CANfi<V - OEPARTMENT File NO. �� //�/
' Council Resolution
Presented By ��
rred To Committee: Date
ut of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, recently enacted federal legislation limits the amount of
industrial development bonds which may be issued in each state to $150 per
capita and state legislation ailocates Minnesota's IDB authority between
the state, municipalities, and development authorities within the state;
WHEREAS, this new allocation process places a limit of approximately
$86 million on the amount of industrial development bonds which may be
issued in the City of St. Paul and
WHEREAS, since 1977 the City of St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment
Authority (HRA) used revenue bond financing for housing and comnecial
development which has created 4,783 housing units, created or retained
8,009 jobs, leveraged $113,914,000 in private investment, and generated
$13,518,498 in annuai real estate taxes; and
WHEREAS, since the beginning of the industrial revenue bond program
in 1964, the St. Paul Port Authority has used industrial development bonds
to finance projects which have created or retained more than 25,000 jobs,
currently generate annual real estate taxes of $11,915,015, and represent
over $1 ,040,000.000 in total plant investment; and
WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority and
St. Paul Port Authority have used aiternative financiai tools in addition
to industrial development bonds to stimulate development in the City of
St. Paul ; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that there is established a Citizens' Cornnission to review
the industrial development bond, tax increment financing, general
obligation bond, Community Development Block Grant, and Capital Improvement
Budget financing practices used by the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment
Authority and the St. Paui Port Authority, inventory the possible projects
which may be assisted with each type of financing tool , and indicate which
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
°fe1nr in Favor
Scheibel __ Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
tlpproved by i4avor. Date _ Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council
BLU� - MAVOR File NO. j/ ,L••I -
' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By - Date
financing tools will be available to the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority and Port Authority to assist future development in the City of
St. Paul ; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commission will be composed of 15 members
appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council . Terms of the
15 members shall be for nine months after the first meeting of the
Commission. The Commission shali present a written report of their
findings to the Mayor and the City Council nine months after the first
Commission meeting. Commission members should inciude:
1 member from the financial comnunity;
1 member from the buildings and trades industry;
1 member from the legal profession;
1 member from the real estate or building management profession;
1 member from the League of Women Voters;
2 members from the bond conxnunity;
1 member from the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce;
2 members from the Port Authority
2 members from the City Council
and 3 at-large citizen representatives. The City of St. Paul wili provide
clerical and support staff for this study.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Dr�� ���a�y
11( �
Masanz In Favor
Nicosia ��
�s�hsws+ __ A gai n s t BY
Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 3 1984 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified d y C un .il ret BY
Approv y �Navor: Da
``- 2 7 Approved by Mayoc Eor Submission to Council
PUBLIS�tED S F_P - i 1984
` I ' 1 �� �1
c � r r � J �/ / l�l
� . �� <
.� Council Resolution
Presented By
✓Ref r d To � � � Committee: Date ���—
Out of Committee By Date ,
WHEREAS, rece ly enacted federal legisiation limits the amount of
industrial developme t bonds which may be issued in each state �o $150 per
capita and state legi lation aliocates Minnesota's IDB authority between
the state, municipalit s, and development authorities within the state;
and �
WHEREAS, this new all ation process places a limit of approximately
$86 million on the amount o industrial development bonds which may be
issued in the City of St. Pau and
WHEREAS, since 1977 the Ci of St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment
Authority (HRA) used revenue bon financing for housing and comnecial
development which has created 4,78 hausing units, created or retained
8,009 ,�obs, leveraged $113,914.000 private investment, and gene�ated
;13,518,498 in annual real estate ta s; and
WHEREAS, since the beginning of th industrial revenue bond program
in 1964, the St. Paul Port Authority has used industrial development bonds
to finance projects which have created or etained more than 25,000 3obs,
currently generate annual real estate taxe of $11,915,015, and represent
over $1,040,000,000 in total plant investrt�e ; and
WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority and
St. Paul Port Authority have used alternative f ancial tools in addition
to industrial development bonds to stimulate dev l�pment in the City of
St. Paul ; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that there is established a Citizens' Commission to review
the industrial development bond, tax increment financ'ng, general
obligation bond. Carmunity Deaelopment Biock Grant, an Capital Ir�rovement
Budget financing practices used by the St. Paul Housing nd Redevelopment
Authority and the St. Paul Port Authority, inventory the ssible projects
which may be assisted with each type of financing tooi , a indicate which
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Drew In Favor
scnetbe� _ Against By
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
t#pproved by lVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ BY
P NIKE - FINA CE RK COUflClI .�l��jl�l
, File N 0. ' �
Council Resolution
Presented By . �^
Refer d T Committee: Date
Out of ommittee By Date
financing tools will be available to the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority and Port Authority to assist future development in the City of
St. Paul ; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cortmission wiil be canposed of 15 members
appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council . Terms of the
15 met�ers shall be for nine months after the first meeting of the
Commission. The Canmission shall present a written report of their
findings to the Mayor and the City Council nine months after the first
Cortmission meeting. Camiission members should include:
1 member from the �financial community;
1 member from the buiidings and trades industry;
1 member from the legai profession;
1 member from the real estate or building management profession;
1 member from the St. Paul Pianning Cortmission;
1 member from the League of Women Voters;
1 member from the bond community;
1 member from the St. Paul Chamber of Corm�erce;
and 7 at-large citizen representatives. The City of St. Paui will provide
clerical and support staff For this study.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Drew [❑ �dVOC
Nicosia '
scnetber __ Against BY
Tedesco '
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
�lpproved by 1�avor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ BY
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:r;�\=-:-�; . Do f e : August 16,. 1984
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C4 iVi MtT'T�E R E P O RT
TO = Sa�r►� Pau t City Cour�ciE .
�R�� = C o m t�i r�e e o n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT Fr PERSONNE L
� ' C H A I R James Scheibel ' � '
1. Approval of minutes from meeting held July 26, I984. "
2. Resolution amending the 1984 CIB budget and transferring $13,000 fmm Co� in ant .
Reserve - Specified to Executive AdminisGration - Personnel Office .
, � 3. Reeolution apprnving $ZOO,OOU Federal National Moregage Association securi[ies �
as collateral to protect de ublic funds of the City of St. Paul vith �
. . . Capital Bank. (Finance) . .
• 4. Resolution approving securities as listed as collateral to protect deposits
public funds of the City of Saia[ Paul with•�•�--�-� ��-► � + . (pyRance)� ' '
�iiGi - !�" �� : .
� S. ResolutloR approving an agreement with the County of Washington whereby che City �
srill provide tuberculosis testing and subsequent reimbursement. - (Comcaunity Service
6. Resolution accepting the financial pledge of the fYiends of the Library and � y
. expressing appreciation and thanks for the generous commitment by same [o improve
the City's library system. (Community Services �,�
7. Resolution approving an agreemen[ vith the University of rfinnesota Wh�reb the Cit�� �
�will receive the services of Dr. Leon Sa[ran, Pf.4. (Community Services) � 'f�
_ , .. ',�.,r_� .
8. Resolution approving additions to'the 1984 budgQt and appropriating $21;425 to the
Financing and to the Spending Plans of PED 0 erations Fund-National Endocriaent for
the Arts-NeW Works Design Charrette. (PED)
9. Resolution approving acceptance of a $50,000 grant from the National Endowment �
for the Arts to spansor a national design competition for the World Trade Center
Plaza (Block 22) (PED) . A',�
,10. Resolution approving.acceptance of a $21,425 grant from the National Endoc.rment for
the Arts to sponsor the Nev Works/St. Paul des�gn competition as part of the t3Pp-
supported renovation of the warehouse at 255 Kellogg into ar[ist studio/housing. (PEp) ' �
11. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriating $10,987 to the
• Financing and to the Spending Plans oE PED 0 erations Fund-Economics oF Amenicy=
Fee to Partners for Livable Places. (PED) '
12. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget. and.appropriating $90,000 to
the Financing and [o the Spending Plans of Lake OverElows-Seraer Rental_ (Public T7ori:s)
13. Resolution amending the 1984 CIB budgat and [ransferring $64 00 from activi[ies
. as lisced to Public �7orks Contingeney-MSA. (public (Jork �
14. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appropriating $223,467 [o
the Financing and e Spending Plans of Traffic. Signal 6 Ligt�ting lfaintenance.
(Public Norks)
15, Resolution approving establishment of a Ci[izens' Commission to reviev the public •
. financing practice9 used by the St. P�ul !!AA and the S[. Paul Yort Au�horlcy .1ND '
setting forch i[s membe nhip and mandate (includes induscrial development bond.
tax increment financing, general obliga[io bo mmurt • �
and Capital Improvement budgee practices). �elo ment IIlock Crant
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� '� �- �/ ' �'�t� : August 16, 1984
�.::: . ..�.
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� T� � Saln� Paul Cifiy Cour�cit
�R O I� = C 0�Yl j�T}��`f'�g,s (�� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSONNEL '
C!�A I R .7ames Scheibel ' - -
� 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held July 26, lgg4:''���� � --
ss 2. Resolutlon amending the 1984 CIB budget and transferring $13,OOQ from Con in nt
Reserve - Specified to Executive Administ.ration - PersonneZ Office. .
�""��X Reeolution approving $�U0,000 Federal National Mortgage Association securi[ies
�as collateral to protect d� public funds of the City of St. Paul with �
• . . Capital Bank. (Finance),-�; , . ,
""7�►. Resolution approving securities as Iisted as collateral to protect deposits �
public funds of the City of Saint Paul with��•�-�-�-- � ° * (Fi,aance)°
� � ---�-��.
�- S. Resolution a g g � y ��`��' �" � , �t:�- .
► pprovin an a reement with the Count of Washington whereby the City
srill prov�de tuberculosis testing tend subsequent reimbursement. • (Community Serv3ce
�,� 6. Resalut3on accepting the financial pledge of the FYiends of the Library and
. expressing apprec3ation and thanks for the generous commitment by same to improve
the City's library system. (Community Servicesy� ��. .�
� 7. Resolution approving an agreement with the University oP riinnesota wherebyr the Cit't -
�will receive the servicee of Dr. Leon Satran, Zt.D. (Community Services) ���,��l��� _.
�-� 8. Resolution approving additions to'the 1984 budget and app mpriating $21;425 to the .
Financing and to the Spending Plans of PED Operations £und-National Endocment for
the Arts-New Works Design Charrette. (PED) ��;�, ;
�� 9. Resolution approving acceptance of a $SO,OOO grant from the Nationa2 Endowment
for the Arts to sponsor a national design competftion for the World Trade Center
Plaza (Block 22) (PED) ;��-
�_10. Resolutien approvt.ng.acceptance of a $21,425 grant from the National Endoc,rment for ,
ihe Arts to sponsor the Nev Works/St. Paul des�.gn competition as part of the I3Pp- �e
supported zenovation of the warehouse at 255 Kellogg into artist studio/housing. (pEp)
�..11. Resolution approving additians to the 1984 budget and appropriating $I0.987 to the
Financing and to the Spending Plans of PED 0 eratfons Fund-Economics oF Amenicy=
Fee to Partners for Livable Places. (PED) �
""` 12. Reeolut3an approving additions to the 1984 budget. and.appropriating $90,OQ0 to .
the Financing and to [he Spending Plar►s of Lake Overflows-Sewer Rental. (Pub13c L,*ori:s)'
�c 13. Resolution ameading the 1984 CIS budgat and transferring $64,000 from ac[3vi[ies
. as listed to Public Works Contingency-PtSA. (Public Norks������
� 14. Resolution approving additione to the 1984 budget and approptiaCing 5223,467 [o
the Financing and e Spending Plans of Traffic. Signal 6 Ligt�[ing Maincenance_
(Public Ftorks) ' _
/ 15, lution approving establishment of a Citizens' Commission to review the public • -
fi cing pr�ctices used by the St. Paul }[P.A and the St. Paul Port Authorlty 1ND
se t g forCh its membership and mandate ,(i�cludes industria] deve2opment bond.
crement financing, general obligation b � mmuni, - -
an Capital Improvement bud et f� velopirtent Block CraRt
g pracrices).
• _. , _P.+b�.
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