislation (within the meaning of Section 4945(d)Q) of the Internal Reverme Code), or to attempt to influence the outcome of any specific public election. REPORTS. Final nazra[ive and financial reports shall be fumished to Minnesota Join • Toaether on or before March 16, 2001. We aze enclosing a narrative form for you to use when you fi]e chese reports. The financia] reports shall show actual expendimres as of the - � date of the report a�ainst the approved line items in your applicavon budget. COMPLIANCE CHECK GRAA'TS. Compliance check data shall be reported on the enc]osed compliance check database forms and sent to MJT with the other reports when they are due. D�DIA. All grantees are expected to generate media coverage azound their activities and to send copies of any coveraQe to Minnesota Join Togecher as soon as possible. Please acknowled�e the Minnesota 7oin Together Coalition and Minnesota Department of Public Safety as the source of your funds in any media stories about your ac[ivities with this grant. We are available to assist you with your media efforts. coi'e�n'i�c so�,R� �qODIFIED LiNE ITEMS / UNUSED FU�'DS. Any modifications of your proposed L�od� Bos�a. cha�� budeet must be approved by MIT before actual expendimres take piace. Any unused funds cor���e s�Ta;dy ��ce cna« from this project must be remmed to MJT. Contact Project Direc[or, Jeff Nachbar, if you ;ne,ese s�a�ne anticipate the need for any budget mod�ficacions. L_=n<e 5oelter Pnsol;a Lorc Fzr�< Ge�y h'e:n JuCy ftna�p Bonmel.aba(t Cz:hy P;ackieu��¢ Jatme �9erbn¢ Sc� r;efson t�nCc Oiala J2net Sllrersm2h SIGhATL`REf!!-��: ✓��� DATE �C Please return one co"p}� of this form to Rachel Komyate at: n1IPH, 2829 Verndale Ave., Anoka, b1N 55303, or fas to 6�1-662-2313, attn: MIPH Z ! ._.. .,.. �,.`ia", Nce� co" ,� ..m A Coa/itioh to Reduce Underage Drinking Return Copy To: Pulice Dept. Accounting Presented By: Referred To: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 R I�' I�1 A L RESOLUTION _ CIT�' OR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # p Green Sheet # ee � Committee:Date: VVHEREAS, Minnesota Join Together, a coalition of over 300 mdividuals and organi2ations involved in reducing underage drinking, has funding avaitable to provide grants to organizations for iniriatives to reduce underage drinlring; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Join Together has awarded a$5,000 mini-grant to the Saint Paul Police Department for police overtime tazgeting underage drinldng violations from October 1, 2000 throngh March 1, 2001; and WHEREA5, TLe Mayor pursuant to Sectlon 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify that there are available for appmpriarion funds of $8,000 in eacess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and � VJHEREAS, The Mayor recommends tLat the Sollowing addition be made to the 2000 bndget: CURRENT AMENDED �INANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BITDGET 001-General Fund 04000-Chiet's Office 3442-Liquor Compliance Grant-Minnesota Join Together 9,333 8,000 17,333 e 24 SPENDING PLAN: 25 001-GeneralFund 26 04000-ChiePs Office 27 0141-Overtime 28 0439-Fringe Benefits 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 34 40 41 42 43 134,305 7,000 141,305 1,390,067 1,000 1,391,067 1,524,372 8,00 1,5 2,372 THEItEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant, authori�xs Chief William FSnney to enter into an agreement with Minnesota Join Together, and aceepts the changes to the 2000 budget. Adoption Cerlified by CouncilSec'r aTyS�' aoD o B y ° '�� . � i'a'°'�'�.'��. Approve y ayor: a e: _ MinMainTogeShediquorCompliance3rddGmn . 0. Requested by o� By: Approval Rec Byo Form Ap� B Approved by of: Dimctor: by City Attorney: Council: � L DEPARTMENTIOFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INiT1ATED PoliceDepartmem �or�uoo GREEN SHEET No. 1Q7081 CON ACT PERSON 8 P ON INRV+IJDAiE INfMVDATE ClliefFinney 292-3588 1 oernx,rFxrcinECron 5 mu,m 0 0�1�+0$' MU BE ON COUNGL AG DA Y(UAT� Please process ASAP ❑3 «rvn,row�r ❑anaEwc wg �rHnxcui.sExuicFS� �rNpxrx�smwnttrc �YGR(OR0.4ffif4N[�� �Potlli3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a grant &om Minuesota Join Together, authorizing Cluef William Finney to enter into an agreement with Minnesota Join Together, and establistring a 2000 financing and spending plan for the grant. RECOMMENDATION Appfove (AJ of Reject �R) PE25ot�u SvMCE CoN7knci5 MUSi nNSwER niE FoLLOWING nUesnoNS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coritrad for this departmerri? PLANNING COMMISSION YE5 NO Ci8 COMMiTTEE 2. Has Ihis perso�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES No 3. Dces this person/finn possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any current city employee7 YES NO 4. Is this pereo�rm a fargeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperete sheet and attach to green sheet IN4TIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, W4iEN, WHERE, WHY} Minnesota Join Togefher, a coaliUon of over 300 individuals and organizations involved in reducing underage drinking, has awarded a mini-grant to the Saint Paul Police Departtnent for police wertime targeting underage drinldng for the period October 1, 2000 through March 1, 2001. (Attached is a copy of the award letter.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � r�B�r Ability to use grant funds awazded to reduce underage drinkin . ��� �� 2 � Q � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. ! 6 � � � � ��� �. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT ApPROVED T o� 1 �. � �t�F,�`�.�� Loss of grant funds. gr T �e' 1 Y ATTO��E� TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSAC71pN $ 8,000 Cp57/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE MIIIIIESOf2 JOITI TOgeTI1Ci gt3tlt ACTIVITY NUMBER 04000 RNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPUUf� MNIoinTogethaLiquoeCompliance3rdGrantgs.00 oo-�LoB' 2829 Vemdale Avenue Anoka, MI`I 55303-1593 763-427-5310 MN 800-247-1303 FAX 763-427-7841 www.miph.org/mjt Sepiember 22, 2000 Eu�ene Po3yak St Paul Police Depaztment 100 East I I`" Street St. Paul, MN 55101 We aze happy to be able aw�ard you 58,000 to fund your colleae underz�e drinking projec[. Since the funds for your project ori�inate from ihe i3S Department of 3ustice there are certain conditions and restriction on the use of chese funds. Minnesota Soin Together also hu a few expectations of its �rantees. We hope these aze mana�eable. We look forwazd to wor}:ing with you on your project. EXPECTATIONS OF MIlV1VESOTA .lO7N TOGETHER GRANTEES PURPOSE. The grant shall be used exciusively for the purposes specified in [he grantee's n_:ini-g:2n! propocal. 77�e [imeline for ihic project is Clctober 1. 2000 - Nfarch ., 2000. USE OF FUNDS. No patt of the b ant shall be used to carry on propa�anda or othernise attempt to influence legislation (within the meaning of Section 4945(d)Q) of the Internal Reverme Code), or to attempt to influence the outcome of any specific public election. REPORTS. Final nazra[ive and financial reports shall be fumished to Minnesota Join • Toaether on or before March 16, 2001. We aze enclosing a narrative form for you to use when you fi]e chese reports. The financia] reports shall show actual expendimres as of the - � date of the report a�ainst the approved line items in your applicavon budget. COMPLIANCE CHECK GRAA'TS. Compliance check data shall be reported on the enc]osed compliance check database forms and sent to MJT with the other reports when they are due. D�DIA. All grantees are expected to generate media coverage azound their activities and to send copies of any coveraQe to Minnesota Join Togecher as soon as possible. Please acknowled�e the Minnesota 7oin Together Coalition and Minnesota Department of Public Safety as the source of your funds in any media stories about your ac[ivities with this grant. We are available to assist you with your media efforts. coi'e�n'i�c so�,R� �qODIFIED LiNE ITEMS / UNUSED FU�'DS. Any modifications of your proposed L�od� Bos�a. cha�� budeet must be approved by MIT before actual expendimres take piace. Any unused funds cor���e s�Ta;dy ��ce cna« from this project must be remmed to MJT. Contact Project Direc[or, Jeff Nachbar, if you ;ne,ese s�a�ne anticipate the need for any budget mod�ficacions. L_=n<e 5oelter Pnsol;a Lorc Fzr�< Ge�y h'e:n JuCy ftna�p Bonmel.aba(t Cz:hy P;ackieu��¢ Jatme �9erbn¢ Sc� r;efson t�nCc Oiala J2net Sllrersm2h SIGhATL`REf!!-��: ✓��� DATE �C Please return one co"p}� of this form to Rachel Komyate at: n1IPH, 2829 Verndale Ave., Anoka, b1N 55303, or fas to 6�1-662-2313, attn: MIPH Z ! ._.. .,.. �,.`ia", Nce� co" ,� ..m A Coa/itioh to Reduce Underage Drinking Return Copy To: Pulice Dept. Accounting Presented By: Referred To: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 R I�' I�1 A L RESOLUTION _ CIT�' OR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # p Green Sheet # ee � Committee:Date: VVHEREAS, Minnesota Join Together, a coalition of over 300 mdividuals and organi2ations involved in reducing underage drinking, has funding avaitable to provide grants to organizations for iniriatives to reduce underage drinlring; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Join Together has awarded a$5,000 mini-grant to the Saint Paul Police Department for police overtime tazgeting underage drinldng violations from October 1, 2000 throngh March 1, 2001; and WHEREA5, TLe Mayor pursuant to Sectlon 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, dces certify that there are available for appmpriarion funds of $8,000 in eacess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and � VJHEREAS, The Mayor recommends tLat the Sollowing addition be made to the 2000 bndget: CURRENT AMENDED �INANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BITDGET 001-General Fund 04000-Chiet's Office 3442-Liquor Compliance Grant-Minnesota Join Together 9,333 8,000 17,333 e 24 SPENDING PLAN: 25 001-GeneralFund 26 04000-ChiePs Office 27 0141-Overtime 28 0439-Fringe Benefits 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 34 40 41 42 43 134,305 7,000 141,305 1,390,067 1,000 1,391,067 1,524,372 8,00 1,5 2,372 THEItEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant, authori�xs Chief William FSnney to enter into an agreement with Minnesota Join Together, and aceepts the changes to the 2000 budget. Adoption Cerlified by CouncilSec'r aTyS�' aoD o B y ° '�� . � i'a'°'�'�.'��. Approve y ayor: a e: _ MinMainTogeShediquorCompliance3rddGmn . 0. Requested by o� By: Approval Rec Byo Form Ap� B Approved by of: Dimctor: by City Attorney: Council: � L DEPARTMENTIOFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INiT1ATED PoliceDepartmem �or�uoo GREEN SHEET No. 1Q7081 CON ACT PERSON 8 P ON INRV+IJDAiE INfMVDATE ClliefFinney 292-3588 1 oernx,rFxrcinECron 5 mu,m 0 0�1�+0$' MU BE ON COUNGL AG DA Y(UAT� Please process ASAP ❑3 «rvn,row�r ❑anaEwc wg �rHnxcui.sExuicFS� �rNpxrx�smwnttrc �YGR(OR0.4ffif4N[�� �Potlli3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolution accepting a grant &om Minuesota Join Together, authorizing Cluef William Finney to enter into an agreement with Minnesota Join Together, and establistring a 2000 financing and spending plan for the grant. RECOMMENDATION Appfove (AJ of Reject �R) PE25ot�u SvMCE CoN7knci5 MUSi nNSwER niE FoLLOWING nUesnoNS: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a coritrad for this departmerri? PLANNING COMMISSION YE5 NO Ci8 COMMiTTEE 2. Has Ihis perso�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES No 3. Dces this person/finn possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any current city employee7 YES NO 4. Is this pereo�rm a fargeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperete sheet and attach to green sheet IN4TIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, W4iEN, WHERE, WHY} Minnesota Join Togefher, a coaliUon of over 300 individuals and organizations involved in reducing underage drinking, has awarded a mini-grant to the Saint Paul Police Departtnent for police wertime targeting underage drinldng for the period October 1, 2000 through March 1, 2001. (Attached is a copy of the award letter.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � r�B�r Ability to use grant funds awazded to reduce underage drinkin . ��� �� 2 � Q � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. ! 6 � � � � ��� �. � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT ApPROVED T o� 1 �. � �t�F,�`�.�� Loss of grant funds. gr T �e' 1 Y ATTO��E� TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSAC71pN $ 8,000 Cp57/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE MIIIIIESOf2 JOITI TOgeTI1Ci gt3tlt ACTIVITY NUMBER 04000 RNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPUUf� MNIoinTogethaLiquoeCompliance3rdGrantgs.00 oo-�LoB' 2829 Vemdale Avenue Anoka, MI`I 55303-1593 763-427-5310 MN 800-247-1303 FAX 763-427-7841 www.miph.org/mjt Sepiember 22, 2000 Eu�ene Po3yak St Paul Police Depaztment 100 East I I`" Street St. Paul, MN 55101 We aze happy to be able aw�ard you 58,000 to fund your colleae underz�e drinking projec[. Since the funds for your project ori�inate from ihe i3S Department of 3ustice there are certain conditions and restriction on the use of chese funds. Minnesota Soin Together also hu a few expectations of its �rantees. We hope these aze mana�eable. We look forwazd to wor}:ing with you on your project. EXPECTATIONS OF MIlV1VESOTA .lO7N TOGETHER GRANTEES PURPOSE. The grant shall be used exciusively for the purposes specified in [he grantee's n_:ini-g:2n! propocal. 77�e [imeline for ihic project is Clctober 1. 2000 - Nfarch ., 2000. USE OF FUNDS. No patt of the b ant shall be used to carry on propa�anda or othernise attempt to influence legislation (within the meaning of Section 4945(d)Q) of the Internal Reverme Code), or to attempt to influence the outcome of any specific public election. REPORTS. Final nazra[ive and financial reports shall be fumished to Minnesota Join • Toaether on or before March 16, 2001. We aze enclosing a narrative form for you to use when you fi]e chese reports. The financia] reports shall show actual expendimres as of the - � date of the report a�ainst the approved line items in your applicavon budget. COMPLIANCE CHECK GRAA'TS. Compliance check data shall be reported on the enc]osed compliance check database forms and sent to MJT with the other reports when they are due. D�DIA. All grantees are expected to generate media coverage azound their activities and to send copies of any coveraQe to Minnesota Join Togecher as soon as possible. Please acknowled�e the Minnesota 7oin Together Coalition and Minnesota Department of Public Safety as the source of your funds in any media stories about your ac[ivities with this grant. We are available to assist you with your media efforts. coi'e�n'i�c so�,R� �qODIFIED LiNE ITEMS / UNUSED FU�'DS. Any modifications of your proposed L�od� Bos�a. cha�� budeet must be approved by MIT before actual expendimres take piace. Any unused funds cor���e s�Ta;dy ��ce cna« from this project must be remmed to MJT. Contact Project Direc[or, Jeff Nachbar, if you ;ne,ese s�a�ne anticipate the need for any budget mod�ficacions. L_=n<e 5oelter Pnsol;a Lorc Fzr�< Ge�y h'e:n JuCy ftna�p Bonmel.aba(t Cz:hy P;ackieu��¢ Jatme �9erbn¢ Sc� r;efson t�nCc Oiala J2net Sllrersm2h SIGhATL`REf!!-��: ✓��� DATE �C Please return one co"p}� of this form to Rachel Komyate at: n1IPH, 2829 Verndale Ave., Anoka, b1N 55303, or fas to 6�1-662-2313, attn: MIPH Z ! ._.. .,.. �,.`ia", Nce� co" ,� ..m A Coa/itioh to Reduce Underage Drinking