BLUE - MAVOR File NO. u -��✓�
Council Resolution
Presented By
— �i�.
✓ Refer d o ��AI�CL Committee: Date �°� o _�
Out o ommittee By Date
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and
directed to execute an agreement with the University of Minnesota
whereby the City of St. Paul will receive the services of Dr. Leon
Satran, M.D. according to the terms of said agreement, a copy of which
is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and
Management Services.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Drf 161lher��!/V�(
Itl F8V0[ -L'nmmt7ni tv SPrvicc�s
Masanz �� q ,�Li�„{�'o'�c--
sow.�be� __ A ga i n s t BY
AUG 2 3 198� Form A roved C' t ney
Adopted by Council: Date c.
Certified P• d by ouncil Secr ar BY �
t�ppro y Mavor: Date 1G 2 7 1984 AP ove y Mayor for S il
By — �
P USHED $F P � 1 1984
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. _ . . . ���// �-6 _. �.
Community Services_ DEpARTh1ENT
GaryuJ. Pechmann , ` ' ` !
292-7716 PHONE
oATE ree� e� �
j33,1..v 19E� �
(Rauting and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routinq Order (C1ip�Al1 Locations for Mayoral Signature):
Department Director
Ci ty Attorney RECEI�/Ed
Di rector of Management/Mayor . p��CEj��� ��� �b� ��� � ? 198Q
4 Finance and Management Services D�re�Ctpr� ^���j'
5 Ci ty C1 erk �L � iou� ,� C�TI' ATTpRN�y
� Budget Di rector f�AYOi�'S pFFICE
What Will be Achieved by iaking Action on the A�tached Mater�als? (Purpose/Rationale):
Resolution to allow city signatures on an agre�ment between the University of Min�esota
through its Department of Pediatrics and the Ci;ty of St. Paul through its Division of
Public. Health. . This contract is for the servic�es of Dr. Leon Satran at the S�„y Paul
Division of Public Health. �Q ' �
, RF C'F`v
.� r� � .. R ,
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Financial , Budgetary and Personnel I acts Anticipated: - �, / ' � � �E
� �N� F�' ... �,S
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The University of Minnesota Department of Pediatrics will be ������`"$�8 per hour
for Dr. Satran's clinical duties. The city a15o agrees to pa�.��1� per month to off-
set the cost of Dr. Satran's pager.
No personnel impacts are anticipated.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged o�^ Credited:
, .
Activity Codes 'to be charged for Dr. Sstran arei: 33244 - $24,000
33246 - $6,000
Attachments (List and Number all Attach�nts): .
!• ?• -
Copy of Agreement � Resolution _
� : �
. �
Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes Pto
Yes No Insurance Attached?
' Revision of. October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for 'Instructions�
, - � ��--�r.�
AN AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ���_ day of ,
198�, by and bet�veen the City of Saint Paul, a municipal cc�'rporation of the
State of riinnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City", acting through
its Division of Public Health, and the University of Minnesota, acting
through its Department of Pediatrics, hereinafter referred to as the "University";
WHEREAS, the City requires medical staff to provide clinical service to
patients in its medical program; and
WHEREAS, the City is permitted to contract for the performance of said
service or any portion thereof; and
WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the City, to contract for
said service;
NOtid, _THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the City and the
University as follows:
1. That the University shall provide the City with the physician
� services of Leon Satran, M.D.
2. That the University shall be paid $28 per hour for Dr. Satran's
clinical duties.
3. That the City shall pay $18 a month to offset the cost of Dr.
Satran's pager.
4. That the total amount reimbursed to the University under the terms
of this Agreement shall not exceed $30,000.
5. That the City shall submit to the University a schedule for Dr.
Satran's time in advance.
. . - � ��//.��
� / 6. That the City shall reimburse the University on a monthly basis
upon receipt of an invoice.
7. That the Department of Pediatrics (Pediatrics Specialists) shall
provide Professional Liability Insurance for Dr. Satran.
8. That at all times the University agrees that Dr. Satran is an
independent contractor as to the City and not an employee of the
9. That nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting the
right of independent operation of either the University or the
City for the affiliation of contract with any other institution or
agency while this Agreement is in effect.
10. That this Agreement may be terminated by either party with or
without cause upon thirty days' written notice. Charges which
have accrued for services rendered shall survive any termination
of this Agreement.
11. That any alteration, variations, modifications, or waivers of
provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when they have
been reduced to writing, fully signed, and attached to the original
of this A reement.
/ • • � . w -3- �_�//3�-
�� 12. That the terms of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 1984,
�'� through June 30, 1985. '
� �
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first
written above.
Activity Codes: 33244: $24,000
33246: $ 6,000
��/L�li(����. /l4�-r---�J
Head, Department of Pediatrics Georg timer, Mayor
R ��,�,,^ ;;,':, � ,y,�� ( ,�,,
:,I,L;_,� v: ,;��
President, Pediatrics Specialists Peter Hames, Director Gi'���I�
Dept. of Finance and Management Services
� r�
� � ��� ��1� �
N. L. Gault, Jr. Ra�r'C�`an�t�quist, AE-�i.ng Director
Dean, Medical School Department of Community Services
• �1 � �� �.�..�`C.-J��LV•d� .
Mdl^�OCheS,Associate Vice-President
and Treasurer, Division of Finance
�� c .
Assistan City ttorney �
Community Services_ DEPART(�iENT /� �/�2
Gary� J. Pechmann �ONTACT" � .
'292-7716 PHONE
DATE ���� �� �
(Routing and Exnlanation Sheet) '
Assign Number for Routinq Order (Clip All Locations for htayoral Signature):
1 Department Director
� City Attorney �
3 Directar of Management/Mayor
4 Finance and hlanagement Services Director
5 City Clerk
Budget Di rector .
�Jhat Will be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale}:
Resolution to allow city signatures on an agreement between the University of Min�esota
through its Department of Pediatrics and the City of St. Paul through its Division of _
Public. Health. _ This contract is for the services of Dr. Leon Satran at the $t. Paul �
Division of Public Health. � -
Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: - _
The University of Minnesota Department of Pediatrics will be �eimbursed $28 per hour �
for Dr. Satran's clinical duties. The city also agrees to pay $18 per month to off-
set the cost of Dr. Satran's pager.
No personnel impacts are anticipated.
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited:
Activity Codes':'to be charged for Dr. Satran are: 33244 - $24,000
33246 - $6,000
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments� :
/. �-
Cop.y of Agreement #� Resolution .
_ . ,f
�. ' " '
. ... . y¢ � ..' ".. "_"�.� ••.r• � �
Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(�ee Reverse Side for �Instructions}
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� `�� ���. D O t e . August 16, 1984
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Co i� MtTT�E R E P o RT
TO = Sa�n� Pau t Cifiy Cou�ci t _
�R Q� = C O tYl C�?j r f �� p h FINANCE, r9ANAGEMENT � PERSONNE L �.
� � ' CH A 1 R James Scheibel " � �
1. Approval of minufes from meeting held July 26, l984 � . ' "
2. Resolution amending the 1984 CIB budget and transferring $13,000 froae Co in ent '
Reserve - Specified to Exeeutiva AdminisGration - Personnel Office '
, � 3. Resolution approving $ZOO,OOU Federal National Mortgage Association securi[ies �
as collateral to protect d ublic funds of the City of St. Paul vith '
• • . Capital Bank. (Fiaance) _ , ,
• 4: Resolution approving sacurities as listed as collateral to protect deposits
public funds of the City of Sain[ Pau1 with-^••----�-- �� D . �
. �—� aenx.. �F1R3IIC2� . . , ,.
-�K. . : .
� S. Resolution approving an agzeement taith the County of tJashington whereby the City '
uill prov3de tuberculosis testing and subsequent reimbursement. • (Comraunity Service '
6. Resolution accepting [he financial pledge of the FYiends of the Library and •
expressing appreciation and thanks for the generous commitment by same to improve
the City's library system. (Community Services
�- -
7. Resolution approving an agreement with the University of Pfinnesota whereb the Cit"�
�will receive the services of Dr. Leon Satran, M,D. (Community Services) F � _
8. Resolution approving additions to'[he 1984 budget and appropriating $21;425 to the �
Financing and to the Spending Plans of PED 0 erat3ons Fund-National Endocnaent for
the Arts-New Works Design Charrette. (PED)
9. Resolutton approving acceptance of a $SO,OOO grant from the National Endocrment
for the Arts [o spqnso; a national de�ign competition for the World Trade Center .
Plaza ($lock 22) (PED r
.10. Resolution approving.acceptance of a $21,425 grant from the National Endoument for
the Arts to sponsor the tdev Works/St. Paul design compe[ition as part oF the NPP-
supported renovation of the uarehouse at 255 Kellogg in[o artist stud.io/hoasing. (PED) •
11. Reeolution approving additions [o [he 1984 budget and approprfating $I0,9S7 to the
Financing and to the Spending Plans of PED 0 erations Fund-Economics of Ameni[y_
Fee to Partners for Livable Places. (PED) * '
12. Re9olution approving additian� to the 1984 budge� and.appropriating $90,000 to
the Financing and to the Spending Plans of Lake Overflous-Sesaer Rental. (Public T;ori:s)
13. Resolution ameading the 1984 CIB budget and transferring $64 00 from ac[ivi[ies �
. as listed to Public Llorks Contingency-MSA. (public IJork
14. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriatin
the Financing and e Spending Plans of Traffic. Signal � Liglit;ngZt,aincenance_
(Public Norks)
IS, Resolution apptoving establishment of a Citizens' Commfssion to reviev the public +
. fiqancing practice9 used by the St. Paul ltRA and [he S[. paul Yort Authority .tHD
setting forch its membership and mandate (includes induscrial development bond�
tax incsewent financing, general obligatio bo mmuct • �
and Capital Improvement bud et �elopmr�t Block Crane
g practices).
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