00-1200ORlGfNAL Presented By: Referred To: Current Budget i WHEREAS, the Hotel/Motel taxes are imposed, collected and distributed by the City according to legislatively z established formulas; and a WHEREAS, the 2000 receipts will be in excess of the originat budget, requiring additional spending authority to s distribute the seceipts io accordance with those formutas; and s � WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that s there are available for appropriations $200,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; now therefore be it io RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approve the 2000 budget as amended below: „ ,2 is Financing Plan ,a O�ce of Financial Services �e Special Projects/General Government Accounts ,s Promote Saint Paui n 050-30108-1401 ,a Ali Other Fund Financing 79 20 z+ Sqending Plan zz O�ce of Financial Services zs Special Projects/General Government Accounts za Promote Saint Paul 1,471,518 0 1,471 518 Council File # pp �� pee Green Sheet# 704294 ia Committee: Date Change 200, 000 0 200,000 zs 050-30108-0545 1,406,518 ze All Other Fund Spending 65,000 Z � 1,471,518 za 29 30 Requested by: Adoptio� Certified by Gou�cil Secretary: ► • . . . - . . . � . - .�<�+ i � �"�r , � ! I�L RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 200,000 0 200,000 Office of Financiai Services By: Peter Hames Amended Budget 1,671,518 0 1,671,518 1,606,518 65, 000 1,671,518 Approva co mended by OF By: Fo Ap rov by City Attor ey: By: �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: BY� ��l � l�-f i l/ il . Office of Financial ervices (G:lsharedl6utlgefl123Vesoluti\FDOSOCVB.WK4 j Adopted by Council: Date {�a� �� ,oeo r— DEPARYMENT/OFPICF/CO[MCO. DATEINI'11ATED OfficeofFinancialSemces 12-19-00 GREEN SHEET NO. 104294 0._��•s COMAC[PERSON&PHONE � DEPARTh@.1'DLL25CTOR �6 CIIVCAUNCLL. BruceEngelbrekt 266-8546 Q cm'nrrowuev� cm'a.�.Exx MUSl'BEONCOUNCdAGENDABY(DA'fE) OI BUDGEiDIRE(:l"OR Z I� FQI.&MGf.SERV[CFSD�. 12/27/00 � n+nvoz(oxasssra� � c�wccouxraxr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACRON REQUFS'IED Approval to amend the 2000 budget to provide for required disbursements of HoteUMotel tac collections to the Saint Paul Convenrion and Visitors Bureau xecomnmunwnor�s: a�w� (w>a.n 7«�pp PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNPIG COMh16510N _CNQ,SERV[CECOMMISSION I. Flas this person/fum ever worked under a contraa for ttiis depazmient? cmwnusrtee YES NO w_srnee _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? ��snucrcornct YES NO sveeoars wtrtce couiuc¢ oa�cnve+ 3. Does this person/Cvm possess a skill not noimally possessed by any cu�rent ciTy employee? YES NO (Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet) MITTA]'AIGPROHLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR]'[INIiY (RTy Whay Whrn, Whcrc, whyi' The portion of the City's budget for receipt and disbursement of hoteUmotel taaces to the Saint Paul Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is insufficient to make full payment of these funds in accordance with legislatively established formulas. This resolution recognizes addirional hoteUmotel taYes received by the City in 2000, and provides sufficient spending authority to allow for the full distribution of funds to the CVB. � ADVAMAGESQAPPROVED: The Ciry will have sufficient budget authority to make full payment of hofeUmotel tases to the CVB. DISADVANTAGFS ff APPROVFD None DISAD VANLAGE$ OF NOT APPRO V EO: . The City will be unable to make full payment of hoteUmotel taxes to the CVB. �rC�Y ��f�r !J � ls G �. L�UU iOTALAMOUN'l'OFTRANSACTION � ZOO OOO COSi/REVENOEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO �,��so�aa Soecial Promotions A����eR GL - 050 - 30108 - 1401 Pw�cw s�oai.v.nox:c�� � GL - 050 - 30108 - 0545 Office of Financial Services (G�shared�budgefl1231resoluti\PDOSOCVB.WK4 ) ORlGfNAL Presented By: Referred To: Current Budget i WHEREAS, the Hotel/Motel taxes are imposed, collected and distributed by the City according to legislatively z established formulas; and a WHEREAS, the 2000 receipts will be in excess of the originat budget, requiring additional spending authority to s distribute the seceipts io accordance with those formutas; and s � WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that s there are available for appropriations $200,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; now therefore be it io RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approve the 2000 budget as amended below: „ ,2 is Financing Plan ,a O�ce of Financial Services �e Special Projects/General Government Accounts ,s Promote Saint Paui n 050-30108-1401 ,a Ali Other Fund Financing 79 20 z+ Sqending Plan zz O�ce of Financial Services zs Special Projects/General Government Accounts za Promote Saint Paul 1,471,518 0 1,471 518 Council File # pp �� pee Green Sheet# 704294 ia Committee: Date Change 200, 000 0 200,000 zs 050-30108-0545 1,406,518 ze All Other Fund Spending 65,000 Z � 1,471,518 za 29 30 Requested by: Adoptio� Certified by Gou�cil Secretary: ► • . . . - . . . � . - .�<�+ i � �"�r , � ! I�L RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 200,000 0 200,000 Office of Financiai Services By: Peter Hames Amended Budget 1,671,518 0 1,671,518 1,606,518 65, 000 1,671,518 Approva co mended by OF By: Fo Ap rov by City Attor ey: By: �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: BY� ��l � l�-f i l/ il . Office of Financial ervices (G:lsharedl6utlgefl123Vesoluti\FDOSOCVB.WK4 j Adopted by Council: Date {�a� �� ,oeo r— DEPARYMENT/OFPICF/CO[MCO. DATEINI'11ATED OfficeofFinancialSemces 12-19-00 GREEN SHEET NO. 104294 0._��•s COMAC[PERSON&PHONE � DEPARTh@.1'DLL25CTOR �6 CIIVCAUNCLL. BruceEngelbrekt 266-8546 Q cm'nrrowuev� cm'a.�.Exx MUSl'BEONCOUNCdAGENDABY(DA'fE) OI BUDGEiDIRE(:l"OR Z I� FQI.&MGf.SERV[CFSD�. 12/27/00 � n+nvoz(oxasssra� � c�wccouxraxr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACRON REQUFS'IED Approval to amend the 2000 budget to provide for required disbursements of HoteUMotel tac collections to the Saint Paul Convenrion and Visitors Bureau xecomnmunwnor�s: a�w� (w>a.n 7«�pp PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNPIG COMh16510N _CNQ,SERV[CECOMMISSION I. Flas this person/fum ever worked under a contraa for ttiis depazmient? cmwnusrtee YES NO w_srnee _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? ��snucrcornct YES NO sveeoars wtrtce couiuc¢ oa�cnve+ 3. Does this person/Cvm possess a skill not noimally possessed by any cu�rent ciTy employee? YES NO (Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet) MITTA]'AIGPROHLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR]'[INIiY (RTy Whay Whrn, Whcrc, whyi' The portion of the City's budget for receipt and disbursement of hoteUmotel taaces to the Saint Paul Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is insufficient to make full payment of these funds in accordance with legislatively established formulas. This resolution recognizes addirional hoteUmotel taYes received by the City in 2000, and provides sufficient spending authority to allow for the full distribution of funds to the CVB. � ADVAMAGESQAPPROVED: The Ciry will have sufficient budget authority to make full payment of hofeUmotel tases to the CVB. DISADVANTAGFS ff APPROVFD None DISAD VANLAGE$ OF NOT APPRO V EO: . The City will be unable to make full payment of hoteUmotel taxes to the CVB. �rC�Y ��f�r !J � ls G �. L�UU iOTALAMOUN'l'OFTRANSACTION � ZOO OOO COSi/REVENOEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO �,��so�aa Soecial Promotions A����eR GL - 050 - 30108 - 1401 Pw�cw s�oai.v.nox:c�� � GL - 050 - 30108 - 0545 Office of Financial Services (G�shared�budgefl1231resoluti\PDOSOCVB.WK4 ) ORlGfNAL Presented By: Referred To: Current Budget i WHEREAS, the Hotel/Motel taxes are imposed, collected and distributed by the City according to legislatively z established formulas; and a WHEREAS, the 2000 receipts will be in excess of the originat budget, requiring additional spending authority to s distribute the seceipts io accordance with those formutas; and s � WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that s there are available for appropriations $200,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; now therefore be it io RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approve the 2000 budget as amended below: „ ,2 is Financing Plan ,a O�ce of Financial Services �e Special Projects/General Government Accounts ,s Promote Saint Paui n 050-30108-1401 ,a Ali Other Fund Financing 79 20 z+ Sqending Plan zz O�ce of Financial Services zs Special Projects/General Government Accounts za Promote Saint Paul 1,471,518 0 1,471 518 Council File # pp �� pee Green Sheet# 704294 ia Committee: Date Change 200, 000 0 200,000 zs 050-30108-0545 1,406,518 ze All Other Fund Spending 65,000 Z � 1,471,518 za 29 30 Requested by: Adoptio� Certified by Gou�cil Secretary: ► • . . . - . . . � . - .�<�+ i � �"�r , � ! I�L RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 200,000 0 200,000 Office of Financiai Services By: Peter Hames Amended Budget 1,671,518 0 1,671,518 1,606,518 65, 000 1,671,518 Approva co mended by OF By: Fo Ap rov by City Attor ey: By: �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: BY� ��l � l�-f i l/ il . Office of Financial ervices (G:lsharedl6utlgefl123Vesoluti\FDOSOCVB.WK4 j Adopted by Council: Date {�a� �� ,oeo r— DEPARYMENT/OFPICF/CO[MCO. DATEINI'11ATED OfficeofFinancialSemces 12-19-00 GREEN SHEET NO. 104294 0._��•s COMAC[PERSON&PHONE � DEPARTh@.1'DLL25CTOR �6 CIIVCAUNCLL. BruceEngelbrekt 266-8546 Q cm'nrrowuev� cm'a.�.Exx MUSl'BEONCOUNCdAGENDABY(DA'fE) OI BUDGEiDIRE(:l"OR Z I� FQI.&MGf.SERV[CFSD�. 12/27/00 � n+nvoz(oxasssra� � c�wccouxraxr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACRON REQUFS'IED Approval to amend the 2000 budget to provide for required disbursements of HoteUMotel tac collections to the Saint Paul Convenrion and Visitors Bureau xecomnmunwnor�s: a�w� (w>a.n 7«�pp PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNPIG COMh16510N _CNQ,SERV[CECOMMISSION I. Flas this person/fum ever worked under a contraa for ttiis depazmient? cmwnusrtee YES NO w_srnee _ 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? ��snucrcornct YES NO sveeoars wtrtce couiuc¢ oa�cnve+ 3. Does this person/Cvm possess a skill not noimally possessed by any cu�rent ciTy employee? YES NO (Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet) MITTA]'AIGPROHLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR]'[INIiY (RTy Whay Whrn, Whcrc, whyi' The portion of the City's budget for receipt and disbursement of hoteUmotel taaces to the Saint Paul Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is insufficient to make full payment of these funds in accordance with legislatively established formulas. This resolution recognizes addirional hoteUmotel taYes received by the City in 2000, and provides sufficient spending authority to allow for the full distribution of funds to the CVB. � ADVAMAGESQAPPROVED: The Ciry will have sufficient budget authority to make full payment of hofeUmotel tases to the CVB. DISADVANTAGFS ff APPROVFD None DISAD VANLAGE$ OF NOT APPRO V EO: . The City will be unable to make full payment of hoteUmotel taxes to the CVB. �rC�Y ��f�r !J � ls G �. L�UU iOTALAMOUN'l'OFTRANSACTION � ZOO OOO COSi/REVENOEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO �,��so�aa Soecial Promotions A����eR GL - 050 - 30108 - 1401 Pw�cw s�oai.v.nox:c�� � GL - 050 - 30108 - 0545 Office of Financial Services (G�shared�budgefl1231resoluti\PDOSOCVB.WK4 )