84-1213 WMITFr - CITY CIERK �/ lC PINK - FINANCE v COUfICII n CANARY - DEPARTMENT CITY•.O� .�AINT PALTL File NO. (, � ��� BLUE - MAVOR � � ' Council Resolution � Presented By �v�-��r� � � �V Referred To L"C Committee: Date ��' ` Out of Committee By Date I RESOLVED, That pursuant to M�nnesota Statutes 471.59 commonly referred to as the "Joint Powers Act", the proper Citq officials are herebq suthorized and directed to execute the attached joint purchesing agreements with the City of Cottag� Grove, M�.nnesota, the City of Falcon Heights, Minnesota, City of Mendo�a Heights, Minneaota, and the City of Mound, Minneaota, said agreementa provid�ng for the joint purchaae of equip�aexit, material, and aupplie� as needed,lcopies of said agreements to be kept on file and of record i� the Depaxtment of Finance and Management Services, i I COUNCILMEN Request d by Department of: Yeas �w��,YN� ' Drew _� In Favor Masanz �� B sene+be� __ Against , Tedesco �AfiFso�' Adopted by Council: Date SEP 6 �9v`f Form proved C' ey � Certified Y _ •e o cil , et BY � By � t�p by Mavor: Date � �} Ap by Mayor for Sub i s n to ouncil By BY PUBL{SFiED SEP 15 198�� -�- _� , , � �/-/a/.� Finance/?urchasing DEPARTh1ENT . � - Bill Pster __ �ONTACT 298-4115 PHONE �� �� 8/6/84 DATE '� v (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Loqati�ons for Nla,yoral Signature): � Department Di rector AU� 7 '�� � ��ty Attorney ; I��,s� CITY ATTORhEY Girector of Management/Mayor ��" � ���� � Finance and Management Servi¢es Direct r �-�'` �[_ City Clerk ; __ � R��'�"'�� ,_ Budget Di rector � � �� �a���� � • i� �, D���. . r� , . �F AN� ,.;.,..,,_ _ ` _ ,;�t ��hat Wi 11 be Achi eved by Taki ng Ac�i on on the� Aittached Materi al s? (Purpose/Rati ona�e): Joint Purchasing agreementa with the City o�' Qottage Grove, the Citq of Falcon Height�, the City of Mendota Reighta, and t e ICity of Mound Will be executed. Financial , �udgetary and Personne�Impacts �►nt�cipated: RF��E(��CJ None i ' �iUG 7 �y�4 Fundi n Source and Fund Acti vi t Mu�er Cha e� or Credi ted: �A���?'S ('FFICE None Attachments (List and Number all �4ttachment�l :, 1. Council Resolution (City of S�. Paul) 6. Joint Purchasing Agreement-Falcon 2. Aff'tdavit - City of Cottage GXove Heighta 3. Resolution - City of Cottage Qrone � 7. Joint Purchasing Agreement-Mendota 4. Joint Purchasing Agreement - �ottage Gr�ve (2 copies) Heights 5. xe�olution - Cit of Falcon H i hts 2 o ea 8 Mend a e /7/84 9. Joint Purchaeing Agreement - Mound UEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW i edi? u ion Re uired? " Yes No x Yes No Counc�l Resolut�on Requ � Resol t q Yes No Insurance Required? i Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No �� Yes No Insurance Atta�hed? � Revision of October, 1982 (�ee Reverse Side for Instructions) � I ' HOW TO USE THE GREEN� SHEET` � _, The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: . � 1. To assist in routinQ documents and in securing req�ired signatures 2 . • To brief the reviewers of documents on the i.mpacts . of approval , 3. To help ensure that r.ecessary supportinq materials are prepared and, if required, attached. RO.- OTfNG . �ost GREEV SHEiT acti�ns must �e re�i_e�ae�? Sy a Je�ar;�eat �irec�or, �:�e Ci�y 3t�or:�ey, �:�e �ir�cLOr or t�tanagement, the Director of Finance and Manaqem�ent Services. Other possible reviewers/signatures are listed. BRIEFING � Most of the GREEN SHEET headings are designed to assist in developing a precis of the decision which the attachments repre.sent. The headings are offered to remind users of some of the more critical elements of this brief. . The Financial, Budgetary and Personnel ImAacts heading provides a space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personr►el impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. � SJPPORTING MATERIALS In the Attachments section, list all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: Actions which require Citx CounciZ resolutions include: a. Contractual relationship with another government unit. b. Collective bargaining. c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land. d. Issuance of bonds by City. e. Eminent �dom�in. f. Assumption of liability by City, or grantinq by City of indemnification. g. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. Note also: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one � • of the attachments at time of routing. �� . � )���'�r �� �'�>> , Cz�c� or S�,Yrr�• �°.��cr� �C�r/�i�/-� f',r I �� 'L� ♦ Y �����: OI+'1�ICF. O�+' ZHI�; CITX COUICFZ. : ; � :.;;.>-.,., �-,. . . �;_-� f.��.-�IYi!'a1/' •4 :; `Y��:+yi� ,-vv� ;'��,`�_ ' �/;� � D o t e : ��,-Ju,.� -�o} 1 i�•� i �.i'A'• ... J �'��..�•�f I CO (1l1 [�/ItTT'� E ' RE PORT T'O = 5atn� Pau I Cif y Cou�cit _ - - �F� Di1� = Comc�ifiY�ee o�, ��.� - . . � - c�t A 1 R c�-� �,9�-���.�.,2 � � U � 1. Approval of minutes fron meeting held Auoaust I6, 1984. . �;;��; '� . � . �'2. Ordinance amzndin� Chapter 57 of the Administrative Code pertair.in� to Ca ital ' Improvement Budgets and Committee. (riayor-Budget Section}='���c_,���p� `t"�'' ��-��; , 3. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriating $300 to the-- � . �,* Financing and to the Spending Plans of Police Identification Car� Deposit. (Poli"��� �" 4. Resolution authorizing execution of a partial release of a mort age Iien ozt the residential portion of the Market House Development. (PED) � _ � S. Resolution approving surplus tax increment xevenues fxom the Se��enth Place Rede- velopment Area and Tax Increment Distri�t to a maxi�mum of �I0,000 as a condition to the filing of a UDAG grant in the construction of the jtiorld Trade Park. (PED) 6. Resol.ution amending the 1984 budget and 'transferring �22,100 fron Contingent Reserve ' Specified to Community Services - Parks !f� Recreation titfood Recyc2ing Cent Com_ Serv.) � 7. Resolutioa approving additions to the 1�84 budget �nd appropriating �I60,000 to the Financing Plan and �69,334 to the S ending Plan for Special Canstruction Project Inspections. .., (Com. Services) �� . 8. Resolution approving joint purchasing agreements with the City of Cottage Grove City of Falcon Neights, City of Mendota Heights and City of l�found. (Finance/Purchasing] � 9. Resolution approving Memorandum of Agreement bet«een the City and the Tri-Council Bargaining Unit representing Laborers, Local 132 Truck Drivers Local I20, and Operating Engineers Local 49. (Personn�l) � - � - ;iTi HALL SEVENTH FLOOR • ' � • SAINT PAUL,�ili�lNESOTi135102 � ��� � . ' I ' ' � .. . .._. ._ i . . .-.. ... . .. . .._ _ _ ,