00-1201% ORIGiNAL Council File # oo _��o� Green Sheet # 63996 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To z n 0 FI 13 Committee Date An Admivistrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new ciassification titied �deo Production Supervisor. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Video Production Supervisor be established at the rate set forth in Grade 16, of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID4, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of. Office of Huxnan Resources By: � l.. �`�V Form Approved by CiTy Attomey By: , y�`a��u` l2�calcu Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �� � � 1 Approved by Mayor: Date �c 11f� ��9T � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: �Wl,'�� G:\Shazed\ClusiflCLASS�Resolutions&Oidmances\Video Pioduc4on Supuvisor Resolu4onwpd Adopted by Council: Date ��_ �.1 0 9�D GSr DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 63996 0 0��� Human Resources 12/8/00 � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: imrrrermATE Sh7TTALDATE 7ohn Shockley, 266-6482 ineenx�cre D� 1a �co a cirrcocmmcu, assu�vm �Q_ NUMBERFOR 2CfCYATNRNEY G�� �' CIIYCLERK bliTSf BE ON COUNCII, AGL+NDA BY (DATL� Roi7�cnvc O �� P[�ANCW,SBRVDIl2 /� ^ 2/ F1NINCW.SERV/ACC1G 3MAYOR(ORASSl'.) !/ {" ` '� - TOTAL � OF SIG,YATLRE PAGES 1 (C7.IP ALL LOC�TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncizox�QlrES•rEn: Approve the attached resolution establishing the salary for a new class ritled `�deo Production Supervisor". RECOMIv1E+.NDAISONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) P�S�NAI. SERVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWN32 TISL FOLI.OWING QULSITONS: 3. Hasthispasod5ffieverwotkedunderaconhactfoxtlusdepazhaent'/ PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION `re% �o CIBCOMIJ�I'I"tEE 2 Hut}usperson�Evnevarbeenacityemployee? CIVII.SBRVIGBCOMbIISSION Yes No 3 DoceBvspe[sod5rmposscssaslallnotno�¢allypossacsedbyanyc�entcityemployee? - Yes No 4. Is t}us pe[sonl6nn a tetge4d vendot? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separatr Sheek and aftach fo gi'een Sheei ��TLaz�crnos�M,LSSUE,orroxxuivrrY�vno,wna+,ws�,wi,��e>wny):The Office of Cable Communications has determined a need for a position to supervise and admiuistrate the daily operations of the audio-visual production unit. The position will oversee production activities related to coverage of City Council Meetings, Cable Channel 1&, and Ramsey County Commissioners meetings. The 1995 merger of the City Council Video unit and Office of Cable Communication requires a supervisory position with the working knowledge and ability to manage a�lti-media nt� • production staff in a technology-based environment in order to provide quality and efficient �e�i�ces to intemal and e�ernal clients. ���� Ge� - � � �� � ���g avvn,�v�racES ia arrxovEV: Compensauon will appropriately align witla the skills required of positions allocated to tkris class. vis,wvarrrncESiFnrrxovEn: None. Salary costs are funded. nisnuvaivTncES iF rroT ArrxovEn: The City will be limited in its ability to successfully recruit, hire and retain highly qualified candidates who possess the required l�owledge, skills and training in video/audio production and cablecasting. TOTAI. AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: $00.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGET'F,D: Yes F[JNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY iVi1MBER: ., _ .� _ ._, .._ '- � �' -' _ — ' FINANCIAL IlVTORMATION: (EXPLAIt� " `�"`�^ DEC 1 �, .c���� GVShared�ClassiflCLASS�Resolutions&OtdinanceslVideo Production Supervisor Green Sheetwpd p ^5 C � g � 9� � 5�'f i `dS ` �/ O J _ �}0\ VIDEO PRODUCfION CLASS'IFICATION AND COMPENSATION ST[TDY POSITIONS ST[TDIED: INCUMBENT: DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: STUDIED BY: DATE: Video Prodnction Coordinator Terry Devme �� i� v � • u m n v. � �.r ' � � � � y . � . an �n W„ � .. Apzil - August, 2000 APPROVAL OF PRACTICE LEADER CLASSIETCATION AND COMPENSATION: G�� D� (SiSnature) ��) BACKGROUND The classification and compensation study was requested by the Officer of Cable Communicati�s on 7anuary 15, 2000. The request dezives from rapidly changinp, technology, in the video eavironment, which requiies multiple levels oa Imowiedge aad sldlls in digital °- ;o cos �puterized sYstems. SPeciscallY, computerized editing and video engineering practices Lave become the cutting-edge of Video Production technology. The purpose of the study was to examine the duties of the e�sting position and determine whether specification and compensation changes aad revisions were nceded. The position is located in the Office of Cable Communications unit of the Depamaent of Technology and Management Savices. Job profiles for each of the positions were x�eceived by the Office of Human Resources on April 12, 2000. Review of t� job proSles Interviews with the incumb�ts 7ntervievvs with the Cable Communications Officer Comparison to class specifirations Comparison to other positions (internal and eatemal) Q.E.S. evaluation and analysis Classification and Compensation Study B. �deo Produdion Coordinator ao -�ao� Position Descri�tion The �deo Productiaa Coordinatnr position provides supervisory and adroinistrative support to the Office of Cable Co�munications. The duties and responsffi�7ities include: 1. SuPervisas, assi8ns, and schedules work to video production staff provides guidance and training to sta� rewards and disciplines employees; conducks employee perforn�ance evaluaYions; recomm�ds and assists in �e Liring of new employees, necommends and arranges for staff �8• 2. P1ans and develaP Programs �d ProBrazn strazegies for the Office of Cable Communications; plan and develop progruns, act as executive pmducer of City cable chanael shows. 3. Oversees video production equipme� mainteoance and repair to include CHCFI Confereace Center equipment purchases, and maintenaace and repair of equipment to iaclude: acquisition of equiPmeut, short and lon8 �8e P�8 of new equipment and replacement; mainteaance of service contracts for studio lighting, video production vaa and AVI system5; schedules and supervises maintenance days, assigmnents and perforcnance of maintenance engineecs. 4. Handies �ve duties for video praduction section of tl�e Office of Cable Communications. Ass:�~_ in policy development, budg� decision-maldng, luring of c= .. ide a�edia professionals, and aitends division manager mcetings in absence of the Cable Communicahons Officer. A1so, - - enforces city policies related to video and audio production. 5. Develops new programming for the City's Channel 18. Supervises the playback schedule for SPNN. Administers, monitors, and approves program scheduling for Cable CLanne118, quality of programming, playback of videotaped progams, and production/progamming issues related to video exchan8as, and booldn8 Personnel and facilitie.s. 6. Oveisces tLe CSCH Conferaice C�ter Yhat includes: audidvisual support, maintenance of existing 84u1Fment, Purch3se o£new e4mPment, CuSlocnec inqui[ies and compl3ints. Ma;ma;nc P�iS liaison with other cih' dePartments, such as the City Council, Mayor's Office, Pazks and Recreation, Public Works, Libiaries, �c. Oversces television coverage of City Council Meetings: schedule video production staff responsble for operation of cameras for City Councit mcetings. Facilitates and supervises client reheazsals, video audio, and computer graphics presentations, monitor equiPmeat, sfaffPerforroance; keePs nP to date with video operations. Page 8 of 22 00 -��o� Classification and Compensation Study B. �deo Produdion Coordinator Position Description (c�nYd) • - - .�� . . �� . �, . ��� ������� .. � � >�. � ,. � �� .:. �_.� �� :.. ..� «�.� .: ....� . . ..ti..�, � ..���. .�.� . � .. � 11.�!�I . M .1 � . 1.� � �11� �1 � �� . � � . 1.� •� fll• �1 •! . � 1 w � J� .\� 1 1� �� • 1 I�.�� YY. � � J 11 . 1 Y �"I � I 1 �• �� • �.1 Class Soecification/Comoarison Analvsis Tl�e duties of the provisional Video Produaron Coordinator position were compared to those of the class specifications and job profiles of positions previwLSly allocated to job ctasses of Video Production Coordinator, Cable Communicati�s Officer, Plan Review Coordinator, Public Secvice Manager, Computer Services Manager, and Computer Operations Manager. The comparison also iacluded other similar class specifications fraa� ofl�er govecnmental jurisdidions such as Senior Audio-V'uual TecLnician, Principal Audio Technician. Cable Communications Officer: This classification specificatioa describes professional and mavageriai work in the adminishation of the City's cable television franchise, cable television programming, and telecommunications operations, including policy development and implementati�. It also has direct contact with the Council, Office of the Mayor, and Ramsey County o,ucials. Primaxy duties of positions previously allocated to the Cable -,..m,�^�:carions - Officer class level include such duties as, adcninistering the City's cable fiznchise, overseeing video production staffaad activities, 8IId m�n_�nn BLC�'ddRItII1SfCC1II$ S� fL31IC�IISC IC�CW3�S� BCCCSS contracts and other cable projects. Duties of the Cable CommunicaYions Officer class spec and job proSles thai are compazable to tbe �deo Production Coordinator positioa are: tnanaging and overseeing the scheduling, sudio-visual suPPort, and video opecaYions of the City conference Center. Tn conhast, tLe provisional positioa dces not manage citywide issues ielated to the City's overall cable franclsise and telecommunications. The positioa does not perform aegotiations, administFation, budgeting or planning for City, County and Sc}wol Distrid cabie services and cantracts. The position does not prepare sumcnaries, inteipretations, or tes6mony involving technology and telecommunications for elected officials. Also, tbe position does not administer and supervise field investigations. Overall, ttie Primary duties and level of responsibility descn'bed by the Cable Ca�mmunications Officer class specificatia� and job profiles are far more administiatively responsible than those of the Vidao Production Coordinator position. Page 9 of 22 Classificstion and Compensation Study p o —�y�\ B. Vdeo Production Coordinator Clsss SpecificationlPosition Comoarisions (cont'd) vdeo Production Coordinator. This classificatioa specifirdtion descn'bes responsible professional work in plaaning, developing, and overseeing teart aad video applications for City units and t2�e municipal cable channel. All ofthe typical daQes ouUined in the Video Production Coordinator job class specification are compazable to the duries and responsiblities of the provisional position. However, in contrast, the professional work that is descn'bed by the Video Production Coordinator class specification is not comparable to ihe supervisory work of Yhe position in question. For eicample, the class spec does not include administrative supervisory duties that are currentiy being performed by the position under study. The level of supervisory duties of the V deo Production Coordinator class aze primarily tecbnicai lead work. 1be supervisory duties and responsibiliries of the position under study compared fivorably with those of the Safetv Coordinator_ Plan Review Coordinator. Public Service Manaeer.Comnuter Services Manaeer. Co�uter OQerations Manaeer. Supervisory and administraYive work that are cromparabie to the position under study are: hiring, disciplin�, rewarding, discharging and conducting performance:eviews. FIowever, in contrast, none of these classes adequately describes overseeing the activities of audio-rideo production personnel as performed by the position under study. Overall, the general duties and responsibility specified by these class specifications correspond closely with ihose of the position under study. Other aovemmental 'lurisdictions and orivste oreanizations - - - There aze similaz positiaa�s in variais television broadcasting production and audio-visual production organirations duties that are comparable to the erusting Video Production Coordinator position such as: AudiaVisual Technician, Senior: These positions supervise audiovisual technicians in the media ]ab and serve as consuitant to the public in using AV equipment in the media lab. They also supervise the production of software, operation, and maintenance of sudiavisual equipment. Audio-Visual Technician. Princioal: Zhese positions supervise sudiovisual technicians in repair. 'Ibey aze responsible for the technical aspects of TV producti� and save as advisor to TV sGidio users. Page 10 of 22 ao—\�o\ Classi5cation and Compensation Study B. �deo Production Coordinator CONCLIISION �, .���.. �. ��. �,.� �, _. ..� ..� .. .��< .. �W..� .. ., .,, ._ �...� .., ,.• � ,��., .�. ..�.. �_ . �� ... ., ,��. �.�. �� �✓ �1 �111 I �.� :1• �� "�� 11• •.111. .� 11'� • • �.NII` • 11.�� � • � \ 1 • W. � � 1 �I. � �Y. 1 1 � 1 COMPFI�ISATION ANALYSIS TLe QES evaluaLi� and analyses supports assiguing the position under study to Gnde 016 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organ'vatio� (SPSO) Bacgaining Unit 09 salary schedute. RECO�NDATION It is recommended that a new class specification be created that accuTately describes the duties, responsibilities, and ;TTLn?**?„m requirements of the position under study. It is also recommeoded that the new class be titied Audio-Video Productioa Supervisor, and that the class be placed in the SPSO Bazgaining Unit, and assigied to Grade 16 of the SPSO salary schedule. (See attached class specification dtaft). Page 11 of 22 OFFICE OF HIR6AN RESOIISCES Jo1�n Hm WUo�, Di+rc+or 00 ��yt� CTTS� OF SA�T' PAUL Xornr Colaiwn.Mayor TO: Hoily Hanson Cahie Communications Officer Technology Management Services FROM: DATE: RE: Susan Moore Human Retources Consuttant August 25, 2000 IQOCityHaIIA�¢ 23WirtFdnh Sv�rt SentPmfZMtio,srora SSI01-163I • Revised • TikpHonc 651-266-6500 T72WL4Y.• 651-2666501 Job7inr. 63]-26Sd502 Fadwik: 631-392�765 VIDEO PRODUCTION CLASSIFICATlON AND COMPENSATION STUDY Preliminary Results We have completed our study of the Video Production Class series of the Cable Communications Office. We Lave reviewed ihe job profiles for each position, interviewed the incumbenu and their immediate supervisor, conducted a compazison analysis of each of the posidons with similaz ciassifications and positions, both internai and e�ernal to she City's job class structure, and evaluated the positions using the QES job evaluation system. Based on the tesuits of the analyses we propose two recommeadations for your consideratioa The fust rece�mmendation proposes to align the existing positions wirhin the current Video Production cTassification structure>The second recommendation proposes to create a aew ciass secies of grade leveis thu would regresent the the Video Production uniYs future struaure. Recommendation 21: The existing positions of Data Entry Opesator II and Videa Produdion Assistant be allocated to eaisting Video Production Technician (VP� class, Grade Leve1028, and the (VP2� ciass specificadon be revised and updated to accurately describe the current duties related tn audio-visual softwaze and hazdware, computer graphics soRwaze and equipment, and computer network systems. It is atso recommended that the existing Video Production Coordinator position be assigned to Grade Leve1016 of the SPSO Bargaining Unit 09 Satary Plan, and a new class specification be created to reflect the current supervisory and administrative duties of the posidon. gecommendation 2): Create new class specification titIes and grade leveis to repiace the existing titles of Video Production Coordinator, Video Production Technician and Video Production Assistant. This new suucture proposes to revise and updata new duiies, minimum qualifications, �mpetencies, Imowledge, and skills and abilities that would align with the broadez aspect of audiavisuai production support duties such u audiavisuat hardwaze and software, computer graphics soRwaze and equipment, and computer ne.t�vork systems. , At this finai stage of the study, we aze requesting yotar iaPut and guidance as to how you would like us to procee3 with finai imptementation of the recoasmendations. A summary explanation of the recommendations is attached for your review. Pleas� call me at 266-b511, if you need addidoaal informadon or would like to discuss the results in person. �deo Production Classification sad Compensation Study Descripdve Summary of Recomm�dations n� _�}a� RFCOMMENDA'I'IdN # 1: pata Entr�Ooerator II- assign w the existing wdeo Production Technician Ciass, Grade Leve1028 of the AFSCME Technical Bazgaining Unit Q2. Pdeo Production Assistant - allocate to the ezisting Video Production Technican ciass at Grade Leve1028 of the AFSCME Technical Bazgaining Unit 02. Videa Produetion Technician - remaia allocated to ihe Videa Pcoduction Technician class, and remain assigned to the curtent Grade Leve1028 of the AFSCME Technicai Bazgaining Unit 02 Salary Schedule. It is also recommended that the existing Video Production Technician ciacs specification be revised to iaciude current technical support duties such as installation, maintenance and repair of videa-sudio software and hazdwaze, computer graphics softwaze and computer networks. Pdeo Pcoduction Coordinator - create a new class specification to accurately reflect the current supezvisory and administrative duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skilis and minimum requirements, and assign the position to Grade Class Ieve1016 of the SPSO Bazgaining Unit 09. RECOMMENDATION 2: Create a new class series structuze of four grade (4} grade levels as follows: �eo-Audio PrQduction Supgrvisor (formerly Video Production Coordinatorl create a new class specification to accurately reflect Yhe current supervisory and administrative duties and responsibilities, lmowiedge, skills and minimum requitements, and assign the position to Grade Class leve1026 of the SPSO Bazgaining Unit 09. V'sdeo-Audio Technicial Su000rt Specialist I[I -(Formeriy Video Production Specialist).. Create new ciass specification dUe and assign to Grade Leve1008, of the Professional Employees Association (PEA) Bazgaining Unit 06 of the Satary Pian Pdeo-Audio Technicat Sunoort Specatist II-(Formeriy Video Production Technician) Create new class specification title, assign to Grade Level Q28 of the AFSCME Bugaining Unit 02 of the Salary Plan. Update and revise the duties, acperience qualifications and training and educadon to include videolteau programming and ed�ting, cable-casting, and maintenance, operation and instaitation of audiavisuai softwaze and hazdwaze and equigment, computer graphics equipment, and computer networks. Pdeo-Audio Technical Sunnorc Soecialist I-(Formerly Video Production Assistant) Create new class sgecification title, and assign to Giade Levei UZl of the AFSCME Bazgaining Unit 02 of the Salary Plan. Oo —���� Creation of new classification specifications require a 20-day norificarion and approval of the respective bazgaining unit and City CouncII. If you choose not w imptement this action, you can undertake othzc measuzes to keep the studied position at its cuccent level. If you would like to discuss this matter, I can be reached at 266-6511 smcy emauerca Su+aa Ma«x Office of Iium�n Rs�oucw T}f3D�C yOU. G:IUSERSUvioore\WPFILES�determ.memo.AOLLY.wpd Proposed Title of Class: Code: 120B VIDEO PRODUC'I'ION SUPERVISOR BU: 09 Effective: pp ��� o� General Statement of Duties: Performs responsffile professional supervisory and minicr�r�ve work in planniug, developing and overseeing the video-audio production activities for City depa*n*+e*!+�, Offices, governmental e�ities and the municipal cable channel; and performs related duties as required. Suuervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division head or director. Suroervision Exercised: Exercises supervision over assigned production staff and interns. TYPICAL DITfIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises the video pzoduction and live television coverage of City Council Meetings and Couuty Boazd of Cominissioners meetings. Assigns, prioritizes and schedules work to video production staff. Sets and enforces standards, t�aining and staff development. Reviews all work for qualiry, taking appropriate actions to bring products up to acceptable standards. Performs administ�ative duties such as: hires, disciplines, rewards, andrecommends dischazge; conducts employee performance evaluations. Plans and develops progams and program strategies for the Office of Cable Communications and the City's cable cl�annel. _ Supervises and oversees the maintenance and purchase of equipmexrt for video-audio production and City/Conference Ceirter. Develops and implements public information policies and procedures related W video productions and/or the municipal chaunel in conjunction with departmexrt or division managers, or officials from other authorized govemmental entities. Plans, organizes, and coordinates video productions in conjunction with appropriate customer staff. Advises on technology, scripts, shooting, and negotiates schedules. Develops contracts for services and equipment if necessary. Coordinates City video projects and use of the uiuni.cipal cable channel for the Ciky and ather authorized govenunental entities. Coordinates workload and proposed schedules closely with the Cable Communications Officer. Develops vidao trainiug eurriculum and oveisees implementatian of video-audio training for City staff. (VIDEO PRODUCITON SUPERVISOR) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Tide of Class: Code: 120B VIDEO PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR BU: 09 Effective: p� ��}a� Develops strategies for evaluating video projects, conducts evatuation projects and makes policy and procedure cl�anges to improve services. Coutnbutes to the development of anuuai budgets and work plans for the Qffice of Cable Communicalions. Monitors execution ofportions ofthe budget. Researches curre� developments in technology and recommends video equipment purchases. Leads in the development and implemeutation of video and test projects for the cable inst'rtutional network. KIVOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough Imowledge of video-audio production techniques and strategies. Considerable ability to manaae complex �edia projects effectively and ef�'iciernly. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to write cleazly, concisely, and effectively. Considerable ability to work cooperatively with non technical staff to plan and execute programiuing. Considerable ability to analyze customer aclivities and detem�ine most effective and efficient video support to reach the desired oufcome. Cansiderable ability to remain cunent on the developnnents and applications of the latest video related technology. Ability to supervise, plan, organize, and direct a staff, settiug staudazds and xnaintaining schedules. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Communications, Video production, Television Broadcasting production, Engineering or Computer Science or related field, and five years experience in a professional video production environment, two yeazs of which must have been in at the supervisoryimanagement level. (VIDEO PRODUCITON SUPERVISOR) Page 2 of 2 OFPICE OF ARNAN RESOURCES John Flmnilton, Airector C1TY OF SAlNT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall AJmex 25 West Fourth Street SaintPaut Mmnesata SSIO21634 � � � ���� Telephone: 65Z-266-6500 TOD(['fY: 65I-266-65Q1 Job7ine: 651-266-6502 Facsv�ti7e= 1"Op7ion.• 651-292-6414 2"" Op�on: 65I-292-6415 3i 651-292-7656 TO: Peter Hames, Director Technolo and Management Services FROM: Sus�` �n� N�o�re, Humau Resources Consultant Oflice of Human Resources DATE: RE: November 27, 200Q Twenty Day Notice iJ:de� �rcduc�� It has been determined that the ritle and class specification of ° � Sepe�ser should be created. I ha�e attached a copy ofthe class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If' I do not hear from you within that time&ame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. �y�,C1�E0���� I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay fos the title of ' - °��p�'`�' Sbr �� ' r in Crrade 16, Section ID4, ofthe Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. SM/tf Attacnments I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this tifle and Peter Hames i� zs � Date G:4Shared�C7asaJiL7ASS120 day noheulvideo-m�deo.prog.supv.dept wpd OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamilton, Director CITY OF SAII�i'T PAUL Norne Coleman, Mayor November 27, 2000 Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Saint Paul Regional Water Services 8 East Fourth Street, Suite 200 Saint Paui, Minnesota 55101 Deaz Ms. Kessler: 400CiryHallAnner 25 WenFourth Street SaintPauZ Minnuam SSIO2-1634 a u _ ���� Tetephone: 651-2666500 TODrTlY.� 651-2 66 6501 Jabkne: 65]-266-6501 Facsimile: I° Opdon: 651-�92-6414 Y'i Option: 657-292-6415 3'"Optlon; 651-29L7656 It has been detemvned that the title and class specification of Video-�Production Supervisor should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tide of Video-Audio Production Supervisor in Grade 16, Section ID4, of the Professionzl Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, ����.���� Susan Moore Human Resources Consultant the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and Helga ll ���! Date G:VS7wred�ksnfCL4S5�20 day nokcesWidea-audiaprog supv.umox09 wpd Page 1 of 1 Trisha Freiberger - 20-Dap Notice of new fitle: Video-Audio Production Supervisor 0 �—�O \ From: SnsanMoore To: Kessier, FIelga Date: 11/29/2000 12:14 p.m Snbject: 20-Day Notice of new tifle: V deo-Audio Production S�eivisor C Fieibeiger, Trisha ae��a, Acoupleofineeksago,Ise�.yaua20.DaynoticeofaPcoposednewjo6speceotRled"Pideo-AudioPcodnctionSupervisor." However,iheO�ceofCable Communications has requestedtfiat the word "Audio" and im�Fead, usivgthe title "V'ideo Productioa S�per�isoc" Ifyou have no obje�tions or changes, I will proceed with finaliziugthe job spec. 7f you Lave questions, please co�actme (6-6511) or 7olm Shockely (6-6482) ot our a.mail address. 'Ii�mtks file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00006.HTM ll/29/2000 % ORIGiNAL Council File # oo _��o� Green Sheet # 63996 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To z n 0 FI 13 Committee Date An Admivistrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new ciassification titied �deo Production Supervisor. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Video Production Supervisor be established at the rate set forth in Grade 16, of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID4, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of. Office of Huxnan Resources By: � l.. �`�V Form Approved by CiTy Attomey By: , y�`a��u` l2�calcu Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �� � � 1 Approved by Mayor: Date �c 11f� ��9T � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: �Wl,'�� G:\Shazed\ClusiflCLASS�Resolutions&Oidmances\Video Pioduc4on Supuvisor Resolu4onwpd Adopted by Council: Date ��_ �.1 0 9�D GSr DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 63996 0 0��� Human Resources 12/8/00 � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: imrrrermATE Sh7TTALDATE 7ohn Shockley, 266-6482 ineenx�cre D� 1a �co a cirrcocmmcu, assu�vm �Q_ NUMBERFOR 2CfCYATNRNEY G�� �' CIIYCLERK bliTSf BE ON COUNCII, AGL+NDA BY (DATL� Roi7�cnvc O �� P[�ANCW,SBRVDIl2 /� ^ 2/ F1NINCW.SERV/ACC1G 3MAYOR(ORASSl'.) !/ {" ` '� - TOTAL � OF SIG,YATLRE PAGES 1 (C7.IP ALL LOC�TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncizox�QlrES•rEn: Approve the attached resolution establishing the salary for a new class ritled `�deo Production Supervisor". RECOMIv1E+.NDAISONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) P�S�NAI. SERVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWN32 TISL FOLI.OWING QULSITONS: 3. Hasthispasod5ffieverwotkedunderaconhactfoxtlusdepazhaent'/ PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION `re% �o CIBCOMIJ�I'I"tEE 2 Hut}usperson�Evnevarbeenacityemployee? CIVII.SBRVIGBCOMbIISSION Yes No 3 DoceBvspe[sod5rmposscssaslallnotno�¢allypossacsedbyanyc�entcityemployee? - Yes No 4. Is t}us pe[sonl6nn a tetge4d vendot? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separatr Sheek and aftach fo gi'een Sheei ��TLaz�crnos�M,LSSUE,orroxxuivrrY�vno,wna+,ws�,wi,��e>wny):The Office of Cable Communications has determined a need for a position to supervise and admiuistrate the daily operations of the audio-visual production unit. The position will oversee production activities related to coverage of City Council Meetings, Cable Channel 1&, and Ramsey County Commissioners meetings. The 1995 merger of the City Council Video unit and Office of Cable Communication requires a supervisory position with the working knowledge and ability to manage a�lti-media nt� • production staff in a technology-based environment in order to provide quality and efficient �e�i�ces to intemal and e�ernal clients. ���� Ge� - � � �� � ���g avvn,�v�racES ia arrxovEV: Compensauon will appropriately align witla the skills required of positions allocated to tkris class. vis,wvarrrncESiFnrrxovEn: None. Salary costs are funded. nisnuvaivTncES iF rroT ArrxovEn: The City will be limited in its ability to successfully recruit, hire and retain highly qualified candidates who possess the required l�owledge, skills and training in video/audio production and cablecasting. TOTAI. AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: $00.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGET'F,D: Yes F[JNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY iVi1MBER: ., _ .� _ ._, .._ '- � �' -' _ — ' FINANCIAL IlVTORMATION: (EXPLAIt� " `�"`�^ DEC 1 �, .c���� GVShared�ClassiflCLASS�Resolutions&OtdinanceslVideo Production Supervisor Green Sheetwpd p ^5 C � g � 9� � 5�'f i `dS ` �/ O J _ �}0\ VIDEO PRODUCfION CLASS'IFICATION AND COMPENSATION ST[TDY POSITIONS ST[TDIED: INCUMBENT: DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: STUDIED BY: DATE: Video Prodnction Coordinator Terry Devme �� i� v � • u m n v. � �.r ' � � � � y . � . an �n W„ � .. Apzil - August, 2000 APPROVAL OF PRACTICE LEADER CLASSIETCATION AND COMPENSATION: G�� D� (SiSnature) ��) BACKGROUND The classification and compensation study was requested by the Officer of Cable Communicati�s on 7anuary 15, 2000. The request dezives from rapidly changinp, technology, in the video eavironment, which requiies multiple levels oa Imowiedge aad sldlls in digital °- ;o cos �puterized sYstems. SPeciscallY, computerized editing and video engineering practices Lave become the cutting-edge of Video Production technology. The purpose of the study was to examine the duties of the e�sting position and determine whether specification and compensation changes aad revisions were nceded. The position is located in the Office of Cable Communications unit of the Depamaent of Technology and Management Savices. Job profiles for each of the positions were x�eceived by the Office of Human Resources on April 12, 2000. Review of t� job proSles Interviews with the incumb�ts 7ntervievvs with the Cable Communications Officer Comparison to class specifirations Comparison to other positions (internal and eatemal) Q.E.S. evaluation and analysis Classification and Compensation Study B. �deo Produdion Coordinator ao -�ao� Position Descri�tion The �deo Productiaa Coordinatnr position provides supervisory and adroinistrative support to the Office of Cable Co�munications. The duties and responsffi�7ities include: 1. SuPervisas, assi8ns, and schedules work to video production staff provides guidance and training to sta� rewards and disciplines employees; conducks employee perforn�ance evaluaYions; recomm�ds and assists in �e Liring of new employees, necommends and arranges for staff �8• 2. P1ans and develaP Programs �d ProBrazn strazegies for the Office of Cable Communications; plan and develop progruns, act as executive pmducer of City cable chanael shows. 3. Oversees video production equipme� mainteoance and repair to include CHCFI Confereace Center equipment purchases, and maintenaace and repair of equipment to iaclude: acquisition of equiPmeut, short and lon8 �8e P�8 of new equipment and replacement; mainteaance of service contracts for studio lighting, video production vaa and AVI system5; schedules and supervises maintenance days, assigmnents and perforcnance of maintenance engineecs. 4. Handies �ve duties for video praduction section of tl�e Office of Cable Communications. Ass:�~_ in policy development, budg� decision-maldng, luring of c= .. ide a�edia professionals, and aitends division manager mcetings in absence of the Cable Communicahons Officer. A1so, - - enforces city policies related to video and audio production. 5. Develops new programming for the City's Channel 18. Supervises the playback schedule for SPNN. Administers, monitors, and approves program scheduling for Cable CLanne118, quality of programming, playback of videotaped progams, and production/progamming issues related to video exchan8as, and booldn8 Personnel and facilitie.s. 6. Oveisces tLe CSCH Conferaice C�ter Yhat includes: audidvisual support, maintenance of existing 84u1Fment, Purch3se o£new e4mPment, CuSlocnec inqui[ies and compl3ints. Ma;ma;nc P�iS liaison with other cih' dePartments, such as the City Council, Mayor's Office, Pazks and Recreation, Public Works, Libiaries, �c. Oversces television coverage of City Council Meetings: schedule video production staff responsble for operation of cameras for City Councit mcetings. Facilitates and supervises client reheazsals, video audio, and computer graphics presentations, monitor equiPmeat, sfaffPerforroance; keePs nP to date with video operations. Page 8 of 22 00 -��o� Classification and Compensation Study B. �deo Produdion Coordinator Position Description (c�nYd) • - - .�� . . �� . �, . ��� ������� .. � � >�. � ,. � �� .:. �_.� �� :.. ..� «�.� .: ....� . . ..ti..�, � ..���. .�.� . � .. � 11.�!�I . M .1 � . 1.� � �11� �1 � �� . � � . 1.� •� fll• �1 •! . � 1 w � J� .\� 1 1� �� • 1 I�.�� YY. � � J 11 . 1 Y �"I � I 1 �• �� • �.1 Class Soecification/Comoarison Analvsis Tl�e duties of the provisional Video Produaron Coordinator position were compared to those of the class specifications and job profiles of positions previwLSly allocated to job ctasses of Video Production Coordinator, Cable Communicati�s Officer, Plan Review Coordinator, Public Secvice Manager, Computer Services Manager, and Computer Operations Manager. The comparison also iacluded other similar class specifications fraa� ofl�er govecnmental jurisdidions such as Senior Audio-V'uual TecLnician, Principal Audio Technician. Cable Communications Officer: This classification specificatioa describes professional and mavageriai work in the adminishation of the City's cable television franchise, cable television programming, and telecommunications operations, including policy development and implementati�. It also has direct contact with the Council, Office of the Mayor, and Ramsey County o,ucials. Primaxy duties of positions previously allocated to the Cable -,..m,�^�:carions - Officer class level include such duties as, adcninistering the City's cable fiznchise, overseeing video production staffaad activities, 8IId m�n_�nn BLC�'ddRItII1SfCC1II$ S� fL31IC�IISC IC�CW3�S� BCCCSS contracts and other cable projects. Duties of the Cable CommunicaYions Officer class spec and job proSles thai are compazable to tbe �deo Production Coordinator positioa are: tnanaging and overseeing the scheduling, sudio-visual suPPort, and video opecaYions of the City conference Center. Tn conhast, tLe provisional positioa dces not manage citywide issues ielated to the City's overall cable franclsise and telecommunications. The positioa does not perform aegotiations, administFation, budgeting or planning for City, County and Sc}wol Distrid cabie services and cantracts. The position does not prepare sumcnaries, inteipretations, or tes6mony involving technology and telecommunications for elected officials. Also, tbe position does not administer and supervise field investigations. Overall, ttie Primary duties and level of responsibility descn'bed by the Cable Ca�mmunications Officer class specificatia� and job profiles are far more administiatively responsible than those of the Vidao Production Coordinator position. Page 9 of 22 Classificstion and Compensation Study p o —�y�\ B. Vdeo Production Coordinator Clsss SpecificationlPosition Comoarisions (cont'd) vdeo Production Coordinator. This classificatioa specifirdtion descn'bes responsible professional work in plaaning, developing, and overseeing teart aad video applications for City units and t2�e municipal cable channel. All ofthe typical daQes ouUined in the Video Production Coordinator job class specification are compazable to the duries and responsiblities of the provisional position. However, in contrast, the professional work that is descn'bed by the Video Production Coordinator class specification is not comparable to ihe supervisory work of Yhe position in question. For eicample, the class spec does not include administrative supervisory duties that are currentiy being performed by the position under study. The level of supervisory duties of the V deo Production Coordinator class aze primarily tecbnicai lead work. 1be supervisory duties and responsibiliries of the position under study compared fivorably with those of the Safetv Coordinator_ Plan Review Coordinator. Public Service Manaeer.Comnuter Services Manaeer. Co�uter OQerations Manaeer. Supervisory and administraYive work that are cromparabie to the position under study are: hiring, disciplin�, rewarding, discharging and conducting performance:eviews. FIowever, in contrast, none of these classes adequately describes overseeing the activities of audio-rideo production personnel as performed by the position under study. Overall, the general duties and responsibility specified by these class specifications correspond closely with ihose of the position under study. Other aovemmental 'lurisdictions and orivste oreanizations - - - There aze similaz positiaa�s in variais television broadcasting production and audio-visual production organirations duties that are comparable to the erusting Video Production Coordinator position such as: AudiaVisual Technician, Senior: These positions supervise audiovisual technicians in the media ]ab and serve as consuitant to the public in using AV equipment in the media lab. They also supervise the production of software, operation, and maintenance of sudiavisual equipment. Audio-Visual Technician. Princioal: Zhese positions supervise sudiovisual technicians in repair. 'Ibey aze responsible for the technical aspects of TV producti� and save as advisor to TV sGidio users. Page 10 of 22 ao—\�o\ Classi5cation and Compensation Study B. �deo Production Coordinator CONCLIISION �, .���.. �. ��. �,.� �, _. ..� ..� .. .��< .. �W..� .. ., .,, ._ �...� .., ,.• � ,��., .�. ..�.. �_ . �� ... ., ,��. �.�. �� �✓ �1 �111 I �.� :1• �� "�� 11• •.111. .� 11'� • • �.NII` • 11.�� � • � \ 1 • W. � � 1 �I. � �Y. 1 1 � 1 COMPFI�ISATION ANALYSIS TLe QES evaluaLi� and analyses supports assiguing the position under study to Gnde 016 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organ'vatio� (SPSO) Bacgaining Unit 09 salary schedute. RECO�NDATION It is recommended that a new class specification be created that accuTately describes the duties, responsibilities, and ;TTLn?**?„m requirements of the position under study. It is also recommeoded that the new class be titied Audio-Video Productioa Supervisor, and that the class be placed in the SPSO Bazgaining Unit, and assigied to Grade 16 of the SPSO salary schedule. (See attached class specification dtaft). Page 11 of 22 OFFICE OF HIR6AN RESOIISCES Jo1�n Hm WUo�, Di+rc+or 00 ��yt� CTTS� OF SA�T' PAUL Xornr Colaiwn.Mayor TO: Hoily Hanson Cahie Communications Officer Technology Management Services FROM: DATE: RE: Susan Moore Human Retources Consuttant August 25, 2000 IQOCityHaIIA�¢ 23WirtFdnh Sv�rt SentPmfZMtio,srora SSI01-163I • Revised • TikpHonc 651-266-6500 T72WL4Y.• 651-2666501 Job7inr. 63]-26Sd502 Fadwik: 631-392�765 VIDEO PRODUCTION CLASSIFICATlON AND COMPENSATION STUDY Preliminary Results We have completed our study of the Video Production Class series of the Cable Communications Office. We Lave reviewed ihe job profiles for each position, interviewed the incumbenu and their immediate supervisor, conducted a compazison analysis of each of the posidons with similaz ciassifications and positions, both internai and e�ernal to she City's job class structure, and evaluated the positions using the QES job evaluation system. Based on the tesuits of the analyses we propose two recommeadations for your consideratioa The fust rece�mmendation proposes to align the existing positions wirhin the current Video Production cTassification structure>The second recommendation proposes to create a aew ciass secies of grade leveis thu would regresent the the Video Production uniYs future struaure. Recommendation 21: The existing positions of Data Entry Opesator II and Videa Produdion Assistant be allocated to eaisting Video Production Technician (VP� class, Grade Leve1028, and the (VP2� ciass specificadon be revised and updated to accurately describe the current duties related tn audio-visual softwaze and hazdware, computer graphics soRwaze and equipment, and computer network systems. It is atso recommended that the existing Video Production Coordinator position be assigned to Grade Leve1016 of the SPSO Bargaining Unit 09 Satary Plan, and a new class specification be created to reflect the current supervisory and administrative duties of the posidon. gecommendation 2): Create new class specification titIes and grade leveis to repiace the existing titles of Video Production Coordinator, Video Production Technician and Video Production Assistant. This new suucture proposes to revise and updata new duiies, minimum qualifications, �mpetencies, Imowledge, and skills and abilities that would align with the broadez aspect of audiavisuai production support duties such u audiavisuat hardwaze and software, computer graphics soRwaze and equipment, and computer ne.t�vork systems. , At this finai stage of the study, we aze requesting yotar iaPut and guidance as to how you would like us to procee3 with finai imptementation of the recoasmendations. A summary explanation of the recommendations is attached for your review. Pleas� call me at 266-b511, if you need addidoaal informadon or would like to discuss the results in person. �deo Production Classification sad Compensation Study Descripdve Summary of Recomm�dations n� _�}a� RFCOMMENDA'I'IdN # 1: pata Entr�Ooerator II- assign w the existing wdeo Production Technician Ciass, Grade Leve1028 of the AFSCME Technical Bazgaining Unit Q2. Pdeo Production Assistant - allocate to the ezisting Video Production Technican ciass at Grade Leve1028 of the AFSCME Technical Bazgaining Unit 02. Videa Produetion Technician - remaia allocated to ihe Videa Pcoduction Technician class, and remain assigned to the curtent Grade Leve1028 of the AFSCME Technicai Bazgaining Unit 02 Salary Schedule. It is also recommended that the existing Video Production Technician ciacs specification be revised to iaciude current technical support duties such as installation, maintenance and repair of videa-sudio software and hazdwaze, computer graphics softwaze and computer networks. Pdeo Pcoduction Coordinator - create a new class specification to accurately reflect the current supezvisory and administrative duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skilis and minimum requirements, and assign the position to Grade Class Ieve1016 of the SPSO Bazgaining Unit 09. RECOMMENDATION 2: Create a new class series structuze of four grade (4} grade levels as follows: �eo-Audio PrQduction Supgrvisor (formerly Video Production Coordinatorl create a new class specification to accurately reflect Yhe current supervisory and administrative duties and responsibilities, lmowiedge, skills and minimum requitements, and assign the position to Grade Class leve1026 of the SPSO Bazgaining Unit 09. V'sdeo-Audio Technicial Su000rt Specialist I[I -(Formeriy Video Production Specialist).. Create new ciass specification dUe and assign to Grade Leve1008, of the Professional Employees Association (PEA) Bazgaining Unit 06 of the Satary Pian Pdeo-Audio Technicat Sunoort Specatist II-(Formeriy Video Production Technician) Create new class specification title, assign to Grade Level Q28 of the AFSCME Bugaining Unit 02 of the Salary Plan. Update and revise the duties, acperience qualifications and training and educadon to include videolteau programming and ed�ting, cable-casting, and maintenance, operation and instaitation of audiavisuai softwaze and hazdwaze and equigment, computer graphics equipment, and computer networks. Pdeo-Audio Technical Sunnorc Soecialist I-(Formerly Video Production Assistant) Create new class sgecification title, and assign to Giade Levei UZl of the AFSCME Bazgaining Unit 02 of the Salary Plan. Oo —���� Creation of new classification specifications require a 20-day norificarion and approval of the respective bazgaining unit and City CouncII. If you choose not w imptement this action, you can undertake othzc measuzes to keep the studied position at its cuccent level. If you would like to discuss this matter, I can be reached at 266-6511 smcy emauerca Su+aa Ma«x Office of Iium�n Rs�oucw T}f3D�C yOU. G:IUSERSUvioore\WPFILES�determ.memo.AOLLY.wpd Proposed Title of Class: Code: 120B VIDEO PRODUC'I'ION SUPERVISOR BU: 09 Effective: pp ��� o� General Statement of Duties: Performs responsffile professional supervisory and minicr�r�ve work in planniug, developing and overseeing the video-audio production activities for City depa*n*+e*!+�, Offices, governmental e�ities and the municipal cable channel; and performs related duties as required. Suuervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division head or director. Suroervision Exercised: Exercises supervision over assigned production staff and interns. TYPICAL DITfIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises the video pzoduction and live television coverage of City Council Meetings and Couuty Boazd of Cominissioners meetings. Assigns, prioritizes and schedules work to video production staff. Sets and enforces standards, t�aining and staff development. Reviews all work for qualiry, taking appropriate actions to bring products up to acceptable standards. Performs administ�ative duties such as: hires, disciplines, rewards, andrecommends dischazge; conducts employee performance evaluations. Plans and develops progams and program strategies for the Office of Cable Communications and the City's cable cl�annel. _ Supervises and oversees the maintenance and purchase of equipmexrt for video-audio production and City/Conference Ceirter. Develops and implements public information policies and procedures related W video productions and/or the municipal chaunel in conjunction with departmexrt or division managers, or officials from other authorized govemmental entities. Plans, organizes, and coordinates video productions in conjunction with appropriate customer staff. Advises on technology, scripts, shooting, and negotiates schedules. Develops contracts for services and equipment if necessary. Coordinates City video projects and use of the uiuni.cipal cable channel for the Ciky and ather authorized govenunental entities. Coordinates workload and proposed schedules closely with the Cable Communications Officer. Develops vidao trainiug eurriculum and oveisees implementatian of video-audio training for City staff. (VIDEO PRODUCITON SUPERVISOR) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Tide of Class: Code: 120B VIDEO PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR BU: 09 Effective: p� ��}a� Develops strategies for evaluating video projects, conducts evatuation projects and makes policy and procedure cl�anges to improve services. Coutnbutes to the development of anuuai budgets and work plans for the Qffice of Cable Communicalions. Monitors execution ofportions ofthe budget. Researches curre� developments in technology and recommends video equipment purchases. Leads in the development and implemeutation of video and test projects for the cable inst'rtutional network. KIVOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough Imowledge of video-audio production techniques and strategies. Considerable ability to manaae complex �edia projects effectively and ef�'iciernly. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to write cleazly, concisely, and effectively. Considerable ability to work cooperatively with non technical staff to plan and execute programiuing. Considerable ability to analyze customer aclivities and detem�ine most effective and efficient video support to reach the desired oufcome. Cansiderable ability to remain cunent on the developnnents and applications of the latest video related technology. Ability to supervise, plan, organize, and direct a staff, settiug staudazds and xnaintaining schedules. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Communications, Video production, Television Broadcasting production, Engineering or Computer Science or related field, and five years experience in a professional video production environment, two yeazs of which must have been in at the supervisoryimanagement level. (VIDEO PRODUCITON SUPERVISOR) Page 2 of 2 OFPICE OF ARNAN RESOURCES John Flmnilton, Airector C1TY OF SAlNT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall AJmex 25 West Fourth Street SaintPaut Mmnesata SSIO21634 � � � ���� Telephone: 65Z-266-6500 TOD(['fY: 65I-266-65Q1 Job7ine: 651-266-6502 Facsv�ti7e= 1"Op7ion.• 651-292-6414 2"" Op�on: 65I-292-6415 3i 651-292-7656 TO: Peter Hames, Director Technolo and Management Services FROM: Sus�` �n� N�o�re, Humau Resources Consultant Oflice of Human Resources DATE: RE: November 27, 200Q Twenty Day Notice iJ:de� �rcduc�� It has been determined that the ritle and class specification of ° � Sepe�ser should be created. I ha�e attached a copy ofthe class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If' I do not hear from you within that time&ame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. �y�,C1�E0���� I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay fos the title of ' - °��p�'`�' Sbr �� ' r in Crrade 16, Section ID4, ofthe Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. SM/tf Attacnments I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this tifle and Peter Hames i� zs � Date G:4Shared�C7asaJiL7ASS120 day noheulvideo-m�deo.prog.supv.dept wpd OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamilton, Director CITY OF SAII�i'T PAUL Norne Coleman, Mayor November 27, 2000 Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Saint Paul Regional Water Services 8 East Fourth Street, Suite 200 Saint Paui, Minnesota 55101 Deaz Ms. Kessler: 400CiryHallAnner 25 WenFourth Street SaintPauZ Minnuam SSIO2-1634 a u _ ���� Tetephone: 651-2666500 TODrTlY.� 651-2 66 6501 Jabkne: 65]-266-6501 Facsimile: I° Opdon: 651-�92-6414 Y'i Option: 657-292-6415 3'"Optlon; 651-29L7656 It has been detemvned that the title and class specification of Video-�Production Supervisor should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tide of Video-Audio Production Supervisor in Grade 16, Section ID4, of the Professionzl Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, ����.���� Susan Moore Human Resources Consultant the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and Helga ll ���! Date G:VS7wred�ksnfCL4S5�20 day nokcesWidea-audiaprog supv.umox09 wpd Page 1 of 1 Trisha Freiberger - 20-Dap Notice of new fitle: Video-Audio Production Supervisor 0 �—�O \ From: SnsanMoore To: Kessier, FIelga Date: 11/29/2000 12:14 p.m Snbject: 20-Day Notice of new tifle: V deo-Audio Production S�eivisor C Fieibeiger, Trisha ae��a, Acoupleofineeksago,Ise�.yaua20.DaynoticeofaPcoposednewjo6speceotRled"Pideo-AudioPcodnctionSupervisor." However,iheO�ceofCable Communications has requestedtfiat the word "Audio" and im�Fead, usivgthe title "V'ideo Productioa S�per�isoc" Ifyou have no obje�tions or changes, I will proceed with finaliziugthe job spec. 7f you Lave questions, please co�actme (6-6511) or 7olm Shockely (6-6482) ot our a.mail address. 'Ii�mtks file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00006.HTM ll/29/2000 % ORIGiNAL Council File # oo _��o� Green Sheet # 63996 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To z n 0 FI 13 Committee Date An Admivistrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new ciassification titied �deo Production Supervisor. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the class of Video Production Supervisor be established at the rate set forth in Grade 16, of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges, Section ID4, of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of. Office of Huxnan Resources By: � l.. �`�V Form Approved by CiTy Attomey By: , y�`a��u` l2�calcu Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� �� � � 1 Approved by Mayor: Date �c 11f� ��9T � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY: �Wl,'�� G:\Shazed\ClusiflCLASS�Resolutions&Oidmances\Video Pioduc4on Supuvisor Resolu4onwpd Adopted by Council: Date ��_ �.1 0 9�D GSr DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 63996 0 0��� Human Resources 12/8/00 � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: imrrrermATE Sh7TTALDATE 7ohn Shockley, 266-6482 ineenx�cre D� 1a �co a cirrcocmmcu, assu�vm �Q_ NUMBERFOR 2CfCYATNRNEY G�� �' CIIYCLERK bliTSf BE ON COUNCII, AGL+NDA BY (DATL� Roi7�cnvc O �� P[�ANCW,SBRVDIl2 /� ^ 2/ F1NINCW.SERV/ACC1G 3MAYOR(ORASSl'.) !/ {" ` '� - TOTAL � OF SIG,YATLRE PAGES 1 (C7.IP ALL LOC�TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncizox�QlrES•rEn: Approve the attached resolution establishing the salary for a new class ritled `�deo Production Supervisor". RECOMIv1E+.NDAISONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) P�S�NAI. SERVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWN32 TISL FOLI.OWING QULSITONS: 3. Hasthispasod5ffieverwotkedunderaconhactfoxtlusdepazhaent'/ PLANNINGCOMIvIISSION `re% �o CIBCOMIJ�I'I"tEE 2 Hut}usperson�Evnevarbeenacityemployee? CIVII.SBRVIGBCOMbIISSION Yes No 3 DoceBvspe[sod5rmposscssaslallnotno�¢allypossacsedbyanyc�entcityemployee? - Yes No 4. Is t}us pe[sonl6nn a tetge4d vendot? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separatr Sheek and aftach fo gi'een Sheei ��TLaz�crnos�M,LSSUE,orroxxuivrrY�vno,wna+,ws�,wi,��e>wny):The Office of Cable Communications has determined a need for a position to supervise and admiuistrate the daily operations of the audio-visual production unit. The position will oversee production activities related to coverage of City Council Meetings, Cable Channel 1&, and Ramsey County Commissioners meetings. The 1995 merger of the City Council Video unit and Office of Cable Communication requires a supervisory position with the working knowledge and ability to manage a�lti-media nt� • production staff in a technology-based environment in order to provide quality and efficient �e�i�ces to intemal and e�ernal clients. ���� Ge� - � � �� � ���g avvn,�v�racES ia arrxovEV: Compensauon will appropriately align witla the skills required of positions allocated to tkris class. vis,wvarrrncESiFnrrxovEn: None. Salary costs are funded. nisnuvaivTncES iF rroT ArrxovEn: The City will be limited in its ability to successfully recruit, hire and retain highly qualified candidates who possess the required l�owledge, skills and training in video/audio production and cablecasting. TOTAI. AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: $00.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGET'F,D: Yes F[JNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY iVi1MBER: ., _ .� _ ._, .._ '- � �' -' _ — ' FINANCIAL IlVTORMATION: (EXPLAIt� " `�"`�^ DEC 1 �, .c���� GVShared�ClassiflCLASS�Resolutions&OtdinanceslVideo Production Supervisor Green Sheetwpd p ^5 C � g � 9� � 5�'f i `dS ` �/ O J _ �}0\ VIDEO PRODUCfION CLASS'IFICATION AND COMPENSATION ST[TDY POSITIONS ST[TDIED: INCUMBENT: DEPARTMENT/DIVISION: STUDIED BY: DATE: Video Prodnction Coordinator Terry Devme �� i� v � • u m n v. � �.r ' � � � � y . � . an �n W„ � .. Apzil - August, 2000 APPROVAL OF PRACTICE LEADER CLASSIETCATION AND COMPENSATION: G�� D� (SiSnature) ��) BACKGROUND The classification and compensation study was requested by the Officer of Cable Communicati�s on 7anuary 15, 2000. The request dezives from rapidly changinp, technology, in the video eavironment, which requiies multiple levels oa Imowiedge aad sldlls in digital °- ;o cos �puterized sYstems. SPeciscallY, computerized editing and video engineering practices Lave become the cutting-edge of Video Production technology. The purpose of the study was to examine the duties of the e�sting position and determine whether specification and compensation changes aad revisions were nceded. The position is located in the Office of Cable Communications unit of the Depamaent of Technology and Management Savices. Job profiles for each of the positions were x�eceived by the Office of Human Resources on April 12, 2000. Review of t� job proSles Interviews with the incumb�ts 7ntervievvs with the Cable Communications Officer Comparison to class specifirations Comparison to other positions (internal and eatemal) Q.E.S. evaluation and analysis Classification and Compensation Study B. �deo Produdion Coordinator ao -�ao� Position Descri�tion The �deo Productiaa Coordinatnr position provides supervisory and adroinistrative support to the Office of Cable Co�munications. The duties and responsffi�7ities include: 1. SuPervisas, assi8ns, and schedules work to video production staff provides guidance and training to sta� rewards and disciplines employees; conducks employee perforn�ance evaluaYions; recomm�ds and assists in �e Liring of new employees, necommends and arranges for staff �8• 2. P1ans and develaP Programs �d ProBrazn strazegies for the Office of Cable Communications; plan and develop progruns, act as executive pmducer of City cable chanael shows. 3. Oversees video production equipme� mainteoance and repair to include CHCFI Confereace Center equipment purchases, and maintenaace and repair of equipment to iaclude: acquisition of equiPmeut, short and lon8 �8e P�8 of new equipment and replacement; mainteaance of service contracts for studio lighting, video production vaa and AVI system5; schedules and supervises maintenance days, assigmnents and perforcnance of maintenance engineecs. 4. Handies �ve duties for video praduction section of tl�e Office of Cable Communications. Ass:�~_ in policy development, budg� decision-maldng, luring of c= .. ide a�edia professionals, and aitends division manager mcetings in absence of the Cable Communicahons Officer. A1so, - - enforces city policies related to video and audio production. 5. Develops new programming for the City's Channel 18. Supervises the playback schedule for SPNN. Administers, monitors, and approves program scheduling for Cable CLanne118, quality of programming, playback of videotaped progams, and production/progamming issues related to video exchan8as, and booldn8 Personnel and facilitie.s. 6. Oveisces tLe CSCH Conferaice C�ter Yhat includes: audidvisual support, maintenance of existing 84u1Fment, Purch3se o£new e4mPment, CuSlocnec inqui[ies and compl3ints. Ma;ma;nc P�iS liaison with other cih' dePartments, such as the City Council, Mayor's Office, Pazks and Recreation, Public Works, Libiaries, �c. Oversces television coverage of City Council Meetings: schedule video production staff responsble for operation of cameras for City Councit mcetings. Facilitates and supervises client reheazsals, video audio, and computer graphics presentations, monitor equiPmeat, sfaffPerforroance; keePs nP to date with video operations. Page 8 of 22 00 -��o� Classification and Compensation Study B. �deo Produdion Coordinator Position Description (c�nYd) • - - .�� . . �� . �, . ��� ������� .. � � >�. � ,. � �� .:. �_.� �� :.. ..� «�.� .: ....� . . ..ti..�, � ..���. .�.� . � .. � 11.�!�I . M .1 � . 1.� � �11� �1 � �� . � � . 1.� •� fll• �1 •! . � 1 w � J� .\� 1 1� �� • 1 I�.�� YY. � � J 11 . 1 Y �"I � I 1 �• �� • �.1 Class Soecification/Comoarison Analvsis Tl�e duties of the provisional Video Produaron Coordinator position were compared to those of the class specifications and job profiles of positions previwLSly allocated to job ctasses of Video Production Coordinator, Cable Communicati�s Officer, Plan Review Coordinator, Public Secvice Manager, Computer Services Manager, and Computer Operations Manager. The comparison also iacluded other similar class specifications fraa� ofl�er govecnmental jurisdidions such as Senior Audio-V'uual TecLnician, Principal Audio Technician. Cable Communications Officer: This classification specificatioa describes professional and mavageriai work in the adminishation of the City's cable television franchise, cable television programming, and telecommunications operations, including policy development and implementati�. It also has direct contact with the Council, Office of the Mayor, and Ramsey County o,ucials. Primaxy duties of positions previously allocated to the Cable -,..m,�^�:carions - Officer class level include such duties as, adcninistering the City's cable fiznchise, overseeing video production staffaad activities, 8IId m�n_�nn BLC�'ddRItII1SfCC1II$ S� fL31IC�IISC IC�CW3�S� BCCCSS contracts and other cable projects. Duties of the Cable CommunicaYions Officer class spec and job proSles thai are compazable to tbe �deo Production Coordinator positioa are: tnanaging and overseeing the scheduling, sudio-visual suPPort, and video opecaYions of the City conference Center. Tn conhast, tLe provisional positioa dces not manage citywide issues ielated to the City's overall cable franclsise and telecommunications. The positioa does not perform aegotiations, administFation, budgeting or planning for City, County and Sc}wol Distrid cabie services and cantracts. The position does not prepare sumcnaries, inteipretations, or tes6mony involving technology and telecommunications for elected officials. Also, tbe position does not administer and supervise field investigations. Overall, ttie Primary duties and level of responsibility descn'bed by the Cable Ca�mmunications Officer class specificatia� and job profiles are far more administiatively responsible than those of the Vidao Production Coordinator position. Page 9 of 22 Classificstion and Compensation Study p o —�y�\ B. Vdeo Production Coordinator Clsss SpecificationlPosition Comoarisions (cont'd) vdeo Production Coordinator. This classificatioa specifirdtion descn'bes responsible professional work in plaaning, developing, and overseeing teart aad video applications for City units and t2�e municipal cable channel. All ofthe typical daQes ouUined in the Video Production Coordinator job class specification are compazable to the duries and responsiblities of the provisional position. However, in contrast, the professional work that is descn'bed by the Video Production Coordinator class specification is not comparable to ihe supervisory work of Yhe position in question. For eicample, the class spec does not include administrative supervisory duties that are currentiy being performed by the position under study. The level of supervisory duties of the V deo Production Coordinator class aze primarily tecbnicai lead work. 1be supervisory duties and responsibiliries of the position under study compared fivorably with those of the Safetv Coordinator_ Plan Review Coordinator. Public Service Manaeer.Comnuter Services Manaeer. Co�uter OQerations Manaeer. Supervisory and administraYive work that are cromparabie to the position under study are: hiring, disciplin�, rewarding, discharging and conducting performance:eviews. FIowever, in contrast, none of these classes adequately describes overseeing the activities of audio-rideo production personnel as performed by the position under study. Overall, the general duties and responsibility specified by these class specifications correspond closely with ihose of the position under study. Other aovemmental 'lurisdictions and orivste oreanizations - - - There aze similaz positiaa�s in variais television broadcasting production and audio-visual production organirations duties that are comparable to the erusting Video Production Coordinator position such as: AudiaVisual Technician, Senior: These positions supervise audiovisual technicians in the media ]ab and serve as consuitant to the public in using AV equipment in the media lab. They also supervise the production of software, operation, and maintenance of sudiavisual equipment. Audio-Visual Technician. Princioal: Zhese positions supervise sudiovisual technicians in repair. 'Ibey aze responsible for the technical aspects of TV producti� and save as advisor to TV sGidio users. Page 10 of 22 ao—\�o\ Classi5cation and Compensation Study B. �deo Production Coordinator CONCLIISION �, .���.. �. ��. �,.� �, _. ..� ..� .. .��< .. �W..� .. ., .,, ._ �...� .., ,.• � ,��., .�. ..�.. �_ . �� ... ., ,��. �.�. �� �✓ �1 �111 I �.� :1• �� "�� 11• •.111. .� 11'� • • �.NII` • 11.�� � • � \ 1 • W. � � 1 �I. � �Y. 1 1 � 1 COMPFI�ISATION ANALYSIS TLe QES evaluaLi� and analyses supports assiguing the position under study to Gnde 016 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organ'vatio� (SPSO) Bacgaining Unit 09 salary schedute. RECO�NDATION It is recommended that a new class specification be created that accuTately describes the duties, responsibilities, and ;TTLn?**?„m requirements of the position under study. It is also recommeoded that the new class be titied Audio-Video Productioa Supervisor, and that the class be placed in the SPSO Bazgaining Unit, and assigied to Grade 16 of the SPSO salary schedule. (See attached class specification dtaft). Page 11 of 22 OFFICE OF HIR6AN RESOIISCES Jo1�n Hm WUo�, Di+rc+or 00 ��yt� CTTS� OF SA�T' PAUL Xornr Colaiwn.Mayor TO: Hoily Hanson Cahie Communications Officer Technology Management Services FROM: DATE: RE: Susan Moore Human Retources Consuttant August 25, 2000 IQOCityHaIIA�¢ 23WirtFdnh Sv�rt SentPmfZMtio,srora SSI01-163I • Revised • TikpHonc 651-266-6500 T72WL4Y.• 651-2666501 Job7inr. 63]-26Sd502 Fadwik: 631-392�765 VIDEO PRODUCTION CLASSIFICATlON AND COMPENSATION STUDY Preliminary Results We have completed our study of the Video Production Class series of the Cable Communications Office. We Lave reviewed ihe job profiles for each position, interviewed the incumbenu and their immediate supervisor, conducted a compazison analysis of each of the posidons with similaz ciassifications and positions, both internai and e�ernal to she City's job class structure, and evaluated the positions using the QES job evaluation system. Based on the tesuits of the analyses we propose two recommeadations for your consideratioa The fust rece�mmendation proposes to align the existing positions wirhin the current Video Production cTassification structure>The second recommendation proposes to create a aew ciass secies of grade leveis thu would regresent the the Video Production uniYs future struaure. Recommendation 21: The existing positions of Data Entry Opesator II and Videa Produdion Assistant be allocated to eaisting Video Production Technician (VP� class, Grade Leve1028, and the (VP2� ciass specificadon be revised and updated to accurately describe the current duties related tn audio-visual softwaze and hazdware, computer graphics soRwaze and equipment, and computer network systems. It is atso recommended that the existing Video Production Coordinator position be assigned to Grade Leve1016 of the SPSO Bargaining Unit 09 Satary Plan, and a new class specification be created to reflect the current supervisory and administrative duties of the posidon. gecommendation 2): Create new class specification titIes and grade leveis to repiace the existing titles of Video Production Coordinator, Video Production Technician and Video Production Assistant. This new suucture proposes to revise and updata new duiies, minimum qualifications, �mpetencies, Imowledge, and skills and abilities that would align with the broadez aspect of audiavisuai production support duties such u audiavisuat hardwaze and software, computer graphics soRwaze and equipment, and computer ne.t�vork systems. , At this finai stage of the study, we aze requesting yotar iaPut and guidance as to how you would like us to procee3 with finai imptementation of the recoasmendations. A summary explanation of the recommendations is attached for your review. Pleas� call me at 266-b511, if you need addidoaal informadon or would like to discuss the results in person. �deo Production Classification sad Compensation Study Descripdve Summary of Recomm�dations n� _�}a� RFCOMMENDA'I'IdN # 1: pata Entr�Ooerator II- assign w the existing wdeo Production Technician Ciass, Grade Leve1028 of the AFSCME Technical Bazgaining Unit Q2. Pdeo Production Assistant - allocate to the ezisting Video Production Technican ciass at Grade Leve1028 of the AFSCME Technical Bazgaining Unit 02. Videa Produetion Technician - remaia allocated to ihe Videa Pcoduction Technician class, and remain assigned to the curtent Grade Leve1028 of the AFSCME Technicai Bazgaining Unit 02 Salary Schedule. It is also recommended that the existing Video Production Technician ciacs specification be revised to iaciude current technical support duties such as installation, maintenance and repair of videa-sudio software and hazdwaze, computer graphics softwaze and computer networks. Pdeo Pcoduction Coordinator - create a new class specification to accurately reflect the current supezvisory and administrative duties and responsibilities, knowledge, skilis and minimum requirements, and assign the position to Grade Class Ieve1016 of the SPSO Bazgaining Unit 09. RECOMMENDATION 2: Create a new class series structuze of four grade (4} grade levels as follows: �eo-Audio PrQduction Supgrvisor (formerly Video Production Coordinatorl create a new class specification to accurately reflect Yhe current supervisory and administrative duties and responsibilities, lmowiedge, skills and minimum requitements, and assign the position to Grade Class leve1026 of the SPSO Bazgaining Unit 09. V'sdeo-Audio Technicial Su000rt Specialist I[I -(Formeriy Video Production Specialist).. Create new ciass specification dUe and assign to Grade Leve1008, of the Professional Employees Association (PEA) Bazgaining Unit 06 of the Satary Pian Pdeo-Audio Technicat Sunoort Specatist II-(Formeriy Video Production Technician) Create new class specification title, assign to Grade Level Q28 of the AFSCME Bugaining Unit 02 of the Salary Plan. Update and revise the duties, acperience qualifications and training and educadon to include videolteau programming and ed�ting, cable-casting, and maintenance, operation and instaitation of audiavisuai softwaze and hazdwaze and equigment, computer graphics equipment, and computer networks. Pdeo-Audio Technical Sunnorc Soecialist I-(Formerly Video Production Assistant) Create new class sgecification title, and assign to Giade Levei UZl of the AFSCME Bazgaining Unit 02 of the Salary Plan. Oo —���� Creation of new classification specifications require a 20-day norificarion and approval of the respective bazgaining unit and City CouncII. If you choose not w imptement this action, you can undertake othzc measuzes to keep the studied position at its cuccent level. If you would like to discuss this matter, I can be reached at 266-6511 smcy emauerca Su+aa Ma«x Office of Iium�n Rs�oucw T}f3D�C yOU. G:IUSERSUvioore\WPFILES�determ.memo.AOLLY.wpd Proposed Title of Class: Code: 120B VIDEO PRODUC'I'ION SUPERVISOR BU: 09 Effective: pp ��� o� General Statement of Duties: Performs responsffile professional supervisory and minicr�r�ve work in planniug, developing and overseeing the video-audio production activities for City depa*n*+e*!+�, Offices, governmental e�ities and the municipal cable channel; and performs related duties as required. Suuervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a division head or director. Suroervision Exercised: Exercises supervision over assigned production staff and interns. TYPICAL DITfIES PERFORMED The listed e�mples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises the video pzoduction and live television coverage of City Council Meetings and Couuty Boazd of Cominissioners meetings. Assigns, prioritizes and schedules work to video production staff. Sets and enforces standards, t�aining and staff development. Reviews all work for qualiry, taking appropriate actions to bring products up to acceptable standards. Performs administ�ative duties such as: hires, disciplines, rewards, andrecommends dischazge; conducts employee performance evaluations. Plans and develops progams and program strategies for the Office of Cable Communications and the City's cable cl�annel. _ Supervises and oversees the maintenance and purchase of equipmexrt for video-audio production and City/Conference Ceirter. Develops and implements public information policies and procedures related W video productions and/or the municipal chaunel in conjunction with departmexrt or division managers, or officials from other authorized govemmental entities. Plans, organizes, and coordinates video productions in conjunction with appropriate customer staff. Advises on technology, scripts, shooting, and negotiates schedules. Develops contracts for services and equipment if necessary. Coordinates City video projects and use of the uiuni.cipal cable channel for the Ciky and ather authorized govenunental entities. Coordinates workload and proposed schedules closely with the Cable Communications Officer. Develops vidao trainiug eurriculum and oveisees implementatian of video-audio training for City staff. (VIDEO PRODUCITON SUPERVISOR) Page 1 of 2 Proposed Tide of Class: Code: 120B VIDEO PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR BU: 09 Effective: p� ��}a� Develops strategies for evaluating video projects, conducts evatuation projects and makes policy and procedure cl�anges to improve services. Coutnbutes to the development of anuuai budgets and work plans for the Qffice of Cable Communicalions. Monitors execution ofportions ofthe budget. Researches curre� developments in technology and recommends video equipment purchases. Leads in the development and implemeutation of video and test projects for the cable inst'rtutional network. KIVOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILTTIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough Imowledge of video-audio production techniques and strategies. Considerable ability to manaae complex �edia projects effectively and ef�'iciernly. Considerable ability to communicate effectively with individuals and groups. Considerable ability to write cleazly, concisely, and effectively. Considerable ability to work cooperatively with non technical staff to plan and execute programiuing. Considerable ability to analyze customer aclivities and detem�ine most effective and efficient video support to reach the desired oufcome. Cansiderable ability to remain cunent on the developnnents and applications of the latest video related technology. Ability to supervise, plan, organize, and direct a staff, settiug staudazds and xnaintaining schedules. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree in Communications, Video production, Television Broadcasting production, Engineering or Computer Science or related field, and five years experience in a professional video production environment, two yeazs of which must have been in at the supervisoryimanagement level. (VIDEO PRODUCITON SUPERVISOR) Page 2 of 2 OFPICE OF ARNAN RESOURCES John Flmnilton, Airector C1TY OF SAlNT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hall AJmex 25 West Fourth Street SaintPaut Mmnesata SSIO21634 � � � ���� Telephone: 65Z-266-6500 TOD(['fY: 65I-266-65Q1 Job7ine: 651-266-6502 Facsv�ti7e= 1"Op7ion.• 651-292-6414 2"" Op�on: 65I-292-6415 3i 651-292-7656 TO: Peter Hames, Director Technolo and Management Services FROM: Sus�` �n� N�o�re, Humau Resources Consultant Oflice of Human Resources DATE: RE: November 27, 200Q Twenty Day Notice iJ:de� �rcduc�� It has been determined that the ritle and class specification of ° � Sepe�ser should be created. I ha�e attached a copy ofthe class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If' I do not hear from you within that time&ame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. �y�,C1�E0���� I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay fos the title of ' - °��p�'`�' Sbr �� ' r in Crrade 16, Section ID4, ofthe Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. SM/tf Attacnments I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this tifle and Peter Hames i� zs � Date G:4Shared�C7asaJiL7ASS120 day noheulvideo-m�deo.prog.supv.dept wpd OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES JohnHamilton, Director CITY OF SAII�i'T PAUL Norne Coleman, Mayor November 27, 2000 Helga Kessler, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Saint Paul Regional Water Services 8 East Fourth Street, Suite 200 Saint Paui, Minnesota 55101 Deaz Ms. Kessler: 400CiryHallAnner 25 WenFourth Street SaintPauZ Minnuam SSIO2-1634 a u _ ���� Tetephone: 651-2666500 TODrTlY.� 651-2 66 6501 Jabkne: 65]-266-6501 Facsimile: I° Opdon: 651-�92-6414 Y'i Option: 657-292-6415 3'"Optlon; 651-29L7656 It has been detemvned that the title and class specification of Video-�Production Supervisor should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the tide of Video-Audio Production Supervisor in Grade 16, Section ID4, of the Professionzl Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, ����.���� Susan Moore Human Resources Consultant the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and Helga ll ���! Date G:VS7wred�ksnfCL4S5�20 day nokcesWidea-audiaprog supv.umox09 wpd Page 1 of 1 Trisha Freiberger - 20-Dap Notice of new fitle: Video-Audio Production Supervisor 0 �—�O \ From: SnsanMoore To: Kessier, FIelga Date: 11/29/2000 12:14 p.m Snbject: 20-Day Notice of new tifle: V deo-Audio Production S�eivisor C Fieibeiger, Trisha ae��a, Acoupleofineeksago,Ise�.yaua20.DaynoticeofaPcoposednewjo6speceotRled"Pideo-AudioPcodnctionSupervisor." However,iheO�ceofCable Communications has requestedtfiat the word "Audio" and im�Fead, usivgthe title "V'ideo Productioa S�per�isoc" Ifyou have no obje�tions or changes, I will proceed with finaliziugthe job spec. 7f you Lave questions, please co�actme (6-6511) or 7olm Shockely (6-6482) ot our a.mail address. 'Ii�mtks file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00006.HTM ll/29/2000