84-1232 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council (//� /J CANARY - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. �+� /�✓� BLUE - MAVOR � Council solut ' n ., � Presented By L CEN E 0 � Referred To ' ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: JaRo Investments, Inc. (Jim Basta, President) Restaurant, Entertainment, On Sale Malt, and On Sale Wine licensee at 777 Grand Avenue, doing business as The Ttalian Pie Shoppe & Winery, has requested permission to increase the axea for the service of 3.2 Beer, Wine, and Food, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the area for the service be and the same is hereby extenrled to include a concret� slab (patio area) whieh is 7 feet deep and approximately 60 �'eet across with an attached railing to be used when� weather permits. I COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dre�Flynn In Favor Masanz Nlassie+ Scheibel � __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson P y �+rp � � ��S_r Form Ap r ved by City Atto ey Ado ted b Council: Date .7L1" � Ceetified Ya d y ou .il , et BY B; `1 1 l�1p rov y Mavor. Date ,-- SEP 17 1�?�� Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By PUBLISHED S E P 2 2 1984 � � �y i�� °'°""""`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL \.�`��\�,l T T ��viii �. '"�� *'* '���`' DEPARTM�NT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �� �`; "� iiii�i'ii ii �� _,,,.� �� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ''.:� ���� - ' Room 203, City Hall ..,mn„....�°�` GEORGE LATIMER � Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR ' � September 12, 1981+ Mr. President and Honorable Members of the City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Mr. President and Honorable Members: JaRo Investments, Inc. holds a Resta'urant, Entertainment, On Sale Malt, and On Sale Wine License at 777 Grand Avenue, doing business as The Italian Pie Shoppe & Winery (Jim Basta, President) . Mr. Basta has requested permi$sion to extend the service area to include a concrete slab (p�,tio area) which is 7 feet deep and approximately 60 feet across with an attached railing to be used when weather permits. This request has been reviewed by the License & Permi�t bivision. The recommendation is for approval. Very truly yours, � . Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector , JFC/jo I O