' BLUE - MAVOR File NO. 'J -//�
Council Resolution
Presented By dQ�2d���//
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✓Referred To � Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of
Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in
excess of those estimated in the 1984 budget; and
WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain
Special Fund Policies; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1984
Current Amended
Budget Changes Budget
�PED Operations fund
36022-3699 St. Paul Foundation Grant
Economics of Amenity Program $ -0- $10� $10,897
2� 6 PED Operations fund
36022-219 Economics of Amenity-Fee to
Partners for Livable Places -0- 50 50
36022-299 Economics of Amenity-
Lowertown Space Study -0- 2,500 2,500
36022-299 Economics of Amenity-
Lowertown Art District -0- 5,347 5,347
36022-299 Economics of Amenity-Neighborhood
Comnercial Area Design -0- 3,000 3,000
$-0- $10,897 $10,897
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts these changes in the
1984 budget.
ppr ve as to unding: Ap roval Recommended:
Finance Director � Su et �r tor
Yeas Nays Requested�y Department of:
-FaWNer F-lYK/1� � � C�
Drew In Favor
sahetber' � __ A gai n s t BY
Adopted by Council: Date AU6 ? ? i98� Form Approved by City Attorn y
Certified P s ed r Counc'1 Se etar BY �
Approv by Mavor: Date 2 � �9 Ap o ed by Mayor for Submi 'on Council
PUBtISNEO SEP .. 1 1984
_�� • � P`� ' ��
. `�C� P� �
. , . � _ - �a�o,�y
PED DEPART(�1ENT . y � �
Thnmac P M��?'Y' C�NTACT '
292-1577. Ext. 225 PHONE � ��
June 28 1984 DATE � �
. .
� (Ror� ing and Explanation Sheet)
Assi n Number for Routin Order Cli Ail Locations or oral Si ature :
Department Di rector /`�
City Attorney �
� Director of Management/Mayor
�/ Finance and Management Services D�rector � _ �
�_ Ci ty C1 erk ��� �,,..o-r`'v
� Budget Director �J�� � ��� � ��
�1 �' ��,�'� -�
�� �
What Will be Achieved by Taking Action Qn the A�tacfied Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):
Budget will be amended to provide for t�ae receip't of "Economics of Amenity" program of
Partners for Livable Places grant receired from 'ths St. Paul Foundation.
Financial , �udgetary and Personnel Impa,cts Anti�ipated: ��� �1 �,, �,qRC�.
See above �,�pypft'S GrFICE
Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged; or Credited: RECEIVED -y"
126 PED Operations Fund 36022-219
�'�`"36022-3699 36022=299 � � '�y;-;%�
�.J!JL ,_:�
, Attachments (List and Nun�ber all Attaqhments�: pFF1CF OF TH` '�` �'-`- '�'R
1. Council Resolution DEP
p-�_i-'�;�!v� �' � ;,�. �
p►ND MAC�AGtiv�clv� ����vt;:ES
� Yes No Council Resolution kequired? Resolution Required? Yes � No
Yes _�_ No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? � Yes No
Yes � No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for �Instructions)
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" ` " >� D a t e . August 16, 1984
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TO = Sa�n� Pau t City Cou�ciE
F�0� = C o r�n t�i r t e e o n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT F� PERSONNE L �
. - � CMAlR James Scheibe� ' � '
1. Approval of minuten from meeting held July 26, 19$4 . ''
2. Resolut3on amending the 1984 CIB budget and transferring $13,000 from Co in a�t '
Reserve - Specified to Executive AdminisGration - Personnel Office _
, � 3. Re9olution approving $Z00,000 Federal National Mortgage Association securities �
as collateral to protect de ublic funds of the City of St. Yaul vith '
. - . Capital Bank. (Finance) • . ,
• 4. Resolution approving securities as Iisted as �ollateral to protect deposits
public funds of tha City of Sain[ Paul with•�••�-�-�� � ° � _ (Finance) -
i S. Resolution approv3ng an agreement srith [he County of Washington whereby [he City
�rill pro�ride tuberculosis testing and subsequent reimbursement. - (Com�auni[y Service��
6. Resalution accepting the financ�ial pledge of the FYiends of the Library and •
. expressing appreciation and thanks for the generous comaritment by same to improve
the City's library system. (Community Serv�ces
7. Resolution approving an agreement with the University of Minnesota whereb [he Cit'� -
�will receive the services of Dr. Leon Satran, rr.D, (Community Services)
8. Resolution approving additions to'the 1484 budget and appropriatiag $21;425 to the V '
Financing and to the Spending Plans of YED 0 erations Fund-2lational EndownenC for
the Arts-New Works Design Charrette. (PED) �
9. Resolution approving acceptance of a $SO,OOO grant from tthe National Endowment
for the Arts to spQneo; a national des�ign compe[ition for the World Trade Center .
Ylaza (Block 22) (PED •.
_10. Resolution approving.acceptance oE a $21,425 grant from the National Endowment for
the Arts to sponeor the Nev Works/St. Yaul design competition as part of [he NPP- .�1E.
supported renovation of the warehouse at 255 Kellogg in[o artist studio/housing_ (PFD)
11. Reeolution approving additions to the 1984 budget and appzopriating $I0.987 to the
Financing and to the Spending Plans of PED 0 erations Fund-Economics oF Amenity_
Fee to Partners for Livable Places. (PED) '
12. Resolution approving additions to the 1984 budget. and.appropriating $90,000 to
the F3naneing and to [he Spending Ylans of Lake Overflous-SeWer Rental. (Public i;ozi:s)
13. Resolutian amending the 1984 CIB budget and [ransferring $64 000 from ac[ivi[ies ��
.' as lisced to Public T7orks Con[ingency-HSA. (public tJork
14. Resolution appzoving additions to the 1984 budget and approprlatin
the Financing and e S ending Plans of Traffic. Signal 6 Lig1�[sng Maintenance.
(Public [lorks)
15, Resolution approving establishment of a Ci[izens' Commission to reviev the public '
. fiqancing practices used by the St. Paul lIRA and the S[. Paul Por[ Authority .1HD
setting forth i[s membership and mandatc (includes induscrial development bond.
tax i�crement financing, gener�l obligatio bo mmun' -
and Capital Improvement bud et velopment IIlock Cran[
g practices).
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