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� QR1GI►�AL Presented ey: Referted To: WHEREAS, The 2000 Budgets of the Generai Fund and special funds are projected to be out of balance; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, according to City Charter, Sec. 70.07.3, must recommend adjustrnents to bring the budgets into balance; antl WHEREAS, the departments and ofBCes of the City have recommended that the following budgets be adjusted; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance wifh Section 10.07.1, certifies thatthere are available for appropriation $849,511 in General Pund monies and $252,249 in spxial fund monies in excess of thwe estimated in the 2000 butlget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.7 antl 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2000 budget: GENERALFUND GreenSheet# 104292 Committee Date: It t 2 3 a s 6 ] 6 a �o ti u t3 �a t5 16 » is 1a 2a 21 22 23 u zs 26 2] 28 29 30 3t � aa u 3s 36 3� 16 3a aa at az 43 aa u 4fi a] 48 as so 51 52 � sa ss 56 5� sa 5s so 61 62 Fund Activity Object Description FINANCMG Use of General Pund resources and fond ba{ance to finance various spending items 001 • 00000 - 9830 Use of Funtl Balance foryearend �esolution 001 • 03101 - 7501 Residual EquiTy T�'ansfer in 001 - 03195 • 3799 Otherfederaldirectgranfsstate(FEMA) CiN Attorney's O(fice City Attorney, General Operations 001 - 00200 - 4099 SPENDING RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Fees - N.O.C. GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE rel tA om General Government Accounis, actual seltlements, fringe bene£t wsts 001 - 09070 - 0511 Settlements 001 • 09073 • 0218 Attorney Fees 001 - 09051 • 0439 Fringe Benefits � counc'I CiTy Council, general fund fringe benefit costs 001 - 00007 - 0439 Fringe Benefits C;tv Attompy's Offce City Attorney, General Operations 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 0020� - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 • 00200 - Off' f F'n n' 1 S 'ces Financial Services 007 - 00110 Council File # Qp � � �qq 0114 FWI-7imeAppointed 0439 Fringe Benefits 0299 Other, Misc. 0432 Unemployment Comp 0545 Ciry Contrib. to Outride Agenry 0892 Architect Fees, CapiWlized 0894 Constmction, Generel 0439 Fringe Benefits Parks & R t" Parks & Recreation Administration - Fringe Benefts, Rice/Adington Sports Dome Subsidy Parks 8 Recreation - Other- Greening the Great Riveq Summer Storm Damage, Utilities 001 - 031�0 - 0141 Overtime 001 • 03100 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 001 - 03107 - 0566 Transfer W Enterprise Fund - Dome subsidy 001 - 03108 - 0545 Greening the Great River-River Steward Prog 001 - 03140 - 0377 Electricity 001 • 03195 - 0141 Summerstormdamage-overtime Page 7 of 3 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 166,462 166,462 0 740,549 140,548 0 507,500 507,500 0 35,000 35,000 849 571 340,000 147,000 190,000 (85,000) 20,562 2,000 412,724 15.900 487,000 705,000 22,562 428,624 2,054,234 1$500 2,067,734 778,648 45,000 823,648 3,080 10,060 13,080 18,528 (14,888) 3,660 14,610 (14,670) 0 0 2,500 2,500 0 79,000 19,000 333,438 500 0 45,000 117,550 77,850 179,082 200,000 o aa,soo 678,099 62,898 15,000 7,500 333,938 45,000 185,200 379,082 yt,soo 740,998 zz,soo , ,� Q � � � � � � � CouncilFile # �_ p ���1qd_ GreenSheet# 704292 RESOLUTION C17Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentetl By: Referted To: Committee Date: W � 65 66 6] 68 � �i sa 001 - 03400 - 0439 Fringe Benefits �0 001 - 03401 - 0439 Fringe Bene£ts v� 001 - 03402 • 0439 Fringe Benefits 'r2 007 - 03404 - 0439 Fringe Benefits va �a �5 '�_5,�t11 C d E v"ronm tal P otecfon v6 U01 - 00177 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 7� 001 - 00178 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 7a 99 80 iti ap rv .Offi 8� 001 - 00250 • 0439 Fringe Benefits s2 001 - 00251 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 83 007 - 00256 - 0439 Fringe Beneitr � 85 Pol'ce Deoartment es Police Fieet, adjustment for 2000 motor fuel prices e� 001 • 04001 - 0341 Motor Fuel 85 8e Tech logy and M g t Serv'ces ea 001 - 01001 • 0439 Fringe Benefits 91 007 - 01300 - 0439 Fringe BenEfits 92 g3 GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE � as SPECIAL FUNDS 96 e� � Attorn�y"s Office sa Budget for Outside Services. sa FINANCING 100 025 • 10200 - 4301 No�malACtivityServices 129,847 1ot 025 - 10200 • 4329 Services to Public Housing qqency 145,038 �oz 025 - 10200 • 4331 Services for HRA 217,459 t0a All Other Financing ' 270,727 �oa FUND FINANCING TOTAL 762,472 105 SPENDING �05 025 • 10200 - 011b Full-TimeAppointed 379,116 �o� 025 • 102a0 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 114,824 70s AIl OtherSpentling 268,532 �O& FUND SPENDING TOTAL 762.472 NO 11I 112 Parks & Recreafon N3 7ransfer remaining residual equiry from Town Square Park special fund to the Gene21 Fund 11< FINANCING tts 388 - 43180 - 9630 Use ot Fund Balance 0 716 All Other Financing a ��� FUND FINANCING TOTAL 0 11a SPENDING 11s 388 - 43780 - 0536 Res�dualEquityTrensferOUt 0 12o AllOtherSpending 0 t2t FUND SPENDING TOTAL 0 122 �p} 124 Page 2 of 3 AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET 8,000 60,132 17,000 273,080 109,000 1,457,036 10,000 199,113 16,000 160,442 4,000 106,052 7,600 46,248 6,300 51,684 31,000 283,316 70,000 429,452 1,850 42,233 12,310 166,473 849,511 CURRENT BUDGET 52.732 256,080 1,345,036 189.113 144,442 102,052 4M1.6A8 45,584 252,316 359,452 40,383 154,163 1,108 13,`�7 2,045 0 76,700 10,500 6,200 0 16,700 140,549 0 140,549 140,549 0 140,548 130,955 158,586 279,504 27Q127 779,172 389,616 121,024 268,532 779,772 140,549 0 140,549 14Q549 0 140,%9 � ,� � � � � � � � � Council File # 0 Q � ltq� �f !\ � � i GreenSheet# 104292 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PreseMed By: Referted To: Committee Date: tzs t26 lz� ue t29 �so t31 732 �� 134 �� 136 13] 138 139 140 14t 142 163 t4� I65 166 u� tae ia9 150 151 152 153 i% 155 156 151 158 159 160 t6t 162 163 Page 3 of 3 SPECIALFUNDS wntinued P ks a d Rec ati Adtlitional subsidy for Rice/Arlington Sports Dome FINANCING 326 - 23733 - 7305 32b - 23133 - 7302 326 - 23133 - 5220 326 - 23133 - 5223 326 - 23133 - 5299 326 - 23133 - 5417 326 • 23133 - 5501 326 - 23133 - 5502 326 - 23133 - 5599 CURRENT BUDGET 179.082 E+�,000 50,000 30,000 230,000 105,000 35,000 15,000 5,000 CHANGES 200,000 0 (5,000) (10,OW) (65,000) (75,000) 0 (1Q000) 0 AMENDED BUDGET 379,082 W,WO 45,000 20,000 165,000 90,000 35,000 5,000 5,000 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 699,082 95,000 794,082 SPENDING 326 - 23131 - AII Spending 336,020 0 336,020 326 - 23133 • 0371 Electricity 26,400 20,000 46,400 326 - 23133 • 0373 Gas 41,600 75,000 116,600 326 - 23133 -AilOtherSpending 295,062 0 295,062 FUNDSPENDINGTOTAL 699082 95000 794,082 Therefore, 6e it RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to the 2000 budget. Requested by Department of: Ezecutive Administration - Financial5ervices By: PeterHames Approval me etl 6y Dire r of Financial Services: B , Adoption Ce ' ed by Council Secretary: ey: � � Approved by Mayoc Date � � �'� � ey: � Transferfrom Geneal Fund Transferftom EMerprise Fund Admissions Instruction Fees Fees N.O.C. Facility Food Sales Merchandise saies Sales N.O.C. Attorney: 4'�IIlJIIC Approved by B . s.ma. (a:wwa6o'sunoEn�usxaoowarxEVOwun Adopted by Council: Date �!6 OC 1 �� 0 � Dsenxz�rio�c�covrrca, nnxESnzrnrEn ao _��q'\ ExecutiveAdministrason 12/os/oo GREEN SHE NO. 104292 CONl'ACTPERSON&PHONE � DEPARTMENTDIIiF.C]'OR �4 CffYCOUNCII. Peter Hames 266-8800 � �z crrr nTTOx�r __� � crrr ci.nuc MU5L BE ON CAUNCD. AGENDA BY (DA'I� �� �7 BUDCbl' DIItECLOR � FIN. & MGT. SIIiVICES DIIL 12(L7/OO ❑3 MAYOR(ORASSISIE��T)__�z�/ �5 nFC-Acco�mtineSation TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ACTtON REQiIESl'ID _ Approval of the attached 2000 year-end budget adjustment resolution n�co�.�u�anor�s:ayp�o.e�w�ore.�««x) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTELEFOLIqWINGQUESTIONS: (Explain all yes answers on separare sheet aud alfach to grcen sheet) PL4NI�L�GCOMAllS510N _C[VR,SEftVICECOhAUSS10N 1.H25th1S]ICISO➢/flilRevCiwO[kPdlmdClaCOLICdCf£ortivSd¢P31tmCRt? _c�eco'm.u'rrEe _ YES NO , w_S'rneF _ 2. Has tltis person/f¢m everbeen a ciry employee? DIS1'RIRCOURT YES NO swrOers wwCxCOUrvCrt oeheme+ 3. Dces flus persodfUm possess a sl�ll vot normally possessedby any c�ment city employee? YES NO INl'IIATIVEPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTON[TY (Whq Wha4 WLeu. Where, WhY): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED: The 2000 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. DISADVANTAGES ff APPROVED� None DISADVANTAGES ff NOT APPROVED: Tlie 2000 budget will not balance. TOTAL AMOUIV'[ OF TRANSACTIOPi COST/REVENOE BUDGETRD (CIRCLE ONE� YES O� j General Fund $849,511 Special Funds $252,249 ncrrvrrvwrvisEx Various CapiffiI Projects Funds $0 TOTAL $1,101,760 Fuivnrnc souxcE Various PreparetlbytM1eOfficeWFinandal5ervices (G:GSHMEDIBUDGET1231YR20001001RENO.WK9) � QR1GI►�AL Presented ey: Referted To: WHEREAS, The 2000 Budgets of the Generai Fund and special funds are projected to be out of balance; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, according to City Charter, Sec. 70.07.3, must recommend adjustrnents to bring the budgets into balance; antl WHEREAS, the departments and ofBCes of the City have recommended that the following budgets be adjusted; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance wifh Section 10.07.1, certifies thatthere are available for appropriation $849,511 in General Pund monies and $252,249 in spxial fund monies in excess of thwe estimated in the 2000 butlget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.7 antl 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2000 budget: GENERALFUND GreenSheet# 104292 Committee Date: It t 2 3 a s 6 ] 6 a �o ti u t3 �a t5 16 » is 1a 2a 21 22 23 u zs 26 2] 28 29 30 3t � aa u 3s 36 3� 16 3a aa at az 43 aa u 4fi a] 48 as so 51 52 � sa ss 56 5� sa 5s so 61 62 Fund Activity Object Description FINANCMG Use of General Pund resources and fond ba{ance to finance various spending items 001 • 00000 - 9830 Use of Funtl Balance foryearend �esolution 001 • 03101 - 7501 Residual EquiTy T�'ansfer in 001 - 03195 • 3799 Otherfederaldirectgranfsstate(FEMA) CiN Attorney's O(fice City Attorney, General Operations 001 - 00200 - 4099 SPENDING RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Fees - N.O.C. GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE rel tA om General Government Accounis, actual seltlements, fringe bene£t wsts 001 - 09070 - 0511 Settlements 001 • 09073 • 0218 Attorney Fees 001 - 09051 • 0439 Fringe Benefits � counc'I CiTy Council, general fund fringe benefit costs 001 - 00007 - 0439 Fringe Benefits C;tv Attompy's Offce City Attorney, General Operations 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 0020� - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 • 00200 - Off' f F'n n' 1 S 'ces Financial Services 007 - 00110 Council File # Qp � � �qq 0114 FWI-7imeAppointed 0439 Fringe Benefits 0299 Other, Misc. 0432 Unemployment Comp 0545 Ciry Contrib. to Outride Agenry 0892 Architect Fees, CapiWlized 0894 Constmction, Generel 0439 Fringe Benefits Parks & R t" Parks & Recreation Administration - Fringe Benefts, Rice/Adington Sports Dome Subsidy Parks 8 Recreation - Other- Greening the Great Riveq Summer Storm Damage, Utilities 001 - 031�0 - 0141 Overtime 001 • 03100 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 001 - 03107 - 0566 Transfer W Enterprise Fund - Dome subsidy 001 - 03108 - 0545 Greening the Great River-River Steward Prog 001 - 03140 - 0377 Electricity 001 • 03195 - 0141 Summerstormdamage-overtime Page 7 of 3 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 166,462 166,462 0 740,549 140,548 0 507,500 507,500 0 35,000 35,000 849 571 340,000 147,000 190,000 (85,000) 20,562 2,000 412,724 15.900 487,000 705,000 22,562 428,624 2,054,234 1$500 2,067,734 778,648 45,000 823,648 3,080 10,060 13,080 18,528 (14,888) 3,660 14,610 (14,670) 0 0 2,500 2,500 0 79,000 19,000 333,438 500 0 45,000 117,550 77,850 179,082 200,000 o aa,soo 678,099 62,898 15,000 7,500 333,938 45,000 185,200 379,082 yt,soo 740,998 zz,soo , ,� Q � � � � � � � CouncilFile # �_ p ���1qd_ GreenSheet# 704292 RESOLUTION C17Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentetl By: Referted To: Committee Date: W � 65 66 6] 68 � �i sa 001 - 03400 - 0439 Fringe Benefits �0 001 - 03401 - 0439 Fringe Bene£ts v� 001 - 03402 • 0439 Fringe Benefits 'r2 007 - 03404 - 0439 Fringe Benefits va �a �5 '�_5,�t11 C d E v"ronm tal P otecfon v6 U01 - 00177 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 7� 001 - 00178 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 7a 99 80 iti ap rv .Offi 8� 001 - 00250 • 0439 Fringe Benefits s2 001 - 00251 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 83 007 - 00256 - 0439 Fringe Beneitr � 85 Pol'ce Deoartment es Police Fieet, adjustment for 2000 motor fuel prices e� 001 • 04001 - 0341 Motor Fuel 85 8e Tech logy and M g t Serv'ces ea 001 - 01001 • 0439 Fringe Benefits 91 007 - 01300 - 0439 Fringe BenEfits 92 g3 GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE � as SPECIAL FUNDS 96 e� � Attorn�y"s Office sa Budget for Outside Services. sa FINANCING 100 025 • 10200 - 4301 No�malACtivityServices 129,847 1ot 025 - 10200 • 4329 Services to Public Housing qqency 145,038 �oz 025 - 10200 • 4331 Services for HRA 217,459 t0a All Other Financing ' 270,727 �oa FUND FINANCING TOTAL 762,472 105 SPENDING �05 025 • 10200 - 011b Full-TimeAppointed 379,116 �o� 025 • 102a0 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 114,824 70s AIl OtherSpentling 268,532 �O& FUND SPENDING TOTAL 762.472 NO 11I 112 Parks & Recreafon N3 7ransfer remaining residual equiry from Town Square Park special fund to the Gene21 Fund 11< FINANCING tts 388 - 43180 - 9630 Use ot Fund Balance 0 716 All Other Financing a ��� FUND FINANCING TOTAL 0 11a SPENDING 11s 388 - 43780 - 0536 Res�dualEquityTrensferOUt 0 12o AllOtherSpending 0 t2t FUND SPENDING TOTAL 0 122 �p} 124 Page 2 of 3 AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET 8,000 60,132 17,000 273,080 109,000 1,457,036 10,000 199,113 16,000 160,442 4,000 106,052 7,600 46,248 6,300 51,684 31,000 283,316 70,000 429,452 1,850 42,233 12,310 166,473 849,511 CURRENT BUDGET 52.732 256,080 1,345,036 189.113 144,442 102,052 4M1.6A8 45,584 252,316 359,452 40,383 154,163 1,108 13,`�7 2,045 0 76,700 10,500 6,200 0 16,700 140,549 0 140,549 140,549 0 140,548 130,955 158,586 279,504 27Q127 779,172 389,616 121,024 268,532 779,772 140,549 0 140,549 14Q549 0 140,%9 � ,� � � � � � � � � Council File # 0 Q � ltq� �f !\ � � i GreenSheet# 104292 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PreseMed By: Referted To: Committee Date: tzs t26 lz� ue t29 �so t31 732 �� 134 �� 136 13] 138 139 140 14t 142 163 t4� I65 166 u� tae ia9 150 151 152 153 i% 155 156 151 158 159 160 t6t 162 163 Page 3 of 3 SPECIALFUNDS wntinued P ks a d Rec ati Adtlitional subsidy for Rice/Arlington Sports Dome FINANCING 326 - 23733 - 7305 32b - 23133 - 7302 326 - 23133 - 5220 326 - 23133 - 5223 326 - 23133 - 5299 326 - 23133 - 5417 326 • 23133 - 5501 326 - 23133 - 5502 326 - 23133 - 5599 CURRENT BUDGET 179.082 E+�,000 50,000 30,000 230,000 105,000 35,000 15,000 5,000 CHANGES 200,000 0 (5,000) (10,OW) (65,000) (75,000) 0 (1Q000) 0 AMENDED BUDGET 379,082 W,WO 45,000 20,000 165,000 90,000 35,000 5,000 5,000 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 699,082 95,000 794,082 SPENDING 326 - 23131 - AII Spending 336,020 0 336,020 326 - 23133 • 0371 Electricity 26,400 20,000 46,400 326 - 23133 • 0373 Gas 41,600 75,000 116,600 326 - 23133 -AilOtherSpending 295,062 0 295,062 FUNDSPENDINGTOTAL 699082 95000 794,082 Therefore, 6e it RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to the 2000 budget. Requested by Department of: Ezecutive Administration - Financial5ervices By: PeterHames Approval me etl 6y Dire r of Financial Services: B , Adoption Ce ' ed by Council Secretary: ey: � � Approved by Mayoc Date � � �'� � ey: � Transferfrom Geneal Fund Transferftom EMerprise Fund Admissions Instruction Fees Fees N.O.C. Facility Food Sales Merchandise saies Sales N.O.C. Attorney: 4'�IIlJIIC Approved by B . s.ma. (a:wwa6o'sunoEn�usxaoowarxEVOwun Adopted by Council: Date �!6 OC 1 �� 0 � Dsenxz�rio�c�covrrca, nnxESnzrnrEn ao _��q'\ ExecutiveAdministrason 12/os/oo GREEN SHE NO. 104292 CONl'ACTPERSON&PHONE � DEPARTMENTDIIiF.C]'OR �4 CffYCOUNCII. Peter Hames 266-8800 � �z crrr nTTOx�r __� � crrr ci.nuc MU5L BE ON CAUNCD. AGENDA BY (DA'I� �� �7 BUDCbl' DIItECLOR � FIN. & MGT. SIIiVICES DIIL 12(L7/OO ❑3 MAYOR(ORASSISIE��T)__�z�/ �5 nFC-Acco�mtineSation TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ACTtON REQiIESl'ID _ Approval of the attached 2000 year-end budget adjustment resolution n�co�.�u�anor�s:ayp�o.e�w�ore.�««x) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTELEFOLIqWINGQUESTIONS: (Explain all yes answers on separare sheet aud alfach to grcen sheet) PL4NI�L�GCOMAllS510N _C[VR,SEftVICECOhAUSS10N 1.H25th1S]ICISO➢/flilRevCiwO[kPdlmdClaCOLICdCf£ortivSd¢P31tmCRt? _c�eco'm.u'rrEe _ YES NO , w_S'rneF _ 2. Has tltis person/f¢m everbeen a ciry employee? DIS1'RIRCOURT YES NO swrOers wwCxCOUrvCrt oeheme+ 3. Dces flus persodfUm possess a sl�ll vot normally possessedby any c�ment city employee? YES NO INl'IIATIVEPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTON[TY (Whq Wha4 WLeu. Where, WhY): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED: The 2000 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. DISADVANTAGES ff APPROVED� None DISADVANTAGES ff NOT APPROVED: Tlie 2000 budget will not balance. TOTAL AMOUIV'[ OF TRANSACTIOPi COST/REVENOE BUDGETRD (CIRCLE ONE� YES O� j General Fund $849,511 Special Funds $252,249 ncrrvrrvwrvisEx Various CapiffiI Projects Funds $0 TOTAL $1,101,760 Fuivnrnc souxcE Various PreparetlbytM1eOfficeWFinandal5ervices (G:GSHMEDIBUDGET1231YR20001001RENO.WK9) � QR1GI►�AL Presented ey: Referted To: WHEREAS, The 2000 Budgets of the Generai Fund and special funds are projected to be out of balance; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, according to City Charter, Sec. 70.07.3, must recommend adjustrnents to bring the budgets into balance; antl WHEREAS, the departments and ofBCes of the City have recommended that the following budgets be adjusted; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance wifh Section 10.07.1, certifies thatthere are available for appropriation $849,511 in General Pund monies and $252,249 in spxial fund monies in excess of thwe estimated in the 2000 butlget; and, in accordance with Section 10.07.7 antl 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2000 budget: GENERALFUND GreenSheet# 104292 Committee Date: It t 2 3 a s 6 ] 6 a �o ti u t3 �a t5 16 » is 1a 2a 21 22 23 u zs 26 2] 28 29 30 3t � aa u 3s 36 3� 16 3a aa at az 43 aa u 4fi a] 48 as so 51 52 � sa ss 56 5� sa 5s so 61 62 Fund Activity Object Description FINANCMG Use of General Pund resources and fond ba{ance to finance various spending items 001 • 00000 - 9830 Use of Funtl Balance foryearend �esolution 001 • 03101 - 7501 Residual EquiTy T�'ansfer in 001 - 03195 • 3799 Otherfederaldirectgranfsstate(FEMA) CiN Attorney's O(fice City Attorney, General Operations 001 - 00200 - 4099 SPENDING RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Fees - N.O.C. GENERAL FUND FINANCING CHANGE rel tA om General Government Accounis, actual seltlements, fringe bene£t wsts 001 - 09070 - 0511 Settlements 001 • 09073 • 0218 Attorney Fees 001 - 09051 • 0439 Fringe Benefits � counc'I CiTy Council, general fund fringe benefit costs 001 - 00007 - 0439 Fringe Benefits C;tv Attompy's Offce City Attorney, General Operations 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 0020� - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 - 00200 - 001 • 00200 - Off' f F'n n' 1 S 'ces Financial Services 007 - 00110 Council File # Qp � � �qq 0114 FWI-7imeAppointed 0439 Fringe Benefits 0299 Other, Misc. 0432 Unemployment Comp 0545 Ciry Contrib. to Outride Agenry 0892 Architect Fees, CapiWlized 0894 Constmction, Generel 0439 Fringe Benefits Parks & R t" Parks & Recreation Administration - Fringe Benefts, Rice/Adington Sports Dome Subsidy Parks 8 Recreation - Other- Greening the Great Riveq Summer Storm Damage, Utilities 001 - 031�0 - 0141 Overtime 001 • 03100 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 001 - 03107 - 0566 Transfer W Enterprise Fund - Dome subsidy 001 - 03108 - 0545 Greening the Great River-River Steward Prog 001 - 03140 - 0377 Electricity 001 • 03195 - 0141 Summerstormdamage-overtime Page 7 of 3 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0 166,462 166,462 0 740,549 140,548 0 507,500 507,500 0 35,000 35,000 849 571 340,000 147,000 190,000 (85,000) 20,562 2,000 412,724 15.900 487,000 705,000 22,562 428,624 2,054,234 1$500 2,067,734 778,648 45,000 823,648 3,080 10,060 13,080 18,528 (14,888) 3,660 14,610 (14,670) 0 0 2,500 2,500 0 79,000 19,000 333,438 500 0 45,000 117,550 77,850 179,082 200,000 o aa,soo 678,099 62,898 15,000 7,500 333,938 45,000 185,200 379,082 yt,soo 740,998 zz,soo , ,� Q � � � � � � � CouncilFile # �_ p ���1qd_ GreenSheet# 704292 RESOLUTION C17Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presentetl By: Referted To: Committee Date: W � 65 66 6] 68 � �i sa 001 - 03400 - 0439 Fringe Benefits �0 001 - 03401 - 0439 Fringe Bene£ts v� 001 - 03402 • 0439 Fringe Benefits 'r2 007 - 03404 - 0439 Fringe Benefits va �a �5 '�_5,�t11 C d E v"ronm tal P otecfon v6 U01 - 00177 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 7� 001 - 00178 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 7a 99 80 iti ap rv .Offi 8� 001 - 00250 • 0439 Fringe Benefits s2 001 - 00251 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 83 007 - 00256 - 0439 Fringe Beneitr � 85 Pol'ce Deoartment es Police Fieet, adjustment for 2000 motor fuel prices e� 001 • 04001 - 0341 Motor Fuel 85 8e Tech logy and M g t Serv'ces ea 001 - 01001 • 0439 Fringe Benefits 91 007 - 01300 - 0439 Fringe BenEfits 92 g3 GENERAL FUND SPENDING CHANGE � as SPECIAL FUNDS 96 e� � Attorn�y"s Office sa Budget for Outside Services. sa FINANCING 100 025 • 10200 - 4301 No�malACtivityServices 129,847 1ot 025 - 10200 • 4329 Services to Public Housing qqency 145,038 �oz 025 - 10200 • 4331 Services for HRA 217,459 t0a All Other Financing ' 270,727 �oa FUND FINANCING TOTAL 762,472 105 SPENDING �05 025 • 10200 - 011b Full-TimeAppointed 379,116 �o� 025 • 102a0 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 114,824 70s AIl OtherSpentling 268,532 �O& FUND SPENDING TOTAL 762.472 NO 11I 112 Parks & Recreafon N3 7ransfer remaining residual equiry from Town Square Park special fund to the Gene21 Fund 11< FINANCING tts 388 - 43180 - 9630 Use ot Fund Balance 0 716 All Other Financing a ��� FUND FINANCING TOTAL 0 11a SPENDING 11s 388 - 43780 - 0536 Res�dualEquityTrensferOUt 0 12o AllOtherSpending 0 t2t FUND SPENDING TOTAL 0 122 �p} 124 Page 2 of 3 AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET 8,000 60,132 17,000 273,080 109,000 1,457,036 10,000 199,113 16,000 160,442 4,000 106,052 7,600 46,248 6,300 51,684 31,000 283,316 70,000 429,452 1,850 42,233 12,310 166,473 849,511 CURRENT BUDGET 52.732 256,080 1,345,036 189.113 144,442 102,052 4M1.6A8 45,584 252,316 359,452 40,383 154,163 1,108 13,`�7 2,045 0 76,700 10,500 6,200 0 16,700 140,549 0 140,549 140,549 0 140,548 130,955 158,586 279,504 27Q127 779,172 389,616 121,024 268,532 779,772 140,549 0 140,549 14Q549 0 140,%9 � ,� � � � � � � � � Council File # 0 Q � ltq� �f !\ � � i GreenSheet# 104292 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PreseMed By: Referted To: Committee Date: tzs t26 lz� ue t29 �so t31 732 �� 134 �� 136 13] 138 139 140 14t 142 163 t4� I65 166 u� tae ia9 150 151 152 153 i% 155 156 151 158 159 160 t6t 162 163 Page 3 of 3 SPECIALFUNDS wntinued P ks a d Rec ati Adtlitional subsidy for Rice/Arlington Sports Dome FINANCING 326 - 23733 - 7305 32b - 23133 - 7302 326 - 23133 - 5220 326 - 23133 - 5223 326 - 23133 - 5299 326 - 23133 - 5417 326 • 23133 - 5501 326 - 23133 - 5502 326 - 23133 - 5599 CURRENT BUDGET 179.082 E+�,000 50,000 30,000 230,000 105,000 35,000 15,000 5,000 CHANGES 200,000 0 (5,000) (10,OW) (65,000) (75,000) 0 (1Q000) 0 AMENDED BUDGET 379,082 W,WO 45,000 20,000 165,000 90,000 35,000 5,000 5,000 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 699,082 95,000 794,082 SPENDING 326 - 23131 - AII Spending 336,020 0 336,020 326 - 23133 • 0371 Electricity 26,400 20,000 46,400 326 - 23133 • 0373 Gas 41,600 75,000 116,600 326 - 23133 -AilOtherSpending 295,062 0 295,062 FUNDSPENDINGTOTAL 699082 95000 794,082 Therefore, 6e it RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above, and adopts the revisions to the 2000 budget. Requested by Department of: Ezecutive Administration - Financial5ervices By: PeterHames Approval me etl 6y Dire r of Financial Services: B , Adoption Ce ' ed by Council Secretary: ey: � � Approved by Mayoc Date � � �'� � ey: � Transferfrom Geneal Fund Transferftom EMerprise Fund Admissions Instruction Fees Fees N.O.C. Facility Food Sales Merchandise saies Sales N.O.C. Attorney: 4'�IIlJIIC Approved by B . s.ma. (a:wwa6o'sunoEn�usxaoowarxEVOwun Adopted by Council: Date �!6 OC 1 �� 0 � Dsenxz�rio�c�covrrca, nnxESnzrnrEn ao _��q'\ ExecutiveAdministrason 12/os/oo GREEN SHE NO. 104292 CONl'ACTPERSON&PHONE � DEPARTMENTDIIiF.C]'OR �4 CffYCOUNCII. Peter Hames 266-8800 � �z crrr nTTOx�r __� � crrr ci.nuc MU5L BE ON CAUNCD. AGENDA BY (DA'I� �� �7 BUDCbl' DIItECLOR � FIN. & MGT. SIIiVICES DIIL 12(L7/OO ❑3 MAYOR(ORASSISIE��T)__�z�/ �5 nFC-Acco�mtineSation TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) ACTtON REQiIESl'ID _ Approval of the attached 2000 year-end budget adjustment resolution n�co�.�u�anor�s:ayp�o.e�w�ore.�««x) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTELEFOLIqWINGQUESTIONS: (Explain all yes answers on separare sheet aud alfach to grcen sheet) PL4NI�L�GCOMAllS510N _C[VR,SEftVICECOhAUSS10N 1.H25th1S]ICISO➢/flilRevCiwO[kPdlmdClaCOLICdCf£ortivSd¢P31tmCRt? _c�eco'm.u'rrEe _ YES NO , w_S'rneF _ 2. Has tltis person/f¢m everbeen a ciry employee? DIS1'RIRCOURT YES NO swrOers wwCxCOUrvCrt oeheme+ 3. Dces flus persodfUm possess a sl�ll vot normally possessedby any c�ment city employee? YES NO INl'IIATIVEPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTON[TY (Whq Wha4 WLeu. Where, WhY): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. ADVANTAGESIPAPPROVED: The 2000 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. DISADVANTAGES ff APPROVED� None DISADVANTAGES ff NOT APPROVED: Tlie 2000 budget will not balance. TOTAL AMOUIV'[ OF TRANSACTIOPi COST/REVENOE BUDGETRD (CIRCLE ONE� YES O� j General Fund $849,511 Special Funds $252,249 ncrrvrrvwrvisEx Various CapiffiI Projects Funds $0 TOTAL $1,101,760 Fuivnrnc souxcE Various PreparetlbytM1eOfficeWFinandal5ervices (G:GSHMEDIBUDGET1231YR20001001RENO.WK9)