City At�ny/PBB File N 0._ �� �a�
Council Resolution
Presented By oi
✓ Referred To � J���1v C-� Committee: Date ��'�3'�`'�
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS , the City of St . Paul has been designated by the
Minnesota World Trade Center Commission as the site of the
World Trade Park; and
WHEREAS, the Wor1d Trade Park will be constructed and
financed as a cooperative ven � ure by the City of St . paul,
Oxford Development P�Iinnesota, Inc . , the Port Authority of the
City of St. Paul, and the Hou ing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, the site for the construction of the World Trade
Park is within the Seventh Pl�.ce Redevelopment Area and Tax
Increment District, within wh�ch district a tax increment
financing plan has been approy�ed by the City of St . Paul pur-
suant to Minn. Stat. §273 .74; '� and
WHEREAS, the City intends to use to the extent allowable
by law the surplus tax increments generated by and within such
Tax Increment Districts to support the construction and
financing of such World Trade Park; and
WHEREAS, the Council haslpassed a Resolution (Council File
No . 84-1007 , July 26 , 1984) approving and autl�orizing the filing
of an application for an Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) ,
which grant application is based in part on the use of surplus
tax increment revenues as indicated in this Resolution; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul declares
its intent in this Resolution to allocate in accordance with the
requirements of Minn. Stat . §§273. 71- . 78 , sufficient surplus tax
increment revenues from the Seventh Place Redevelopment Area and
Tax Increment District to a m�ximum of $10,000, 000 for participation
in the construction of the Wo$ld Trade Park.
COUNCILMEN Requested rt
Yeas �F ���,y,s� �
-�+ar Q��cJ
In Favor
�scnei,b� � Against i By
Adopted by Council: Date SEP 6 �p� Form Ap ro:ed by City Attorney
Certified ss Council r BY �� ��+
Appro Ylavor: Date 1 �,� Appr d by Mayor for Sub i si to Councii
W1BL1Si�fD S E P � � 1984
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P.E.D. DEPARTFIENT ' � ���/�/
Bob Simon �ONTACT
292-1577 ext. 260 T I,
pHONE� � �� ��
8-15-84 DATE � '
� i
� (Routing and Explanation Sheet)
i Numtrer for Routin Orderr Cli A1 L ations for oral Si nature :
� Department Director . I� '
2 City Attorney � ,
� Di rector of Management/Mdyor l��C
Fi nance and Management S�rvi ces Di ctor ���, '���'�,.,
4 City Clerk ,Q' L ��
Budget Di rector �� iI� � I I ���r���' �`"'
' S pFF��F
i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking, Action o tF1e Attached Materfals? (Purpose/Rationale)•
Resolution is necessary as par� of the d�curf�entation for the U.D.A.G. application
for the Worl d Trade Center. ,
Financial Bud tar and Person el I act ici ated:
Funding Source and Fund Activit Nurt�ber C arged or Credited:
Attachments List and Nurt�er al Attachme ts :
Yes No Council Resol tion Requ�re�? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Req ired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Attalched? , '
, Revision of October, 1982
(SPP RPVPI^CP SidP for �Instructions)
� �'�
B i • `1 �� �
The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: �
l. To assfst in routina documents and in securinq
required siqnatures
2. To brief the reviewers of docwaents on the impacts
of approval
3. To help ensure that necessary suoportina materials
are prepared and, if required, attached.
�ost GREE.T SHEET ac�ions must be rev_e�aea Sy 3 �e�ar`_�ent
�irec�or, �:�e Cizy ?,t�oraey, zhe �ir�ctor o: t�tanages,e:�t, the
Director of Finance and Manaqement Services. Other possible
reviewers/signatures are listed.
Nb st of the GREEN SHEET headinqs are desiqned to assist in
developinq a precis of the decision which the attachments
represent. The headinqs are offered to remind users of some
of the more critical elements of this brief. ,
The Financial Bud etar and Per sonnel Impacts headinq provides
a space to explain the cost benefit aspects of the decision.
Costs and benefits relate both to City budqet (General Fund and/or
Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users,
homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel
impact is a description of chanqe or shift of Full-Time Equivalent
(FTE) positions.
In the Attachments section, list all attachments. If the GREEN
SHEET is well one, no letter of transmittal need be included
(unless signinq such a letter is one of the requested actions) .
Note: Actions which require City CounciL resolutions include:
a. Contractual relationship with another qovernment unit.
b. Collective bargaininq.
c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land.
d. Issuance of bonds by City.
e. Eminent domain.
- f. Assumption of liability by City, or qrantinq
by City of indemnification.
q. Agreements with State or Federal Government
under which they are providing funding.
Note also: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-
insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one
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(J I
1. Approval of minutes fxon meeting held Augczst I6, 1984."�',��� • .
�'2. Ordinance amending Chapter 57 of the Aclmi.nistrative Code pertairina to Ca ital '
Improvement Budgets and Committee. (riayor-Budget Section}�.!�,��..����
. _ - ��c�'
' 3. ResQlution approving additions to the 1984 budge� and appropriating $300 to the ,
Financing and to the Spending Plans of �olice Identification Car� Deposit. (Poli��
�' ;. Resolution authorizing execution of a p�rtial release af a mox-t age lien ort the
residenti al portion of the�Market House'I Development. (PED) • .
� S. Resolution appxoving surplus tax increm�nt revenues from the Seventh Place Rede-
velopment Area and Tax Increment Distxi¢t to a maxi.mum of �10,000 as a condition
to the filing of a UDAG grant in the comstruction of the �tiorld Trade Park. (PED)
6. Resolution amending the 1984 buc�get and!,transferring $22,100 fron Contingent Reserve '
Specified to Community Services - Parksl � Recreation i400d Recycling Cente Co�_ Serv.J
' 7. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriating $I60,000 to the
Financing Plan and �63,334 to the Saencling Plan for Special Construction Project
Inspections. (Com. Services� �� .
�►S. Resolution approving joint purchasing agreements with the City of Cottage Grove
City of Falcon Heights, City of Mendota Heights and City of bfound. (Finance/Purchasing)
9. Resolution approving Memorandum of Agreement bet�,�een the City and the Tri-Council
Barga.ining Unit representing Laborers, Local 132, Truck Drivers Local 220, and
Operating Engineers Loca2 49. (Personnel) � -
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